Teacher's lecture composition (3 recommended)
Looking at the empty moon
2024-06-21 00:24:20

Teacher's Lecture Composition (1)

It was sunny today. In the afternoon, the campus was quiet. The students listened to the teacher carefully. "Ding Ling Ling", the bell rang after class, and all the students came out of the classroom, some jumping rope, some playing games... But a female student in Class 302 was sliding the handrail, which was too dangerous!

Suddenly, she fell from the third floor to the second floor with her head down and feet up. We saw a lot of blood flowing on the ground and her hands were broken. The teacher and the students all rushed to hold her to the guard, running and shouting, "Get to the hospital, get to the hospital." Just as my father was going to pick me up, he saw me and drove the child to the hospital in a hurry. My father not only has good driving skills, but also has a good conscience. He often helps others do good things.

This event tells us that children should not slide on the handrail, and they must pay attention to safety when playing games. Students should help and care for each other. And when I grow up, I will be like my father, ready to help others, do good deeds, and be good

Teacher's Lecture Composition (2)

"Ding dong, ding dong!" The class bell rang. We sat in the class, quietly waiting for Mr. Lin's arrival. Unexpectedly, I didn't wait for Mr. Lin to come, but I waited for the teaching director, Mr. Zhou!

Some students were afraid, some students were full of doubts, and some students were secretly happy: "Teacher Zhou, why are you here? It scared me a lot." Teacher Zhou jokingly said: "You are good. Class (1) students were also scared three times by me!" The whole class burst out laughing, and the tense atmosphere disappeared.

In this lesson, we learned the new lesson Pearl Spring. Teacher Zhou used his unique humorous words to lead us to Nanjing to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Pearl Spring. In the twinkling of an eye, the bell rang for the end of the class, and the students were still not satisfied. They gathered around Mr. Zhou to meet him for the next Chinese class.

The next day, Mr. Zhou arrived as scheduled. "Yeah!" The whole class cheered. It seems that Mr. Zhou was also infected by the happy atmosphere. With a smile on his face, he explained today's new words to us. Suddenly, a strange "book" appeared on the blackboard. The more we looked at it, the more awkward it was. The sharp eyed students soon found the problem: "Teacher Zhou, this word is wrong!" Teacher Zhou sternly got up: "What's wrong!" The whole class immediately fell silent. Suddenly, Mr. Zhou smiled strangely: "Yes! This is a wrong character, and it should be written like this." Then he wrote a correct word "thin" on the blackboard like flowing water. The students all laughed in this surprising atmosphere. Finally, he smiled and said: "This time, there is a wrong character teacher in the class. Be careful to fall into a trap!" The students broke out again with earth shaking laughter.

Later, we learned that Mr. Lin was ill because of overwork, so we replaced Mr. Zhou. We like Mr. Zhou very much, but we are also worried about Mr. Lin. We hope Mr. Lin will recover soon, return to us as soon as possible, and enjoy the fun of Mr. Zhou with us.

Teacher's Lecture Composition (3)


On the fifth day of the first month, my grandma and I came to Shijiazhuang, where my aunt and uncle lived. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my little brother, whom I had been thinking about day and night. Since I hadn't seen him for a long time, I first hugged him for a few rounds, and then kissed him for a few mouthfuls. I was really happy.

The younger brother is less than two years old, but he is very smart. I want to teach him "early education". I asked him to sit on the small chair, took the small blackboard, and began to be a teacher.

First, I use a pen to write down 1~20 numbers on the blackboard and teach my little brother to read them one by one. At the beginning, I said one thing and he said one thing. We cooperated very well. The second time, I let my little brother read it by himself. But who knows, he started to sing in disorder and left the small chair. I was a little angry, and finally let him sit on the small chair. "Start reading!" I ordered. Unexpectedly, my brother pouted and shouted, "I'm thirsty and want to drink water." I quickly poured water for him. I thought he could continue to study after drinking water. Unexpectedly, he closed his eyes and said that he was sleepy and needed to sleep for a while. I had to carry him to bed. But his two big eyes were rolling round and round, which made him look like a sleepy child. Looking at him, I can't laugh or cry.

Being a teacher for my little brother for half a day makes me feel angry and tired. Through this matter, I think: the teacher gives us lessons every day. There are dozens of children in a class. Everyone has their own personality and learning methods. But the teacher can spare no pains to let us all learn knowledge. It's really amazing. I will study hard and become a real teacher when I grow up.


I have many titles, such as "little prodigy" and "little genius"... but I like the title of "little teacher" best. Why? Hee hee, then look down!

On that day, the teacher asked me to be the "acting" teacher when he had something to do. Ha ha, I can finally show my talent. I thought it was easy to be a teacher, but I was tired to death just because of discipline: first, I asked everyone to calm down, and said loudly: "Who is still talking?" The students looked at me, and then made a loud noise, like a vegetable market. I think: roaring is no good, then... I picked up the teaching staff and knocked hard on the desk for several times, but there was no response. Wipe the blackboard again, as usual. Now I'm worried. A flash of light flashed in my mind. That's right! outwit! I said softly, "Now these students are doing the best!" I asked several students' names and they sat straighter. The "Monkey King" who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, those who fought, talked, and ran away from their seats immediately returned to their seats and did not speak. The classroom was quiet at once, and the needles could be heard falling on the ground. I said, "Class!" The monitor said, "Stand up." The students immediately stood up and said in a humorous chorus, "Hello, Miss Shao." "Hello, students." "Sit down." After my hard work, the class was finally ready.

"At the beginning of class, take out the Chinese book, turn to page xx, and we will learn lesson 21 Pearl Bird. Students will read the text first, and I will check later." I said loudly. When the students read the text, I began to write the new words on the blackboard. The blackboard characters are really difficult to write. As soon as the chalk meets the blackboard, the blackboard shakes. It takes me a lot of effort to write some crooked new characters. "Students, read with me..." I began to teach. Soon, the sound of reading came from the classroom.

How about my "little teacher"! In the words of friends, that is: "very, very good!"


A few weeks ago, my classmates have been teaching the children of Class 1 (3) to do exercises. At the beginning, when the teacher assigned three children to me, I was confident to let them do the best. However, after such a long time of teaching them to do exercises, the fire of confidence that I had just started had basically changed from difficult to extinguish to now. Alas, children are so difficult to teach!

The three people I called are girls. One is Sun Jiaqi, the other is Wang Jiaqi, and the other doesn't know what her name is. Sun Jiaqi is particularly apt to wander, and the other two are very good.

I first let the three of them stand at attention, and then let them separate. First, I'll teach the preparatory section: "Take a break, stand at attention, 121. After that, I will teach you the following actions step by step, and you three will do it again." I began to shout the command: "Prepare well, 12345678." Three people have three different movements, some of them first go out of the left foot, some go out of the right foot, and some of them only stand on tiptoe twice at the end, I said to them, "Look, I'll do it again for you to see," and I said as I did it, "First leave your left foot, put your hands behind, that is, the PE teacher taught you to take a rest, stand at attention after the rest, after that, put your hands on both sides of your legs, stand on tiptoe on the ground, stand on tiptoe three times on the ground, remember, three times, come on, you do it again." I shouted the command to them, They did it. This time, they made great progress than before. I said, "Let's come next." As soon as I was ready to tell them that I would teach them to do the following, I saw Sun Jiaqi's eyes staring at other places. I walked up to Sun Jiaqi, waved my hands in front of her eyes, and even shouted twice, "Hello." She came back to herself, and I said to Sun Jiaqi, "See what I can do." Then I stood in front of three people, Teach them to do other actions. My God? I'm going to collapse. How can children's minds turn? Sometimes, I try my best to talk to them, but they don't listen. I really exhausted my patience in this life. I taught them again and again. Finally, I taught them the preparatory section and the first section of radio exercises. I was tired of sweating. I asked the three of them to do it alone, It doesn't matter. At first sight, it was like vomiting blood. Ah, my previous efforts were in vain. They would do the preparatory section, but the first section was a mess. When I was so worried, the teacher let the whole team go. Thank God, I didn't need to teach anymore. I happily went to queue up.

Mommy, children are too difficult to teach. I will not be a teacher even if I die when I grow up!


My grandma does housework or reads all day long. When I went to school, my grandma helped me send it to school; After school, Grandma picked me up. So, day after day, year after year, day after day. I think Grandma's life is too boring, and she doesn't pursue romance at all. On weekends, I finished my homework and prepared to be a little teacher to teach my grandmother how to learn computers.

I said to my grandma, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, "Grandma, let me teach you how to learn computer!" Grandma thought for a while and said, "OK, today is the first time that I will learn computer from you!"

So Grandma followed me into the room. "The first step in learning computer is to turn on the machine first." I said, "Well, there is a thin and long key on the top of the host computer, that is, the power supply. Look, as soon as you turn it on, the light in it will light up immediately, which means that you have started up." I said while doing it for grandma. "This is simple, I understand." Grandma said.

"Turn on the computer, turn on the Internet, take out the reserved websites from the favorites, and start surfing the Internet. When you turn off the computer, just like when you turn on the computer, press the same key, and then turn off the computer." I said as I did. "OK, I understand." Grandma said.

On Sunday, when I was taking my grandmother's test on how to operate, she forgot. I said, "Grandma, why are you so confused? How can you forget so quickly after teaching you so carefully!" Grandma said, "Grandma is old and has a bad brain. How can you say that about Grandma?" I thought: Yes, how can you treat elders like this? So I wrote down the steps of surfing the Internet step by step on the paper. If Grandma forgot, she could follow the steps above. Grandma agreed.

On Monday, I came home from school and saw my grandmother surfing the Internet at her computer desk!

It seems that I am a good little teacher!


At school, I was an ordinary student, but at home, I changed my appearance and became a famous teacher.

Today is Sunday, and the small class is open again. This lesson is about Olympiad Maths. My two only disciples, my father and mother, had been sitting at the table with their exercise books and benches. What about me? With books and lesson plans (answers to exercises), he staggered into the classroom - the balcony.

"Cough, cough!" I cleared my throat and shouted, "Class! Stand up!". "Hello, teacher!" the two students answered in unison. My teacher's teaching style is "less nonsense, fast lecture", so I directly copied the exercises on the blackboard - the door. At first, there was silence in the classroom, but after a while, my two disciples, like all the students in the world, began to whisper. Like all teachers in the world, I got angry, dropped the chalk and stopped talking. The classroom was calm again. Finally, they copied the exercises, and the two students began to work on them. Not bad. The homework was handed in in less than five minutes, and I corrected it in class. My father's homework was neat and correct. I held the red pen and joyfully typed "You" on my father's notebook. "Yeah!" Dad screamed happily. My mother stood beside me nervously, and I drew a "good" picture on my mother's book without mercy. "Why am I wrong?" My mother still wanted to argue for herself. I carefully analyzed and explained this problem to her. Mom finally understood. Then there was a simple calculation problem, but the result was: Mom was stunned and could not calculate, and Dad got a "good" because the calculation process was wrong. I was so angry that I beat my chest and stamped my feet, but it's not the way to be angry. I had to talk about the problem once more and ask them to compare the "general algorithm" with the "simple algorithm". It suddenly dawned on them that this problem was based on a simple algorithm.

Today, I realized the hard work of the teacher.