Beginning of Cartoon Composition (5 selected articles)
Peace of mind is a blessing
2024-06-14 09:22:56

Beginning of Cartoon Composition (1)

Look! He came, he came, he came with the Chinese book, who is he? He is Mr. Li, the "anime" teacher in our class. He likes to wear clothes of cartoon characters, sometimes Sun Wukong, sometimes the Third Prince Nezha. He is really "childlike"!

Mr. Li is about 1.7 meters tall, with shiny black hair, a cool melon seed face, and a pair of black rimmed glasses. If you do something wrong, he will stare at you with his eyes that are half smiling and unpredictable, and the smile will make people sweat.

His "downwind ears" may be heard within a hundred miles! As long as one student whispers in class, Teacher Li moves his ear and it is clear.

His eloquent mouth can always convince his classmates. However, the teacher sometimes says that one Zhuge Liang is not worth three cobblers after all!

Teacher Li seems to have magical power. Look, no matter how noisy the class is again, as long as Mr. Li stops at the podium, the class will be quiet immediately. At that moment, you will think that time is still! A closer look shows that the students are no longer sitting in disorder, but straighten their chests and look "all ears". Do you think he is very dignified?

Teacher Li is also fond of reading. He often tells us: "There is no end to learning and hard work."

Yesterday, I suddenly found that he, who is vigorous and likes reading, has another side that we didn't know. In class, Mr. Li asked a female classmate, who usually spoke loudly, but when answering the question, he was abnormal and twisted. He couldn't say a word for a long time. Finally, he cried for no reason. I thought that the teacher would take the opportunity to criticize her verbally, but I didn't expect that the teacher walked up to her, bent down, just said something quietly, then turned around and left, quietly continued the class... After listening to her, I knew that the teacher just said something to comfort her. It turns out that he is still a gentle and good teacher!

This is my "cartoon" teacher Li.

Beginning of Cartoon Composition (2)

I have a humorous cartoon teacher. He has a pair of gold wire frame glasses on his big bright eyes, which are very funny and cute, like the comic characters in TV dramas. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wang.

One day in math class, Mr. Wang was talking about a very important point of knowledge, but many students in the class did not see it. Mr. Wang came up with a special idea. He took the money out of his pocket, held it high and shouted a slogan: "Look at 'money'!" The students were immediately attracted by the money and sat down to look at 'money'. At that time, I couldn't help laughing and was defeated by Mr. Wang's humor.

Mr. Wang assigned several math problems in the class, and I was concentrating on thinking. Teacher Wang came up quietly and said seriously, "Li Tangyi, is your hand a little snail? It crawls so slowly." The whole class laughed and my face turned red. Then Mr. Wang said to me patiently, "We must improve the speed of problem solving." I nodded quickly and said yes.

When the trusteeship time came, Mr. Wang walked straight to the platform, assigned homework, and then sat on the small bench to supervise us. Suddenly, Mr. Wang got up and walked to one of his classmates and said, "Why don't you tidy up your homework? Quickly tidy up. If you don't tidy up, I'll tidy you up." The classmate smiled sheepishly after listening to this and quickly tidy up his homework.

Although Mr. Wang is somewhat strict, he is also very humorous. He is an idol that we all worship and a good teacher that we all respect. When we make mistakes, he always uses his painstaking efforts and his gentleness to brush the dust on every student's heart again. What an engineer of human soul!

Beginning of Cartoon Composition (3)

In the five years of campus life, many teachers have left their footprints in my memory, and one of them impressed me most.

Her hair spreads to her waist, and she has big talking eyes. When she smiles, she will show a pair of white and tidy teeth. She was about forty years old and looked very strict, but those who knew her well knew that she was a strict teacher in class. As soon as the class was over, she took off her strict face and changed into a kind smile. She chatted with us and became a good base friend who talked about everything. Therefore, the students do not hate her, but like her very much. For five years, this kind teacher is not only a teacher, but also our friend.

She not only takes our class, but also takes the other two classes. She corrects our homework very late every day, and often frowns because we have some wrong sub questions. She is a teacher who is strict with her classmates. I remember one time, my math score was only 83 points, which may be a good score for some students, but it was a very bad score for me. I usually scored about 95 points. This time, I lost 12 points. I was extremely frightened. I was afraid that the teacher would call me to lecture later, but I still could not avoid what should come, I was really called by the teacher. I walked into the office with a feeling of uneasiness, but unexpectedly, the teacher just explained my wrong questions once, told me which questions were careless and wrong, and asked me not to send wrong questions next time. I nodded and swore in my heart that I would get a proud result next time.

Speaking of which, I should also tell you who this teacher is. She is Teacher Shi.

Beginning of Cartoon Composition (4)

The north wind was whistling, and lightning fell from the sky. The rain curtain composed of dense raindrops hangs in the air.

In the fence of "the place where mother and son get on the bus", four handsome men turned a blind eye to these five characters, instead, they stood with their heads held high and shameless. Two weak figures stood by the fence, just a mother and son.

I could not help clenching my fists when I saw the mother and son shivering in the cold wind with their thin clothes. Didn't these four people see such striking characters? Are they really illiterate? Obviously not. One by one, they dress neatly and tie neatly, which makes them famous successful people. They just want to spend less time, purely for their own self-interest and completely disregard the feelings of others.

When I saw and thought of this, my anger was rising. In real life, it is also constantly staged.

At the door of the store, a warning sign of "No Parking" clearly stood, but many people ignored it and threw the sign on the ground to park the battery car.

In the beautiful and quiet park, the warm and civilized slogan "grass is green, spring is stronger" is written on the lawn, but some people still trample on the lawn, leaving flowers and grass withered.

How I hope our world can add a touch of civilization.

Beginning of Cartoon Composition (5)

Have you ever seen false illiteracy in the real world? You see, in Mr. Hua Junwu's cartoon, there is. The false illiterate in the cartoon was mercilessly satirized and criticized by Mr. Hua Junwu.

I saw such a picture in the cartoon that four handsome men unexpectedly grabbed seats with a pair of weak mother and son. I don't understand why they stood at the place where mother and son got on the bus?

The first young man is not tall, but from his appearance, I feel that he must be a very cultured person, but why does he do this? Isn't he very, very selfish? After a while, the second young man also squeezed in from the crowd. He must be thinking: there are too many people over there. It's too crowded. It's still fast here. There are only one or two people. Then, the third person also came. He was a middle-aged man. It seemed that he should be the same as the second person, but also for the sake of one word, that is -- quick, he also accounted for me, isn't that right? The fourth person is a doctor at first sight. He seems to have an operation waiting to be done urgently, but if he has one, he should not come here. He should go to the green channel!

It is conceivable that these people can be seen everywhere in life. They are not civilized at all in life. They jump in the queue at will. These behaviors are wrong and should be condemned by people, aren't they?

I should be willing to help others, because I am a qualified primary school student. As the saying goes, "Give roses to others, and you will find a lingering fragrance in your hand." Why be so selfish? Civilization should start from me and start from small things.

I think: everyone should be like me, because this can create a better earth.