Imaginative Dog Composition (10 in general)
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2024-06-29 02:13:22

Imaginative Dog Composition (1)

Jenny and Dog Imagination Composition

In daily study, work and life, everyone has been exposed to composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. Still at a loss for composition? The following is the imagination composition of Jenny and the dog by Xiaobian Dun, for reference only. Welcome to read it.

The winter wind is blowing, and the god of cold and hunger is coming to Jenny's family. Her father is concerned about the tragic death in a car accident. Jenny and his mother are dependent on each other. The family income is very small. Her mother is busy from morning to night, but can only fill her stomach. The arrival of winter made life more difficult for her and her mother.

One day, the sun came out of the clouds and made the house warm. Jenny played games with some friends. She saw a white thing moving on the snow, and her curiosity drove her. She came to the white thing, and the white thing cried, "Bark, bark." Jenny was shocked: "It's a dog." "What a poor dog, ah! Your leg is injured, and no one feeds you. You must be hungry, "she said. She took a small piece of bread crumbs from her pocket and reached out her hand:" Here, eat. This is my lunch. You are all yours. "" You are lovely. Go to my house, and I will take good care of you. Give you a name, well, let's call it Xueer! "Then she took the dog home.

In the evening, when her mother came back, Jenny put the dog under her bed and told it: "Don't talk. Mother found that she would lose you. Be obedient, Cher." "Jenny has eaten." "Yes, wait a minute, go." You came to the table: "Mom, I went to eat in the room." She picked up a glass of milk and two pieces of bread.

Xueer, who had been hungry for three days and nights, swept away all the food. Jenny had to go to get food again. When she got to the table, her mother asked her, "Jenny, how can you eat so much today? The food you just took is enough for both of us."

"I, I'm going to bed. Good night, Mom." "Good night, have a good dream."

Jenny goes back to the room. Cher cries nervously. Jenny wonders: "What's wrong, Cher?"

Cher still cried, and Jenny thought, "Something must have happened, or it wouldn't have called her like that."

Jenny took Xueer out of the house, ran to the opposite hill with her mother, and just arrived at the hill, then came the sound of running water. Jenny and her mother looked back, and the village became an endless sea. My mother said, "Jenny, my magic weapon, you really saved my mother's life!"

"It's not me, it's Cher." "Who is Cher?" Jenny popped a smile and said, "It's this lovely dog."

Mother touched Cher, "What a good dog!"

Jenny's family lived happily ever after.

Imaginative Dog Composition (2)

My Space Superdog Imagination Composition

In real life or work and study, we always have to contact or use composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the emergence of open-ended composition. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is my imagination composition of space super dog by Xiaobian, for your reference, and I hope it can help your friends in need.

I wish I could have such a dog. He has a strong body, learns all kinds of Shaolin skills, wears a pair of sunglasses, knows all kinds of tactics, has a developed brain, which is beyond human imagination, and has an automatic language machine hanging on his mouth, which can translate his cries into Chinese. Naturally, a handsome dog must have a pair of aircraft, which can fly into space. Ha ha, this is my space super dog.

That day, I took my space super dog out to walk with my hair. Suddenly, a ferocious dog ran out and shouted at me. When I was sorting out, my feet were soft, my body was stiff, I could not move, and I could not run if I wanted to. "Humph! If you want to bully my master, you should pass me first". My space super dog jumped out and roared loudly. The vicious dog rushed out, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth. But my super dog was not afraid. He used Shaolin Taijiquan and soon frothed the dog.

ha-ha! With my space super dog, I became arrogant and ran around the campus, but I was about to enter the classroom for an exam later. I wanted to score 100 points, but I didn't study. What should I do? Never mind, my space super dog! It gave me a pair of intelligent eyes. I wore intelligent eyes to enter the examination room. Hey, I saw tiny flying insects flying out of my eyes and flying to others' test papers. The answer was put in front of me, ha ha! One hundred is no problem. Just as I proudly walked out of the examination room, a large eagle flew in the distance. It hooked me to the sky with its feet. Before I could cry out for help, my space super dog came. It opened the aircraft and flew straight to the sky to fight with the large eagle. Unconsciously, my clothes were torn by the large eagle, and my body hung in the sky, With a roar, my space super dog beat Dadiao with a nine yin white bone claw, and then caught me from the air with great speed and took me home safely.

Imaginative Dog Composition (3)

I am a very cute and lively teddy dog. My face is pretty, with jewel like eyes, two little reds, and a white coat. My limbs are very vigorous, and I especially like to connect bones and other things.

I like to eat bones and meat... If someone raises me, I will be obedient and obedient to my master. This is also a means of begging, and most dogs do this.

We are good friends of mankind. If human beings do not harm us, then we will not harm human beings. If the host is in danger, we will not hesitate to protect the host and never let them suffer any harm. Therefore, our feelings with human beings have increased. Therefore, we are absolutely the most obedient "treasure" of human beings.

We like to carry out activities in a wide range of places. Some dogs like swimming very much, but we teddy dogs don't like swimming because we don't like water at all. We like to walk around with our dear master, and also like the master to take us everywhere to run and play. Dogs who often exercise will be strong and healthy!

Sometimes, dogs will spit out their red tongues in hot summer. This is because we feel too hot and want to spit out our tongues to enjoy the cool. Some people think that we want to beg or are thirsty. In fact, people misunderstand us.

Our language is not clear, so we use cries to express our language meaning. If we make a sad cry, it means we are very hard. If we encounter a stranger's attack or a stranger's sneaky appearance at home, we will make a "bark" to call people for help. Some dogs will also "teach strangers"!

After listening to my teddy dog's self statement, do you think we are cute and lively? I believe we are more and more like it!

Imaginative Dog Composition (4)

Hello! Hello, everyone. I'm Niuniu. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the little protagonist "Niuniu" of "My Little Security Guard" written by the owner. Don't you forget it. Today, I opened my computer and entered her blog when my little master was not at home.

I am a dog with yellow hair all over. It looks very cute. When I first came to this strange environment, I always felt a sense of fear in my heart. The warm care of my little master made me bold and live a carefree life with food and drink every day. In my spare time, I have to go out to "travel around the world" and sleep. The so-called "traveling around the world". Just walk to the intersection to find friends and play. The reason why I don't go forward is because

On a sunny and sunny afternoon, I played with Xiaobai dog. Suddenly, a big truck came running. We were unprepared and were about to run, but my leg was hit by the truck. When it was over, it broke. What should I do? I limped home. In the evening, the little master came back, and I happily waved my tail to meet her. She was very sad when she saw that my leg had broken. She hurried into the room and brought me some delicious food. After the little master's careful care, my leg gradually recovered, and the little master's face also showed a bright smile.

yesterday. My uncle brought me a big, bright, and clearly wobbly thing. I don't know what it is. Put it under the tree, the sun shines brightly. I went up to him to have a look. Eh? What's the matter? There is also a dog that looks like me? I'm so angry! If you dare to pretend to be my king, I will kill you, I will scratch, I will scratch. How can it be flat? "You see he's stupid, hahaha! That's a mirror!" The little master laughed at me again. Oh, I see, it's a mirror. No wonder there is a dog just like me! Ha ha ha!

Ah ah ah, little master, they are back, and I have also left. I will talk about it next time, Bye Bye!

Imaginative Dog Composition (5)

hi! I am a toy dog. I am wearing pink and white clothes. The little master kindly called me "Xiaoxue". I am a gift from his parents to the little master on his ninth birthday.

I am the little master's most loyal friend. If the little master is happy, I will accompany her to be happy. If the little master is sad, I will comfort her. Once, the little master forgot to tidy up his room. The little master's father was so angry at the mess that he beat the little master. The little master held me sadly and sat on the sofa.

Eh? A lot of water. Is it raining? I looked up and saw that it was the little master crying. I reached out my hand to wipe his tears and said: "Don't cry, little master. Xiao Xue will accompany you to clean the room, OK? 'The little master looked at me for a while and stopped crying.

We started from the table. The little master put the books on the table one by one on the bookshelf, folded the clothes on the bed and put them in the wardrobe, then folded the quilt, and finally swept the floor. Finally, it was tidied up. It happened that the little master's mother came back. Seeing the little master's room was completely new, she said happily, "Daughter, you are wonderful!" The little master laughed happily after listening.

I am the little master's most loyal partner, and I want to accompany him forever.

Imaginative Dog Composition (6)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing compositions. They are familiar with compositions. According to the characteristics of writing propositions, compositions can be divided into propositional compositions and non propositional compositions. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a collection of imaginary compositions of "If I were a dog", which I hope can help friends in need.

I am a domestic dog named Jiali. I have strong limbs and sharp teeth. I am tall and handsome. I think that if a tiger meets me, it may be afraid of me. My excellence has won the love of my master. They are so kind to me, they have built a beautiful wooden house for me, and they have meat for three meals every day. Other colleagues are envious and jealous of me. All this makes me proud and happy.

One day, when the weather was fine, the little master took me out shopping. This is a small street. The flowers beside the street give off a delicate fragrance. A sound shop wafts out the familiar melody of Zhou Jielong's "Double Chopped Stick". The passers-by all looked at me in surprise, some of them praised me, while other dogs showed their submissiveness to me. Everywhere we go, it seems that we have become the focus of attention.

I feel in a good mood.

We came to a crossroads. Suddenly, a startling picture came into my eyes. A hen was crossing the road with her children, and a car rushed toward them like a flash, thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters... but these chickens were unaware of the impending unexpected disaster. What to do? My brain is running fast. I don't have much room to think. I kept a dog for thousands of days. When I used a dog for a while, I struggled to break the chain around my neck and flew right in front of the car

I felt the front of the car hit me hard, and then one of its front wheels ran over my body

In the dark, high above, I seemed to hear the call of God, and my soul rose slowly like a puff of smoke.

I looked down from the air, my body had stopped moving, and blood was still gurgling out.

The car stopped half a meter in front of the chickens, and the mother of the chickens seemed to be in shock. My little master lay beside me, stroking my body and wailing.

There were more and more people around, and I vaguely heard their comments. What a good dog! It's a pity. This dog is so stupid. He put it under the wheel. Alas, this dog seems to save those chickens. Alas, in this world, some people are inferior to this dog.

My soul went to heaven.

Imaginative Dog Composition (7)

In the usual study, work or life, everyone has written a composition, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. Composition is a speech activity, which is highly comprehensive and creative. So, how to write a composition? The following is the 800 word composition of the dog's self description - imagination composition of high school, which is compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is only for reference, and I hope it can help everyone.

I confidently told people: "I am a dog!"

Although no one has such a high IQ, no eloquent language ability; There is no outstanding achievement in learning from the past and the present; There is no unparalleled 'ability to argue and have great talent; There is no creativity that is innovative and takes the lead. But my heart is free and I have no worries every day. Even a little depression will dissipate in a few seconds. No matter who hit me or scolded me or hurt me, it is just a matter of the past. I will only live in the present, and I will forget all the sadness with a little happiness. I don't hold grudges, and I won't hate someone, which will lead to the tragic end of "too clever a trick, but rather the fate of Qingqingxiang."; I am not insatiable, and I will not go on the road of failure because of my desire to "seek personal gain with power, and ruin my future with corruption"; I am not vain. I will not become a degenerate situation of "love, hate, doubt, regret, greed, anger, ignorance, and desire for illusions" because of my reputation; I don't kill each other and turn against each other, so I won't fall into the bleak situation of "I was born from the same root, so what's too urgent?".

I am satisfied, as long as there is something enough. I am faithful. As long as I care for the people who accompany me, I will obey what I say. I am cheerful, optimistic, free and unrestrained. I like to roll and play on the lawn; Like running in the sun; I like chasing bees and attracting butterflies in the flower bed.

For life, I want to say: ignorant people are fearless! Where to worry about the short time! Where are you worried about how long you will die! Where are you afraid of being laughed at! Where can I fear the future! Since I am alive, I will cherish the present beauty; Now that I am alive, I will enjoy the current fun; Since I am alive, I will not take great pains for things that cannot be changed. Who says dogs are inferior animals? Our dog family has an excellent "character" that most people do not have. Human nature is selfish, piling up overloaded desire. There are many people, even successful people, who refuse to give up until they reach their goals because of the financial interests. Why are these? I'm a dog! I am simple! I am proud of my white soul!

My name is dog. There is no second name. Only "dog" can show my charm! I feel honored to be a dog! I will howl in the mountains like my ancestors' wolves and show the most vital side to nature!

Imaginative Dog Composition (8)

I grew up in a family with a good family, but the master was very bad to me. The so-called "bad" means that I only give me some leftovers every day, and only add a bone with a little meat at the weekend. I am almost malnourished!

However, there was a little girl who was kind to me. Every time she came, she would give me some delicious food or take me for a walk. (I was tied to the door by my master) But she didn't come often, so the good days were not long.

Our dog's sense of smell is first-rate. It is often said that some dogs have made great contributions to catching bad people, which is a great honor and pride of our dog family.

One night, a man gently turned over from the wall of the master's house and came in. I cried instinctively. The furtive man threw me a piece of meat when he heard it. Although I haven't eaten meat for several days, I didn't accept it, because I know that he is not a good person, and many of my brothers and sisters were poisoned because of gluttony. I continued to scream crazily until the master was awakened by me and the thief ran away. For this reason, the host praised me greatly, not only named me "Chief of Security Section", but also gave me a "set meal". My heart is sweet. Therefore, I will call every stranger, this is my bounden duty!

Having said my "great achievements", let's talk about my opinion again!

People use the word "dog" to create many words, such as "dog jumping over the wall", "dog standing up for power", "dog can't stop eating shit"... but these are all derogatory. I don't know what other dogs think. Anyway, I'm very angry and our reputation has been damaged by you.

My life is the same as yours. There are sour and sweet, bitter and hot, and infinite illusions. Alas, it's difficult to be a dog!

Imagination composition of grade 6, 600 words, 2. Self narration of dogs

I am a puppy. I have only been in this world for more than two years. In terms of age, I am already a child. According to the dog's age, I should be a child.

I am not a stray dog. I have a warm home. Although there is no mother in this family, I have a dear master. I am an inferior dog. But even so, there are still many people who love me.

I can catch mice. Can swim. Can hit mosquitoes. To tell the truth, I think I am a genius dog! I will, and the dog will Yes! I also know the way. Last time, the master's mother got lost. I brought it back! My master's family loves me. Give me something delicious and touch me from time to time.

My happiness is like the snow on Mount Everest. However, the snow mountain will melt and disappear one day.

That day, bad luck came.

In the evening, I walked on the country road. The red sun hung in the air as if it were going to fall. I am very happy today!

People say that a dog's nose is very smart. I smelled a smell of meat from a long distance and ran to the source of the smell. Meat! Meat! I saw a piece of cooked meat, which must have been accidentally left by the passer-by. Don't eat for nothing. I took a bite, wow! yummy! There is also the numbing taste of Chinese prickly ash. I like it!

When I got home, I felt like a small snake was in my stomach. This little snake is so naughty! Swim restlessly in my stomach. My stomach hurts! I tossed and turned on the ground and kept going to the toilet. The master gave me a drink of water, I licked it and ran to the toilet again. When I came back, the master gave me some medicine. I have just had a drink, and my stomach hurts again. I opened my mouth in pain. "Rat poison!" cried the owner. It's over. I'm dead.

I saw that the owner's little daughter kept pouring water into her eyes and fell to the ground. He wanted to hold me, but he didn't dare to go forward. He took the master's hand and said, "Give him some more medicine.". The master said that he could not be saved. He was doomed. She was crying louder and louder.

I was dying, but I saw warmth.

Imaginative Dog Composition (9)

After a while, they were all hungry. "Really, the master didn't take us out." The Persian cat stretched lazily and said to himself. The fierce black haired dog said, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm going to find something to eat!" Then it went to the kitchen door in a daze. This was a terrible knock, and it broke the tightly fastened kitchen door. As soon as the door opened, everyone rushed up and smelled a delicious fragrance. Everyone looked up and saw that there were baskets of meat bones in the wooden cabinet above, which made their mouths water. The Persian cat came up with a plan and asked, "Who would like to eat bones? If we eat, we will take the arhat!" The other partners answered with one voice: "I." So they took the arhat. The shepherd dog was at the bottom, and the Dalmatian nimbly jumped on the back of the shepherd dog and shouted, "Black haired dog, come up quickly." The black haired dog made a series of jumps. First jumped to the table, and then jumped to the back of the Dalmatian. The Persian cat quickly jumped to the top. He picked up the bones and threw them on the ground one by one. He didn't jump down until he threw away two full baskets. Although everyone was exhausted, their eyes were shining when they saw the bones.

The Persian cat picked up the bone and chewed it carefully and swallowed it slowly; The shepherd dog chewed the bone slowly; Spotted dogs and black haired dogs do not have their reserve. The two of them picked up the bones and gobbled them up. They worked together to eat delicious food, and everyone ate with relish.

The cat and dog singing a play is so interesting!

Imaginative Dog Composition (10)

In order to break the magic, I need to find a good wizard in the King's Castle to unlock my magic. It was cold and hungry all the way. A kind-hearted child looked at me pitifully and took me home. He gave me a bowl of milk, ate another bread, found me a small nest and slept with him. Because my nose and ears are very smart, I found the thief when I slept in the middle of the night. I screamed hard to scare the thief away and protect the children's family. Also because of the good sense of smell of the nose, I found gold buried underground near the child's home.

The next day, I thanked him for his help. I told him that I would go to the wizard to remove the magic, and also told him where the gold was buried to express my gratitude to him. He gave me some food to carry on my back, and I continued on my way. Walking, I met a pig. According to his description, he was also enchanted by my wizard master and turned into a pig. It seems that this wizard is really bad. I said to him, "Shall we go to the king to help?" He agreed. At night, we were all hungry. I shared some of the food I had brought with me and slept in a grass.

On the third day, we came to a castle, where two soldiers were guarding. We asked, "Soldiers! Can we see the king?" They were surprised to see that we could talk. The soldier quickly reported to the king. The king agreed to see us. We went into the castle and asked the king if there was a wizard who could help us remove the magic. The king promised to try and arrange the best wizard in the castle to try to remove the magic. Through the efforts of the wizard, our curse was successfully removed. At the same time, the king arranged to catch the bad wizard and remove his wizard skills, so that he could not continue to do evil.

Finally, the man who turned into a pig and I returned home smoothly.

Teacher Xiaohe's comment: The story is compact and rhythmic, which can't help but let people walk into the situation of the story.