My composition for cooking today (18 pieces in total)
Wind Farewell Crane Leaf
2024-06-26 08:59:07

My composition for cooking today (1)

Today, I heard from my good friend Lu Yi that he would cook many dishes, such as Guilin rice noodles, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, rice noodles, fried eggs, etc., which made my mouth water and I was ready to move. I decided to learn to cook a bowl of noodles myself.

When I got home, I took my mother's hand and said, "Mom, I want to learn how to cook noodles." My mother said, "Yes.". Then my mother told me how to make noodles. I started to do it after I had a general understanding.

First, I asked my mother to help me prepare the ingredients, including lean meat, pork loin, sausage, lettuce, noodles, salt, oil, etc. Then I put the lean pork on a plate, grab it with soy sauce, salt and oil, and then grab a little cornflour to lock its flavor.

When I was ready to start cooking noodles, I took a small pot and put half of the water in it. When the water rolled like waves, I put the noodles and vegetables in it. When it was ready, I picked them up with chopsticks and put them into a bowl. Then I had to prepare the soup base. I poured the water into the pot and poured it in again. When the water boiled, I added some oil and salt, and put the sausages, lean meat, and pork loins in. After a while, a bowl of delicious noodles was cooked. It seemed that a small hill was piled up in the big bowl, red and green, red is the sausage, green is the green vegetables, mixed with the smell of meat, steaming hot.

After the noodles were cooked, I immediately gave them to my mother to taste. After she tasted them, she gave a thumbs up and said, "They taste great." I felt very happy.

I am very satisfied with the noodles I cooked. I can make such delicious noodles. Next time, I will make more efforts and learn to make more delicious food.

My composition for cooking today (2)

Cooking should be fun. At least I think it's fun and I have a sense of achievement.

When I was a child, I opened a restaurant at home. I should have made some achievements in this field. Unfortunately, my parents don't think so. They think children are not good at playing with kitchen knives, not to mention playing with fire. Several years have passed. Although I have no chance to grow into a cook, I still have the chance to cook occasionally, such as today.

In my home, my mother always cooks for me. But today, my mother seldom has a rest and wants to sleep well, so I cook for my mother. As mentioned earlier, my cooking skill is limited due to the lack of practice. I can only cook instant noodles or stir fried egg rice. Cooking instant noodles is not a skill. My fried rice with eggs is first-class. First of all, the rice should be either soft or hard, preferably overnight, with a slightly dry surface, but still soft and wet inside; Then there are eggs, which must be stirred evenly. The most important thing is to first fry rice, then lay eggs, let the egg juice wrap the rice grains, golden yellow grains, and finally sprinkle with scallions. It's really a perfect combination of color, smell, and flavor. It's not bragging. I can eat three bowls at a time. My fried rice with eggs has a loud name -- the highest level.

"You are such a nuisance." Mom pointed to her stomach after finishing eating with satisfaction. "I know my mother wants to keep her figure. I have to give others something to eat at the highest level. Look, this is the end of eating."

My composition for cooking today (3)

In the evening, Grandma felt a little unwell, so I suggested that my mother and grandpa and I should cook dinner tonight. As soon as we finished speaking, the symphony of pots and pans came from the kitchen

I first learned the movements of the chef to tie the apron, put on sleeves, and take out garlic sprouts, eggs, cabbage, meat pieces and other dishes. After the preparation, I picked up a small knife and began to cut garlic seedlings. The small knife was not easy to use, and it was always difficult to cut. So I cut garlic seedlings one by one. After my patient and careful work, finally a bunch of green and slender garlic seedlings became small garlic seedlings one by one. Although the action is a little slow, but the cutting is still very neat, I can not help but get complacent.

After the garlic sprouts were cut, I started to help the baby garlic sprouts take a bath, and the baby garlic sprouts jumped into the vegetable washing basin eagerly. I gave the command: "left Shua Shua, right Shua Shua". The baby garlic sprouts are playing happily in the vegetable pot, splashing small water splashes one after another. After a while, a group of clean and clever garlic sprouts jumped out of the water.

Then, I began to beat eggs. I took out the eggs and knocked them against the edge of the bowl. The eggshell cracked a crack. I gently broke along the crack. With a sound of "popping", the yolk jumped into the bowl. After the egg yolks were beaten into the bowl, I quickly mixed the egg liquid in one direction and put a small spoon of salt properly. After the eggs were stirred, my work was done.

The cooking begins. My mother is responsible for cooking garlic sprouts, and my grandpa is responsible for stewing cabbage. Everyone was so busy that the kitchen was in full swing. After a few minutes, the cabbage and pork stewed by grandpa started cooking, and the smell was hot and inviting. Mom's scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts also came out of the pot at the same time. I had a taste, wow! It tastes great!

By cooking tonight, I realized that it's not easy to be a little cook. It's really hard for Grandma to cook every day! When I am older, I will make a delicious meal for Grandma.

My composition for cooking today (4)

Today, I happened to see an article about primary school students cooking, and remembered the scene when I cooked one day.

I remember that when my father was not at home that day, my mother suddenly said to me on a whim, "Let me teach you how to cook today!".

Mom opened the refrigerator, took out a piece of Chinese cabbage from it, and said, "Today I will teach you to make your favorite 'hand shredded Chinese cabbage', OK?" Of course! I love this dish! I thought silently in my heart.

As soon as I said yes, I followed my mother's instructions. First, I put the cabbage into a basin and washed it with water. Then, my mother and I tore the cabbage into small pieces. After tearing, even I felt very funny because the cabbages I tore were different in size. I turned on the gas stove again and poured a layer of oil into the pot. After a while, the oil became hot. I put in the prepared scallions and soy sauce. After the smell came out, I put in the cabbage and stir fry it. When the cabbage was put in, the oil in the pot kept splashing out, making a sound of "crackling". I quickly hid far away. After a few seconds, the naughty cabbages finally became quiet. I used a spatula to stir them up, and then I put half a spoonful of salt and some MSG into the pot as my mother said. After about five or six minutes, the cabbage was finally cooked! I put them on the plate, ah, a hand made "hand shredded cabbage" came out of the pot!

I put the cabbage on the table, and gave my mother and I each a pair of chopsticks, starting up!

Within three minutes, the cabbage on the table was swept away by both of us. My mother praised: "Well done, very delicious!" I listened, and my heart was happy.

In life, we should learn to stand on our own feet. The cooking that time was my footprint on the road of self-reliance

My composition for cooking today (5)

Today, I wanted to cook, so I told my mother this idea, and my mother promised me.

What I do is stir fry lean meat with green pepper. I put on my apron and began to cut the meat carefully. The meat was cut into pieces. My mother said, "This is not good. The meat is too thick to be fried." So my mother did a demonstration to cut the meat well and began to show me how to fry green peppers and lean meat. My mother repeated, and I couldn't wait to say, "I know, it's so simple. Do you think I can't?" I poured a proper amount of oil into the pot. After a while, the oil "squeaked". I quickly poured green pepper into the pot. The oil baby in the pot began to bounce around, scaring me back. My mother told me to put salt and stir fry it quickly. I hurriedly sprinkled salt into the pot, but I didn't dare to get close to the oil pot, so I had to "watch the fire from the other side" and extend my hands far away to stir fry. The pot was smoking, and I panicked. No matter what happens, I poured water into the pot and green peppers swam in the pot. At this time, my mother came over and shouted, "Keke, are you frying green pepper or boiling green pepper

Through this cooking, I learned that seemingly simple things can only be felt through personal experience. Although I failed in cooking for the first time, failure is the mother of success, and I will cook well next time!

My composition for cooking today (6)

Today is Sunday, let's all call me Chef Li! Ha ha, why? Because today I personally cooked and cooked a delicious meal.

At noon today, my mother finally agreed to let me cook a meal. My heart was lost. I inspected the kitchen first. There were only a few eggs and two round tomatoes. I decided to cook a scrambled egg with tomato! Try Li Xiaolu's craftsmanship!

I took out three eggs first, and carefully touched the edge of the bowl. The egg smiled and the yolk jumped out of the bowl. The whole process was less than a minute, but I was in a hurry. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to knock eggs. The next two eggs were finally finished after my hard knock. I took out the tomatoes again, polished the knife, cut the tomatoes down the waist, cut them one by one and put them on the plate. Finally, it was finished, and I was relieved.

When I lit the fire, the flame "miso" came up. I turned on the range hood again, and the noise was really loud. When the water in the pot dried up, I poured a little oil. When the oil was even, I poured the eggs into the pot, shoveled them with a shovel, and I smashed the eggs. When the eggs were ripe, I poured the tomatoes into the pot again I pretended to be calm and continued to stir, singing while stir frying. After a while, I felt good about myself, put a little salt, and continued to stir frying. Success! Out of the pot!

I first tasted the dishes that I did not succeed in cooking. Hey! The taste is really good, the salt is just right, and the temperature is also well controlled. I can't help but feel happy and proud, because our family has another master!

My composition for cooking today (7)

When my mother came back from work, she looked listless. I thought: My mother must be very tired at work. I want to lighten her burden. So I decided to cook a delicious dish today.

So I said to my mother, "Mom, let me cook a dish for you today!" My mother smiled and said, "OK!"

This is my first time to cook. What dish should I cook? After thinking hard, I decided to fry my favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

I went into the kitchen and selected two red tomatoes and three fresh eggs. I tied my apron like my mother, washed my hands, and cut tomatoes carefully with a kitchen knife. The kitchen knife, which is very light in my mother's hand, seems to weigh a thousand kilograms in my hand. Finally, I clumsily cut the tomato and knocked three eggs on the edge of the table. A thin crack appeared on the egg. I opened the eggshell along the crack, and the egg white and yolk slid into the bowl like children on a slide. I put the pot on the camera, poured some peanut oil, and then immediately poured the eggs out of the bowl, Ouhou! I have caused a big disaster. Peanut oil seems to be irritated by me. "Pi li la la" cries. Peanut oil is almost cheap to me, and I am scared to death. So I quickly put tomatoes into the pot and gently stir fried tomatoes and chicken eggs with a spatula.

After I stir fry for a while, the tomatoes and eggs stick together. I add a little salt and soy sauce, and then stir fry evenly. Then I shovel the tomatoes and eggs into the plate with a spatula. Soon, a dish of sweet and fragrant scrambled eggs with tomatoes is on the table. After tasting it, my parents said to me: "It's really delicious!" I listened and felt as sweet as honey.

My composition for cooking today (8)

Today, I cooked dinner for my family in person. To make up for my late filial piety on Mother's Day, I wanted to experience how hard my parents usually cook dinner for me, and I was also very interested in cooking.

Stop gossiping and join me in cooking!

The first course: scrambled eggs with tomatoes. There are two major steps in cooking this dish. The first step is to heat the pan and pour in a proper amount of oil. When the oil is almost warm, pour the beaten egg liquid into the pan and stir fry it. When it is almost ripe, put it out. The second step is to put the tomatoes into the pot and boil them. After the tomatoes have boiled out some juice, pour the scrambled eggs into the pot. After a while, a plate of delicious scrambled eggs with tomatoes will be finished! Then comes the second dish: lettuce is copied from yam. In the same way, first heat the oil, then stir fry the meat, and then stir the yam. When the yam is half cooked, add lettuce, and then add a little water, salt, and MSG, and slowly simmer with low heat for a while before loading the plate. The last is luffa soup. The luffa soup is relatively simple. Just boil the water, put in the cut luffa, add a little mustard, and it can be cooked in a few minutes.

The three courses are finally OK! I am a little exhausted, and I finally realize how hard my parents usually cook for me. I put the food on the table, and my parents praised me after eating it, which made me feel that my previous tiredness had disappeared in a flash, which also gave me great encouragement to cook next time. Watching my parents eat the fruits of my work and the smiling faces on their faces, my heart became warm, and the corners of my mouth involuntarily rose.

My composition for cooking today (9)

Tuesday, October 27, 20xx Sunny? I got up early this morning, thinking that my mother worked hard to cook for me every day, so today I want to make breakfast for my parents. I washed my face and immediately came to the kitchen. I found the apron my mother usually wears for cooking and tied it around my waist.

Today, I want to make fried steamed buns. First, I cut the steamed buns into pieces. Then I take out an egg to break the skin and break it with my hands! The egg made me feel sick. I quickly wiped my hands with a paper towel. Then I turned on the stove and poured oil into the pan. When the oil was hot, I put the steamed bread slices dipped with eggs into the pan. I heard the pan sounded like firecrackers, and the oil spattered, which made me shrink back several steps, but for the sake of my steamed bread not being fried, I still endured the fear in my heart and flipped it with chopsticks. Wow, the steamed buns at this time seemed to wear golden armor, glittering with gold. Although the oil sometimes kisses the back of my hand, I still insist on frying all the steamed buns.

My mother saw my breakfast and said excitedly, "My son is really grown up!" My heart is sweeter than honey.

My composition for cooking today (10)

After school, my father didn't come back, but I was hungry. I thought: Dad works so hard every day, why don't I cook a dish for Dad today. What dishes are good to fry? I thought about it. Finally, I decided to make a fried ham with cucumber.

I took cucumber and ham out of the refrigerator and put them in the kitchen. I was about to take a knife to cut them, but my heart suddenly became afraid and my hands shook for fear that the knife would cut my hands. It was really difficult at the beginning! If you don't try, you will never succeed. I finally got up the courage to cut the cucumber and ham into "small pieces", and then cut some onions. Everything is ready. I turn on the fire and carefully pour the oil into the pot. The oil makes a crackling noise in the pot. When I put the cucumber into the pot, the noise in the pot is even louder. A lot of oil is spilled outside, almost scalding my hands. It's really dangerous! I stir fry cucumbers up and down, but those cucumber slices look like naughty children. I will run here and there, and I will stir them evenly with difficulty. I began to add spices. First, I gently poured the salt into the pot, then stir it up and down, and then put a little soy sauce into the pot. Then I kept stir frying, and soon the cucumber was ready. Then, I put the ham into the pot for frying, but another question puzzled me: Do you want salt in the ham? I thought about it for a while. The ham itself has salt, so there is no need to add salt. I thought about it, and suddenly I smelled a pungent burning smell. Ah! The ham was about to burn, so I quickly added some water. Finally, I put the onions into the pot and cooked a delicious dish. When my father came back, he saw me cooking, and smiled and praised me!

This time I cooked and made me very happy, because I learned how to cook and finally can share the housework for my parents.

My composition for cooking today (11)

Every time I see Grandma cooking, I feel very interesting. Today, I will try to stir fry a cabbage for my family to taste.

Choose the dishes first, ah! A big, fat green bug scared me to the ground and turned pale. I wanted to rush out of the kitchen immediately, but I couldn't surrender like a bug. I kicked it to death when I was angry. Hum! You are brave to drive, but I killed the little animal!

Now I want to clean up those dirty dishes. The original dish with fragrance is a variation of such dirty dishes. It's fun to wash here and there like washing clothes.

Ha ha, it's finally time to start frying. First set the fire to medium and then put in the cabbage I washed. I was scared by the sound of a crackle when I was cooking. Now I need to put oil, which is my greatest fear. Then I need to refuel today! Squeak! What an oil god! He will be scared to death. Oh, my god, it's almost scorched. It's time to stir up some chicken essence and salt. Although I only cooked a bowl of cabbage this time, I think it's really difficult to cook. Grandma can cook dishes that are so delicious and difficult every day, but we are picky. If we haven't cooked yet, we don't know how hard it is to cook. I think I can cook so delicious in the future.

My composition for cooking today (12)

One day, after school, I returned home without seeing my parents, but my stomach was already growling with hunger. I don't think I can always rely on my parents. Today, I will do it myself

I went to the kitchen to prepare meat and cabbage. I washed the cabbage and tore it into pieces. Suddenly, I felt something soft! caterpillar! I threw the cabbage into the basin in a hurry. I took out a pair of chopsticks and put the caterpillar in the garbage can. Then I carefully took out the nail board, cut the washed cabbage into small pieces, cut the meat, turned on the gas stove, poured the cooking oil into the pot, and the oil jumped around in the pot, as if the prisoners in prison wanted to escape, and accidentally splashed on me, I quickly stepped back and almost fell over. While I was frying with a shovel, I was far away from the pot. The meat slowly turned yellow. When the cabbage leaves just entered the pot, they were full, and suddenly became much less. I wondered if the pot had magic. Finally, the food was cooked. I saw the cooked food dribbling, and then I put it into a bowl, I ate it in large mouthfuls.

Today, I feel a sense of achievement. It's great to enjoy the fruits of my work!

My composition for cooking today (13)

At noon today, my parents were busy, and I was the only one to solve the lunch. What can we do about it? For me, who has never cooked before, this is a big problem! Never mind, I put on my apron, walked into the kitchen in three steps and two steps, and began to cook.

What should we do? There are eggs in the refrigerator, so make fried eggs. It's delicious and simple. I first took out two eggs, opened the fire, then broke the eggs, put them into the pot, and began to fry. After a while, the egg white slowly solidified, like a soft bed, and the yolk was like a child bouncing on the bed. The "little bed" was rolling in the "waves". I turned the eggs over at once. I accidentally didn't turn them over, and stuck the eggs together to make a "meat free egg dumpling". "Meat free egg dumpling" not only has a special name but also has a sweet taste, which is very delicious.

Looking at the fruits of my work, I have an inexpressible pleasure.

My composition for cooking today (14)

Today, I was very happy. I got up very early, but my mother was still sleeping late!

I woke up my parents first, and then my father asked me to cook. I just had to promise. What should I do? I thought about it. I'd better eat it regularly, eggs and soy milk. I first matched the ingredients for making soymilk, added a certain amount of water, and put it into the soymilk machine. Then I stood in the soymilk machine and started to work. Then I started to boil eggs. First, I took the eggs out of the refrigerator, washed them, put water in the pot to cover the eggs, and then I started to boil. First boil it over high heat. After one minute, turn it to low heat. Then I went to watch TV. After more than twenty minutes, I suddenly remembered that there were still eggs in the pot, so I rushed into the kitchen to turn off the fire. As soon as I saw that the eggs were OK, my heart fell to the ground and shouted to my parents, "Dinner is ready!". So our breakfast began. My father said, "Ann Shuyang did a good job in breakfast!" My mother nodded beside me.

Through this cooking, no matter what you do, you should be careful and not be half hearted. Otherwise, an unimaginable situation may occur.

My composition for cooking today (15)

Today, I was cooking. Today, my mother had an activity to talk about the sports meeting. My father went to work, and I had to go with my mother... Because it was very early, we didn't have breakfast. After my mother's training, we began to worry about food. When I got home, "I want to eat minced noodles, mainly because my father is not at home, how can I do it?" I said, "Let me try it!" At first, I poured soy sauce and vinegar into the bowl, then put some minced meat, sprinkle some salt and MSG, put the chopped scallions in, and finally put some hot pepper oil to taste more fragrant. The noodles are almost ready. I looked at my own ingredients and always doubted my own craftsmanship. If they were salty, weak or sour, I could not wait to fish out the noodles and put them in the ingredients to taste. When the noodles were cooked, I took a quick taste. It was OK. It was very fragrant, but it was a little weak. I added some salt and tasted it again. It was almost the same as what Dad made. The food I cooked by myself is certainly delicious, so I asked my mother again, and she kept saying, "Fragrant! Fragrant!" I don't know whether it was my mother who fooled me or really 'delicious. My mother said, "This is really the ancestral line of the Yang family, and my grandfather passed on my father." I said hurriedly, "My father passed it on to me, and it's really passed on from generation to generation!" It seems that cooking is also fun, especially the food I cooked by myself, That's even more fragrant! I have a problem that sometimes I can eat and sometimes I have no appetite. If I make my own food every day, I can eat it. Mom who can't cook (hush... keep quiet) doesn't have to worry about food. (The main reason is that Dad is happy? He doesn't need to cook)!

My composition for cooking today (16)

My father was not at home tonight. After dinner with my mother, my mother said, "Today I will teach you to cook shrimp chips, French fries and peanuts." I said happily, "Great! This is my first time to cook."

I washed my hands clean with detergent, and my mother brought me an apron and a mask. My mother said, "This is to prevent the oil from splashing on my clothes and face." I turned on the fire, and when the water in the pot evaporated dry, my mother poured the oil into the pot. After a while, my mother said, "You can put shrimp slices." I picked up a piece of shrimp slices and put them into the pot. The shrimp slices opened quickly like a flower. I quickly picked up the shrimps, dripped oil and put them on the plate. Then I put the second shrimps into the pot. I fried twenty pieces at a time, and some of them were not picked up in time, which was a bit yellow.

Then, we started to fry French fries. I grabbed a handful of French fries and put them into the pot. The oil in the pot splashed noisily, and a few drops of oil splashed on my hands. I asked my mother, "Why is it splashed?" My mother said, "Because the French fries are frozen, and there is water in them, they will splash. Put the French fries into the pot, and hurry to withdraw your hand." I fried in the pot, and when the French fries turned yellow, I picked up the chips and put them on the plate. We fried four pairs of French fries.

Finally, we fried peanuts. I thought I had to pull my hand back as soon as I put them in. My mother said, "No, peanuts are dry."

When I ate, I thought the shrimp slices, French fries and peanuts were particularly fragrant. My mother said, "It's because you made them yourself, so they are especially fragrant." I said, "It's our credit."

I am very happy today. I learned how to make shrimp chips, French fries, and peanuts. When friends come to our house later, I can make shrimp chips, French fries, and peanuts for them to eat.

My composition for cooking today (17)

After the sixth class on Monday, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile and said, "Today I will arrange a composition for you. The topic is" I cook today ". Just after the speech, the classroom seemed to be boiling. I thought to myself: I can finally show my skills.

After school, I hurried home like a homing bird. I told my mother the task assigned by my teacher, and she agreed without thinking. Take me to the food market immediately. Looking around, there are red tomatoes, yellow cucumbers, green vegetables, white turnips, purple eggplants, and fresh pork in the market. It really has everything. I discussed with my mother and finally bought eggplant and meat. When I got home, my mother was my instructor. I washed the eggplant and cut it into pieces, because it was my first time to cut vegetables, and the thickness was uneven. When my mother saw it, she patiently taught me and demonstrated it to me. When my mother cut vegetables, I was also watching carefully. I looked and asked, but the eggplant was barely cut. However, when I cut meat, it is not as simple as cutting eggplant. Mother said: There are exquisite ways to cut meat, including shredded meat, sliced meat and mashed meat. Today, I cut the shredded meat first. When I saw my mother cut it with a knife, I felt very simple. When I took the knife, it was not like that. It was slippery and oily. After half an hour of decisive battle, I finally settled it.

Everything is ready, only the east wind. Under my mother's guidance, I'm ready to show my skills. First, I turned on the fire and just poured a little oil into the pot with the oil pot. I saw that the oil was like a fountain. In a moment, the oil splashed everywhere and made a crackling sound. I was stunned and mentioned my voice in an instant. Seeing this, my mother quickly ran over and pulled me away, saying: "The pan can't be filled with oil until it is dry, otherwise it will be very dangerous." When I recovered, my hands had a blister. After my mother gave me a simple treatment, my heart calmed down. Then slowly close to the pot, according to the mother said. When I saw the oil in the pot boiling, I poured the cut eggplant into the pot. At this time, the eggplant in the pot was like a group of naughty children turning somersaults. Round by round, round by round. Soon, when the eggplant is half cooked, push it aside with a spatula. Stir fry the prepared meat again. When the meat just changes color, stir fry it with eggplant. Sprinkle with salt, seasoning and chives. A delicious eggplant stir fried meat is out of the pot. Color and fragrance are available. I don't know how it tastes? When I saw the dishes cooked by myself on the table, I was proud that my parents gave me a thumbs up after tasting them. My heart was as sweet as honey.

Through this experience, I finally know how hard my mother cooks every day. I must be a hardworking child and help my mother do something within my power.

My composition for cooking today (18)

When I opened the refrigerator, I saw a large and fat piece of beef at a glance. I thought, "Let's fry beef today!" Just do it. First, I put the beef under the tap to clean it, then carefully put the beef on the cutting board, and then picked up the kitchen knife to cut it gingerly. I cut it to my fingers. After cutting it, I found that the beef I cut was big and small, Some are thick, some are thin, and even I burst out laughing. I thought, "Cutting vegetables is also an art work!"

Next, I picked up the heavy pot, slowly put it into the pool, carefully washed it, and then laboriously put it back on the stove. After turning on the fire, I thought: Let the water in the pot boil dry before you put the food! After a while, the water in the pot had gone to the "Nine Clouds Away", and the pot sounded "crackling", like a naughty child setting off firecrackers. The pearl like bubbles kept rising, and the oil splashed in the pot at once. I was so frightened that I turned around and ran away. After a long time, I went to the pot with fear and looked into the pot. I saw that the wind was flat and the waves were all gone. There was no sound, so I sighed.

oh By the way, there are also vegetables! I immediately put the food into the pot, and the food immediately changed color. In a panic, I picked up the shovel and repeatedly stirred it. Look! Beef, like a dancer, danced happily, but how much salt should be added? I racked my brains and thought hard. If I put too much salt and too little light, just put a small spoon! So I put a spoonful into the pot. Seeing that the food was about to be cooked, I put pepper, ginger, garlic and other spices into the pot, and then stir it for a few more times. A delicious stir fried beef came out of the pot.

This cooking not only taught me a basic survival skill, but also let me experience the hardships of my parents.

(Writer: Zhang Yige, Class 159, Sanbating Primary School, Daxiang District, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province)