My Lessons Compositions (Top 16)
Old boy
2024-06-03 00:36:52

My Lesson Composition (1)

Note that this bike, the childhood thing echoed in my mind again... In the summer when I was six years old, I began to ride a bike. For rural children, at the age of six, they should have already learned the toy bike, but for our urban children, they haven't touched the bike yet. But I never show weakness, especially our boys are very passionate.

So my father bought me a small bike. Because my parents were busy with their work, they didn't bother to teach me, so they asked my neighbor's elder sister to teach me. Although my parents were still worried, they told me to hide from the car... But my ears were like chicken feathers, and I couldn't hear a word.

Finally, one afternoon when I practiced riding a bike, I watched a downhill slope and thought, hee hee, I found another interesting place. Just then, a car appeared in front of me. "Be careful!" cried the elder sister in the back. I was even more shocked. Unfortunately, it always turned around me. Before I could stop the car, I slid down the slope. I cried out in fear and fell at the bottom of the slope. My hand was broken, and I said with tears: "Pain! Pain!" The elder sister took me home immediately, put medicine on my wound, bandaged it up, and asked me: "Is the pain gone?" I nodded. Since then, I have never dared to wander while riding a bike.

Now that I am a big boy, I also understand the importance of traffic rules. Because I learned that lesson, this bike is also my favorite.

My Lesson Composition (2)

Write a 500 word composition that I learned a lesson (I)

I learned a lesson

The lesson is also a valuable thing, like the pit in front of temptation, so that you can refuse temptation. Like a thorn in the face of mistakes, let you carefully guard against mistakes.

It was the day of the first volume of grade four. Teacher Chen assigned less homework to read, write, read and write. After returning and finishing all the homework, only the copy and dictation were left. Here, I yawned to prove the arrival of the "sleepyhead". I had two choices in my mind: 1. I would sleep after writing dictation; 2. I would copy it tomorrow morning and go to bed now. All of a sudden, these two ideas were fighting like elves, and I went again. As a result, the "sluggard" helped me choose the second answer, and I went to sleep.

The next morning, I didn't expect that "Mr. Forgetful" came to my brain, which made me miserable. When I handed in my homework, I thought of it. As a result, I was not only invited to the teacher's office and severely criticized, but also punished for copying three times. It was like "teaching the instructor" taught me a lesson, and I was thoroughly beaten awake. Therefore, after this incident, I had no habit of procrastinating any more, and my procrastination was completely cured. The lesson helped me drive away the "lazy person". Once the "sleepy person" interfered with me, I would put the angry picture of the teacher in my head, and the "lazy person" immediately ran away.

Write a 500 word composition that I learned a lesson (2)

An unforgettable lesson. Who won't cross the road 500 words? However, if we do not pay attention to traffic safety and do not comply with the traffic rules, riding and walking will also cause accidents. An incident that happened at home two years ago still makes me jumpy when I think about it. It was an ordinary afternoon. As usual, I couldn't wait to find my grandfather at the school gate after school. But after three or four rounds of searching in the crowd, I still couldn't find Grandpa. At this time, my grandmother rushed from far away. I was wondering. Grandma gasped for breath and said to me, "Zhou Zhou, let's hurry to the hospital. Your grandpa had an accident!" When we arrived at the hospital, everyone in the family anxiously waited in the corridor of the operating room. I saw my father's eyes were red. My mother said that my grandfather was knocked down by a taxi that was too fast because he was crossing the road when he was riding a battery car at an intersection of Shanghai Yibin Highway. His head hit the windshield in front of the taxi, and the whole person bounced out. Part of his skull was crushed, and his right foot was fractured. He was undergoing surgery, which was very dangerous. I was dumbfounded when I heard that, tears suddenly came out. I thought of my grandfather's love for me, that he would wait for me to come home with snacks on time at the school gate every day, and that I might never see my grandfather again. I was worried and afraid, as if I could hear my heart pounding. Fortunately, the operation was very timely and smooth. The doctor uncle took out the broken skull in Grandpa's brain, stopped the cerebral hemorrhage, and Grandpa was sent directly to the intensive care unit. My father guards at the gate of the ward every night. It's very hard. I pray that my grandfather will wake up quickly at home every day. Day after day of waiting, I feel it is longer than a year. A week later, Grandpa finally woke up and transferred to the ordinary ward. After half a year's rest, the alloy artificial skull was installed, and Grandpa finally went home safely. I was very happy, but I gradually found that my grandpa was no longer the same grandpa. He often lost everything, his memory and speaking ability were much worse than before, and his legs were not as sharp as before. Although my father told me that it was the sequela of the car accident, and my grandpa had suffered so much, it was very difficult to survive, But when I think of this thin, pale, slow and confused old man, who used to be a red, fashionable grandfather who liked to wear flowered shirts and sunglasses, my heart is really sad and sad. I often think that as long as my grandpa didn't want to be convenient at that time, carefully observed the traffic rules, and didn't cross the road indiscriminately, today would not be like this. This painful lesson sounded an alarm in our family. After this unforgettable lesson, I deeply understand the importance of obeying traffic safety. Sometimes life can't be exchanged with money. No matter who you are, life is only once. When we primary school students go to school, go home after school, or go out on holidays, we must obey the traffic rules and enhance our sense of self-protection when walking on the busy road. I will never walk with my head down or cross the road in a hurry like before, because my grandfather's lesson taught me that I should always light a "safety" light in my heart.

500 words of composition I learned a lesson (3)

I learned a lesson

Wei Yunjiao, Class 6 (1), Penggong Central School

In the long river of my memory, there are many things. They are like stars in the night, blinking their sparkling eyes at me... And one of these stars shines especially, because I learned a lesson in this matter. One day four years ago, I felt my back was itching, so I shouted to my mother who was "knife mouth, bean curd heart": "Ouch, Mom, my back seems to have an invisible hand scratching me, come to help me..." "What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the roaring?" My mother came at the sound, "Mom, my back is really itchy, please help me scratch it." After listening to this, my mother pulled my clothes open and shouted "Mommy!" She stepped back and sat down on the floor. "What's the matter?" I asked in surprise, and my mother replied: "There are many small red envelopes, some of which have become suppurative..." "What?" I screamed and looked in the mirror. When I was looking in the mirror, my father heard something and ran out of the study. Seeing my back, he hurriedly looked for my coat and took me to see a doctor. When I saw the doctor, the doctor said it was eczema. Just take some Chinese medicine. When I got home, my mother cooked the medicine for me and brought it to me. I saw that the color was like muddy water, and there were many small bubbles on it. I almost vomited when I saw it. Mother said she was going out to buy vegetables, so she left. When I looked at this Chinese medicine, an idea came to my mind: pour it out. Thinking of me, I poured the Chinese medicine into the flowerpot. After my mother came back, she praised me for being obedient when she saw that I had drunk the medicine clean!

Every time I take medicine, I will do the same. As a result, after taking the medicine for several weeks, my health is still not good, but I often itch to unbearable. My mother couldn't help it, so she had to buy some external medicine. It took several months to stop the itching on her back.

Recalling this, I regretted it so much that I admitted my mistake to my mother. My mother said, "Ruirui, my mother hopes you will always be a sensible and honest child." I blushed after hearing that, and I really regretted what I had done. I learned a lesson and some truth in this matter.

Teacher's comments:

From the accurate choice of words and sentences, we can see that the little writer has strong language control ability.

The little writer was ill but stole the medicine because it was bitter. Finally, after learning the lesson, he "regretted it" and learned the truth from it. To learn from things and learn more from them is growth.

500 Words of Writing a Lesson Learned by Me (4)


Yang Junqing, Class 1, Grade 6, Yaojiafang Primary School

Yesterday, the school took the monthly exam again, and my math score was 100! The moment I got the result, I felt very calm, just like the fashionable word now, calm, hehe. The students are envious. 100 points is the score they dream of getting. But who knows what needs to be paid behind these 100 points?

I remember a math exam in the next semester of the fourth grade. It was too easy for me to get the test paper! So it's done. At this time, the teacher reminded us that we should check carefully after finishing the work, otherwise we will make mistakes. After listening to it, I roughly checked it and began to play on the seat: playing with pencils, erasers, drawing villains on scratch paper... So little by little, time passed in my "confidence" and idleness.

When the bell "Ding Ling Ling..." rang, I handed in my "100 points" paper with confidence.

The next morning, as soon as I arrived at the classroom, I saw the students gathering in groups, talking about the exam and guessing their scores. I walked up to my good friend Yan Guomin, who said to me, "Yang Junqing, I think you must score 100 points this time." I nodded proudly, as if 100 points belonged to me.

At this time, Miss Zhang came with a smile. She put down her test paper and said, "Most of the students did well in the exam this time, but only some of them fell behind. Next, the students who called their names came up to get the test paper."

"Yan Guomin scored 100 points, Xu Hang scored 100 points, Xue Wenyu scored 99 points..." The teacher shouted more than ten names at a time.

"Why haven't you called me? Can't you......" I didn't dare to think about it and began to feel uneasy. Sure enough, the teacher said, "I won't read the scores for the following students. Please go to

Come and get it. "

"That's all. It seems that I am in the category of poor candidates.". I was sad and ashamed. I didn't dare to look at my classmates and teachers. I bent my head desperately, and my mind was blank

"Yang Junqing!" When I heard the name, I stepped onto the platform with heavy steps.

"Ah? 86 points! It's 86 points!" I, a top math student, unexpectedly got such a score! What a shame! I really want to find a crack in the ground!

After school, the students hopped home like birds, except that I moved on the road step by step and my feet seemed to be filled with lead. I felt that the pedestrians on the road seemed to laugh at me, and only the trees on the road sympathized with me and hung their heads like me.

When I got home, my mother asked me how I was doing in the exam. I could not help but burst into tears like a flood. They burst out of my eyes, through my nose, and into my mouth. I finally tasted the bitter taste of salt.

After seeing it, my mother said to me, "Don't cry, son. Remember, a proud and complacent person will never make a difference, but everyone will have small episodes in their growth, and there will always be ups and downs. This time you are aware of your mistakes, and you should take them seriously in the future. Knowing your mistakes can make a difference.".

After listening to my mother's words, I nodded my head vigorously and made a dark decision: I want to be a piece of gold. When it shines, I will not be proud or depressed.

Two years have passed in the twinkling of an eye, and the past is vivid in my mind. I can't forget it, nor dare to forget it. Now I always remember my determination and always believe: I want to do better! I can do it!

Teacher's comment: Speaking of examinations, the experience of the little writer should also be that of many students. It's not easy to dare to write about your own shortcomings to others, and write about your pride, arrogance, nervousness and shame so vividly! Not only let yourself remember the lesson, but also give all readers a wake-up call! I hope every child can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, work hard and realize their dreams!

500 Words of Writing a Lesson Learned by Me (5)

I learned a lesson

From birth to now, I have received a lot of praise, lessons and happiness... Praise makes me more confident, lessons make me understand the truth, and happiness makes me grow healthily. But I think the most I have learned is a lesson, such as that one

It was the weekend. My aunt brought her cousin to my house to play. I wanted to give her a "surprise". So I came to my mother's room and found a white dress I could wear in the wardrobe. It's not like a ghost. I put my mother's cosmetics on my face. I'm like a ghost at this time. I hid under the bed, waiting for a good show. At this time, my little cousin went upstairs to look for me when she couldn't see me. When she didn't see me, she began to look for me. She gently opened the door of her mother's room and asked, "Sister, are you there?" Then she came to the bed. I slowly climbed out, grabbed my cousin's feet, and then said in a horrible voice, "You finally came. I've been waiting for you for a long time." My cousin was stunned, After a while, she shouted loudly: "There is a ghost, someone, ooh..." Dad and aunt came to me when they heard the noise. Aunt comforted her cousin and found out what was going on, so she asked Dad to pull me out. My father said to me, "Why are you scaring your cousin?" I said, "It's funny, but my cousin can't help scaring." My father said with a serious face, "You must scare your cousin to death to be satisfied. You write a 1000 word examination for me, and then apologize to your cousin." I said, "Oh, cousin, I'm sorry." My cousin has never come to my house since then, Dad treats me worse day by day.

Through this incident, I learned that we should not play pranks, which will harm others as well as ourselves.

500 words of writing a composition I learned a lesson (6)

An unforgettable lesson 500 words in composition

An unforgettable lesson 500 words in composition

My Lesson Composition (3)

From birth to now, I have received a lot of praise, lessons and happiness... Praise makes me more confident, lessons make me understand the truth, and happiness makes me grow healthily. But I think the most I have learned is a lesson, such as that one

It was the weekend. My aunt brought her cousin to my house to play. I wanted to give her a "surprise". So I came to my mother's room and found a white dress I could wear in the wardrobe. It's not like a ghost. I put my mother's cosmetics on my face. I'm like a ghost at this time. I hid under the bed, waiting for a good show. At this time, my little cousin went upstairs to look for me when she couldn't see me. When she didn't see me, she began to look for me. She gently opened the door of her mother's room and asked, "Sister, are you there?" Then she came to the bed. I slowly climbed out, grabbed my cousin's feet, and then said in a horrible voice, "You finally came. I've been waiting for you for a long time." My cousin was stunned, After a while, she shouted loudly: "There is a ghost, someone, ooh..." Dad and aunt came to me when they heard the noise. Aunt comforted her cousin and found out what was going on, so she asked Dad to pull me out. My father said to me, "Why are you scaring your cousin?" I said, "It's funny, but my cousin can't help scaring." My father said with a serious face, "You need to scare your cousin to death to be satisfied. You write an 800 word examination for me, and then apologize to your cousin." I said, "Oh, cousin, I'm sorry." My cousin has never come to my house since then, Dad treats me worse day by day.

Through this incident, I learned that we should not play pranks, which will harm others as well as ourselves.

My Lesson Composition (4)

I am a child who likes dancing and playing. I never fear any danger. My father always told me to be careful, skip less, read more at home, and play more beneficial and safe games. But I think these are too childish and don't pay much attention to them.

One day, I played a game of catching people with my neighbor's children, and he caught me. But because he used a little force, he pulled me down on a stone, and I cried in pain. When my father saw it, he rushed me to the hospital. After the photo, he saw that my foot was broken.

Next, it is sad.

Our two families quarreled bitterly over my medical expenses, and I also felt pain......, which was really painful.

Alas, it's too late to repent. I hope that readers will listen to their parents and play less dangerous games!

Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice, I really understood the meaning of it.

This taste is uncomfortable!

My Lesson Composition (5)

Many things have happened in my life, one of which I remember very clearly, because it deeply educated me.

On my tenth birthday, the weather was particularly sunny. The branches were motionless, birds were singing on the branches, and cicadas were also lying on the trunk, shouting "cicadas, cicadas...". I clamoured for my mother to go out with me. Under my influence, my mother had to put down what she had and come to the street with me.

On the street, I look around and wander around to see if there is anything I like to eat. My mother seems to have known my worries for a long time. Looking at the roadside stalls filled with fresh watermelons, he said to me: "Eat a watermelon! It's so hot!" "Hmm." I agreed. My mother bought one for me. I ate with relish. After a while, I finished my watermelon. I threw the skin of the watermelon and walked on. Just as I was not far away, suddenly, there was a "thud" behind me, and then I heard a little girl moaning "ouch ouch". I turned around and saw that it was a little girl who accidentally stepped on the watermelon skin I had just thrown and fell on the ground when she was walking. I quickly ran over and helped the little girl up. After a careful look, I only scratched my palm, but fortunately there was no blood. She said affectionately, "Thank you, little sister." My face turned red all of a sudden. I'm ashamed, but for the watermelon peel I threw, the little girl would not fall down. I felt embarrassed and said, "You're welcome!" The little girl looked at the watermelon skin on the ground and said angrily, "Who is so ungrateful and littering? It's outrageous! If I know who it is, I will criticize him." After listening to the little girl, my face turned red and white, which was very ugly. I was about to apologize to the little girl, who had already said "Goodbye!" and ran away.

Just then, my mother came up to me and said, "Look at you. You threw a watermelon rind and wiped everyone down. I feel bad too! Next time, remember that you can't just throw rinds on the street. We should pay attention to social morality and protect the environment." I nodded silently.

To this day, I still remember my mother's words and what happened that day. It is like a mirror, reminding me every moment to take every step on the road of life.

My Lesson Composition (6)

On the way of growth, I am moving forward and gaining: care, happiness, honor, opportunity, lesson, understanding

I still remember that hot noon when I was reading with relish in my study, I suddenly felt a little thirsty. She said to her mother, "Mom, I want to drink a bottle of milk!"! "My mother quickly came to the living room, took out a box of milk from the box, and also helped me to plug in my habit. I took the milk, and just took a sip. I felt that the sweetness was too weak. It was not much better than boiled water. Where was" real fruit "good to drink? I hesitated to throw this box of milk away, but how could I escape my little tricks?" Fayan ". So I lied to my mother that I had finished drinking. As soon as I finished speaking, I ran away. I came to the garbage can and stole a look into the living room: Ha ha, my mother didn't follow me! I was glad to myself. Then I quickly threw the milk into the garbage can, covered my mouth and sniggered back to the study.

Who would have thought that when I just walked into the study, my mother followed me and asked me, "Did you drink all the milk?"? "I thought that my mother already knew the truth and was about to bow down and admit her mistake. Suddenly, I thought: If my mother didn't know I was lying and just asked me what I said, wouldn't it be a trap for me to admit my mistake? So I lied again:" Drink up! "When my mother saw that I didn't admit it, she deliberately said," Really? I'll check it! "I'm worried. If my mother finds out, I'll be served with a heavy sentence." She hurriedly said, "There's a little left! "But my mother still came to the garbage can, picked up the milk box, shook it in her ear, and then said to me seriously," Yao Yuan, how can you do this? It's wrong to waste food. If you lie, it's wrong! Well, since you are so old, I don't want to hit you. When you have dinner tonight, you will kneel by the tea table and cannot eat!

In a twinkling of an eye, it was time for dinner. Everyone was talking and laughing at the table, but I knelt in front of the tea table. Not only is my stomach growling with hunger, but my legs are sore on my knees.

This event has taught me a lesson. Although this lesson is not a huge one, it is unforgettable for me all my life!

My Lesson Composition (7)

Today, the wind is blowing, and there are several dark clouds floating in the sky. The temperature is very low. My mother put on a sweater for me and told me not to take it off. It would be cold.

When I got to school, my mother forgot everything about her. I took off my sweater after only a few classes. I didn't put on my sweater again this morning or afternoon.

Soon, the course of the day was over, and I returned home. After a while, I felt uncomfortable. My mother asked, "What's the matter?" "I felt uncomfortable." I said. My mother touched my forehead with her hand, and couldn't help crying: "Wow, it's so hot!" "Ah, do I have a fever?" I asked eagerly. My mother said, "Yes, did you take off your sweater today?" I hesitated, "Hmm... Yes..." "Look, you really don't know what to say. You have a fever now, and it's still you who feel bad! I asked you not to take off, but now you have a fever here, which makes me sick!" My mother scolded, "Forget it, I let your father drive to the hospital."

So I went to the hospital, hung up water, and went home in the middle of the night.

I have a high fever all the time and have been hanging water for a week. On a Wednesday, I hang water from 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning to 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening. Everyone is going to be hung up as an ice lolly.

This time I had a fever, which really taught me a lesson: if I didn't listen to the old man, I would suffer!

In the future, I must obediently listen to my parents' words and not add or subtract clothes randomly, otherwise I will regret myself in the end.

My Lesson Composition (8)

In the long-awaited summer trip, I had the misfortune to suffer from altitude reaction just after I arrived in Xining on the first day, which really made me miserable!

When the plane arrived in Xining, we went directly to the hotel we had already booked. Open the door, wow, the hotel has my favorite super bathtub! I can't wait to put water in and jump in to play, kicking, jumping, lying, and having fun. 'Go to bed reluctantly when you can't play. At night, when I was sleeping soundly, suddenly, I sat up and felt out of breath, and made a painful groan, waking my mother. She asked me to go to the window and breathe, but it did not get better. So my mother put on her coat and took me to Qinghai Children's Hospital in a hurry. There, I had a routine blood test, electrocardiogram and other tests. The doctor saw the examination results and said that everything was normal. Then he asked my mother what exercise I had done. My mother told the doctor that I only took a bath.

The doctor smiled and said, "You can't just take a bath here, because it will accelerate blood flow, increase oxygen consumption, and cause altitude reaction if you don't adapt to it!" We suddenly understood that everything is caused by taking a bath! Sitting beside me, I was very sad. I could hardly breathe. I thought: I want to go back to Nanjing! I want to go back to Nanjing! It's not good here at all! I will get altitude sickness. I want to go home! The doctor gave me a prescription and asked me to take oxygen as soon as possible. Within a few minutes after I put on the oxygen mask, I was alive and well again! I am very excited, because what I think is that the long awaited trip will start soon!

After a night of tossing and turning, I really learned a lesson that you can't take a bath at will in the plateau area!

My Lesson Composition (9)

Everyone will do something wrong and get a severe lesson. So what's the lesson you remember most? Is it illness, disorderly eating, or... I remember the exam the most.

Half a semester passed by like this, and I was about to take the mid-term exam. Language, math, English and subjects are all subject to test. I reviewed important knowledge points of each subject many times in the evening, just to get good scores in the mid-term exam.

The midterm exam finally came. I worked hard on every question and never let it go. After the midterm exam, the 'big stone' that has been rising in my heart finally sank down, and I was more relaxed. However, I was nervous again when I thought of handing out the test paper a few days later. Because, handing out test papers is more scary than exams.

On the morning when I handed out the test paper, I walked slowly into the classroom, sat down and waited for the score to come. The test paper was handed out, and I was so nervous that I sat straight. With a sound of "wow", I knew that the test paper had arrived. I slowly looked to the first page of the Chinese test paper and only got 92. 5 points! I was so sad that I thought: Hey! Go home to have a delicious "bamboo shoot fried meat", and mother's "women's singles"!

When I got home and was told by my mother, I went into the room and remembered. After thinking for a while, I know why I only got 92.5 points this time. Because I didn't take classes seriously and wrote less class notes during this period, I did so badly in the exam. I secretly cheered for myself, hoping to do well in the next exam.

I remember this lesson. Come on! Zeng Yiqi!

My Lesson Composition (10)

One morning at the weekend, I rode my bike to play card games with my good friend Xiao Ming in the appointed local park. Although we both came, I forgot to bring cards. While I was wondering what to do, my ` good friend Xiao Ming happened to have cards with him. So we found a space to sit down and play.

While we were having fun, the security guard began to come over to investigate, to see if there were any bad people, and accidentally saw us. Uncle Bao worried that we would encounter bad people, or parents worried about such problems, so he asked us to go home.

However, at that time, our play was very intense. So we told Uncle Bao that we would leave after playing this game, and Uncle Bao also agreed to our request.

But when we finished playing that one, we found it very interesting, so we played another one. When the security uncle came back and found that we had played one more game, and were still playing, the anger rushed to the top, as if the volcano had erupted.

The security uncle came over angrily, and without saying a word, he collected our cards and returned them to us. At that time, my good friend Xiao Ming and I were shocked. We didn't know what to do.

It can be seen that my anger has also risen, and my indomitable spirit has burst out. After I got the cards back, I wanted to continue playing with Xiao Ming, but Uncle Bao was right beside me, so I said no. Can play. But I didn't take that seriously, so I started a dialogue war with Uncle Security. My good friend Xiao Ming saw that the situation was not very good, so he slipped away first.

After three hundred rounds of dialogue, I was defeated and successfully persuaded. Then, the security uncle led me to my home successfully. The security uncle explained the situation and left.

I was also imprisoned after being severely preached by my mother. I was locked up for about three or four hours before I was free again. But it was almost five or six o'clock when I got my freedom. It was time for dinner. After eating, my mother still refused to let me go out to play because it was too late for me to have an accident.

Although this event taught me a lesson and I was still very strict, I was not too hard to get over it, but I also learned a truth, that is, a man must do what he says, otherwise he may also be locked up.

My Lesson Composition (11)

In my journey of life, there are many things that have taught me a lesson. These things really benefit me a lot!

When I was four years old, when I was playing at my grandmother's house, there was an excellent dog called Wangcai. This Wang Cai's fur is black all over, very cute. The teeth are very sharp. Every time someone passes outside, the dog barks at the passers-by. This is a very careful, cautious and dutiful dog.

I'm trying to get close to it and want to sit on it and play with it. At this time, I saw that he had heard something. His ears were motionless. I quickly sat on him and grabbed his ears. He waited to fight back. My hand tightly grabbed Wangcai's ears. Gradually, I was tired. As soon as I put down my hand, Wangcai ran quickly. Wangcai followed closely, but how could anyone beat the dog? At that moment, Wangcai's dog tooth bit the back of my right hand. The back of my hand was just a word - pain. I cried in pain.

At this time, grandpa came out. He heard me crying and saw Wangcai biting my hand. He hit Wangcai with a big stick and beat Wangcai all over the ground looking for teeth.

My mother took me to the hospital immediately. The doctor helped me clean the wound, put medicine on it, and gave me a rabies vaccine. I just feel better.

Since then, I will never engage in small animals, because I want to let the lesson disappear.

Grade 5: Liang Zheng

My Lesson Composition (12)

When I was young, I was very naughty and curious about many things. Where my parents wouldn't let me go, I would go.

I remember once, my father drove by our school, and my mother saw a river near our school, so she wouldn't let me play. On Monday, when I saw the river, I was itching. I wanted to go there very much. After school, I asked several classmates to go there to play together. After playing, I came down to play. When I left, I couldn't get on, so I cried there. When the students heard that it was I who could not get on, they pulled me together. After pulling for a long time, they finally pulled me up.

I will never play again!

My Lesson Composition (13)

I learned a lesson that time

Composition: I learned a lesson that time It was a sunny morning. My neighbor Lily and I went to her backyard with a bag of firecrackers. We hid in a corner in order not to be seen by adults, because adults do not allow us to play firecrackers. Lily has only a few stone houses and two or three brooms in her backyard.

I took out a firecracker that can only spray fire and lit it. Just listen to the "whoosh" of the firecracker on the broom, and see the broom lit up with the small fire. Ali hurried to fetch water. I took a stone to press down the fire. The fire became smaller, but it was not extinguished. I was sweating all over and thought to myself: Ali, why don't you come. At this time, she took a bottle of water and poured it out. I breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in my heart also fell. But Ali was not at ease. She took the bottle and filled it with another bottle of tap water, poured it on the broom, and smoke came out. The fire was completely extinguished by water. She was relieved.

Suddenly, we heard a sound of footsteps, hurriedly picked up the remaining firecrackers, and ran away in confusion. This time, I thought it would be OK to set off firecrackers beside the broomstick. So, I learned a lesson: you should choose the right place to do something, or something big will happen. Like me this time, it almost caused a fire. I learned a lesson that time

I learned a lesson that time

It was a sunny morning. My neighbor Lily and I went to her backyard with a bag of firecrackers. We hid in a corner in order not to be seen by adults, because adults do not allow us to play firecrackers. Lily has only a few stone houses and two or three brooms in her backyard.

I took out a firecracker that can only spray fire and lit it. Just listen to the "whoosh" of the firecracker on the broom, and see the broom lit up with the small fire. Ali hurried to fetch water. I took a stone to press down the fire. The fire became smaller, but it was not extinguished. I was sweating all over and thought to myself: Ali, why don't you come. At this time, she took a bottle of water and poured it out. I breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in my heart also fell. But Ali was not at ease. She took the bottle and filled it with another bottle of tap water, poured it on the broom, and smoke came out. The fire was completely extinguished by water. She was relieved.

Suddenly, we heard a sound of footsteps, hurriedly picked up the remaining firecrackers, and ran away in confusion. This time, I thought it would be OK to set off firecrackers beside the broomstick. So, I learned a lesson: you should choose the right place to do something, or something big will happen. Like me this time, it almost caused a fire.

I learned a lesson

I learned a lesson

From birth to now, I have received a lot of praise, lessons and happiness... Praise makes me more confident, lessons make me understand the truth, and happiness makes me grow healthily. But I think the most I have learned is a lesson, such as that one

It was the weekend. My aunt brought her cousin to my house to play. I wanted to give her a "surprise". So I came to my mother's room and found a white dress I could wear in the wardrobe. It's not like a ghost. I put my mother's cosmetics on my face. I'm like a ghost at this time. I hid under the bed, waiting for a good show. At this time, my little cousin went upstairs to look for me when she couldn't see me. When she didn't see me, she began to look for me. She gently opened the door of her mother's room and asked, "Sister, are you there?" Then she came to the bed. I slowly climbed out, grabbed my cousin's feet, and then said in a horrible voice, "You finally came. I've been waiting for you for a long time." My cousin was stunned, After a while, she shouted loudly: "There is a ghost, someone, ooh..." Dad and aunt came to me when they heard the noise. Aunt comforted her cousin and found out what was going on, so she asked Dad to pull me out. My father said to me, "Why are you scaring your cousin?" I said, "It's funny, but my cousin can't help scaring." My father said with a serious face, "You need to scare your cousin to death to be satisfied. You write an 800 word examination for me, and then apologize to your cousin." I said, "Oh, cousin, I'm sorry." My cousin has never come to my house since then, Dad treats me worse day by day.

Through this incident, I learned that we should not play pranks, which will harm others as well as ourselves.


In the 13 years of my life, there are many lessons, and the most unforgettable lesson is that I scribble my English homework.

That time, I wrote my English homework at my grandmother's house. In order to speed up, I scribbled my homework. At that time, I was extremely careless because I only wanted to speed up. Finally, I wrote a lot of words that I could not understand, which came from deceit.

The next day, because my homework was very careless, the teacher called my parents to the school and told them about my careless study. At first, the parents didn't believe it. After the teacher took out my homework, they knew that my recent 'learning situation was very poor. Although I was sitting in the classroom, I was worried about how my parents would criticize me when they came home. I didn't listen to a word in class.

After returning home, my parents did not criticize me, but educated me, making me establish the word "serious" in my heart.

Later, I gradually forgot this lesson and the word "serious". But I once made a mistake. Once my father asked me to read an article, which made me more serious. But when I read it later, I was distracted and wanted to go somewhere else. When my father checked me, I didn't read carefully, so I didn't know anything and naturally didn't answer.

These two times, I made big mistakes, which made me regret. At the same time, I also learned a lesson, that is, you must be serious about everything before you can succeed, otherwise you will achieve nothing.


In the 13 years of my life, there are many lessons, and the most unforgettable lesson is that I scribble my English homework.

That time, I wrote my English homework at my grandmother's house. In order to speed up, I scribbled my homework. At that time, I was extremely careless because I only wanted to speed up. Finally, I wrote a lot of words that I could not understand, which came from deceit.

The next day, because my homework was very careless, the teacher called my parents to the school and told them about my careless study. At first, the parents didn't believe me. When the teacher took out my homework, they knew that my recent learning was very poor. Although I was sitting in the classroom, I was worried about how my parents would criticize me when they came home. I didn't listen to a word in class.

After returning home, my parents did not criticize me, but educated me, making me establish the word "serious" in my heart.

Later, I gradually forgot this lesson and the word "serious". But I once made a mistake. Once my father asked me to read an article, which made me more serious. But when I read it later, I was distracted and wanted to go somewhere else. When my father checked me, I didn't read carefully, so I didn't know anything and naturally didn't answer.

These two times, I made big mistakes, which made me regret. At the same time, I also learned a lesson, that is, you must be serious about everything before you can succeed, otherwise you will achieve nothing.

An unforgettable lesson

An unforgettable lesson, Wang Ting, Class 2, Grade 5, Bayi Road Primary School, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, many things disappeared like wisps of smoke, but that profound lesson is still unforgettable to me. I remember that my class had a unit test in my fourth grade. That day, the teacher said to us, "Today's exam." After I got the test paper, I thought proudly, "Last time I got 99 points, I was the first in the class, and this time I must also be the first." So I quickly answered the test paper. Just half the time passed, my test paper was finished. Because I won the first place last time, this time, I was a little proud, and thought: "How easy it is to answer such a simple question! Do you still need to check, I must still be the first." So, I began to play, playing with erasers and pens, without checking a single question. Finally, it was time to collect the paper. I handed the paper to the teacher and went out to play. A few days later, in class, the teacher walked onto the platform and said happily to everyone: "My classmates, the test scores are good, the highest score is 100, there are three people in total, and now I read the test results." At this time, I thought: "I must be 100 points." When the teacher read the list of students with 100 points, there was no me in it. I thought to myself, "How could there be no me?" So I pricked my ears and listened carefully. There was no me in 93 minutes, and there was no me in 90 minutes. At this time, I only heard the teacher say, "From 85 to 90 minutes, Wang Ting..." I listened, and my head hummed, stunned. "How could it be like this?" Alas, I really regret it. I knew this earlier. After I answered, I should have checked it carefully. But there is no regret medicine in the world. I must keep this lesson in mind. I will not make such mistakes again. In the future, I will check carefully and try to win the first place in the exam.


Reflection on Huang Huafu, Class 6 (5), No. 11 Primary School, Xiashan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province

In the 13 years of my life, there are many lessons, and the most unforgettable lesson is that I scribble my English homework. That time, I wrote my English homework at my grandmother's house. In order to speed up, I scribbled my homework. At that time, I was extremely careless because I only wanted to speed up. Finally, I wrote a lot of words that I could not understand, which came from deceit. The next day, because my homework was very careless, the teacher called my parents to the school and told them about my careless study. At first, the parents didn't believe me. When the teacher took out my homework, they knew that my recent learning was very poor. Although I was sitting in the classroom, I was worried about how my parents would criticize me when they came home. I didn't listen to a word in class. After returning home, my parents did not criticize me, but educated me, making me establish the word "serious" in my heart. Later, I gradually forgot this lesson and the word "serious". But I once made a mistake. Once my father asked me to read an article, which made me more serious. But when I read it later, I was distracted and wanted to go somewhere else. When my father checked me, I didn't read carefully, so I didn't know anything and naturally didn't answer. These two times, I made big mistakes, which made me regret. At the same time, I also learned a lesson, that is, you must be serious about everything before you can succeed, otherwise you will achieve nothing.


Huang Huafu, Class 6 (5), No. 11 Primary School, Xiashan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province

In the 13 years of my life, there are many lessons, and the most unforgettable lesson is that I scribble my English homework. That time, I wrote my English homework at my grandmother's house. In order to make it fast, I scribbled my homework. At that time, I was extremely careless because I only wanted to make it fast. Finally, I wrote a lot of words that I could not understand, which came from deceit. The next day, because my homework was very careless, the teacher called my parents to the school and told them about my careless study. At first, the parents didn't believe me. When the teacher took out my homework, they knew that my recent learning was very poor. Although I was sitting in the classroom, I was worried about how my parents would criticize me when they came home. I didn't listen to a word in class. After returning home, my parents did not criticize me, but educated me, making me establish the word "serious" in my heart. Later, I gradually forgot this lesson and the word "serious". But I once made a mistake. Once my father asked me to read an article, which made me more serious. But when I read it later, I was distracted and wanted to go somewhere else. When my father checked me, I didn't read carefully, so I didn't know anything and naturally didn't answer. These two times, I made big mistakes, which made me regret. At the same time, I also learned a lesson, that is, you must be serious about everything before you can succeed, otherwise you will achieve nothing.

My Lesson Composition (14)

At that time, I was always very proud and thought I could do anything. I didn't expect it to be so difficult this time.

Open the workbook, and a string of numbers appear in front of you. My pen turns. Gradually, time passed. I always do it faster and faster, but this is not the case. "It seems a little difficult this time." I curled my mouth unhappily, a little unconvinced. The more I did it later, the stronger I held the pen and the heavier the ink and brush marks that fell. Seeing that ten minutes is coming, I still have three questions I can't do. My eyes were full of anger, and my hands were working hard and trembling. I know that I may not be able to finish it in ten minutes, and I may not be able to do these three problems. I looked up to see my classmates doing their homework. But I just glanced at it, then talked to myself and said carelessly: "They are doing very slowly, I will wait for them slowly!" In fact, I knew in my heart that I was just looking for an excuse.

Those three questions are still vacant. The surroundings are extremely quiet. Occasionally, people hold their heads with their hands or their chins. I regard them as people who are seriously thinking about those three topics. Is this self encouragement? The correction tape on my exercise book is getting thicker and thicker - every time you write a formula, I erase it.

Suddenly, a crisp voice broke the silence around: "I'm done!" Then he walked to the place where he handed in his homework with a relaxed pace, and the homework book was handed in. It seems to add fuel to the fire, as if the heart was hit heavily. Because before, that position has always been mine. Now, pride stands in my way.

I don't know when it began to rain outside the window. "Tick, tick..." is like time. Although I didn't look up, I dare not look up, but I know that many people have already done it. I still can't do it. I asked one of my classmates to explain the formula to me, and I wrote it down. I thought I understood it, thought about the truth of the formula vaguely, and then felt that I had made no mistakes, so I handed in my homework.

Looking at the assignment book handed out, I drew a "tick" on all three questions, but I drew a "cross" on myself. I think I lost completely, no matter what aspect. I made a promise to myself: "change". A commitment that must be fulfilled. Yes, I learned a lesson from myself.

Since I became sensible, I have made many mistakes, which have taught me a lesson one by one. However, once I got an unforgettable lesson, which made me very regretful for my behavior and determined to correct it.

The hot summer has finally arrived. The sun is scorching the earth. The sun penetrates the space between the trees and shines on the clothes of my friends and me. At that time, we were having a good time, and all around us were full of laughter. At noon, the sun was getting hotter and hotter. We decided to go to Lan Lan's house to play. She readily agreed. When we came to her house, we shouted with one voice: "Wow! Your house is so beautiful!" Lan Lan took us to look around her house, and we seemed to be eager to visit the tourist resort. When we came to the blue bedroom, an extremely cute glass bear was placed in the most prominent place. At that time, I felt a feeling in my heart that I wanted to take it as my own. At this time, there is something in the deep of my heart calling me gently, that is stealing. It seems that it's really a coincidence that the opportunity comes at once. Lan Lan took her friends to the study. Because of curiosity, no one paid attention to me. So I took the lovely glass bear and put it into my pocket. My heart is like fifteen buckets of water. I said goodbye to my partner and went home alone.

I lay on the bed and took out the glass bear. At first, I was still secretly enjoying myself, but not too much later, I remembered a sentence in my mind: "Be proud of being honest and trustworthy, and be ashamed of being selfish." I spent three days in an uneasy mood. My heart kept asking myself repeatedly: "Am I wrong?... Am I wrong?..."

Until one day, I overheard the conversation between my mother and my father: "Why do children like to steal?". Then it dawned on me that I was wrong. "I must apologize to Lan Lan!" I said to myself secretly. But... But if I give it to Lan Lan like this, she will definitely hate me. Alas - what should I do? I hesitated.

The next day, I got up very early and wrote a letter at my desk. It was an apology letter. Put the glass bear in the envelope. I hurried upstairs and put the letter at the door. After several knocks on the brick, I ran down the stairs. My heart was pounding, hoping that she could forgive me.

A few days later, we met on the playground. I went to her with a red face and whispered "I'm sorry." To my surprise, she didn't scold me. Instead, I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter." I was stunned and swore to myself, "I will never steal anything again!"

The unattractive mark with the beginning of "7" on the test paper of the first unit of mathematics in the fourth grade made me get a lesson that I had learned hard - at the beginning of the fourth grade, when I was still immersed in the joy of winter vacation, the first unit of mathematics test came unexpectedly. I didn't care about this exam. When I got the exam paper, I glanced through it and thought: Hey, this exam paper is really easy. It must be more than enough to get 95 points or more. So he did it easily. When I finished my examination paper and looked up, hee, the students around me were still meticulously doing calculations over and over on the draft paper. They could not help feeling complacent. They were too lazy to check, so they leaned on the table to "close their eyes and keep alert".

In the afternoon, the test papers were handed out, and I saw that all the students around were smiling. As expected, the test was simple. Many students did well in the test, so I had more confidence in myself.

At this moment when I was elated, I saw a classmate coming to me with an examination paper full of red forks and forks in his hand. My heart sank immediately... When I opened the examination paper with worry, I was shocked! A score starting with "7" came into my eyes, and my heart suddenly cooled. I couldn't believe the terrible fact that I had achieved my lowest level in this exam!

what? How can this be my score? Did the teacher correct the mistake? I opened the examination paper with half a doubt. At first glance, I really regret that I was careless. I either copied the wrong numbers, read the wrong symbols, or read half of the title.

After reading the test paper, the striking "77" mark on the test paper has been entwined in my heart, which is caused by my own carelessness!

Through this profound lesson, I understand that carelessness and carelessness are absolutely unacceptable! Careless bad habits not only affect academic performance, but also cause losses of tens of thousands of wealth due to a small negligence and carelessness in human history.

In 1962, the United States launched the "SpaceShipOne" spaceship with a cost of up to 10 million dollars, but the spaceship plunged into the Atlantic Ocean within four minutes of takeoff. How did this happen? It turns out that the computer operator missed a minus sign when inputting data into the computer. Because of carelessness, we destroyed ten million dollars, which made many scientists' efforts go to waste. What a painful lesson!

I think of Mark? Twain once said that no one can throw a bad habit out of the window, but he can drive it down the stairs step by step. I secretly made up my mind: we must drive carelessness down the stairs step by step!

This hard engraved "77" mark has taught me a profound lesson - never be careless!

In autumn, the breeze is blowing, the white clouds in the sky are like cotton candy, and the new green grass is smiling. Class 401 is wearing white school uniforms, singing beautiful songs, and going to our new product base. When we got there, the teacher asked us to play a game called Flying to Luding Bridge.

If you take the Luding Bridge and cut it, it's just a wooden board with several iron chains? How simple. Li Jiakang went on the Luding Bridge without a look of fear on his face. He climbed to the end like a Spiderman.

It's my turn. I don't hesitate to step on the board. It's really simple. Although it is very simple, Li Rui in front of me walks too slowly, which makes me walk very slowly. Zhang Yifan behind me used her lion roar skill to say, "Go quickly." I thought: It's not my responsibility, regardless of him. Oh, I almost fell. I was a little scared just now. I dare not go forward. So many people look at me. If I don't go, I will lose face. This is, I think: Who am I, Xiao Jiyang? I'm afraid of this kind of game. It's OK to keep my eyes straight and my heart free from distractions. My two hands quickly grasped the two chains in front of me and succeeded. I struck while the iron was hot. I tried this move two or three times again and practiced it well. I walked to the last board like a monkey with a flying sword. Now it's time for us to kick. I thought to myself that if I fell down now, all my previous efforts would be wasted. I shouted: "Small universe, break out!" I jumped to the ground and succeeded!

This time, I learned two lessons. 1. Pride makes one go backwards. 2. Believe in yourself, you can do anything.

I'm a brave girl. I dare to try anything. But after that incident, I found that we should not try everything, but consider the danger.

On Saturday, I went to the headquarters to visit the training of the honor guard. At that time, many students liked to play on the uneven bars in the sand pool. I also went, but I didn't know how to play, so I watched others play. At this time, my good friend Chen Qiting came over and watched me staring at other students playing. She smiled and said to me, "If you want to play, go and try it!" I nodded, found a shorter horizontal bar, and looked at others. They made a step, and I followed suit. They have a 360 degree rotation. I also want to try it. So I put my feet on the horizontal bar, grabbed the horizontal bar with both hands, and slowly slid down with my body's instinct. Ah, yes! I am complacent. I waved to Chen Qiting: "Hello! Xiao Ting, come and see, I succeeded!". I turned it around. However, when I turned to the sand, my feet slipped down carelessly, and my hands could not support my body weight and fell off the horizontal bar. "Bang!" I fell into the sand. Chen Qiting hurried to me, lifted me up, frowned and said with concern: "Yin, where did you hit me? Alas, it's my fault. These horizontal bars are so dangerous that you shouldn't be encouraged to play!" I said hurriedly: "Xiao Ting, don't blame yourself, I'm also wrong!" After that, I touched the back of my head. "Ouch!" I felt the bag on the back of my head and said with a embarrassed smile, "Let's take it as a lesson that I was too brave to see stars!" After that, we all laughed.

This matter has been branded in my heart, and it has been telling me that this lesson cannot be repeated.

My Lesson Composition (15)

This semester's comprehensive study requires us to study a topic in groups and write a research report. Because it is a new way of learning, everyone is curious, excited and eager to try.

Huang Liwei, Pan Huige, Dong Runyu, Zhou Yihan, Hua Youmiao and a group of me discussed what to study enthusiastically. "Study UFOs!" suggested Han on Monday, because he was very interested in it. But I suddenly got a flash of inspiration and said: "My father just told me that one ice-cream contains at least 16 kinds of food additives, and if the human body takes excessive additives for a long time, it will bring harm to health. This is a very good topic, and it also has a certain warning effect on us." Everyone agreed, and my father has always been concerned about food safety, and is also a staff member of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, There was more or less information to be provided, so the matter was settled. Then, everyone chose me as the team leader and divided the work. We also worked out a plan together, in which two research methods are as follows:

1。 Visit relevant departments

2。 Interview professionals.

Of course, the relevant departments refer to the Administration for Industry and Commerce, and professionals are the staff who detect food safety. Because we have to study from Monday to Saturday, we set the interview time on Sunday.

On the way home, I felt uneasy: my father's office seemed to be on duty only on Saturdays and Sundays. Can we visit relevant departments and professionals?

When I got home, my father was not in, so I had to discuss with my mother: "Mom, we have comprehensive study. We want to go to the Administration of Industry and Commerce for an interview on the weekend, and we have prepared seven questions. Do you think this can be done? Are there too few seven questions? Can't we ask for ideas?"

After listening to the question I designed, my mother said, "Well, yes, the time of your interview may not be feasible. No one works on weekends."

My mother's words greatly hit me. Everyone's hope was pinned on me. We also went on stage to communicate, but the interview plan could not be implemented. How disappointing! And as a team leader, I am not derelict of duty?

It was Thursday in a twinkling of an eye, and there was only one day left, but I suddenly found that I had no preparation at all! Everything is in a mess because I didn't think it out in advance! I'm like a deflated ball, and I can't keep my spirits up. "What should I tell you?" I thought over and over again.

On arriving at the school the next day, Pan Huige said, "Jinghong, the Administration of Industry and Commerce only works from Monday to Friday. Why didn't you think that we would check next?"

Huige usually speaks with a little "rush". I'm used to it. But today, when I hear this, I feel like there are thousands of insects crawling in my heart. It's painful and itchy. It's not a good taste. I think Huige's voice has become louder. It seems that all the students around her are looking this way. Although everyone is still in charge of their own, I still feel a burning pain in my back.

Am I incompetent? I asked myself.

"Well, well," I pretended to be calm. "That's why I want to change my plan."

I changed the plan in confusion, and reviewed seven questions again, removing one that was irrelevant. Finally, it was decided to change "interview with relevant departments" to "home visit" - interview with "fake" professionals - my father.

Friday seemed to pass faster than usual, and I thought a lot of things during the day: as a team leader, I was forced to change the plan due to my lack of consideration in advance, which was my dereliction of duty. The change of the plan will affect the accuracy of our research, which will lead to the decline of the quality of the research report. I want to learn the lesson of this matter: work carefully, plan carefully, and think carefully, so as to ensure that there will not be too big a deviation. I hope I will not do it again!

I've learned a lesson 700 words in composition

As the saying goes, pride makes one lag behind while modesty makes one progress. This sentence is absolutely true. If we are self righteous, we will fail. If we are modest, we will succeed! On the road of my life, there is one thing that has taught me an unforgettable lesson.

That afternoon, the Chinese teacher said to us, "Please review the first unit of the exam tomorrow and try to get a good result!" After listening to the teacher's words, I sighed and said, "Another exam!" When I got home, I didn't review carefully. I thought I had mastered all the knowledge in the book and didn't need to review so boring. After rummaging around with the book, he put it in his schoolbag. The next day, when my mother sent me to school, she said to me: "Today's exam must be carefully answered, carefully checked, and not careless!" I promised, but my heart did not care what my mother said... started the exam. When I looked at the paper, the questions were so simple, I picked up a pen and wrote, I have already forgotten my mother's words! After writing the paper, as soon as it was still early, I looked around. I saw those students scratching their heads to think about the question, and I was very happy. I thought to myself: I must be the first one to make them difficult!

A few days later, the teacher handed out the paper, "Ding Xinyu, the first, and Liu Qianqian, the second..." Till the tenth, there was no name for me. Just when the teacher was reading the names of the countdown students, I heard the teacher say: "Wang Zhao, 53. 5 points (out of 70 points)". I couldn't believe my ears. How could I get 53. 5 points! I slowly walked up to the platform and got back the paper. When I saw the wrong questions on the paper, I couldn't help being surprised. These questions were caused by carelessness. I regret that I didn't answer them carefully. But what's the use of regretting now? There is no regret medicine in the world. When I got home, I was very upset and handed my test paper to my mother. I thought: this time there will be a "volcanic eruption". After reading the test paper, my mother gave me a lesson and patiently analyzed the cause of my mistake.

That night, I always thought: Why didn't I have a good inspection when there was enough time? Also, that afternoon, the teacher gave us so rich time to review, but I thought I was right, which caused such a result. It was arrogant and defeated! The taste of failing in the exam is really unpleasant. I must learn to be modest in the future. Even if I have mastered all the lessons in the textbook, I should also review them, because I can learn from the past. Only after passing this exam did I understand what modesty makes people progress, and pride means that people fall behind. I really understand the meaning of this sentence. Mr. Lao She once said, "Pride and complacency is a trap of our pride, and we dug it ourselves." Therefore, we must not be proud, and we must never dig a trap of pride for ourselves, because in this way, you will only destroy yourself.

This event has taught me a very painful lesson. I will turn grief into strength, and remember the lesson of pride and complacency.

I've learned a lesson 700 words in composition

One sunny morning, when I got up, I found that I was top heavy and my throat was itchy, like a bug crawling, my nose was stuffed, and I spoke in a hollow voice, as if I were winding in my nose.

I didn't know it was a cold until I went to the clinic. The doctor told me to drink more boiled water and told me how many times to take the pills. She spoke very quickly, like pressing a laser gun, "bang bang bang", I couldn't understand, but I still nodded vaguely.

Back home, the wonderful TV channel is like a magic rope, which tightly catches my eyes. What I see is that I can't extricate myself from the obsession for a long time. My mother could not help frowning when she saw it: "After taking the medicine, watch TV."

Unable to stand my mother's wordiness, I shook my hand impatiently and said, "I'll just get the medicine." Then I brought a cup of boiled water and a small bag of medicine. I planned to take the medicine while watching TV.

"You can't do two things at once, Shifan. You should take medicine first and watch TV later, you know?" Mother said earnestly.

I didn't think so. I said casually, "Don't you just watch TV while taking medicine? What's the fuss? Mom, stop talking." Then I continued to watch funny TV.

"Alas..." My mother sighed and went to do housework.

I casually swallowed large and small pills. My mother was really worried about it. What's the point of being single-minded? Isn't it good for me to give consideration to both?

When I took out a colorful pill, I couldn't remember how many pills the doctor said I would take. You can't wait any longer. The wonderful clips on TV will begin to play. If you hesitate, you will miss the broadcast time. I took out the "medication manual" without thinking, glanced at it casually, and saw the number of "3-4", which should be three to four pills. I poured out three pills without hesitation, watched TV again, and swallowed the three pills unconsciously.

After watching the interesting TV, it's time to tidy up the table. At this time, my mother came out of the room again.

"Sifan, how many pills have you taken?" Mother picked up a bottle of pills and showed it to me.

"Three," I replied concisely.

"Three pills?" My mother magnified her voice, looked at me in amazement, and then became furious. "This adult only took two pills, but you took three."

"There are three pills in the instruction manual!" I answered righteously and took out the instruction manual. After a careful look, it suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong medicine. It says "1-2 pills at a time, 3-4 times a day." I can't wait to watch TV, so I casually read the instructions, which leads to the current consequences.

"Shifan, you can't take the medicine indiscriminately. If it's serious, it may kill people." My mother said to me seriously.

I was frightened and panicked. After a while, my stomach began to act strangely, pressing my stomach and covering my mouth. I just wanted to vomit, which was very painful. The boiled water poured by my mother was neither good nor bad, so I had to roll on the bed to alleviate this uncomfortable feeling. I will never forget this painful feeling in my life. I will never forget this profound lesson, which has benefited me a lot.

I've learned a lesson 700 words in composition

"Wu Fan must pay me 110 yuan! My firepower silver and electricity is the only genuine, and I can't buy such a good one now!" My roar came from my window.

Then came my mother's voice: "Now, my mobile phone version can't be bought. If someone breaks it, will I have to pay twice as much? It doesn't mean that many things will appreciate if they are no longer sold in the market! Everyone will accidentally break or lose other people's things, so learn to forgive others!"

Want to know what's going on? Then listen to me!

The day before the National Day holiday, the second class ended in the afternoon. I played my yo yo "Firepower Silver" in the classroom. Suddenly, Wu Fan of our class came to me and I collected the ball with a "high-speed recycling". Ask him: "What's the matter?" He pretended to be relaxed and said to me, "Take your fire power and silver electricity and use it." I thought about it briefly: Wu Fan always opposes me. If I lend him the yo yo, maybe we can improve our relationship. One more friend is better than one more enemy!

So I took off the rope and put the ball in Wu Fan's hand. Once the ball was in his hands, he kept flattering me like a machine gun: "Your ball will lose even if it can't destroy the stars." "Your yo yo will definitely sell for two or three hundred yuan now!" After that, he disappeared!

A week later, when I asked Wu Fan for a yo yo, he said, "I put it in Liu Jiankai's drawer!" But Liu Jiankai denied it. Finally, I asked Mr. Cheng for justice. Teacher Cheng asked many students, and everyone said they saw Wu Fan take my yo yo.

The teacher called Wu Fan and asked him to ask my mother how much to compensate. My mother said to listen to the teacher, and the teacher said to pay 40. Mother said: "In fact, there is no need to lose money at all, and there is no need to lose money at all." The teacher said that paying 40 is to make students understand that borrowing something from others is also to learn to cherish. But my mother would not accept it even if she died. I changed my face with my mother as soon as I heard about it. I can't accept such treatment!

Finally, I reluctantly gave in.

Maybe what my mother said is right. It's good to make friends with classmates and resolve conflicts.

In the future, when encountering similar things, you can set rules one by one. What can you do if you can't do it in time? What can you do if you lose it.

I used a yo yo and bought a lesson, which is also worth it.

I've learned a lesson 700 words in composition

When I opened my sleeve, an obvious scar appeared in front of me. Looking at the scar, I couldn't help thinking of the painful past.

It was a scorching morning. The beautiful bell for class ended ringing. We shot out of the classroom like arrows and rushed to the toilet door of the guard office of the temporary teaching point. When the people inside just came out, several girls wanted to go in. Zhang Bo and I rudely pulled them away and said, "Wait! It's not too late for you to go in when we come out." When we just went in to close the door, Tang Qiang shouted, "Wait! There's me!" After he came in, we wanted to close the door again. Unexpectedly, Deng Qiang and Wu Luochao came again. I thought to myself: God is so hateful that I was deliberately prevented from going to the toilet.

The toilet space is very small, and there is only one squatting position, so it is impossible to accommodate five people. We want to leave after boarding, but they are still on the toilet, pleading, "Don't open, wait for us!" For their sake, they are friends, waiting for them. I put one hand on the glass and the other on the door, which may be the reason why I tried too hard, and the glass would "crash" My hand was also cut. Big drops of blood fell on the ground. The teacher also called my mother hurriedly. The teacher took me to the hospital. I saw my mother's panic look as if I had been badly hurt. My mother and the teacher took me to see the doctor. The doctor said seriously, "It's a broken tendon. It needs to be operated immediately!"! Otherwise, this hand will be useless! " When I heard this, I cried sadly: if my hand was useless, I would no longer be able to play basketball and surf the Internet... When I entered the operating room, I became more and more nervous because I saw on TV that the operating room was gloomy and scary. The doctor gave me anesthetic. Although it was not very painful, I saw the exposed white tendons, and my heart was like a knife, In the operating room, the doctor sewed it for more than an hour, and also put it in plaster. After the doctor sewed it, the mother and the teacher gave a long sigh of relief, and the stone in their hearts finally fell... More than a month has passed, and now my hand has recovered, leaving only an ugly scar, without any sequelae, This is really a blessing in misfortune! But this scar reminds me all the time: we should abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and we should think twice before doing anything. We should not act faster than thinking, otherwise we will suffer!

My Lesson Composition (16)

Model composition I with the theme of "I learned a lesson"

The ancients said, "Be careful to sail for ten thousand years." Alas! The ancients said so, but I didn't do it. I really didn't listen to the ancients, and I suffered a lot!

On Wednesday morning, the sun was bright and the sky was clear. The math teacher came into class with a foot high paper. My deskmate complained: "Alas! The exam is coming again." "Alas! There's nothing wrong with the exam." I said complacently. (* ^ __ ^ *) Hee hee! I'm still recalling the last exam! Last time, I was the first one in the class to finish, handed in a first paper, and after class, my grades came out, 96 points, wow! The students all cast envious eyes, and I was also overjoyed. This time, I decided to hand in the first roll again, and let the students admire me again. The paper was handed out, and I looked through it at a glance. Ho! The test paper is so simple that the first paper is not a problem. I finished the first side and found that many students have already finished the first side. I must hurry up! I reminded myself that it was not easy to finish the last question. As I prepared to hand in the paper, several students were already sprinting (hand in the paper), and I also sprinted. I rushed to the end with the speed of "Liu Xiang" 100 meter sprint - in front of the teacher. As a result, when the paper was handed out, I was dumbfounded and only got 78 points. After class, the teacher called me into the office of the terrorist hut. Then he taught me: "You are not bad at learning, but you are a bit impetuous. The ancients said:" A ship sailing carefully for thousands of years, there is no fluke mentality, so it can not achieve great things. "After listening to this, I said with emotion: It is better to listen to your words than to read ten years of books!

Ah! The ancients said, "Be careful to sail a ship that will last for ten thousand years." I will remember that.

Model composition II with the theme of "I learned a lesson"

It was a sunny morning. My neighbor Lily and I went to her backyard with a bag of firecrackers. We hid in a corner in order not to be seen by adults, because adults do not allow us to play firecrackers. Lily has only a few stone houses and two or three brooms in her backyard.

I took out a firecracker that can only spray fire and lit it. Just listen to the "whoosh" of the firecracker on the broom, and see the broom lit up with the small fire. Ali hurried to fetch water. I took a stone to press down the fire. The fire became smaller, but it was not extinguished. I was sweating all over and thought to myself: Ali, why don't you come. At this time, she took a bottle of water and poured it out. I breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in my heart also fell. But Ali was not at ease. She took the bottle and filled it with another bottle of tap water, poured it on the broom, and smoke came out. The fire was completely extinguished by water. She was relieved.

Suddenly, we heard a sound of footsteps, hurriedly picked up the remaining firecrackers, and ran away in confusion. This time, I thought it would be OK to set off firecrackers beside the broomstick. So, I learned a lesson: you should choose the right place to do something, or something big will happen. Like me this time, it almost caused a fire.

Model essay 3 on my lesson

When I was five years old, a shocking thing happened, that was the painful lesson I just understand that I don't understand those profound and difficult concepts at all Just play, 24 hours a day, eat and sleep, sleep and play, just like the lazy pig head lying in the pigsty, wasting valuable time needlessly For me, five years old, life is like a dream, but it is a dream that will never end

On that day, my family was very busy, and no one accompanied me to play. When I saw the bike, my curiosity was aroused and I had to climb up to play So I crept up when my family didn't pay attention Because of the "squeaking" sound somewhere, I was scared furtively. I accidentally stepped into the air and fell on all fours. The bike also fell unsteadily and pressed my foot Although this bike is very light, it is as heavy as steel for a skinny little girl like me! As a result, I felt that my eyes were filled with stars and I fainted

When I woke up, anxious faces stared at me. I was in the hospital Tears poured down from my eyes. I only felt severe pain all over my body, swollen legs, bleeding forehead, and a feeling of dizziness I blame myself for playing. If I sat there obediently, such a tragic tragedy would not happen I don't want to bear the pain of injection, the bitter taste of taking medicine, and the uncomfortable bed. I just want to get home quickly! Is that a lesson?

I learned the lesson. It turned out that it was so terrible. I also understood that we should consider the consequences and think twice before acting I don't want to go through the same mistakes again. I will always remember this lesson

Model essay 4 on my lesson

When I was young, my mouth was very greedy. As long as I saw something delicious, I would put it into my mouth regardless of whether it was delicious or not.

It was a Saturday afternoon. I went to Magu Mountain with some classmates to collect plant specimens. Looking at the trees all over the mountains, I was very happy. I thought: there are not only countless plant specimens, but also delicious wild fruits.

We raced against the clock to collect the plant specimens we needed. Suddenly, the Yellow Sea shouted, "Hey, I found something delicious. Come and see it!" When I heard there was something delicious, I ran to him in three steps and two steps. Huanghai said, "Look, there are many purple strawberries here, just like strawberries sold in a fruit shop." When I saw them, my mouth watered with greed, so I couldn't help but pick a few and put them in my mouth, and then ate them greedily, afraid of being robbed. At this time, Xiao Liang, who also came over, said, "Don't eat it first! I heard that the teacher said that there is a kind of poisonous berry, which is similar in shape to strawberries, but its color is more bright. This fruit may be poisonous berries." Fresh and tender strawberries have been imported, and they still feel good in taste. They are sweet and sour. What is not strawberries? Xiao Liang advised me that I could not listen to him, so I had to go and pick some more while eating. I also said to Xiao Liang, "Don't make a fuss about it. Such delicious food can't be poisonous." I put two or three more into my mouth.

However, before these two or three had eaten, their stomachs began to ache faintly and more and more. I see. I must have eaten that hateful poisonous berry. I have heard people say before that this poisonous berry is crawled by snakes. Will there be snakes in your stomach after eating it? I became more and more nervous, and suddenly felt my whole body itchy, as if there were snakes crawling inside my stomach. I was so scared that I started to cry. When I looked at the itchiest place, there were many red rashes on my skin. It was so itchy that it was bloody red when I scratched it. My companions were also shocked, but some of them were calm and rushed me to the nearest hospital.

The doctor checked the wound, asked what happened, and then gave me an anti poison injection. Although I entered the hospital in time, the rash on my skin became purulent because of the strong toxicity. It took me a whole week to cure the virus in the hospital. When I left the hospital, the doctor gently patted me on the shoulder and said, "Little naughty, don't be greedy in the future." I nodded with a red face and replied, "I will learn this lesson in the future. I dare not be greedy again."

This is an unforgettable lesson. Although it has been several years, it often comes to my mind, especially when my mouth is hungry.