Composition of Love's Umbrella (16 in total)
Oriental woman
2024-06-19 05:29:20
primary school

Love Umbrella Composition (1)

The rain is splashing down, and the big raindrops are constantly making a sound of collision with the ground, and are relentlessly attacking pedestrians on the road. It's very wet now because of the rain. After a while, it began to rain more heavily, and people were even wetter.

I hid under the eaves of a shop alone, looking at the street washed clean by the heavy rain and the few pedestrians on the road. I blamed myself: I didn't come out before I knew it. Why did it rain so heavily? Alas! It rains when I go out! I haven't brought an umbrella yet! I can only wait here until the rain stops, so that I can go home.

At this time, there was a man with a black umbrella and another umbrella in his hand. He walked hurriedly. He came near, and I saw a familiar face. pretty good! It's him, my father! He saw me: "Remember to bring an umbrella when you go out next time." Then my father handed me the umbrella. I thought I had to wait for the rain to stop before I could go home, but my father unexpectedly sent an umbrella! We prepared to go home with umbrellas. Under the darkening sky, one big and one small talked and laughed

How much fatherly love and care are left in that umbrella! I also left my joy in it.

The rain stopped, and a rainbow of seven colors remained high in the sky. The rainbow sparkles with colorful light, and also emits a wave of love. I watched it silently, fascinated and full of imagination

Love Umbrella Composition (2)

What is love? Love is an umbrella against the rain in the wind, a warm scarf in winter, and a mother's advice at school... Love has always been around us.

That day, I went out to help my grandma buy vegetables. Just now, the sky was still clear; When I bought vegetables from the supermarket, the sky was already dark. I regret: God, did you mean it? Just "tease" me without an umbrella! Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. Although I complain in my heart, it's useless. God won't show mercy. "Oh! Forget it, I can't blame God! I forgot my umbrella." I said to myself, "Eh, don't I have a phone watch? I almost forgot, I'm really confused!" I said while unconsciously touching the phone watch, "Ah -- I didn't bring it! Alas! I'm going to eat a" ruler "this time! At this time, I was disappointed. Suddenly, an aunt extended her umbrella to me. I looked up and said, "How beautiful the aunt is!"! A pair of big watery eyes, a cherry like mouth, a tall nose...... I can't help but be stunned. My aunt looked at my dumbness and waved in front of me: "Little friend, did you forget your umbrella? Little friend..." When I heard my aunt call me, I just shook my head and said subconsciously, "Hmmmm, yes yes." My aunt smiled and said to me, "I'll give it to you!" I said shyly, "That's troublesome for my aunt."

On the way, we talked while walking. My aunt said that she also had a daughter who was about my age, but her eyes were disabled in a car accident. Now, I stay at home all day to take care of my daughter... Listen, I cry. I thought: How great is my aunt!

When I got home, I said "thank you" to my aunt. Soon, the aunt disappeared in the rain; However, the umbrella of love will remain in my heart forever.

Love Umbrella Composition (3)

When a dull thunder sounded, the sun father in law disappeared. He trotted into the arms of the dark clouds, leaving only intermittent rain, a dark world, and the only light of hope for maternal love.

Alas, I sighed in my heart that something unexpected happened. The sun was shining just now. Why did the sky change its face soon? How can I go to the toilet without an umbrella? How can I catch snails without an umbrella? How can I go home without an umbrella? In my heart, I secretly cursed the bad weather for bringing me so much inconvenience. In a trance, her mother appeared at the door of the classroom. She was drenched with water and had a strong sense of rain rhythm. "Tick tock tock" knocked on the ground, as if she was dubbing for the upcoming warm scene. She held a plastic bag wet by rain tightly in her hand, and there was a pair of rain boots and an umbrella lying inside. She called to me with a hoarse voice: "Heart! Come and get the rain gear! " With a joyful and moved heart, I rushed to the door of the classroom regardless of everything and embraced my mother tightly with my hands. Although she was covered with rain, my vision was blurred by tears of love. I took the rain gear and held back the cry, saying: "Thank you, Mom. Look, you always think of me. How can you freeze yourself when you turn around?" Mother smiled, "You little girl! It really hurts! " I only giggled at my mother, but my heart was full of mixed feelings. My mother ignored the distance of the road and the storm for me. Your love is rain or shine, through all the dangers, your love for me to open the umbrella, against all the sand! Students have cast envious eyes on me. At this time, I was warmed by the warm current of maternal love and soaked in the ocean of happiness!

Go out of the classroom, open the umbrella and catch the mother's love.

Love Umbrella Composition (4)

What is maternal love? It is the sun that will give you warmth when it is cold, the beam that will resist everything for you in the storm, and the breeze in the hot summer.

I remember that day, my mother and I went to the temple in the mountains to play. It rained cats and dogs on our way home. Fortunately, my mother brought an umbrella. On the rugged mountain road, we both walked side by side. The soil washed by the heavy rain was thin and wet. Before long, a series of large and small footprints stretched into the remote mountains. This was a tricycle that came from nowhere. Slowly, my mother begged the owner to send us back on the way. The owner agreed, but there was only one person on the bus. My mother did not hesitate to help me up. She handed me the umbrella, and the tricycle started, I watched my mother's thin figure emerge and disappear in the misty rain, saw her forehead strands of rain wet hair, saw her struggling to walk in the rain, saw her hands and feet stained with mud, and I forgot the time and everything sitting in the car, still holding the umbrella tightly in my hands. When I got to the city, I got off slowly, Standing there in a daze, looking up at the distance, accompanied by the rhythmic pattering of raindrops, looking forward to the arrival of mother! My mother finally came into my view. I ran to her, handed her the umbrella, looked up, and saw her thin body shivering, her nose getting sour, and two tears quietly sliding across her cheeks. On the road, there are our mother and daughter walking side by side, but the footprints are left in the mountains

To this day, when I see that umbrella, I always remember the day when it rained heavily, the footprints on the mountain road, and the figure of a mother and daughter in the deep mountain, which constitute the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

Love Umbrella Composition (5)

Mother's love is the look of blame when I make mistakes; Mother's love is the busy figure when I was sick; Mother's love is the 'little umbrella' that stands on my head when it rains.

I remember one day after school, the sky was full of dark clouds. I thought: It must be raining heavily, and I didn't bring an umbrella. How should I go home. I told my mother that I would go home by myself, and she would not pick me up. Soon the students all went home one after another. Soon, the big raindrops fell, and I immediately ran to the eaves of a shop to take shelter from the rain.

Just as I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, a familiar figure hurried to me, and I recognized my mother at a glance. Her face turned red, and I welcomed her with joy.

Along the way, my mother and I held hands and snuggled together. From time to time, my mother pushed the umbrella that could only accommodate one person to me, praised and told me, "Remember, if you encounter an emergency in the future, you can stand still or call my mother to pick you up. You can also take an umbrella when you go out." I smiled and nodded. At this time, I felt my mother's embrace was really warm.

When I got home, I found my mother's clothes were wet, and I thought anxiously: Mom is coming to pick me up in such a heavy rain. Don't you worry about your body? As I expected, my mother caught a cold the next morning.

I love my mother. In the rain, I also want to hold a love umbrella for my mother.

Love Umbrella Composition (6)

This article, "300 word composition of the umbrella of love transmission _ composition of the umbrella of love transmission for primary school students", is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you think it's good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

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Love Umbrella Composition (7)

Motherly love is the rainbow in the sky, colorful; Maternal love is a shining star, dazzling; A mother's love is a pure lily, which is fragrant and clear

On Saturday evening, the continuous rain made everything around lose its former prosperity and look so bleak. A drop of crystal rain slanted into the window and landed on a dark blue umbrella. With a clear "snap" sound, my thoughts returned to the late autumn afternoon two years ago

It was a rainy day, as it is now. I stood at the school gate waiting for my mother, and other students with rain gear left one by one. The noisy school gate gradually quieted down, leaving me alone at last. The autumn rain was drizzly and lonely, which made me complain about the weather. I want to run home, but the rain makes me take back my steps.

"Mom, when will you come?" Just as I was looking forward to it, a figure appeared in my vision holding an umbrella. It's Mom! I was ecstatic, as if I saw a glimmer of dawn in the endless darkness. I couldn't wait to fly over, dived into the umbrella, and secretly congratulated myself that I had finally left this place.

On the way home, it rained more and more heavily. A small umbrella can't hold my mother and me. In order not to get wet, I kept squeezing into my mother's arms. Countless raindrops, like broken pearls, kept falling on the umbrella, making a strange movement with the sound of "snapping". I inadvertently looked up and found that my head was a dark blue, while my mother's head was a gray. "Mom, don't just give me an umbrella, you also give yourself some." "It's OK, I'll be home soon." Mom smiled and said, as if she didn't care. "Then take care of your body!" I said anxiously. Mother just smiled and didn't answer, still protecting me in the rain.

When I got home, I gave a long sigh of relief, and I was glad that I hadn't been caught in the rain. Putting it on my schoolbag, I turned around and saw my mother changing shoes at the door. She was almost drenched by rain all over her body. From time to time, rain dripped from her hair. Her clothes clung to her body, and her legs kept trembling. She became a veritable "water man". And I am very dry, almost without a drop of rain

"Mom, are you all right?" "Nothing. Don't worry, I'm in good health and won't catch a cold." She smiled weakly. "But..." I couldn't say, and tears welled up.

A thunder sound pulled me out of my memory. I rubbed my eyes and found some tears called "love" on them.

Grade 6: Wang Siruo

Love Umbrella Composition (8)

Love umbrella

I didn't hold an umbrella and walked alone on the path of the campus. Big raindrops fell from the sky and hit me. It hurt so much... I stammered. But I dare not go away. I am afraid that once I go away, I will no longer be able to restrain the dam of tears and cry out in full view of everyone... I failed so miserably

Mathematics has always been my strong point. This time, I took the expectation of the whole class to participate in the Olympic math competition held by the whole school. In the preliminary round, I dropped the second place by more than 30 points with excellent results. I thought that I could win the laurel smoothly, but I had to face the cruel reality that tears were dripping on the test paper, that was my heart dripping blood! I almost collapsed. This is my first time to play truant. I don't know how I should face those two eyes, the mocking eyes, the pitying eyes, the disappointed eyes... I am sad, I am angry, and I want to shout to people all over the world: "Why, why! Why is all this?" I wander in the street like an uneasy soul, and my world turns gray in an instant. There are only two words in my world: "I failed! I failed!... I looked up nervously, and suddenly, above my head, there was a dazzling pink. I turned around, raised the land, and I was stunned. I stood in the rain for a long time. It was Ranran. She was soaked all over, and the rain ran down her cheeks. Her face was still such a bright smile. It's like seeing a ray of light in the confusion. There seems to be something in my heart that is disintegrating and collapsing

On that day, we cried. On the street where people came and went, we let the tears run freely


Love Umbrella Composition (9)

In the long river of memory, there are always many things that make us unforgettable. Some are happy, some are sad, and some are painful. What I can't forget for a long time is the love in my mother's umbrella.

"Ding zero zero", school is over. I glanced out of the window carelessly. There were few pedestrians on the street, and dark clouds covered the whole sky. Soon, it began to rain cats and dogs. I began to get bored. How can I go home today. I saw the parents of other students pick up the students one after another, leaving me alone in the classroom. I think that at this moment, the students must be enjoying a hot meal with their families, telling each other what they have seen and heard all day, and laughing from time to time. The sky was getting dark, and I could not help feeling a little afraid, so I burst into tears. Just then, a familiar figure flashed across the rainy road. I took a closer look and found it was my mother. I finally broke through tears to smile and jumped up happily.

"Sorry, son, my mother worked overtime and was late." My mother gave me an umbrella, and then rode on my bike. I pushed the umbrella toward my mother, but my mother pushed it over: "It's too cold. Don't let it rain, or you will catch a cold." When I saw my mother's hair was wet by the rain, I covered the umbrella over her again, But my mother insisted on pushing over again, and said without doubt: "My body is strong. It's OK to get caught in the rain. Even if I have a cold, I can get a few shots. But your resistance is weak. If you have a cold, you will have to take infusion. Don't mention the delay in homework, you will also suffer pain and suffering." I cried again when I watched my mother get cold in the rainy day. My mother was busy wiping my tears, "Baby, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?" This time, I clearly felt that what flowed on my face was not only rain and tears, but more mother's sweat. It was mother's sweat running around for me, and it was mother's sweat working hard for me day and night!

A drop of water should be repaid by a fountain. Mom, wait, I will repay you with my excellent results!

Love Umbrella Composition (10)

Outside the house, the rain is falling, like thousands of silver threads falling from the sky, and rows of water drops falling from the eaves, like a beautiful bead curtain... This rainy day reminds me of her again

Holding a few new books I just bought, I went to the cashier and handed them to the cashier. Only then did I find that it was raining cats and dogs, and the big raindrops were pounding the window glass, which made me frightened. Fortunately, the store had an umbrella to lend. I took the last umbrella while thankfully taking it away. At the moment when I was counting the door of the store, a little girl's intermittent crying came behind me. I looked back curiously. A girl of six or seven years old grabbed a middle-aged woman's coat corner with her hand and cried to beg the woman to lend her the umbrella. Her home was far away from here. However, the woman pushed the girl to the ground in a rude manner in full view of the public, muttered curses at the girl, and walked out of the store holding the public umbrella in her hand. The girl who was pushed to the ground curled her mouth and cried. I look at you and you look at me. I don't know what to do.

Just then, she appeared... a tall sister with neat short hair stood out. She gently lifted the girl up, carefully patted the dust off her pants, handed her an umbrella in her hand, and said: "Sister, let me use this umbrella first, go home quickly, the rain will get worse. Go.", The clouds on the girl's face suddenly disappeared and she grinned like a bright flower in full bloom. I stood aside, watching in the eyes, moved in the heart. From my sister's words and deeds, I deeply feel that she is so considerate, just like an angel... with a heart like gold, pure and noble!

The rain began to decrease, and the first dawn appeared in the dark cloud layer, and a beautiful rainbow came into the sky. At this time, my mind was full of her. She was like an angel, so kind and pure

Love Umbrella Composition (11)

I remember when I was in kindergarten, it was a rainy day. After the bell rang, I saw lightning and thunder outside, raindrops hit the ground like machine guns, and the trees were blown down by the strong wind. I saw that other parents had taken their children home, and I was left to wait in the kindergarten alone. I waited for my grandpa anxiously. Ten minutes later, I saw a bent figure coming to me, holding a big umbrella. My grandpa and I walked in the rain. The umbrella seemed to cover me in a protective circle and was not wet by the rain. I looked up at the umbrella and looked at my grandpa. I asked innocently, "Grandpa, why is the umbrella crooked?" "The umbrella likes to walk crooked." My grandpa smiled and said to me. I nodded vaguely.

Day after day, year after year. I grew up slowly and went to the third grade of primary school. Another rainy day, Grandpa came to pick me up with the familiar umbrella. I looked at the slanted umbrella. My grandfather's shoulders were wet by the rain. I held the umbrella upright with my hands to protect my grandfather. My grandfather also slanted the umbrella to my side. He touched my head and said, "The umbrella likes to walk sideways." Growing up, I understand my grandfather's intention. When I got home, I immediately wiped the rain off my grandpa's body with a towel.

Time flies like an arrow. I was in the fifth grade, and my grandfather was also old, and his health was not as good as before. Some time ago, he was hospitalized because of illness. It was raining cats and dogs when I went to pick up my grandfather from hospital. I leaned close to my grandfather and leaned the umbrella toward him. He looked at me doubtfully and I said the words that had been in my heart for many years: "Grandpa, the umbrella likes to walk sideways."

Grandfather's eyes flashed with tears, his hand was also on the umbrella, and the two walked together in the rain

Love Umbrella Composition (12)

The happy time always passes away quickly, and it's time to finish school in the twinkling of an eye. We went downstairs in a neat line. When we arrived at the school gate, we found that the sky was covered with dark clouds. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a rumbling thunder. Suddenly, the big raindrops "crash, crash..." fell down. The parents waiting outside the school crowded in. Soon, my classmates were picked up by their parents one by one. I didn't see my mother and didn't take an umbrella, so I had to wait under the corridor at the school gate. The rain showed no signs of stopping. I waited and waited, but my mother had not come yet. I was anxious like ants on a hot pot... When I had no choice, a familiar figure came to me, ah, it was my mother! She came to pick me up!

Mother rushed over with an umbrella, took my schoolbag and carried it on her back. Then she put my body in her arms and said sadly, "Wait a minute... Come on, let's go home." On the way back, the strong wind "smashed" at us with raindrops. Mother tilted her umbrella to my side and leaned it against me from time to time. I said: "Mom, the umbrella is crooked." Mom smiled and said: "No crooked, come close to me." When I got home, I saw half of my mother's clothes were wet. As for me, my shoes are wet and my body is dry. Only then did I understand that my mother leaned her umbrella against me so as not to let the rain wet my body.

I finally understand why Meng Jiao wrote the line in "A Wanderer's Ode": "Who can say that every inch of grass has a heart, and the sun will shine in the spring."

Love Umbrella Composition (13)

An umbrella holds up a sunny day to protect me from the wind and rain. My mother's love umbrella brings me warmth and happiness. The great mother's love is like rain trickling on the umbrella.

One morning in this summer vacation, I was practicing Taekwondo in the youth activity center far away from home. Suddenly, the sky was overcast, the wind was blowing, and the sky suddenly became dark. After a while, it began to rain cats and dogs. Outside the window, it was completely blurred, and I could not see anything clearly. I only heard the sound of the rain. It was raining heavily! Fortunately, school is not over yet. The rain in summer comes and goes quickly. I think I can go home safely after school. So he settled down and continued to practice Taekwondo.

However, when school came to an end, the rain kept falling, and it was getting worse and worse. Students with umbrellas went home, and those without umbrellas were picked up by their parents. In the end, I was left alone. Still waiting anxiously at the window, I looked up at the sky from time to time, hoping that the rain would stop and I could go home right away, and looked out of the door from time to time, hoping that my mother would miraculously appear, but the home was so far away, and it rained so heavily

I looked at the sky helplessly and sighed deeply. At this time, a figure flashed into the door. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was my mother, who also waved to me! I cried happily and ran, happier. But when I looked at my mother, she was wet all over. The legs of her pants seemed to be soaked in water, and her hair also spread. But when I saw me standing safely at the door, my eyebrows stretched out, I was very happy and excited, and kept saying, "Wait a minute..."

It was still raining. When we came to the road, there was no bus, so we had to walk home. On the way, my mother kept holding the umbrella for me, but half of my body was in the rain. I pushed the umbrella to my mother and said, "Mom, you also need to cover up!" My mother said, "It doesn't matter, adults have strong resistance. It's OK to take a rain shower. You can't take a rain shower, or you will catch a cold." My mother's umbrella came back. When I got home, my mother's whole body was wet, and her hair was scattered on her face, like a drowned rat. Looking at my mother's appearance, I also feel distressed, more deeply grateful.

This umbrella accompanies me home, and this umbrella accompanies my healthy and happy growth. I am grateful to my mother for this umbrella of love. Because I am happy - tightly surrounded by maternal love.

Article 2: An umbrella full of love

"Swallows are gone, and there will be another time; willows are withered, and there will be another green time; peach blossoms are withered, and there will be another time. But, smart, tell me why our days are gone forever?" Yes! Why is time gone forever? If I can go back in time, I can love someone again.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I have grown up, but I have never really loved a person. How many times have I really accepted my parents' love for me? Yes, I don't know how to enjoy, how to be grateful, how to return, and how to take.

Recalling the past, I found that I owed them too much.

I still remember that day, I went home after school as usual. However, the weather was not beautiful, and suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. I was desperate. There were still thousands of meters away from home. Do I really want to get home like a drowned rat? Alas, forget it. Take one step at a time. I walked at a fast pace, with bigger and bigger steps, and ran slowly. I suddenly remembered that my mother said it would rain today, but I didn't care. After all, the sun was still smiling in the sky at that time. However, now I regret that I had listened to my mother for a long time, because I laughed at others for taking umbrellas in sunny days.

I ran quickly, my shoes were soaked, and my school uniform pants were also wet, so I looked very embarrassed. Suddenly, a car sped past me, splashing all over me with mud and water. I suddenly got angry and shouted to the car, "What's the matter? Can't you see anyone nearby?" Sure enough, the car was still driving forward, and I didn't hear it. I was so bent that my tears fell down and became more and more fierce. Finally, I burst into tears.

I squatted on the roadside and cried. Suddenly, I felt that the raindrops on my body had disappeared. I looked up doubtfully. What struck my eyes was a familiar face. She stood there with an umbrella in her hand. I jumped at her and said, "You finally came. I have been waiting for you for a long time." She gently patted my back and said, "It's all right. I'm not coming now? I'm not afraid! Let's go, I'll take you home." I nodded and went home with her. But I didn't notice that she actually kept her umbrella to my side.

Isn't love like this? Silence brings you the warmth of spring breeze when you are most helpless. She is my mother.

Love Umbrella Composition (14)

In the classroom, some children took their umbrellas and carried their schoolbags home; Some children are waiting for adults to send umbrellas. Niuniu watched one of her friends go home and was impatient. She thought to herself: I'm not far away from home. I'll go home when it rains a little less. Let me count the numbers. The rain will be light when I count to 100.

"One, two, three... one hundred!" Wow, the rain is really small. Niuniu picked up the heavy schoolbag and walked out of the school. When she came to the street, Eh, it seemed that she had been hit on her head by something. Her head was wet when she touched it. Ah! It's raining again. Hey, there's no way. Niuniu had to hide in front of a grocery store. She thought: I'm not far from home. It's not too late to go back after a while.

At this time, an old grandfather came up to her, put an umbrella in Niuniu's hand, and said kindly, "Go home with this umbrella, or your parents will be worried."

Niuniu said gratefully, "Thank you, grandpa, but how can I return your umbrella?" The grandpa smiled and said, "Oh, this umbrella is not mine. It was given to me by a kind girl. She said that it is meaningful to give it to the people who need it most."

"Oh, so it is!" Niuniu took the umbrella, thanked her grandpa, and left.

The raindrops on the flower umbrella made a beautiful song. After a while, Niuniu arrived at her house. Suddenly, she saw an old woman hiding under the eaves with a basket of vegetables. When Niuniu remembered what Grandpa said, she immediately went forward, put the umbrella in Grandma's hand, and said, "Grandma, go home quickly, or you will catch a cold."

"OK, thank you! Children, would you like to live here? I will return your umbrella next time." The old woman said. "Oh, no! This umbrella is not mine. It was given to me by an old grandpa. He said that it is meaningful to give it to the people who need it most!" "Oh, I know." Niuniu was very happy when she saw the old grandma slowly walking home with a flower umbrella.

Love Umbrella Composition (15)

On the way home, I didn't say a word, so did Grandma. She held her umbrella and walked slowly and silently. The rain is getting worse, just like a mad cow, and the wind is blowing. On several occasions, the old umbrella was almost blown away by the wind. As I walked along, my umbrella gradually tilted to my side, and I was caged in the umbrella.

After about a century, I finally got home. Grandma put the umbrella away and put it in an inconspicuous place. At this time, I inadvertently turned around and found that Grandma's shoulder was wet and she coughed a few times. It turned out that on the way home, Grandma had been moving her umbrella to me. I was dry all over, but she was wet.

I looked at the umbrella and pondered. It was so bright and beautiful. It was no longer an ordinary umbrella, but a sacred umbrella entrusted with Grandma's love for me.

Love Umbrella Composition (16)

That was the last class on Friday afternoon. The sky was overcast, the white clouds disappeared, and the sky felt unhappy, as if it was coming down quickly. Ten minutes later, a fine, cool light rain began to fall in the sky. Soon, school was over, and the rain turned from drizzle to downpour. At the school gate, I saw parents picking up their children. I was a little disappointed because I didn't bring an umbrella and my mother didn't come. I had to go back to the classroom alone. I sat in the classroom for a full 30 minutes, but I still didn't see my mother. I thought to myself: Why didn't my mother come to pick me up? I'm so lonely and afraid. How I wish someone would come and help me! At this time, Miss Zhang happened to check the classroom. She looked at me and the pouring rain outside the window, and instantly understood something. A minute later, the teacher came into the classroom again and gave me a beautiful umbrella, which lit up my heart. I feel that the teacher, like my mother, cares, loves and protects me; Like twinkling stars in the sky, guiding my way. I ran home happily with an umbrella. When my mother saw the umbrella, she was puzzled: "Sorry, honey, today my mother was too busy to pick you up. Where did your umbrella come from?" "It was the kind teacher who helped me." I replied happily.

The rain is still falling, but my heart is clear. The teacher's kindness and helping others moved me and warmed me.

The teacher is like a big tree, protecting us, and like a diligent gardener, feeding me to thrive. The teacher's help warmed me for a long time. I also want to help others like a teacher, because being ready to help others is a good quality.