Writing for Returning Books (3 in total)
Still Night Spring Water
2024-06-04 09:25:21

Book Return Composition (1)

Shao Yi is my classmate and my good friend. Maybe it's because we both love reading. Our relationship is especially good.

At noon one day, Shao Yi was looking at a storybook on the seat, which she had brought from her home. I went over to have a look. Ha, isn't this the storybook I've been longing for? I thought to myself: Anyway, we are good friends. Let me take them first. So, I didn't care about three or seven or twenty-one, and grabbed the book: let me read it first.

Shao Yimeng stood up, her face flushed, and said, "Give me the book back!"! He grabbed the book back.

I thought it was very interesting, so I couldn't help but snatch the book back. In this way, we grabbed books like a saw. Just listen: Tear - the cover of the book is broken. This is terrible! Stunned, I involuntarily put down the book. Shao Yi was also stunned. He looked at me, didn't say anything, and silently put the book into his schoolbag

The next day, I handed Shao Yi a new book. Unexpectedly, Shao Yi also took out a pasted storybook from the schoolbag and handed it to me, saying: I wish I had given you the book yesterday No, no, it's my fault. I rob books without your consent. I asked my father to buy a new book for you. Forget it, who let us be good friends? I looked at her plump smiling face, and she looked at my plump smiling face, and we smiled knowingly.

I am proud of my classmates again. Do you have such students?

Book Return Composition (2)

In the afternoon, while I was writing my homework, I suddenly remembered that the two books I borrowed from the library had not been returned. What should I do? It is stipulated that the book borrowing shall not exceed one month, but it has been more than half a year now, obviously exceeding the deadline.

Super is super, no matter how many. So I walked to the library with a feeling of uneasiness. On the way, I dreamed about whether the librarian would criticize me or deduct the deposit. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became, the more afraid I became.

My home is very close to the library, only a mile away. Soon, I came to the library door and saw the "Warm Tips" posted on the door. Business hours: from the 23rd of December to the 6th of the first month. I'm so happy that I didn't waste a trip. Today is the sixth day of the junior high. I looked at the door again and found that the door was locked from the inside. I was excited and depressed immediately. Then an uncle came from behind. He seemed to see my mind, "The door is open, isn't it. I felt warm in my heart and said to him respectfully, "Thank you, uncle!"

So I went in. When I came to the library, there was no one here except two administrators. The administrator was bored. Seeing me come in, he stood up quickly. Before I could speak, he greeted me warmly: "Hello! Is it to return the book?" "Yes!" I replied timidly. I was afraid he would find out that I had borrowed books beyond the deadline. Then he turned on the computer and taught me how to use the card. I put the book on the screen, and then click the return button. Immediately someone said, "The book was returned successfully." The computer did not show that the deadline was exceeded. At this time, I breathed a sigh of relief.

He warmly asked me to go into the room to check what books to borrow, and I picked them out there. After a long time, I found two books that I thought I was very satisfied with. I went out of the library with the book heart in my hand. He immediately locked the door and was ready to leave work. It was time to leave work early, but they didn't dare to disturb me. I felt a twinge of guilt. I delayed their work time, but they didn't say anything. Suddenly I felt warm in my heart.

There are many good people in the world! Sometimes a small act of kindness brings infinite warmth to people, no matter whether you are intentional or unintentional. I suddenly remembered a famous saying: "Be kind to others is also kind to yourself!" May we all be kind to others!

Book Return Composition (3)

What should I borrow today? Borrow a composition book? Borrow a comic book? By Shen Shixi's animal novels? By historical novels? By literary novels? There are too many anyway! I don't want to tell you! By the way, here's a brief introduction: what my father likes most is historical novels. For example, the Annals of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which includes the "War of Warfare" we learned, and the history and results of the "War of Warfare" are recorded in detail. So, I also like reading historical novels now. Like father, like daughter! Let's talk about me again. I like reading composition books very much, so my composition scores went up to the ground. Of course, there are cartoons. Although the elders of comics "scoff" and think that learning is important, not all comics are bad. Some comics can tell us some truth. Of course, learning is first, and comics is second! Mom, let's not talk about it. Anyway, she said that as long as it looks good, it's OK.

"Huihui, come down!" Dad's words pulled me back to reality. I looked up, a magnificent building appeared in my eyes. I got off the car and took the book that my father handed me.