Composition Kitten (14 practical articles)
2024-06-08 03:24:33
Grade 3

Composition Kitten (1)

When I was walking on the way to Cat Cafe, I kept thinking, "Are the cats there gentle? Will there be the" cat fight "in our little ancient Chinese? On second thought, although there are so many problems in my head, when I come to have a look, I will get the result?

As soon as his right foot entered, a scene of "animal world" appeared in front of him. The kitten is lying on the soft sofa, sleeping soundly. The dog is biting a stick, and an alpaca is biting the ear of a sika deer, not to mention how cute it is.

At this time, a small white cat was licking its paws to meet me! I gently picked it up and touched its fur, just like touching clouds. It was so comfortable. I don't know whether it was I who held it in my arms or what happened. The cat "whooshed" and escaped from my arms.

I turned to see the cute alpaca, but it...... "Haha"! I couldn't help laughing. The alpaca was actually biting the ears of the sika deer, as if it was whispering with relish! I scratched its hair and felt like touching cotton, which was ten times softer than cotton.

The alpaca's eyes are as big as black grapes, and there is reflection from time to time! With the "double eyelids" that both people like, it is simply a standard "beauty".

Suddenly, a cat came to me, as if to suggest that I go to a place. I followed him into a small secret room. There are more than a dozen cats in it. I like the white kittens best. Its body seems to be coated with flour, snow-white. Eyes roll around!

If you look carefully, you can see that the eyes of these kittens are dark green. It is said that they will change three times a day!

The cats here are not only cute, but also very interesting, lively and naughty.

Composition Kitten (2)

My family has a kitten that is greedy and dutiful.

It has a pair of big watery eyes, a glass ball that looks like water. Its tail is short, its fur is slippery, its ears are triangular, and its mouth corner is an octagonal beard. The white beard can measure the size of a mouse's mouth.

My little cat is greedy. I remember one time, my mother bought a fish. The kitten saw it, walked around her mother, and kept meowing. Mother put the fish in the refrigerator and went to do something else. The kitten took the opportunity to jump onto the table, poked open the refrigerator door with her paw, and ate with relish. When my mother took the fish, she found that the fish was missing. My mother saw that the kitten was eating the only fish tail left, and she was very sad

My little cat doesn't know how many mice to eat all day long. I remember once, when I went to the refrigerator to get an apple, a big fat mouse jumped out of the refrigerator, which scared me a lot. At this time, the kitten came out. It threw forward like lightning, and then deliberately scared the mouse away. When the mouse ran away, the cat jumped and pressed the mouse with its paws, making a sound of "hissing". The mouse wriggled and struggled, and the cat held on tightly. After a long time, the mouse had no power to resist, and the kitten could feast its appetite.

The kitten caught many mice, but it is my great hero!

Writing Composition Kitten (3)

My family had a lovely cat. The cat was dressed in a black and white coat. It felt fluffy and very beautiful. It also has a moustache, which is very cute!

When a kitten wakes up in the morning, it will stretch a big stretch, and then jump around, "Meow meow" barking several times. When I brush my teeth, it will immediately jump on the washstand and look at me gently, as if to say: "Good morning, little master." Mother made breakfast and loudly said to me upstairs: "breakfast is ready, come down to eat, and your favorite fish!" I ran down from the building quickly, and the kitten jumped down with me. As soon as I sat at the table and moved my chopsticks, the kitten seemed to say, "Master, please give me some!" I took a piece of fish and deliberately refused to give it. Unexpectedly, it got angry and rushed forward, almost biting me, so I had to give it. Look, its temper is not small!

When the kitten was resting, I secretly took a balloon and rolled it over. It suddenly opened its eyes, rubbed up and played happily. I deliberately took the ball away, and it grabbed it with its small claws. Grab the hand, and play happily again.

How about my kitten? Is it cute?

Composition Kitten (4)

I have a small brown cat called Kaka. Its eyes are black and shiny, like two brown gemstones. Its ears are round, its whole body is hairy, it is comfortable to hold, and it weighs six kilograms. He likes sleeping very much. He sleeps all day and night. Only at noon is he active. Give it a small ball, fish, toys, just sleep.

When I take out the magic weapon - "little hamster", it will look at it with energetic eyes. The "little hamster" I said is not alive, but my father bought it from Tokyo, Japan. The little hamster can talk. Kaka can't stand the little hamster when he sees it. Kaka jumped up quickly, grabbed the "little hamster", his beard stood up, meowing, lifting its sharp claws and pouncing. Catch the "little hamster".

Kaka was light and short when he bought it, and no basketball was heavy. A month later, two basketballs became heavier. When Kaka slept on the balcony, he always wanted to catch swallows flying in the sky. It looks like it can't be caught in a hurry. So I tried everything but failed to catch it.

It has six long and thin whiskers, like several fish bones, and looks very imposing. We also made a special nest for it. I use a carton, spread a towel, and the nest will be fine. Kaka is so smart that he knows that his' bed 'sleeps in bed every day and never sleeps everywhere. What a cute little guy.

Composition Kitten (5)

Recently, I have a new kitten, which is adopted by my cousin. I like it very much.

On its small face, there is a pair of aqua blue eyes as bright as gems. A small nose is very sensitive, and there is a greedy mouth under the nose. It has a nice name called Chunchun.

Chunchun's favorite toy is the cat teaser. He often grinds his paws on the sofa. In order to stop him from hurting the sofa, he has to take out the cat teaser. Chunchun leaps up at the sight of the cat teaser and uses his paws to scratch the feathers on the cat teaser.

I threw the cat teaser stick here, and it ran here; I threw the cat cudgel over there, and it went there. It had only one cat cudgel in its eyes.

Chunchun not only likes playing with cat sticks, but also likes playing with bells. I remember one time, I took out the bell and shook it. Pure was immediately attracted by the sound of the bell, and ran around. I would put it on the ground and push it. The bell rolled on the ground and made a sound of "ding ding ding". When Chunchun saw it, she kept catching the bell with her flexible little paws, and then pushed the bell again and again like me, stopping, looking, pushing... It played for a long time.

Chunchun is a cute, playful and lovable kitten.

Composition Kitten (6)

Very melodious! My aunt gave me a kitten, and I kept it in my cat house in front of the bed; This is my doll and toy. I don't think kittens will feel lonely.

It looks really pleasing. Its ears and back are light black; From nose, chin to belly, four legs are pure white, and naturally stretched eyebrows and beard are also white. The most interesting thing is the hanging tail, which is black and liquid. Only the top of the tail is a bunch of white hair, very like a brush that has not been inked. It is swaying high and full of charm, just like a calligrapher.

At first, the little guy just walked around the house. Later, he ran around the house, hid under the bed for a while, stood on the desk for a while, and licked my homework with his tongue. Gradually, he became bolder. Sometimes when he stood on my desk and saw that I didn't hurt him, he climbed onto my leg and scratched me with his paws. I just smiled. He was playing on me. I touched its smooth hair with my hand, and it was not afraid. Instead, he gave me a friendly lick. During the day, he played with me. At night, he climbed onto my bed and slept with me. My feelings with him became deeper and deeper.

The kitten makes me feel comfortable and is a good friend.

Composition Kitten (7)

Kitten Qiqi went to climb the mountain. It is said that there are many mice on the trees at the top of the mountain. Many cats learn the skills of catching mice there, so Qiqi also plans to go there to practice the skills of catching mice. However, the road to the top of the mountain is very dangerous. There are many wild animals, but Qiqi doesn't retreat.

Qiqi came to the mountainside and rested under the tree. Suddenly, a wolf jumped out from behind the tree. The wolf looked at the kitten Qiqi and added his lips. He smiled insidiously and said, "I was worried about not eating, but you sent it to my door." Qiqi panicked, and a tiger came out from behind the wolf. The tiger dragged his lazy body and said, "What are you arguing about? I can't sleep." The arrival of the tiger made the wolf at a loss. Qiqi, the smart cat, immediately said, "Tiger, Mr. Wolf told me just now that there is no animal on this mountain that can compare with him. He is the strongest and bravest." The tiger woke up immediately and began to bite the wolf. The wolf didn't even have time to explain, so he struggled to get rid of the tiger.

While the tiger and the wolf were fighting like bees, Qiqi, the kitten, had disappeared.

Composition Kitten (8)

The kitten always keeps its eyes closed during the day, its tail keeps swinging, and its ears keep moving, as if listening to the sound. Its sole has a meat pad, so it is very sensitive to impact. If a mouse moves in the distance, it can feel it.

The kitten's mouth is very greedy. Once, my mother washed a coin and said, "Let's make dumplings with coins. If anyone eats them, I will repay the god of wealth." We agreed. When the dumplings are cooked, I really want to eat them. Then the kitten came over, and the steaming dumplings made it greedy. He jumped on the table, moved one for a while, smelled the other for a while, and seemed to say to me: "I'm greedy, give me a plate.".

Seeing its delicious taste, he gave it four dumplings. It ate with relish, and suddenly it called "meow". I turned to look, "Coins! Coins!" I shouted in surprise. My sister smiled and said, "Your little baby has become the god of wealth. Let it pay your tuition this year.".

The kitten cried proudly, and then went out to show off.

Composition Kitten (9)

My family has a lively and lovely cat. His name is Roger.

Why did I name him Roger? Because I like playing tennis, my favorite tennis star is Roger Federer, so I named him Roger.

He is very strong, with big eyes, short ears, long tail, and rainbow like stripe patterns on his body, so handsome!

He accompanies me every day. In the morning, he took my mother's car to take me to school. He picked me up at school in the evening. At dusk, he accompanied me with my homework. After dinner, he went for a walk with me. He slept with me in the dead of night. I sleep in bed and he sleeps in his cradle.

When I was at school, Roger slipped out again and played for a while. When I came back, I found Roger was missing, which made me anxious and worried. Then I thought of a way. I immediately brought a pot of cat food and tried to lure him with food. Sure enough, he came back in less than fifteen minutes.

Well, I think you should also have your own pet! My cat accompanied me in my childhood. Like brothers, we help each other and live a happy life.

Composition Kitten (10)

My family has a kitten named Linlin. Its eyes are yellow and blue. I forgot to tell you it was a Persian cat. Sometimes it is naughty, sometimes it is cute, sometimes it disappears, sometimes it climbs up the small tree I planted. Once my sister and I went to my sister's house, and Linlin also went. When we arrived at my sister's house, Linlin ran quickly into the toy house and we went to the library. After reading for an hour, we heard Lin Lin crying. We ran to see the toy house in a mess. Linlin was hanging on the chandelier. Once my sister and I were cleaning our room, and the floor was covered with wool. Linlin also came to help us. We were busy all afternoon. In order to reward him, we gave him a fish to eat. I woke up in the morning and found that Linlin was missing. We searched all over the house. Still can't find it. We went to the square, but couldn't find it. Disappointed, I ran to the backyard and found it shaking with a small tree. I picked it up and said, "Don't run away next time.". This is Lin Lin. Although he is naughty, he behaves like a child.

Composition Kitten (11)

If someone asks me what my favorite animal is, I will not hesitate to tell you - a kitten.

My cat's face is like Little Love. Its eyes are big and round, shiny like a black pearl, and its ears are pointed like two hills. Its feet are thin and its feet are small.

It likes to sleep under our feet, and people touch its head when eating. When he played, his favorite toys were beads, wool balls, etc. If we don't play with him, he will come to play with you.

Once, we closed the bedroom door to see what would happen. It was quiet at first, but then it stopped working. It ran to the door and cried loudly. Meow, meow, grabbed the door with its claws as if to say, "You let me in, I want to play with you, and I want to obey. It screamed less and less. I felt it was going to cry. I couldn't help opening the door. When I opened the door, it screamed and rolled on the ground. It looked lovely!

The kitten is so cute. I like my cat.

Composition Kitten (12)

There is a cute cat, a gray cat. Do you know where it lives? Oh, yes, you guessed right. It lives at Grandma's house in Dali, which is a beautiful paradise.

Look, Little Cat is sleeping! It sleeps lazily on the cement floor of the small yard. The sun shines on Little Cat, who seems to enjoy a comfortable treatment. Then he slowly opened his eyes, stretched out, stood up, shook his head, and wiped his face with his paws, eh? Strange, what is the little cat doing? Take a closer look. Oh, the little cat is washing its face with its paws! It may have seen something. It was a Chinese car, and rushed at it. He opened his paw carefully and looked at it. He didn't catch it. Once again with your paw, once again, one, two, three, four. Then I grabbed several times, and was on the verge of being caught. Hua Yishan was disappointed again. It will not retreat until it is caught. The yard is full of chasing Hua.

The cute and mischievous appearance of kittens really makes people feel very loving after getting along with each other.

Composition Kitten (13)

In science class, the teacher arranged us to observe the kittens on Sunday (because the teacher arranged it on Friday) I'm going to my sister's house to play. I'm very happy! Because my sister happens to have a kitten.

On Sunday, I went to my sister's house to observe the kittens. My sister's cat is Mimi. It is a yellow and white cat. In the daytime, its eyes are like two golden sapphires, and at night, its eyes are like two sparkling sapphires.

Mimi has fun eating! I remember once, I tied a piece of meat to one end of the rope for Mimi to see, and then suddenly rushed at me, which made me run involuntarily. Mimi is out of breath behind her, ha! It looks so cute! Suddenly! The rope is loose. Mimi sees her, picks up the meat and runs away.

Composition Kitten (14)

I like small animals and play with them because they are cute and interesting.

My favorite animals are dogs, rabbits, fish and cats. My favorite is cats, so I especially want to keep cats.

Once I went to my sister's house to play and saw a kitten named Mimi.

She has a pair of big, round eyes, and her brown eyes are very bright in the sun; The eight characters must be held in the air, like silk thread floating in the wind; Triangle ears are small and exquisite; The patterns on my body are colorful and beautiful: red, yellow, white and black. The slender tail was swinging, and it began to twist, as if to show itself, as if an elegant girl was walking on the catwalk.

I gently picked her up, touched her soft hair, and sometimes heard her meow. Her voice is so clear and striking.

Sometimes, when we touch her stomach, she may feel itchy and cry softly. Although she scratched our hand, we did not blame her, but liked her twice.

I really like her because she is so flexible. It's fun to play with her.

I hope I have a cute cat or other small animals like her. Because I want them to accompany me happily every day.