Composition yearning for peace (practical 17)
When I become excellent
2024-06-24 02:32:22

Writing for Peace (1)

"Report, sir! Alien unidentified creatures have invaded us again, and have lost two mechanical launchers, three launchers, and two troops..." Wright said anxiously. Every time he finished speaking, the officer sighed, and this time was no exception.

At the beginning of the war, Wright began to feel uneasy. They had never met such a powerful opponent on this small planet. Wright and his good friend Longyi were born on a war planet, and the children born here have to train to participate in war.

Everyone here has his own special function, for example, someone can control fire, someone can control water, someone can control electricity... and Wright can control shadow, so that a creature with a shadow can listen to him.

The real bloody battle has begun! Both sides were excited. Wright and his good friend Long Yi didn't want to participate in this fierce battle, so they watched quietly on a nearby asteroid.

One month has passed, two months have passed... After four months of hard work, the war has finally ended, but it seems that the situation is not so good. Wright and the dragons set foot in the space tunnel and came to their home star. Their planet was in a sea of fire. There were many corpses lying in disorder. All the houses were destroyed in a bad way. The pungent smoke made great efforts to drill into their noses.

Suddenly, there was only a loud noise. A giant appeared in front of them, picked them up with one hand, and shouted some words that they did not understand. Wright and Longyi were stunned. They felt the danger and quickly used their special functions. Only then did they escape the disaster. They quickly set foot on the space tunnel and returned to the small planet they watched.

On that asteroid, Wright and the dragon generation are still recalling what just happened. Their first consciousness is that their mother was invaded.

That night, Wright had a dream: in the early morning, there were groups of snow white sheep scattered on the undulating grass like the sea waves... No... To be precise, it should be a group of white deer, because they had some beautiful horns like coral on their heads. There is no war between them and they coexist peacefully. The grass is covered with colorful flowers, shining like diamonds in the morning light. Wright found himself a deer like this, and he walked happily on the beautiful grass. He slowly rushed up the hillside and down again with an overwhelming momentum. He was very happy.

The next day, he told the dragon descendants of this beautiful dream, and they decided to find a beautiful and peaceful planet like the dream and settle on that planet forever. No more invaders, no more wars, no more looting, they can run freely there.

After a long search, they finally found a planet like that. Later, when they recalled the story of their home star, how could they smile or cry in that memory until they fell asleep once and never woke up.

Writing for Peace (2)

Peace is quiet, peace is beautiful, and peace is happiness. Only in a peaceful environment can the world be beautiful, the country can develop, the people can be peaceful and happy, and children can grow up happily. So everyone yearns for peace.

I can see from the TV reports that there are still many places in the world where wars are going on, and people there are suffering from wars. The picture broadcast from the TV --- Iraq is like a piece of ruins. Many houses have collapsed, and the streets are deserted. People who occasionally pass by are dressed in rags and thin as bones. According to the report, many of them only have a little food all day long, and there is no clean water and enough food supply in the city. We can also see that children often appear in the garbage. Because of the war, the environment was destroyed, the drinking water was polluted, and the food was not enough. There were many terrible infectious diseases in Iraq. People did not have medicine, could not get treatment, and finally died miserably.

These are all the consequences of war. No matter what the reason for fighting, war will bring countless deaths and injuries to people, cause losses to state property and people's property, and make people displaced and difficult to live.

There are contradictions between countries, which should be solved by other methods. Only when leaders stop being selfish and both sides sit down to have a good discussion, there must be a better way to solve them. If human beings are not selfish, the world will become very beautiful, and real world peace can be achieved.

Let us love peace and take the responsibility of protecting the world and the earth. Let peace be eternal in our hearts and in the world. Let us all be ambassadors of earth peace!

Writing for Peace (3)

At the beginning of the war, Wright began to feel uneasy. They had never met such a powerful opponent on this small planet. Wright and his good friend Longyi were born on a war planet, and the children born here have to train to participate in war.

Everyone here has his own special function, for example, someone can control fire, someone can control water, someone can control electricity... and Wright can control shadow, so that a creature with a shadow can listen to him.

The real bloody battle has begun! Both sides were excited. Wright and his good friend Long Yi didn't want to participate in this fierce battle, so they watched quietly on a nearby asteroid.

One month has passed, two months have passed... After four months of hard work, the war has finally ended, but it seems that the situation is not so good. Wright and the dragons set foot in the space tunnel and came to their home star. Their planet was in a sea of fire. There were many corpses lying in disorder. All the houses were destroyed in a bad way. The pungent smoke made great efforts to drill into their noses.

Suddenly, there was only a loud noise. A giant appeared in front of them, picked them up with one hand, and shouted some words that they did not understand. Wright and Longyi were stunned. They felt the danger and quickly used their special functions. Only then did they escape the disaster. They quickly set foot on the space tunnel and returned to the small planet they watched.

On that asteroid, Wright and the dragon generation are still recalling what just happened. Their first consciousness is that their mother was invaded.

That night, Wright had a dream: in the early morning, there were groups of snow white sheep scattered on the undulating grass like the sea waves... No... To be precise, it should be a group of white deer, because they had some beautiful horns like coral on their heads. There is no war between them and they coexist peacefully. The grass is covered with colorful flowers, shining like diamonds in the morning light. Wright found himself a deer like this, and he walked happily on the beautiful grass. He slowly rushed up the hillside and down again with an overwhelming momentum. He was very happy.

The next day, he told the dragon descendants of this beautiful dream, and they decided to find a beautiful and peaceful planet like the dream and settle on that planet forever. No more invaders, no more wars, no more looting, they can run freely there.

After a long search, they finally found a planet like that. Later, when they recalled the story of their home star, how could they smile or cry in that memory until they fell asleep once and never woke up.

Writing for Peace (4)

Look, this photo is the real scene taken by the reporter. On August 28, 1937, the Japanese invaders bombed Shanghai South Railway Station. The people there did not realize that the god of death came quietly, and disaster came. I only heard the sound of explosive bombardment, which turned the originally prosperous Shanghai into a wasteland in an instant. The child in the picture is still a two-year-old child. Maybe he was holding the hands of his parents just now. Now, his parents may have been killed by the explosion, or they may have fallen into the hands of the hateful Japanese devils. Soon he became an orphan. In the years of chaos, only death awaits him. The child's fate is tragic. His relatives are only a tiny fraction of the tens of thousands of Chinese killed by the Japanese. Why is the child involved in this war? He should have the same right to a happy childhood as we do.

War is merciless and cruel. Humans, wake up!

Look! How beautiful our world is! The sky is blue, the flowers are bright, and the birds are lively. If we do not cherish it and continue to fight, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Let us love peace and bravely shoulder the responsibility of maintaining world peace!

Writing for Peace (5)

At that time, my father and mother held me and fled nervously. Suddenly, several Japanese planes flew over us and dropped missiles. Seeing that the missile was about to fall to the ground, my father picked me up, gritted his teeth and threw me out, but my father died bravely. I began to wail, and my voice rang through the sky. When I looked around, I saw the bodies of Chinese people who had been killed. The bodies were everywhere and the blood flowed into rivers. The sky is no longer bright blue, but is filled with smoke of gunpowder. War is raging, dust is flying, train tracks, platforms and overpasses have been destroyed, and many people have been buried under the ruins.

I sat alone on the broken train track, my eyes full of fear and helplessness. I cried out: "Dad! Mom! Where are you? I'm so afraid!" I had a happy and happy family, but it became fragmented because of this cruel war. My parents lost their beautiful lives in the artillery.

Soon, a reporter found me and recorded my sad scene with a camera. He quickly picked me up and took me to a very safe place.

Yes, it is war that has turned our home into a ruin, it is war that has made children unable to live happily, and it is war that has made the human world unstable! I hope that such a history will not repeat, that children all over the world will have a happy childhood, and that the world will always be peaceful!

Writing for Peace (6)

Part I: yearning for peace

Peace is quiet, peace is beautiful, and peace is happiness. Only in a peaceful environment can the world be beautiful, the country can develop, the people can be peaceful and happy, and children can grow up happily. So everyone yearns for peace.

I can see from the TV reports that there are still many places in the world where wars are going on, and people there are suffering from wars. The picture broadcast from the TV --- Iraq is like a piece of ruins. Many houses have collapsed, and the streets are deserted. People who occasionally pass by are dressed in rags and thin as bones. According to the report, many of them only have a little food all day long, and there is no clean water and enough food supply in the city. We can also see that children often appear in the garbage. Because of the war, the environment was destroyed, the drinking water was polluted, and the food was not enough. There were many terrible infectious diseases in Iraq. People did not have medicine, could not get treatment, and finally died miserably.

These are all the consequences of war. No matter what the reason for fighting, war will bring countless deaths and injuries to people, cause losses to state property and people's property, and make people displaced and difficult to live.

There are contradictions between countries, which should be solved by other methods. Only when leaders stop being selfish and both sides sit down to have a good discussion, there must be a better way to solve them. If human beings are not selfish, the world will become very beautiful, and real world peace can be achieved.

Let us love peace and take the responsibility of protecting the world and the earth. Let peace be eternal in our hearts and in the world. Let us all be ambassadors of earth peace!

Chapter II: yearning for peace

The flower of peace - I yearn for you, and I want to see your beautiful smiling face.

On August 28, 1937, when the Japanese invaders bombed the Shanghai South Railway Station, the reporter took a real picture. The station was full of blood and flesh, the overpass was crumbling, the houses collapsed, and the dead were everywhere. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The deafening sound of the bomb broke the noise of people, and suddenly people were as anxious as ants on a hot pot - round and round. Some supported the old, some led the children, and some supported the father and daughter. People hoped that they could survive, but only one child survived. His clothes were ragged, and his head was full of scars. His clothes were blown out and covered with blood stains. He sat in the ruins and cried loudly, and shouted with all his strength: "Dad, Mom." His parents were killed by the bombs of the Japanese invaders. When the Eighth Route Army cleaned up the ruins here, it found the whole child and took him back to raise him. He was named Jianqiang. He was very sensible and helped the uncle of the Eighth Route Army as a whole. He also decided to be a soldier of the Eighth Route Army when he grew up, to help people in need and not let the smoke of war disturb their lives, Let the delicate flower of peace bloom forever.

For the sake of mother no longer losing her son, wife no longer losing her husband, and children no longer losing their father, the world should act together to maintain peace and stop war! Let the 21st century ring the death knell for war, and let the world of tomorrow become a great human home full of sunshine, flowers and love. Let us take the responsibility of protecting the world and the mother of the earth, so that peace will last forever in people's hearts, peace will last forever in the world, and the flower of peace will bloom forever in the world.

Chapter 3: Yearning for Peace

On January 12, 20xx, when we were still immersed in the joy of the New Year, Palestine and Israel were engaged in a war of "heavy casualties"

When we study quietly in the bright classroom, we may not think that some Palestinian children thousands of miles away from us are crying for their families, some are suffering in the ruins, and some... Seeing here, I sat in front of the TV machine and had already shed tears... After watching the news, My feeling is very deep: when we see those children who are homeless due to the war, we hate the war more than we sympathize with them. When you see the desperate eyes of the children in the war, and when you hear the cries of the survivors who have lost their loved ones, you must hate the war!

I remember an article describing the war like this: tearing the land with swords and guns, letting horses trample on the harvest, diminishing inflammation and suffocating children's songs, and dyeing the clear river with blood... How cruel! "We want a planet without war and weapons... Our ideal is peace, peace now, peace forever, peace for all of us... When we are together, peace is possible!" This is the common aspiration of children all over the world.

War and peace are opposite. There is no peace with war. The blueprint of peace is even more beautiful: in the sky, lovely birds fly freely; In the river, beautiful fish play happily

One day, I had a dream: ten years later, there was no war in the world. Even the word "war" disappeared from our books and dictionaries. People all over the world held a white dove of peace in their hands, and in their mouths, They all carried an olive branch - a green olive branch symbolizing peace and beauty. With a "shua" sound, we put hundreds of millions of peace doves into the blue sky

Peace is beautiful and desirable. Let's join hands to create a peaceful and beautiful world in the future!

Writing for Peace (7)

High school composition yearning for peace [1]

War - the most terrible devil that can destroy human beings. When will it disappear?

Those who hold great power, resort to force against other countries and drag their own country into the flames of war are seldom able to really taste the bitter water brought by war. For ordinary people, war will always bring them misfortune

The twentieth century is a century in which the world has undergone tremendous changes. The achievements in science, technology, literature and art in this century have exceeded those in any previous era. However, the complicated political and economic changes in this century have made wars more frequent, and the rapid development of science and technology has made wars more terrible. In this brilliant century, The unprecedented cruel war has enabled people to enjoy the huge spiritual and material life, and at the same time, they have experienced many bloody and terrible disasters!

In the 19th century, those capitalist powers with a large number of colonies and rapid economic development rose one after another. At the beginning of the 20th century, their contradictions became more acute, and finally led to the outbreak of the First World War in human history! For the first time, mankind has experienced an unprecedented worldwide melee!

In 1914, with the sound of several shots in Sarajevo, Germany, Britain, Austria, France, Russia, the United States and other major powers launched an unprecedented melee. In this catastrophe, newly invented tanks, aircraft, submarines and even poison gas and other weapons came on the scene, making the human slaughter more rapid. More than 20xx million lives were lost in the First World War!

Even when people were still breathing in the breath after the First World War, and even when all mankind expected peace to come, the most terrible disaster in human history - the cloud of the Second World War had already spread over the earth!

Good people can't help asking why? Why do humans kill each other, why does the war never recede, and why is there no permanent peace? When can human beings learn true tolerance and reason! Standing at the beginning of the new century, we look back on the war, experience the war, and look forward to peace! Peace loving people all hope that our world is a world where brothers and sisters have deep brotherhood and everyone loves each other. I believe that one day, people will truly understand love, truly understand "peace and development", truly abandon force, and truly treat our blue planet as a beautiful home shared by all mankind!

High school composition yearning for peace [2]

The loyalty medal of "800 heroes" in the "Songhu Battle", the broadsword of "bloody battle in Taierzhuang", and the loot captured in the Wanjialing victory, which killed more than 3000 enemies in the "Wuhan Battle"... In the early days of the War of Resistance against Japan, millions of troops carried out frontal operations against the Japanese attack, which dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army and shattered the dream of "quick war and quick decision" of the Japanese militarists

"Resisting Japan is life, not resisting Japan is death. Resisting Japan and saving the country has become the sacred duty of every compatriot!" "Pingjin is in danger! North China is in danger! The Chinese nation is in danger! Only the whole nation implements the war of resistance is our way out." "Adhere to the war of resistance, adhere to the protracted war, adhere to the united front, and the final victory must be Chinese."

The Communist Party of China took the lead in sounding the horn of the War of Resistance. The July 7th Incident broke out in 1937. With the active efforts and promotion of the Communist Party of China, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party abandoned their grievances and came together again, and the Chinese nation's all-around and sacred war of resistance began to burn

The victory won on September 3, 1945 was totally different from the previous Sino Japanese War 110 years ago. In the 105 years from 1840 to the victory of the Anti Japanese War, almost all the big, small and medium-sized imperialist countries invaded China, and the only one we won, It was the victory 60 years ago. It was the first time that China, which was poor and weak in the past 100 years, had won a national war of life and death. This victory changed the historical destiny of the Chinese nation and awakened China, which had slept for centuries

Historian Chen Yinque once said: "The country can perish, and history cannot perish", because the revision of history "is a matter of life and death in the spirit of our nation". In 20xx

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War, I understand this solemn and stirring history. As a Chinese student, it is undoubtedly an unshakable responsibility, but it is also an unbearable task

Boys and girls, the soldiers are just like this new China, which is gained with sweat and blood. Let's not forget the national shame, study hard, become the pillars of the motherland, and revitalize China in the future!

The revolutionary soldiers are immortal!

Composition for Peace (8)

This photo was taken by reporters on August 28, 1937, when the Japanese invaders bombed the South Station of Shanghai Railway Station.

At that time, Shanghai North Railway Station had become the focus of the war, and only the South Railway Station was the only way to leave. The South Station was crowded that day.

At this time, the train came rumbling, and people scrambled to get on the train. The train was full, and people below had to wait for the next train. Suddenly, several planes appeared in the sky. People shouted in horror: "Run, run, the Japanese are coming!" Then they fled everywhere.

Several bombs fell from the sky and blew up the overpass. From a distance, the child cried and said, "Mom, where are you?"

Shanghai South Railway Station is now full of blood and corpses. One child looks like he is only two or three years old. He sits beside the railway in fear. It is obvious that he has become an orphan. How should he live in the next few decades? He is just a child!

Damned invaders, put down your weapons! War will make mothers lose their children, women lose their husbands, and children become orphans.

Now that China is rich and strong, the war is getting farther and farther away from us. Let us ring the death knell for the war, let the world of tomorrow truly become a human home full of sunshine, flowers and love, let us join hands in peace!

Fourth grade student Wang Zirui

Writing for Peace (9)

On August 28, 1937, the Japanese invaders bombed the Shanghai South Railway Station, bringing disaster to the Chinese people, taking away the lives of the Chinese people, leaving behind hatred!

On that day, Shanghai South Railway Station was very busy and crowded. On the surface, Shanghai South Railway Station is no different from usual. In fact, the Japanese army had occupied Shanghai at that time.

Suddenly, "boom, boom --" a roar of aircraft broke the noise, only to see several bombers circling in the sky. A bomb broke away from the fuselage and landed at Shanghai South Railway Station at a high speed. Some people shouted in panic: "Run! Everyone run! The Japanese are coming!" Some people said anxiously: "Where is my child?" Others said: "What luggage? Run quickly, otherwise it will be too late." In a blaze, the railway station turned into ruins, and the ruins were full of corpses, which piled up into mountains and rivers of blood.

There was a child sitting on the bombed railway track. He was about two or three years old, sallow and emaciated. His ragged clothes were covered with many patches. He was holding a cloth doll in his hand. He was crying, "Dad Mom". He seemed to see the dead parents. Tears fell on the ground in blood. He was so frightened and helpless.

Numerous bullet holes are left on many walls here, silently witnessing the dark moment of history to people. Damned Japanese invaders, end your cruelty! Don't start a war against China anymore. China is no longer what it used to be. Can we allow this historical tragedy to happen again?!!!

Zhang Zikang, Grade 4, Chengguan Second Primary School

Writing for Peace (10)

There is a story behind this picture: On that day, the Shanghai South Railway Station was crowded, and people were planning to take the train to escape to a safe place.

Just then, several Japanese helicopters were circling in the air. The "whine" sounds like a demon coming to eat people mercilessly. People looked up and shouted: "The devil is coming, run for your life!" People rushed to run for fear of being killed. But before everyone ran to the safe basement, they were all killed. The overpass also fell down, and some people were buried in the ruins

This real scene took place on August 28, 1937, when the Japanese invaders bombed the Shanghai South Railway Station with planes, which immediately turned into ruins. It happened that this scene was quietly photographed by a reporter.

Just then, a child about two years old sat in the middle of the bombed train track and cried loudly, as if to say: "Mom and Dad, where are you? I'm so afraid! Who are those bad people? Why did they want to turn our home into this? I hate them, Mom and Dad, and I will avenge you." The child was covered with blood, No one can predict his future fate

Children in the war are innocent. Since the war, how many people have been displaced and lost their loved ones. So let's protect our world from war and hope that the flower of peace will always open!

Liu Mengqi, Grade 4 of Chengguan Third Primary School

Writing for Peace (11)

The white figure can no longer be seen in the sky, and the world seems to have no pigeons. A burst of smoke, a fire, a gun, a person, a bloody battlefield, ruthless.

In the past few years, the smoke of war flared up from time to time. In particular, the United States, as the leader of the world, should set an example by taking a look at the statue of "forging a sword into a plow" in front of the United Nations, which has been put on display for more than 40 years, and the United Nations headquarters is still located in New York, the United States. Can't the United States see it? But for his own sake, he turned a blind eye to it. Let's talk about the relationship between Iraq and the United States. Iraq is particularly rich in oil resources. The greedy United States wants to occupy Iraq and wants Iraq to step down with only one purpose: to make Iraq submit to itself! So the oil can belong to itself. Of course, Iraq will not wait to die. The way to protest is to simply use force. Of course, the United States will not give up without oil. Only innocent people will suffer.

We long for peace, and we look forward to it year after year, day after day, but why can't we get a result? I don't think Iraq is your territory. I think it's also a stately country. Why should I be at your mercy? No wonder it will cause others' dissatisfaction. The United States, as a strong country in the world, bullied other small countries everywhere. The world not only belongs to him, but the United States is too much! Each tragedy is his retribution. If you can take back that terrible claw, I believe the world will be much more peaceful. The hateful thing is President Bush of the United States. Why did he elect him to power, why did it exist, and why was his ambition so great? Watching TV every day, the homeless children who are homeless due to the war, the skinny children who have no food and clothing, and the people who commit suicide because they can't survive, tears are pouring out. There are too many poor people in the world. I believe they hate too much, but they hate the world most, and they were born in this era. America, you are so cruel, you are like a killer, you know? If you continue like this, then your evil will be deeper, and you will never wipe out people's hatred for you!

Does the 350 word composition on peace in 2017 help students? I hope that the students' writing level can be greatly improved!

Writing for Peace (12)

500 word composition on peace: yearning for peace

Yearning for peace is the common expectation of every kind heart. I have found the only best way to peace, which is also the greatest blessing that people all over the world can share. A living person, Christ Jesus, is the Lord God who became the body. He achieved peace on the cross. He is the arbiter of the universe, and is the real and living God of peace.

His intention is to build a harmonious and eternal country, which is the great integration of God and man, and to eliminate all disharmony factors caused by differences in nationality, color, race, culture, language, religion, men and women, old and young people, etc. As long as you believe in him, accept him, love him, pursue him, get him, enjoy him, obey him It becomes a copy of Him in manifestation, and is one with Him, so that the hope for peace between God and man can be achieved. His will will be fulfilled! Then those of us who have a share in it will be blessed! Just as the Lord Jesus said in the Bible, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God." I wish all peace loving people such a blessing!

Friends, come, welcome to join in the quest for and share in this peaceful road! He is in our hearts, in our mouths, in the words of the Bible, in our spirits, and on the throne of God above the heavens! We call on the Lord Jesus! He will bring us peace. This is the peace of a big family in the universe, that is, the peace of our Father in the heavens. If we have the same heart as Him, the world will be peaceful! The kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is coming! We should praise peace together! We call for peace!

Composition for Peace (13)

1000 word composition on peace: yearning for peace

Peace is peace, wealth and happiness. Only in a peaceful environment will the world be beautiful, the country will develop, the people will be safe and happy, and children will be happy. So I yearn for peace very much.

However, there are still many places in the world where people are suffering from wars. Just like Iraq now. Seen from TV, Iraq is like a piece of rubble. Many houses have collapsed, and the streets are deserted. People occasionally see people dressed in rags and skinny. It is reported that many of them only have a little food all day long, and there is no clean water and enough food supply in the city. In front of the TV camera, we can also see that children often appear in the garbage. Because of the war, the environment was destroyed, the water was polluted, the food was not enough, the plague occurred in Iraq, many innocent victims could not get treatment, many people died in pain... All these are the consequences of the war. No matter what the reason for the war, it will bring countless deaths and injuries, cause loss of state property and personal property, and make people displaced and difficult to live. Whenever I see these scenes, my heart becomes heavy.

After the outbreak of each war, the TV often shows the countries that have been attacked and the countries that have attacked others. What about their situation? American TV stations often broadcast some deeds that they consider as heroes. These people are people who think of their own national interests, but at the same time, they are regarded as enemies by the other side. Why are they so hated and respected?

I really don't understand. If there are contradictions between countries, can't we solve them by other means? Can't both sides sit down and have a good discussion? Most wars are caused by the selfishness of a few people. Either to compete for the resources of other countries, or to occupy land... Only when people stop being selfish can real world peace be achieved. If human beings are not selfish, our world will certainly become very beautiful.

War is dark, merciless and cruel. Human beings, wake up quickly!

Look! Our world is so beautiful. The sky is blue, the flowers are bright, and the birds are lively. If we do not know how to cherish and continue to fight each other like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Let us love peace and take the responsibility of protecting the world and the Earth Mother. Let peace be eternal in our hearts and in the world!

Composition for Peace (14)

A 600 word composition for peace: mankind yearns for peace

Peace is peace, wealth and happiness. Only in a peaceful environment will the world be beautiful, people will be safe and happy, and children will be happy. Therefore, I yearn for peace very much.

However, there are still many places in the world where people are suffering from wars. Just like Iraq. Seen from TV, Iraq is like a wasteland. Many houses have collapsed and the streets are deserted. It is reported that many of them only have a little food all day long. There is no clean water and enough food supply in the city. In front of the TV camera, we can also see that children often appear in the garbage. Because of the war, the environment was destroyed, the water was polluted, the food was not enough, the plague occurred in Iraq, many innocent victims could not get treatment, many people died in pain... All these are the consequences of the war. No matter what the reason for the war, it will bring countless deaths and injuries, cause loss of state property and personal property, and make people's life difficult. Whenever I see these scenes, my heart becomes heavy.

After the outbreak of each war, the TV often shows the countries that have been attacked and the countries that have attacked others. What about their situation? American TV stations often broadcast some deeds that they consider as heroes. These people are people who think of their own national interests, but at the same time, they are regarded as enemies by the other side. Why are they so hated and respected?

I really don't understand. If there are contradictions between countries, can't we solve them by other means? Most wars are caused by the selfishness of a few people. Either to compete for the resources of other countries, or to occupy land... Only when people stop being selfish can real world peace be achieved. If human beings are not selfish, our world will certainly become very beautiful.

Let us love peace and protect Mother Earth. Let peace last forever in the world!

Writing for Peace (15)

I yearn for happiness and be a person without sadness; I yearn for freedom, to be a free bird; I yearn for peace and make the world a better place.

When I was young, I wanted to be a brave and brave soldier, fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield, taking the lead, defending the country with my comrades in arms, and beating the brutal invaders. But now that I have grown up, I know that it is a peaceful era, and people do not want war.

Recently, I saw a news on TV that Libya was attacked by many countries again. Many people died in the merciless war. Those who survived cried bitterly because of the loss of their loved ones. I thought to myself: How many lives have been lost in such a merciless war? Can't countries coexist peacefully?

I don't want the smoke after the bomb explosion to replace the white clouds; I don't want the children who occupy the land to have no relatives, no families and no displacement, because I love peace and yearn for peace.

Stop the war! The sky will become bluer and the grass will become greener. Stop the war! The mountains will become more beautiful, and the rivers will become clearer. Stop the war! People will smile more brightly!

I yearn for peace. I hope to fly doves of peace with people all over the world and let peace spread all over the earth!

Composition for Peace (16)

650 word composition on peace: yearning for peace

Peace is peace, wealth and happiness. Only in a peaceful environment will the world be beautiful, the country will develop, the people will be safe and happy, and children will be happy. So I yearn for peace very much.

However, there are still many places in the world where people are suffering from wars. Just like Iraq now. Seen from TV, Iraq is like a piece of rubble. Many houses have collapsed, and the streets are deserted. People occasionally see people dressed in rags and skinny. It is reported that many of them only have a little food all day long, and there is no clean water and enough food supply in the city. In front of the TV camera, we can also see that children often appear in the garbage. Because of the war, the environment was destroyed, the water was polluted, the food was not enough, the plague occurred in Iraq, many innocent victims could not get treatment, many people died in pain... All these are the consequences of the war. No matter what the reason for the war, it will bring countless deaths and injuries, cause loss of state property and personal property, and make people displaced and difficult to live. Whenever I see these scenes, my heart becomes heavy.

After the outbreak of each war, the TV often shows the countries that have been attacked and the countries that have attacked others. What about their situation? American TV stations often broadcast some deeds that they consider as heroes. These people are people who think of their own national interests, but at the same time, they are regarded as enemies by the other side. Why are they so hated and respected?

I really don't understand. If there are contradictions between countries, can't we solve them by other means? Can't both sides sit down and have a good discussion? Most wars are caused by the selfishness of a few people. Either to compete for the resources of other countries, or to occupy land... Only when people stop being selfish can real world peace be achieved. If human beings are not selfish, our world will certainly become very beautiful.

War is dark, merciless and cruel. Human beings, wake up quickly! Look! Our world is so beautiful. The sky is blue, the flowers are bright, and the birds are lively. If we do not know how to cherish and continue to fight each other like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Let us love peace and take the responsibility of protecting the world and the Earth Mother. Let peace be eternal in our hearts and in the world!

Composition for Peace (17)

1000 words composition on yearning for peace: love the motherland, yearn for peace

As a Chinese, we should love our motherland; As a resident of the earth, we should also aspire to peace.

To love the motherland is to love socialism is to love the Communist Party of China. Love the motherland can not just talk but do nothing, love the motherland should start from small things.

For example, understand that the birth of the motherland is from development, understand the past and present of the motherland, and study hard for the prosperity and development of the motherland; Work hard for the civilized appearance of the motherland. Behave in a civilized manner, speak healthily, think good things and do meaningful things for the motherland. For example, do not destroy public property, waste resources, or benefit oneself at the expense of others. Love socialism and the Communist Party of China. Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China - the great motherland. New China is developing at an extremely fast speed, thanks to the two ministers - socialism and the Communist Party of China. Socialism is the people's enthusiastic support for this new starting country, which is popular with the people for the purpose of equality. The Communist Party of China has selected a number of outstanding talents to serve the people with the interests of the people as the starting point and support the development of this new China step by step.

To love the motherland is to love socialism and the Communist Party.

Yearning for peace, the international situation has become increasingly serious in recent days, from the previous "Korean War" to the current turmoil in developed countries such as Britain to the war between two factions in Libya. The war intensified.

The death toll is increasing. Those innocent people have to bear the disaster brought by the war in silence, and their homes have been severely destroyed. For a developing country, this is not only a material blow, but also will affect the development of this relatively backward country; For those children who are growing up, the war has brought some physical injuries, some pain of losing relatives, and some calls of death; Looking forward to peace and reducing war, it would be better if we could take the socialist spirit as the way to govern the country; Reduce war, think more about ways to promote economic prosperity and development, so that no one will starve to death or freeze to death, and more people can accept the opinions of their leaders, then the civil war in this country may be able to avoid this. For example, if the leaders of the two countries can talk to solve the problem, avoid war and live in peace.

Love the motherland and yearn for peace is what each of us should do. Let the socialist and communist spirit slowly penetrate into people's hearts and lives, and jointly create a better future.