Forest Journey Composition (16 compilations)
A good horse will not turn back
2024-06-26 03:10:54

Forest Journey Composition (1)

Today is October 3rd, the weather is sunny. It is the second day of our two-day trip to Huangbaiyuan. Our tour route this morning is to go through the primeval forest to the old county town of Zhouzhi.

In the morning, my mother and I were woken up by the six o'clock alarm. After a quick wash, we finished breakfast and started our journey today. It's about 30 minutes by bus. After getting off the bus, we will walk about seven kilometers across the primeval forest.

As it has just rained and the road is slippery, it is also particularly difficult to walk, especially in several dangerous places. A road is a road that can only be passed by one person. Two people can't stand side by side. There are weeds on both sides that are taller than a person's head, or cliffs. Along the way, the trees are thick, thin, straight into the sky, or winding. The grass is green and fruitful. The river is clear and bottoming out. Sometimes it flows, sometimes it flies down, sometimes it ripples, sometimes it looks like a mirror. The roadside wild flowers and fruits are even more beautiful. Green moss and lush mushrooms are often seen on the thick and wet trunk. It really feels like walking through the primeval forest!

Unconsciously, the seven kilometer hike has come to an end. Although I sometimes want to give up along the way, it is my mother who has been encouraging me and made me learn to persist. There are also aunts' help and companionship, tired and happy, moved. It's good to have you!

Forest Journey Composition (2)

Today, when I woke up, I found that I was lying on a piece of grass, not far away, it said: Forest Kingdom.

In front of me is the forest. When the wind blows, thousands of trees fall, just like a hurricane in the sea. In a flash, the waves rolled and roared.

Up and down the mountain, there are trees with thick green leaves. Animals walk around. Looking from the place with sparse leaves, the nearby mountain is full of trees, showing a thick green, and the distant mountain is green.

By the way, my friend's name is Duo Duo. He is lying in the grass and snoring! I walked up to him and shook his body gently, but I could not wake him up. I remembered that he was most afraid of being scratched and itched, so I used this stunt, only to see Duoduo woke up laughing. I said to Duoduo, "We always have to sleep at night, and we must ensure our own safety." So we put up a shelf and found a pile of warm eggs. We filled our stomachs first, and then had a good sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I found that Duoduo was missing, and there were footprints of wolves not far away, which was not good! Duoduo must have been captured by the wolf. I made a weapon with bamboo to find Duoduo. After walking for a while, I saw that the wolf was preparing to eat Duoduo. I took the stick and killed the wolf.

The animals came to congratulate me when they found that I had killed the wolf. At this time, a plane roared past. Duoduo and I got on the plane and returned home.

My friends, do you admire me and Dodo? Come and join our little adventure team!

Forest Journey Composition (3)

Today is a sunny day. We are going to visit Yuping Mountain in Liujiang. After breakfast, we were full and ready to go.

We drove up the mountain road. Along the way, I saw many big trees like beautiful girls, whose fluttering branches seemed to greet us. The green grass seems to nod and bend, and the beautiful wild flowers seem to greet us in the spring breeze! After the winding mountain road, we finally came to the place where we glided, and looked down, wow! How tall! The houses below and the river become small, and the beautiful scenery of Liujiang Ancient Town is presented in front of us!

We drove on and came to the Forest Adventure Park. We changed our equipment and tied the safety rope, ready to start the adventure! I'm looking forward to it. My heart is about to jump out! There are many levels, such as rope ladder, rope net, plank bridge... After passing these levels, I came to the front of the steel rope. I was extremely afraid of falling, because it was 4 meters high from the ground! I mustered up the courage to walk. I was afraid that I would miss my step, but I slowly mastered the skills and swung over step by step. I was not afraid at all when I came back! We came to the plum blossom pile, wooden bridge, iron ring drilling, rock climbing again. With the previous experience, these levels are very simple! The last pass, "Single Tree Bridge", was hung with sandbags and had to go around, but I finally reached the end!

Through this expedition, I understand that no matter what difficulties you encounter, you should use your brain to find ways, and you should not be afraid or shrink back!

Forest Journey Composition (4)

Xiaoyang and Sister Butterfly are very good partners. One day, when the weather was fine, they went to the forest to pick fruit and nectar.

The forest is full of the aroma of fruits and flowers. The trees bear red apples and golden pears. The ground is full of attractive strawberries. The vines hang clusters of grapes, like a paradise of fruits, a sea of roses, roses and osmanthus like flowers. The lamb picked a lot of fruit, while Sister Butterfly was picking honey. They found a golden bean pod. After opening it, four small beans jumped out of it. Xiaodoudou said bouncing again and again, "When you are in danger, we will tell you how to do it, but we can't help you." The lamb put the pods in his pants pocket.

As they set out towards the deep forest, Little Sheep and Sister Butterfly met a terrible monster. Xiaodoudou jumped and said, "It's afraid of a loud voice!" Then their good friend Morning Glory appeared, and the morning Glory blew its trumpet. "Ah!" The big monster cried and fell to the ground.

Before long, they met the "soldier" snake of the monster! The poisonous snake is here to avenge the monster. Xiaodoudou said, "They are venomous snakes, and they are afraid of water!" Suddenly, the river appeared. The river came rushing, and the poisonous snakes were washed away like overturned boats.

It was dark and they were ready to go home, but they lost their way. Xiaodoudou said, "As long as you walk towards the bright place, you can go home." Sister Moon blinked, and they returned home under her guidance. What a thrilling and exciting day!

Forest Journey Composition (5)

Night is quiet. Sister Moon came out, thin and curved, like a little girl's eyebrows.

The moonlight was shining in front of the window. The dog looked through the window and saw the dark forest nearby. Suddenly, he wanted to go to the dark forest with his good friend Monkey.

They set out and went into the black forest. The trees were thick and the leaves rustled in the wind. The little monkey, who used to be arrogant, is now a little timid. He was a little scared and said to the dog, "It's really dark here. Will you get lost?"

The dog patted his chest, pointed to his nose and said, "I'm afraid my nose is there! It can take us home." Then he stood up and walked in front to lead the way. The little monkey just relaxed a little and followed the little dog obediently.

Suddenly, the dog in front fell into a mud pit with a plop, and fell into the ground. By the faint moonlight, the dog desperately tried to climb up, but the pit was slippery around, and it was useless. At this time, the little monkey came to his wit in a hurry, firmly grasped the tree beside the pit with both hands, put the monkey's buttocks against the pit, dropped its long tail into the pit, and let the dog climb out of the pit with its tail. The dog with a embarrassed face said out of breath, "You... you are the bravest." The little monkey scratched his head in embarrassment.

Sister Moon's smile also spilled into the black forest, onto the two inseparable and helpful good partners.

Forest Journey Composition (6)

Once, my little sister and brother and I got lost while sneaking in the forest. We walked forward in fear. Suddenly, an unknown monster appeared in front of us. It had five heads, three hands, two tails, and 15 legs. We ran away in fear.

It was slowly getting dark. I'm afraid the monster will eat us. Then we heard a sound of "ah wu", we began to be afraid, lying on the ground motionless, and gradually we fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found it was already light. I saw that my brother was gone. I hurriedly woke up my little sister and told her that her brother was missing. Fortunately, I installed surveillance on all three of us. Unfortunately, the monitor failed to show my brother's position.

As we walked, we shouted "Brother". But I never found my brother.

My sister and I continued to look for our brother in the forest. Suddenly, a giant appeared in front. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a big lion, who was sent my newly invented bullet candy gun. This gun is very special in shape, like a transparent water jet gun. As long as you put candy into the gun, the candy bullet will shoot out with great power and attack power.

I shot it out. Guess who won the game between me and the lion? Of course I won. I knocked down the big lion, and then I heard my brother cry: "Help!" We walked in and saw that my brother was caught by the big lion. Fortunately, we hurried in time and saved my brother.

The three of us walked out of the forest together.

Forest Journey Composition (7)

One sunny morning, I took the "Universal Translator" to the park for a walk. I overheard the conversation between two magpies:

"Luo Luo, I heard from Lu Lu yesterday that there is a mysterious forest in Bami. After many explorers set foot in this forest, none of them left this forest."

"Is this true?"

"That's not true. Lu Lu never tells lies."

Two magpies flew away with words.

This dark and scary forest is so mysterious that it attracts me deeply. So after careful preparation, I flew the aircraft to find the forest

It was found that all the plants there had changed, and none of them did not. I went inside again and found that the animals there also changed.

I found another tree. I found him bent over, and I thought: He must be alive. I will go and have a look. I jumped again. It turned out that the tree was evil, and then he infected the tree next to him. Then I took out my gold Thomson, and my bullets were almost gone before I killed him. I began to be cautious. It suddenly occurred to me that I had a red proud snow monster, red flaming bird, proud sky, ancient ichthyosaur, Xavier, Vulcan, explosive flaming jira, and other elves and monsters. I went inside and found some explorers, but they were all dead. Alas.

I was about to leave this forest when another monster appeared. We didn't use a bullet and the monster died because my pets killed him. So I escaped from the forest and came to my home.

Forest Journey Composition (8)

One bright night, the little deer said to the little tortoise, "Let's go to the forest to explore! I am familiar with the forest, let me be your guide today!" The little tortoise said, "OK! What strange scenery will there be in the forest? Let's go right away!"

There are many huge trees in the forest. As they walked and looked, suddenly, the little turtle said quietly, "What strange noise is that?" So he listened carefully again. The fawn said, "This is the cry of an owl. It comes out at night to look for food!" They continued to walk forward, and a giant appeared in front of the turtle. "What tree is so tall?" asked the little tortoise. "This is the tallest giant redwood in the forest. It is more than 3200 years old, but it is still growing," said the deer. "Deer, your knowledge is very profound." The little tortoise praised.

They continue to move forward. At this time, the stars in the sky lit up. The fawn said, "I know a place where we can see beautiful fireflies. Let's go there and enjoy them! Because you are my good friend. "

On the way home, the little deer said, "Little tortoise, are you tired now? I'll carry you home." The little tortoise climbed on the back of the little deer and said in the ear of the little deer, "It's very kind of you, little deer."

Forest Journey Composition (9)

In this adventure, we accidentally walked into the lost forest. The more we walked, the more we wondered why this place always looked so familiar. After that, we thought about it, ah! We have been to this place before. Later, we came up with a way to tear the cloth strips off our clothes and hang them on the branches. After walking for more than half an hour, we saw the strips again, and we were discouraged. We decided to build our tent in a big pit.

In the middle of the night, the people around us cry! Ow! The voice of, and terror. The next day, my companion Tom decided to go out to look for food. But when he went out, he never came back. So I and several other companions proposed to find Tom. We finally found Tom. He was surrounded by a flower the size of three or one. Alisha was so quick that she burned the branches of the flower with a fire. At this time, we found that Tom had fainted. After saving Tang Mu, we used herbs to wake him up.

It was another horrible night. We lived in the tent and found that there was light outside, so we went out together to see. To my surprise, after pulling the root of the flower, all the flowers were bright, and then pulling it again, the words spilled. We are so happy that we can clean up now.

On the third day, our food was not enough, and we decided not to stay here anymore. We searched day after day. Finally, we see hope. A very large strange bird stood by a small river. Strangely, a strange bird could talk. We called him in spoken language and understood that he was a foreign explorer, because he became like this after eating a poisoned fruit. He still hung up on us. He didn't want to see the explorers trapped in this ghost place and starved to death, so he stayed here to rescue the explorers.

This adventure is so exciting!

Forest Journey Composition (10)

One sunny morning, I took the "Universal Translator" to the park for a walk. I overheard the conversation between two magpies:

"Luo Luo, I heard from Lu Lu yesterday that there is a mysterious forest in Bami. After many explorers set foot in the forest, none of them left the forest."

"Is this true?"

"That's not true. Lu Lu never tells lies."

Two magpies flew away with words.

This dark and scary forest is so mysterious that it attracts me deeply. So after careful preparation, I flew the aircraft to find the forest.

I think: go in or not? Anyway, I'm ready, and the magic watch has infinite magic power, so I can only take a chance once. So I went in. I felt terrible when I just went in. I had no choice but to summon Feilong. Then the dragon dragged me to the nearest place.

After entering, a monster came out. The dragon put me on the ground and went to fight with the monster. After a hard fight, the dragon finally defeated the monster. Then we went on our way. After walking for a while, we were hungry. I made a lot of food with my magic watch. I went on my way after we were full.

I met those lost explorers on the way. I asked them to explore with us, and they agreed.

We are on our way together. Another monster came, and the dragon defeated the monster again.

We rushed to the king's position, and we went in. It turned out that the king was an evil magician. We fought with him and finally beat the king. Finally, our dragon and I became the king, and we sent the explorers out of the terrible labyrinth forest.

Forest Journey Composition (11)

Once upon a time, there was a tiger, although a little timid, but always very kind. So the tiger has many friends. On the contrary, there was an elephant who was a bit bold but always arrogant. Sometimes, he is arrogant, so he has no friends. That's why elephants are jealous of tigers.

One afternoon, when an elephant came out for a walk and saw a tiger and other partners happily chasing and fighting on the grassland, the fire of jealousy suddenly ignited, and he thought: How dare a tiger have so many friends. Hum! I will give him a little embarrassment and make him lose his head among his partners. So the elephant came up to the tiger and said, "Coward tiger, aren't you afraid that some villain will catch you?" The elephant laughed. A friend of the tiger, Little Monkey, said angrily to the elephant, "Why do you say so about the tiger? What qualifications do you have?" Another friend of the tiger, Little Rabbit, also shouted to the elephant, "That is, if you have no friends, you will find fault with the tiger. I see that you are clearly jealous of the tiger."

The elephant was said to be guilty by the rabbit, but what was unexpected was that he not only didn't come to them frankly, but also said: "I am jealous!? I don't know who is jealous of whom?" The pony said, "What do you mean, do you mean that the tiger is jealous of you?" The elephant said, "I am so brave, he is so timid. Don't he envy me?" The more the elephant talked, the more satisfied he became. The boys were angry. Just when they wanted to stop the elephant, the tiger stood up and said to the elephant, "Elephant, if you don't mind, please play with us." "Tiger!" The boys wanted to stop him. The elephant listened to the tiger's words, and his heart trembled a little. But because of his face, he said: "I really mind, but since you said it, I want to know if you are sincere, so let's have a competition." The tiger wondered: "Competition? What?" "Come with me to the Ghost Land Forest to collect gold mushrooms. If you can go with me to collect gold mushrooms and still find them, I will play with you." "Elephant, why do you collect gold mushrooms?" asked the tiger. The elephant replied, "Because I heard that it is magical, I want to pick one for my mother."? Tiger, I have already told you, will you compete? "

"I..." The tiger was silent, because he knew that once he entered the ghost forest, he would probably die. Besides, he didn't have the courage to go in. The friends around also advised the tiger not to agree with the elephant. The elephant snorted: "He also said he would invite me to play with you! Are you fake or timid? Ha ha! I knew you were a coward." The tiger thought for a while and said to the elephant, "OK, I promise." "Tiger! No!" The children shouted at him to stop him. The tiger said to them flatly, "My friends, since I want to invite the elephant to play with us, I must show my sincerity."

Forest Journey Composition (12)

After supper, I finished my homework and went to bed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt as if I was walking forward in a daze. When I was walking, I suddenly saw a light. I thought it was dawn!

Wow, in front of me is a forest, tall trees into the sky, lush. I walked a few steps, and then I was surprised to find that I had been in the forest. There are trees all around. I feel the real trunk. I know that I have entered the dream forest. I am ecstatic. How beautiful the forest is! The upper layer is a green crown, the middle is a brown trunk, and the lower layer is green carpet like grass, dotted with small flowers of various colors and shapes. Take a deep breath, the fresh air is refreshing. When I was walking in the forest, I met a little white rabbit whose hair was as white as snow. It was very cute. Look closely. Eh, isn't this the jade rabbit on the moon? Why is it here? He looked at me and said to me, "Where are you from? Why do you look different from me? You don't have a tail, nor snow-white hair or red eyes." I replied, "We are human beings. We are different from you. We don't need those things." Through conversation, I learned that it was Sister Chang'e who changed pets, so I sent the Jade Rabbit to the world. Yutu said that she was so happy to live here. The scenery here is beautiful and there are many friends, which is much better than on the moon. At this time, many small animals also gathered to talk with me. Then, the animals invited me to play with them, and I gladly agreed to play with them happily.

After that, I continued to walk in the forest. In a beautiful flower cluster, I met a fairy. Ha, guess who I met? It's Snow White! She is really beautiful, with white skin, long eyelashes, yellow curly hair on her shoulders, and beautiful royal dress, just like what I imagined. Snow White came forward and talked with me. She said, "Hello! How did you get in? Few people come in this forest." "Hello, Snow White! I don't know how I got in." I replied

After a while of talking, I learned that Snow White missed the seven dwarfs and her animal friends, so she came back to see them and had to stay here for a while before returning. She showed me around her cabin and met seven dwarfs. The seven dwarfs made a lot of delicious food for me, and Snow White accompanied me to enjoy the beautiful forest. We traveled all over the forest and naturally made many animal friends. I'm a little thirsty, so I go to the river to drink water. The water here is really sweet! It's sweeter than juice. We went to pick flowers again. The flowers here are more beautiful than those anywhere. We also chased butterflies in the flowers and played with bees. We had a water fight by the river. Even the little fish in the river envied us a little. We sat on the branches and looked at the blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers, which could not be seen outside the forest. It's late, so I should go home. I am reluctant to leave here; Leave Snow White; Leave the animal friends I just met; Leave the seven dwarfs... because I have never been so happy.

After a while, I reluctantly waved goodbye to Snow White

"Ding zero! Ding zero! Ding zero!..." It's a dream!

Forest Journey Composition (13)

The girl inexplicably walked into a forest, where the tree was about three floors high, and there was a tree every one or two meters, which was shaken by the wind from time to time to make a sound of "sand sand". At this time, the girl completely forgot her bet with her partners the day before yesterday. The girl proudly told them that if she was left alone in a very scary place, She will be like a boy and will never be afraid. The little friends didn't believe her. They said that if she couldn't do it, she would give them each a lollipop.

The girl was afraid and looked carefully at the surrounding environment. The tall trees were like a fluffy umbrella, one by one, so that the sun could only slip in slightly. The small wild flowers in the low places could not be bathed in the sun at all, but could only cling to the big trees to find a sense of security. The girl fondled these delicate little wild flowers lovingly. The girl's fear was gradually eroded by the harmonious environment. At this time, she felt everything here was so beautiful and lovely. Even the "sand sand" sound made the girl think it was the wind singing and dancing around the trees.

The birds on the high ground "chirp", as if talking about this stranger from nowhere; The little squirrels looked around as if they were looking at this strange uninvited guest; The naughty monkeys are circling the vines, like playing on a swing. They are also thinking about the origin of the little girl.

Suddenly, the girl vaguely heard the intermittent sound of running water. Just as the girl was thirsty, she felt the sound of the stream. When she reached the brook, the sky suddenly brightened, and the girl saw a rainbow like a smiling face. The girl couldn't help giggling at her. The girl looked down at the stream and looked at the sky. Eh, there was a rainbow in the sky and a rainbow in the water? It turns out that the water is too clear, and there is no wave at all, so the rainbow reflected in the water is still so quiet, just like the real one. The girl bent down, held some water in her hand, put it to her mouth, and licked it slightly. It seemed a little sweet, not like the sweet honey of lollipop, nor the astringent sweetness of chocolate. This sweet has the freshness and coolness of water.

The girl walked along the stream to a small wooden house. The hut is very similar to Robinson's, with vines everywhere and a little morning glory accompanying. The girl knocked gently on the door of the wooden house, but no one answered for a long time. The girl thought: The owner of this house should be out. The girl opened the door and went in quietly. There was a bed, pink sheets, light blue pillows, and a beautiful doll sitting on the bed. It really looked like a high princess. She was staring at the girl who broke in without permission. The girl quickly clenched her hands and said sorry. Near the window, there is a table on which there is a vase. There are several flowers in it, which should have just been picked. The fragrance of flowers still pervades the room. "Who is in my room?" The girl stepped back, her foot touched the leg of the table, and made a "Da" sound. The girl held the table tightly, and her palm began to sweat

Then the alarm clock rang - "Baby get up, baby get up", the girl woke up, oh, it was a long dream.

Forest Journey Composition (14)

Travel Notes -------- Forest Park

Summer came to our side. Spring girl was combing her hair. Seeing Sister Xia coming to take over, she left happily. Because she knew that summer was coming.

These days, we also feel the heat of summer.

Today, my father and mother came to the Olympic Forest Park.

As soon as I entered the gate, I looked into the distance. There were woods and hills around the lake. We walked to one side of the path. On both sides of the road, trees are luxuriant, one by one. As the trees grew denser, cicadas cried in the trees, like playing beautiful music. At this time, the sound of running water came from my ears, and the heat in my heart decreased a lot. After walking for a while, I was surprised to find that there was a small waterfall in front of me. I touched it with my hands. Wow, it's so cool! I saw many children take off their shoes and go in. I took off my shoes with excitement and stood in the water. All of a sudden, a cool straight Qinfu. Soon, I got used to the water temperature. After a while, my mother said, "Let's go, we have to go to the next place." I reluctantly left.

As I walked, I found a large cluster of flowers. The colors of the flowers were yellow, white, pink, and green. There are many varieties of flowers. I also took photos with these flower girls. They are very beautiful. Finally, I reluctantly left here, leaving the sea of flowers and the world of trees.

Forest Journey Composition (15)

After watching the Lion King celebration in Disneyland, we went to explore the world's forests and rivers.

Our captain was not tall, but he was very humorous. He said: "Say goodbye to the people on the ship and the people on the shore, we will not come back!" So we waved goodbye to the tourists on the shore. At this time, the captain said, "The ship is leaving. Please fasten your seat belts." We hurriedly looked down. The captain asked, "Have you found it?" We all said no. The captain said, "Under your feet!" We looked again, but there was nothing. The captain smiled and said, "That's right, there is no seat belt." We burst into laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became active.

Shortly after the boat left, we met a naughty little elephant. It sprayed water on us with its long nose. My aunt could not dodge. She was attacked and got wet behind. Laughing, the captain shouted, "Beware of snakes!" Everyone was surprised to find a cobra in the grass on the right side of the ship, and several crocodiles nearby. Further ahead, I saw several poisonous spiders hanging in the bushes, and some natives stuck out their heads to stare at us behind the boulder. The captain said, "They are real, we are fake. After a while, the captain said, "Well, let's see if anyone has been shot by a poisonous arrow." He looked up and saw that there were several natives standing in the forest, blowing "poisonous arrows" at us. We were cheated by the captain again.

The ship came to a place with huge rocks and huge waves. A huge wave rushed over, making the boat tottering. During the exclamation, a small island spewed smoke, and the muffled roar of the sea floor came tumbling. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the island burst into flames. The flames and smoke mixed with the soaring waves rolled towards us. Everyone could not help screaming. The captain calmly steered the boat out of the danger. He said, "Don't be afraid, we are already safe. Please raise your hand if anyone is not on board!" We laughed again.

When the ship entered the harbor, this adventure and interesting trip to the forest and river ended. I hope I can play again!

Dou Xiangyu, Grade 4, Sheyang No. 2 Junior High School, Yancheng, Jiangsu

Forest Journey Composition (16)

That day, I followed our little reporter school to the Yellow River Forest Park.

Before I went in, I was deeply attracted by the gate of the park.

That huge gate is like a tall and straight tree root. There are several big nests between the branches.

There are some big birds on the top of the branch. They have snow-white feathers, small eyes and sharp mouth, very cute.

Going inside again, a world of plants unfolded in front of me. They lined up in front of us, as if they were waiting in line to warmly welcome us.

We continued to walk along the path. There are so many plants here, including poplars, peaches, ginkgo trees... and many others I can't name, one by one, in clumps. Walking inside is like walking into a natural oxygen bar.

We talked and laughed about it. Go to a quadrangle pavilion and stop. The pavilion is white and gray, and the workmanship is very fine. We are talking and laughing here.

The teacher told us that this park was rated as the City Forest Park by Heze in 2004. It is 775 hectares in total, 5.09 kilometers long from east to west, and 4.65 kilometers wide from north to south. It is the largest plain forest park in China! We were all surprised to hear that.

If you are attracted by what I said and want to visit here, I will give you a little clue.

The park has five major areas: 1 is the tourist attraction, 2 is the entrance area, 3 is the tourist area, 4 is the development reserve area, and 5 is the ecological protection area.

Ah! I'm going home. To tell the truth, I am really reluctant to part!