500 words of bamboo composition (15 required)
If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain
2024-06-14 08:54:40
reaction to a book or an article

Bamboo's composition 500 words (1)

The first time I saw bamboo was at my grandmother's house. On the way to Grandma's house, I saw tall and straight bamboos on the hillside. Although it was winter, they seemed not afraid of the cold at all, and their green leaves showed their strong vitality. Since then, I have loved bamboo.

The next year I went to Grandma's house again, and I found that bamboo grew more densely. Grandma said, "The bamboo grows fast. We cut half of it to make chairs and make sleeping mats. It has grown so much.". Yes, bamboo has a strong vitality! Look at the endless "Bamboo Sea" behind the front room of Grandma's house. When the wind blows, the bamboo all over the mountains will rise and fall with the wind, making a rustling sound. I even had the illusion that if I raised giant pandas here, there would be no problem.

Bamboo doesn't demand much from people, but giving to people is all. Bamboo has been made into bamboo slips. Bamboo can be made into arrows, woven into bamboo ware, built houses, made into musical instruments, and even burned into bamboo charcoal. Even then, bamboo has no complaints.

People call pines, plums and bamboos "three friends in cold weather". I think that's because bamboos are proud of snow and frost and are not afraid of cold weather. Literati and literati have always liked to write poems and articles to praise it. I think it must be that bamboo has the noble character of being open to the outside and indomitable.

I sat on a bamboo mat and wondered why so many people like bamboo through the ages? Mother said that perhaps it is bamboo's fearlessness of cold, its indomitable vitality and its unrepentant dedication that have pinned people's many good wishes. Mother said that she would like bamboo well and be a lovely person like bamboo in the future.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (2)

I am in the colorful world. Only in love with her - bamboo. That's because she has a strong and enterprising spirit, as well as a simple and beautiful temperament.

Bamboo can grow in the wild and the barren land. It has strong vitality. As Zheng Banqiao said, "We will not let the green mountains relax. We will stand in the broken rock. We will still be strong after thousands of blows. We will let the wind blow from east to west, north to south.".

"It is better to eat without meat than live without bamboo", which shows how much the poet loves bamboo. Indeed, bamboo is beautiful. Whenever I see green bamboos, they always make me forget all the troubles in the world and bring happiness. People praise poplar because it has the spirit of striving for the top, and love weeping willows because it has soft branches and whirling posture. I think bamboo has all these. Isn't it? Don't you think that bamboo pole that stands proudly has the spirit of striving for the top? Isn't the branches and leaves dancing with the wind as soft as willows?

Bamboo, plum and pine are called "Three Friends in Winter". They are still green and fragrant in winter. However, the bamboo among the three friends is more extraordinary. She is as green and evergreen as the pine tree, as frost and pride as the plum blossom. She also has the indomitable spirit of being open to the outside. No wonder people have praised her since ancient times.

Bamboo has nothing to ask for, but it is an excellent thing to give. Some are used for arrows and weaving bamboo ware; Some use bamboo to build houses; Others are made into bamboo flutes, xiao and other musical instruments to give people joy; Others were burned as fuel, but she didn't complain.

Ah! I love bamboo! Ah! I praise bamboo.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (3)

I like bamboo.

Bamboo is a herbaceous plant, but its height is different from that of ordinary flowers. Its height can be compared with that of trees. I sometimes wonder that most flowers and plants are usually short, but what kind of perseverance did the ancestors of bamboo rely on to accomplish this seemingly impossible and great feat?

I praise bamboo and its perseverance!

Bamboo grows from bamboo shoots one by one. In its early stage, bamboo shoots grow very slowly. During this period, they take root silently and accumulate strength. When the time comes, they grow rapidly. In just a few days, they grow from a small bamboo shoot to the height of adult bamboo.

I praise bamboo for its patience. If you don't know it, you will be surprised!

Have you ever observed bamboo carefully? The center of bamboo is empty, which symbolizes modesty. The smell of bamboo is fragrant, without the "earthy smell" of ordinary plants, which symbolizes fresh and refined.

I praise bamboo, praise its modesty, its fresh and refined!

Bamboo is green. Yes, it is green all the year round. It can keep its original intention, unlike some vegetation. In winter, the leaves turn yellow and fall. Bamboo is still silently dedicated. Bamboo can be used as medicine, bamboo shoots can be eaten, and it can also produce oxygen and purify the air.

Have you ever seen bamboo blossom? If not, that's right. Bamboo rarely blooms, but if it blooms, it means the end of its life. How much courage does it take to sacrifice yourself to blossom in a grand way? The height of bamboo is limited. When a bamboo grows high enough, if it grows longer, its top will wither, and it will no longer grow upward. It is not very competitive.

After reading this, you still think bamboo is just bamboo? Is it just a common herb? Have you never thought of its spirit and quality? Didn't you expect those people like bamboo?

I like bamboo because of its spirit and quality.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (4)

A thousand grinds and ten thousand strikes are still strong. The wind is blowing from east to west, north to south.

After a burst of autumn wind, the world suddenly lost its vitality and became lonely, while it still resolutely stood on the earth, looking so green. It is green bamboo.

I love green bamboo and its tenacious vitality. No matter in the field, in front of the house or behind the house, as long as you give it a piece of soil, it will have its pretty figure, even the stone crevices where there is no grass.

I love green bamboo, and its tall and handsome body. Bamboo is beautiful. It seems that it is particularly fond of green - it only wears green clothes - even if it has changed sets of clothes, it is always so full of vitality and vitality. Even if "after the war, three million jade dragons will fly everywhere", you can still see its green body.

I love green bamboo and its simple style. It is never as proud as wintersweet, nor as elegant as snow lotus, but it has its own simple style. Bamboo is simple. It doesn't have a gorgeous appearance, nor does it have the fragrance that penetrates the heart. But it has an incomparable natural beauty, a pure natural beauty, and a beauty without any flaws. Therefore, I like bamboo. Its small bamboo leaf tips like cow hair can be used to make bamboo core tea, which can bring a little cool to the hardworking people and a little fun to the lively and naughty children.

I love green bamboo and its tenacious quality. His tenacity is characterized by "sticking to the green mountain and never letting it go, standing firm in the broken rock". No matter how hard and bad the conditions are, it will fight hard. No matter how great a setback it encounters, it will resist tenaciously. When the storm comes, it can only be sublimated after being baptized. The strong green bamboo can only be shown by the heavy snow that "when I first suspected that the Heavenly Maiden would scatter flowers, I was afraid that Ma Gu would throw rice". In a word, in its mind, there is no giving up, only striving. It loves life, and it knows more about life!

Cuizhu, my favorite, is used to climbing power, and only loves your pride; Accustomed to sweet taste, I only like your hardship

Bamboo's composition 500 words (5)

"The big snow presses the green pine, and the green pine is upright and straight", which is the tenacity and unyielding of the pine. "Mei Xu is inferior to Xue Xue, but Xue loses Mei's fragrance" is Mei's tenacity and unyielding. "There are knots before the excavation, and even Lingyun is modest" is the tenacity of bamboo. Bamboo is unyielding. Plum, pine and bamboo let us see the strong side.

Song Da Vinci

Destiny always teases people like this. You experienced deafness in your middle age, which hit you deeply in love with music and pushed you into a bottomless canyon. But you are brave to fight and never give in. You seize the throat of destiny, which resounds in the world of human spirit and inspires future generations. So the symphony of destiny that sounds exciting was born. Listen, the magnificent music is like your burning life. Like Pine, you showed us your unyielding life and attitude.

Mei Li Bai

When talking about the Tang Dynasty, the first thing we think of is not Zhenguan Prosperity, not Tang Taizong Li Shimin, but you - Li Bai. You wear a sword on your waist, hold a jade cup, face the clear moon, recite poems and dance swords. Who is more handsome and generous than you? You wave your hand to write "An Neng destroys eyebrows and cuts the waist, making me unhappy" Ling Yun arrogance, It shows us this indomitable soul and tenacious spirit.

Bamboo. We

Although the bamboo shoots are young, the tough soil layer cannot cover them, and the stacked stones cannot bend them. Although it is difficult to break the ground and the environment is bad, it will never bow; In spring, summer, autumn and winter, it will continue to rise. As the saying goes, the country is strong when young people are strong, and the country is wise when young people are wise. Our shoulders bear the hope of the Chinese nation.

Breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, fearing difficulties and striving to make progress, Mei, Song and Zhu have already set an excellent example for us. Only by learning their spirit can we succeed and create brilliance!

Bamboo's composition 500 words (6)

"Hold on to the green mountains and never relax, standing in the broken rock!" Bamboo, always inspire me to make progress!

"Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum" is known as the Four Gentlemen! There were many great poets and painters to praise bamboo, including Tao Hongjing's "Green forests and green bamboos are available at all times" in his "Book of Thanks to Chinese Scholars"; In Bai Juyi's "Snow at Night", "Know the weight of snow at night and hear the sound of bamboo folding"; There is also Ouyang Xiu's "In the deep night, the wind and bamboo knock the autumn rhyme, thousands of leaves and thousands of voices are hate". Bamboo is the favorite of many great poets. Su Dongpo once said, "It is better to eat without meat than to live without bamboo"!

Bamboo, a symbol of tenacity! It has the tenacity quality of "thousands of grinds and thousands of blows are still tough, and the wind from east to west, north to south". Bamboo also represents indifference, aloofness and integrity, which is the pursuit of personality by Chinese literati.

Bamboo, although not as strong as a tree or as beautiful as a flower, has the tenacity of bending without breaking, and bending without breaking. How like those people who work with steel in a soft way!

Pine, bamboo and plum trees are recognized as "three friends in cold weather". When the cold winter comes, they are brave and unyielding. Standing proudly in the wind and snow, it means that no winter cannot pass, no spring cannot come, and there will always be a rainbow after rain.

Bamboo inspires us to work hard and persevere! Try to adapt to various environments. Never flinch from difficulties.

In life, we should be like bamboo, honest, strong and optimistic. No matter how hard it is in front of you, you should learn to be strong, optimistic and not yield to difficulties.

Bamboo, the love in my heart! With you, my life will become more exciting!

Bamboo's composition 500 words (7)

"Pines, bamboos and plum trees are three friends in cold weather, and peach, plum and apricot trees are a family." I like pine trees and plum trees, but I have a special preference for bamboo.

Bamboo is a common green plant. There is a bamboo forest behind my village. Its branches and leaves are green, beautiful, straight and lush. Bamboo leaves are oval, and some people can use them as musical instruments. The bamboo pole is cylindrical, yellow green, but tender green when young, and dark green when grown. The bamboo pole has knots, and the bamboo is hollow. Bamboo has no fruit and grows very fast. It can become a timber in a year or two.

In spring, bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest break through the ground to welcome a new life. In winter, bamboo bravely fights with wind, frost, rain and snow. It is still green and green. How tenacious! There are many kinds of bamboos, such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys rigidus, Neosinocalamus affinis, Phyllostachys pubescens and Zizhu.

Bamboo has a wide range of uses. It can be made into rice paper, and is also a good building material. The Dai people use bamboo to make houses. Once they enter the house, they can feel very cool. The bamboo bed, chair and mat can be used to cool people in midsummer. Bamboo can also be made into exquisite bamboo handicrafts, which not only beautifies people's lives, but also creates a large amount of foreign exchange for the country. Bamboo shoots can also be eaten by people.

Bamboo has been planted for thousands of years in China. It has strong vitality and is easy to reproduce. As long as a small section of bamboo whip is buried underground, it can grow into a beautiful bamboo forest in a few years. Bamboo can reproduce without seeds. It rarely blooms and bears fruit. It usually blooms once every 50 to 100 years, but it will die soon. It likes a warm and humid living environment, which can be seen everywhere in the Yangtze River basin.

I love the bamboo forest in my hometown, and I love the bamboo forest that is willing to offer.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (8)

Far away, a place without life

A valley of death.

A valley without vitality.

The sun was so crazy that it didn't stop when the oven was turned to 50 degrees. The sky is golden, which is unbearable to people's eyes. Gold must pierce the heart. There is no white mixed in, no cloud inlaid. If you put a filament here, it will not float. This is a valley that cannot be reached by the wind.

There are no living things in the valley, but only soil and rocks. The ground is dried and cracked by the sun, and there are many cracks, which are full of spider web cracks. Is the earth too tired, or how can wrinkles grow? The soil is loose, and the sun has eliminated its solidification force. The soil is black. It thinks black is more fashionable. The stone should be smooth, but the stone here is still rough, without any luster. If you touch it with your hand, it will burn immediately, and there will be a layer of powdery things.

The water doesn't like it here either. It thinks it's too bad.

However, one day, the valley became green.

A bamboo, a strong bamboo, emerges from the crack in the stone.

Its roots firmly plunge into the rocks and melt into the soil. It stands here without water and nutrition, letting the sun's scorching sun be hot. This bamboo does not yield to the harsh environment and the restrictions of growth and nutrition. It is very strong.

This green bamboo breaks the tranquility of the valley and emerges green vitality.

This is no longer a place without life.

"Hold fast to the green mountains, and stay rooted in the broken rocks. The thousand blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north to south."

Bamboo's composition 500 words (9)

My family has a small potted plant garden. This small botanical garden is nothing special, except that among many potted plants, a seedling taller than me, a slender cloud bead, has grown! It didn't grow up all at once. If you look at other small cloud beads, you can see how tortuous they are.

It used to be the kind of low cloud beads, which haven't moved for a long time. One day, I casually inserted a bamboo pole into the pot after eating all the meat. Those bamboo poles simply ignored the opportunity. Therefore, the humble 'Xiaoyun Bamboo Seedling' did not hesitate to monopolize this stick.

It grew up with a stick. How fast it grows! Suddenly, it was as tall as a stick. When Dad saw it, he threw out a thick iron wire and tied it to the stick. It continues to climb happily, enjoying the fun of growth. It said, "How wonderful!"

People say that beauty is transient, and this cloud bead is no exception. After climbing to the top of the barbed wire, it grew taller than me. Dad thought it was too fast, so he pinched the boss! What a blow to a small life! Can Yunzhu grow? As a result, a few days later, two small green buds grew on both sides not far from the top! Listen, it is saying to itself, "No one can stop my growth!"

This is the moment when miracles happen! The two seedlings slowly grew up again. The one that was not relied on in mid air seemed to be a person, but before you worried, one plant wrapped the other, and then the other naturally wrapped. The seedlings help each other and take the first step of independent growth. They seemed to say, "It's good to help each other!"

Small plants are so strong that they know how to help each other. What about us humans? We can't be inferior to them! So we should also strive to grow, and the joy of success can only be realized by those who work hard and help each other to reach the peak!

Bamboo's composition 500 words (10)

Today, I found that the bamboo knot in front of the window always blooms silently. It's like flowers painted deliberately. It gathered together and hung on top of the red bamboo knot. It's beautiful! However, if it hadn't blossomed, I would have forgotten.

The red leaves of the bamboo knots are as red as flowers, and the branches and leaves that thrive one by one are really like bamboo. Maybe that's why it got its name. My mother brought it back from work. When I just got it back, it was just a short branch. I don't believe it can live in such a flowerpot, but my mother retorted: "Don't underestimate it, it has strong vitality!"

A few days later, a short branch really grew out of our flowerpot. I kind of believe my mother.

However, I didn't expect such disappointment. After only a few days, he bent down and lowered his head like an old man. I'm getting impatient and I don't want to control it. After a few days, I didn't water it and didn't continue to take care of it.

Half a year later, Zhu Jiehong was forgotten. Until this morning, I suddenly found her pink, extremely beautiful flowers. The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on her smiling face, and she was still stretching her muscles, as if she had just woken up.

For half a year, without careful care, without the moisture of water and dew, it survived by the strength of the soul and sunshine, and opened beautiful flowers to show people its most beautiful side. I was attracted by its indomitable character and shocked by its strong vitality.

In fact, life should be like this, should be so implied and strong; In fact; Life should be like this. It should be positive. Let the bamboo spirit grow with me!

Bamboo's composition 500 words (11)

Today, I read the beautiful article Bamboo with great interest. It wrote about the extensive use and noble character of bamboo. The indomitable spirit of bamboo moved me and induced me to read it again and again greedily.

When I read "Green and green bamboos are full of treasures", I was touched by the spirit of bamboo's silent dedication. "When the silkworms die, the candles and torches turn to ashes and tears before they dry." Doctors, cleaners, policemen... aren't they working tirelessly for the motherland and the people?

When I read "When the snow hasn't melted, it will plunge into the sky", I seemed to hear the cold wind whistling, the bamboo shoots burst out of the ground, and saw the white snow, and it was emerging a small green head. Zhu's spirit of self-improvement surprised me, and at the same time, he sighed that he was inferior to me. He would "shrink his head" whenever he met difficulties. Take writing a composition for example. Whenever the teacher assigns a composition, I get upset. As you know, composition is my weakness. I have racked my brains to think of no good words or sentences. As for me, I should either pout and say no, or grab the composition book and copy it vigorously, or put it together into a piece, or scribble, without serious thinking at all. Bamboo, I compare with you. I'm just a flower in the greenhouse. I can't stand the wind and rain. I'm really ashamed!

After reading this article, I felt the strong vitality of bamboo, which is fearless of difficulties. This spirit is also needed by the cowardly.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (12)

We must have read the poem "Bamboo and Stone": "Hold fast to the green mountain, and stand in the broken rock. Only by striking thousands of hammers can we be strong, and let the wind blow from east to west, north to south." This poem tells us that we should be strong and resilient like bamboo.

I once read a book that said that a bamboo seed fell into a rock crevice on the mountain. The mother of the rock crevice asked, "My child, why did you come here? There is a lack of water and nutrition, and it is not suitable for you to grow!" The seed said, "Don't bother, I will grow well!" Day after day, the sun fed it, and the spring also fed it constantly, The rain keeps feeding it! The bamboo grows up gradually. It is very tall and strong, and can turn over the stones on it. A poet walked by, found this bamboo shoot, and said loudly: "How tenacious is the vitality of this bamboo shoot, and I will praise it everywhere!"

Bamboo shoots grow out of the cracks in the rocks. They are so tenacious. Although they have experienced many hardships, they can make contributions to pandas when they grow up.

This is the case with bamboo. No matter whether you planted it intentionally or dropped it at will, in short, as long as there is a seed, it will thrive everywhere regardless of the terrain and the cold and heat. It does not need anyone to fertilize or irrigate it. It can not be reached by the strong wind, submerged by the flood, or killed by the cold. It just grows carefree. The life of bamboo is not strong! Bamboo requires little from people and gives much to people, which is one of the reasons why I always feel respect when I see bamboo.

The spirit of selfless dedication of bamboo moved me and made me unforgettable. This is bamboo.

Bamboo's composition 500 words (13)

When I was young, my mother took me to visit Chongdu Valley. We climbed to the top of the mountain, looked down, and saw green poles standing on both sides of the road. I asked my mother, "Is this a tree?" My mother said it was bamboo.

When I went down the mountain, I carefully observed that the shape of bamboo is cylindrical, composed of sections. The leaves are long and thin, like willow leaves, and look like sweet and delicious sugarcane roots from a distance. Like a giant panda, I climbed on the bamboo and smelled it. Suddenly, a fresh fragrance came to me, refreshing. The waves rushed to the side, feeling happy, sad and sad. I just relaxed and felt the fragrance of bamboo.

At night, Grandma Feng got angry. We all hid in the hotel and looked out of the window. One by one, bamboos swayed and might turn over at any time, knocking down the house and killing people. However, as long as the wind is a little weak, the bamboo will turn over and stand upright again. Once again, it will swing like a tumbler in front of me. It's really like Zheng Banqiao said, "A thousand blows are still strong, and the wind can blow from east to west, north to south."

The next morning, we went home by car. On the way, I asked my mother: "Why is bamboo so strong? After a night of strong wind, it is still the same as before. If we had such a strong wind, the trees would have blown away." Mother said: "My child, although bamboo is not as tall as a big tree, it has great resilience. In the face of storms, it is indomitable, and uses its tenacity to withstand the storms. At the same time, I hope you must be resilient, unyielding, tenacious, brave... spirit, like bamboo, and be a useful person to society and the country!"

In the past, I always seemed to understand my mother's words, but after several years of setbacks, I finally understood the tenacity and tenacity of bamboo

Bamboo's composition 500 words (14)

"Hold fast to the green mountains and never relax, and stand rooted in the broken rocks. A thousand grinds and ten thousand blows are still strong, and the wind blows from east to west, north to south." This is a poem by the ancient poet Zheng Xie, which praises the spiritual quality of bamboo, which is fearless of difficulties and makes progress.

The first time I saw bamboo was at my grandmother's house in the countryside. My mother was looking at a row of green "small trees" in front of the courtyard wall. I said what's good about this? How beautiful the roses are over there! Mother said: "Yang Yang, you can't just look at the surface of things. This is bamboo. It's honest and upright. It's the most beautiful."

I was very curious and couldn't wait to check the information about it after I got home. Bamboo, pine trees and plum blossoms are called "Three Friends in Winter". They are treasures all over the body. People constantly ask for them, but they don't ask for anything in return. No matter it is stormy, or lightning, it shakes violently, but it never looks down to anyone. Bamboo grows one by one. It doesn't grow as fast as bamboo shoots after a spring rain, but it grows up when people are not paying attention. It never asks for anything from us. It was born not to compare but to devote itself.

Isn't the spirit of bamboo, which is upright and fearless of difficulties, our soldiers? How many hardships have they suffered so that we can live in peace, guard the border, and live and work in peace? No matter how cold or hot, wind or rain, have they ever retreated? No, no! Did they give up? No, Hungry, eat pine nuts in the snow, thirsty, eat a handful of snow, they have never cried bitter!

I want to learn from bamboo, the spirit of fearing no difficulties and selfless dedication. If everyone gives a little love, life will be better!

Bamboo's composition 500 words (15)

Bamboo is a gentleman, indifferent to fame and wealth, hidden in the mountains; Bamboo is a poet, free and unfettered, with a determined soul; Bamboo is a guard, upright and firm; Bamboo is the soul of the noble and pure. It proudly and calmly looks at the ups and downs of the world.

Bamboo is the most common. The towering branches have a little bifurcation when they reach the top. The slender green leaves with wide middle and narrow ends constitute bamboo. However, ordinary bamboo, in its hollow branches, contains a good soul.

Bamboo does not fall down, because its branches are hollow, without too much possession, it will not get dirty; Bamboo is talented because it has few branches. It has always been firmly growing towards the ideal. It is so firm that it will not be blown down by the wind of evil and corruption; Bamboo is as green as jasper all the time, because its roots are deeply rooted in the ground, through the rocks, extending downward, and deeply rooted, so it has a broad mind and rich knowledge. It is not so much the bamboo that stands upright, but rather its quality that makes it stand upright.

Li Bai said, "I am born to be useful, and the gold will come back when it is gone." He is a dissolute man, and often can't be reused. He has a proud heart.

Su Shi said, "It is better to eat without meat than live without bamboo." He is a bamboo, indifferent to fame and wealth, far from the secular world, indifferent to everything in the world.

Zheng Xie said, "A thousand millstones and ten thousand strikes are still strong, and you can feel the wind blowing from east to west, north to south." He is a bamboo, firm and standing in the world.

Li Qingzhao said, "Life is a hero, death is also a ghost." She is a bamboo, although a woman, but with a cavity of blood and enthusiasm for the country.

Five thousand years ago, how many people like bamboo, with noble quality! As time goes by, their bamboo like spirit has been engraved on the pages of history as well as people's hearts.