Dragon Boat Festival Compositions 900 (17 in total)
A faint smell of smoke
2024-06-27 08:05:16

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (1)

During the Warring States Period, Chu and Qin fought for hegemony. Qu Yuan, the poet, was ranked as the right doctor and was highly respected by the King of Chu. Later, Qu Yuan's idea was opposed by the conservative group headed by Jin Shang, a senior official doctor. They constantly slandered Qu Yuan in front of King Huai of Chu, who gradually alienated Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, who had great ambitions, was deeply distressed. With uncontrollable sadness and indignation, he wrote immortal poems such as Li Sao and Tian Xiang.

In 229 years before Gongwu, the State of Qin captured eight cities of the State of Chu, and then sent envoys to invite King Huai of Chu to the State of Qin to discuss peace. Qu Yuan saw through the plot of the King of Qin and risked his life to enter the palace to state his interests. King Huai of Chu refused to listen and expelled Qu Yuan from Yingdu instead. King Huai of Chu attended the meeting as scheduled, and was imprisoned as soon as he arrived in the State of Qin. King Huai of Chu felt remorse and became ill with depression. He died in the State of Qin three years later. Soon after King Qingxiang of Chu ascended the throne, King Qin sent troops to attack the State of Chu. King Qingxiang withdrew from the capital in a panic, and Qin troops captured Yingdu. On his way to exile, Qu Yuan heard the news of the death of King Huai of Chu and the attack of Yingdu. He was disheartened, looked up to the sky and sighed, and plunged into the flowing Miluo River. Fishermen on the river and people on the bank heard that Qu Yuan doctor threw himself into the river and killed himself. They all came to the river to salvage Qu Yuan's body. At the same time, they brought dumplings and eggs into the river. Some doctors also poured realgar wine into the river so that the dragon and water animals could be drugged out and Dr. Qu Yuan's body could not be hurt.

Since then, on the day of Qu Yuan's death in the river at the beginning of May every year, the people of the State of Chu go to the river to row dragon boats and throw dumplings in memory of the great patriotic poet. The custom of the Dragon Boat Festival has been passed down.

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu, is one of the largest traditional festivals in China. "Duan" has the same meaning as "Chu". To call it "Duan Wu" is just like to call it "Chu Wu"; The word "five" in Duanwu is also connected with "noon". According to the order of local branches, May is the month of "noon". And because the noon is the "Yangchen", Duanwu is also called "Duanyang". The fifth day of May, the month and the day are all five, so it is called the fifth day of the month, also known as the Double Noon. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival has many nicknames, such as: Summer Festival, Yulan Festival, Daughter's Day, Tianzhong Festival, Dila Festival, Poet's Day, etc. There are many nicknames of the Dragon Boat Festival, which indirectly explains the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival custom. This is exactly the case. As for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are at least four or five views today, such as the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan; Wu Yue national totem sacrifice theory; It started from the saying of the Summer Solstice Festival in three generations; The evil moon and the evil sun drive away, and so on.

So far, the most influential view of the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan. In the field of folk culture, Chinese people associate Quyuan with the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race and eating zongzi. It is said that after Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the local people injured him and died, so they drove boats to rescue him. Because of the custom of racing; It was also said that people often put food into the water to sacrifice Qu Yuan, but most of it was eaten by Jiaolong. Later, because of Qu Yuan's prompt, they wrapped rice with neem leaves, wrapped with colored silk, and made it into later dumplings.

Dragon Boat Festival Rice Dumplings

When it comes to Dragon Boat Festival, people will immediately think of Zongzi. Zongzi is also called "Jiaoshu" or "Tongzong". The former is named for its angular shape and sticky rice inside, while the latter, as its name implies, is probably boiled with rice in bamboo tubes. Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival was very popular in the Wei and Jin dynasties. It is recorded in the Records of Yueyang Local Customs by Zhou Chu of the Western Jin Dynasty that "it is common to wrap millet with wild rice leaves,... cook it, and then cook it until it is cooked, and eat it from May 5 to the summer solstice, one is zongzi, and one is millet." It can be seen that this kind of food is eaten every year during the Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice.

Zongzi is also a holiday gift. By the Tang and Song Dynasties, Zongzi had become very famous and was often sold in the market. Now, we still have to eat some zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi has many patterns, which are different from north to south and from east to west. In the south, red dates, peanuts, bacon, etc. are often mixed in glutinous rice, and there are many other foods to taste the fragrance of Zongye; In the north, dates and preserved fruits are often used as the stuffing of dumplings. The small Zongzi seems to have become a symbol of Chinese tradition, occupying a certain place in people's hearts.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (2)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the most distinctive day in my hometown, the Dragon Boat Festival. Although the Dragon Boat Festival is a very popular and grand festival among the Chinese people, both in the south and north of China, there is a custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. But I feel that the Dragon Boat Festival in the south is more interesting than that in the north, with a stronger atmosphere, and better reflects the characteristics of the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival is a festival in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan, Every family will buy one "Zhongshan Ludou Brown:. The round stick shaped palm is as thick as the arm. It is bound with fresh bamboo leaves. There are ingredients in it. There are two flavors of salty dumplings and sweet dumplings. Sweet dumplings include lotus paste, bean paste, chestnut paste, jujube paste: salty meat, roast chicken, egg yolk, dried scallops, winter mushrooms, mung beans, barbecue and other materials. The wrapped dumplings are boiled in a pot. When the dumplings are cooked, you will smell a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves, All over the kitchen

Untie the rattan, peel off the leaves of the rice dumplings. There are red rice dumplings in the sweet rice dumplings, and white rice dumplings in the salty rice dumplings are rising with steam, emitting a unique steamed brown smell. Two rice dumplings are placed together on a plate, and the piston is made of two bright red and white stones. The glutinous rice is sparkling in the light, emitting a strong and tantalizing smell of glutinous rice, which is very helpful! The most sweet thing I love most is the sweet red rice dumplings. During the Dragon Boat Festival, my family made a lot of rice dumplings and always sent a lot of them to relatives and friends. Others also gave us their own dumplings as a thank you. Therefore, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my family always brought endless rice dumplings from my aunt and grandmother

Shi Xi lived for a long time and thought about the Dragon Boat Festival. He looked at the hair machine in front of the post house. When he stopped, Lei Lingling was moving, and the beast's head was moving through the snow slightly. He broke through the prominent people Qi Xuan, and leaped into the waves and fought for the first bird to fly back. Xiang Dao was not convinced by Long Gang, and he won the championship. This is the "Poem of Ferry Race" written by Lu Zhao of the Tang Dynasty. It highlights the macro scene of the dragon boat race. However, in my hometown Guangzhou, there is also the custom of rowing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival, commonly known as "dragon boat raking". On the Dragon Boat Festival, the village will organize a small "dragon boat" competition. Every strong man in every household should participate, and the woman should be on the side, only for watching. There are five or six narrow, slender boats with a big dragon head in front. More than ten people sat together and rowed hard to reach the destination first. Although it was raining like a needle, and the people on the boat were soaked, it was not clear whether it was sweat or rain, but it did not matter. At this critical moment, winning the game is important After rowing the dragon boat, the men will gather in the village's ancestral hall at noon to have a sumptuous "dragon boat meal". However, the women in our village also have no part in it. So, I don't know what dishes are there, because I am a girl.

The "dragon boat" in the village is too childish! It's not fun for me at all. If you want to watch it live on TV, it's a real dragon boat race. More than 20 "traditional dragons" competed on the vast river. The long dragon boat was full of muscular men. The drummer is in the middle, and the people in front are shouting for support, which is very powerful and domineering. Magnificent, shocking The rain is falling and the river is surging. Here, the man is brave and strong! In the north, the custom of "dragon boat" is uncommon, because there are less rivers in the north than in the south, so the Dragon Boat Festival in the north only eats dumplings, not as vigorous and lively as in the south. This is the uniqueness of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown, how much joy and joy you have given me! Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance, dragon boat resounding, good things become double! The Dragon Boat Festival shows the true feelings of hometown, an ancient tradition, and is a tribute to the poet Qu

Yuan's patriotism is admired and praised. Eating authentic home dumplings, watching the wonderful home dragon boat race, I have a special feeling.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (3)

After dinner, I went back to the school classroom. On the way, I ran into several middle-aged women. One of them was answering the phone, "Pick up the leaves of zongzi, the ones that are fresh and long, the ones that are old are not good, and the bags are easy to break..."

Hearing this, I remembered that the annual Dragon Boat Festival was coming as scheduled. Rowing dragon boats, eating rice dumplings, picking calamus and wormwood to commemorate Qu Zi... These are all familiar, but the nearest thing to us is to eat rice dumplings.

When it comes to eating zongzi, I like the glutinous rice wrapped with white flowers. If I add some red dates, I don't like it. But the family is different. My mother always likes to add some "seasoning", saying that it is to have a good feeling when eating. Grandpa and Dad agreed, but I wanted to be special. When I peel off a zongzi, I will see that it is added with red dates, so I throw it aside and play with the children's perversity. Mother shook her head for my naughty finger.

Since I can remember, every Dragon Boat Festival, I will accompany my mother to "toss and turn": my mother goes to pick zong leaves in the forest, and I just want to follow; I also want to wash Zongye with all my hands and knees, or I will have to make endless troubles. By the time I started making dumplings, my enthusiasm for doing things had disappeared. Therefore, over the years, I am still at a loss when asked how to make dumplings.

The happiest time was the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival. As usual, there was no class that day. It was very early in the morning. It seemed that in my dream, I heard my father cutting wood and burning fire, and my mother adding water to the pot, and said, "Why is this little guy still awake?"

"Don't wake up? Wait until the dumplings are ripe to see if he wakes up." Dad smiled.

When I heard the sound of boiling water in the pot and a burst of fragrance of zongzi leaves, experience told me that zongzi was ripe. I ran out without shoes.

"I want one, I want one -" I cried.

"I'm afraid it's not cooked yet. Cook more." Dad looked at it.

My mother then picked a small one for me. When I saw red dates in it, I didn't eat it. I just asked my mother to bring me another one. My mother shook her head and smiled when she saw me blowing and eating dumplings.

This is my happiest moment.

However, this period of time has passed away with my childhood and has been overshadowed by the years. In addition, my mother went to other places to work a few years ago.

I don't know how my mother spent the Dragon Boat Festival the first year after she left, because no one picked Zongye with me and made Zongzi for me; No one cooked dumplings for me early. The smell of dumplings is getting farther and farther away from me. There is only a warm phone call and warm greetings.

Since then, I must go to my grandmother's house every Dragon Boat Festival because my mother told me that my grandmother's house would make dumplings. The dumplings made by her family must be added with red dates, which makes me very puzzled. Maybe the red dates are expressing some kind of emotion. At the beginning, I was a little unaccustomed to the faint sweet taste. I didn't feel it after eating it for several times. In order to eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, although it's a long way to go to Grandma's house, I'm willing to measure it with my feet.

I have been crawling for several years.

This holiday home, think of the aging grandmother. Is she making dumplings at the moment? Are you stuffing red dates in?

Mother's incoming call is displayed on the phone. When I was talking with her about going to Grandma's house to eat dumplings, she choked and said, "Your grandma is ill in hospital. Go and have a look."

In my heart, I sobbed, savoring the sweetness of red dates. There is no red jujube dumplings wrapped by Grandma. How dull and tasteless the Dragon Boat Festival should be!

Composition for Dragon Boat Festival 900 (4)

Interest in festivals is fading. The Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. Put more things in the refrigerator and insist on not going to the food market for a few days. The Mid Autumn Festival is just like the Mid Autumn Festival. I don't eat moon cakes when I buy them. This year, however, there are some differences. When the aroma of rice dumplings is getting stronger, we just learned Mr. Wang Zengqi's article "Duck Eggs at the Dragon Boat Festival". The plain and humorous language reveals the nostalgia for my hometown and childhood life. This kind of sentiment has caught up with me, and I am deeply trapped in nostalgia for my hometown.

The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is very particular. There are requirements for making zongzi and zongzi leaves. Fresh reed leaves, green or mistletoe, exude a faint fragrance. In the afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival, all the raw materials were ready. The white glutinous rice was soaked in clear water. The plump dates, peanut kernels and raisins had already been soaked. The diligent hostess folded left and right with her dexterous hands, and then twisted silk thread layer by layer. A delicate zongzi was born. Don't be impatient when cooking rice dumplings. Cook slowly with a small fire. The old people love to use the stove. The previous night, they put rice dumplings on the stove, and they can stew for a whole night. The next day the children got up and opened the pot. It was hot dumplings. The house and yard were filled with the aroma of reed leaves and dumplings. In addition to eating rice dumplings, we also eat boiled garlic and eggs. When these kinds of food are put together, even if you don't eat them, you can enjoy them. The flat and round white jade like garlic, the meat red oval eggs, and the green and irregular shaped dumplings are very beautiful from the combination of colors to the combination of shapes. Fumigated wormwood is far away from the mountain. It was bought from the market and hung on the lintel of the door on the Dragon Boat Festival. After a few days, it dried up. Take one or two and light them in the room. As for the purpose of fumigation, I am not very clear. Some people say it is used to smoke mosquitoes. I think there may be more things, such as centipedes and scorpions, Probably similar to the five fumigation poisons in other places. With sachets, bright cloth is made into ornaments of various shapes, which are filled with spices and become children's favorite ornaments. Hang them around the neck and smell them from time to time. Tie the five colored thread, and wear it on the wrists and ankles. But what I remember most is that I went to the fields at dawn to pull up the "holy grass". The holy grass here is quoted in quotation marks. I really can't think of what the adults said at that time.

Our elders told us that Chang'e in the Moon Palace kept pounding medicine year after year. These medicines were to be sprinkled on various plants and trees and in the river on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival. Before the sun comes out on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, these medicines still stay on the grass. If they are pulled back at this time, boiled into water, and bathed in this water, they can cure all diseases. Of course, children believe very much that we started out with friends at dawn, and we will complete a sacred mission for our family towards the mysterious field. The dawn of May in the lunar calendar is beautiful. The air is cool, fresh and moist, and the surroundings are quiet. You may meet a neighbor's child who comes to dig weeds. When we look at each other and smile, there is much joy in it. The field in the morning was awakened early on this day. Dewdrops are still turning on the strong grass. We need grass carefully, such as cat's eyes. If we touch the red grass, we are not afraid of it today. There are also plantain, knotweed, etc. You can't wait. You must pick them before the sun comes out, so these mysterious medicines will be effective. Go home in a panic, look up at the sky, and overcome the sun like pride. Now I think that this mystery is like the one in Green's fairy tale. When the sun rises, everything will return to its original mystery.

It's the Dragon Boat Festival again. Who will dig grass in the field to bathe the children? There is a special bath gel. Zongzi is too lazy to wrap up and can't eat a few. Why bother to buy some. However, can I buy some of the care and fun hidden in the various processes? When you can do it yourself, don't buy it. Because a simple word "buy", we have lost many beautiful things.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (5)

The city I live in is Kaiping with beautiful scenery. When it comes to the fifth day of June, our city will hold the annual festival - "Dragon Boat Festival". Every day, our city will be very lively. At that time, I will not mention how excited I am.

The words "Dragon Boat Festival" make me feel very puzzled. Why is there "Dragon Boat Festival"? Where did the Dragon Boat Festival come from? So I opened the thick history book and finally found the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that Qu Yuan, a poet in China, threw himself into the river in a hurry because he could not bear the oppression of bureaucrats. After Qu Yuan died, people missed him very much. In order to mourn him, the day on which Qu Yuan died was called "Dragon Boat Festival". On this day, people have to make zongzi to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan, and also to facilitate Qu Yuan to eat zongzi. Later, people designed "dragon boats". On this day, dragon boat races will be held everywhere to warn small fish that "the dragon king is coming", so as to drive these fish away. They dare not eat Qu Yuan. The local people also race dragon boats to salvage Qu Yuan's body. This is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.

On this day, in addition to making and eating zongzi, we also held the annual dragon boat race. Although it is superstitious to say that we mourn Qu Yuan, there are still tens of thousands of Chinese people carrying on the traditional Chinese culture. On that day, my father and I prepared all the items and went to Tanjiang Bridge to watch the game. There were several dragon boats on the river, and there were many spectators standing beside the fence. The crowd was huge, and we managed to find a good place. Soon, the dragon boat race began.

First came No. 1 dragon boat, and then several dragon boats followed. With the order of the referee, all the team members flew forward quickly. The instructor beat drums desperately to cheer for the team members. The team members also tried their best to row their oars, and could not stop for a moment. There were snow-white waves splashing behind the boat, and we followed the dragon boats to catch up. The scene is quite spectacular and very lively. At this time, it was a hot summer day, and the team members were working very hard. Beads of sweat fell on everyone, on the water of our Tanjiang River. I calmed down and cheered for the team members silently. Time passed in the blink of an eye. In a twinkling of an eye, the game reached its climax - it was almost over. My calm heart began to become nervous, thinking: Who is the winner in the end? Number one? Number two? Number three Birds, puppies, butterflies...... Attracted them all at once. It seems that even their hearts have begun to study who is the winner, and they have come to cheer up our competitors. The team members rushed forward crazily, and when they saw that the end was coming, the onlookers finally couldn't hold back and shouted: "Come on, come on!" I couldn't help following them. The game is drawing to a close, and everyone is staring at the finish line to see who is the winner of the game. At ten thousandth hour, the winner arrives, "Hoo!"! Everyone was relieved that the game was finally over. The winners jumped wildly around their team members. Everyone scattered, we also followed, my heart gradually calmed down.

On that day, I watched a wonderful game. That scene was deeply imprinted in my mind, because it was not only a game, but also made me understand that unity is strength.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (6)

Dragon Boat Festival is coming again! In fact, no matter what festival I celebrate, I never seriously celebrate it once. Every time my family asks me: What do you want to eat? Where to eat? Are you happy? I will only reply perfunctorily: casually. Now it's a sin to think about what I've done. If every meal was the last one with them, I don't know whether I would do that again.

Since I remember, my mother's love for me is the most exaggerated. There are not more than ten or several injuries on my body. Fortunately, there are no scars left. Although I just suffered a little injury that I don't care about, my mother said with anxiety and heartache every time: Ouch, my baby, it's killing me. Her expression is so exaggerated that I dare not show it to her every time I get hurt. I used to think it was nothing. Now I understand that I am a piece of meat that fell from my mother's body. My injury is only superficial pain, but she is painful in the heart. Compared with my minor injury, the pain is inexplicable... When I was young, I always made trouble. Every time, my mother took me to buy a lot of things to other people's homes to apologize, although sometimes it was not my fault. Mom will also say that because you are older than others and others are injured, you are not injured. After my mother took me to make amends for three times, I never got into trouble again. I think anyone who understands my article should understand my reason. Mother always said: You are a girl, you can't be like a boy. You should be gentle and quiet, just like a girl! But my mother just said so. Every time I said that I would change to her mind, she said, "Is that still you?"? So far, I still look like a female Han paper. But I thanked her and then I kept the most beautiful innocence that I had ever existed.

My father's love is silent. If mother's love is gentle, then father's love is deep. My father, like many people's fathers, may not express it verbally, but it is all reflected in some small actions. My father is very strict with me. In fact, I have always been afraid of him. No matter what the weather is, or whether I am sick, or whether my family has died. My father never let me ask for leave. Every time, he said to his father with a fluke mentality, "Dad, I'm not comfortable, can I not go to school?". All you get is a sentence. Don't look for reasons. Go quickly. Sometimes my father used to scold me when he failed in the exam. Now that he has grown up, he no longer scolds me. He chose silence, but I would rather he scolded me. I understand him, and the more silent he is, the more sad he is. In my heart, my father doesn't scold me anymore. If I don't care, it's just not me anymore. He gives up on me and is disappointed with me. Whenever I complain about him, he always makes me give up these thoughts in an instant. At the first day of the New Year, I was so big, and my father actually helped me register. In summer, I watched his sweat trickle from his forehead to his chin, and then to his clothes, and my heart was sore. On rainy days, I didn't bring an umbrella, my father didn't have a class phone, and I didn't know where I was in the classroom. One classroom by one, I found our class, and I went out to pick up the umbrella. He only said one thing: Don't forget to listen carefully next time. I was so grateful that I could only see his back disappearing into my blurred vision. I blamed my father, but I understand him. After all, without him, there would be no me.

I will be admitted to a good high school and a good university. I will refuel, just hope you can't be disappointed with me, and I will try my best. Regardless of the outcome, what matters is the process. I just hope you will remember that I will always be your daughter, who loves you most

Although the three of us don't often get together, I can imagine the scene on the afternoon of the Dragon Boat Festival: my father sleeps, my mother plays mahjong, and I study. It's mild but sweet, isn't it?

Composition for Dragon Boat Festival 900 (7)

The Dragon Boat Festival is getting closer and closer, and the air is already emitting a faint fragrance of zongzi. The dumplings, made of light green leaves, are steaming along with the rising smoke, slowly drifting across the front of the house and behind the house, gradually filling the whole streets, lanes, pavilions and buildings. When I smell the aroma of zongzi from almost every household, I suddenly feel warm in my heart and vaguely smell the flavor of my hometown, the same fragrance, the same tenderness.

It has been several years since I ate the rice dumplings from my hometown, but the faint fragrance of rice dumplings has always been warm in my memory and unforgettable. Every Dragon Boat Festival at home, I like to eat the dumplings made by my mother best. When I watch the dumplings put into the pot, the smell of the overflow soon makes my mouth water. When the rice dumplings are out of the pot, they are too hot to handle. Take one and eat it. At that time, everyone was busy making zongzi. When it was almost cooked, you and I were all alone. The kitchen was full of zongzi fragrance, which could be smelled from afar.

I have always liked the Dragon Boat Festival, especially when I was at home. When I was a child, I thought it was our festival. I always felt that there was more laughter at that time than in the past. Watching the adults hanging the prepared calamus, wormwood and kudzu vine in front of their own door, I felt very beautiful, green and peaceful, quietly warming my heart. At that time, although I didn't understand it very much, I still enjoyed it. I didn't know it until I asked my parents again that it was a symbol of the warmth and indifference of the four seasons.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, like other children in the village, I ran happily in the villages, houses and alleys, with red eyebrows and red eggs hanging on my chest. It was easy to know who was setting off firecrackers, and then they all went to his house one after another, just to find fragments of firecrackers in the debris of the firecrackers that had just burned. Occasionally, adults would take out red eggs from their own homes and distribute them to us when they saw children coming. At that time, I always thanked them with a happy smile, and then went to the next "place" with the children with eggs.

On the day of Dragon Boat Festival when I was a child, I always felt that time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, the curtain fell on the sky, and children playing outside all went home. When I came home and stood in front of my parents to count today's "achievements", I took out a handful of candy from one pocket, an egg from another pocket, and sometimes a handful of melon seeds. The childish face was always full of happiness and sweet smiles. At this time, my parents would laugh and scold me and say, "You glutton" and so on.

When it was getting late at night, my parents asked my sister and brother to invite my grandparents. The family sat down together and had a nice dinner, talking about how the crops were harvested this year, and talking about the family gossip. Although I am full after dinner, I always have to eat a zongzi and listen to the words of elders while eating. Occasionally, he begged my grandpa to tell me a story. My grandpa pondered for a moment and slowly told my sister and brother about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It was roughly a poet named Qu Yuan in ancient times. After the country perished, he jumped into the river and committed suicide. Later, people used rice dumplings to pay tribute to him, which gradually led to the present Dragon Boat Festival.

Time always passes by imperceptibly. In the twinkling of an eye, I also slowly grew up. From going home once a week when I started school, it has changed into a month. Now, I seldom go home when I work outside. Time flies, and the years have changed. How many past events have been deposited, and many things have been forgotten gradually. Fortunately, I can still remember the dumplings in my hometown during the Dragon Boat Festival and the curl of smoke rising in the morning and evening. Now it is another year when the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, I will look at the direction of home from afar and bless my parents at home. When the wind comes, it seems that I can smell the fragrance of zongzi in my hometown again!

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (8)

The Dragon Boat Festival has not been celebrated for many years. On that day, I talked with some friends about how to celebrate the festival. Everyone agreed to buy some zongzi in the supermarket. The lazy ones simply stopped eating zongzi. For the three-day holiday, I plan to take one day out to go to the wild to see if I can find mugwort and calamus, and if I can find the happy memories of the Dragon Boat Festival when I was a teenager

Since entering the city, the Dragon Boat Festival has faded from life. Yes, the unit houses in the city have solid security doors, so it is difficult to insert mugwort, and there is not enough wetland in the city to grow calamus in large areas. The childhood memory I can think of related to the Dragon Boat Festival is that before the day came, Grandma would pick a large armful of wormwood from the field and insert it on both sides of the gate - the gate was made of soil, and the top of the gate was covered with a thick layer of wheat straw. Grandma will also distribute the wormwood to the children of each family and ask them to take it home and put it on their own door.

The green wormwood smells fragrant, and there is some bitterness in the fragrance. It is said that it has the function of expelling poison and evil spirits. Therefore, when I was a child, I should take a look at it every time before entering my home, and I would feel more secure. The wormwood planted on both sides of the gate dried up after the summer rain, the autumn sun and the winter ice and snow. Until the Dragon Boat Festival came the next year, Grandma moved a bench to step on it and replaced those wormwood with green wormwood. Artemisia wormwood, like the Spring Festival couplets, is a landmark item on the gate of the rural courtyard all the year round. Their new and old changes are the best witness of agricultural civilization.

Acorus calamus is the most easily seen plant in the countryside. It grows in the most unpopular wastewater pond in the wild and has strong vitality. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the calamus also reached its adult stage. Countless wild birds hid in its depths, and children only dared to harvest their fruits with sickles at the edge of the pond - what we call "pummels". Pubang is about as thick as ham intestines. Children play fighting games with it and knock it on their heads. It is soft and doesn't hurt at all. The dried cattail sticks can be carried through the night after being watered with some gasoline, so there are lights everywhere in the rural nights around the Dragon Boat Festival.

In some places, wormwood is used to make purse. The purse is made by embroidering flowers on the cloth. In addition to wormwood, there are other unknown plants wrapped in it. They have one common feature, that is, they smell fragrant. I never got such a gift, but I salvaged such a memory from my mind: my grandmother once made a fragrant pillow for me with the "feathers" that she picked from a cattail stick to dry. The pillow is large and soft, and you can smell the aroma of the sun on it. No, not only the sun, but also flowers, dew, insects Wind and other natural fragrance of nature. Pillow on this pillow, I like sleeping in a swaddling cloth made by clouds between heaven and earth.

Many years later, I wrote a poem for the Dragon Boat Festival in the city. I forgot the specific sentence. It was about this: when the Dragon Boat Festival came, the man was chopping firewood to make a fire at home, and the woman and her children went to the market to buy lotus leaves and rice. It was almost dusk, and smoke curled up from the kitchen. The man kept looking out of the yard, worried that the woman and children would lose their way. What a beautiful scene in the image. The decline of the Dragon Boat Festival in recent years may be due to the lack of such a romantic atmosphere and imagination. The Dragon Boat Festival in the minds of ordinary people is not set up to commemorate someone and emphasize certain emotions. It needs real behavior to become meaningful. Buy lotus leaves or bamboo leaves and wrap some dumplings with your own hands. This is the simplest and easiest romance of the Dragon Boat Festival in the industrial society.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (9)

When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, every family is making zongzi.

Early in the morning, the whole family was busy.

Mother said: "Today's Dragon Boat Festival, I will make dumplings with my mother.". "Dragon Boat Festival, is it just a big meal? Why do you have to make dumplings?" I said impatiently.

At this time, the grandfather who was sorting out the Zongye said, "Son, do you know about the Dragon Boat Festival?" "It's just to commemorate Qu Yuan.". I said. "There are many theories about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as: the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan; the theory of commemorating Wu Zixu; the theory of commemorating Cao E; the theory of starting from the three generations of the Summer Solstice Festival; the theory of driving away the evil moon and the evil sun; the theory of national totem sacrifice in the Wu month, and so on. Each of these theories has its own origin. But for thousands of years, Qu Yuan's patriotism and touching poems have been widely rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan has the widest and deepest influence and occupies the mainstream position. In the field of folk culture, Chinese people associate the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race and eating zongzi with the commemoration of Qu Yuan... " Grandpa said orderly.

"There are so many stories about Dragon Boat Festival?" I have to have a good experience. So I helped my mother to wash rice together. "Look at this rice, my child. It's white and crystal clear.". "To be a man, we should be clean and aboveboard," I said.

"The girl has made progress. Dad will test you. What do you eat on the Dragon Boat Festival?" "Zongzi" I said. Dad put on a broad and profound look and said, "Noodle fans are eaten in Minle County, Gansu Province. Rural areas in Henan, Zhejiang and other provinces eat garlic, eggs, and baked buns every Dragon Boat Festival day. This diet is said to avoid" five poisons "and be healthy. In Jinjiang, Fujian, every family has to eat "fried dumpling" on the Dragon Boat Festival.

"Well, now that you are talking about the world, what do you drink on the Dragon Boat Festival?" Mom said. "Drinking realgar wine is used to expel insects and detoxify five poisons, and children apply it on their forehead, ears, nose, hands and feet. This custom is very popular in people in the Yangtze River valley. Drinking calamus wine, drinking calamus wine, is to ward off evil and avoid poison, and taking it for a long time can cure diseases and strengthen the body...".

"Do you know what the Dragon Boat Festival is all about?" I asked my father deliberately.

"Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it originated from the ancient Chu people who died because they couldn't bear Qu Yuan, a wise minister, to throw himself into the river. Many people rowed to save the boat. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. Later, they rowed dragon boats on May 5 every year to commemorate it. There was also the custom of traveling to all kinds of diseases: the Dragon Boat Festival custom prevalent in Guizhou. The elderly called it" traveling to all kinds of diseases " And "wash away all diseases". Those who do not go out and wash away all diseases will not get lucky all the year round. " The father said proudly.

"Do you know what to wear during the Dragon Boat Festival?" Grandma was pleased to see her father's words and deliberately made trouble.

"Children wear sachets on the Dragon Boat Festival, which not only means to ward off evil spirits and drive away plague, but also has the style of embellishment on their lapels. And......" Father could not say. Everyone laughed together.

At this time, my grandfather said, "In ancient China, five colors were worshipped and used as auspicious colors. Therefore, in the early morning of the festival, the first important thing for adults to tie ropes for their children to ensure their health".

"Let's see what you can do. Tell me about the Dragon Boat Festival.". Grandma asked again.

"As the folk saying goes," insert willows during the Qingming Festival and Ai during the Dragon Boat Festival ". On the Dragon Boat Festival, people regard inserting wormwood and calamus as one of the important contents.

"Grandpa, how do you know so much?" I said.

"Online?" Grandpa said with a smile.

"Let me talk," said his mother. "Let me say that this rice is for each of us, red jujube is to work with a red heart, and everyone should unite to treat the cause with a red heart, which is a harmonious society." "Well said" Grandpa applauded first.

In a round of applause, the dumplings were also wrapped

An interesting festival, which combines traditional culture with modern civilization. It not only corrected my wrong understanding, but also inspired me to inherit the tradition and advance with the times to create the future.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (10)

Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival in our hometown, is a traditional day for our Han people. During the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in China, was filled with grief and indignation when he heard that the Qin army had broken the capital of Chu State. He still wrote his masterpiece Huaisha. He threw stones into the Tear River and died for his country. People went to salvage them in person to summon souls along the water. When there was no result, people only threw zongzi into the river to prevent shrimp and fish from eating Qu Yuan's body, This day is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Every year, people will go to the river to express their feelings of remembrance on this day. With the evolution of time, people commonly call this day the "Dragon Boat Festival", and more forms of festival are raised, such as planting willows, dragon boat racing, eating dumplings, burning mountains and so on.

I also like the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival in my hometown. Although there is no such custom as holding dragon boats and burning mountains on TV, I only like to tie flower ropes, wear handbags, insert willows, wrap dumplings, string relatives and other customs.

On the fourth day of May, I shouted to my mother to take me to the market. Adults were busy buying meat, vegetables, eggs and so on. Our children's focus was to buy fancy yarn and canvas. They were picky. They strung with their owners. Several stores and stalls turned down, holding a large bunch of fancy yarn and canvas in their hands. I was so happy that I could not wait to twist the flower rope on the way home. When we got home, we and some children in the neighborhood gathered around Grandma and began to weave flower ropes and sew purses. Twist the thread, select the cloth, cut the sample, and thread the needle until the light turned on. Every child had a satisfactory harvest, but Grandma was exhausted. We beat her back with our small fists, and Grandma smiled happily

Excited, I just couldn't sleep. I got up secretly and compared the flower rope with my purse for several times, because Grandma said, "It's not working today. Only on the traditional Dragon Boat Festival can we wear it to protect our safety throughout the year." It's really a sleepless night! I faintly heard my father's voice inserting willows. I rolled up and shouted to wear a purse...... I washed it in the fastest and simplest way. With my mother's help, I carefully tied a flower rope and put on a purse. Looking at the colorful flower ropes on my wrists and ankles, I was holding all kinds of bags on my chest. I was very proud, as if I had become the most beautiful little princess. With a very happy mood, I began to help my mother scramble eggs and make dumplings.

Speaking of making zongzi, I am good at making zongzi. As early as I was six years old, my aunt taught me how to make zongzi. I called my father in the posture of a commander and commanded him and his mother to pick up the rice dumplings: first, put the glutinous rice, jujube, raisins and medlar bought yesterday into a basin in proportion and clean them, then add a certain amount of sugar, honey and even, and then roll the bamboo leaves into a funnel shape. Be careful not to roll all the leaves, I still need to leave some for you to put into the prepared stuffing and seal it up. Dad has always done a good job, but the final package action was wrong, and I was severely criticized: "Dad, don't think about it, tie the wrapped rope into a loose knot, or you will eat the leaves together after the certificate..." Under my successful command, you, he, and I will, After a while, I made a lot of bags, and finally opened the kitchen to cook. During this period, I showed off my flower rope and purse to command my father to correct the ugly insertion of my father's willows.

The festival began to enjoy, and the whole family gathered around the feast. It was really fun to compete with each other, talk and laugh. At noon, our family went to visit Uncle's home with the gift they had made. The sun was warm, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, and my face was smiling. I was really intoxicated by the prosperous day

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (11)

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. When the festival comes, activities such as inserting wormwood, lighting realgar, wrapping palm, wearing incense bags, and dragon boat racing will bring our thoughts back to that regrettable historical event. We will think again of the Kingdom of Chu, Miluo River, and Qu Yuan, the first writer and poet who left a name in Chinese history.

In addition to Qu Yuan, there should be many relatives who will be remembered by us on this day. Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, I miss my underground nurse in Shangzhou very much. I know that she will also miss me.

Although we are not related by blood, her nurturing and love for me are far beyond the scope of blood. With her careful care and caress, my childhood has always been my best memory, especially the palm seeds and sachets on the Dragon Boat Festival, which makes me miss my wet nurse, a bright, healthy, tolerant and open-minded young woman.

It was she who opened her warm embrace to me when a young life needed milk. I greedily sucked and asked for my own needs in her arms, and became full, grown and beautiful day by day in her arms.

When I grew up, I wanted to go to kindergarten and school. The distance between the city and the countryside pulled me away from her, but my heart could not leave her, because she planted the seeds of maternal love deeply in my heart. As a result, weekends have become my daily expectation. The roads and bridges leading to the countryside have become the most beautiful pictures in my mind.

At that time, on the Dragon Boat Festival every year, I could smell the fragrance of brown rice and sachet flowers in my sleep. It was the wet nurse who asked my brother-in-law to take Lanzi and send him to cook all night before dawn. After walking more than ten miles, I still warmed up the brown rice. All kinds of beans and dates inside dyed the glutinous rice red. It tasted soft, sweet and fragrant. My belly was also rounded by the brown rice.

In these days of every year, my staple food is nanny brown seed. I always think nanny brown seed is the best food, and no one can match it.

She also hung a sachet made by the wet nurse on the basket. The sachet was very beautiful. It was wrapped with various silk threads. It was small, exquisite and fragrant. I hung it around my neck to show off to girls at school. It was happy and beautiful

That feeling makes me feel as if I have returned to my childhood and the wet nurse's side every time I recall.

There were also several times when I was at the wet nurse's house for the holidays, so wrapping up brownies became my highest pleasure. Although I could not wrap them, I still rolled up my sleeves as if I were a good person, sat on the side of a large basin, took palm leaves to wrap rice and beans, and tied them with grass. At this time, the wet nurse would be happy to wrap them in her hands, teach me, and put my wrapped brownies into the pot to cook together. The results can be imagined, I can't find it, or it's become porridge. Even so, she never blamed me and let me use my hands to pick it up in the basin and continue to make trouble.

My dear mother, my daughter still can't wrap brownies or wrap sachets. It's not that she doesn't want to learn, but that she wants to keep her mother's brownies and sachets in her memory forever. What kind of brownies and sachets can't replace beautiful memories, delicious food and beautiful feelings.

The festival is coming. I wonder if there are palm seeds and sachets in heaven?

My daughter is here to send her mother a holiday gift. She is willing to meet you in a dream, peel brown seeds for you, wear incense bags, and wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

I am glad to hear that the Dragon Boat Festival, together with the Spring Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival, has been listed as a cultural heritage for protection. Although it has not yet been stipulated as a legal holiday, the emphasis on traditional festivals has been taken. I think you will be happy to hear that, because you love this festival.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (12)

At the bank, the surging clear waves hit the shore heavily, intending to hold the Jieshi tightly, but they splashed down, fell off, and passed the sea with the rolling river. The sound of waves is sonorous and persistent, which not only makes people think of you. You and Ripple want to hold the territory of Jingchu, the prosperity of Chu, and the prosperity of the old capital. But you have searched for it all your life, and died in Miluo with your dreams.

I walked up the ancient river and saw you in the dim candlelight. You reluctantly take off your clothes, gnash your teeth with hatred, raise your pen and write quickly, howl out your full resentment and complaints. In the past, he was a leftist to discuss state affairs. When he met the princes who were no longer in their prime of life, you smiled brightly and had a little frost on your temples. The great age of Xiuming, when the great Chu allied with Qi to fight against Qin, was gradually eroded and swallowed up by the slander of the capitulators who were eager to enjoy the privileges of the nobility. Looking back on the past, you will be angry and hate your heart. But after you finished writing the Hengshi, you sighed and looked sadly at Chu with tears. "I will seek from top to bottom." You know that in order to find an ideal beauty policy, "I will spare my heart to do good", and it will be fulfilled. "Although I am nine dead, I still have no regrets!"

History moves forward heavily without stopping, no matter how many corpses are crushed to death in its ruts. In that year, King Huai listened to the treacherous words, thought of his own interests and disregarded the overall situation. He went back to the mountain and broke out another killing. However, Huang Zhong was abandoned, and the chaos of the Chu mansion was about to collapse. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers spilled their blood on the execution ground, carrying scarlet deep sighs and converging into the waves of Ben Zhang. The horn is whistling, the sand is all over the sky, you are struggling in the wind and rain, and you are crying. "The long breath covers the tears and mourns the hardship of the people's livelihood." After witnessing the decline of the whole countryside, the weak you cover your face and sob, and the enthusiasm and painstaking efforts turn into chapters. "The soul is determined to become a ghost" to commemorate the national mourning. The wind in autumn and winter, the banners blocking the sun, have carved all the scars on your broken heart, but your sincerity for Jingchu's prosperity and the pursuit of the common people's peace are spreading and bubbling in the pain. Weep for several days, your bright eyes are still like torches, "I can't change my mind and follow the custom, I will be sad and end up poor".

The change of the imperial dynasty did not make you return to the official position. By the cold cup of King Qingxiang, the dream you are looking for is more like the golden mist aroused by the floating waves, which is ethereal and beautiful, heartbreaking. "I took Du Heng with me, and I lost my thoughts when I broke the fragrance." You know that there is no hope for an official career, but you still stick to the dream you have been looking for in your life, and sing along the river like a falling abyss of pain. Someone admonished you to go with the world, but you smiled, smiling like an independent stream of the Soviet Union, and living in muddy water without washing your feet. Yes, can Anneng observe with his own body and receive things? Anneng is white and covered with worldly dust!

In the end, you still stand alone with stones. The blood like setting sun lengthens your figure, and what accompanies you is only the ape's cry of blood. Miluo is very clean. You have been searching for innocence and peace for a lifetime, but you have never achieved anything. When you are wandering with Miluo water, your long cherished wish can be manifested in your ideal, and your personality can live forever in your long sleep.

You have been searching all your life. Although you only show the splendor of falling into the river, only ripples, and only a light breath, it is enough. After all, the grass on the river bank is known, after all, the world will sigh for you, and after all, people with lofty ideals all over the world will admire you. There is no need to sing the sad chant of "Return of the Soul", just ask you to sleep quietly at the bottom of the river, and enjoy the song of finding a life in your dream.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (13)

Grandma loves us very much. She counts whether the weekend is coming by breaking her fingers every day. When the weekend comes, she will make all kinds of delicious snacks in different ways, waiting for us to eat. In the hearts of many small points, the most memorable thing for me is the dumplings made by Grandma.

Grandma's dumplings have many ingredients, including shrimps, pork, peanuts, mushrooms... They are smaller than those sold in the market, but they are much more delicious. One bite, the fragrance overflows all over, fragrant and sweet, fragrant and floating for ten miles.

When I was very young, I heard that Zongzi was popular because Qu Yuan threw himself into the river. It is said that Qu Yuan was forced to commit suicide by throwing himself into the Miluo River on the fifth day of May. The local people, fearing that he would be eaten by the fish and shrimp in the river, packed a lot of dumplings and threw them into the river to feed the fish and shrimp. At the same time, they used dragon boats and gongs and drums to drive away the fish and shrimp in the river and tried to save Qu Yuan. Whenever I eat rice dumplings, I naturally think of this story. While fighting against injustice for Qu Yuan, I am also moved by the simplicity and kindness of the villagers.

In the past, Zongzi was available only on the Dragon Boat Festival, but now I can eat it almost at any time. Every day, there are hawkers shouting "sell dumplings" in the streets and alleys. There is a world of difference between the hawkers' dumplings and grandma's dumplings. In addition to the necessary glutinous rice, their dumplings only contain a few meters of peanut kernels and a small piece of fat pork. They have no taste. Grandma's dumplings are not only delicious, but also contain her infinite love for us.

Whenever I chew the dumplings made by my grandmother, I always remember the deep affection.

The delicious dumplings are ripe, the yellow realgar wine is ready, the boat for the dragon boat race is ready, and the Dragon Boat Festival comes with the wind.

The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than one thousand years. It is said that it is in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a famous minister named Qu Yuan in the State of Chu. He not only writes poems well, but also has considerable strategies; He is both a poet and a politician. Qu Yuan, a noble born in the State of Chu, was trusted by King Huai of Chu at first. He was once a senior official of the Zuotu. He advocated improving internal affairs and uniting Qi and Qin. However, Yin Zijiao, an order of King Huai of Chu, Jin Shang, a senior official, and Zheng Xiu, his favorite concubine, were bribed by Zhang Yi, an envoy of the State of Qin, which not only prevented King Huai from accepting Qu Yuan's opinion, but also alienated him by slander. As a result, King Huai of Chu was lured away by the State of Qin and died in prison. After King Qingxiang ascended the throne, Qu Yuan continued to be persecuted and exiled again and again. In 278 BC, Bai Qi, the general of the State of Qin, led his troops southward to defeat the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan was desperate for his future and committed suicide in the Miluo River in the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Qu Yuan wrote many immortal poems, such as Li Sao, Tianwen, etc

Dragon Boat Festival also has many nicknames, including: Yulan Festival, Daughter's Day, May 5th Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc

I like the Dragon Boat Festival very much, because it contains rich meanings.

Yesterday, my mother and I went to write calligraphy early because we were going to my aunt's house for the Dragon Boat Festival! After writing brush words, my mother and I set out in the car of "Uncle Glasses". The scenery along the way was very busy. The farmer uncle was busy in the field with the roar of tractors! We soon came to my aunt's house. My aunt's family is busy cooking. My grandfather is helping my uncle mix rice seeds with pesticide. My uncle must be busy in the field! After a while, both my uncle and father arrived. After lunch, I always want to ride a tricycle. I followed my uncle to the fields and finally saw the long lost tricycle. I quickly rode on it and went to my aunt's house. My aunt and mother smiled when they saw me. Of course, I am a rising sharp mouth! You know, I just rode it and helped my uncle send rice seeds to the fields twice! My uncle also praised me and said he would give me a prize. My mother and aunt always called me to have a rest. I knew that my mother loved my red face. I also watered my aunt's vegetable field. My mother said I was sabotaging, but I was very busy. The happy Dragon Boat Festival ended in my busy life.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (14)

I also know something about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it is to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan's patriotism and touching poems have been widely popular. Therefore, in the field of folk culture, Chinese people associate the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race and eating zongzi with the commemoration of Qu Yuan.

This day is a happy day in both cities and villages. We can not only enjoy delicious food, but also enjoy the warmth of the festival.

As we all know, Zongzi is the highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival. Every family is preparing for the big project of making dumplings. Although my family didn't do it, I had experienced the whole production process at my uncle's house a few days ago, which made me memorable.

First, put some shaken glutinous rice to soak all night. At daybreak, my cousins and I went to pick brown leaves. The palm leaf has thin branches and large leaves. It is born at the bottom of the valley in the shade. One of the palm leaves grows luxuriantly. After careful selection, the bag will be full soon. Although the road back to the mountain is a bit rough, we are still walking at a brisk pace in the natural scenery of green water, green mountains, gurgling streams, singing birds and fragrant flowers in the forest.

In the afternoon, we had the activity of making dumplings. A large pot of raw glutinous rice, a pot of delicious pork and peanuts, and several white thin ropes are hung on the chair to wrap and save space. My cousins and I were eager to try, so we followed suit and learned something. Generally, they are triangular dumplings, but they can also make new patterns, such as long and miniature ones. One by one, Zongzhi sticks were tightly tied in the air, four in a small string, and eight in sixteen in a large string. Lie in a big iron pot and burn it for a long time

It slowly emanates from the pot. We lingered in the kitchen, looked around, swallowed, and talked about how many we would eat later. We had to eat enough! The lid of the pot was finally lifted, and the aroma of zongzi came to my face. I ate one after another. We are all filled with the joy of the festival.

Today, I also tasted all the dumplings sent by different families, each with its own flavor and variety. Lunch is the climax of the festival. Zongzi still occupies the dominant position, with a large plate of zongzi in the middle. It has a dark green coat, four corners like diamonds, and a light green belt. The belt is tied with a loose knot, which can be loosened as soon as it is pulled; If it is tied to a knot, call it "curse Niang Zong" - you are eager to eat, but you can't solve it, so you scold it. Next is fermented tofu, which is an indispensable specialty in my family's festivals. Literally, you may find it very troublesome, but in fact, it is not difficult. Put some spices into the chopped pork, and then open a small hole on the tofu, and squeeze the pork into it. It is a fine product. One by one, put it into the oil to fry, and it is like yellow gold. The smell is even more attractive; It makes people "drool for three thousand zhang", and others are just a few home cooked dishes. Although this is not very rich, I am still very happy. I feel the strong festival atmosphere and the warmth of my family.

On TV, some news about the Dragon Boat Festival in the city was also reported. What's new is that the "Zong Wang" was placed in front of the hall for people to watch. Some people hugged it and felt its huge size. It was reported that thousands of people could eat enough, which was refreshing. There are also spectacular scenes of dragon boat racing, roaring drums and people's shouts, which are drawn into a wonderful picture of dragon boat racing.

The Dragon Boat Festival comes quietly from the waves of the Tear Luojiang River. The wave thousands of years ago was like a drop of ink, which dyed the land of China green like brown leaves. In the Dragon Boat Festival, the process, the atmosphere, and the fun are all memorable.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (15)

Today, I went to the square with my friends. Every step, eating a mouthful is like a spider wrapping silk. Zhu Mengyan is more fun. She only eats meat. If there is meat on the other side, she jumps around like Spiderman. I am like a hungry little ghost for three days and nights. We eat like pigs. When I got home, my mother said happily, "Nono came to eat the super large dumplings I made for you."

A sudden rain brought about the clammy and turbulent early summer. In May of the lunar calendar, the humid and dreary air after the rain always has a thin fragrance of bamboo leaves. The dumplings of the Dragon Boat Festival reappeared in the streets of a foreign country, and a kind of sadness that had not been touched for a long time came to my heart silently. The imprint of Grandma's familiar and kind smiling face in her mind is still clear, but her small and light figure seems dim and distant across the May rain and fog.

In those May years long ago, I was a young girl who had not yet touched the world. I was young and simple in the old tile roofed house of my hometown and in the tender love of my grandmother.

On the morning of the fifth day of the first lunar month, I always took my grandmother's wrinkled hands and stepped on the wet mud after the rain to the verdant bamboo forest near the village to pick fresh and tender bamboo leaves. The grass wetted the train, and the sleeves were covered with raindrops. In my heart, there was a sweet smell, mixed with light rain and soil moisture. Collect a basket of young leaves covered with rain and put it beside the well platform. Grandmother moved the old wooden bucket, filled it with clean well water, and washed the bamboo leaves green and bright. The dripping eaves, the cool well water, the slight green light of bamboo leaves, and the figure of my grandmother gently scrubbing beside the well platform are always thought of as a dream, a warm and vivid dream many years later.

Grandmother said that the stream on the fifth day of May is "Dragon's whisker water". At noon, you can go to the stream to wash away your bad luck. I was at the brook in the wilderness, gently dipping my feet into the water. It seemed that there were many small fish nibbling on their toes, numb and itchy. A handful of long black hair gently swam in the clear and transparent stream, and my grandmother gently rubbed it for me. At that time, I always believed that all the unhappiness would flow away with the stream. The girl's dreams and sweetness are more vivid in this ancient comfort.

There is always sunshine in the afternoon of May, and the cobweb on the grape shelf reflects several strands from time to time, reflecting the silver hair line of my grandmother and the sweat oozing from the wrinkles on my forehead. She tied a handful of salty grass to the window railing, wrapped those green bamboo leaves and snow-white glutinous rice into exquisite small dumplings, and then tied them with salty grass. A bunch of small dumplings with sharp edges and corners are hung on the window railing. They are not like food, but rather like works of art, cute and attractive. I sat next to my grandmother and learned that she used salty grass to wrap small rice dumplings. After many years of learning, I was not as skillful as my grandmother, and the rice dumplings she made had a special flavor. When the big stove in the old house emits steaming steam, the fragrance of bamboo leaves and glutinous rice fills the air. Since she left, I have never felt the fragrance. No matter how hard I try to imitate all the ingredients and practices, the fragrance can only live in my memory forever.

When Grandma left, it was nearly the fifth month of the lunar calendar. It was also a rainy and sunny day. On the Dragon Boat Festival that year, I suddenly found that everything had disappeared in the empty old house. In that year, I moved out of the old house and moved into the city. All that was left was memory, and a little sad and sweet feeling flashed in some casual touch.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (16)

It is another year when zongzi is fragrant. At this time of year, it is the happiest festival for children. Because we have zongzi to eat and dragon boat race to watch, we are happier than the Spring Festival. But as I grow older, I am no longer crazy to play, but more elegant, more expectant

Dragon Boat Festival is a festival in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. Every day on the Dragon Boat Festival, every family will wrap a "Zhongshan Ludou Brown". The round stick is as thick as the arm, and the palm is bound with fresh bamboo leaves. There are ingredients in it, including salty dumplings and sweet dumplings. Sweet dumplings have lotus paste, bean paste, chestnut paste, jujube paste: salty meat, roast chicken, egg yolk, scallops, mushrooms, green beans, barbecue and other materials. The wrapped dumplings are boiled in a pot. When the dumplings are cooked, they will smell a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves, which will spread all over the kitchen.

Unwrap the rattan and peel off the leaves of the dumplings. There are red and red dumplings in the sweet dumplings, and white dumplings in the salty dumplings are rising with steam, emitting a unique steamed brown smell. Two zongzi are put together on a plate, and the piston is made of two bright red and white gemstones. The glutinous rice is glittering and translucent under the light, emitting a strong and tantalizing aroma of glutinous rice, which is very helpful! The most sweet food I love is the sweet jujube dumplings. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the family made a lot of zongzi, and always sent a lot of them to relatives and friends. Others also gave us their own dumplings as thanks. Therefore, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my family always has glutinous rice dumplings from my aunt and grandmother.

Shi Xi lived for a long time and thought about the Dragon Boat Festival. He looked at the hair machine in front of the post house. When frowning and stirring, the thunder is moving, and the beast's head is moving slightly through the snow. Breaks through the prominent people, leaps the wave to compete for the first bird to retreat. Xiang Dao is not convinced by Long Gang. He won the championship. This is the Poem of Ferry Race written by Lu Zhao in the Tang Dynasty. It highlights the macro scene of the dragon boat race. However, in my hometown Guangzhou, there is also the custom of rowing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival, commonly known as "dragon boat raking". On the Dragon Boat Festival, the village will organize a small "dragon boat" competition. Every strong man in every household should participate, and the woman should be on the side, only for watching. Six narrow, long and thin boats with a big tap in front. More than ten people sat together and rowed hard to reach the destination first. Although it was raining like a needle, and the people on the boat were soaked, it was not clear whether it was sweat or rain, but it did not matter. At this critical moment, winning the game is important. After rowing the dragon boat, the men will gather in the village's ancestral hall at noon to have a sumptuous "dragon boat meal". However, the women in our village also have no part in it. So, I don't know what dishes are there, because I am a girl.

The "dragon boat" in the village is too childish! It's not fun for me at all. If you want to watch it live on TV, it's a real dragon boat race. More than 20 "traditional dragons" competed on the vast river. The long dragon boat was full of muscular men. The drummer is in the middle, and the people in front are shouting for support, which is very powerful and domineering. Magnificent, shocking. The rain is falling and the river is surging. Here, the man is brave and strong! In the north, the custom of "dragon boat" is uncommon, because there are less rivers in the north than in the south, so the Dragon Boat Festival in the north only eats dumplings, not as vigorous and lively as in the south. This is the uniqueness of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown, how much joy and joy you have given me! Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance, dragon boat resounding, good things become double! The Dragon Boat Festival shows the true feelings of hometown, is an ancient tradition, and is an admiration and praise for the patriotic spirit of the poet Qu Yuan. Eating authentic home dumplings, watching the wonderful home dragon boat race, I have a special feeling.

In 20xx, another new Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will greet you with a yearning, expectation and excitement.

Dragon Boat Festival Composition 900 (17)

In 340 BC, the original surname was Mi, his name was Ping, and his name was Yuan. He was a descendant of Qu Xia, the son of Xiong Tong, King Wu of Chu. He was born in Lepingli, Sanlu Township, Zigui.

Qu Yuan was diligent and ambitious since he was young. In his early years, he was trusted by King Huai of Chu and served as a left disciple and Sanlu doctor. He often consulted with King Huai about state affairs and participated in the formulation of laws. He advocated that Zhang Mingfa, select talents, reform politics, unite Qi to resist Qin Dynasty, and advocate "American politics". With Qu Yuan's efforts, Chu's national strength has been strengthened. However, because of his upright character, he was unwilling to follow the words of the Shangguan doctor when revising the laws and regulations. In addition, Yin Zilan, an order of King Huai of Chu, Jin Shang, a senior official, and Zheng Xiu, his favorite concubine, were bribed by the envoy of Qin State Zhang Yi, which not only prevented King Huai from accepting Qu Yuan's opinion, but also alienated him. In 305 BC, Qu Yuan objected to King Huai of Chu entering into a yellow thorn alliance with the State of Qin, but the State of Chu still fully embraced the State of Qin. Qu Yuan was expelled from Yingdu by King Huai of Chu and began his exile. As a result, King Huai of Chu was lured away by the State of Qin with the encouragement of his youngest son Lan and others, and died in prison in the State of Qin. After King Xiang of Chu ascended the throne, Qu Yuan continued to be persecuted and exiled to Jiangnan.

On that day, you swam in the rivers and lakes, walked and sang beside the marsh, looked haggard and haggard. Encounter a fisherman, see and ask: Zifei Sanlu doctor and! Why are you here. You said: "The whole world is turbid and I am pure, and everyone is drunk and I am awake alone, so I can see and let go". The fisherman would like to advise you not to ponder and hold high and ask for hardship as the world goes by. And you answered, "I am the only one who is pure when the whole world is turbid, and I am the only one who wakes up when everyone is drunk.". The fisherman wanted to say: the world is clean and honest, you can come out as an official; The world is turbid and can rise and fall with the world. Don't be aloof in life. As for "deep thinking and high promotion", why did you end up in exile? You blurted out, "When I heard it, the new bather will snap his crown, and the new bather will shake his clothes; Anneng will observe with his own body, and whether he will receive things? Rather, he will go to Hunan and be buried in the belly of the river fish. Anneng will be white with brightness, but covered with the dust of the secular world", which blocked what the fisherman wanted to say. For you, you would rather die in the river than pollute your innocent body or suffer the secular choice of dust. The fisherman no longer talks with you, but sings that the water of the waves is clear, and you can wash my tassel; The water of the waves is so muddy that it can wash my feet and drum my weight away.

In 278 BC, the moment when the State of Qin conquered the capital of Ying, the capital of Chu State, your hope of saving the country turned into despair, grief and indignation. You jumped into the Miluo River and gave your patriotic feelings and a pure heart to the roaring waves of the Miluo River day and night.

For thousands of years, the water of Miluo River has gone east day and night, which has diluted the fisherman's name in the hearts of future generations, but it has not diluted in the slightest. Tears are shed to remember your patriotic feelings left in the river.

When you leave, "Chuci style" has become one of the origins of Chinese literature. You are gone, and every May 5th becomes the "Poet's Day". You left, and the Dragon Boat Festival came accordingly