The most unforgettable day of composition (collection of 19 articles)
My heart is lonely
2024-06-09 06:57:38
primary school

The most memorable day of composition (1)

On Sunday, I went to Daguantiandi with Mingyue, Liuli and Xiaoxiao to watch the game. The venue was on the first floor. Not long after we arrived, the game began.

The theme of the competition is "traffic safety". After the children's game on the 93rd, the on-site question and answer session began. How strange! The host aunt only called the people behind to answer, not the people in front to answer. I sat in the most conspicuous place in the first row, raised my hands, stood in front of the chair and jumped, but my aunt did not call me. The first answer didn't call me. The second time, my aunt was like a hyperopia, and still couldn't see me. I was so angry and anxious that I regretted it. I thought, "If I knew this, I would not come." Uncle Ming gave me lollipops to comfort me, and my heart slowly calmed down. Near the end, another round of Q&A. Mother thought of a good way to sit in the back row! However, in the back row, the hostess still didn't call me. I was disappointed. I didn't know what medicine she was selling in the gourd. She walked back to the front row with tears in her eyes and raised her hand again with all her strength. Wow, a miracle happened! The hostess finally saw me and asked me to answer the question. Without hesitation, I walked to the front desk, picked up the microphone and gave the answer.

I got it right, ha ha! The reward is a roast leg coupon! My heart is in full bloom, like a butterfly who has gone through countless hardships to find flowers, or a lonely person who has gone through hardships to walk out of the desert where nothing grows. Liuliu, Xiaoxiao and Mingyue said excitedly, "Take us to eat leg of lamb!"

After watching the game, let's have a good time!

We played "Spider Tower", climbing from the disc trampoline. But when I climbed to the fourth floor, Mingyue and Liuliu had already got ahead of me and climbed to the seventh or eighth floor. I "vomited" countless fears out of my mouth. I was afraid that I could not climb up and I was afraid of falling down. Mingyue and Liuliu encouraged me. Mingyue reached in front of me and said, "Hold on, I'll pull you up." I said, "Don't drag me first, I'll try my leg on the rope." Just then, there was a sound of "Dong". Without paying attention, Liuliu fell down from the middle of the grid and almost got involved with me. Lulu is really funny!

I refused to pull Mingyue's sister. I put my head on the rope, put my legs on the rope and straightened up, so that I could easily reach the fifth floor. At this time, I saw a big hole at the edge of the sixth floor, which was just suitable for drilling. So I put my hands together and came to the sixth floor. However, with such hard work, my hands are about to fall off, and I am soft and prone, like a pool of melted snow. Alas!

I climbed to the eighth floor of the top floor, met the yellow line, met sister Mingyue successfully, and then "went down". I quickly slid down from the net eye, just like raindrops brushing the ground, my skills are very high! At this time, there was only a sound of "Dong", and Liu Liu fell off the Internet for the second time. Ha ha, he is really a tragic figure!

In the second and third rounds, I climbed the Spider Tower successfully. If I am tired, Sister Mingyue will hook the rope with her feet and let me hold it. Xiaoxiao and Liuliu also caught up, and we formed the most fashionable group of four. How interesting!

What a beautiful day!

The most memorable day of composition (2)

Last night, Kang Hanyu and I had a pleasant and unforgettable evening. Our two families took part in the Pearl River Night Tour. At 7:30 p.m., our parents took us to the Agricultural Bank of China. Starting from Dashatou Wharf, the cruise ship passes through the memorial archway square of Sun Yat sen University, Guangzhou Bridge, Guangzhou Tower, Liede Bridge, Haixinsha, Huacheng Square, Xinghai Concert Hall, Lingnan Club, Ersha Island and other beautiful scenery of Yangcheng. I am impressed by the dynamic light paintings.

On the cruise ship, we played and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Mom and Dad also took some photos of us, and the trip ended more than an hour before we knew it. When we disembarked, Kang Hanyu and I were reluctant to part with the cruise ship "Agricultural Bank of China". Because it brings us too much joy. If we have a chance in the future, we would like to visit the Pearl River again.

The most memorable day of composition (3)

Sunday, August 8, is the most unforgettable day for me. Every time I see an unforgettable sea.

That morning, the weather was sultry, so we drove to Xiaomeisha. Thinking that I would see the real sea soon, I was nervous and excited, and my heart was pounding.

I came to Xiaomeisha and saw the vast sea and golden beach. The sea is blue and the beach is golden and yellow. How beautiful it is! There are many people on the beach, some swimming in the sea, some playing with sand on the beach, and some basking in the sun on the beach.

I put on my bathing suit, put on my swimming cap and swimming circle and came to the beach. My mood became nervous at once. I sat beside the shallow water, the waves slapped my calf, and I slowly stood up and walked into the sea. Wow, the sea was so cool!

I can't forget this day and the blue sea.

The most memorable day of composition (4)

Monday? a sunny day

This morning, my family went to the doctor's mountain to have a barbecue. When they came to the barbecue ground, my parents lit the stove with newspapers. I learned to barbecue. First, put the chicken wings on the barbecue fork, and then put the chicken wings on the barbecue stove. When the color of the chicken wings became golden, they turned over to roast the other side, until both sides of the chicken wings were golden, Put honey on the chicken wings and bake them on the stove. The chicken wings I baked taste delicious.

Later, we ate vegetables, meatballs, ribs and so on. After we finished the food, we went cycling. I think today is my unforgettable day, because I learned to barbecue.

The most memorable day of composition (5)

Unforgettable Day Composition (1)

The most unforgettable day of composition

Composition 1: Watch the bike race

Zheng Zhiduo, Class 6, Grade 5, Yongtai Experimental Primary School Instructor: Chen Meizhu

November 20, 2012 is an exciting day, because the 2012 Fuzhou Yongtai International Road Cycling Race will be held in our county.

At half past eight in the morning, my father and I came to the street and saw that both sides of the road were crowded with people to watch the game. Two yellow warning lines have also been set up on both sides of the sidewalk. Many traffic policemen and volunteers are keeping order, and no cars or people are allowed to enter the road, because cyclists from all over the world will ride through here soon.

Near eleven o'clock, there were more and more people, crowded like sardines cans. Everyone's face is full of excitement and expectation. Some people have raised their cameras to take pictures of the wonderful moments of bicycle racing. Even the birds stood quietly on the roof, ready to enjoy this wonderful scene.

Half an hour later, I heard bursts of "refueling" and cheering coming from a distance. I saw countless cyclists wearing different colors of clothing and riding bicycles from a distance. Then, the sound of cheering became louder and louder. Wave after wave, the momentum spread to the distance. The sea of people fluctuated. From time to time, some people jumped up to watch the most exciting scene. Others waved red flags in their hands to cheer for the contestants. It was really exciting!

In an instant, the cyclists were getting closer and closer to us. A colorful figure flashed past us like a gust of wind, and soon disappeared at the turning of the road. From time to time, someone in the crowd shouted, "Ah! It's too fast to see clearly!"

After a while, the colorful racers reappeared in our sight. It was the first round along the city. They catch up with each other. You catch up with me and I overtake you. Every cyclist's feet are pedaling fast, never letting himself fall behind a little.

The third lap, the fourth lap, and the fifth lap „„„ I was dazzled, and the "fast shots" were flashing in front of me from time to time „„ Finally, the seventh lap of the last lap was reached. The cyclists slowed down slightly, but they were still slightly hunched and ready for the final sprint. The racer riding in front of him proudly held his head high, even released the handle of the bike, and posed poss to the audience cheering for him, as if he felt that victory was not far away from him; The cyclists who fell behind were sweating heavily, and they seemed a little powerless, but they still pushed their pedals desperately to keep going

After the last round, the racers gradually left our sight, and they were going to the final destination - Genting, China. The crowd gradually dispersed, and I was still wondering: "When will this exciting scene meet us again under the broad blue sky?"

Teacher's comment: The little writer has a strong ability to choose words and make sentences, and can use natural and vivid metaphors and delicate descriptions to show us a wonderful game scene, giving people a sense of immersive. The characters are fresh and readable, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Composition 2: The most unforgettable day

Liang Jinqi, Class 6, Grade 5, Yongtai Experimental Primary School Instructor: Chen Meizhu

Today, the 2012 Fuzhou Yongtai International Road Cycling Race is held in our county. This is a rare event in a century! They are going to circle our city seven times!

In the morning, my sister and I started together after breakfast. It was 8 o'clock when we arrived at Taisheng Mingju. There is already a sea of people. But we seem to have arrived too early. We waited for more than two hours for the stars and the moon. Near eleven o'clock, there were more and more people, and they were crowded.

With several police cars and motorcycle guards, we finally waited for cyclists. They are very energetic and handsome in colorful uniforms, helmets and sunglasses. Everyone can't wait to set up a camera to take this exciting scene! Four or five bicycles started to take the lead. Then there was a group of cyclists riding their bikes to catch up. What a fast bike! We were dazzled by the flash of arrows. The players sweated, and we sweated too. The people's faces were filled with excitement. Even the dog was so excited that he wanted to rush out of the warning line, but he was driven back by the traffic police. Look, those children are excitedly dancing the five-star red flag, shouting, "Come on, China! Come on, China!" Cheer up one after another. Some children shouted hoarse. I also keep shouting. The cyclists seemed to hear our cheering, which was much faster.

We can't just focus on the racing drivers in front of us. When they ran without a trace, there was a racing driver behind them, just like a wild goose that fell behind. But he didn't give up, he still pedaled his bike vigorously.

Every time a bicycle sped past, several cars would follow. Many foreign friends were sitting in the car. They waved and greeted us warmly.

On the third lap, the team seemed a bit sparse. After a while, the cyclists began to catch up with each other again, and the team became a big triangle again. An interesting thing happened when the bicycle made the fifth round of Chengguan Pass. A cyclist suddenly deliberately patted another cyclist who was parallel to him, as if to say to him, "Come on, buddy! I'm going first!" Then he rushed forward.

After seven circles around Chengguan, the cyclists sprinted towards the cloud top. Thousands of eyes watched the cyclists disappear at the corner of the road. We haven't seen enough

When I came home, I was still thinking about the game over and over again. It was really a thrilling game, which gave me a feast for my eyes and endless aftertaste.

Today is really an unforgettable day!

Teacher's comments: Be able to use a combination of point and surface description to show readers a wonderful game.

Unforgettable One Day Composition (2)

An unforgettable day

There are many unforgettable things in my memory, but the most unforgettable day is that time.

That day, it was time to report the scores of the math exam the day before yesterday. I really hope that the math class will come soon.

Finally, the math class was coming, and the math teacher came in with the exam paper and a brisk pace. The teacher went to the platform, opened the paper and began to report scores; "Fang Ranxing: 94, Wang Yuanyuan: 98.

Finally, the teacher's eyes stayed on my face and called out my name; Zhang Siyu, but I don't know why when the teacher reported my name, I suddenly stopped. My heart "clucked" as if I knew I was not doing well in the exam, jumping faster. I thought to myself: Oh, no, I will fail the exam now. My heart is like a big stone, heavy. To my surprise, for a moment, the teacher smiled and said to me kindly, "Zhang Siyu, you did very well in the exam this time, which is the highest score in the class." I opened my eyes in surprise when I heard this. I couldn't believe it was true. I didn't believe it until I saw the envious eyes of my classmates.

I was so happy that I almost jumped up. Today I got a full mark. I'm so excited!

Looking out of the window at such a clear sky, I feel very comfortable, as if the sun is shining on the sky above the "heart", which makes people feel elated!

This is my most unforgettable day, because I finally got full marks through my hard work. In the future, I will make persistent efforts to get more full marks.

Unforgettable Day Composition (3)

An unforgettable day composition of 600 words On November 17, 2013, I went to Wanda Plaza with my schoolbag on my back and my ID card to participate in the "hand in hand" activity organized by Huashang. com, where young journalists held hands with children in Xi'an Children's Welfare Home. After the two parties met at the agreed place, I held hands with a small, thin little girl with a bow hairpin on her head. I thought she was younger than me, but unexpectedly, she was two years older than me and turned out to be a little sister. We entered the first stop of our tour "Boy Scout Activity Paradise" hand in hand. In it, you can try all kinds of things that you have not played or seen. I bravely and smoothly passed the first, second and third hurdles. One project is the big roller, just like the program performed by the grizzly bear when we watched acrobatics, I looked at the children in front walking at a snail's speed, trembling and clumsily, and looked down upon them very much. I thought, what's so difficult, and I was afraid of it? When the roller rolled in front of me, I proudly stepped on it with a big step, only to find that standing on it was a bit unstable and how difficult it was to walk. I moved forward with small steps. I was scared when I walked. My hands were sweating. I grasped the safety rope more and more tightly, and the back of my spine began to sweat, and my legs were still numb. I was afraid of falling down, I really want to step back and look back. It's a long way to go back, and I've already gone more than half way. Come on, come on, cheer yourself up, finally I came to the end, boarded the platform, arrived, ah, why do I have another rope on my back, can't I walk back again? I was wondering, the uncle of the security officer said that he could loosen his hand and go down. Wow, it scared me to death! But when I came down, it was still fun! What is different from me is my little partner. She always stands alone on the outside of the field and silently watches us play happily. I have invited her to play with me many times, but she refused, for the reason of "dare not, fear!" But I was also afraid at the beginning, but I also survived it? It seems that you should take more exercise and not be a coward! Although my little friends are not as happy as me, I still feel very unforgettable because I saw their curiosity and ignorance of the outside world. I know that we are happy!

Unforgettable Day Composition (4)

An unforgettable day. I got up early today, packed my bags and hurried to the school teacher's office. Guess what I'm going to do? Yes, I'm going for a spring outing. Downstairs, curious people kept staring at us. Several buses were waiting at the roadside, and we rushed to the bus. On the bus, some students are eating, some students are reading cartoons... The students are talking with each other, and the teacher always tells us to pay attention to the nagging sound. After dozens of minutes, our car climbed up the mountain. There are all kinds of flowers blooming and competing for beauty. There are yellow, pink, white and green flowers. The whole mountain really looks like a beautiful flower bed! Finally, we arrived at the destination - Xianshuipo Martyrs Cemetery in Liupanshui City. I looked around. There were flowers blooming on the broad grass, and beside them were rows of lush trees. The trees stood like rows of soldiers. On a piece of grass, where we had a rest, the teacher said: "It's time to play games!" We quickly put down the food in our hands. The teacher said, "The game is to search the mountains for treasure. The rule is that if you find a small piece of paper, you can win the prize if you guess the riddle on it correctly." I immediately went to the red forest to look for treasure. I searched carefully under rocks, small pine trees, and defoliated pits, but could not find any notes. I went back to the lawn discouraged and saw that other students were holding "treasure" in their hands. I really wanted to get my own "treasure". This is really an unforgettable and interesting spring outing!

Unforgettable Day Composition (5)

An unforgettable day

Zhang Zien, Class 3, Grade 3, Yulin Seventh Primary School


The most memorable day of composition (6)

300 words composition on my most memorable day (1)

300 words of composition for an unforgettable day

An unforgettable day 300 words composition (1)

Today, my mother sent me to my teacher's home to learn to write a composition. As soon as I entered the door, I saw two of my classmates here, too. The place I thought was strange suddenly became lively. We were taught by a male teacher with glasses and a suit. He was about thirty years old and looked gentle and amiable. After class, the teacher first introduced himself, and then patiently explained many methods and skills about writing compositions to us. The classroom was silent, and the teacher's language was funny and humorous. We listened with great interest. In order to make us understand, the teacher made a lot of metaphors, saying that the beginning of the article should be like the head of a phoenix, although short, very beautiful, the middle part should be as full as the belly of Pig Bajie, and the end should be like the tail of a leopard, which is very powerful and thought-provoking. I was fascinated by what I heard. After class, the teacher accompanied us to play games and tell jokes.

Today is a happy and unforgettable day.

An unforgettable day 300 words composition (2)

Today, the weather is sunny, with white clouds floating in the blue sky. I went to Xianglu Peak to climb with my parents.

Along the way, I heard birds singing and wild flowers on the roadside seemed to smile at me. I came to the foot of the mountain before I knew it. I looked up at the mountain. The mountain was so high! My father said, "Let's see who can climb the top first." As soon as my father said that, I quickly ran up the mountain. After a while, my father and mother left me far behind. Halfway up the mountain, my legs are sore and my mouth is dry. I sat on the steps and waited for my parents. Soon, they also came up. We had a rest and continued to climb. Dad constantly encouraged me and cheered me on. I got up all my strength, insisted on climbing, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

Although climbing the mountain today is very tiring, I understand that persistence is victory. Today is my most memorable day.

An unforgettable day 300 words composition (3)

Today is August 15, Grandma's peanut harvest!

At noon, after lunch with my sister, I went down to the ground with my grandmother, grandfather, father and aunt. My sister and I both know that Grandma's land is more than three mu. How can we finish such a large piece of land? My sister and I started our big action of picking flowers immediately, regardless of the situation.

My sister and I started pulling peanuts. When we pulled one, we ate one each. As soon as I opened the shell of the peanut, I saw the plump and white peanuts inside. After taking a bite, it was really delicious!

After eating the peanuts, my sister and I started our work again. We pulled up one tree after another. We were so busy that we were sweating and tired that we couldn't breathe. After a while, my mother sent water, and my sister and I ran away first

In the past, let's drink all the water we are thirsty for!

Finally, half of the peanuts were pulled up by all of us, but we had to watch the fields, because there were many people who had no land, and they would steal other people's peanuts. Finally, everyone agreed that my sister and I were watching the peanuts in the fields, and their parents were working in another field.

It used to be so hard to live in the countryside, but our life in the city is much easier and happier than that in the countryside. I must cherish the happy life now and study hard!

An unforgettable day 300 words composition (4)

"How nervous!" "Me too." Eh? Where does this sound come from? I walked over to have a look. Oh, it was Monday afternoon in PE class. Teacher Chen said, "There will be a relay race on Thursday afternoon." Alas, today is Thursday, isn't it? Unfortunately, I'm just a cheerleader.

In the afternoon, we came to the preparation office. At that time, the second grade athletes were running hard, and there was a loud cry "Come on, come on." After a while, it was our turn to the third grade. Male and female athletes went to the stadium, and I watched with other cheerleaders. Suddenly, the boys rushed forward quickly after hearing the "bang" of a gun, but after a short time, the gap widened. After a while, the boys' relay race ended. Unfortunately, our class only won the fourth place. Because some people are too slow in the ring, they can't get the first place. But it doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. I believe that girls will definitely win the first place! The race began, another shot rang out, and Hu Yunan, the first runner, was far ahead. Then, one by one, they ran forward. As expected, our class won the first place after the match results came out. On the way back to class, we kept shouting: "Yeah, we won!"

Although the boys didn't win the first place, the girls won honor for our class! I feel that this afternoon's match made me particularly unforgettable.

300 words composition on my most memorable day (2)

My Most Unforgettable Day That day was a very happy day for me because my favorite sister came back, and I immediately gave her a big hug when she just entered the house, My sister cried and said, "Sister, I miss you so much. I miss you so much. I miss the taste of your fried mushrooms. There are no more delicious mushrooms outside than your fried mushrooms. Sister, I want to eat your fried mushrooms." I immediately took the basket to the roof and picked off the mushrooms on the board. After picking, I went to the kitchen and began to work. First, I put the mushrooms in water, then put the pan on the gas stove, pour a tablespoon of oil on it, and then turn on the gas stove, let the oil boil on it. After boiling for a minute, I take the mushrooms out of the water, pour them into the pan, quickly stir fry them with a shovel, after stirring for a minute, put a small spoon of salt, pour a small spoon of water, and slowly steam them for two minutes at low heat, Then pour a spoonful of soy sauce and stir fry. They are ready to serve. I served it to my sister. She smelled it and ate it. After a while, she ate all for her sister. My sister said, "It's delicious. Is there anything else for my sister?" "No, you greedy little cat." I smiled and shook my head helplessly. Time passed quickly. My sister is going back to Guangzhou. Our two sisters kissed goodbye in tears, and I had to watch my sister leave helplessly. That day was the most unforgettable day for me. How I wish my sister could come back early to play games with me and eat mushrooms. Fourth grade: Chen Xiatong

300 words composition on my most memorable day (3)

The most unforgettable day of composition

Composition 1: Watch the bike race

Zheng Zhiduo, Class 6, Grade 5, Yongtai Experimental Primary School Instructor: Chen Meizhu

November 20, 2012 is an exciting day, because the 2012 Fuzhou Yongtai International Road Cycling Race will be held in our county.

At half past eight in the morning, my father and I came to the street and saw that both sides of the road were crowded with people to watch the game. Two yellow warning lines have also been set up on both sides of the sidewalk. Many traffic policemen and volunteers are keeping order, and no cars or people are allowed to enter the road, because cyclists from all over the world will ride through here soon.

Near eleven o'clock, there were more and more people, crowded like sardines cans. Everyone's face is full of excitement and expectation. Some people have raised their cameras to take pictures of the wonderful moments of bicycle racing. Even the birds stood quietly on the roof, ready to enjoy this wonderful scene.

Half an hour later, I heard bursts of "refueling" and cheering coming from a distance. I saw countless cyclists wearing different colors of clothing and riding bicycles from a distance. Then, the sound of cheering became louder and louder. Wave after wave, the momentum spread to the distance. The sea of people fluctuated. From time to time, some people jumped up to watch the most exciting scene. Others waved red flags in their hands to cheer for the contestants. It was really exciting!

In an instant, the cyclists were getting closer and closer to us. A colorful figure flashed past us like a gust of wind, and soon disappeared at the turning of the road. From time to time, someone in the crowd shouted, "Ah! It's too fast to see clearly!"

After a while, the colorful racers reappeared in our sight. It was the first round along the city. They catch up with each other. You catch up with me and I overtake you. Every cyclist's feet are pedaling fast, never letting himself fall behind a little.

The third lap, the fourth lap, and the fifth lap „„„ I was dazzled, and the "fast shots" were flashing in front of me from time to time „„ Finally, the seventh lap of the last lap was reached. The cyclists slowed down slightly, but they were still slightly hunched and ready for the final sprint. The racer riding in front of him proudly held his head high, even released the handle of the bike, and posed poss to the audience cheering for him, as if he felt that victory was not far away from him; The cyclists who fell behind were sweating heavily, and they seemed a little powerless, but they still pushed their pedals desperately to keep going

After the last round, the racers gradually left our sight, and they were going to the final destination - Genting, China. The crowd gradually dispersed, and I was still wondering: "When will this exciting scene meet us again under the broad blue sky?"

Teacher's comment: The little writer has a strong ability to choose words and make sentences, and can use natural and vivid metaphors and delicate descriptions to show us a wonderful game scene, giving people a sense of immersive. The characters are fresh and readable, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Composition 2: The most unforgettable day

Liang Jinqi, Class 6, Grade 5, Yongtai Experimental Primary School Instructor: Chen Meizhu

Today, the 2012 Fuzhou Yongtai International Road Cycling Race is held in our county. This is a rare event in a century! They are going to circle our city seven times!

In the morning, my sister and I started together after breakfast. It was 8 o'clock when we arrived at Taisheng Mingju. There is already a sea of people. But we seem to have arrived too early. We waited for more than two hours for the stars and the moon. Near eleven o'clock, there were more and more people, and they were crowded.

With several police cars and motorcycle guards, we finally waited for cyclists. They are very energetic and handsome in colorful uniforms, helmets and sunglasses. Everyone can't wait to set up a camera to take this exciting scene! Four or five bicycles started to take the lead. Then there was a group of cyclists riding their bikes to catch up. What a fast bike! We were dazzled by the flash of arrows. The players sweated, and we sweated too. The people's faces were filled with excitement. Even the dog was so excited that he wanted to rush out of the warning line, but he was driven back by the traffic police. Look, those children are excitedly dancing the five-star red flag, shouting, "Come on, China! Come on, China!" Cheer up one after another. Some children shouted hoarse. I also keep shouting. The cyclists seemed to hear our cheering, which was much faster.

We can't just focus on the racing drivers in front of us. When they ran without a trace, there was a racing driver behind them, just like a wild goose that fell behind. But he didn't give up, but he pedaled his bike vigorously.

Every time a bicycle sped past, several cars would follow. Many foreign friends were sitting in the car. They waved and greeted us warmly.

On the third lap, the team seemed a bit sparse. After a while, the cyclists began to catch up with each other again, and the team became a big triangle again. An interesting thing happened when the bicycle made the fifth round of Chengguan Pass. A cyclist suddenly deliberately patted another cyclist who was parallel to him, as if to say to him, "Come on, buddy! I'm going first!" Then he rushed forward.

After seven circles around Chengguan, the cyclists sprinted towards the cloud top. Thousands of eyes watched the cyclists disappear at the corner of the road. We haven't seen enough

When I came home, I was still thinking about the game over and over again. It was really a thrilling game, which gave me a feast for my eyes and endless aftertaste.

Today is really an unforgettable day!

Teacher's comments: Be able to use a combination of point and surface description to show readers a wonderful game.

300 words composition on my most memorable day (4)

The most unforgettable day Almost every day of my life is like orderly grass, ordinary and tasteless. But there is a towering tree among the grass. That was my most memorable day. When I was a child, I had a wish to travel outdoors. Whenever I watch TV, the children go on a trip happily. I envy it very much. The reason why I really want to travel in the wild is not just because I enjoy playing, but because I have been the apple of my father's eye and mother's eye since I was born. My father and mother love me very much, which makes me tired of this kind of love... Under my repeated requirements, my father and mother agree that I and my sister will go on a field trip together, and also agree that they will not follow. But you should make three rules with me. The first chapter of the covenant: Be home before 7 o'clock. Chapter II of the Constitution: Listen to Sister

The most memorable day of composition (7)

The most memorable day in the summer vacation is July 9, my birthday.

On July 9, I welcomed my 10th birthday. In order to remember this unforgettable day forever, I came to Love You Baby Studio to take a group of art photos and take a group of photos as a permanent memento.

When I entered the studio, I couldn't help being surprised. Many backgrounds came into my sight, including ancient, modern, European, royal

After selecting the clothes and working under a pair of skillful hands of the makeup artist sister, I soon dressed up beautifully. Standing in front of the camera, I felt a kind of inexplicable tension, and soon I entered the state. The photographer quickly pressed the shutter to capture the wonderful moments. The camera kept flashing, and the background changed one after another. With the change of the background, the clothes also changed one after another. I saw the makeup artist sister's comb constantly "dancing" on my head.

Soon, as the shooting drew to a close, I was also like a deflated ball. My mouth had already laughed until it froze, and even the loveliest movements were so unnatural. Finally, when the shooting was over, I seemed to be liberated all of a sudden, and the whole body had regained its vitality. I felt that I was "flying" out of the studio.

This shooting is an unforgettable experience for me. It records the moment of my tenth birthday. I will always remember this day. I thank my parents for giving me life. My mother told me that everyone's life is a book, and we are the authors of this book. It's up to us to write what kind of story. Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I have grown up another year, and I am sure I can write my beautiful life.

The most memorable day of composition (8)

In the summer vacation, the most unforgettable day for me is the day of the zither exam.

I started learning zither at the age of six and a half. Anyway, I have always learned Chinese zither well. I never thought that it would be like this when I entered the first formal exam.

A few days before the exam, my mother kept reminding me to practice more, but I thought: I have practiced these songs so well that I don't need to practice any more. So I didn't practice at all.

The day of examination finally arrived. When I first entered the examination room, I felt extremely confident.

I began to play. At first, I played beautifully, but suddenly, I forgot the words. At this time, I tried to adjust myself. On the surface, it seemed OK, and my face still showed a nervous and stiff smile. But in fact, the sweat on my head had been rising one layer after another.

It was not easy to bear the end of the exam. You can imagine the exam results.

When I learned my grades, I was really dumb and ate coptis, and I couldn't tell the truth. But who can blame this? I didn't make it myself!

With this lesson, I dare not despise the four words of "serious practice" any more!

The most memorable day of composition (9)

Speaking of an unforgettable day, my mind will always pour out many days with deep memories. Some of them bring me happiness, others bring me thinking, just like twinkling stars all over the sky, illuminating my path of growth. If you want to ask me when the most unforgettable day is, it is the day that I spent the Spring Festival at my grandma's house in Funing, Yancheng, during this winter vacation.

On the morning of the second day of the Chinese New Year, my cousin Guoguo also went from Zhangjiagang to Grandma's home for the Spring Festival amid the sound of firecrackers. We haven't seen each other for three years. We hugged each other as soon as we met.

After lunch, my mother took us to the playground. The playground is very lively and full of people. We went to play with the gas model car first. My mother drove one with Guoguo, and I drove one alone. On the court, we chased each other and pushed each other. It was fun!

After a while, we went to play "tank car" again. That is the most interesting item in the playground. Although this tank is just a small toy car, when I sit in the tank, I suddenly feel like a mighty general commanding thousands of troops. Where's the fruit? Of course, I didn't show weakness. Sitting in the tank, waving my arms and yelling, I would defeat me. So we drove our tanks to "fire" at each other and started a fierce "tank to tank war".

After the war, my mother took us to play with the drift car. However, the car seemed easy to operate, but neither Guoguo nor I could play. After a long time of tossing about, we were so tired and sweaty that our feet could not step on the pedal, so we had to give up in frustration.

After returning home, Guoguo and I felt a little tired, so we leaned on the sofa to rest while watching TV. After a while, the sky gradually darkened, and a bunch of gorgeous fireworks lit up in the night sky. With the sound of firecrackers, Guoguo and I went to a nearby restaurant for dinner with our family. In the hotel, I watched the whole family sitting together happily, and couldn't help smiling happily.

What an unforgettable day!

The most memorable day of composition (10)

This Friday is my most unforgettable day! The whole day was a black Friday with dark clouds, which made people worried!

In the afternoon of that day, it was time for our sports activities. But several of our classmates played so much that we stayed at school after school to continue our basketball game. However, just as we were playing with great enthusiasm, one of our classmates came to me and said to me; "Wu Zeyu, did you put your ball on the basketball rack on which side? Someone just took your ball away!" When I heard it, I panicked and hurried to ask him; "Who took it? Where is he?" "Here! The one who taught them to play basketball over there, he took it!" It was like a bolt from the blue. I was not in the mood to play anymore, so I hurried to ask the teacher for the ball.

I walked quickly to the teacher, who was tall and had a cigarette in his mouth. "Teacher! Have you seen my ball? It seems that it was taken away by your basketball team just now." I asked softly. "No, no, this is all the balls in the school, and it's impossible to take your ball away!" "But I heard from my classmates that you took it!" "No, no! Get out of the way, don't bother me, we have to practice ball here!" He said impatiently. Now I was unhappy and thought, "Why does he talk like that? I'd better go and ask him. He is not happy! Forget it, I'd better go to the gym to look for it!"

I ran to the gym. With the consent of the teachers, I carefully looked at the basketball in the box. Without me, I had to leave dejected. On the way home, I was listless. Everything lost its attraction to me, and everything turned gray. I reflect on myself; In fact, everything is my own fault. If I didn't put the basketball aside randomly, I wouldn't lose it.

I hope that the students will not be like me. They should put their things away and not leave them at will.

The most memorable day of composition (11)

Today is National Day, a happy day for me. You must have guessed right, didn't you? Today is the day I have been looking forward to.

More than 10 o'clock in the morning, the sky is very high, the clouds are very light, and the air is very fresh. I have stood in front of the picking garden.

The date is ripe. They face to face, face to face, three in groups, five in groups, you hug me, squeeze me, don't give in to each other. The dates here are big and red, as big as a ping-pong ball and as red as fire. There are so many dates here, almost nothing bad. Jujubes swayed one by one in the wind, looking like bells on trees from afar.

I couldn't help but pick one, wipe the dust off the surface and bite. I have a new feeling. It tastes sweet and sour How like me in life! It is good to be praised for doing good. It's unpleasant to be criticized for doing something wrong.

Not far away, my mother is digging something. One by one, the lovely peanuts look like "solid 8". Through the pale yellow shell, two babies in purple clothes are found. Then through the purple clothes, the peanuts are white and tender.

Although the water content of peanuts is less than that of red dates, they have a light fragrance and are crispy, just like walking into a fairy tale kingdom.

At noon, we talked and enjoyed delicious food together. My heart is happy and excited.

In the afternoon, Miss Li took us to play two games. One of them is "holding a balloon". I gave it a new name, "Hand in Hand". The rule is that two people go to the finish line with balloons back to back. If the balloon falls, start from scratch. I worked with my good friend Dongfang Fei. We hand in hand, back to back forward "1212". Later, we tried to walk and jump, and the speed doubled. But because the other members of the group did not cooperate well, our group came second to last. However, Miss Li saw my cooperation with Dongfang Fei. She said we were excellent and gave us a "Best Performance Award"!

I'm really happy today! This will be the most unforgettable day of my childhood!

The most memorable day of composition (12)

In a twinkling of an eye, it is time to say goodbye to our carefree primary school life. Looking back, from the beginning of my babbling into the door of primary school to the present, sensible and mature, all this can not be separated from the teachers who have always cared about us silently, because of their hard teaching and tireless explanation. Will have our current achievements.

In a twinkling of an eye, the time in primary school was like an arrow leaving the string. One day, I recalled that the teacher told us that I would come to school early today, so I got up early and started from home to school after washing up. On the way, I often thought that those who had dreamed before graduation would like to graduate as soon as possible. What about now? I think you should slow down. Therefore, I don't know whether to be happy or sad on this day. I soon arrived at school and walked into the class. I saw all my classmates sitting quietly in their seats waiting for the teacher to come. Suddenly, I wondered whether the sun came out from the west. Today is so lovely. It's not usually like this. It took me a while to know, Today is the last day for them to stay in their own classroom. After this day, they will leave this beautiful campus and their teachers who work hard to teach them After a while, the teacher came and told us that your scores were good

Then he said, "When you get to junior high school, you should study hard to win honor for us.", There is no me today, but my English teacher has been transferred, left me, left everyone. I don't know when my tears will flow down silently. Now I want to say how much, please slow down. Let me finally have a look at this beautiful campus and our teachers. Finally, the teacher took my hand and sent us out of the school. He told us that we should study hard. Now everyone is trying not to cry because we want to leave the best side for the teacher.

Then we said goodbye to the school that has taught us for six years, and the teacher who taught us hard. I'll never forget today.

The most memorable day of composition (13)

That day, Thursday, was also the most unforgettable day for me. That day, it was late at night. It was dark outside the window, and I could not see my fingers. It was frightening. Fear rose from the bottom of my heart. It was foggy outside the window, and it was drizzling. This terrible scene seemed to indicate something happened. That day was a joyous day, when everyone got together and had a happy New Year. But I will leave Nanjing and board the train to Dalian. When I was about to board the train, my father held my hand tightly and said, "Son, you must listen to your mother's words in my hometown, study hard, exercise well and protect yourself!" After that, my father sent me to the train. Looking at my father, I was so excited that my eyes filled with tears.

When I got on the train and found my seat, I suddenly saw my father waving goodbye to me outside the window. I waved to my father with tears in my eyes, thinking that this was a special farewell to my father. It would be two years before I wanted to see him again. I could not help but shed tears. When I looked back at my father, the train had already started. I looked out of the window with tears in my eyes and stared in a daze... that day, Because of the transfer, my father and I were separated. I went back to my hometown Dalian, but my father still stayed in the far south. I can't bear it! My father, who raised me through hardships, is a beautiful and rich Nanjing. That was the place where I grew up for 11 years. When I was one and a half years old, I left my hometown Dalian and went to Nanjing with my father who was transferred from work. Over the past 11 years, I have become accustomed to the local customs and customs of Nanjing, the magnificent spirit of the Ming Xiaoling Tomb in Nanjing, and the elegance and tenderness of the Jiangnan water town. I fell in love with it deeply. When I wanted to leave, I was reluctant to part with it and tears streamed down my face. In a twinkling of an eye, a lightning flashed across the sky, splitting my heart.

Goodbye! Father! Goodbye! Nanjing! That day was the most unforgettable day in my life.

The most memorable day of composition (14)

One Saturday in the summer vacation, my little sister asked us to eat in Yintai. I was delighted to tell my father the good news, and he immediately agreed.

We arrived at Yintai first, and soon the younger sister and others arrived. Since both restaurants can't eat until eight o'clock, we decided to go to the West Lake for dinner. After a while, we arrived at the restaurant.

After a while, our food will be served! What a wonderful dinner today! Steak, fried rice, spaghetti... the steak is brownish red, with fried croissants and pumpkins beside it; Fried rice contains yellow corn kernels, green mung beans, red diced meat... colorful; White noodles, red tomatoes and small diced meat make a delicious Italian noodle.

After dinner, we went for a walk along the West Lake. The mirror like lake reflected our reflection; In the distance, a shiny big ship came to us; The shining lotus lamps on the lake were blown by a gust of wind, as if they had become lotus fairies dancing on the lake. Dad picked two long willow threads from the willow tree, made them into rings, and put them on my little sister and me. In a twinkling of an eye, we became willow fairies!

Today is the most unforgettable day in my summer vacation, because today I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the West Lake at night, had a delicious dinner, and became a willow fairy. Isn't it unforgettable enough?

The most memorable day of composition (15)

The Most Unforgettable Day 700 Words Composition Material I for Junior Middle School

Today, the sun is shining brightly and the wind is sunny. Although the pace of winter has not gone far, the weather has become very warm. After breakfast, my uncle said to me, "Wang Yue, the weather is so warm, let's go to the Yi River to play, OK?" I happily agreed.

We rode our bikes and came to the Yi River before we knew it. The water level Yi River is like a little girl, lying quietly between Hedong District and Lanshan District. The weeping willows on the bank are shyly spitting out clusters of yellow buds, making Yi River more beautiful. Occasionally, on the calm water surface, a few small fish poke their heads out and blow bubbles; Or a few water birds screeching across the water, adding infinite vitality to the Yi River.

By the Yi River, my favorite thing is to play with fitness equipment. Fitness equipment has been set up in many places along the Yihe River. They have different shapes and functions. They can not only be used for fitness, but also are extremely beautiful, dazzling. They are: sit ups, uneven bars, steering wheel... The most unforgettable thing for me is to walk on the chain. When I first walked, my hands shook, my feet shook, and I was so scared that I fell off the chain only halfway. Just when I was discouraged, my uncle said to me, "Failure is the mother of success. As long as you are not afraid of difficulties and have confidence, you will succeed. Yes, we can't succeed easily in anything we do. No matter what problems we encounter, we should not fail easily.

Unconsciously, it was late. It was time to go home. I had to say goodbye to Yihe reluctantly, and walked home with the darkness. Today is the most unforgettable and happy day for me to play by the Yi River. It is today that makes me understand a truth and accompany me to grow and progress

The Most Unforgettable Day 700 Words Junior High School Composition Material 2

Ah! Help! " I was surprised by the snake in the adventure. It was a fake. We are having a spring outing in the "Happy City" of Peace Park!

"Dismiss" the guide brother gave an order, and I quickly called several good friends to run to the amphibious museum. We not only bought tickets, but also bought some food for small animals. There are many parrots in it; Some of them have a red spot on their mouth, and some of them have a circle of black stripes extending outward beside their eyes, which makes our hearts itch. I really miss this lovely parrot! Welcome? Who is talking? Oh, it's a myna with black and shiny body. And the little monkeys in the iron cage, they put out their hands to eat from time to time, their hands really like human hands! "White peacock" I shouted. What a beautiful white peacock. The phoenix crown on its head shakes. Its feathers are long and flawless. A naturally deformed three legged goose, a baby baby fish, a turtle with three heads and six arms, a big mouse that can eat cats, a beautiful snake with patterns on its body, a rare white snake... All these things make us curious. I took a piece of vegetable leaf from the food I bought and gave it to the parrot, but it gave it a bite and stopped eating. I was so angry that I picked up the vegetable leaf and gave it to the parrot. It ate so much at once, and then it stretched out a paw to grab the leaf and devoured it. I went to the cage where the monkeys were locked. The two monkeys scrambled to put their paws out of the gap between the barbed wire, and their eyes were shining with anticipation. One monkey deliberately pushed the other monkey down. It's really "people die for money, and birds die for people." I decided not to give it food, and waited for another monkey to climb up and reach out his hand, so I handed it a small piece of vegetable leaf. It seems that it hasn't eaten for several days, and hurriedly stuffed it into its mouth for fear of being robbed by that companion. I went to the glass window that closed the three legged goose. There was a window open on it. I picked up a corn and threw it down according to its eyes, and it did eat it. Assembled, I reluctantly left the amphibious museum.

In the afternoon, we went to the 2050 Life Museum. The high-tech things in it really filled my eyes. This spring outing is the most meaningful spring outing I have ever spent!

The Most Unforgettable Day 700 Words Junior High School Composition Material 3

Today is my last composition lesson in this tutorial. It was my mother who came to pick me up. Unfortunately, my mother couldn't pick me up when she was going to a meeting, so she entrusted my aunt and sister to pick me up. In the elevator, my aunt asked me: "Every day, do you want to study in junior high school?"? I said, "I think I want to go to Linhai Huipu Middle School. I heard that Huipu teachers educate students at all levels in a targeted way and will not leave anyone behind, really. But I wonder if I can get into the good school in my heart." My aunt said. I said: I think so. I have confidence in myself. In this way, while talking, the elevator unconsciously went to the bottom floor.

For Chinese food, we will eat KFC. Once we entered the door, our soldiers were divided into two routes. My sister and I queued up to buy and my aunt looked for seats. This would improve efficiency and save time. I bought KFC and found a seat. While I was enjoying the delicious KFC. Suddenly, my sister asked me: "Every day, how many points did you get in this final exam?" I said with embarrassment: "95 points for Chinese and math, 100 points for science, and only 78 points for English." Hearing what I said, my aunt and sister were so surprised that their eyes were about to drop, and said with one voice: "How bad is your English exam!" I whispered: "Who told me I hate English so much?" My sister said to me seriously: "Even if you hate English, you still need to learn it well. I tell you, if there is a school that only enrolls 15 students, then there is only the last place left, but there are two students who share equally. As it happens, the school's solution depends on which student's English score is high, which student will be admitted. Even if not, you are also scored by English, and the average score is not good. I am the best example. I was overtaken by others because I could not learn math well and was pulled to the average. So you must learn English well. Every day, in fact, learning English is not difficult. As long as you read more and record more scores, you can make progress. " As soon as my sister stopped, my aunt began to say, "Yes, you see how good your mother is to you, creating such good conditions, and picking up and seeing you off every day. That's like my sister, who used to ride a bike or take a bus to and fro by herself. Now you still have a chance to improve your English scores. Come on!" After listening to my aunt and sister's words, I suddenly understood. In fact, I also know that the reason why I can't learn English well is that I don't want to read more and remember more. I'm too lazy. In the future, I don't want to be a little lazy again. I will work hard to live up to everyone's expectations.

The words of my aunt and sister always echo in my ears, which makes me unforgettable and benefits me a lot!

The most memorable day of composition (16)

On that day, all the students in Grade Two of our junior high school organized social practice activities in Nanhai Middle School Technical School. One of the most unforgettable is the three prevention drill.

The so-called "three defenses" refers to the protection of biological weapons, nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. This is actually an excellent opportunity to cultivate our ability to escape and strengthen our awareness of security.

When we arrived at the training site, the instructor gave each of us a set of military camouflage uniforms. Everyone was dumbfounded: these are long sleeved trousers! And put it on our school uniforms! Looking up at the hot sun, I could not feel the wind. It seems that the hotter and hotter sunshine is urging us to hurry up! Hurry up and put on your clothes! So, we sat on the ground with two clothes on, listening to the instructor's "prologue" as clumsily as polar bears. In less than 10 minutes, everyone had already sweated into a river. Large drops of sweat on my forehead flowed astringently, and countless traces of different depths and twists were printed on my face and back, which quickly covered my whole body like worms... especially I wore a pair of thick pants! I can't stand the heat!

After that, we trained to wear gas masks, which were very funny: dusty rubber, ugly two protruding cylinders -- air holes and air inlets, which were installed at the mouth like a pig's nose; There are also two lenses that are like "eight" shaped ellipses on the rubber, which also emits a pungent smell of alcohol... When 47 people in the class try to put their heads into the tight rubber band of the mask at the command of the instructor, close their eyes, hold their breath, and their faces turn red, Miss Suo, standing by the side, took this interesting picture in time - we couldn't tell the male from the female, let alone who was who, wearing masks, we only saw one by one earth colored masks exposed outside... The whole class laughed when we saw them - at that time, the instructor said that we should roar to "breathe" when we were ready to take off the mask, Then a rather spectacular scene appeared - dozens of dull "roars" came out of the mask - look at our silly!

Then there was more "horror" - we were already wearing two clothes, and at this time we had to wear a "heavyweight" task - anti-virus clothing! The gas suit is thick and large. The key is that the instructor said that he should wear a hat thicker than cotton, tighten the cuffs, neckline, and trouser legs, and pull the zipper to the neck! In the midst of complaints, we had to put on bulletproof clothes, just like putting on cotton padded jacket on a hot day. We looked at each other and wiped the sweat from the faucet on our heads, and the endless sweat was like glue tightly sticking our bodies and clothes together. We were really more polar than polar bears, and we could not peel off thick skin on the oven!

Finally, he took off his clothes in the sound of the instructor's whistle, and before he could cool down (although he still wore two clothes), he was ordered by the instructor to fold the anti-virus clothes, which could not be folded like a leather ball - this is difficult for us students who don't usually do housework! We stuffed the sleeves and trouser legs randomly, but no matter how hard we pressed, we could not hide the bulging "ball". We were amazed to see the instructor folded neatly, and one corner was as flat as an iron. It turns out that the three prevention drill also needs to practice personal self-care ability!

Then came the air defense drill. The instructor took us to a grassland with many simulated landmarks, such as low walls, earth pits, tree stumps, etc., and told us how to use obstacles to avoid and protect in the gaps. However, when I jumped into the pit, because I was too tall and the pit was short, I had to bury my body forcefully to cover myself. We had a series of drills, and soon we were tired and gasping. I can't help admiring these instructors and soldiers when I think they have to go through such high-energy training to develop a well-trained and fast moving PLA.

Soon, we will be finished. We were so excited that we wanted to take off our clothes soaked like water at once. At this time, how dazzling the white of the school uniform is! How beautiful! We threw our clothes up forcefully and cheered, but couldn't help showing some reluctance - what an unforgettable experience!

The three prevention drills not only let us experience the hardships of soldiers, but also the happiness in training; Not only let us know more about prevention, but also let us try the correct preventive measures and methods. I think that with the three prevention drill on September 27, even if we encounter any danger in the future, we can deal with it more calmly.

This day is really unforgettable!

The most memorable day of composition (17)

During the winter vacation, my parents took me to live in the countryside for a few days. What I recall most is the wild blowing activity led by my father.

First of all, I didn't know what was going on with Yexuan. I was led by a group of brothers and sisters to sign up enthusiastically. There are only 12 children and parents in total, and you can also contribute. Our small team will start with the full preparation of my father. My father only arranged for me to take a machete, which is a tool used to cut firewood in the countryside. Of course, the elder brothers and sisters were not idle, and some took hoes; Some hold bowls and chopsticks; Some took pots and spoons; Others carry water, which makes Dad even harder. He carries rice and all kinds of washed dishes with a pole. It seems that I understand that we will cook food on the mountain later.

We walked to the mountain forest, and it was really refreshing all the way. Our parents took us out of the cage like birds, and we were very happy and interested in everything. At this time, my strength is so strong that I can surpass my older brothers and sisters one by one when holding things.

Into the forest, surrounded by green mountains and clear water, the air is floating with the smell of soil. After walking a section of the mountain road, on a lawn at the foot of the middle of the two mountains, Dad asked us to put down our things. He picked up the hoe and began to dig holes. Several younger brothers and sisters and I chased each other on the lawn and ran freely and freely.

In less than an hour, we ate delicious food that we had never eaten before. It was a very happy day, and it really made me unforgettable.

For primary school students, winter vacation should be happy and full. I hope that the composition we provided for the most unforgettable day of the winter vacation can help you make a good study plan for the winter vacation and efficiently complete the winter vacation homework!

The most memorable day of composition (18)

I started learning zither at the age of six and a half. Anyway, I have always learned Chinese zither well. I never thought that it would be like this when I entered the first formal exam.

A few days before the exam, my mother kept reminding me to practice more, but I thought: I have practiced these songs so well that I don't need to practice any more. So I didn't practice at all.

The day of examination finally arrived. When I first entered the examination room, I felt extremely confident.

I began to play. At first, I played beautifully, but suddenly, I forgot the words. At this time, I tried to adjust myself. On the surface, it seemed OK, and my face still showed a nervous and stiff smile. But in fact, the sweat on my head had been rising one layer after another.

It was not easy to bear the end of the exam. You can imagine the exam results.

When I learned my grades, I was really dumb and ate coptis, and I couldn't tell the truth. But who can blame this? I didn't make it myself!

With this lesson, I dare not despise the four words of "serious practice" any more!

The most memorable day of composition (19)

Then, my brother and I went to the fields to catch loaches. We caught 15 loaches. We went back to Grandma's house and poured the loaches into the bucket. Ducklings and white geese compete with each other and eat like wolves.

This is my most unforgettable day in the summer vacation.

Today, I was very nervous when I handed out rolls of paper. Because I'm afraid I can't take the Double 100 exam. At this time, Li Yuxin in front of me encouraged me and said, "I believe you can get a hundred points in math!" "Hmm!" I said.

The roll of paper was handed out, and I hurried to see how many points I had scored. At first sight, I got 100 points. My mood suddenly calmed down. I'm looking forward to getting 100 points in Chinese. When Chinese is issued, it is also 100 points. I couldn't close my mouth with joy. I thought: I passed the Double 100 exam, my parents will be very happy!

When you get home, tell your parents the good news. Mom and Dad listened and said, "To reward you, I will buy you a pair of boots." I said happily, "OK."

It's really an unforgettable day.

Today is October 1st, the National Day, and the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

On this holy day, our small reporter group held a joyful activity - Teenager Trade Fair at the front square of the Youth Activity Center. Let's be a small stall owner and exchange our favorite toys and books with other children. I also brought my favorite toy to the market with great interest.

Wow! There are so many people in the market! I found a space in the small reporter's stall and put toys on it. In this way, I became a real small stall owner. When I made the first deal, I was so happy that I danced. I also used the money I earned to buy a book and my favorite toy. I also performed wonderful programs with my excellent brothers and sisters. In particular, the leaders and teachers were deeply impressed by the three and a half sentences performed by the four of us.

Today's scene is like eating some delicious food. Although it has been eaten, it has a long aftertaste.

Last weekend was the most unforgettable day for me. I celebrated my birthday for my neighbor, Shuning.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, several children and I arrived at Shuning's home early. Shuning has been waiting for us for a long time. Shuning's mother bought a big cake for her. There was a lovely rabbit on the cake. We several children shouted excitedly, some wanted to eat rabbits, and some wanted to eat flowers. Auntie reminded us that we could eat cake only after singing birthday songs. We quickly sang birthday songs and sent small gifts made by ourselves, including a thousand paper cranes, a paper folded pig, and a small cloth doll. Shuning was very happy. My aunt cut cakes for us to eat. I accidentally smeared cream all over my face, like a greedy kitten, which amused my aunt and children.

After eating the cake, I played games with the children. One of the children was holding a piece of blue, and the other was throwing chess pieces into the basket. The children could not cast any chess pieces. How accurate I was.

We are very happy. This is my most unforgettable day!

After listening to the speeches of our uncles and aunts, the music began to give awards. I was very excited. My mother and I stood on the podium hand in hand. An aunt sent me a "scholarly family" award. I said quickly, "Thank you!" My aunt smiled at me, and I was also very happy. The uncles and aunts under the stage kept taking pictures of us, and some of them gave me thumbs up to praise me!

In the evening, I asked my mother why my brother won more awards than me, but I only had one? Mother said, "That's because my brother read a lot and wrote many blogs."

In the future, I will read more books and write more blogs to win more awards. I will always remember this day.