Parent Comments on Primary School Composition (3 in total)
Silence Blooming
2024-06-27 07:40:54

Parent Comments on Primary School Composition (1)

Keep the original appearance of the composition and let the children have self-confidence. Many parents, after seeing their children's compositions, always want to point out more appropriate sentences according to their own ideas. However, this practice makes the child think that he has not expressed clearly, dampens the child's interest in writing, and makes the child afraid of writing. Chinese is a language discipline. Many words or phrases have multiple meanings. Of course, when writing, there are many different expressions. If parents let their children change a lot, they will surely feel that they are not good at writing anything. No matter how good they are, they will eventually be changed and lose confidence in writing. This will virtually dampen the enthusiasm of children for writing. If it goes on for a long time, children will not dare to write. Children are just starting to write. Even if the article is off the topic or the expression is messy, as long as they write their own truth with heart, they are making progress. We should see the progress of children and understand that maintaining the original appearance of children's composition is the key to give children confidence.

Focus on appreciating the highlights of the composition, so that children have a sense of achievement. Every composition of a child is the result of the child, and parents should praise the results. There is a famous saying in the educational circles: appreciation means success, and complaint leads to failure. We should learn to explore the advantages of the composition, such as prominent central ideas, novel topics, specific descriptions, beautiful words, etc. We can't think of anything to praise. It can be said that the font is neat, the writing is serious, the writing is neat, and so on. With these praises, children will feel a sense of achievement and increase their creative enthusiasm when they think their writing is successful.

Don't forget to point out the mistakes in composition, so that children have good habits. Mistakes here mainly refer to typos, punctuation marks, misused words, etc. Words and punctuation are the basis of writing. Children should not make mistakes in it. Parents must point out these mistakes when they occur. Children learn a lot of new words every day, but they don't know how to use some words, or they don't use them firmly, so they use them in the wrong place. Chinese is also a rigorous discipline, a small punctuation, a wrong word may cause the whole article to lose luster. If we find that the child has a wrong character and does not point it out in time, the child will follow the original practice and the mistake will not be corrected, so we hope that parents should pay attention to these aspects when correcting the child's composition.

Another point is that children must be instructed not to copy others' works. Copying other people's works is an uncivilized behavior, and is not conducive to improving their own writing level. Good works can only be used for reference and can be collected as model works. When we collect more and see more, we will naturally feel that we have words in mind.

After the primary school students entered the third grade, they have officially started to write compositions. Parents should follow their children's writing steps and make timely comments. The above is my immature opinion on commenting on the composition of lower grades based on my daughter's practice. Parents all hope that their children can write good compositions skillfully and freely, and hope that we can find our own way.

Because his learning foundation is not very good, despite his efforts, his performance is still not very satisfactory. How many times can I have such a good learning opportunity in my life? How can I stand in the life of fierce competition without real skills? The new semester has begun again, and the expectations of parents have merged into the way to send their daughter back to school in a hurry!

The tuition of RMB 6500 is too expensive. I can't support a poor family like me. I hope the school leader can give me a student loan so that my children can learn their major well.

It is suggested that school leaders carefully consider whether they can give student loans in advance to students who have practical difficulties!

**I failed in two courses last semester. I hope the teacher will urge me to make up for my grades, be a real "monitor", carry forward my advantages and work harder in the new school year.

It is hoped that * * * can carry forward its own advantages, learn professional courses well, correct learning attitude and actively participate in various public welfare activities of the school. At the same time, it is hoped that the school will pay more attention to students' living problems, such as improving the use of hot water and dormitory supplies, creating a good environment for students to study wholeheartedly.

Judging from the * * transcript, the professional performance is excellent, but there is cheating in one subject. This practice should not be criticized. Please give the opportunity to take a make-up exam after the school starts. * * Please take measures to check attendance in strict accordance with the school system when renting a house outside.

Fool - * * * knowledge has been improved, thanks to the teacher's good preaching and discipline. I hope that his children can study modestly, have the ambition to learn this professional course well, lay a good knowledge foundation for the future and become useful talents in society. As the father of * *, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers who took care of the students and the students who helped * * warmly. I wish you a happy New Year and good luck in everything!

Comments and achievements of the exhibition, thanks to the tutor for his teaching of * *.

**When I went back to my hometown to dye my red hair, my father was dissatisfied. Why should I have eyebrows when I was in Central Plains? Please ask your tutor to speak carefully and try to enlighten me so that his heart will belong to my court. Parents, success depends on teachers. It is hoped that the ancients can learn from the "cone, thorn, and beam." Only by learning from the ancients can the "arbor perch and carve, and the strict teacher can produce excellent students." Chinese art is broad and profound, and its artistic career is to strive for excellence and reach the other side. Please mentor, * * draw the dragon to give the finishing touch. As a father, I hope my daughter Chengfeng is eager.

Parent Comments on Primary School Composition (2)

Parent Comments on Pupils' Composition

It is a good article with profound philosophy,... the writing is smooth and concise, giving full play to my imagination, and it is a good article... The article is elegant, graceful, smooth and coherent, especially the characters' language is humorous and funny, plus the use of some exquisite words, which adds a lot of interest to the article virtually

? There are many remarkable sentences in the full text, which add some literary interest to the article

? This article may not be particularly attractive in the plot, but it is still a successful work. First, it better depicts the image of the character. Second, it is vivid and rich in language, with a strong sense of life, which has a good effect of expression

? The article ends with..., which is concise and meaningful

? The full narrative is concentrated without branches or vines. The language is simple and smooth, and the feelings are sincere and touching

? By enriching people

? The material, language and action set off the ideological quality of the characters. The imagination of the article is reasonable, the narration is natural and vivid, the structure is compact, the connection is natural and coherent, and the center is prominent

? The language is simple, the center is clear, the idea is reasonable, and the writing level is clear

? It's really valuable and impressive to write the inner activities of the characters vividly

? The article has clear center and complete structure

? The article is well grounded, persuasive, highlighting the personality of the characters, natural context transition, clear organization, first and last references, ending points, highlighting the central idea

? The author observes carefully and describes delicately. The language is lively and the way of expression is innovative

? The full text is simple in language and natural in structure The structure of the article is rigorous

? The language is humorous and interesting, the plot arrangement is tortuous and vivid, and the beginning and end are clever. Although the length of this article is short, the content is vivid and specific, the paragraphs are clear, the language is simple and easy to understand

? A series of verbs representing the actions of the characters in the article are used accurately and well

? The first person writing method is adopted in this article, which makes... have great advantages. It plays a good role in shaping characters and representing the center. It is friendly, natural and credible to read, with clear thinking and lively rhythm

? The process of this article is specific, clear and well organized. The author adds appropriate psychological description while narrating, fully expressing

? The article narrates in children's language, which is natural, simple and like a spring. The ending points out the key points

? The article is true, vivid and sincere, especially... the article on the right to use is very appealing and thought-provoking

? The narrative is clear, can use verbs correctly, use metaphors appropriately and vividly, and can be educated after reading

? The simple and natural childlike innocence is reflected in the article, which makes the article exude a fresh and lively atmosphere

? This article uses concrete examples, vivid and excellent * * * * language, and novel and unique writing methods to express sincere admiration for a beautiful soul

? The main advantages of this article are three: 1 This article can closely follow the requirements of the title and write a complete

Parent Comments on Primary School Composition (3)

Keep the original appearance of the composition and let the children have self-confidence. Many parents, after seeing their children's compositions, always want to point out more appropriate sentences according to their own ideas. However, this practice makes the child think that he has not expressed clearly, dampens the child's interest in writing, and makes the child afraid of writing. Chinese is a language discipline. Many words or phrases have multiple meanings. Of course, when writing, there are many different expressions. If parents let their children change a lot, they will surely feel that they are not good at writing anything. No matter how good they are, they will eventually be changed and lose confidence in writing. This will virtually dampen the enthusiasm of children for writing. If it goes on for a long time, children will not dare to write. Children are just starting to write. Even if the article is off the topic or the expression is messy, as long as they write their own truth with heart, they are making progress. We should see the progress of children and understand that maintaining the original appearance of children's composition is the key to give children confidence.

Focus on appreciating the highlights of the composition, so that children have a sense of achievement. Every composition of a child is the result of the child, and parents should praise the results. There is a famous saying in the educational circles: appreciation means success, and complaint leads to failure. We should learn to explore the advantages of the composition, such as prominent central ideas, novel topics, specific descriptions, beautiful words, etc. We can't think of anything to praise. It can be said that the font is neat, the writing is serious, the writing is neat, and so on. With these praises, children will feel a sense of achievement and increase their creative enthusiasm when they think their writing is successful.

Don't forget to point out the mistakes in composition, so that children have good habits. Mistakes here mainly refer to typos, punctuation marks, misused words, etc. Words and punctuation are the basis of writing. Children should not make mistakes in it. Parents must point out these mistakes when they occur. Children learn a lot of new words every day, but they don't know how to use some words, or they don't use them firmly, so they use them in the wrong place. Chinese is also a rigorous discipline, a small punctuation, a wrong word may cause the whole article to lose luster. If we find that the child has a wrong character and does not point it out in time, the child will follow the original practice and the mistake will not be corrected, so we hope that parents should pay attention to these aspects when correcting the child's composition.

Another point is that children must be instructed not to copy others' works. Copying other people's works is an uncivilized behavior, and is not conducive to improving their own writing level. Good works can only be used for reference and can be collected as model works. When we collect more and see more, we will naturally feel that we have words in mind.

After the primary school students entered the third grade, they have officially started to write compositions. Parents should follow their children's writing steps and make timely comments. The above is my immature opinion on commenting on the composition of lower grades based on my daughter's practice. Parents all hope that their children can write good compositions skillfully and freely, and hope that we can find our own way.

Because his learning foundation is not very good, despite his efforts, his performance is still not very satisfactory. How many times can I have such a good learning opportunity in my life? How can I stand in the fierce competition in my life without real skills? The new semester has begun again, and the expectations of parents have merged into the way to send their daughter back to school in a hurry!

The tuition of RMB 6500 is too expensive. I can't support a poor family like me. I hope the school leader can give me a student loan so that my children can learn their major well.

It is suggested that school leaders carefully consider whether they can give student loans in advance to students with practical difficulties!

**I failed in two courses last semester. I hope the teacher will urge me to make up for my grades, be a real "monitor", carry forward my advantages and work harder in the new school year.

It is hoped that * * * can carry forward its own advantages, learn professional courses well, correct learning attitude and actively participate in various public welfare activities of the school. At the same time, it is hoped that the school will pay more attention to students' living problems, such as improving the use of hot water and dormitory supplies, creating a good environment for students to study wholeheartedly.

Judging from the * * transcript, the professional performance is excellent, but there is cheating in one subject. This practice should not be criticized. Please give the opportunity to take a make-up exam after the school starts. * * Please take measures to check attendance in strict accordance with the school system when renting a house outside.

Fool - * * * knowledge has been improved, thanks to the teacher's good preaching and discipline. I hope that his children can study modestly, have the ambition to learn this professional course well, lay a good knowledge foundation for the future and become useful talents in society. As the father of * *, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers who took care of the students and the students who helped * * warmly. I wish you a happy New Year and good luck in everything!

Comments and achievements of the exhibition, thanks to the tutor for his teaching of * *.

**When I went back to my hometown to dye my red hair, my father was dissatisfied. Why should I have eyebrows when I was in Central China? Please ask your tutor to speak carefully and try to enlighten me so that his heart will belong to my court. Parents, success depends on teachers. It is hoped that the ancients can learn from the "cone, thorn, and beam." Only by learning from the ancients can the "arbor perch and carve, and the strict teacher can produce excellent students." Chinese art is broad and profound, and its artistic career is to strive for excellence and reach the other side. Please mentor, * * draw the dragon to give the finishing touch. As a father, I hope my daughter Chengfeng is eager.