Composition of Missing Grandma (9 practical articles)
Mature offspring
2024-06-16 06:19:36

Missing Grandma Composition (1)

Behind each photo is a story, which is also joy and sadness. People bury it in their hearts, repress it, endure it, but do not want to tell it.

Sunlight silently penetrates the curtains and slants into the house, carrying a warm and elegant atmosphere. I accidentally caught a glimpse of the dusty album, gently picked it up and blew hard. The dust was flying in the air. When I opened the old album, the photos in it had already turned yellow, and the photos that were square and upright had also become dilapidated. I slowly removed the wrinkles, as if I were touching the time. The person printed on the photo has already passed away. She wears a dark pink shirt, and her silver hair falls to the ground like the first snow in winter, like the first frost in autumn. What is revealed from the hairline gap is that kind face with vicissitudes of life. A pair of dark brown eyes are set in the slightly drooping eye sockets, as if they are quietly telling the hard work of the past.

I stared at my grandmother in the photo, and my heart was not relieved. Memories came one after another... The cold wind blew, the house was filled with the fragrance of rice porridge, and the kitchen was constantly busy. I picked up the silver spoon, gently scooped it up, and couldn't wait to put it into my mouth. The taste of sweet, soft, glutinous and glutinous really made me love it. One mouthful after another, I couldn't stop. Grandma came out of the kitchen and smiled and said, "Take your time. Don't worry!".

Time flies, and Grandma's health is not as good as before. Finally one day, she was lying on the hospital bed. I brought porridge to Grandma. She looked pale and sleepy. I called her up quietly. She saw the incubator and was very happy. She opened her mouth and gently put the porridge into her mouth. She chewed it slowly and said with difficulty, "Yummy. This thick smell of rice has become the last fragrance in memory.

I sat on the sofa and looked around. The living room was empty. I walked into the kitchen, where my grandmother's industrious figure had been erased, and my heart was empty. How I wish I could stay with her longer, even if only for one day. Every bit of beauty can only be recalled from this album

The orange sunset passed through the window, hazy and boundless. Grandma, did you hear my missing?

Missing Grandma Composition (2)

In a yellowing photo, there is an elderly woman with many wrinkles, but her kind face makes her a favorite person, my grandma.

Grandma has been dead for a long time. We don't spend much time together, and Grandma's home is far away from my home. I can't always care for her and take care of her. However, although I didn't get along with her often, her kindness and endless love for me made me remember deeply and hard to forget.

When Grandma was still alive, my father would drive me and my brother to Miaoli to find her every New Year. She always cooks a table of hot dishes for us to eat. She cooks very well, which is complete in color, smell and taste, and always makes me want to eat again after eating. Grandma also told me all kinds of interesting stories about my father's childhood. I was very happy to hear them, and sometimes I would laugh until my stomach ached! Grandma is looking forward to our excellent results. She told us some reading methods and life philosophies, and reminded us from time to time that she not only hoped that we would achieve good results, but also hoped that we would have good character. My grandma, my good teacher.

Although Grandma has passed away, I remember her kindness to me. Whenever I see this old photo, I always think of the little things we get along with, and sometimes I cry. Even if the tears dry, I will never stop missing my grandma. A picture of Grandma, full of joy and tears.

Missing Grandma Composition (3)

Gently you left, just as you came gently, you waved gently to say goodbye to the clouds in the west.

——Excerpted from Xiaolu's blog "Forever Missing"

Grandma, dear grandma, how are you in heaven? Xiaolu came to see you!

I called silently in my heart. Although the heavy rain has made my shoes full of mud, I don't mind at all. At this moment, I just want to salute you.

First of all, you are a kind old man. Although I was only 5 years old when you died, I only had a vague impression of your voice, smile and appearance in my memory, but your indomitable spirit of fighting against the disease always encouraged me, let me never retreat in the face of difficulties, and forge ahead bravely.

Secondly, you are a strong woman. When you know that you are in the terminal stage of cancer, you can still smile all the time (even though you reluctantly smiled with great pain at that time), and say to everyone who came to visit you, "Don't worry, I'm fine." Your strength has infected everyone, and you died peacefully without regret.

Finally, as a teacher, you really love your job. I can never personally experience your glorious teaching experience, but not long ago, many of the students you once taught published your words on the Internet, books, and newspapers, which made me experience your majesty when standing on the podium to teach. I heard adults say that you once insisted on teaching for a Chinese class of a graduating class, but unfortunately you fell down at the corner of the table and miscarried. In addition, one student said that you patiently cultivated his interest in learning Chinese, so that he eventually fell in love with Chinese and graduated with excellent results. While drinking tea, I savored it and thought about the last words of the article: "Chinese is a big garden full of fragrance. If you immerse yourself in the sea of flowers, you will feel endless happiness."

Salute to you!

Just like there are no two identical leaves in the world, you are a unique individual. In the face of misfortune and torture, you have the heroic spirit of "falling red is not a heartless thing, turning into spring mud to protect flowers"; You have no regrets about "the silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will start to dry": you have the free and easy attitude of "advocating that the mango shoes are lighter than the horses, who is afraid? The rain and mist will last forever".

Salute to you!

You left quietly, just as you came quietly, you waved your hand quietly, not taking away a cloud.

All I have left is endless yearning and deep respect.

Missing Grandma Composition (4)

When I was young, my parents were too busy. My grandparents took care of me every day. When I was hungry, they cooked something for me to eat. When I was sleepy, my grandmother would carry me to the crib. Every time, my grandmother would sing, "Sleep, sleep, baby, I wish you a good dream. I dreamed that all the flower fairies surrounded you and made you grow tall and fat...", I grew up gradually.

Now, my mother often says to me that my grandparents took care of you when you were young. When you grow up, you should repay them well! Then I made a decision: when I grow up, I will repay my grandparents!

One National Day, we went back to our hometown. Just halfway, my heart has flown to my hometown. On the bus, I was still thinking: How are your grandparents? After so many years, their hair has turned white. In the future, we should repay them well!

Finally, when I arrived at my hometown, my grandma had come to help us with our things. When I got home, I ran to hold my grandma. My grandma kept calling my name: Yizhen, Yizhen... We stayed in my hometown for several days and then left. In the future, I will come back to see my grandparents. I love you!

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Missing Grandma Composition (5)

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5. People everywhere will travel a long way back to their hometown to pay homage to their dead relatives. Because of the bad weather today, my father didn't let me go, but I couldn't help thinking of grandma when I was alone at home.

In my memory, Grandma is a kind and amiable old man, she always smiles. When I visited her every time, Grandma would stand in front of the windowsill on the third floor and shout, "Jiaji, you are coming." Or she would "block" the door and ask deliberately, "Who are you?" Then she would hold me tightly in her arms. At this time, I can feel Grandma's longing.

In my memory, Grandma is still a hardworking and simple old man. She always takes care of Grandpa with all her heart. Grandma cooked delicious food. Whenever I went to Grandma's house on Saturday, I would make chicken legs and duck sticks for me, which I like to eat. I would eat two bowls each time. Or hurry into the room and take out the "treasured" snacks from the wardrobe for me to eat. At this time, I can feel my grandmother's love for me.

I still have many memories of my grandma

Now, although Grandma is no longer with us, I will always miss her.

Wang Jiaji

Missing Grandma Composition (6)

Grandma, Grandma! The sweet cry came into my ears. When I looked back, I saw a lovely girl in the warm arms of a kind old woman. Seeing this scene, I can't help thinking of you my dear grandma. Whenever I heard someone calling Grandma, I was so envious. At that moment, my yearning also came alive!

Grandma, your greatest wish is to hope that your grandchildren can make great achievements. However, you haven't seen the day we grow up, and haven't lived happily yet. You left us in a hurry in your old age, leaving us quietly without any advice, and your last words were left in the phone call with me!

Grandma, do you remember? When you were young, you often sat at the door holding me, looking at the moving vehicles, looking far away, looking forward to my parents coming home from work. At night, sometimes my mother works overtime and I always fall asleep under your touch. Every night, I always have a beautiful dream!

Grandma, do you remember? When I was young, my father always took me to buy snacks. I was afraid of being seen by you, because you didn't like me to eat those things, but I didn't listen to you. Grandma, I know it's wrong. I will listen to you and control my mouth to stop eating those snacks.

Grandma, you always said to me earnestly at dinner: "Miao Miao (my nickname), you should study hard and listen to your parents! Grandma, I will not be capricious any more, I will finish my studies well and live up to your expectations!

Grandma, during the period when you left us, I was thinking of you all the time, and every night I dreamed that you were beside me; Dream that I sleep in your warm arms; When I woke up, you didn't know where you were going, leaving only my deep thoughts for you!

In those days, I used to lie in bed and cry secretly, looking at your photos on my mobile phone, my heart kept shouting: Grandma, come back quickly! Crying and falling asleep!

Grandma, can you reappear before my eyes? What should I do? I will never forget you my dear grandma until I finish my life!

Missing Grandma Composition (7)

Grandma always seems to have neat short hair, which is the same in memory and in photos. As soon as Grandma smiled, the front two porcelain teeth were exposed to the sun. The silver false teeth on the right slightly behind reflected a little bit of light, and a coin sized mole on the left face hid in the big dimple on Grandma's face.

My grandmother left me the impression that she was all gentle and kind. She never lost her temper to me, nor to anyone. It seems that she has no temper. Whenever I made a mistake intentionally or unintentionally, Grandma would always touch my head and say: "Good, listen to me. You can't do this next time, you know?"

I remember that in the summer of 20xx, Grandma's cancer suddenly worsened, the cancer cells had spread to the lymph, and she returned home to prepare for the final fight against the cancer cells. After a period of time, my father helped me take a few days off at school and planned to take me back to see my grandmother for the last time. Of course, I learned these things later.

I stayed in the hospital for about a week. I watched my grandmother's bald head due to chemotherapy every day and the hard way she coughed, but I didn't realize how serious her illness had worsened. I also enjoyed playing in the hospital every day until the morning of June 23——

"Drop --"

Grandma's machine suddenly screamed, and I suddenly turned around while watching TV, which realized that Grandma had passed away. Dad, sitting beside Grandma, rang the bell to call the nurse. The rescue equipment used by the nurse in saved Grandma. At this time, I heard the nurse say to my father, "Is the patient's family ready?"

Grandma probably heard this sentence, and weakly waved to me to pass. I walked up to my grandmother, who touched my head and said, "My dear, listen to my father." After that, the machine beside me began to ring, and her hand hung down.

Grandma, I'm very obedient now. Do you see that?

Missing Grandma Composition (8)

I remember that was when I was in second grade. I am writing a composition. The title of the composition is My Grandma. Suddenly grandpa and grandma came, I was very happy, so I had to deal with the last natural paragraph regardless of three or seven or twenty one, and showed my mother "it's a mess, rewriting." My mother said. Grandma saw me and said kindly, "Look, you won't write hard when I come, and I won't come next time." "No, no... You can come next time." So I wrote carefully again. After I finished writing, I let my mother see it. My mother said, "It's good. As long as you write carefully, you can still write well." I walked to Grandma and confidently said, "I will read it for you!" "Good!" I began to read. After reading, Grandma applauded and said that she would invite you to eat steamed buns as a reward tomorrow The next day when we came to the restaurant, the steamed stuffed buns were served in a short time. Grandma ignored her eating and kept talking to me on the plate. At that time, Grandma had already started to be sick. She hated eating and thought about me all by herself. She also encouraged me to say, "You should study hard, grow up to be a promising person, and treat Grandma." Now I can't help crying in retrospect.

Grandma loves me most at ordinary times. Every time she comes to Grandma's house, she will shout, "I'm back!" Grandma will be busy cooking delicious food for me. Our family will have fun together. But now I can only see Grandpa alone. Ah! Grandma wanted to see me most before she died, but it was the high incidence period of hand foot mouth disease (Grandma lived in an infectious disease hospital), so Grandma insisted on not letting me go.

Grandma, it is my regret that I failed to see you for the last time. Your words and figures have always appeared in my mind. I want to turn back the clock, eat your food and be your grandson. But you...... Will never come back!

Missing Grandma Composition (9)

800 word composition in memory of grandma 1

Today, I saw that all my friends had grandmothers and were loved by them. I can't help thinking of my grandma.

My grandma passed away on the sixth day of the ninth lunar month last year. I still remember the scene that day: that afternoon, when the first class was coming, I was preparing to go downstairs and met my father. I was surprised. I didn't know what my father was doing, but I could see from his expression that something very important must have happened. Before I could speak, my father said, "Grandma is very ill. We need to go back quickly!"

So I hurriedly took my schoolbag, asked the teacher for leave, and left. Then he took his brother out of the kindergarten. When we got home, my mother had already sorted out the things. We got on the bus and drove to Grandma's house. The road of Grandma's house is hard to walk. It's bumpy all the way. Gradually, it's almost Grandma's house. At this time, I met my elder sister, who said, "Grandma, grandma... already......" I couldn't listen anymore, and tears poured out. I rushed to the yard with all my strength

At home, there is a portrait of my grandmother. When I look at the portrait, I think of many things before: every holiday, I would go back to my grandmother's home, but I always use learning as an excuse not to go; Even if I went there, I seldom talked with Grandma. Grandma got sick in her old age. She could not move one hand and one foot and could only sit in a chair. Every time she comes home, Grandma always hopes that my brother and I can accompany her, but we can't sit still. Every time she left, Grandma was always reluctant to give up. She stroked my brother and me with her wrinkled hands and said, "You must study hard!" Dad recalled, "When you were eight months old, you were given to Grandma for a period of time until you were two years old." Hearing this, I knew that I grew up under the care of Grandma. Grandma has six children. Thinking how poor she was, she raised these six children. When the children grow up, she will take care of their grandchildren. When I get old, I am tired and ill.

I was really sad. Grandma just walked away. We didn't even see her last time. I also regret that when Grandma was alive, why not accompany her more and comfort her lonely heart?

I am very sad now. It's no use regretting. I would like to remind the students that when your grandmother is alive, you must accompany her more. Don't be like me. You can only cherish when you miss her.

800 word composition in memory of grandma 2

Sitting in front of the windowsill, looking at the stars in the sky, I remembered my grandmother who had left me for three years. On this cold night, Grandma was lying alone in the cold loess deep in the mountains. She must be very cold and lonely. Thinking of this, my tears could not help flowing out. I remember when Grandma was alive, every year for the New Year or Grandma's birthday, my mother would buy many clothes and delicious food and carry me to visit her. Walking into Grandma's home is like walking into spring - red stove, kind smile, warm embrace.

Grandma always likes to untie her long cotton padded jacket, wrap me up and stick me on her chest, and then move her little feet to walk and shake. I felt like sleeping in a warm cradle. In the lullaby of Grandma's "shake and shake, shake and shake.", I gently snored and entered my dream sweetly.

Grandma always leaves delicious food for me. I remember she often told her mother that when I eat eggs, I should eat the freshest ones, so when I eat eggs cooked by Grandma, they are all steaming eggs. Grandma likes to watch me eat. Whenever she sees me wolfing down, she smiles happily, as if every wrinkle on her forehead is full of happiness. The days at Grandma's house were very happy, but very short.

Every time when we had to leave, Grandma always held me in her arms, put her wrinkled face against my little face, shed tears, and sent us far away. She stopped and watched us until we could not see. Grandma stood there like a lonely old tree, with no green leaves but withered branches.

Grandma is already old. She has spent her whole life feeding her father's generation, and then me. Grandma said to me, "I can't wait for you to grow up. You are my offspring, and you will be promising when you grow up. Don't forget to tell me when you enter the university." Grandma left, smiling and expecting me. When my mother and I went out, Grandma had closed her eyes calmly. My mother cried sadly, and I cried sadly, but Grandma could not hear our voice any more, and of course we could not hear her voice. Since then, every Spring Festival, my mother and I still visit my grandmother.

When we went, we not only brought food and clothing, but also a deep memory of Grandma.

800 word composition in memory of grandma 3

"Lie" is a word that everyone hates, which contains hypocrisy and deception, and everyone is unwilling to get it. But sometimes, it contains intolerance and love, that is a white lie.

Looking back, I saw August 1, 20xx, when I was only eight years old. Grandma felt a little sick. My mother and I accompanied her to the hospital. Grandma seldom goes to Xin'an River. She looks east and west, and shakes the roadside trees like a child. I also jump and jump with my grandma. Is the sky blue? Dark blue? No, it's a cute light blue.

Soon came to the hospital. There are a lot of people in the hospital, and the procedures for seeing a doctor are also very complicated. My mother keeps going like a gyroscope - registering, filming, paying, taking films. Grandma and I waited in the chair. Finally, it was Grandma's turn. The doctor examined her and saw the film she had just made. He frowned. He invited his grandmother out and told her that she had cancer. I was stunned. I knew it was an incurable disease. Mother patted me on the shoulder: "Don't tell your grandmother about your daughter's illness, OK?" "No, I don't believe it!" I shouted. My mind was full of details about Grandma: Grandma's fennel chicken wings, Grandma's wool bags, Grandma's sweet words... I hesitated. If I told Grandma, would she be able to stand it? If I don't tell Grandma, I'm lying! Looking at my mother's expectant eyes again, I nodded calmly, and suddenly there was maturity that children of the same age did not have. For my mother, the thin diagnosis book weighed as much as a thousand pounds, but she said to her grandmother quietly: "Mom! Nothing. It's just a little cold, let's go to get medicine together." Grandma listened, and her wrinkles relaxed, and said happily: "Nothing is good, nothing is good." I shook my head helplessly.

Grandma lived happily in the little time left. She still kindly called me: "Little baby!" The illness began to torture Grandma, and she became more and more painful. In order to cure Grandma's illness, my family and aunt spent all their savings. But that day came -- Grandma drove west. I couldn't help crying, and the white lies also disappeared with Grandma.

As I write here, my eyes are wet, the sky outside the window is gloomy, and the intermittent light rain adds to my missing for Grandma. I lit a candle in the room and made a silent wish to it: ask it to convey an apology to Grandma, for that lie, that white lie.

The little writer of the review recalled the memory of her grandmother's death from cancer with deep feelings and grasped all the points of "white lies", which made the memory of her grandmother more profound and profound.

Composition 4 in Memory of Grandma

It has been more than a year since Grandma died. I always wanted to write something for my grandma, but when I mentioned the pen, I hesitated. I really can't write one hundred thousandth of my grandma in my writing, but I just want to show my memory for him!

Mention grandma, more is bitter and suffering. It can be said that she has suffered all her life. Grandma's childhood was a stale time. There were seven grandmothers, sisters and brothers. She was the eldest, so she took on the heavy housework at the age of six or seven, and took care of her younger brothers and sisters. When she was eight years old, she went to work in the field, so her grandmother had no chance to receive education. When Grandma mentioned this to me, she often sighed that if I could go to school at that time, I could drink tea and read newspapers now. Remembering such words, I can't help but feel heartache for Grandma.

When I think of my grandma, I am filled with dreary tears. Grandma gave me love. It is extraordinary. It makes me totally addicted to it. You can't imagine my dilemma when this love suddenly died. Grandma's sudden departure made me totally unaware of the meaning of life. Of course, this inner trembling is never known. When I was in junior high school, I was in a village more than 20 miles away from home, so I couldn't go home often. The father said, "Grandma counted the days for me, and she said every day that the child would come back after another day." How could this waiting for the days and such deep love not make people cry sadly.

Speaking of Grandma, I am speechless. I really don't have much words to describe her. I should say that my clumsy mouth can't describe her at all. Kindness, diligence, simplicity... these ordinary words have all been dissolved in her bones. I think it's not too much to say that grandma is a model for women, or at least for rural women. The facts can be explained: Grandma learned to spin flowers when she was eleven, so that she could weave at the age of two. She was a woman in seventeen and a mother in eighteen. There is one thing I think I will never forget. Grandma lived by a roller. Grandma said, "When your father was young, I would tie him on my back and push the roller." Think about that scene. My tears didn't come. What can I say?

Grandma left in such a hurry. That afternoon, Grandma was on crutches and exercising in the yard as usual (Grandma was suffering from high blood pressure, and her legs were very stiff, but she always insisted on exercising). I have been used to this habit of Grandma for a long time, and something that made me feel guilty for my whole life finally happened. Grandma fell down, and I rushed out of the desk, and my father came in response. Grandma struggled. My father helped her up, and my sister called the township hospital for an ambulance. The unfortunate thing happened that night. From the township hospital to the county hospital, a CT ended Grandma's life and my prayer in my heart. Grandma has severe cerebral congestion and cannot operate. A sledgehammer broke Grandma's love, and I was surprised that tears blurred my eyes.

Five days later, it was Grandma's funeral day. On that day, the chairman of the village committee paid tribute to Grandma. The wreath can be placed for two or three li. My heart was shocked. Grandma had such a position in people's hearts. At the funeral, almost everyone in the village came to pay tribute to the funeral, and tears hung in people's eyes!


Grandma has gone, but her love for me is eternal, and her life is eternal in my heart!

Composition of Remembering Grandma 5

The past is like a dream, the memory is like smoke, and the time passes like this. The gurgling river of life never returns to the east. Time ran away silently, taking away the right and wrong. When it suddenly turned back, it could not see the scenery, leaving only a vast expanse. The memory also turns into a flying dust, which rises, dances and lands safely

My grandma, the long history of life, the ups and downs of the past 80 years, there should be something worth telling and remembering!

Grandma, was born in a feudal era with gunpowder everywhere. I don't know how many years ago in the spring, my 16-year-old grandmother accepted the fate of marriage and married her younger grandfather. Shortly after the marriage, my grandfather, who was as big as a child, packed his bags and stepped into the high school campus. Now that I think about it, it was a sad and funny time. My grandpa was also the eldest son of the landlord in that era, and it was inevitable that some stubborn big men would have a temper. But under the influence of time, two young people who had never known each other fell in love

Grandma is the eldest daughter-in-law, so since she married into her husband's family, she has shouldered the responsibility of the family. Cultivate land to work in the daytime, and weave mats at night. Don't think grandma is a young grandma married to the landlord's family. In that era, people kept working, working; If you have some money, buy land; After that, we will build houses. But in the end, the hard-earned money was still attached to the title of landlord exploitation. Grandma did not marry into a landlord's family, but a working people's family who lived by working. The family worked hard for those houses that could not be eaten or worn. No matter how hard or tired you are, that day was peaceful. In those happy years, the family prospered, the old people enjoyed their old age in peace, the grandparents had children, and the love was stronger

But after peace, there will always be waves. Grandma's poor child died of illness in swaddling clothes before she could call her mother. Grandma recalled that she just held the children's clothes and sat there in tears for three days. Just when the painful heart had not yet recovered, the miserable ten year catastrophe caused the family to break and die.

Our family, which was given the title of landlord, was ruthlessly destroyed. Men fled everywhere because of fear, and their families were empty. Only a group of women and children were bullied in the once powerful family. The weak women hang themselves, the fugitives run away. My father, who was only three years old at that time, also had no choice but to foster him to his brother's home far away. I can't imagine what a heavy blow it would be to a once prosperous family. People feel sad, sad, and even give up. But the pain in Grandma's heart could only be immersed in tears. Grandma recalled: "I have no reason and no time to choose death! A family of more than ten people, old and young, will live without me!" Since then, there has been another unswerving figure in the depressed society. Grandma worked from morning to night and supported her family by carrying excrement. This is not a lowly and unspeakable job. It is the purest light from a rural woman's hair. In those miserable ten years, it was Grandma who propped up the family with the hands of working women. Grandma's hands were stained with cheap dung, but her heart was shining with golden light

After a catastrophe, Grandma was also taken into the city by her grandfather and left the countryside with her little son. The family finally reunited again. Because happiness is hard won, we also cherish it, and happiness also comes as scheduled

Maybe Grandma is great, because she is a rural woman who can't read Chinese characters, but she let both sons go to college. Grandma often said that the proudest thing in her life was to turn the "landlord" family into a scholarly family. Maybe Grandma's life was unfortunate, and disasters always broke her heart like that. Is happiness always in Pandora's box?

A few years ago, my uncle suffered from terminal cancer and died in a distant place. The family hid their grief in good faith, just to let Grandma no longer bear the pain of white haired people sending black haired people. When the truth was revealed, my poor grandmother broke down in tears. She blamed her, she was in pain, she regretted not seeing her son last, she felt sorry for her grandson's loss of his father at a young age, she felt sorry for the unfairness of God and the unevenness of life. At that moment, Grandma's once strong heart completely collapsed, so desperate, so hysterical

"It's hard to travel, it's difficult to travel, and there are many different roads. Today, it's safe to go through the long wind and waves, and hang the cloud sail to help the sea." Grandma's life has been full of twists and turns, including rough waves and calm waves. But when she is about to return to the sea, the once painful and sad will disappear, leaving behind the courage of a clear conscience and the smile of landing safely, Such a life is happy