Experience composition in the third day of junior high (collection of 5 articles)
Like flowers but not flowers
2024-06-24 09:20:06
Junior three

Experience composition in the third day of junior high (1)

On Friday, our class went to the DO capital to experience life in the form of a holiday team.

It's like a kingdom of children. Our first team first went to experience being a salesperson of China Mobile. During that experience, we knew different mobile phones and exercised our eloquence. I learned a lot about mobile phones.

Then, we experienced that the second profession was the chef. The teacher instructed us to make rice balls, and we were hungry. So let's start. First, I cut seaweed into shapes and stuck seaweed on the rice balls. Finally, I stuck a piece of seaweed on the back of the rice balls, and a rice ball was finished. We happily ate the delicious rice balls made by ourselves. We were very satisfied.

After filling our stomachs, we went to experience being a beverage technician and put on our work clothes. The teacher taught us how to make drinks. First, we added 50ML water and Fanta in the cup, then added a spoonful of apple juice, and stirred it evenly. A delicious drink was also made. Hmm, it tasted good.

After drinking the drink, Duan Yujia and Zhang Yi, together with me, worked as environmental monitors. We monitored the sound volume of hospitals, kindergartens and construction sites. As a result, both hospitals and kindergartens exceeded the standard. We also made some suggestions to teachers.

Then we went to the hospital and became doctors, where we learned first aid measures such as hemostasis and bandaging. Being a doctor can heal the wounded and save the dying. It's really a holy profession. Finally, I went to work as a postman and sent letters, just like sending love greetings and blessings to people. I felt very happy.

I think we have done a variety of jobs this time, which has made us more aware of the toil and significance of each job. This experience has really yielded a lot!

Experience Composition in Junior Three (2)

The sky in early autumn is clear and beautiful, and the fresh breeze at the foot of the mountain has blown away the laziness and grumpiness of a summer vacation, making people refreshing. In such a lovely season, I asked three or two classmates to go to a mountain in the suburbs of Beijing to learn how to make an old and simple delicacy - Beijing Cake.

"Jinggao is the hawthorn cake we eat on weekdays. Later, it came to the palace and got such an elegant name." Grandma with gray sideburns said as she tossed with a dustpan in a big basket full of hawthorn just picked. The choking smell of ash mixed with a sour and astringent smell, and I could not help frowning.

Grandma said that her work was very quick. She divided the hawthorn into several bamboo baskets and gave them to us. We went to the spring to wash them, and she sharpened the knife herself. However, after several overturns, the soil flows away with the current. If it is not for the mottled spots on it, it really makes people think it is a huge gem.

When I really entered the kitchen to work, the busy and peaceful atmosphere rose. I learned from my grandmother to remove the handle and core of hawthorn, and watched her easily cut open one grain after another. I was so confident that it was hard for me to fail. Haven't you ever eaten pork and seen pigs run away!

However, it was not satisfactory to start with. The thick hawthorn skin had to be cut a little harder, so it was inevitable to take some flesh when removing the handle. In order to find the core inside, I mixed the flesh until it was rotten. I thought I was lacking in talent, but I found everyone was in a mess. I was dumbfounded and went on "persecuting" the red and plump fruits. Grandma looked at my "scene of the tragedy" and said with a smile, "It's the same if you cook twice."

It is true that practice produces true knowledge! We helped to collect firewood, light a fire, add water, fan, pour the hawthorn brothers mixed with soup and water into the pot, and close the lid. The breeze dried a few sweat beads. It took a long time. Hey!

Look, the pot is so thick that we have already fused together. We quickly picked up the bamboo stick and stirred, mixed, kneaded and beat it to make the hawthorn, which was not clear, more tightly knit. At this time, crystal clear crystal sugar melts in the pot, emitting a sweet and pleasant aroma. Wait until a fist sized bubble comes out of the pot, pour it directly into the glass plate, and then sprinkle a handful of osmanthus, and live together!

Tasting the hawthorn cake made by ourselves, we experienced the whole process of making a natural food. We really realized that only by doing it ourselves can we enjoy the happiness of harvest. With a full harvest, we went home in the sunset. My heart is full of love for life. It is as red as hawthorn!

Experience composition in the third day of junior high (3)

My hometown is in Linhai, where is rich in fruits, such as Yongquan tangerine, Dashi grape, Dongcheng strawberry, but my favorite is Yongquan tangerine.

There are orange trees all over the mountains. In spring, orange flowers are snow-white, especially beautiful, and also exude a faint fragrance.

In early summer, orange blossoms fall all over the floor, just like a carpet with white flowers. It's very beautiful. Then, one cute little orange will come out one by one. If you go there at this time, those green oranges are hiding under the green leaves! They are like shy little girls playing hide and seek with us! The little orange just came out is very interesting.

In autumn, the oranges grow bigger and bigger, golden and yellow, and you will want to eat them when you see them.

The oranges hang on the tall trees, and the dense branches and leaves spread out in all directions, just like a green greenhouse. From a distance, oranges of different sizes look like little lanterns. When you take an orange and look at it carefully, you will find that the surface of the orange will be a little concave, a little protruding, a little protruding because there is more water than the concave, so this place is a little protruding. There will be some small dots on the orange peel, like sesame seeds.

At this time, the oranges can be picked and eaten. When you come here at this time, there are lots of oranges everywhere. When you see this scene, you will think of an idiom: "Fruitful".

When you peel off the orange peel, you will surely smell a thick fragrance. The orange petal by petal is like a child dancing hand in hand. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel very sweet, with a little acid, very delicious. Yongquan is really a good place.

Experience Composition in Junior Three (4)

Everyone has his own favorite fruit, some like sour and sweet grapes, some like sweet and delicious apples, and some like sweet peaches... My favorite fruit is watermelon.

There are many varieties of watermelons, including round ones in black and green clothes, oval ones in green clothes, and rare ones with yellow flesh. Some watermelons are seeded and some are seedless. Watermelons are also different in size, some as big as football or basketball, and some as big as leather balls. I like to eat round watermelons dressed in black and green clothes. Its dark green skin is smooth and delicate, with an attractive green luster, which makes everyone drool. Watermelon is round, as big as football or basketball, like a little fat guy, cute! When you cut it open, it is bright red and makes you want to eat. Put a spoonful into your mouth. It is sweet and delicious, sweet but not greasy. It is delicious, and it is not enough! At this time, it will make me dream. Watermelon is like a little fat guy wearing camouflage clothes. It is simple and lovely, which makes people laugh.

This is my favorite fruit - watermelon. Its taste will make people forget to leave. Once you eat it, you will fall in love with it.

Experience Composition in Junior Three (5)





ThealleywassoslipperythatIwalkedwithdifficultly.Suddenly,Islippedandfelldown,waterinthebarreltotallypoureddownontheground.Isteppedontheplatformcarefully.Afterstandingsteadilyandsquattingdownslowly, Ihookedthebarrelattheendoftheropeandputtheropedownslowly.Imadeanefforttodragthebarrelupafteritwasfilledwithwater.Iwasverycarefulbecauseitwaseasytoslipandfall.Then,Icarriedthebarrelofwaterandreturnedtomyhouse.Myfignerswerefrozenstiff.Irealizedmyeffortwasinvain.Ihatedmyself.


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