Composition of Pipa Line (10 compilations)
Between water clouds
2024-06-29 01:27:11
third year in high school

Pipa Line Composition (1)

"The spindle plucks the string three or two times, and love comes before the tune is formed". Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial environment, I am growing happily. "The big string is as noisy as the rain, and the small string is as noisy as whispering. The big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate.". The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother are two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me harshly, he was always comforted by his mother's soft voice. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid. This is my father's credit. My heart is kind but not coquettish. This is my mother's love. Never be a greenhouse flower or degenerate into passivity. "The warbler whispers and the flower is slippery at the bottom". After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been printed in my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood. "The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen away, and the frozen spring will not pause in the sound. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound.". When the rebellious god comes, I will no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need the platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, it seems that I am going to make a mistake. Thanks to my father. The stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step so as not to expose my shortcomings or repeat preaching, and the dark days passed in silence. "At the end of the song, draw carefully, and the four strings sound like a split silk". Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled when I found their contented eyes. I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. Finally, the father said, "My child, I have to go on my own in the future, and I will take good care of it!" "Who cries most on the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet.". I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. thank you! This is the only thing I can say.

Pipa Line Composition (2)

[Spindle plucking three or two times, love comes before melody] Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial environment, I am growing happily. 〔 The big string is as noisy as rain, and the small string is like whispering. The big and small pearls fall on the jade plate] The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother are two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me harshly, he was always comforted by his mother's soft voice. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was my father's credit. My heart was kind but not coquettish, which was his love. Never be a greenhouse flower or degenerate into passivity. [Jianguan Yingyu Huadi Slippery] After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been printed in my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood. [The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen away, and the frozen spring will not pass through the sound. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound.] When the rebellious god comes, I will no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need the platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going the wrong way. Thanks to my father. The stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, neither exposing my shortcomings nor repeating sermons, and the dark days passed in silence. [At the end of the song, draw carefully. The four strings sound like a split silk] Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled when I found their contented eyes. I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. Finally, the father said, "My child, I have to go on my own in the future, and I will take good care of it!" [Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet] I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. thank you! This is the only thing I can say. [Highlight Perspective] The ingenious design of this article shows the examinee's ability to control the genre. The article takes the famous ancient article "Pipa Xing" as the symbol of the transformation of writing structure, and organically combines the growth process of examinees. The articles are scattered and collected, with clear ideas and refined and accurate language. The article is reasonable and emotional, and it touches people's hearts.

Pipa Line Composition (3)

Spindle plucks the string three or two times. Love comes before melody

Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In the palace of mother's belly, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial family environment, I am growing happily.

The big string is as noisy as rain, and the small string is as intimate as whispering. The big and small pearls fall on the jade plate.

I hope my daughter will become a phoenix, and my strict father and loving mother are two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me severely, my mother always comforted me with a soft voice. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was the contribution of my father; I am kind-hearted but not coquettish, which is the mother's love. Because of family, I will never be a greenhouse flower, nor will I degenerate into negativity.

Interlaced Orioles Whispering and Flower Bottom Sliding

After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents always take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been imprinted on my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat itself, but also because of kinship. Remember, the flowers are always open, the grass is always green, the wind is always warm, and the birds are always happy, like my mood.

The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen, and the frozen string will never pause with sound. Don't have deep sorrow and dark hatred. Silence is better than sound.

When the rebellious god comes, he always feels that he has grown up and no longer needs the platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going on the wrong road. Thank you for your kindness and my father. His stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, never exposing my shortcomings or repeating preaching, and the dark days passed silently in the water like kinship.

At the end of the song, draw carefully. The four strings sound like silk.

My parents finally brought me up. I am about to leave my parents. When my parents were old, I found white hairs on their temples; My parents smiled. When I found their satisfied and happy eyes, I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have long been engraved on my heart. At last, the father said, "My child, you can only go on your own way in the future, and take good care of yourself!" The family relationship is so unforgettable, how can I leave?

Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet.

I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I admire most. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. Dear Mom and Dad, although I am going on a long journey, this incomparable family relationship you left me will always stay in my heart and become my spiritual pillar forever.

Thank you, parents! On this Mid Autumn Festival night, I offer my best wishes!

Composition of Pipa Line (4)

Dear Mom and Dad:

It has been more than two months since I came to Longmen. I feel that my progress is still obvious. More confident than before, and know to cherish time. Just like the famous saying: "Time is not how much you have, but how you use it." Reasonable use of time makes me better in my study. On the day I left Yicuiyuan, I also dreamed of living a hard life in Longmen, but it was really a blessing in disguise. In fact, Longmen's life is very full, that is, learning and rest. Only with one heart and one mind can we achieve great success. "Therefore, when heaven is about to take on a great task, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their body, and act in a way that defies their actions. Therefore, their patience has benefited them." Only when their body and spirit have been honed, can people be reborn. Studying in Longmen School is reborn. I lost my self-confidence in Yicui Garden, studied all day without motivation, and had no desire for learning. I came to Longmen to experience baptism, which made me eager for learning. April showers bring May flowers.

I remember the headmaster said to us: "Only when all mistakes are over, can we start correctly." After coming to Longmen, I insisted on listening carefully every day, taking notes carefully, trying to do a better job every day, making progress every day, so that after a long time of accumulation, a little makes a lot, and gradually I will surpass those who are better than me. The first monthly exam was over. Although my performance in the class was good, it was still a little worse than that of Wen Zhengyi. I was determined to surpass him. The second monthly exam soon made a great success.

Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I believe that under this virtuous circle, I will be able to achieve ideal results in the middle school entrance exam next year. Not only for me, but also for you and Dad. I know that I am different from others. I also know how heavy the burden on my shoulders is. However, I will not be afraid. I will go against the current and face difficulties. Only in this way can I be worthy of your hard work. Only in this way can I be worthy of your leaving your busy work to accompany me every week. Thank you! I love you!

The weather has become cold recently. You must take good care of yourself and your father. Don't neglect your health because you are busy. It is said that you know the destiny of heaven at fifty. You have already known the changes of the world and the society, so you are indifferent to the vicissitudes of the world and feel safe inside. Everything else is external. The body is the capital of the revolution. We must take good care of ourselves. Of course, you don't have to worry about me. In Longmen, we have a class teacher who loves us very much. Moreover, I am grown up and can take care of myself. You don't have to worry too much.

I hope my studies, your and dad's career are all smooth sailing. Today is the most beautiful day. It is better than yesterday and more true than tomorrow. If you grasp the present, you will grasp the future.

May life be peaceful!

Composition of Pipa Line (5)

Drink with guests.

Never forget what is right or wrong.

Looking to the east, there is dawn again.

In front of the bank, the maple grass grows in Chu.

Suddenly I heard the pipa language in the sky.

Suspected to be a pipa man in a dream.

The surface stealthily talks shyly.

The forehead and cheeks were flushed.

Everyone invited a song.

When the flowers bloom, the willow color does not brighten itself.

As if the sky was red and the orioles were red.

Sudden springs and waterfalls stop like waterfalls.

When the waterfall stops, the world becomes quiet.

Don't worry about Changqing.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of Chu on the four strings.

The flying phoenix fell and curled up.

When I finished singing, I heard the rustling sound and the floating sound of the rustling girl.

Drunken is who lives and dies in the dream. I would like to sing songs for you!

Senior 1: Literacy and erudite

Composition of Pipa Line (6)

[Spindle plucking three or two times, love comes before melody]

Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial environment, I am growing happily.

〔 The big string is as noisy as rain, and the small string is like whispering. The big and small pearls fall on the jade plate]

The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother are two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me harshly, he was always comforted by his mother's soft voice. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was my father's credit. My heart was kind but not coquettish, which was his love. Never be a greenhouse flower or degenerate into passivity.

[Jianguan Yingyu Huadi Slippery]

After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been printed in my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood.

[The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen away, and the frozen spring will not pass through the sound. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound.]

When the rebellious god comes, I will no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need the platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going the wrong way. Thanks to my father. The stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, neither exposing my shortcomings nor repeating sermons, and the dark days passed in silence.

[At the end of the song, draw carefully. The four strings sound like a split silk]

Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled when I found their contented eyes. I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. Finally, the father said, "My child, I have to go on my own in the future, and I will take good care of it!"

[Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet]

I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future.

thank you! This is the only thing I can say.

[Highlight Perspective]

The ingenious design of this article shows the examinee's ability to control the genre. The article takes the famous ancient article "Pipa Xing" as the symbol of the transformation of writing structure, and organically combines the growth process of examinees. The articles are scattered and collected, with clear ideas and refined and accurate language. The article is reasonable and emotional, and it touches people's hearts.

Composition of Pipa Line (7)

Whispering grass flowers, rustling maple leaves; Silent autumn river, cold solitary moon; Cool world, warm and cold human feelings - In the sound of the heartbroken pipa, the poet experienced the desolation of the official sea.

The beautiful pipa was the first one in the school; The poet's talent also won a great reputation. Now, when we meet on the fallen passenger ship at the end of the world, how can a proud and lofty soul not produce wisps of frustration and sadness.

When it comes to the demeanor and bearing of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty is indeed a fantastic and magnificent era. At the end of the last century, there were a group of "avant-garde" young men clamouring to "dream back to the Tang Dynasty". Nowadays, it seems difficult to associate the Tang Dynasty with words like "sentimentality". However, history has its own laws after all. It is needless to say that Tianbao Elegy and An Shi Rebellion. Nearly half a century later, Bai Juyi, who was exiled to Jiangzhou, felt the helplessness and bitterness of the times more deeply. A few pieces of pipa touched the grievances that the poet had already accumulated in his heart. Because of the injustice, the poet felt lonely; Because of loneliness, poets yearn for communication; Because of communication, the poet gets comfort; Because of this rare consolation, the poet's two lines of clear tears moistened his dark blue clothes without restraint, although he was facing a Jianghu singer whom he had never met before and whose identity and status differed greatly.

For Bai Juyi, who was born in 772 AD and lived in Chang'an for a long time and was brilliant, he was familiar with and yearned for the romantic life of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but at this time he was in the most frustrated stage of his life, and he probably could not imagine the peace and leisure in the future. In his later years, Bai Juyi, in the material environment of "there is bamboo playing in front of the window, and wine selling outside the door.", and in the leisurely mood of "it's snowy to come late, and I'd rather have a drink than drink", will he occasionally remember the pipa girl who made him cry "green clothes" years ago? The sadness of that night may only be temporary for Bai Juyi, because five years later, the poet returned to Chang'an, where he thought day and night, and met the kind emperor (although the emperor was changed). And the poor pipa girl? I'm afraid it's more old and haggard - the fate of people is different.

The ancient Greeks believed that poetry hid all the secrets of a nation.

The autumn wind staggered and sighed outside the window. Sitting quietly under the desk lamp, I thought to myself, what is the "code" of "Pipa Xing"—— It is "fate" (this is the word that Hugo found engraved on the stone tablet at Notre Dame in Paris). I can't remember that the expert said that second rate writers tell stories and first-rate writers tell fate. Poets are no exception.

Bai Juyi deliberately unfolds for us the picture of the fate of the two characters in his clear and precise language. The fate is mysterious, but Bai Juyi's language is clear, which can not help but make people wonder - the background of the story is just the cold autumn preferred by Chinese literati, and the cause of the story is just the departure of "ecstatic", In addition, a slender singer who was once an expert in both color and art but now only guards an empty boat, and the popular clank pipa at that time, as well as the silent boat beside the river, and the silent moon in the air - there is reason to believe that all this is fiction. Isn't the singer who lost her talent and fell into the Jianghu a portrayal of the poet herself? Even if it is true, there is no need to bother to verify whether the pipa girl is really a person. If there are ups and downs in life, "she" is the inseparable figure!

It is inaccurate to say that Bai Juyi is a sentimental poet. The history of poetry is more willing to mention his "allegorical poems". But Everlasting Regret Song and Pipa Xing are really the peak works of ancient sentimental poetry in China. The problem is not limited to the art of poetry. Bai Juyi, an elite intellectual at the upper level, a pipa girl, a folk singer at the bottom; The former is unfortunately demoted, while the latter has no choice but to fall; Both the ups and downs of officials and the wandering of the Jianghu are heartbroken people. On this cold autumn moon night, two fragile and sad lives meet, and two different but similar fates strike a strong spark. This spark not only warms each other's lonely souls, but also lights up the era - Bai Juyi's experience reflects the corruption of the imperial court, while the life experience of the pipa girl reflects the hardship of the bottom, and the superposition of the two fates is the mirror of the era. In this mirror, we can easily see that the Tang Dynasty, which was once full of charm, has shown a declining trend of "flowing flowers and fading away in spring", So sentimentality is doomed.

As a famous poet in the middle Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi is still handsome, but there is no such thing as "Li Bai and Zhang Xu's flying style, and even lack of the loyal and vigorous backbone of Du Fu and Yan Zhenqing". "A thin layer of loneliness, sadness and melancholy" has caught the hearts of poets in the middle Tang Dynasty Liu Zongyuan's "panic"

The hibiscus water, the dense rain slanting against the Ficus pumila wall, Liu Yuxi's "Bashan Chushui desolate land, abandoned for 23 years", Lu Lun, Qian Qi, Jia Dao... But all this is just the beginning. In the poems of Du Mu and Li Shangyin soon after, we read more thorough and pure sadness. So, The Tang Dynasty had no choice but to end and gradually go away, and finally there were only volumes of immortal poetry (including "Pipa Xing" of course), waiting for future generations to interpret and sigh

It seems that the ancient Greeks were right.

Pipa Line Composition (8)

Children are the crystallization of their parents. When I was still in my mother's palace, although I didn't know what my parents were like, I thought they must be anxiously waiting for my arrival at that time. The father said that the child must look like his mother, and the mother said that the child must look like his father. At the same time, they are also trying to choose a good name for their child. My father said that if he is a man, he would call him Wu Fengfan, hoping that he would ride the wind and waves in the future and have a good future. My mother said that if he is a woman, he would call her Wu Min, hoping that she would be smart and clever, but finally she named me Wu Min. I think I can feel my parents' hope for my arrival. I also heard from my grandmother that when my mother gave birth to me, she almost died because of dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage. I think my mother is really hard. Every birthday, I want to thank my mother most, because my birthday is my mother's hard day.

Interlaced Orioles Whispering and Flower Bottom Sliding

After I went to school, my parents showed great concern for me. Parents with low education level always encouraged me with the words: "Son, you should study hard. I will buy you a basketball when I win the first place in this year's final exam. Although simple, it gives me infinite encouragement, and I can also feel their expectations for my love. I always remember that every Chinese New Year, my parents take me to play and visit. That period of time is always in my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat itself. I remember that flowers are always open, grass is always green, the wind is always warm, and birds are always happy. It's like my mood, I think it's also like my parents' mood!

The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen, and the frozen string will never pause with sound. Don't have deep sorrow and dark hatred. Silence is better than sound.

When adolescence comes quietly, the god of rebellion also comes quietly. Sometimes I always feel that I have grown up. Some things can be decided, no longer want to live in the circle of parents; Sometimes I feel disgusted with the parents' stereotyped exhortations and nagging: "Are you bored?"; Sometimes he would answer back, but my father always said to me: "You are so promising. After two years of study, go home and farm!" My mother would also say: "You can't go to college, so we should relax."

The family pays the most, and the hardworking parents don't talk about hardship

These words sound like they have no confidence in me, but my heart is deeply aware that my parents are good for me. Over the years, they have been worried about this family, and I don't know how much tears and sweat they have paid. Every time I call my parents, they will say: "Son, study hard!" This sounds like an ordinary command, but since the first year of high school, my parents have told me 24 times. I think how high the expectations are. I think I will not let you down. Sometimes I don't listen to you when I go home, and sometimes I will quarrel with you, but I want to say: "I love you! You have worked hard."

Composition of Pipa Line (9)

Bai Juyi, who was demoted to Jiangzhou as Sima, was reluctant to ride to Xunyang Ferry with his friend Jiang Xiaozhu, who was visiting him by the way, with a sense of helplessness and sadness.

The light waving hand stopped in the wind, vaguely visible tears in the eyes. A thousand words can't tell the ambition of worrying about the country and the people. Jiang Xiaozhu looked at his friend's haggard figure, unable to restrain his feelings of helplessness, and invited Bai Juyi to the ship to drink farewell wine again. Under the hospitality, Bai Juyi jumped off his horse and pointed to the ferry: "How can I get to know a hero like you in this life, even if I am demoted? I don't know when I will meet again after I leave today."

Inside the ship, they raised their glasses to drink, but a thousand words choked on their throats. The good wine in the cup turns into the sorrow of parting

Seeing you off for thousands of miles is a farewell. Bai Juyi was about to lead his horse on, when he heard a string sound like a tearful voice, like a silk or bamboo, sliding across the river, cutting through the sky and piercing his eardrums. Suddenly, all his feelings seemed to solidify. Jiang Xiaozhu is also attracted by the music. Seeing Brother Bai's contemplation and silence, he couldn't help inviting him again: "Why don't we all enjoy the beautiful sound of silk and bamboo and say goodbye!"

Bai Juyi boarded the boat again. The two men called softly to the place where the music floated: "Could you please come to the boat to talk to the piano player?" There was no reply, but the sound of the silk and bamboo suddenly stopped. At this time, the two ships have quietly approached. Jiang Bai and his wife poured wine, lit the oil lamp, and re arranged the banquet, ready to invite the player to talk.

Jiang Xiaozhu stood at the bow of the boat and sincerely praised: "Just now, it's like a piece of music, like high mountains and flowing water, and I wonder if you can give it to me?" After a moment of silence, a woman whispered like a warbler among the clouds, like a spring swallow whispering: "My humble concubine lives in a secluded place and leaves alone late at night. It's inconvenient to meet. I hope officials will forgive me." After listening to this, they were temporarily tongue tied. Bai Juyi stubbornly moved forward and earnestly invited each other: "I heard my wife play the pipa just now, and her skill has reached a state of perfection. The sadness in the song seems to be the portrayal of my life. If you guessed correctly, my wife and I share the same feelings, why not come here and talk about it!"

Slightly. A middle-aged woman walked out of the boat with lotus steps. She held the pipa in her hands and covered half her face. In the silhouette, I saw that his sideburns were like clouds, his eyebrows were slightly frowning, and his eyes were shy. Although Xu Niang is half aged, her charm still exists. Under the seemingly brilliant face, there are vague sadness and helplessness.

When the woman sat down, she held the lute in her slender hands, brushed the jade finger gently, and turned the spindle. Gently try to play for three or two times, and then the infinite feelings like clouds and springs diffuse. Bai Juyi and Jiang Xiaozhu looked at each other and couldn't help saying at the same time: "Love comes before the tune." Gradually, the woman was completely immersed in the music. She covers her head and sweeps the strings, while she rubs her roller fingers. The voice is plaintive and brooding, as if telling the misfortune of his life. Percussing, holding and picking the strings, she played the artistic conception of the famous songs "Nishang" and "Liuyao" thoroughly. The big string is noisy, and the sound is heavy and long, like bursts of rain; The small string is cutting, and the sound is as rapid as whispering. It is like a round bead falling into a jade plate, making a melodious and pleasant clear sound. Instantly, the music becomes sad, like stagnant spring water under the ice. Gradually, the music became more and more deep, and the silk string seemed to be frozen.

It was cold and quiet all around. All sounds stopped for a while. The pipa girl frowned and sighed softly, finally mixed the hidden resentment into the music

All of a sudden, the string played quickly and made a clear and magnificent sound. It is like a silver bottle bursting with water, or an iron cavalry fighting with swords and spears. At this time, the female pick of the pipa suddenly scratches in the groove of the pipa, and the four strings ring together, like tearing the silk, giving out a sharp aftertaste

After a long time, Bai Juyi and Jiang Xiao Zhucai returned to reality from their musical feelings. Before they could speak, the thoughtful pipa girl inserted the pick into the string. She got up and tidied up her clothes. Her passionate and swaying expression turned into sadness and sadness. She told her sad life story in a very clear way.

I used to be a singer girl in the capital city. My home is under the Shrimp Rana Mausoleum near Qujiang, Chang'an. I was smart and eager to learn since I was young. At the age of 13, I learned to play the pipa and ranked first in the teaching hall.

The woman's eyes were blurred, she thought for a moment and then said:

At that time, I was extremely beautiful. Once dressed, the other sisters were also jealous. The princes rushed to give me property. It is often a song, and the amount of red silk is countless. They were intoxicated with the pipa I played. Some take down the precious ornaments they wear and beat the beat until they are broken; Some dined and teased in the carnival, and lost their manners until they spilled wine all over their bodies, which stained the skirt

After a pause, the woman's plaintive tone was full of regret:

As time goes by, such a life full of money and money soon wears away the youth. I am old and pale, and the door is gradually deserted. Later, I married a businessman and lived a very rich life. He went to Fuliang to sell tea last month, but has not heard from him since. I was very sad to watch the empty ship alone. Last night in my dream, I returned to my youth, drinking river balderdash, and crying tears. Playing the pipa is just for Paiqian to feel sad and depressed. I didn't expect to disturb you

Jiang Xiaozhu hurriedly stood up and told him: "The cold water soaked the moon late at night, and the silk and bamboo were empty. We were lucky to enjoy this artistic conception, which is really fate." After saying that, he looked around but could not see Brother Bai's response. When I looked back, I saw Bai Juyi sitting in a corner dazed. In an instant, tears began to roll down. Perhaps it was to cover up his heart's turmoil, when he got up and walked to the bow of the boat and raised his head and screamed, "We are both fallen people in the end of the world. Why have we ever met?" Then he turned back to the woman and bowed to the ground: "Since I was demoted from Beijing to Xunyang last year, I have been living in seclusion and seclusion. In this remote and humid place, there are only cuckoos and apes crying all day long. It has been a year since I heard the sound of string. Occasionally, there are folk songs and pastoral flutes, but their vomit, hoarseness and chirp are unbearable. Tonight when I heard your pipa music, it seemed as if fairy music was in my ears, and the moment came when I heard it. Please don't refuse. Sit down and play another song. I will write you the lyrics of a song called "Pipa Xing". " The woman was so grateful that she could not speak for a long time.

Her heart was filled with gratitude and the joy of meeting her bosom friend by chance.

Sit back, tighten the strings, and the melody rings. However, the melody is too busy, sad and full of sadness, which seems totally different from the music just played. All the listeners on the ship bowed their heads and wept.

At this time, Bai Juyi was completely immersed in the sound of the music, and the front of his chest had already been soaked by the tears falling down from the music

Rewrite Pipa Line (II)

In the tenth year of Yuanhe, the Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, I was demoted to Sima of Jiujiang County.

One day in the autumn of the next year, I saw the guest off to Penpukou and heard someone playing the pipa on the boat at night. Listen to that voice, clank clang clang has the sound of Kyoto popular. When asked about this man, she turned out to be a singer in Chang'an who had learned from Mu and Cao, two pipa masters. Later, when she was old, she retired and married a businessman. So he ordered someone to put wine on the table and ask her to play some songs happily. After she finished playing, she looked a bit glum. She talked about the joy of her youth, but now she is wandering in the Jianghu. Since I left the post outside Beijing Dispatch for two years, I have been happy with what happened. Now I am touched by this man's words. That night, I felt that I was demoted. So she wrote a long poem with a total of 616 words, entitled "Pipa Xing".

On the autumn night, I went to the head of the Xunyang River to see off a returning visitor. The cold wind blew the maple leaves and the reed flowers. I dismounted from the horse to bid farewell to the guests on the ship and held a banquet. I raised a glass of wine to drink, but there was no orchestra to cheer me up. After drinking too much, I felt even more sad. When I left, the vast river reflected the bright moon. Suddenly I heard the sound of pipa on the river; I forgot to return, and the guests didn't want to leave. Looking for the voice, I asked who played the pipa? The pipa stopped for a long time but did not move. We moved the boat closer and invited her to meet us; Ask the servant to refill the wine and return to the lamp to start the banquet again.

She came out reluctantly, holding the pipa and half covering her face. Turn the piano shaft tightly and pluck the strings to play a few times; The form is very sentimental before it becomes a tune. The sad and sorrowful sound of strings implies meditation; Seems to be telling her life's failure; She bowed her head and played continuously; Use the sound of the piano to tell the infinite past in my heart. Gently caress, slowly twist, smooth, wipe and pick; First play "Nishang Yuyi Song", then play "Liuyao". The big string is muddy and grand, long and noisy, like a storm; The small string is gentle and gentle, as if someone whispers. Play with each other in a crisscross manner; Just like big pearls and small pearls falling into a jade plate. At one time, the sound of pipa is like the smooth singing of birds under flowers; at another time, it is like the hard, deep, whimpering sound of water flowing under ice. It seems that the cold and astringent pipa sound of the water spring begins to condense, and the sound that condenses but is not smooth gradually stops. Like another kind of melancholy and hatred, it grows secretly; At this time, the silence is more moving than the sound. All of a sudden, it seems that the silver bottle broke into the water and splashed; It is also like the swords and spears of armored cavalry fighting together. At the end of a song, she aimed at the center of the string; A roar of four strings seemed to tear the cloth. People in the East Boat and West Boat listened quietly; I saw the white autumn moon reflected in the middle of the river.

She put away her pick and inserted it into the strings; Dressing still shows a solemn face. She said that I was a famous singer in the capital; My hometown lives in the Shrimp Rana Mausoleum in the southeast of Chang'an City. At the age of 13, he had learned the pipa skill; My name is listed in the first team of Jiaofang Orchestra. Every time the music is played, the artists are amazed; Every time Chengdu is envied by fellow geisha. The children of the rich and powerful in Kyoto are afraid to offer the lottery later; I don't know the number of red gauzes I received after playing a song. The beat of the silver comb on the mother's head is often broken and crushed; I don't regret that the red skirt was stained by wine stains. Year after year spent in laughter and slapstick; The beautiful time of autumn and spring passed away in vain. The brothers and sisters who joined the army have fallen into ruin; As time goes by, I'm getting old and faded.

Less cars and horses in front of the door; Youth has passed and I have to marry a businessman. Businessmen often leave easily when they pay more attention to profits than to feelings; Last month he went to Fuliang to do tea business. He left me alone to guard the empty boat at the mouth of the river; The autumn moon accompanied me around the cabin. Later in the night, I often dream of having fun and carnival when I was a teenager; In my dream, I woke up crying and tears stained my face. I have already shook my head and sighed when I heard the sad cry of the pipa; I was even saddened to hear her talk again. We are both pathetic people in the end of the world; Why ask if you have ever met!

Since I left the bustling Chang'an capital last year; Demobilized to live by the Xunyang River, they often lie ill. Xunyang is a desolate and remote place without music; You can't hear the sound of orchestral instruments all year round. Living in the low-lying and humid place of Penjiang River; Yellow reeds and bitter bamboos wind around the residence. What can you hear here sooner or later? It was full of the sad cries of cuckoo apes. Spring River, Flower Age, Autumn River, Moonlight Night; I can't help but often drink alone. Is there no folk song and village flute here? It's just that the tone is hoarse and harsh. Tonight, I heard you play the pipa to tell me your true feelings, just like hearing the fairy music eyes are also bright. Please don't refuse to sit down and play another song; I will write a new poem for you, "Pipa Xing".

Moved by my words, she stood for a long time; Turn back and sit down, then turn the strings tightly and pull out the screech. The sound of desolation is no longer the same as before; Everyone present covered their faces and cried when they were hard of hearing. Who shed the most tears in this audience? My Jiangzhou Sima tears wet through his shirt skirt!

Pipa Line Composition (10)

To tell you the truth, I can recite Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing" in the first grade of primary school! You may not believe it. Let's listen to the interesting story that I was "tricked" into reading "Pipa Xing".

My family lives near the Kunshan Library. In the summer evening, my mother often takes me to the library to read books and blow the air conditioner. There is a showroom on the second floor of the library called Ruogu Hall, which is my favorite place to go, because there are many new things in it.

On the other day, I saw a picture of "beautiful women" in Ruogu Hall. An aunt was sitting in the bow with a pipa in her arms. The boat was surrounded by reeds, and there were many words written on the top right corner of the picture. "Mom, this aunt is so beautiful! What is she doing?".

"God, mother, why is it so long?" I was a little impatient when listening to my mother's incessant recitation. (My mother is a language teacher.).

In the following month, we went to Ruogu Hall almost every evening to get close contact with my "Pipa Line". On the way, my mother always suggested coming to the competition to see who carried the most. I was able to win my mother several times at the beginning, but then I often lost. Of course, I was not reconciled to it, so I worked harder. Unconsciously, I recited a lot. In fact, when I think about it carefully, how could my mother lose to me? I must have been "fooled" again. With a "scheming" mother, I can only "bow down".

"Pipa Xing" was recited in this unconscious "fooling" again and again. I don't think it's hard, just interesting. Later, when I was playing the piano, my mother told me that the sound was like "big pearls falling on the jade plate", and that the sound was like "between closing and singing, the flower is slippery". My "vanity" was aroused again, and I also showed off my "pipa line" to the piano teacher.

After listening to my story, do you think I am "stupid" and always fall for the bait? But I am willing and happy to do so. You can also be fooled into reading classics happily!