Third grade composition doing housework (collection of 20 articles)
Peach Blossoms Still Smile in Spring
2024-06-14 01:38:45
Grade 3

Third grade composition doing housework (1)

Today, I finished my homework and had nothing to do. I thought: Mom is tired enough to do housework when she comes back from work. Otherwise, I would help her clean the kitchen! I went into the kitchen and it was a bit messy. I followed my mother's example and washed the pot first. The big spoon was too heavy and I almost fell down when I took it.

It took half an hour to clean the pot. Next, I wash the dishes. I saw that there were many dirty bowls, and there was still a lot of oil sipping on the bowls. Alas, I washed them again and again, and I didn't stop until they were clean. By this time, I was tired and out of breath, but the ground had not yet been dragged. I got up my spirit and wiped the ground. At first, it was still in good condition. Why is there any dirt again? I've been dragging and dragging, dragging and dragging, but I haven't dragged it down yet. I thought that when my mother couldn't take it off, she used a knife. therefore. I'm looking for a knife.

It was picked up on the ground and soon became clean. Then my mother came back. Looking at the floor I cleaned, the dishes I washed, and the pots I washed, I smiled happily. My mother said, "My child has grown up and can help my mother do housework!" I smiled happily, yes! My mother has paid too much for me. I should help my mother to show my heart.

Third grade composition doing housework (2)

From childhood to adulthood, it's all father and mother who do housework, sometimes rush to do it. I wonder if housework is really so fun? I think I must sweep the floor with my mother today.

I picked up the broom to sweep my room first. When I saw a lot of dust under my desk, I followed my method and soon swept out a pile of garbage, then I thought; How can I sweep the roundabout corners at the door? Yes, I can sweep if I put the broom upright. After a while, I cleaned my mother's room again. This time, I started from my mother's makeup table, bed bottom, etc. It took me a lot of effort to clean the house, only to find that drops of sesame sized sweat fell from my face, and I didn't care to wipe it off.

I think: cleaning is not easy!

Third grade composition doing housework (3)

Today, when I finished my homework, my mother said, "Take a break and mop the floor!". An idea flashed in my mind: My mother works hard every day. How tired she is! Let me help her! "My mother, I'll help you. You sweep the floor and I mop the floor. How about that?" "Good!" My mother happily agreed.

I took the rake in my hand and waved it back and forth, dragging every corner of the house clean. Under the table, under the bed, three bedrooms, and a living room are all so clean!

My mother saw it and praised me as her good helper. Although I was already tired and sweating heavily, after listening to my mother's praise, I felt as sweet as honey!

Third grade composition doing housework (4)

This evening, I finished my homework, finished my dinner, sat in front of the TV and watched TV while my mother was still washing dishes by the pool. I thought: "I have to help my mother with the housework.". (Fake Yi Tui Dan Hou Shu Mom, let me do the dishes today! (At the end of the day, he went back to the room to rest. I picked up a bowl and poured some water and detergent, picked up a rag and wiped it. I washed the dishes first, then wiped the outside, and finally wiped the bottom. Suddenly, there was a big oil stain in a bowl. I wiped it with a rag for a long time, but I didn't eliminate it. The big oil stain was like a cat with a painted face, blowing my beard and staring at me. I said to the big oil stain, "Xie trance, Lu Mei Guo will let you disappear immediately.".

The big oil spot disappears with a gentle wipe. While I was scrubbing, I remembered an advertisement: "registered lapels, lips, and singing detergent.". (The test liquid came to the plate in my hand, and the bowl sang a beautiful song.). I heard the sound of thumping, like an oath taker beating a big drum: I heard the sound of tinkling, like a child playing on a tripod; I also heard the sound of beeping, like someone blowing a small horn. I can't help singing my best?

Third grade composition doing housework (5)

Today, there were guests at home. Mother cooked a lot of delicious dishes, and everyone ate with relish. Soon the food on the table was swept away, and the table was in a mess, leaving only bare empty plates and greasy dishes. I thought to myself: Mom cooks so hard, let me do the dishes!

I washed the oil with clean water when I received the dishes and pans at the side of the pool. First, I applied detergent and scrubbed them several times. Then I turned on the tap and washed them with clean water. Soon, the dishes and chopsticks were completely new. I thought to myself: it's not hard to wash things! Washing dishes is also washing, and washing pots is also washing, isn't it one big and one small? Hey, hey, look at me! So, with this idea in mind, I took it for granted to fill a pot of water, grab the edge of the pot, and prepare to wipe it. However, the pot full of water became extremely heavy, and its weight doubled several times. I quickly thought about it in my mind. "Ah!" I don't know when my hands were stained with something black. I quickly washed my hands and wiped the pan with a dishcloth. I was busy for a long time, but I didn't see any results.

"Oh, how troublesome!" I was about to ask my mother for help when something came into my sight, "the cleaning ball". I squeezed a few drops of detergent on the pot and wiped it with great effort. After one, two times, the pot became bright. I continued to squeeze detergent on the outer ring of the pot. The outside of the pot was not as easy to clean as the inside. I increased my strength and wiped hard to remove all the dirt on it. In order to check whether it is really clean, I specially washed the foam off the cleaning ball and wiped it again. At last, the pot finally became shiny after I spent a lot of effort.

After this housework, I realized my mother's hard work, and I should do more housework in the future.

Third grade composition doing housework (6)

I remember one time, my sister and aunt came to my house for dinner. After dinner, my mother wanted to send my sister and aunt home and asked me to stay at home alone. I was very excited! Because I have long wanted to help my mother wash the dishes.

After my mother left, I began to show my skills. First, I put the dishes into the kitchen, turned on the tap, washed each bowl for two or three times to finish. Afraid of being dirty, I carefully picked up a cloth and wiped the bowl for two or three times. My hands were oily. I thought I'd better wait for my mother to come back to wash them. But on second thought, I didn't insist on doing housework for once, which was too wrong, Just then my mother came back. She walked into the kitchen and saw me washing dishes. She smiled and said, "We will take the initiative to do housework every morning, which is worth praising." After listening to my mother's words, my heart was sweeter than eating sugar. Then my mother picked up the bowl and checked it for me. She found that there were grains of rice on the outside of the bowl, which was still greasy. It seemed that I was careless and didn't clean the bowl. I have to learn from my mother.

Although I didn't do a good job today, I still got some gains. As my mother said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning! As long as I persist, I can win." In addition, I also learned that no matter what I do, I should take it seriously and carefully.

Third grade composition doing housework (7)

My mother said that housework is everyone's responsibility, and it is not allowed to entrust all housework to one person. There is a saying that housework is shared by me. A happy family needs all family members to work together to create, and family members to share housework and work together will help create a good family atmosphere. I used to help my mother wash dishes, mop the floor and wash clothes. Today, I will help my mother wash towels.

First, take out the dirty towel, put it in the washing basin, and then add a little detergent to it. Wait for it to soak for a while, then reach out, hold the towel, and take a picture on the balcony. If you find a dirty place, dip it in a little water, and then pick it up and rub it. If it is not clean, continue to rub it. You can take a soap, Put a little on it, and then rub it, it will become very clean.

Take it out again. If you see foam on his face, put a basin of water in it again and rinse it to make it clean without foam. It takes up to three washes before it becomes clean. Then our towels will be washed.

In the future, I will help my mother do more housework instead of pushing all housework to my mother.

Third grade composition doing housework (8)

I am 8 years old this year, but I have never done any housework. I feel ashamed, so today I decided to help my mother with housework. After breakfast, I went to help my mother wash the dishes. But as soon as I picked up the cloth, my mother stopped me. Mother said, "Don't wash it. What if you break the bowl?

Go and learn. " So I put down the rag, but did not study. I picked up the mop to mop the floor again, but my father stopped me and said, "You are not as tall as the mop. How can you mop it? Go out and play." Suddenly, my mother said that she would be late for work, so she picked up a small bag and went to the car. Dad was going to be late, so he drove out. I can finally do housework! I quickly picked up the dishcloth to clean the dishes.

After wiping, he picked up a mop to mop the floor. After a while, the house had been cleaned. Although it was not clean, I was still very happy. When my parents came back from work, they asked me, "Did you clean this?" I nodded, and they both happily picked me up and said, "My son has really grown up.". I experienced the happiness of doing housework for the first time!

Third grade composition doing housework (9)

Today is Saturday. My parents are not at home. I am determined to seize this opportunity to exercise myself.

I think the house is in a mess, and my parents are very busy. I think my mother and father will praise me if they see me cleaning the house so clean. So I ran quickly to get the mop. First, I went to sweep the living room. I carefully swept the floor. It was my turn to sweep under the sofa. I said to myself, "It's hard to sweep below. Do you want to sweep on the ground? This is the only way. I had no choice but to shake my head, lie on the ground, put the broom under the sofa, and sweep it out bit by bit. Finally, I finished sweeping. I proudly praised my cleverness.

Then, I went to my parents' bedroom to fold clothes. There were clothes everywhere, so I could only fold them one by one. I stack conscientiously and attentively, as if I'm overlapping It is pressed layer by layer. Looking at the place I cleaned, so clean and tidy, I smiled with satisfaction.

When my parents came back, they saw that there was no dust or dirt in the house. They looked at me in surprise, then picked me up, smiled and said to me, "Daughter, you are grown up! You can do housework!" I heard that, and my heart was happy.

Third grade composition doing housework (10)

Every day I see my parents working hard, cooking, washing clothes, sweeping the floor I have to be busy going to work. My parents are so hard, I want to share some housework for them. However, I am not good at housework, so I began to think about it.

On Thursday afternoon, I was recalling how my mother usually does housework. Suddenly, there was a loud thunder outside and dark clouds were gathering. It seemed that there was going to be a rainstorm. No, I suddenly remembered that the clothes my mother had dried in the morning were still confiscated. I hurried to the balcony to collect the clothes. Fortunately, the clothes were not wet because they were collected in time.

After collecting the clothes, I went to the room and folded the dry clothes one by one. Although they were not neatly folded, I was still sweet in my heart, because I could finally help my mother do a housework.

When my mother came home, she smiled happily when she saw the clothes folded in the cupboard, and praised me, saying: "My daughter is really capable and can help me with housework." Hearing my mother's praise, I was happy!

Third grade composition doing housework (11)

On Sunday, the weather was sunny, and it was rare for my mother to rest at home. But my mother didn't stop for a moment. She cleaned the house, cleaned, cooked... After all this, my mother was exhausted. Looking at my tired mother, I thought to myself: What should I do for my mother. Looking at the dishes on the table, I suddenly had a good idea: "Yes, let me help my mother wash the dishes!"

Do what you say. First I put all the dirty dishes into the sink in the kitchen, and then I picked up some hot water in the sink. I rolled up my sleeves, squeezed a little detergent on the dishcloth, and carefully washed the dishes. After a while, many bubble fairies appeared, as if praising me: "You are really capable of helping mother wash the dishes!" So I washed the first bowl and washed it with water two or three times. The dirty bowl became bright and blinked, as if to say, "Thank you, little master." In the same way, I washed the other bowls.

I excitedly asked my mother to come for inspection. After the inspection, my mother smiled and said, "How wonderful!" Looking at these clean dishes, I rubbed my sore back and thought: it seems that simple washing dishes is so hard! In the future, I will do more to help my mother.

Third grade composition doing housework (12)

Today, I finished my homework and looked around the room. At this moment, I saw the bowls that were not washed, the floors that were not swept, and the rooms that were not cleaned.

The chaos is not like home. Mom and Dad are busy with their work and taking care of us. They are too busy to clean the room. So I decided to do a big cleaning. I went into the kitchen first, picked up the detergent and squeezed it into the sponge, and then began to wash the dishes formally. I hold the bowl in my left hand and the sponge in my right hand. I move the sponge toward the center of the bowl, and then I hold the bowl in my left hand for 360 degrees, and the sponge rotates 360 degrees with it. I kept repeating this action, and after a period of time, I finally finished washing. These dishes are all shiny! Can you shine my shadow!

Then, I began to sweep the floor. I picked up the broom and cleaned every corner of the room, so that the room was much cleaner than before. Looking at the clean and bright home, I really have a sense of achievement. My parents came home from work and praised me all the time as a little expert in housework!

Housework can not only reduce the burden on my parents, but also exercise my ability to live. It really kills two birds with one stone.

Third grade composition doing housework (13)

Mother said that she would do a thorough cleaning this morning. My mother asked me to wash clothes. I said that I didn't want to wash at all. My mother said that I had to wash dishes.

I can't use the washing machine because there aren't many clothes. I had to use a basin to wash. First, I filled a basin of water, then put the clothes into the basin, then poured in the laundry detergent, and then rubbed hard. After a long time, it was finally washed. But I was too tired to walk. But I still have to suck the ground. When I mop the ground, I take out the vacuum cleaner first. After I press the switch, I start to suck the ground. The vacuum cleaner is too noisy, just like the sound of a lawn mower, buzzing. I smoked everywhere in the house. After sucking the floor, I also need to mop the floor. First wet the mop with water, then I can mop the floor. When I get to the corner, it is difficult to mop. I'm almost exhausted after dragging the floor.

After the cleaning, I think my mother is really too hard. I have to do so much work every day in addition to work. I will help my mother do more housework in the future!

Third grade composition doing housework (14)

Today, my grandma fell asleep. I had nothing to do and began to do housework.

I watched TV while doing all the housework. I picked up the dishcloth and began to clean the table. I took the things on the table first, washed the dishcloth, wrung it dry, and began to clean the table. I set the table, then wiped it back and forth, and finally wiped all the oil and dirt off the table, and then put the things on the table. Then I put the sofa in order, put the cushion away, put the doll away, and put all the toys on the sofa in my toy box. Then I put my study desk in order and put everything on it. Then I wiped the TV and put the table under the TV in order. Later, I swept the house with my broom, and every corner was very clean. Then I picked up the mop and dragged the house again. Later, I went to see some meetings.

When my grandma woke up and saw that the house was clean, she bought me delicious food and praised me.

Third grade composition doing housework (15)

One day in the summer vacation, I had nothing to do but do housework. I picked up the cleaning tools - work started.

I raised the mop. The mop doesn't look heavy, but the truth is not. I tried to drag the mop around. It seems that the mop is stuck in one place and doesn't want to move. In a short time, I felt sore in my back, and my movements were very awkward. Sometimes the mop ran forward, sometimes it fell down, and sometimes I stepped on a few black footprints in the place where I had been dragged, so I dragged the floor over and over again, and then stepped on a few footprints

It was not easy to clean up the floor and start cleaning the handrail of the stairs again. It seems very simple, but actually it is not easy. The handrail in the basement is the dirtiest. It was covered with dust, and there were mice crawling around in the basement. From time to time, I took a dip in the bucket and continued to wipe. I just climbed up one level at a time, shaking my hand from time to time. When I reached the top, I started to climb down again and wipe the handrail on the other side.

I have to wash the dishes again. My mother taught me to wash them hand in hand. When washing chopsticks, you should put them under the tap for a shower. The bowls are more complicated, and their special "bath gel" should be used. Wipe the inside and outside with a cloth. Then rinse with water. Although this is relatively simple, such a large stack of dishes and chopsticks is enough for me.

Alas, housework is really difficult. I want to "clean" my refrigerator next time, and I will finish all the food in the refrigerator! This time when I was doing housework, I finally realized the hardships of adults in running a family, and the difficulties of adults.

Third grade composition doing housework (16)

This week's activity is to make your own quilt.

When I got home, I thought it was very simple. I didn't know how to stack in disorder, but I didn't know how to do it. When I got angry, I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, I can't stack, teach me quickly!" This is called asking questions! My mother said patiently, "OK, I'll teach you!" My mother resolutely agreed. My mother said, "First spread the quilt, then close the left and right sides together, then close the upper and lower sides to the middle, and then fold them in half." I did as my mother said. I tried my best to spread the quilt out, and then fold the quilt in half as my mother said... Finally it was folded, and I quickly called my mother to see my "achievements". When my mother saw it, she made me laugh. I was so angry that I made a contrast with my mother. It was really the difference between heaven and earth! If I could not fold the quilt properly, I used superstitious methods and shouted, "Heaven, earth, ghosts and ghosts, please help me fold the quilt."? I used another method. I learned the folding method of the comic "Acai". I took a carton, put the quilt in it, and stomped on it. However, the quilt was still placed in the carton in a mess, which was really "no response every day, no response to the ground". In the end, only the "Mother" can guide you hand by hand!

Making quilts seems simple, but it is difficult to do housework. It triggered a funny story. I will do more housework for my mother in the future. Alas, today's quilt has not been folded yet! Flash!

Third grade composition doing housework (17)

Today, my mother and I are going to clean up at home. I like doing housework with my mother best.

Mother said, "Bingbing takes out all your dirty clothes and asks her to wash them for you." I gave my mother a lot of clothes. I said, "Mom, this is my dirty clothes, but there are many!"

My mother washed clothes first and I swept the floor first. After I finished sweeping the floor, I would wash the dishes, tidy the clothes and mop the floor. I asked my mother: "Mom, why do I do so much work while you only do the task of washing clothes.

It's not easy to pick up things at home, because our house is a building. I clean the glass, clean the table, sweep the floor and mop the floor at home... I'm almost exhausted!

Although it is very tiring to do housework with my mother, I feel very happy because it makes everyone feel good to tidy up the house.

I like cleaning very much. I want to do it every day. I must be a hardworking and hardworking child!

I like doing housework. Find a good job in the future.

Third grade composition doing housework (18)

There were guests at home this evening, and I had an idea: should I clean the house? But Mom and Dad have to go to work. What should we do? Yes! Cleaning by myself is just a surprise for Mom and Dad. Just like my mother, I made a pot of hot water, rolled up my sleeves, took a deep breath and began cleaning.

I took two rags and put them in the water to wet them and wipe the table. Since I started from left to right, it was finished in a short time. Then he brought a chair and stood on it to clean the window. Soon, the window was clear and clean. Then, I swept the floor and dragged it. The floor was as shiny as a layer of wax. There is only one last step left - to tidy up my small room, "Ah! No, there are so many books to tidy up! Alas, who told me not to put them in order at ordinary times?" After a lot of effort, the room finally became orderly. Mom and Dad came back from work, and you must have guessed it. Of course, they got great praise! When I look at my clean and tidy home, I don't know how happy I am!

Third grade composition doing housework (19)

Today, I'm going to do a special "housework" - help my mother take care of the chickens. Because my mother will go to work in the afternoon, I will take care of the chickens. In short, when an afternoon "chicken mother".

With several cries of "creak, creak, creak", I came to the kitchen and saw three fluffy, yellow and orange chickens. They are housed in a rhubarb basin that we don't use. "Jijijijiji," I really don't know what to do. I thought: Do they want to go out to play? So I spread the newspaper on the balcony as a floor. Then a few small cushions are used to block the guardrail on the balcony and become a "wall". So they can play safely.

As soon as I released them, they ran happily to the east and west. How naughty! Some of them roll, some bask in the sun, and some simply lie on the ground to sleep. I gently picked up a chicken, put it in my palm and said, "You are so cute."

Watching the chickens play for a long time, I feel tired. So I took them back to the chicken house one by one. It doesn't matter if you don't grasp it. Once you grab it back to the chicken house, the whole room resounds with the cry of "chatter, chatter". It's really unbearable and noisy. What shall I do? First, I put a mat on the top of the chicken house, and then put a pink cloth on the mat. Now, it's a little quiet.

How about you? Do you think I can do my housework well?

Third grade composition doing housework (20)

Summer vacation is coming again, my mother is very busy every day. In order to lighten my mother's burden, I decided to spare time every day to help her do housework.

I summarized a method to help my mother wash dishes and dishes. First, drop two or three drops of detergent on the cloth, and then lift the dish or bowl as low as possible. Do not lift it too high, because the detergent is very slippery. If you cannot grasp it firmly, the dish or bowl will be broken if it falls off. Then wipe the inside and outside of the dishes and bowls with a cloth. After wiping, rinse them with water. Never say you have washed it before it is washed, because detergent is harmful to human body. Don't kill the whole family just to steal some laziness!

I also help my mother wash slippers. First flush with clean water, then spray the detergent, and brush with a brush bit by bit until the shoes are not black at all, and finally flush with clean water. Put it on the balcony to dry.

Every day after dinner, I help my mother clean the table. First, I wet the rag, wipe the rape on the table together, and throw it into the garbage can. Then wash the cloth and hang it on the hook to dry.

This is the housework I helped my mother do. I may not do well or very slowly, but my mother gave me a lot of encouragement and praise. In the future, I will often do some housework to relieve my mother's burden.