300 words composition in autumn of third grade (18 popular articles)
The peak man
2024-06-08 01:34:36
Grade 3
describe the scenery

300 words composition in autumn of third grade (1)

Autumn has come, and there are abundant harvests everywhere.

The autumn sky is boundless, like a blue ocean. The white clouds in the sky are like boats sailing in the sky. At this time, the geese in a neat line slowly flew to the south.

The fruit in the orchard is fragrant, and the purple grapes are like pearls; Red apples are like smiling faces; The fiery persimmons are like little lanterns... They are really dazzling and numerous, making people covet.

In the fields, various colors of morning glory are blooming, including pink, red, purple, yellow and white... It's really beautiful! There are also chrysanthemums of different shapes, and some are in bud; Some petals are fully unfolded, revealing yellow stamens, emitting an attractive fragrance; Some chrysanthemum petals scattered down long, like the curly hair of a beautiful girl, really dazzling!

A gust of autumn wind blew, and leaves fell one after another. Some danced like butterflies, some flew like yellow warblers, and some whirled like actors. The ground was covered with leaves, like a thick golden carpet.

Looking at this beautiful scene, I couldn't help exclaiming: "Autumn, you are so charming!"

300 words composition in autumn of third grade (2)

Gently, gently, the autumn wind girl blew away the hot summer and brought cool autumn. Qiuyu girl is like a key. Gently, gently, she opens the door of autumn when you don't notice.

Qiufeng came to the field first, and the rice field was like a golden ocean. Seen from afar, it looks like a layer of gold, shining in the sun. The soybean babies are skipping away from their mother's arms and preparing to travel alone. Cotton blossomed like fat dolls, revealing lovely smiling faces. The sorghum blushed, and the corn showed its golden and plump teeth. The farmer's uncle's face was filled with the joy of harvest.

As she walked, Qiufeng came to the orchard unconsciously. The orchard was full of heavy fruits. There are red apples, you scramble to show their red cheeks to us; Some of the yellow pears were hidden in the leaves, and some ran out happily, as if playing hide and seek with us

Finally, Qiufeng came to the woods. The autumn wind blows gently, and pieces of fiery maple leaves fall from the trees, like beautiful butterflies dancing. The leaves of the ginkgo tree are very small and delicate, like small fans, which fan away the summer heat.

How beautiful and lively the gift from Qiufeng girl is!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (3)

Autumn is a magician, who quietly comes to the world while performing his magic.

In the autumn fields, the crops become golden yellow. The crops can't help dancing gracefully and singing happy songs together with the autumn wind.

Autumn also makes persimmons fiery red. Red persimmons are soft, sweet, fresh, and delicious. At first sight, it is "saliva dribbles three thousand feet", which is memorable.

Autumn came to the park again and shouted to the frogs who were singing, "Stop singing, winter is coming!" The frogs quickly dug their holes, because they didn't want to be frozen in winter. But the weather became cold and the soil was too hard. After several minutes, the frogs dug a little. See you in autumn, and call for autumn rain. The rain "splashes" underground, making the soil soft and loose. With the help of autumn rain, the frog dug the hole quickly. The frogs looked at the dug hole and were very happy. Now, there is no need to be frozen in winter.

Autumn is really a helpful magician!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (4)

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming, autumn comes to the world with a sweet smile.

When autumn came to the orchard, Brother Banana was big and fat. He was like a gentleman in a neat line. She was very attractive. Sister Cherry was very cute, with a red mouth, high heels and hanging on the tree. She looked very cute! "Ding ding, ding ding." Who is dancing? It's the beautiful Miss Apple dancing!

Autumn came to the river again. The river was sparkling, and the water was clear to the bottom. Little fish swam around in the river with foam in their mouths. Little turtles climbed happily in the river, sometimes to the east, sometimes to the west, and still basking in the sun leisurely.

When autumn came to the park, a fragrance came to me. Which flower was so fragrant? It turned out that the golden osmanthus and the chrysanthemum were competing in beauty. The chrysanthemum said, "I am more beautiful than you, much more beautiful than you." The osmanthus also refused to be outdone, and loudly said, "I am more beautiful than you!" They were arguing indiscriminately, attracting butterflies and bees.

This is the autumn in my eyes, a beautiful and charming autumn.

300 words composition in autumn of third grade (5)

There are spring, summer, autumn and winter in the four seasons. Each season has its unique charm, but I only love autumn.

The high sky, white clouds and the scenery in the fields are even more charming! In spring, the farmer's uncle sowed seeds. I don't know how much sweat he shed in this vast field, just for autumn. There are all kinds of crops in the fields, including sesame, pumpkin, and the wheat that was made to laugh so hard by Qiufeng dolls. We live "by sweat, fields and people's persistent heart". Not only the fields are beautiful, but also the wheat like gold and the big pumpkin like wheels, which not only embellish autumn, but also satisfy our greedy mouths.

The orchard is also a scene. There are apple trees and orange trees in the orchard, and I like the gem like grapes best. The apples against the green leaves are fiery, and they really look like round lanterns. Delicious apples can also improve people's memory! The orange is yellow. Although it will burn after eating, the orange peel soaked in water can reduce the fire. It's amazing!

Autumn is a colorful picture. I can't finish it or get tired of it.

I love autumn!

300 words composition in autumn of third grade (6)

This Saturday, we went to a long-awaited place called Chudu Park for autumn outing. Autumn in Chudu Park is bright and clear, which makes people yearn for it.

After entering Chudu Park, we couldn't help sighing: Chudu Park is so beautiful! First, we saw pine trees one by one. The leaves of pine trees were dark green needles. They felt very strong and looked funny, like small needles. The branches of pine trees were straight like soldiers. Next to the pine trees, we also saw orange trees. Round oranges hung on the branches like small lanterns. They felt smooth and smelled close to us. There was also a strong smell of fruit.

Going inside, we saw crape myrtle flowers, which are purple, red and white. The white crape myrtle flowers are very beautiful. They hang on the branches like flakes of snow white snowflakes, and also like many butterflies flying in the air. Standing by the tree, it seems that you can smell the refreshing fragrance, which makes you relaxed and happy.

Finally, we saw bamboo. The green bamboo reminds me of the national treasure giant panda. In a flash, its plump body and round face seemed to appear in front of me. I really wanted to reach out and touch its soft body.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, it soon passed in the morning. We are so happy today. Next time, I will come to Chudu Park to see the beautiful scenery in autumn. I love autumn.

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (7)

When autumn comes, the fruit is ripe. What is on the tree? I think the trees should bear oranges, persimmons, apples, pears, and many, many mature fruits.

Grandpa Dashu put on a plush sweater, Songbai also put on many clothes, the frogs in the pond were busy making clothes, and many bears, Mama Bear and Papa Bear were preparing clothes. Why? oh It turns out that Little Bear, Mama Bear and Papa Bear are all preparing for hibernation!

My mother bought me such a plush sweater!

This morning I saw that the hair of Sister Tree had turned into golden hair? It turns out that the tree sister's hair changes color in autumn!

What do I see, Mom? Mother said, "You can see the autumn scenery."

300 words composition in autumn of third grade (8)

It was raining in autumn, and the air was cold. My mother and I came to the back mountain of my house. It was late autumn, and the leaves on the back mountain turned yellow. The autumn wind blowing gently, leaves flying all over the sky, just like butterflies dancing, brown yellow, wine red, brown soil

Unconsciously, I came to a pile of withered grass, when several "meow meow" voices interrupted my thoughts. I looked around and finally found the kitten under the orange tree. It was playing with the golden oranges falling under the tree. The kitten's "hand" rolls the orange, which is like a "ball" in its "hand" and is its most proud "toy". Suddenly, he put down the "leather ball" and stared at a few oranges not far away. He walked softly and licked the orange with his tongue sometimes; Sometimes I bit the orange with my teeth, but it was not accompanied by several "miao miao" sounds, as if to say: "How sweet, how sweet!" I slowly walked over. The kitten thought I was coming to grab its "ball", and ran away like smoke. I picked up the oranges and put them into the water. They floated away like yellow lanterns.

At the foot of the back hill is my vegetable garden. My mother and I came to the garden. Look, the white cabbage in the green stands proudly on the ground; The white radish is fluttering in the wind with its green "hat"; There are a few free and flexible sparrows looking for food in the garden. It seems that I don't know which vegetable insects will suffer

The secluded and charming late autumn in the back mountain is really intoxicating!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (9)

Qingyang, my hometown, has beautiful scenery, especially the beautiful Furong Lake, which changes all the year round and is pleasing to the eyes.

I only like Furong Lake.

One day, my mother took me to Furong Lake. The water of Furong Lake is sparkling and crystal clear. Several white clouds are reflected on the lake like a landscape painting. Look, who is looking in the mirror on the lake? Oh, it's the beautiful willow girl standing by the lake, combing her hair and singing. The willow like emerald is reflected in the pond, making the lake more bright and moving. Although Uncle Maple is old, he is still strong and upright, quietly guarding every plant in Furong Lake. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Uncle Maple shivered with cold. A maple leaf flew down slowly like a butterfly. Suddenly, several fish jumped out of the water and jumped down, splashing with countless white water like little plum blossoms.

In the evening, the most lively place of Furong Lake is the Golden Beach. The flaming sunset glow shines on the beach, and the golden sand turns red. The lake water also reflects the flaming sunset glow, which is beautiful. Walking on the beach, soft. Tiaoyazi printed many footprints on the beach, just like the medal of honor given to them.

I like the beautiful Furong Lake, and I like the infinite pleasure that nature brings us.

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (10)

How time flies! Unconsciously, autumn came, we ushered in a crisp autumn, we said goodbye to the hot summer.

Autumn came quietly. Looking at the distant fields, it was very beautiful. The yellow rice fields were swayed by the autumn wind. The fields seemed to be covered with gold. The air was filled with the smell of rice. The farmer uncle was busy in the fields, and his eyes were bent with a happy smile. There are also ripe fruits, which are particularly beautiful in various colors. In the vegetable garden, there are small red tomatoes, large yellow pumpkins, and fresh green vegetables. The farmers are very happy. It is harvest time again. This year, the fruits bear the most. The cart of the farmer's uncle is packed full, as if it could fall out at any time.

Look! In front of the rows of big trees with yellow hair, the leaves on the trees fell on the ground with a gentle breeze, spreading the ground with yellow leaves, like snow falling on the ground from time to time in winter.

Autumn is beautiful, with blue sky and white clouds complementing each other, as well as geese passing by from time to time. They should leave for the warm south. When the flowers bloom in the spring next year, their figures will still appear in this beautiful sky. I look forward to the spring next year, and I am intoxicated with this charming golden autumn.

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (11)

In autumn, there are fruits and melons in the orchard, red apples, purple red grapes, and yellow pears. It's really tempting!

Red apples fall on the branches like children dancing and swaying. They compete with each other for land to be picked by farmers and let people taste their delicious food. Look, how happy they are! String of purple grapes hanging on the grape trellis, how like purple gemstones. The green leaves are like umbrellas, blocking the hot sun for grapes. Peasant uncles smiled and picked them off and gently put them in the basket. They were crystal clear. Seeing people drooling, they really wanted to taste one. If I eat them, the farmer will sell less money, so I still can't eat. The yellow pears are like yellow gourds. Some of them hide behind the leaves, as if they are playing hide and seek with us. A gust of wind blowing, leaves rustling, seems to be happy for the farmer uncle, you hear, from time to time in the distance, people's cheerful laughter!

I like the autumn with the fragrance of fruits and melons, and I prefer the orchard in autumn!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (12)

Autumn is coming. The scenery of the orchard is really beautiful! In the distance are endless mountains, endless fields, and several houses looming in the thick green woods. Nearby is a cool stream, winding paths, the most dazzling is the orchard!

As soon as I walked in, I was attracted by a series of "emeralds". I ran to have a look curiously, wow! It's grapes. The autumn wind blows in the face. Look! Grapes are waving to me!

The color of grapes is more attractive, including purple, dark red, green... Colorful, they are all eye-catching, beautiful. The grape tastes delicious. Have a taste, ah! It's sour and sweet. I like it very much.

The oranges are even more ripe. As soon as the autumn wind blew, the intoxicating aroma came to my nostrils. The farmer uncle said that the color of oranges also changed, first green, then yellow, and then orange. Peel off the skin, and the yellow pulp will appear in front of you, and you will drool.

When autumn comes, people think the garden is beautiful and the maple forest is beautiful, but I only think the orchard is the most beautiful.

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (13)

The autumn rain blew a golden trumpet to tell everyone that autumn has already arrived.

Maple just got the "information" that had come in autumn, and quickly put on red rouge to show everyone his beautiful smiling face. This news came to the ears of the osmanthus who had not yet awakened. She hurriedly put perfume on her body. The osmanthus flowers all over the mountains and fields occasionally sent out bursts of fragrant and charming fragrance. The children's footsteps were often deeply caught by the intoxicating smell.

The lively little squirrels find sweet and delicious pinecones for winter food. The frogs in green clothes are digging holes to get ready to sleep comfortably in the north wind whistling winter! The huge ant family is in a hurry, oh! They were carrying delicious food; The lovely magpie is carefully building a warm home with withered branches in its sharp mouth; Wild geese line up as "people" and fly to the warm south

The fruit trees hang sour and sweet fruits, the sorghum raises a flaming red flag, the children pick fruit, and the farmer uncle cuts the sorghum to accept the results of this hard work.

The light rain drops from the sky, hazy and indistinct, forming a beautiful picture with the surrounding scenery.

Look, how wonderful the autumn "movie" is!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (14)

On Sunday, when we returned to the back house, my mother took me to play outside the village. The grass beside the village is green and yellow, covered with dog tail grass. An aunt sat on the lawn, beside her was a "dog tail" made of dog tail grass.

When we came to the opposite mountain village, we saw large tracts of rice fields, many fruits and vegetables were ripe. On both sides of the ridge are pumpkins, green beans, and pumpkins with golden flowers; A string of beans hide under the leaves; Peanuts, corn, eggplant, sweet potatoes, taro and so on are planted in rows and rows of fields. Farmers in the fields are working, and some are weeding; Some loosen soil for crops; Some are watered.

We went out of the field and came to the foot of an inconspicuous hill. In the shack at the foot of the mountain, there are some ducks, a rooster is proudly "watching", and four dogs are "patrolling". Half way up the mountain, there are all kinds of fruit trees planted on the mountainside. The fruits on the trees have been picked up, and only the crickets in the grass are still cheering.

Mother said that autumn is the harvest season, only hard work, there is harvest. I think: study is the same, do not work hard will not improve. So, I will work harder and come on!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (15)

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming! The cool autumn wind drives away the hot summer!

Look! The autumn sky is like a zoo. White clouds sometimes walk leisurely like turtles, sometimes roar like tigers, and sometimes fly freely like eagles

The geese flew to the south in a neat line and said goodbye to the clouds.

In a twinkling of an eye, the grass has changed into bright gold clothes. The chrysanthemum fairies also smiled sweetly. Hoo hoo a burst of autumn wind blew, and the leaves of the ginkgo tree danced beautifully in the air like butterflies, as if to say, "Ah! Autumn is coming, let's dance to celebrate!"

I sniffed hard, eh? What does it smell like? I followed the taste to the orchard, and the scene in front of me surprised me. Clusters of crystal clear grapes are crowded together, eager to be picked by farmers to taste their delicious food. Persimmons try to make their faces red, so that they can be more pleasing.

"Puosh" The little rabbit jumped out of the grass. It opened its three mouths and opened its eyes, as if excitedly saying, "Miss Qiu, you are here at last! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Autumn is a harvest season and a happy season. I love autumn!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (16)

When we arrived at the back of Longji Mountain, a cool autumn wind "whirred", like my mother stroking my cheek with her gentle hands, and the branches and leaves on the tree made a rustling sound, which seemed to be whispering.

This pile of dead leaves under the big tree, and that pile of dead leaves, golden yellow, like paved with pieces of golden carpet, we walked over and stepped on it several times, and the dead leaves "click", like people eating cookies with relish. Walk into the grass and listen carefully. It seems that someone is singing in a low voice in the grass. From time to time, birds chirp happily in the distance.

I sucked hard, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers. I wonder what the smell of trees was like? I leaned close to a tree, and a smell of mud mixed with logs instantly penetrated my nostrils.

Eh, a leaf just fell off the ground. It looks so rough, just like the cheek of a dying person. I picked it up and touched it with my hand. Surprisingly, it was very smooth, always in the shape of a love. The golden ones were very light and light. The leaves were large, like a boat, but the leaves on the tree were still green.

At this time, the sun went down. The teacher asked us to pack up our things and prepare to go back. We picked up the fallen leaves and followed the teacher reluctantly to leave the mountain behind the martyr cemetery.

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (17)

Shi Xiaotong

What color is autumn? Some people say it's red, others say it's yellow... But I think it's colorful.

In the botanical garden, autumn has already entered quietly. You see, she has dyed the ginkgo tree yellow. Look at the leaves. They are like small fans, which fan they are... They take away the heat of summer. Look at the maple trees. They are dyed red. Look! The fiery maple leaves are like stamps, fluttering... It's cool in autumn. Look at that pine tree again. It looks like a tall soldier. Ah! It's really full of color.

In the orchard, there are many fruits, red apples, like children's red smiling faces; The water spirit grapes are colorful and make people feel comfortable

In the field, the grain is abundant, and the rice smiles and bends, looking like a golden ocean. The sorghum straightens up like a blushing girl. The corn grinned, and the farmer uncle followed suit.

In the park, there is a great deal of excitement. Chrysanthemum fairies are in full bloom, some are purple red, some are light yellow, and some are white... There are many people here, including the elderly who play Taijiquan and dance in the square. Young people are running, and children are chasing and playing... The park is full of laughter and cheers.

There are children laughing and laughing in autumn, and there are colorful colors. How beautiful autumn is!

[Picture of Autumn]

Wu Weihong

Autumn is coming, and the trees in the botanical garden are full of color. Ginkgo leaves are golden yellow, like small fans. Fan ah fan ah, fan away the summer heat. Maple leaves are red, like flames in the sea of fire. Only the pine trees are verdant, just like a guard standing there.

The orchard is full of fruit. There are golden pears, colorful grapes, red apples, yellow oranges... which hook the children's feet!

In the countryside, grain is plentiful. Tomatoes hung on the branches like lanterns, green vegetables nodded to me, rice was golden, like a golden beach, and corn grinned... The farmer's uncle smiled happily!

The park is very lively. The flowers have withered, and only the chrysanthemum of Aoshuang still stands there. The sun is as red as fire, and the white clouds are as white as frost. The elderly are fishing and playing tai chi and mahjong by the lake, the young are running and listening to music by the lake, and the children are chasing and playing

I like autumn. The scenery in autumn is beautiful!

300 words composition in autumn of grade three (18)

Autumn is coming, and she is coming with brisk steps.

She went to the forest and changed the leaves into new clothes. Maple leaves fall from the air like butterflies, red and yellow, lingering in the sky and falling down little by little.

When autumn came to the grassland, it began to turn yellow slightly. Little grasshoppers jumped happily in the grass; When autumn came to the fields, cool autumn wind blew slowly and yellowed the wheat fields and paddy fields. Farmers began to harvest wheat. The cut wheat was piled aside. The ears of wheat on the straw were golden, which was the color of harvest.

When autumn came to the orchard, she put a bright coat on the fruit trees. Look! Big plump pomegranates, one by one, opened their mouths and smiled at you.

At this time, if anyone looked up into the air, he would see a row of geese in the shape of "human", and he did not know where they were going