Fingerprint composition (set of 9)
Life is a play
2024-06-19 07:00:58
junior middle school
Expository text

Fingerprint composition (1)

The mystery of fingerprints is 900 words - science is a mysterious ocean, I am a small fish swimming in the ocean, I shuttle in the mysterious ocean, and I have endless fun.

I like to read detective novels. One book that has always been fresh in my memory is Fingerprint: The Rise of Modern Criminal Investigation Science. This book mainly talks about: In Britain in 1905, an elderly couple was brutally killed. The only evidence is an unclear fingerprint. So began this fascinating story about scientific breakthroughs. For five years, Henry Falls has been trying to persuade the Metropolitan Police Office to adopt his identification system. When Francis Galton, an elite social scientist, absorbed the views of Falls and claimed his research achievements, his high social status soon convinced the Metropolitan Police Office and tried to prosecute the murder case with fingerprint evidence for the first time, However, at this' historic moment 'that will forever change the criminal justice system, Henry Falls claims that the fingerprint found at the murder scene is not the defendant's fingerprint... This book is not only a story about a complicated and intractable murder case, but also describes the difficult process of how technology was accepted by the criminal justice system.

Because of the original reason of this book, I became curious about fingerprints and went to study them. I learned that human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Fingerprints are the ridges on the epidermis. Because of human genetic characteristics, although fingerprints are available to everyone, they are different. Hold out your hand and observe carefully, you can find that small fingerprints can also be divided into several types: concentric circles or spiral lines, which look like water swirls called bucket patterns; Some lines open at one side, like dustpan, called dustpan pattern; Some patterns are like bows, called bow patterns. In addition to their different shapes, the number, length and thickness of their fingerprints are also different. Even father and son, mother and daughter, twin brothers or sisters, even if their appearance is extremely similar, but the fingerprint also has obvious differences. It is said that among more than 6 billion people in the world, no two people with identical fingerprints have been found. What's more interesting is that the fetus begins to produce fingerprints from the third to fourth months, and it forms around the sixth month. When the baby grows up, the fingerprint just gets bigger and thicker, but its shape features remain unchanged.

Don't underestimate fingerprints, they are very useful! Fingerprints are composed of many small particles arranged on the skin. These small particles are very sensitive. As long as you touch the object with your hand, you will immediately report the cold, hot, soft, hard and other "information" to the brain headquarters, and then the brain will issue orders and command actions according to these "information". Fingerprints can also enhance the friction of the skin, so that the fingers can hold things tightly and are not easy to slip off. The reason why we can draw, write, hold tools and do handwork so easily and freely at ordinary times is that fingerprints contribute to it.

The magic fingerprint is still waiting for us to explore and discover.

Fingerprint Composition (2)

During the break, I picked up the nail polish and applied it carefully. A classmate next to me accidentally touched me, and nail polish spilled on the back of his finger. It's too late to get angry. Wipe it quickly. Still slow down, nail polish stained finger fingerprint contour is very clear. Now I'm curious and keep looking at my fingers.

One by one, I saw the road in my life. The fifty odd stripes bear different experiences, including unforgettable, shocking, touching, and joys and sorrows. Another person said to me that fate revolves for several rounds, turning into our profound fingerprint, and staying in the heart of every loved one for warming up. Indeed, I felt the residual temperature when I put my hand close to myself.

I think the deepest one is my love for the world! I am a cold-blooded child. I never thought of helping anyone. Only those who have helped me can I be grateful for my life. My parents gave birth to a new girl, hoping that she would be warm and cheerful, as opposed to my sister. However, people like me will also have something to guard and people to guard. Because I know what gratitude is.

The person I want to guard is my sister Minxin, who gave my parents a bright smile, which I can't do. I hope she can live a dull, happy and healthy life. I don't want her to live as hard as I did when I was a child, leading to coldness like me. Even if I try my best, I want to protect her all my life. Min Xin, my sister will love you all her life and happily do what you want to do. Maybe it's fate, she let me care with patience and smile, just like the deepest fingerprint in the circle, which is unique to me. Min Xin, it's you who give me heart, responsibility and temperature?

The intermittent rain brought me back to my senses. I still had a long smile on my face, which led to muscle cramps. I could not control so much. When I walked to the corridor, the rain spilled on my fingers. It was warm and quiet. It was Minxin's love that carried the rain through the fingerprint and reached my heart

Fingerprint Composition (3)

What Mr. Ding gave us today was a fingerprint painting. Fingerprints are very useful, for example, they can help police solve cases and identify people. You must be familiar, but have you ever heard of fingerprint painting? Let me introduce you.

First, we need to prepare the following tools: inkpad, white cardboard, and watercolor pen. Let's draw a little boy first! First, print the thumb horizontally, then firmly print it with the forefinger, and then paint his hair, eyes, hands, ears, legs and feet with black watercolor. Let's draw three more small trees! First, use your index finger to gently and firmly place it on the inkpad. Just put it three times, and then use a black watercolor pen to draw branches on it!

I couldn't help but make up a story for them: one day, a little boy was very happy when he saw how green a big tree was. He said, What a beautiful tree! Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera. If I had brought it, I would have taken a picture of it.

Today, Mr. Ding asked me to draw a tree and let us use our favorite color inkpad to print fingerprints on the branches of the tree on the painting.

Today's composition class is really interesting.

Fingerprint Composition (4)

From the explanation of the handsome police uncle, I understand the uniqueness and lifelong stability of fingerprints. Knowing the convenience that fingerprints bring to us in life, such as door locks, clock in and clock out, cell phone unlocking... Of course, the most powerful thing is to help the police uncle solve the case and catch those hateful villains!

The police uncle talked about the three patterns of fingerprints very carefully. They are bow shaped, skip shaped and bucket shaped. There are different lines and holes in the fingerprint, which greatly improves the fingerprint recognition.

What I am most interested in is the fingerprint extraction method described by the police uncle. There are two fingerprint extraction methods, one is chemical development method, the other is physical development method. Today I learned the physical manifestation. With the help of the police uncle, the parents first printed an invisible on-site fingerprint on one card paper, and then printed six sample fingerprints of different fingers and parents on another card paper with inkpad. What I need to do is to find out the fingerprint belonging to my mother through comparison.

First of all, after I got the two pieces of card paper, the police uncle poured some special black powder on the card paper of the fingerprint at the scene. I kept shaking back and forth gently until a fingerprint clearly appeared in front of me. I took out the magnifying glass that I had prepared for a long time, and carefully compared the fingerprints on the two pieces of card paper according to the previous explanation of the police uncle. Through the release of fingerprint patterns, lines, holes, and various differences, after careful identification, I quickly found my mother's fingerprint. At this time, I am very proud and happy!

Later, the police uncle also explained that the ancients also knew the unique characteristics of fingerprints early. Therefore, when the ancients wrote a letter but did not want others to open it at will, they would use special clay or candles to stick and seal it, and then press their own fingerprints. In this way, others would not dare to open it quietly, smart ancients!

Through this activity, I have gained a lot of insight. It turns out that a small finger hides a big secret! I will study harder to find more interesting secrets!

Fingerprint Composition (5)

Fingerprints bring us a lot of convenience. Now the fingerprint has been used to unlock the phone. Enter your fingerprint into the phone. If you want to unlock, put your finger on the fingerprint identifier to unlock. However, the identifier can only identify the finger where you input the fingerprint. The fingerprint of other fingers cannot be unlocked. The principle of access control is similar to that of clocking in and out of work. The fingerprint is input into a machine. When you put your finger in the fingerprint identifier, the door will open. The public security bureau will also use fingerprints when solving cases. When the murderer left his fingerprint at the crime site, the police would compare it with the fingerprint in the database when they came to the scene to find clues. If there were the same fingerprint, the police would arrest the suspect according to the clues.

Sometimes people draw with their fingerprints. Because all flowers and plants have veins, and the patterns printed by fingers also have veins. How wonderful it is! It can be called an art!

Fingerprints provide us with so many conveniences. They are amazing!

Fingerprint Composition (6)

Fingerprint, commonly known as "fingerprint". The most famous fingerprint story comes from a case between Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren. Forced by poverty, Yang Bailao "pressed his finger" on Xier's deed of sale. He witnessed his forefinger dyed red with inkpad and sang the strongest indictment of the evil old society.

Of course, today's story has been reinterpreted. A short time ago, the characters of the skit were still Huang Shiren and Yang Bailao, but the old class enemies have been transformed into abstract symbols of creditors and lenders. The scene that Huang Shiren (the creditor) had no choice but to cry to Yang Bailao (the lender) is really interesting.

Handprint Handprint, a handprint. For Yang Bailao, who doesn't know big characters, selling his daughter with his hand as a seal is really a sad and helpless thing. In his eyes, red handprints are iron evidence and evidence. He acknowledges the legal power of handprints.

Several years ago, I had a story of "pressing the fingerprint". It was that time that I thought carefully that I learned the preciseness of the public security front and the meticulousness of the police.

The reason for pressing the fingerprint is Huangfu Keren, a troublemaking film director and China's first independent producer. His real name is Wang Fan, an old friend of mine in Yunnan.

On that day, our two families went to the Lu Xun School of Literature to attend a party. When we returned, we took a taxi to Chaoyang Gate. The driver, angered by a rickety cyclist in front, got off to criticize. Unexpectedly, the cyclist and his two partners surrounded and fought. Huangfu Keren couldn't stand it. So he went to dissuade him. He got a fist on his nose first. In a rage, he joined the scuffle and fought one against three. It was brave and rash -- I couldn't ignore my friends' affairs. Besides, he was just in his blood at that time, so I jumped out of the car to help Huangfu Keren.

The result was simple: we all entered the Chaoyangmen Police Station.

When I entered the police station, I observed that the earliest fighter squatted on the ground and vomited, and then cried loudly. I dare to be a drunk! After further inquiry, I knew that it was the young workers of Beijing Dahongmen Meat Joint Factory who were lovelorn, depressed, and drowned their sorrows in alcohol, which led to a modest case

Under the dignified gaze of the police, the three young men reluctantly but reluctantly pressed their fingerprints on the file paper, and all ten fingers followed the strict procedure.

I didn't have anything to do with handprinting, but I was an editor and liked to correct typos. When a kind policewoman asked about the cause and effect of the incident and handed me the two pages of record, I corrected some clerical errors while looking at it, trying to be fluent and close to an essay. Instead, the policewoman calmly brought a box of red ink pad and said, "Please put your fingerprints on the places you have changed."

I was shocked, but I believed that the intention of the policewoman was impeccable, so I pressed my hand print on the interrogation record. Soon, red plums blossomed on the paper, showing a different style.

At least a dozen fingerprints were pressed that time. It should be said that it was the first time in my life that I walked into the police station because of an accident, accepted an inquiry from a policewoman for the first time, and pressed the most red handprints for the first time.

The seal, as I understood later, has two meanings: one is the constant mark of social identity, which is the ancient official seal and today's official seal. Another meaning is the symbol of life. "Everyone's fingerprint, palm print, and the" impression "and" mark "that extend from them all have indelible personality color. Therefore, when I write on the paper with a pen, the pen becomes the seal of my soul; When I first set foot on the land I have never walked through, my feet turned into stable prints, and my feelings were printed in unfamiliar fields step by step... There are many externalizations of such prints, but the most primitive, convenient and personal one is undoubtedly handprints.

However, from a scientific point of view, it is said that "fingerprint is more accurate. Fingerprint can become fingerprint science. What about fingerprint, fingerprint science"? I have never heard of it.

This is just like "military dog" cannot be called "military dog".

Fingerprint Composition (7)

Today, our composition class held the activity of "fingerprint painting". I was very happy to hear the news, because I have never used fingerprint painting?

After the teacher gave us colorful paints, we began to paint. First, I dipped my forefinger in yellow paint on the paper to make a small body of a crab, and then dipped my little finger in black paint to dot the crab's body as its eyes! I accidentally smeared the crab's eyes. I quickly wiped them with a towel and filled them with black paint. Finally, a lifelike little crab was drawn. I thought for a moment. What else is there beside the beach? I suddenly got an idea, right! There are trees beside the beach. I used green paint to draw a big tree. The green leaves are so vivid. I saw that the tree should be missing something. It seems that I forgot to draw the coconut on the tree. So I painted the coconut. Then I dipped my five fingers in different colors and gently pressed it on the paper, Five lifelike fish appeared. My work is finished. What name should I give it? Let's call it Magic Beach! After painting, we made a comparison and selected the best creative award. Unexpectedly, I won the first prize.

After this class, I learned that I can draw with my fingers, and I won the first prize. I'm so happy!

Author | Xu Xiaoyu, Grade 3

Fingerprint Composition (8)

Today, the teacher will take us to draw an interesting fingerprint painting. I am very excited.

The teacher first gave us colorful paints, pencils and paper for drawing. Next, we will start painting.

First, I dipped my thumb in the green paint, and clicked on the paper. A vivid lotus leaf appeared. I used a pencil to draw several veins on the lotus leaf. Then I dipped my forefinger in blue paint, drew dozens of blue ripples on the paper, and dipped my little finger in black paint, and drew five dexterous tadpoles on the paper. Look! How happy they are swimming in the water!

When I saw that there was still some free space on the drawing paper, I thought: What would you like to draw? By the way, there are still small fish in the water. So I dipped my pencil in the black paint and drew two small fish on the paper. Look! They catch up with each other. How interesting!

Finally, I gave the painting a nice name, Moonlight over the Lotus Pond.

After drawing the picture, we also made a comparison. Although I didn't make it, I was still very happy. Because I learned to draw fingerprints. Next time, I will draw fingerprints.

Author | Ding Yiwen, Grade 3

Fingerprint Composition (9)

The mystery of fingerprints is 900 words - science is a mysterious ocean, I am a small fish swimming in the ocean, I shuttle in the mysterious ocean, and I have endless fun.

I like to read detective novels. One book that has always been fresh in my memory is Fingerprint: The Rise of Modern Criminal Investigation Science. This book mainly talks about: In Britain in 1905, an elderly couple was brutally killed. The only evidence is an unclear fingerprint. So began this fascinating story about scientific breakthroughs. For five years, Henry Falls has been trying to persuade the Metropolitan Police Office to adopt his identification system. When Francis Galton, an elite social scientist, absorbed the views of Falls and claimed his research achievements, his high social status soon convinced the Metropolitan Police Office and tried to prosecute the murder case with fingerprint evidence for the first time, However, at this historic moment that will forever change the criminal justice system, Henry Falls claimed that the fingerprint found at the murder scene was not the defendant's fingerprint?? This book is not only a story about a complicated and difficult murder case, but also describes the difficult process of how technology was accepted by the criminal justice system.

Because of the original reason of this book, I became curious about fingerprints and went to study them. I learned that human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Fingerprints are the ridges on the epidermis. Because of human genetic characteristics, although fingerprints are available to everyone, they are different. Hold out your hand and observe carefully, you can find that small fingerprints can also be divided into several types: concentric circles or spiral lines, which look like water swirls called bucket patterns; Some lines open at one side, like dustpan, called dustpan pattern; Some patterns are like bows, called bow patterns. In addition to their different shapes, the number, length and thickness of their fingerprints are also different. Even father and son, mother and daughter, twin brothers or sisters, even if their appearance is extremely similar, but the fingerprint also has obvious differences. It is said that among more than 6 billion people in the world, no two people with identical fingerprints have been found. What's more interesting is that the fetus begins to produce fingerprints from the third to fourth months, and it forms around the sixth month. When the baby grows up, the fingerprint just gets bigger and thicker, but its shape features remain unchanged.

Don't underestimate fingerprints, they are very useful! Fingerprints are composed of many small particles arranged on the skin. These small particles are very sensitive. As long as you touch the object with your hand, you will immediately report the cold, hot, soft, hard and other "information" to the brain headquarters, and then the brain will issue orders and command actions according to these "information". Fingerprints can also enhance the friction of the skin, so that the fingers can hold things tightly and are not easy to slip off. The reason why we can draw, write, hold tools and do handwork so easily and freely at ordinary times is that fingerprints contribute to it.

The magic fingerprint is still waiting for us to explore and discover.