One person's composition that I hate (3 selected articles)
Mint Night
2024-06-22 07:01:21
primary school

Composition by a person I hate (1)

This is a little boy in our class. He likes fighting, but he is always annoying. He is Hu Irichen.

Once, at the end of school, the students began to tidy up their schoolbags. Lu Yifan, who was sitting in front of Hu Yichen, accidentally touched Hu Yichen's pencil box and fell down with a thump, which shocked the whole class. Hu Yichen said with a fierce expression, "Why did you move my pencil box, Lu Yifan was unprepared, so he punched him in the chest. Lu Yifan was impulsive and irritable, regardless of the fact that he clenched his fist to hit him. Suddenly, Hu Irichen's eyes were red and her face was red. Finally, tears began to cry like broken beads. So they came to the teacher's office together. After telling the truth, the teacher sent Lu Yifan to the "18th floor of hell".

Hu Irichen likes playing with me very much. No matter he hasn't finished his homework, he still pulls me into the corridor to play together. I remember one time, when the final exam was approaching, Hu Irichen finished his homework and asked me to go out to play. I said that he hasn't finished his homework yet. Hu Irichen is an impetuous person. He pulled me into the corridor, regardless of three or seven or twenty one, I said, "Let me go quickly, brother, I have to finish my homework first." Seeing that Hu Iridium would not let go in the morning, I had to obey orders. Hu Iridium taught me how to do double flying. When I saw the opportunity came, I threw the rope aside, ran hard, hid in the classroom, and the bell rang. The nightmare was finally over.

He is such a person. Would you like to make friends with him?

Composition by a person I hate (2)

There is a girl with sharp eyes, long black hair and glasses. She is Cheng Jiayi, the "super female overlord" in our class.

I remember that after math class, I accidentally splashed water on her clothes when I passed her with a water cup. I apologized to her in a hurry. But she glanced at me and casually said, "You must dry my clothes today!" Then she gave me a hard shove and vowed, "Only let me hit you, and you are not allowed to hit me." At this time, the bell rang in my ear, and we quickly sat down to wait for the teacher to come to class. I was sitting upright when I suddenly felt something flying on my head. I turned around and looked. Oh, my God! The female overlord threw rubber crumbs at me at the back. At this time, my heart was filled with anger, and I wanted to swallow her, but I still held back, thinking that she was a girl after all, and would not disagree with her.

I remember another morning when the female tyrant squeezed my thin arm to hand in the homework during the break, but the teacher asked that the homework should be handed in at noon. "She is not the team leader. Why should she bother me so much? It's strange that I think I'm so easy to bully!" I thought to myself. I became more and more unconvinced, and finally quarreled with her. The more noisy, the more fierce, attracted many students to watch, including male students to help me deal with the female overlord. Finally, when she saw the crowd, she was defeated and walked away in dismay. After a while, I was called to the office by the teacher for some reason. There were many students in the office. I heard the teacher say, "Students should help each other and live in harmony."

I thought about it carefully. Although Cheng Jiayi is a little annoying sometimes, she has no real bad heart.

Composition by a Person I hate (3)

There is only one person who can make me hate most. Who is she? She is my cousin, Xue Anxun.

My cousin has black hair, two small 'black grapes', and two rabbit like front teeth. This is her. She seems very gentle and quiet on the surface, but in fact she is very naughty. As long as there is her at home, there will be no peace. But why do I hate her? Now, I will tell you.

It's normal that An Xun likes me. Who calls me her cousin? But Anxun is different from others. She likes it strangely; I should be happy to have such a fan fan, but he always pesters me, which makes me unable to do anything.

According to the schedule, I specially wash the dishes in the morning. This morning, when I came to the place where I washed the dishes with my hands, An Xun stood there as if she had waited for a long time. As soon as she saw me, she hurried to come forward and sang and danced at me. It was hard to hear. The sound was worse than that of crows. The sound was still loud, and my eardrums were nearly broken. When I washed the dishes, she grabbed to help me with the dishes. I knew that she would make trouble again. Sure enough, a plate she held slipped down accidentally. The plate was broken with a sound of "Pa", and Grandma came out. I don't know how she managed to squeeze out some tears. She looked at Grandma with tears in her eyes and pretended to be pitiful. Before I could say anything, Grandma scolded me and asked me to clean up the mess for my cousin An Xun. I feel very aggrieved.

This is her, my cousin, a person I hate most.