Bright Sunshine Composition (19 Collections)
Peace is bliss
2024-06-09 04:12:01
junior middle school

Bright Sunshine Composition (1)

When the sunny spring comes and the weather gets warmer, my mother will often take my sister and me to skating.

On the way, I saw that the grass danced and the butterflies danced when the spring breeze blew. It was a scene of great vitality. The frogs also jumped out of the river to make friends. The children's clothes were also reduced, and the weather was slowly warming up.

Another beautiful spring is coming.

Coming to the skating rink, I looked down from upstairs, ah! The big tree twisted its back and sprouted new shoots. The grass was looking out to see if spring was really coming. There were hundreds of flowers blooming all over the mountain, including pink peach flowers, yellow chrysanthemums and snow-white lotus flowers.

Farewell to the dreary winter, and the whole earth has taken on a new look. I like this vibrant spring.

Bright Sunshine Composition (2)

The sun shines a little. When you wake up naturally, a cup of black coffee and two pieces of sugar will open in the new day.

Finally, at the weekend, I made an appointment with my classmates to go to the seaside in the suburbs. It was sunny. There is no noisy city here; No heavy work; There is no heavy one. Pressure. There is only the endless sea, the warm beach by the sun, and the blue sky full of fantasy.

We got out of the car, took out the tent, took out the canvas, strung the iron frame, and then a tent stood up. We found some big stones and pressed them on the tent. Then we took out the carpet, spread it on the beach, spread the food on the blanket, and lay down in the relief tent.

After a while, we began to chase each other on the beach and run back and forth. We ran all sweaty but didn't feel tired at all.

"Plunk" A male student jumped into the water, and we also jumped with him. The water was warm, and we swam in the water, with water plants and fish as partners, enjoying ourselves.

We are intoxicated with the sea, we rise and fall, we integrate with nature, we deeply feel the magic of nature, we are shocked.

In this sunny day, my heart is also sunny, everyone's heart is cheerful, relaxed and happy. We became active and cheerful in this landscape, and we realized the real happiness.

What a beautiful sunny day! On sunny days, you can avoid the hustle and bustle of the city with the people closest to you, and experience real pleasure.

On a sunny day, we take happiness and set out together!

Bright Sunshine Composition (3)

"Huang Haoran, 40 minutes." The sky has fallen

When I heard the dictation results of the English class, I froze in my seat, wondering what it was like, sour, bitter, spicy... There was nothing sweet in my San Wei bottle.

"Get your notebook quickly!" my deskmate reminded me. Only then did I stagger to my feet and walk slowly to the platform, as if it had been centuries.

I returned to my seat and suddenly felt the urge to cry. Tears have flowed into my heart.

It was raining hard outside the window. The rain was cold and icy, hitting my heart. "Don't be sad! Winning or losing is a family affair. What's the big deal? Come on next time!" A warm voice came, and a ray of sunshine shot into my heart. "Thank you, I know." I seemed to get some comfort.

"Come on! Failure is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that I will never recover after failure!" My good friend came over and then told a joke, which amused me. I felt much better.

"Ding ding", the bell rang, this is a Chinese class. "Today we are going to talk about Lesson 16" Purple Vine Falls ". The teacher's loud voice sounded in the classroom. In this class, I always felt that I could not keep my spirits up, but when I said this sentence, I was inspired: "Flowers and people will encounter all kinds of misfortunes, but the river of life is endless."

Don't I just meet the low point of life now? Doesn't this sentence just inspire me to make progress

When I returned home from school, my mother's encouragement warmed my heart again: "Children, only by facing difficulties bravely, can we overcome difficulties better! All difficulties are not terrible, the key is to defeat ourselves, defeat ourselves, we can defeat everything! Come on!"

I opened my dictation book and began to analyze my mistakes carefully... At this time, my heart was full of sunshine.

The full moon is beautiful; The lack of the moon shows that you can still work hard towards perfection!

Give yourself a sunny day, and your life will be full of sunshine!

Bright Sunshine Composition (4)

Stopping by the lake, the years left traces, still remember that sunny day, that quiet and endless ancient wood path.

Seeking, scattered, and stopping in this path, the first impression is that large green areas, thick enough to cover the sky, like someone deliberately colored, bright green, charming. There is a very thin voice, such as flies, mosquitoes, silkworms, endless, lingering around the body. The sun shines through the gap between the green leaves, and the ground is covered with gold, warm and bright.

I walked up the stairs very quietly and very slowly, for fear of destroying the tranquility here. As I walked, I suddenly heard a sound of piano curling, flickering, rising and falling, which touched my heart with delicacy and softness. I followed the sound and came to a towering ancient wood. Through the interlaced branches, I saw the figure and clothes of the player. He was full of broad robes and sleeves. His slim and contoured figure was more elegant and mysterious. His hands were long and white, his fingertips flipped and buckled on the strings quickly, as light and elegant as the Heavenly Maiden's weaving, and as beautiful and nimble as the butterflies flying together. The flowing notes trickled out under his fingers, as if they were also stained with the eyeful green, full of meaning. The light notes seemed to have taken shape all of a sudden, flying around the ears in the form of feathers, sunlight, It is plated with a bright golden outline.

I was entranced by the sound of the piano. I stopped so still that I didn't notice the sound of the piano. The player walked closer and asked with a smile, "Is it nice, kid?" His voice was as fascinating as the sound of the piano. I nodded dreamily, his smile was more thick, more like the shape of the sun, bright and promising, and he patted my shoulder meaningfully, Then he entered the endless path and turned into a spot in the green cluster, disappearing into the horizon, leaving only the crazy me standing under the ancient Bodhi tree, with the sun shining brightly.

There is no trace of time, the sun is still shining, and I have never seen anyone playing the piano like mountains and rivers again. The ancient Bodhi tree still stands there, year after year. The sunlight forms spots of different sizes on the ground through the leaves, which seems to be singing the Sanskrit sound of the past, interpreting the beauty and harmony of the past.

On a sunny day, I have collected many beautiful memories! Under this light, life will open huge and beautiful flowers, bear pure and harmonious fruits, and sing for a long time, conveying a kind of indifference, a kind of leisure, which will dye you and me, the past and the endless future!

Bright Sunshine Composition (5)

The blue sky and white clouds, the sun shines directly on my books, looking up at the dazzling sun, I want to say: "Come on, believe yourself, the road ahead will be as colorful as the sun."

When I entered the third day of junior high school, this tense and complicated semester, I was also affected by the tense learning atmosphere. The boring review every day made me extremely bored. I lost confidence in the examination papers with red crosses. I always thought that I was a poor student and could never be praised and praised by the teacher, The complicated mood makes me fail again and again. I can no longer find the reason for confidence. Have I really given up completely?

However, on that day, in the instant of that lesson, I understood that I was wrong, and my confidence returned.

In a math class, I still lay on the table quietly and looked at the scenery as usual, but I couldn't look out as carefully as usual. Something always attracted me, Stupid, I didn't believe that the teacher was really calling me. I whispered to the teacher, "Teacher, are you sure you called me right?"? The teacher replied loudly, "Yes, I didn't call you wrong." In the face of the teacher's extreme affirmation, I forced myself to go to the blackboard and carefully explained what the teacher had just said. I was very nervous and didn't dare to speak out loud, The teacher came over and gently stroked my hair and told me, "Don't be nervous, kid. The teacher wanted to believe that you can do it. Believe in yourself, you can do it." At that moment, my heart was overflowing with strong confidence. "The teacher praised me, and the teacher encouraged me." At that moment, I did not know and could not count how many times I silently read this sentence in my heart. I successfully finished the topic, and my classmates gave me fierce applause. At that moment, I regained confidence, and also adjusted my negative attitude before. I learned that I should not bow to difficulties, but should dare to overcome difficulties, and believe in myself, which is the key to success.

When I walked out of the teaching building, I found the sunshine was so bright and colorful. I seemed to see that my future would be as brilliant and bright as today's sunshine. On this day, the sun is shining brightly, and I will always remember it.

Bright Sunshine Composition (6)

It was a warm day on January 12, 2013.

A few days ago, his young face finally emerged from the snow covered land.

In the morning, the snow melts quietly, and the grass slowly sticks out its head to have a look at this beautiful new world. The big tree is also energetic, standing up its long bent back, taking off the snow all over its body, showing its strong figure. The sun shines on the earth, shining brightly between the leaves.

After the baptism of snow, everything in the world has become so prosperous. If you look carefully, you can find that on the branches, there are 'buds' that have broken skin. Although they are small and unobtrusive, they look so vigorous in my eyes, full of indomitable spirit and indomitable.

People's mood changes with the change of the weather. Now the weather has turned warm. People are also busy preparing for New Year's goods. There are more and more people on the road. The home is no longer as desolate as winter.

When there is snow, wherever you go, you will record what you have done. The white snow is like a record book, recording everything you have done at any time, but this "record book" is different from ordinary books. It is also barren and old when you arrive

There is no snow now, but you should not relax your vigilance and do whatever you want, because there is still a pair of eyes watching you - God.

Follow this newly washed road and walk on the sunshine road. Don't let it stay in your life.

Forward, for the dream. Because the sun is waving to you

Junior two: Luo Jinhua

Bright Sunshine Composition (7)

Sea in July

In July, the sky is high and the clouds are light; The sea in July is magnificent

When I first set foot on this golden beach and looked toward the end of the sea, I was attracted and intoxicated by its momentum of embracing all rivers. The big or small waves roared and jumped to the same lovely beach. At this time, the wet beach was soft and thin, and one footprint connected with another. At this time, a big wave rushed to wash those footprints away, but soon there were new footprints, which were branded on the beach. Just like this, it keeps coming

The beach here is very beautiful. It looks like a dry beach, but you dig it with a small shovel. Hey! It turns out that the sea water at high tide is hidden under the sand. If you are very lucky, you may still be able to catch one or two small crabs. I carefully opened every stone that may contain small crabs, and my kung fu did not disappoint those who wanted to. When I turned over the small stones, I felt that my feet were pricked and a small crab had slipped under my feet. It is so small. Its whole body seems to be only the size of a peach beard. It also runs wildly on the beach against a large shell that is out of proportion to its body. Soon I found the little crabs hiding under the stones. They were holding each other. Are they fighting or whispering?

Grandpa Hai seems to be telling us stories. When talking about excitement, he also sang songs with his deep voice! Although dull, but majestic; Although hoarse, it is vast. It really means facing the sea, and the flowers are blooming in spring! What kind of exam? What kind of homework can't be finished? All of them are left behind. The whole person is at ease. Because of my good mood, my unseen weight seems to have been reduced by half.

I took a swimming circle and carefully went down to the sea. I floated on the sea like on a goose feather blanket. My initial timidity gradually disappeared, and I replaced it with more comfort. At this time, a big wave and some small waves rushed towards me. Although with the help of the swimming circle, I still tasted the taste of pure natural seawater, which was salty and astringent. It was really bad to drink!

The sea under the sun is magnificent and lovely, but the sea at night also has some charm. Along the road around the sea at night, the cool sea breeze will make you feel a bit spooky and scary. The dark sea is like a bottomless black hole, as if to devour the whole world. The waves beat against the rocks on the shore in the sea breeze, forcing you to move closer to the crowded place, as if the devil's claws in the sea would catch you at any time. I do not know when the moon burst out of the dark clouds, the sea suddenly lit up, a few stars fell on the sea, the lively sea was quiet, giving people infinite nostalgia and reverie!

In July, the sun shines brightly; The sea in July is so beautiful!

Bright Sunshine Composition (8)

Today is sunny and sunny. The first big gathering of new students after their admission begins today. Today is the start of the military song contest!

This familiar voice kept ringing, so I had to get up. I didn't know how many times to listen to the school song after class every day. It was not until I got up hard that I found it was less than three o'clock. But the voice of the military songs outside was too loud. Even if we closed the doors and windows, we could still hear the breathtaking voice, which made me unable to sleep, What can I do without getting up?

The most important thing is that I know that it is impossible to end this time, and I can't sleep, so I can only listen to the military song contest in this afternoon that I could have slept soundly! A time so suitable for sleeping is destroyed!

Several of my roommates got up again and again, and they could also hear these sounds!

We all participated in the military training and military song competition. Li Jianxing thought that somehow it was just like out of tune. Gao Zhilong said that he didn't know why he always heard the voice of girls, and whether there were many girls among the freshmen this year, which led to the original powerful singing feeling soft!

Bright Sunshine Composition (9)

Suddenly, I found a small flaw in the beautiful scenery. A child is picking those fairy flowers. I was a little angry, thinking that such beautiful flowers should be appreciated by tourists, but you destroyed the beautiful scenery and trampled on these flowers.

At this time, an uncle of the forest ranger appeared and said kindly to the child, "Please don't destroy the beautiful scenery, children. If you like these flowers, you can pick them up on the ground." The child nodded, picked up some flowers falling on the ground and ran away shyly. My heart is at peace again. If everyone protects these flowers and plants like this ranger, our living environment will become better.

After visiting all the sights of Fushan Park, my mother and I took the crowded bus back home. I thought, if this happens again, I must stop those people who want to destroy the flower forest and ask them not to destroy our home again.

At this time, the sun is still so bright!

Bright Sunshine Composition (10)

I experienced digging potatoes yesterday afternoon and the morning after I got up this morning, which exhausted my own strength. I don't think I have been so tired in the military training for half a month or so. Maybe this is the autumn harvest, which is why my parents want us to study hard, and maybe this is the difficulty of farmers.

At this noon, my grandfather asked me and my brother to have an afternoon rest together. After all, we are not a formal farmer. Although I am 20 years old, there are few opportunities to do farm work. It is necessary to have a rest!

I slept until I woke up naturally this afternoon. It seems that I never felt that sleep was so important. One's energy became abundant this time, and my tired body gradually returned to normal.

When I went to the yard again, the sun was high in the sky, the warm sun was shining on the earth, the bright sun was passing through the window to the house, and the bright sun was shining at home and abroad. I think the autumn sun is so important. The warm sunshine makes my body and mind relax.

I look at the mountains in the distance, the clouds in the distance, the land in the distance, feel the warm sunshine, the wind blowing through, and the vast world. This is the real rural land, and this is the beautiful nature

Bright Sunshine Composition (11)

A few days ago, his young face finally emerged from the snow covered land.

In the morning, the snow melts quietly, and the grass slowly sticks out its head to have a look at this beautiful new world. The big tree is also energetic, standing up its long bent back, taking off the snow all over its body, showing its strong figure. The sun shines on the earth, shining brightly between the leaves.

After the baptism of snow, everything in the world has become so prosperous. If you look carefully, you can see that there are sprouts on the branches. Although they are small and unobtrusive, they are so vigorous in my eyes, full of indomitable spirit and indomitable.

People's mood changes with the change of the weather. Now the weather has turned warm. People are also busy preparing for New Year's goods. There are more and more people on the road. The home is no longer as desolate as winter.

When there is snow, wherever you go, you will record what you have done. The white snow is like a record book, recording everything you have done at any time, but this record book is different from ordinary books. It is also barren and old with you

There is no snow now, but don't relax your vigilance and do whatever you want, because there is still a pair of eyes watching you.

Follow this newly washed road and walk on the sunshine road. Don't let it stay in your life.

Forward, for the dream. Because the sun is waving to you

Bright Sunshine Composition (12)

Suddenly, he saw a beautiful doe coming out of the deep dense forest. Shen Shixi seized the doe with his hands, but did not notice a pit at his feet to catch elephants. One fell with the doe. A leopard came to look for food and found them.

When Shen Shixi saw the doe's pleading eyes, he thought, today I must fight the leopard to the death!

He went forward and defeated the leopard with all his strength. But he also spent almost all his strength fighting with the leopard and lay down exhausted on the ground. The sun, like a thin veil, gently shines into the hole and onto his face.

His eyes slowly opened and found a pool of blood under the doe's body, while the doe was sticking out her long tongue and licking a soft thing. The doe is giving birth

The next day, Shen Shixi and the doe were very weak, and the doe entrusted Shen Shixi with her last hope. Shen Shixi used up his last strength, hugged the newborn deer, grabbed a large clump of clover, and climbed up. At this moment, the doe looked up to the sky and sighed, her eyes blinked, shed a crystal tear, and soon closed their eyes forever.

In the morning, the sun had just revealed her crimson cheeks from the east, and the red color dyed the horizon red, the clouds red, and the little black mountain red. Shen Shixi picked up the deer and walked out of the small black mountain

Bright Sunshine Composition (13)

I didn't like the sunshine in Shanghai at first. It was summer when I first came here. The sun was hot and dazzling. I was in the ward full of disinfected water smell, watching people coming and going outside the window. When the sun was blurred, I suddenly felt disgusted. Even if you go out for a walk occasionally, you will still have to face the sun, which is dazzling.

My mood is as bad as the sun. I came to this extremely prosperous but strange city in a confused way one night, and I was very resistant to it. In addition, I had to drink Chinese medicine and take some drops here, which was very boring. I don't understand why my parents brought me here, saying that I was ill, but why didn't I have a fever or headache? I often look at them suspiciously, and often cry and make noise, and want to go home.

One night, I overheard my parents talking. They said I was OK, but I just needed to be supplemented and tested again. I relaxed my mind and went to sleep. I thought I would go home soon. Naturally, I was very happy. However, after many days of this kind of life, my parents still didn't mention going home, and I began to test, continuously draw blood, and then stop bleeding, still depressed. I began to be agitated, yelling and yelling many times, but my mother blocked me when I tried to overthrow the traditional Chinese medicine many times. My parents have always been accommodating to me, and I rely on them, but every time I ask them to help me do this, it is a cold war.

It was already the end of summer. The thunderstorm often splashed underground, and I watched the lightning stroke silently. My expression was like this day. It was cloudy or sunny.

A few days later, just as I slowly adapted to life here, my parents suddenly said that we could go home. I was not very happy, but I took a long sigh of relief and proposed to go to the Oriental Pearl again during the day. For the first time, I showed my long lost smile, just like the bright sunshine. At this moment, the calendar is late summer, and the weather is early autumn.

The sun was particularly bright that day, and the whole street was covered with sycamore trees. My mood slowly calmed down and became extremely comfortable. I looked up at the slightly blue sky and found a touch of melancholy Prussian blue. I am meditating, bathed in the warm aura. Sunshine is always so generous, always giving warmth to its loved ones without stint.

One night I secretly looked through the medical records and found many test sheets, which were neatly placed according to the date. Some of the front pictures have more white blood cells and some have more red blood cells, and they gradually become normal until later. The last one is there. It's all standard. The people who are tested are me. I understand my parents' difficulties. They just want me to go home after I completely recover. But have I ever thought of them?

Fortunately, my parents still treat me normally, and they never blame me. So I began to like the sunshine in Shanghai. It was so bright that it would not be changed by wind, rain and thunder. Just like my parents' love, it never changes because of my caprice.

Bright Sunshine Composition (14)

At the beginning of the day, when the white fish belly appeared and the fog was hazy, I was supposed to sleep late at home, but now I was standing in the bustling Nantai Market. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked around blankly. The camphor tree leaves above my head rustled. I was not surprised to shiver. Suddenly, I remembered that the school asked us to participate in social practice activities and take photos and paste them on the growth display board to develop our communication skills. So early in the morning, I came here to help the vegetable farmers sell things.

The fog gradually dissipates, but where is the fog still in my heart? To the stand selling vegetables? No, that person can handle it. I don't need my help at all. Go to the stall beside the road? No, not really. If my acquaintances see me selling things for others, I'm not ashamed!

The sun was shining obliquely. I was surprised. It was getting late. I felt that people around me were casting confused eyes. My boss was uncomfortable. Suddenly, I saw a couple of farmers in their fifties, whose rolled up trouser legs were covered with yellow mud, dressed simply and looked very kind.

I am a quiet but not lively girl. I walked up carefully and said, "Grandma and Grandpa, can I help you sell melons?" Fortunately, they agreed.

I stood by blankly and had no use at all. I had to watch my grandparents loading, weighing and collecting money. I also silently remember the price of melons in my heart.

After a while, more and more people came to buy melons. Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder. I looked back and found that it was a kind looking grandma. The old lady asked me, "Little girl, how do you sell this melon?" I looked at her blankly, my head suddenly short circuited, and I didn't know how to answer. The granny thought I didn't hear it clearly and asked again. "I, this melon..." I lowered my head and felt my face burning.

The sun bypassed the camphor tree in front of the street and floated in front of me. I was exposed to the sun again.

"Don't say hello and don't talk. When talking to people, express clearly." The words of the language teacher floated into my mind. I looked up and said to my grandma slightly: "Grandma, the muskmelon costs a kilogram, and the watermelon costs a kilogram." After listening to her, Grandma began to carefully select melons, and I helped to load them. It wasn't long before I could entertain guests skillfully. When the truck of melons was almost sold out, I took a picture with my grandparents. In the photo, the sun shines on our faces in the sun.

I hummed a song and walked home, bathed in the bright sunshine.

Bright Sunshine Composition (15)

Sunny Day Composition 1

On a sunny day, it is destined to be happy. Joy in your face cannot deceive others.

A chance chance, I met you, your look back, took away my heart and soul. So, in my spare time, I look forward to meeting you again.

It always pays off. On the way home from work, I found you on a crowded bus. The beating heart, unable to restrain the emotion that I intend to vent, urges me to follow all the way, and what I cannot hide is my confession to you. Happily, you and I live in the same community. I hate myself. I didn't find out early, but I'm also glad that it's not too late to be in time. In this way, I use all my time to meet you unexpectedly, wait, and look forward to it. I also firmly believe that one day we will meet.

There is always something to be gained by waiting purposefully. Once, when I found you in the supermarket, I jumped in and looked around the shelves. Finally, you were caught by my sight. Don't miss any more opportunities. Be sure to create events to break up the barriers between you and me and let you know that I am waiting. When I saw your concentration, I deliberately knocked the things in your hands to the ground. Accidents often happen. But courtesy and a modest smile make you have the first good impression on me.

In the following days, I was very diligent. I changed more clothes and found that I washed my face more often. I wiped oil, combed my hair and paid attention to myself. However, I lost myself in sweetness and could not extricate myself. The sun is particularly good days, I quietly lost the joy of the past, the heart suppressed an inexpressible anxiety. In the sun, I hold an umbrella, looking forward to the rain.

God will also give a chance to those who want to, this time, we know each other.

Rain was really moved by me, looking forward to the romantic story in the rain. I waited at the place where I got off early. Meeting you was the prelude to nature. I said I happened to be in a community. Let's go together. It's bad for me to get wet. I can see that you are smiling and nodding, and my heart is filled with incomparable excitement. Most of the umbrellas are biased towards you. Naturally, the rain is drenching me, but you haven't seen them all the time. They are still smiling like that. I saw you at the door of the building. You nodded your thanks. I shook my head and waved my hand. We parted with a smile. When I got home, I was so excited that I regretted my hurry and forgot to ask for your phone number. I had to look forward to the next meeting.

In the morning, it was sunny again. I didn't seem to like this weather, but I was in a good mood that day. When I went out to take a bus, I unexpectedly found you there and smiled back at me. You said that you waited here early and deliberately missed a bus. Then you smiled and pulled me onto the bus, sat together and talked with each other. My heart cries, my heart is crazy. The time along the way was too short. I got off the bus and left my phone. At this time, I extended my hands to embrace the sun.

In the days to come, we will have more opportunities to meet, and almost all of them will be our days. One day, you smiled and asked me how you took an umbrella on a rainy day, and how you knew we lived in the same community. I smiled mysteriously, but you answered for me, saying that this was an arrangement and a premeditated chance. In fact, you already know, laugh at my old tricks. Hehe, no matter what, I didn't waste my tricks.

The next days are sunny days.

Sunny Day Composition 2

The weather was not bad. It was sunny early in the morning. Of course, it's late now. It's almost 10 o'clock. But looking at the bright scenery outside the window, it really makes people feel comfortable and warm. I must go out for a visit later, or I will fail to live up to the "wonderful autumn", even though it has been several days since the beginning of winter. In any case, in this chilly season, the sun is always attractive, and it is also good to bask in the sun. When the weather is cloudy and cold, you are depressed, and when the weather is sunny, you are happy. But sometimes I feel insecure. I felt this way when I was lying in bed last night. It didn't take me long to figure out that it was because I didn't have anything to do all day long. Previously, I thought that if I contacted more people and had more brothers and sisters, I would not feel unsafe. But last night I didn't watch TV or read books. It didn't help that I chatted with netizens all night. So what a pleasure it is to say you have something to do! Think about it, then write something, such as essays, which is also my hobby. I wonder if I can do one piece a day? Regular life will not make people feel empty and insecure! So I made up my mind to write at home this morning before I fell asleep in bed last night.

The day before yesterday was Singles' Day, which was not a traditional festival, but also an online shopping carnival. The latter statement appeared even later. Light is light, but online shopping carnival has nothing to do with me. What do you think singles have to buy? It is said that the women who take precautions against Double Eleven are the black sheep. It can be seen that Double Eleven has become an online shopping carnival for lovers. I don't know how bachelors live. I'm just as usual anyway. The last time I bought tea online. Think about my happy life, just like at this moment, although I'm still alone, there are netizens! Sitting in front of the computer, drinking the "Monkey Kui" bought online and tapping the keyboard, it's quite charming! In fact, my main hobby is reading. About September of 2011, I got a library card in the city map. Not long ago this year, I got another card in the provincial map while taking advantage of Wang Yuewen's readers' meeting. At the moment, there are eight books borrowed from the library at home. Except for one Matsumoto's "Customs of Time", the rest are all dusty on the shelf. Because I am watching the mobile electronic version of A Dream of Red Mansions at the moment. Reading Dream of Red Mansions, I don't want to read other books. A Dream of Red Mansions is a classic! And I really don't have the spirit to read two books. I am reading the life of other people in ancient times and living my own life now.

Looking out of the window at the warm sunshine, I must go out in the afternoon. Just now, do you think it will be a little hot? I just took a bath yesterday, and added a pair of trousers and put on thick jeans. Will I sweat when I go out in the afternoon? The day before yesterday was cloudy. I wandered to the river again. I feel a little lonely by the river, probably because it is cloudy and cold, and it is also a workday. But there are also some old comrades playing and singing along the river. If you can go to the pedestrian street because of the lonely riverside, there are always many people there. At the moment, I'm a bit worried about where to go this afternoon?

On this sunny day, it is suitable to go anywhere. It's a pity that this is not spring, or the season of flowers blooming. Otherwise, you can take pictures of beautiful scenery, which adds a lot of fun and is enough for you to be busy. Maybe some flowers bloom in autumn, but I don't know where I can see them in Changsha.

Sunny Day Composition 3

I never thought why the sky was blue. I have never thought about why falling flowers are always rendering the inner emptiness. Until I experienced it, I found that there was no accident in life.

When tears fade away on my face; When I feel sad, it becomes my daily routine. At this time, how much sadness comes to mind? This life is like the other side, the neon flickers constantly, and I'm just doing a challenge that is not good.

Love to pick up the childhood brush, trying to outline the previous regret, to make up for a childhood Nian An. The lines with different thickness are just like the waves in our hearts. That old painting paper is always the enemy's ruthless deprivation of time. The stories of those young people, at this moment, can only be thought of with a smile.

Counting the gorgeous memories and the green time when kites were flying, I missed the moment when I dodged. Whose hand do I stick to? Let it fly into the blue sky together. It is the pleasure I have really enjoyed that I still experience in the target segment. Even if I look at it at the moment, it is still far away, leaving no trace of brilliance.

In those years, we ran together on the road of growth. At that time, we were young, but now we feel that it is not sudden. At the moment of my heart, I hope to show my youth's frivolity without regret. When I was tired of running, we sat on the grass and looked at the sunset in the distance. The brightness of the sunset became a beautiful sentence in my life.

In those years, we loved to listen to Jay Chou's Coral Sea. I remember that it was a time when tapes were popular. In that age when information was not developed, we were left with more than one nostalgic song, and many more, so we loved to use obscure language to express those people, things, and thoughts.

In those years, we imagined the prince and princess in the fairy tale. I hope to find the other half of the story and have a happy and happy relationship. There is no sadness, only joy and unforgettability. If we can meet each other and cherish them; If you have never met, please look forward to it with a sincere heart.

In those years, we agreed that we would never leave, and we swore to each other. But now when I think of the original scene, I am afraid that only a bitter smile is left. Things are different from people, people are warm and cold, the song ends

I want to go back to the script I wrote before. Meeting those old people again, the so-called friendship, is so important in my heart. Now I know why I can't let go of that yearning. Are you all right? Is it joy or sadness? Do you all remember me? The years that belong to us are no longer like water. Will the memory also be gray?

If one day, we are not here, who can prove that we came to this world? I want to write an autobiography for myself, boasting all the wonderful things like summer flowers. When our footprints are buried in the dust, when our eyes are blocked by lingering past events, can we see what is an accident?

So close, so far in the past. A spontaneous exclamation, a cry from the heart. It is all a pity that anyone who disagrees with others will be comforted. Swallows became embellishments, and we became protagonists, just like the people in the play, who learned and understood madness, infatuation, and obsession.

The morning smoke, with the morning light; The evening love song is like flowing water.

From the beginning of a poem to the end of another poem, we are always used to it. Put together two strings of completely different emotional notes, hoping to be a swan song. In terms of the outcome, they often end up in spite of themselves. Perhaps, this is youth.

I always thought that peaceful language can make others feel warm.

I always thought that short sentences could make me impatient

I always think that sensational stories can make others begin to notice

I always thought that chaotic emotions could make me numb.

I always thought that one day, these will not be

However, what can't be forgotten is that those years, we went through together, those sunny days.

The lights are dim, and as time goes by, we are always reveling for our lives; Life is long, years are waiting, and life is always looking forward to indignation. My heart has already dried and my body has already rotted. Although there is only a trace of unruly madness left, I should also take it as a poem and gently tell it to the future word by word.

Sunny Day Composition 4

In the morning, the piercing bell woke me from my dream. I angrily pressed the stop button. Lying in bed thinking, "Renew the previous dream."

"Qi ah, get up." Mother opened the door to call me.

"Hmm." I reluctantly got up again to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"Eat more food. It's cold now, and it will be warm inside if you eat more food." Mother said in the side, even though she knew I couldn't eat much.

"Oh." I casually perfunctory her.

After dinner, I sorted out my heavy schoolbag and went out.

On the way, many students in Grade One and Grade Two are walking in groups. They should be discussing the fashionable clothes, or stars in the entertainment circle? I shook my head with a wry smile. How could I still think about these things when I was in the third grade. I looked at some of my peers next to me, and most of them kept their heads down. Maybe I'm thinking about how to cope with today's exam, or how to solve yesterday's math problem.

I have spent every day like this since I entered Grade Three.

Suddenly, I felt some emotion.

I saw a familiar figure in front of me. "Ying!" I strode forward. "Let's go together..." Before I finished speaking, she hurriedly replied to me, "Oh, I'm thinking about a question. Just walk beside me and don't disturb me." My heart suddenly cooled. "Hmm."

Gradually, my pace slowed down; Gradually, I was farther and farther away from her. It seems that everyone is strange. It seems that everyone is busy. Suddenly an inexpressible loneliness came to my heart. I squatted on the spot at a loss, letting others look at me strangely.

"Qi." I looked up and bumped into a clean, familiar smiling face. "Let's go together. Although the road is very rough, we have not reached the end yet, and we still have to go on." It seems that the sun shines on our hearts. The fog disappeared.

"Hmm." I nodded hard.

The sun is shining ahead.

Sunny Day Composition 5

The stars are still there. After yesterday, through childishness, suddenly looking back, on the road of growth, I also had a sunny day.

Grandma's family lived in a big courtyard. The house was facing east from the north. There was a well in the heart of the courtyard. There was a sweet scented osmanthus tree beside the well. There were goldfish in the well. Although the living environment there is very simple, it makes me live in sunshine every day.

In the morning, I am the first one to get up and breathe the fresh air. Ah, it's another sunny day! After taking a walk with Grandma, she went to do something else. But I know Grandma is going to make my favorite dumpling noodles today, so I didn't even eat breakfast, so I left my stomach to eat dumpling noodles.

It's almost noon, listen! Grandma opened the door and said, "Qianqian, come here to eat dumpling noodles!" I flew to my own yard. Grandma had already brought a bowl of steaming dumpling noodles to the table. The filling of dumpling noodles is a wonderful combination of fresh pork and chives bought by grandparents from the morning market, which is emitting a faint fragrance; The beautiful ingredients are bamboo shoots which are cut into small circles and give off a pungent fragrance under the frying of oil pan; Dumpling noodles, ingredients and pig bone soup are mixed together, which is complete in color, aroma and taste. Put a big handful into your mouth, ah! It's really delicious! I used chopsticks to hold a large number of dumplings, and the dumpling noodles slid into the bowl, and the soup splashed on my face. On my hands, I quickly wiped them with my hands and licked them. Yes! This is the taste, the dumpling noodles I have missed for a long time! Grandma could not help laughing when she saw me eating. The long lost laughter also filled the yard.

After eating dumpling noodles, I played in the courtyard. The sweet scented osmanthus has luxuriant branches and leaves. I don't know whether I want to expand my own space or shelter the creatures under it. The branches and leaves are all trying to expand upward to show the vigorous vitality. The water in the well is clear and transparent. When you look down the well head, you can see the lively goldfish wagging their tails at random, and sometimes circling the edge of the well wall. Suddenly, a red goldfish jumped out of the water, but hit the wall of the well. "Ha ha." I couldn't help laughing. Stand up and look up at the laurel tree again. The sun shines on my face from the gap between the leaves.

At this time, the sun is shining brightly.

Bright Sunshine Composition (16)

The yellow leaves fluttered slightly, and the clear water shadow in the tree made faint. The chirping birds fell down. But how eye-catching is the gray yellow in the distance, it's a sparrow! Its soft plump wings are stained with gray dust, and the passing traffic and noisy sounds are now the background. The lonely sparrow opened its mouth and stared with pearl like eyes. It was still a blue sky, birds in the sun, and endless traffic. But now I only heard the apology from the bottom of my heart.

Who hurt the sparrow, and who grieved for it? The spring feels cool. The sun can't give the sparrow any warmth. It can only end its life in such a beautiful afternoon. It beat the asphalt ground with all its strength, but found that every move was so painful. Confused and helpless, it is the mood at this time. I squatted down and stroked its fur gently, as gentle as a newborn baby. The bright sunshine became the last scene in the eyes of this bird. Indifferent people walked by, and they were not curious about what the girl was doing on the ground.

I put it on a low branch of a tree, just like the bird playing with its friends on the branch. Suddenly, I seemed to hear a cry of sadness, full of frustration and nostalgia. It turned out that animals were unwilling to die in such a beautiful weather. People laugh and talk, bathed in the light yellow warm sun, he has a light yellow life, and eventually can not sing loudly.

I still remember the afternoon when I first met these birds, they played tirelessly, and followed by a yellow sharp billed bird. Even though its thin body made it seem a little unable to keep up, as long as it saved enough strength, it beat its wings to catch up. When I met this bird, I only remembered its beautiful feathers and its lively posture, but I didn't find a feather missing from the bird's tail...... At this time, it grew up, its wings were fuller, but the gap between its tails was also larger.

The light yellow life is over. That day, the sun is shining brightly.

The birds fly low in the bright sun, but they can no longer see the tenacious life.

Bright Sunshine Composition (17)

My mother bought me a bag of "virgin fruit" seeds, and I tied my apron and started······

"Planting flowers is not easy..." I opened the flower bag disapprovingly, ha! This seed is not as big as sesame! Don't spill it carelessly. There is no place to find it. I put it down carefully.

At this time, my mother brought an abandoned flowerpot. She gently laid the flowerpot down and asked me to find a twig. She used it to poke in from the hole at the bottom of the pot, and the whole pot of soil got out of the flowerpot. "Hmm, it's interesting!" "But the soil is so hard. How can I plant flowers?" I knocked the soil with a branch and said.

"Pour some water, go!" My mother nuzzled at me.

I watered the soil thoroughly, and my mother poured the flower fertilizer on it, and let me use a small shovel to turn it up and down to mix it evenly.

"All right!" I yelled and couldn't wait to hold the mixed soil in the flowerpot.

"Don't be busy! You need a tile!" Mother reminded me.

I stuck out my tongue. "It's troublesome!"

"The small space is padded with tiles to prevent water, soil and nutrition loss!" Mother said quickly while working, and then let me use small branches to poke uniform holes in the soil.

Next is sowing. I took the seed and looked left and right. "Can this small weak seed produce a small tomato?"

"Of course, as long as there is enough sunshine and nutrients, you should take care of them carefully!"

"Well, yes, no matter what you do, you can't just rely on enthusiasm. You should pay attention to the method!" I put the seeds into the small holes one by one, and then covered them with a thin layer of soil. Finally, of course, I put the flower pots on the balcony to bathe in the beautiful spring light. I seem to see the seeds sprout, the leaves grow, the beautiful flowers bloom, and the branches are covered with red fruits. When I think of this, I feel like a monkey eating a peach -- I am very excited!

Today, on a sunny day, I sow hope with diligence; Tomorrow, we will reap golden fruits!

Bright Sunshine Composition (18)

300 words Sunshine composition for third grade: sunny

This morning when I got up, I saw the sun shining through the glass on the wall, like a wisp of green silk from the sky to the roof.

The sunshine is so special, charming and beautiful under the sky.

The sunshine in winter gives people a warm sense of hope. It makes people feel a little happy in sadness, and see hope in despair. It is to save the pandas who hibernate in snow-white winter, and to awaken the geese in the south.

The sun in spring takes root and sprouts on the earth, which seems so vibrant. The sun shines on the withered branches, and the big trees slowly sprout under the sun.

The summer sun is so hot that I am passionate. Under the scorching sun, cicadas call the fish in the pond to swim lively and happily.

The autumn sunshine falls with the falling leaves, making people feel sad and desolate.

The sun is dancing in the sky with the wind blowing in the sky

This is the end of the 300 word Sunshine composition for the third grade. I hope it will be beneficial to your writing.

Bright Sunshine Composition (19)

In my life, there are countless colorful days, of which "this day" makes me feel the joy of life and makes my life more colorful!

One day on October 2, the sky was cloudless and the sun was bright. The three of us came to Jifa Park by car. Speaking of the Central Hair Park, I have heard about it for a long time, but I haven't seen it. This time, it opened my eyes and finally fulfilled my "Central Hair Dream".

Entering Jifa Park and strolling southward, the first thing I saw was a string of golden five fingered gourds. From a distance, they looked like small hands welcoming tourists. After careful inquiry, they turned out to be small eggplants with five fingers. After a while, we came to the "Heart Connecting Bridge". It was a bridge composed of large iron chains and dozens of boards. In order to test my courage, my father decided to let me walk once. Just taking a small step, I felt my legs tremble. I grabbed the chain and walked slowly forward. Yes, I could still walk a few steps, which greatly increased my confidence. But when I was about to go to the opposite side, A few kids skipped past me, and the bridge kept shaking, which scared me to rush to the other side.

After resting for a while, we arrived at the loofah corridor by car. Wow, it's so beautiful! The green loofah varies in height. Listen to the staff: "The longest loofah reached 4.2 meters, which also challenged the Guinness record"!

From the loofah corridor, we came to the tropical botanical garden. There are really everything here. There are banana trees, big leaves, and strings of green bananas hanging on the trees. Through careful observation, I know that bananas grow from a big purple red flower; There are also coconut trees, tall trunks and thick branches, which are vigorous and powerful, and the thin and long leaves are covered with coconuts Finally, we came to the zoo, where there were live monkeys, a pig (worthy of being a pig, too lazy to move), and a beautiful peacock, which swam around with its beautiful feathers to compete with people

When it was late, I had to go home with my parents reluctantly. But this day has given me infinite happiness, which will let me remember forever.