Self description of composition mobile phone (16 recommended)
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Self description of composition mobile phone (1)

Readme fairy tale composition for smart phones

In daily study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a self described fairy tale composition of my carefully edited smart phone. Welcome to read and treasure it.

Hello, everyone. I am an object that is loved by everyone and has great power. Let people stay at home and know everything about the world. People will smile and love me when they pick me up. Guess who I am? Yes, I am a smart phone.

I'm wearing a beautiful pink coat, blinking a pair of small eyes and smiling at you. People say that the screen is my face, which is the most attractive part. Chip is my most important part, my brain and heart.

I have all kinds of functions. I can answer and make calls, send text messages, take photos, work as a flashlight, clock at that time, and surf the Internet.

Once, the little master was making homework. Suddenly, she was puzzled by a question. She was as anxious as ants on a hot pot. At this moment, she turned back to see me, immediately picked me up, opened the study area, got the guidance of a famous teacher, and solved the mystery in her heart. I solved the urgent need for the little master. Another time, the owner went to the bookstore to buy books. She picked out a good book, prepared to pay the bill, felt in her pocket, ah, she didn't have any money with her. What should I do? When the legitimate owner was so worried, she opened my Alipay and scanned the QR code, and the money was in the seller's hands. My little master and I took the book and went home happily.

What about? Do you think I'm amazing!

Self description of composition mobile phone (2)

I am a famous mobile phone boy, but I am a treasure of people.

People call me "Tuhaojin". This title is not available to ordinary mobile phones, but only to my Apple 5S.

My face is big and looks very clear. I have many functions, such as listening to music, watching TV on QQ, playing games, etc. People can regard me as their darling!

Once, the little master was idle at home, so he picked me up to play games. After an hour and a half, the little master was a little tired playing games, so I gave up music for the little master to relax. Soon, the little master listened to my wonderful music and fell asleep.

Another time, the little host's family went to a distant relative's house to play, but the little host's car got lost when it reached the center of the city. They asked passers-by, but they could not understand the dialect there, so the little host's family stopped the car on the road, extremely anxious. After a while, the little host said to the man, "Dad, doesn't your Apple 5S have a navigation system?" The man quickly brought me out. Later, the little host's family finally found relatives with my help. The male host said to the young host, "Today, thanks to the 5S apple, our family would have become vagrants." After hearing the praise from the male host, I felt that my heart was sweeter than honey.

My brother is an OPPO mobile phone. Although his functions are less than mine, his functions are also very good. He has a medium face and a touch phone.

My father is a PHS. He is rustic and has rows of buttons below. Once, my father's owner sent a text message, but it took two hours to send it. The owner's hands grew calluses. I don't want to be like my father.

My father said that my grandfather is a big mobile phone. Grandpa also has a title of "Big Brother", which is very tall. Grandpa is a mobile phone without a screen, but his shell is very hard. His biggest weakness is poor signal.

Once, Grandpa's owner wanted to answer a customer's phone call, so he found a mountain where there was no one to answer the call, but the signal was still poor. Later, Grandpa's owner did not receive the business, so he was angry and threw Grandpa to the ground, but his mobile phone was thrown onto his own body, and accidentally injured his foot. Ha ha, is my grandpa very powerful.

I introduced so many members of my family. Am I very advanced?

Self description of composition mobile phone (3)

I am a smart phone, which was bought by the owner's father just after I was put in the mobile phone store. As a gift for the owner's eleventh birthday, I began to enjoy the owner's love from then on.

Although I am small, unlike a tablet computer, I am beautiful and powerful. I was wearing a pink coat with a blue bow at the back. The body is about eight centimeters long, four centimeters wide, and three hundred grams in weight. Such a body shape is just right, and it is the most beautiful if not fat or thin. Compared with the computer which is bulky and hard to take away, I am good. More.

I am not only as beautiful as a fairy, but also a great talent. If I go back to ancient times, I would be the fifth greatest talent in Jiangnan. I have all kinds of functions. My computer function has helped the hostess a lot. I will handle the math homework check of the hostess.

The little master also downloaded a lot of English software for me to keep, as soon as there is a word that I can't, I will ask for advice. With the Internet, my function is more powerful. Use me to check the troubles in life; Use me to check all kinds of data; You can also use me to look for a doctor

I'm so glad to help the little master to learn from Beier Bang!

Self description of composition mobile phone (4)

My name is mobile phone. I am closely related to human life. I get along well with human beings.

I evolved from the "Big Brother" of "Big Man". My body used to be very "huge" and bulky. After years of changes, I have become slim, light, simple and fashionable. Although my family still has many people, our ability is not limited. Compared with the 1990s, it is different.

My appearance is colorful: cartoon figure, square, oval... My colors are red, white, black, gold

My body is smooth, and there are several buttons on the edge of my body. These buttons are function keys. Some can let me talk, and some can let me "shut up". Their "power" is very powerful.

I can imitate. The singing voice is exactly the same as that of the singer, without any difference. I am so smart that my brain is full of all kinds of social information.

My brothers and sisters are more and more now. From "Huawei" and "Samsung" in China to "Apple" abroad, almost everyone carries me, from the top officials to the people. I have brought great convenience to people's lives. I can help people exchange information, communicate with each other, solve cost payment problems, and have fun and relaxation.

Although I am very useful, if people contact me for a long time, I will also bring some adverse effects to people, such as radiation, myopia, waste of time... So please don't keep "close contact" with us.

I am a good friend of everyone. I bring convenience and relaxation to everyone. I am confident that everyone will never forget me!

Self description of composition mobile phone (5)

Hello, I'm a smart phone. My ancestor, Big Brother, was born in the 1980s. He is very bulky and can only make phone calls. But now I am thin, extremely slim, very attractive. Just a few days after I moved to the mobile phone store, I was brought home by a young woman.

The owner took me out of the small box and connected me with the computer through my exclusive USB cable. After a while, I had a lot of functions in my stomach. At this time, the master pressed my stomach, and my glowing face began to show the master various functions.

"Dong, Dong, Dong" A knock on the door rang. The owner opened the door and saw that it was a friend visiting. "Come and have a look at the new mobile phone I just bought!" The host excitedly introduced me to his friend, "You see, this mobile phone has many functions. In addition to making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, photographing, recording, video recording, listening to music, qq, and WeChat, especially WeChat, it has a payment function in addition to voice and video chat. It can be used to pay for all kinds of living expenses and shopping. You can go shopping without your wallet. It can also be used as a flashlight, and also has a memo function. Just enter the event name and reminder time here, and it will automatically remind you. I just installed the navigation function for it, so that we can use it when traveling... "

The host received a WeChat message just after showing my function. "Time is up, let's go!" The master took me to go shopping

Self description of composition mobile phone (6)

Hello, everyone. I'm a mobile phone. Let me introduce myself today.

I know astronomy above and geography below. When I said "astronomy above and geography below", to be honest, I was not bad at all. What happened in the "September 18th Incident" and "Lugouqiao Incident..." There was nothing I didn't know about in China for five thousand years. My mobile phone Baidu searched, and it all came out.

Wanli Seeking People -- Wanli Seeking People Just dial the phone number of the person you are looking for, and the person immediately appears on the mobile phone screen, and you can talk with that person, convenient!

Amusement and play - if you want to relax and relax, you just need to click the app store, and many recent popular games are on it. You only need to click the download button to play any game you want. Just, please don't indulge in games

WeChat, QQ -- WeChat and QQ are good helpers for sending messages to friends. They can also make WeChat videos and QQ calls to facilitate people's contact.

Children, do you know me? My functions are far more than these!

Self description of composition mobile phone (7)

Hello everyone, I am a mobile phone, my shell is blue, and there is a film on the screen, because the owner is afraid that I will fall to the ground and be broken.

There are many members of our mobile phone family, such as telephones, telephone watches, walkie talkies... But I am the most important person in this family. Look, the younger brother of the telephone watch envies me because I have more functions than it, and I can also locate it. In this way, the younger brother of the telephone watch gets lost, and I can find it. My sister also envies me because she can only make phone calls and has no other entertainment functions.

My master likes me more. She takes me to read novels and play games with me every day. Once, the master returned to his hometown to play, but when he went out to play, he accidentally left me outside. I was alone there. When I was heartbroken, the master came in a hurry. The master found that I was lost, so he hurried to find me.

But I also have my troubles. Now many people like me, and more and more people are nearsighted. "This mobile phone is really annoying, and I'm nearsighted." People have accused me, but I really can't be blamed for this. I'm really innocent!

Although I have some disadvantages, I also have many advantages, so you must use me correctly.

Self description of composition mobile phone (8)

I am a mobile phone placed in a glass cabinet. Everyday when I watch people coming and going, I always think: When can I be bought?

One day, a tall and thin adult bought me back in the beautiful spring, and my new life began!

He is with me every day, whether bathing or sleeping, and uses me every day. I'm beginning to feel a little aloof!

Such a beautiful life has passed for a long time.

One day when the master went on a trip, he stood on the glass plank road and turned on my photo function. I looked down and saw the cliff below. It was so scary! At this time, the master shivered, and his hands shook carelessly. But my lovely master, in order to let his courage overcome his fear, diverted his attention, and the master kept patting his face. Oh, he wanted to look at different angles to make himself more beautiful, so that he could get into the circle of friends. Finally, he selected different pictures and just put them in the circle of friends. One second later, his boss called "Xiao Ming, I only heard the boss say on the phone: "Don't just play, but also learn! Otherwise, your pressure will become greater and greater, while the pressure of others will become less and less".

The boss hung up the phone after saying that. At this time, my master still wanted me to play with him before he understood it, but I felt bad, so I didn't listen to him and started the power off mode, and a line of words appeared on the screen - please go home and study hard, or I will never be able to use me!

At first, the owner was very angry because he thought he should listen to me when he took the phone back. But why did I not listen to him? Instead, I made my own decisions. Later, the owner realized that I was doing him good. I was sad before, but now I am happy. My happiness used to be helping others. What is your happiness? Can you tell me secretly and let me share with you? Looking forward to your answer!

Self description of composition mobile phone (9)

Hello, everyone. I am a future mobile phone. I came from 2100 AD. To be more precise, I was born in the largest Apple mobile phone store at that time. My whole body is blue-green, and only the "little apple" behind me is yellow, especially eye-catching. Moreover, my shape is not an ordinary rectangle, but a circle. There is a "small leaf" on my head, which can monitor whether the owner has exceeded the use time. If it exceeds the use time, the "small leaf" on my head will flash and sound "tootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootoo, And he sent a warm reminder: "Master, your eyes need a rest, or they will be short-sighted." Of course, my greatest advantage is that I have 25 new functions. When a thief is encountered, the alarm will automatically go off. If the master touches it, I will turn on my own machine... These are not words.

However, everything cannot be perfect. I have a shortcoming that I can never solve, that is radiation. This radiation is really unbearable. It seems that you can't put me at the head of the bed, otherwise people will be exposed to radiation when they sleep at night. The use should not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise there will still be radiation problems... Oh, it's all this annoying radiation!

I hope people can solve this radiation problem early, so that I will be more beautiful, convenient and harmless in the future.

Self description of composition mobile phone (10)

The owner took me out of the small box and connected me to the computer through my exclusive USB cable. After a while, I had a lot of functions in my stomach. At this time, the master pressed my stomach, and my glowing face began to show the master various functions.

"Dong, Dong, Dong" A knock on the door rang. The owner opened the door and saw that it was a friend visiting. "Come and have a look at the new mobile phone I just bought!" The host excitedly introduced me to his friend, "You see, this mobile phone has many functions. In addition to making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, photographing, recording, video recording, listening to music, QQ, WeChat, and especially WeChat, it has a payment function in addition to voice and video chat. It can be used to pay for all kinds of living expenses and shopping. You can go shopping without your wallet. It can also be used as a flashlight, and also has a memo function. Just enter the event name and reminder time here, and it will automatically remind you. I just installed the navigation function for it, so that we can use it when traveling... "

The host received a WeChat message just after showing my function. "Time is up, let's go!" The master took me to go shopping

Self description of composition mobile phone (11)

My function is the best in the world. Take photos, chat, shop, watch movies and play games, etc. But there are always some young people who are quite different. They always play games day and night, sometimes they can't afford to lose, and they have to throw us. Many of my friends were disfigured by them.

Our mobile phone family has a history of at least several decades. In the 1970s, my grandfather's father was born, known as Big Brother. At that time, only wealthy people could afford to buy big cell phones. But compared with our generation of LCD phones, it can only be regarded as garbage. Even their appearance is very different. Their appearance is like a brick, while we are like a thin book, advanced!

Although we can do a lot of good things and make mankind enter the information age, we have also brought many side effects. There was a boy in Guangzhou who jumped off the balcony and died on the spot because his parents didn't give him mobile phones. There are many primary and secondary school students who are nearsighted due to overuse of me, and are getting farther and farther away from their parents, for which I am very sorry. Here, I want to say to them: "Let me go, focus on study, read more books, and your results will be better; spend more time with your family, and your family will be happier!" Moreover, when pedestrians see their mobile phones hit by cars, it is no longer one thing or two, and even a dozen of the same cases can occur one day. Therefore, the traffic police have a headache because of this. In order to prevent more people from joining the "bow head clan", the country has specially produced many public service advertisements to warn people not to be obsessed with mobile phones.

After listening to my statement, do you know me better and use me more rationally?

Self description of composition mobile phone (12)

In the future, I can also translate more than 100 languages such as English, French, German and Japanese. The young master doesn't need to find a tour guide when he goes anywhere abroad.

The current mobile phone is out of power. You can either connect it to the charging bank or find a place with a power outlet such as a coffee shop to charge it. But I can use solar energy to charge, so the little master no longer has to worry about my power loss. I can not only use solar energy to charge, but also use sunlight to connect wifi.

My forefather, the first Apple VII, not only radiated heavily, but also easily leaked electricity, which caused several fire accidents. I am totally free from these drawbacks and potential safety hazards.

However, the above are all small tricks for me. My "big move" can be said to shock the world - that is, "mind reading".

This feature of mine was launched recently, and it is still 1. Version 5, when I upgrade to 2. Version 5 will be of great help to the world. The current version is accompanied by some defects.

Because of these defects, I made some jokes.

One day in school, the little master put me in the desk box, but I unexpectedly turned on the "mind reading" function button automatically.

After class, our gentle head teacher "Xu Zhimo" (the teacher likes to write poems, so the students gave him this "nickname") walked into the classroom and found the classroom noisy. The teacher said, "Please calm down and get ready for class". Those naughty students are still fighting. The teacher looked at everyone with a smile, waiting for the students to calm down.

Just then, an angry voice suddenly came out: "These kids, they really need cleaning up! It's still so noisy after class, don't you know that the headmaster will come to check the class?" Everyone was quiet instantly, staring at "Xu Zhimo". Strangely, he stood on the platform smiling and didn't speak, but the indignant voice of "talking", It's his voice!

The atmosphere in the classroom is very strange, and the teacher "Xu Zhimo" gradually can't smile, because it is his voice hidden in his heart, but I don't know why it resounds in the classroom

At this time, the little owner realized that it was my "mind reading" trick, and quickly reached into the desk box and knocked me. Then everything became normal again.

Ah, I must improve my defects as soon as possible, or I am afraid I will be abandoned by my little master.

Self description of composition mobile phone (13)

My shape is a rectangle, flat, long and very thin. I wear black clothes, which makes me very warm in winter. For the sake of my safety, the sweet little host bought a mobile phone film for me to ensure my safety. To tell you the truth, the little master's act is really a timely help. My hand - button, it is very important to me. Without it, I would never be able to turn off my computer.

My appearance may be lacking, but my functions are very comprehensive! I have a clairvoyant camera. Every time the little master uses my photo function, if he can't see anything far away, he just needs to make an enlarged gesture on me, so that he can see at a glance and know everything outside!

I can also help the little master with his study. Every time the little master encounters a problem he can't do, he will frown. At this time, I will make a noise. The little master noticed me and started to ask me, a brave soldier, to sweep away those "roadblocks" on his way to study. In terms of technology, I am brave and good at fighting! When the little master is resting, I will play games with him. When the little master is boring, I will accompany him to watch Baidu... When I have no power, the little master will carefully wipe the dust off my body and charge me.

The reason why my body is fully functional is that the company puts smart chips into my brain, making my IQ as high as 200. Now I am extremely smart!

I am willing to be the little master's partner until the little master doesn't like me!

Self description of composition mobile phone (14)

My name is Nokia. My oval body is pink. My master also decorated my waist with a lace, which makes me look more beautiful! But because of my appearance, the telephone and PHS brothers have been laid off!

I'm very useful! Now, I can be seen busy everywhere in the society. Once, when the host went to Huangshan for a tour, the towering peak, shrouded in clouds and unpredictable, made people feel that it was more difficult to climb up to the sky. I quickly "brushed" it into a camera, and "clicked" it deeply impressed the beautiful scenery in my mind. Ha ha, the stupid camera has become a family waiting for work!

Every holiday, I am even busier. Look, the Spring Festival is coming. The host picks me up and keeps pressing, which makes me giggle. Oh, originally, the host was sending text messages to relatives, sending blessings and condolences... I would turn into a TV when the host was happy; When the master is bored, I will become a game machine and send laughter to the master

I, mobile phone, am the host's inseparable good friend

Self description of composition mobile phone (15)

There are many tribes in our family? For example, Apple, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, etc. There are also famous people in various families and tribes. Let me introduce them! The Apple 8plus is the most famous one in our family. The photo function of Oppor11 is very powerful.

I am just an apple 7plus with rose gold color. I have a wise head with a square face. My hand is beside my head, so I can use it to switch on and off the machine and black screen. My ears are used to adjust the volume. My mouth is a thing called siri, and the sound comes from the bottom sound. My foot is a round button that the owner can use to return to the main page.

In life, the host can use me to collect data on Baidu, use "Hundred Words" to help learn English, and use "Codemonkey" to relax. When going out to play, the host can use me to take some meaningful and valuable things at any time. The host can also use me to get in touch with classmates, which can enhance friendship. When encountering difficult problems, you can discuss them through me. Therefore, the first thing the host opens when he gets it is QQ and WeChat.

There is no perfect thing in the world, so do I. Although there are many advantages, there are still shortcomings. I have radiation on my body. It's not good to put me beside the pillow when sleeping. Whenever the master is tired of memorizing words, he will secretly download various games to play for an hour. It's no use trying to persuade him. Therefore, the master is nearsighted and wears glasses. The master's mother never stops nagging me and the master.

Ah, the master asked me to check the information again. Let's introduce here first, and let's talk again next time we have a chance!

Self description of composition mobile phone (16)

I evolved from the "Big Brother" of "Big Man". My body used to be very "huge" and bulky. After years of changes, I have become slim, light, simple and fashionable. Although my family still has many people, our ability is not limited. Compared with the 1990s, it is different.

My appearance is colorful: cartoon figure, square, oval... My colors are red, white, black, gold

My body is smooth, and there are several buttons on the edge of my body. These buttons are function keys. Some can let me talk, and some can let me "shut up". Their "power" is very powerful.

I can imitate. The singing voice is exactly the same as that of the singer, without any difference. I am so smart that my brain is full of all kinds of social information.

My brothers and sisters are more and more now. From "Huawei" and "Samsung" in China to "Apple" abroad, almost everyone carries me, from the top officials to the people. I have brought great convenience to people's lives. I can help people exchange information, communicate with each other, solve cost payment problems, and have fun and relaxation.

Although I am very useful, if people contact me for a long time, I will also bring some adverse effects to people, such as radiation, myopia, waste of time... So please don't keep "close contact" with us.

I am a good friend of everyone. I bring convenience and relaxation to everyone. I am confident that everyone will never forget me!