Feelings after Reading Green's Fairy Tales
Just want to be a good man
2023-08-28 00:00:43

During the summer vacation, I read many books, one of which is called "Green Fairy Tales". There are many interesting stories in this book. My favorite story is the brave little tailor.

One summer morning, when the sun was shining brightly, the little tailor felt hungry. He took a piece of bread. But soon, the sweet smell of bread attracted a group of flies. Seeing this, the little tailor grabbed a towel and hit the fly. This killed seven flies. "I'm really amazing!" The little tailor was very proud and wanted to let the whole city know his power. With that, he went on the road happily. When he saw a castle on the road, the king said to him that if he could kill two bad giants, he could reward him half of the kingdom. This is so attractive. The little tailor set out happily. He saw the two giants sleeping under the tree. The little tailor climbed up the tree and threw some stones at one of the giants. The giant woke up, pushed his friend and asked, "Why did you hit me?" But the companion said no, and the little tailor hit the companion again. The two men became angry, and the more they quarreled, the worse they became. Finally, they lifted the stones and started to fight. They were broken and bloody. Soon, they both fell to the ground and died. The little tailor jumped down from the tree, cut some knives on the dead giant, and reported to the king. The king thought that he was really a warrior, so he was glad to give him half the kingdom. Since then, the people of this country have had a happy life.

After reading this story, I was deeply moved. I also want to be a smart, brave and resourceful person!