Troubled Composition (19 Collections)
Mountains and forests
2024-06-22 08:20:49

Troubled Composition (1)

Everyone has troubles, but some of them are different in size. My troubles almost led me to go astray. My mother called me back. It was my mother's tears and her affection that brought me back. A few months ago, I knew that my father's days around me were not long. I didn't know how I should feel about being with my father. Since then, my father has been unable to sleep every night. It's not that my father doesn't want to sleep, but that my father hurts when he sleeps. When I see my father like this at night, my tears can't stop my father's big man who is more than 1.8 meters tall, But my father was only over 70 kg, and all the bones were exposed. When I saw my father's figure, my tears flowed out. Just a few days ago, my mother told me that my father might not be able to support the Spring Festival. When I heard that, my head was buzzing and I fainted.

When I woke up, I thought to myself; After my father left, how can my mother and I live? Now my family has tens of thousands of yuan in debt, and my mother still has many diseases. How can my mother and I live? My mother is over fifty now. Can she work in the future? I told my mother; Mom, I don't want to study anymore. I go out to work to support you and cure you. We can't rely on my sister-in-law forever. Mom, you know my sister-in-law's temper. She once scolded my father and you, but my mother scolded me. Even if I don't cure you, you will also go to school. I can also help you study even if I break the pot and sell iron, do you know? Nobody looks at our family. They look at our liveliness. You have to win for us, you know? There is still a long way to go.

Troubled Composition (2)

Recently, five or six students in the class have many red bags, and I am no exception. I ran into the office and explained the situation to Mr. Han. The teacher looked at it for me and said, "It may be chicken pox. The teacher called the five or six students with similar red bags to the office, and asked the whole class and those with bags to come to the office. Miss Han said to us nervously, "It's autumn, and it's a high incidence period of skin disease infection. You should not go back to the classroom to avoid infecting other students. I'm calling your parents now to see a doctor to confirm what it is." When I saw the teacher contacting parents, I was very worried. Because next week there will be a ten year old growth ceremony and rehearsal.

Then my mother took me to the hospital. The doctor said, "This is chicken pox. I can't go to school for a week. Please prescribe some medicine for you!"

That night, my mother went to the hospital to give birth to her baby. The next day, I went to see her. My mother was lying in bed powerless, and the baby was lying in the rocking bed. Just as the doctor came to check him, he learned that I had chicken pox, and shouted, "How can you bring a child with chicken pox here? If it is infected with a baby, the consequences are unimaginable, take her away quickly." I was so frightened that I was very aggrieved and ran out

Because chickenpox is highly contagious, I can't approach people who don't have chickenpox. I didn't know at that time and wanted to see the baby very much, so I went to the hospital. Although I was wronged, I still waited at home silently for the baby to get well, to solve this problem!

Troubled Composition (3)

I think everyone has troubles, and I certainly have troubles. If you want to know, look down!

Trouble 1: Before, when I first came to create a website, I had another user name: Purple Girl. But one day, I was browsing in Chuangwang BBS. It says that there are cheats on the Internet. If the network remembers the password directly, the user name may be stolen. Suddenly, I thought; What if my user name is stolen? I can log in directly without clicking the password, so I return to the home page. When I saw the four words "Forgot password", I thought that clicking here would not automatically appear the password. I was ecstatic, and immediately clicked. After filling in, I returned to the home page, logged in, filled in the password, and clicked "Log in," thinking that it would not be stolen. However, I failed to log in, and the words "wrong password or user name" appeared in front of me. How could this happen? I can't believe my eyes. I rubbed my eyes. Yes, I couldn't land. I was worried. I tried again several times. It was useless. I was angry. There were 74 points in it! There was no choice but to register this number.

Trouble 2: School has begun, and my mother won't allow me to go online for too long, only on weekends. Today, I took advantage of the weekend and went to Chuangwang to publish an article! How come it takes 5 online coins to publish an article? It used to only have two. When did it change? There are only two individual writers, but if you want to become an individual writer, you will have to wait until Ma Yue! How can you publish an article when you can't buy 300 online coins! It seems that the only way to buy online coins is to go to the post office.

Ah, here comes my mother. I'm going to bed. Goodbye!

Troubled Composition (4)

In the twinkling of an eye, there are about ten days of vacation, frankly speaking.

It's really not good to live at home these ten days. People often say that if there is a younger brother or sister at home, how will they feel? I have not trusted these things. It doesn't matter. After all, "one mountain can't accommodate two?" Are younger brothers and sisters still young? As an elder brother and sister, I let my younger brother and sister humiliate me. This holiday, I experienced all kinds of ups and downs. I thought my younger brother was not so annoying before, because I thought my older brother was 12 years old in the years I had not felt before. I have been going to school outside since my brother was born. Sometimes I go home once a week, sometimes half a month. Anyway, I seldom go home. Even if I come back, I will come back on the same day. In fact, sometimes I think my brother is OK, but what he says is just a child's idea. It's not interesting. I know it from my heart that I won't feel too angry.

Sometimes, my mother doesn't really like people when she talks. She swears every day. This makes me very angry. Maybe it's because I never have the habit of swearing, right? Sometimes I really want to solve all my troubles at once. When I was a child, some students envied me and said that my mother was good to me and I would have whatever I wanted. At that time, I felt happy as if I were in heaven. I felt very happy. I had such a good mother, who was so good to me, but who was really happy, That's not what I want at all.

But then it seemed that I had the idea of suicide again and again because I didn't do well in the exam. Sometimes I felt that I didn't do well in the exam and could not blame others. After all, it was my own fault, and I could not blame her for treating me like this. But when I saw that other parents, like me, had a child of my age in school, He didn't do well in the exam even in the same class as me. Why did the parents not blame her. He also encouraged him to cheer up, saying that he had tried his best, as if I had not tried my best, which made me suffer a lot.

My parents say this and that every day, as if I didn't try my best. When I was young, the most troublesome thing for me was listening to my parents, comparing who I was with the next door family, how many scores I got, how many scores I got, and how many scores I got again. From childhood to adulthood, this is still the hardest problem for me. I know my own achievements, but other people's parents, They all said that I would do my best. Why don't I get such treatment? Later, I learned that their parents, who are free every day, have nothing to do. Where do they compare and compare? What's the meaning? We are the unlucky children. I know that this is inevitable in society, just like I am in school now! There are comparisons everywhere, and I have been driven crazy by such an environment. I don't have so many eyes, and I don't play tricks. I feel really tired, tired, and I will collapse.

What is the end of such a day! I've really had enough! I dream that if one day, this society will not appear, and those who are careful will not frame people, and everyone will live in harmony, just like the Peach Blossom Garden written by Tao Yuanming, how good it would be!

Troubled Composition (5)

I think everyone has troubles, and I certainly have troubles. If you want to know, look down!

Trouble 1: Before, when I first came to create a website, I had another user name: Purple Girl. But one day, I was browsing in Chuangwang BBS. It says that there are cheats on the Internet. If the network remembers the password directly, the user name may be stolen. Suddenly, I thought; What if my user name is stolen? I can log in directly without clicking the password, so I return to the home page. When I saw the four words "Forgot password", I thought that clicking here would not automatically appear the password. I was ecstatic, and immediately clicked. After filling in, I returned to the home page, logged in, filled in the password, and clicked "Log in," thinking that it would not be stolen. However, I failed to log in, and the words "wrong password or user name" appeared in front of me. How could this happen? I can't believe my eyes. I rubbed my eyes. Yes, I couldn't land. I was worried and tried again several times. It was useless. I was angry. There were 74 points in it! There was no choice but to register this number.

Trouble 2: School has begun, and my mother won't allow me to go online for too long, only on weekends. Today, I took advantage of the weekend and went to Chuangwang to publish an article! How come it takes 5 online coins to publish an article? It used to only have two. When did it change? There are only two individual writers, but if you want to become an individual writer, you will have to wait until Ma Yue! How can you publish an article when you can't buy 300 online coins! It seems that the only way to buy online coins is to go to the post office.

Ah, here comes my mother. I'm going to bed. Goodbye!

Troubled Composition (6)

This morning, I met something that made me particularly upset.

Quickly packed my schoolbag, and I was about to step out of the house to take an interest class when suddenly I heard my father's gentle voice from the room: "Xixi, Dad can drive you to class, you wait for me.".

"I'd better drive you there." Dad walked out of the room slowly in his pajamas.

"No need, Dad, I can go by car myself." I began to be a little worried and impatient to refuse Dad. In fact, I was worried about going late and not getting the best seat in the first row. In the past, it was because my father was too tardy that I was either in a hurry or late for class, and there was no traffic jam when I took the bus early. I thought to myself, but I'm too ashamed to tell my father. While changing clothes quickly, my father said to me persistently, "Dad should drive you there."

"It really doesn't need to be so troublesome. It's not only environmentally friendly but also convenient for me to take the bus." At this time, I was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot. I really wanted to step on the hot wheel to go to class. But my father still insisted on sending me. I knew that he was worried that I would not be safe to travel alone, so he had to agree to my father reluctantly.

On the bus, I was actually very unhappy. I frowned, pursed, and kept silent. I even didn't want to look up at my father. Because I'm worried about being late because of traffic jam, and I also like taking the bus, but I can't refuse my father's kindness. "Dad, why don't you get up early? I'm going crazy." I complained while sulking.

What should I do next time I encounter this situation?

Troubled Composition (7)

I have one thing that bothers me all the time. It is that I have worn glasses since the second grade.

During the summer vacation of grade one, I watched TV every day, and my eyes were less than two meters away from the TV, which made my eyesight worse and worse. I wore glasses in grade two of primary school.

I usually don't take care of my eyes. When I write my homework, my head is less than 10 cm away from the homework book, and it takes me a long time to write. When watching TV, I always accurately "landed" to less than two meters away from the TV, and sometimes I walked a few steps forward, nearly getting into it. Gradually, I felt that the words on the blackboard were a little blurred. I went to the hospital to check and found that I was nearsighted.

Two years after I put on my glasses, my degree increased by two hundred. Once my classmates proposed to play basketball together on the basketball court, and I immediately signed up. On Sunday, I was afraid that I could not see clearly, so I put on my glasses and went to the assembly site. After we all arrived, the game officially began. I was the main attack, and the basketball was snatched by me at the beginning. But when I was just about to shoot, my glasses slid onto the ground like a naughty monkey. At the moment of my hesitation, the ball was snatched away, and I had to pick up my glasses, When I bent down to pick it up, the basketball hit my back. I regretted that: hey, if I had taken care of my eyes earlier, I wouldn't be so unlucky now. I really regret my guts!

When I got home, I recovered from the smashing. It hurt me so much. Dad looked at my embarrassed face and asked me what was going on. I told Dad the whole story. Dad laughed when he heard about it. I said angrily, "I'm so embarrassed, you can still laugh!" Dad said, "This is what you deserve. Do you dare to continue like this in the future? Eyes are the window of the soul, so you should take good care of them.".

Yes! Eyes are the window for us to understand the world. We should love our eyes and observe the world with bright eyes.

Troubled Composition (8)

Childhood is like some sugar. Some are very delicious, while others are so disgusting that you want to vomit. One of my candies is very disgusting. Do you want to know?

I remember once I forgot to bring my Chinese homework book. In the afternoon, the teacher called me to the office and angrily asked me, "Where is my homework?"

"I... I forgot to bring..." I said timidly.

Unexpectedly, the teacher became more angry. She yelled at me, "Can I still know your tricks of primary school students? You didn't write them! You can make up for them three times tonight, otherwise you won't come to school tomorrow!"

The teacher's words pierced my heart like a knife, and I cried wrongly. "Why are you crying? What's the use of crying now? Don't you do anything wrong? Make up my homework! Don't be lazy when you don't do your homework, and say you didn't take it with you! Alas, how can I teach such a student?" The teacher was furious and scolded me indiscriminately.

Teacher, you don't understand me! I'm not lazy, I just didn't bring it! Teacher, I hope you will forgive me!

Alas, this "sugar" is really disgusting! The teacher misunderstood me. I'm so wronged!

Boys and girls, has this happened to you

Troubled Composition (9)

I think everyone has troubles, and I certainly have troubles. If you want to know, look down!

Trouble 1: Before, when I first came to create a website, I had another user name: Purple Girl. But one day, I was browsing in Chuangwang BBS. It says that there are cheats on the Internet. If the network remembers the password directly, the user name may be stolen. Suddenly, I thought; What if my user name is stolen? I can log in directly without clicking the password, so I return to the home page. When I saw the four words "Forgot password", I thought that clicking here would not automatically appear the password. I was ecstatic, and immediately clicked. After filling in, I returned to the home page, logged in, filled in the password, and clicked "Log in," thinking that it would not be stolen. However, I failed to log in, and the words "wrong password or user name" appeared in front of me. How could this happen? I can't believe my eyes. I rubbed my eyes. Yes, I couldn't land. I was worried. I tried again several times. It was useless. I was angry. There were 74 points in it! There was no choice but to register this number.

Trouble 2: School has begun, and my mother won't allow me to go online for too long, only on weekends. Today, I took advantage of the weekend and went to Chuangwang to publish an article! How come it takes 5 online coins to publish an article? It used to only have two. When did it change? There are only two individual writers, but if you want to become an individual writer, you will have to wait until Ma Yue! How can you publish an article when you can't buy 300 online coins! It seems that the only way to buy online coins is to go to the post office.

Ah, here comes my mother. I'm going to bed. Goodbye!

Troubled Composition (10)

Is the weekend a paradise of joy?


In the journey of life, there will always be countless troubles.

However, this troublesome thing made me feel worse than death in life, which was deeply imprinted in my heart like an iron brand.

Every child has his own Sunday. And where is my Sunday? Sunday is a devil to me. Every Sunday, my mother would carry stacks of homework. Ah! It's hard to disobey the mother's order! I had no choice but to sit at my desk and do my homework. I kept on calculating and copying, and the countless homework was finally finished. I can finally go out and relax.

"Stop! Where are you going?" Dad said.

"Go and play!" I answered righteously.

"Don't go there today. I just bought a course for tutoring. Go and do it quickly." Dad looked at me seriously.

I had to hang my head and drag my tired body reluctantly into the study to climb on the table. When I heard the chirping of birds and the playing of children outside the window, how I wished I could have a free space. Let me fly freely in the sky like a bird outside the window, and let me have a world of my own like other children in the yard. How I want to have a golden Sunday. Let my weekend be full of sunshine and fun.

mom! dad! You know what? Your daughter needs a Sunday of her own.

Troubled Composition (11)

Today, I took our dog out for a walk. When I walked carelessly, the dog broke free from the rope and ran away. Fortunately, a kind uncle caught it and gave it back to me, but he said that he was bitten. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do. It felt like the sky was falling down

When I got home, I saw my mother cooked my favorite braised fish in brown sauce, but I didn't want to eat any more than one piece. When my mother asked me what was wrong, I didn't dare tell her, so I said I had snacks just now. At night, I couldn't sleep. My mother gave me a glass of milk, but I still couldn't sleep. In order not to let her see it, I pretended to be asleep. The next day, I went to class. I was totally out of my wits and couldn't listen to anything. My mother came to pick me up after school. I didn't want to hide it from her anymore, so I told her everything about yesterday. Mother said, "If you do something wrong, you must admit it bravely, and we will go to apologize to the uncle immediately." Fortunately, I asked the uncle's home address yesterday, and my mother and I went to his home together. The uncle was really kind. He refused to accept the money his mother gave him for the rabies vaccine. Finally, he only received 50 yuan, which was regarded as education for the children!

Through this time, I learned that if I made a mistake, I should admit it bravely, tell my mother the situation in time, and keep the troubles away from me forever.

Troubled Composition (12)

In recent days, I have encountered a lot of things that upset me. The two biggest things are that I have to go to cram school after summer vacation, and I have to ride my bike to cram school.

The schedule of classes in the cram school is very tight every day. I got up at more than 5:00 in the morning and rode to the Second Middle School to practice football. Before the football class was over, I left quickly and went to the homework cram school. I spent the morning in the homework cram school, which is not the end of the day. At 2:30 in the afternoon, I had to go to the homework cram school again to finish classes at 5:30, After finishing the homework of the day, I still had the last reading class at 6:00 pm. When I got home from the reading class, it would be more than 8:00 pm. When I got home, I still had the last thing to do (that is, washing my face, eating, brushing my teeth, bathing...), and then it was time to go to bed. I spent almost the whole day in cram school.

The second thing that bothers me is that my mother doesn't pick me up any more, but lets me ride my own bike to class. Since my grandmother returned home, my mother never sent me to cram school. I had to ride my small bike to class. At the beginning, I was very happy, and thought it was a good thing, because where was the bad road I could ride my bike, It's very cool to walk on the road of the pit doll. But the good times didn't last long. I was late, and riding a bike was not as fast as riding an electric bike.

Alas, if my mother rides an electric bike to see me off, I won't be late. This is my trouble recently. Do you have such an experience?

Troubled Composition (13)

As I get older and older, my troubles gradually increase. Well, recently I have another worry, that is, I am too short.

You see, I'm in the fourth grade, but my height is only 129cm. Among my classmates, I am the shortest. My neighbor's little sister is more than two years younger than me, but she is almost as tall as me. I also want to grow tall and don't want to be a dwarf, but I can't control my height. I try to eat as much as possible every day, and I also drink milk every day, but it doesn't grow. It really bothers me!

This summer vacation, I followed my grandmother to her friend's house to play. When I got to the elevator, an uncle looked at me and said to his grandmother, "What a lovely little girl, is this your granddaughter? She should be in the second grade soon, right?" Grandma smiled and said, "My granddaughter will be in the fourth grade soon!" At this time, the uncle was silent, just like a child who had just made a mistake, and bowed his head for fear that I would blame him. I was even more ashamed that I could not say a word.

Another time, when I went to school in the morning, I remembered that the Chinese book had not been taken from the bed. So I ran back to get the book, but the bell rang before I entered the school. I was almost at the door of my classroom when a teacher on duty stopped me and said, "Children, this floor is full of fourth grade students. Are you going the wrong way?" I just saw our math teacher walking in front, so I pointed to the math teacher and said, "The one in front is our class teacher. I'm in fourth grade." Surprised, the teacher on duty said, "You look so small and short. Are you really a fourth grader?" At that time, the math teacher saw me, walked up to me, explained to the teacher on duty, and then took me into the classroom. It really embarrassed me!

Alas, I really wish I could go to heaven and ask God to give me a bottle of Changgao Potion, so that I can quickly grow taller and get rid of my troubles.

Troubled Composition (14)

This morning, I failed the monthly exam one by one. Yesterday, I took the monthly exam on politics and history. Every time I take an exam, I have full potential. In the end, nothing comes of me. Others say, "It's better to do this than not to do it well." But I have worked hard on my study. Why should I be so careless at the critical moment! Today, the same is true. It was meant to learn a lesson, but it is not as simple as imagined. Easier said than done! In life, everything has a beginning, and so does learning. Therefore, the failure of this monthly exam should teach me a lesson. I hope to continue to work hard in the mid-term exam. This failure is a small matter. If I still stay there at the end of the term, I will be so upset. I really don't know how to report it to my parents. They are still waiting for my achievements. They have great expectations for me. I don't want parents to lose confidence in me. In learning, they only know that achievements, knowledge and knowledge can change my life, but they don't know what I want. Why don't they use it to encourage me? I don't want to disappoint their hopes for me. I also want to work hard to repay them with a good result. However, I don't want to lose confidence in myself. I want to work hard to change the reality. My teachers and classmates, including my alma mater, I can't give up. They place my dream on me. They have organized a warm family for me. They are my relatives. Nothing is more important than them. I want to work hard, I want to bring my ideal, with my family's expectations of me. Go out of school in a big way. I don't want to become an ugly duckling, or a Cinderella, or a swan or a princess. I just want to be an ordinary, strong and unyielding green grass, waiting for the underground fire.

Junior 3: Liu Pan

Troubled Composition (15)

My troubles

Everyone has their own troubles, so do I. People who have no worries and troubles are not gods. There are some troubles in life and study My trouble is about learning.

As we all know, "Mathematical Olympiad" is a very abstruse course of mathematics. My father enrolled me in an Olympic math class. At first, I felt good, but the more difficult it was to learn later. After that, every time I do homework, I have to ask my mother. When I do math homework every day, my head will become a "big watermelon"! Because of this, I failed in the Olympic Maths midterm exam. I was really embarrassed at that time, because my parents worked hard to pick me up and send me to class. It's still the same now. It's so stressful to study that I can't have a good rest on Sundays. I have to do my math homework when I come back.

But anyway, I must work hard to get a high score in the Olympic math exam!

Troubled Composition (16)

Although I am young, I am also bored! This matter makes the night restless. Want to know what's bothering me? Then go on and look down.

Yes, I believe some students are as worried as I am: "midterm exam"!

The midterm exam is coming soon, and I'm so worried that I might go home with a bad score.

First of all, we took the math exam. Mathematics is my least sensitive subject, so I was very nervous during the exam. Next, I took the English test. I was afraid of writing words, so I finished two subjects in fear.

In the afternoon, I was about to take the Chinese exam. Thinking of Mr. He's kindness to me and his classmates' expectations for me, I also wanted to prove my strength. So in my heart, I told me that I must cheer on and not disappoint Mr. He and his classmates' expectations of me.

At the beginning of the exam, I found that some questions were clear to me at a glance, and it was not very difficult, so I calmed down and answered them carefully.

At night, I didn't sleep because I was so worried. However, when the test papers were handed out, I was still surprised by my scores. Chinese, mathematics and English have been greatly improved. For me, this score is excellent. But I still spent a day in tension. Don't you feel bored?

Troubled Composition (17)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has more or less been exposed to composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). So, how to write a composition? The following is an 800 word composition on growing worries carefully arranged by Xiao Bian for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Speaking of our troubles, many parents will think that our children's childhood is carefree. But in fact, it's not like this. Children also have many troubles. For example, I have a sister. Before my sister was born, I lived like a free little princess. But after my sister was born, all the love my parents gave me was given to my sister. I don't care about anything.

Once, when I was going to an English class, I was 45 minutes ahead of schedule, but my mother was 15 minutes late because of my sister. I thought, "Forget it, it doesn't matter. It only takes ten minutes for my father to send me." But in fact, my mother sent me, and it took half an hour! I'm already very late. Then I rushed forward like crazy. But the next moment, tragedy happened.

Because I was running too fast, I knocked down the glass door and fell to the ground heavily. I suddenly found that I had shed a lot of blood. My first reaction was to go back and find my mother's car. But in just a few seconds, even my mother's car disappeared! I immediately felt very angry and aggrieved. I felt a little angry and my head hurt like an explosion, and the big wound on my tongue kept bleeding. Bright red blood stained the white clothes. I cried in a hurry. I kept looking for my cell phone to call my mother. I was talking to my mother on the phone. After I got through, I yelled to my mother to pick me up, but my mother answered me like this: "What are you talking about? Speak up! I can't hear you!" My mother said weakly. What? I'm going to collapse! I'm going to yell at her, but I can't hear you! Then I yelled at her again and saw her car coming slowly.

After a while, I saw her stop by the nearby station. I rushed over and imagined that my mother would comfort me. But unexpectedly, she slapped me when she came up! I think. what? I'm wronged! What did I do? Why hit me? Why didn't you ask me what happened when I was injured? You slapped me!

I'm really wronged! My mother shouted, "Why are you crying? What did you say on the phone just now? I didn't understand a word! You just have a big problem, you can't hear clearly!" She shouted at me fiercely. what? My tongue is bleeding like this and swollen like this. Can I speak clearly? I felt like I had a thick and long needle stuck in my heart. My heart and I are crying.

Once I got home, I was very angry with my mother and very sad. So children's childhood is not necessarily carefree.

Troubled Composition (18)

I am not only a good sports commissioner and an enthusiastic squadron leader, but also have a good performance. I can also be regarded as the teacher's assistant at ordinary times. However, because of this, I often have a lot of troubles. These troubles always come out in endlessly, making me often become upset and anxious. Let me talk about it carefully and slowly!

We are reviewing recently. We work together at the same table to make the same exam paper. Two people work on the same question and explain their own practices to each other. The answer is different. We should correct the process step by step. If we encounter a difference, we should do it again and show our own process. This is the real purpose of the teacher to let us work together at the same table.

But what is different from us is my back table. When we discussed correcting papers together, they held the red pen alone, even ignoring the original intention of the teacher to let us change and talk to each other. It is purely about the answers. They are indiscriminate about the answers, which makes the teacher know that I am not considered by the teacher to help others in learning?

I really can't stand it. I don't want them to continue this vicious circle. They can only add fuel to the fire and make things worse. They have not done well in the past, but this has no effect. What's the use of teachers asking us to do this? In desperation, I had to kindly remind them: "You should not only focus on the answers, but also on the process. If you encounter problems with different answers, you must discuss them with each other, so as to achieve the effect that the teacher requires us to work together at the same table."

Instead of listening, they agreed that if the answer is the same, there is no need to discuss it, which makes me very upset and distressed.

However, what bothers me even more is that once their answers diverge, they habitually poke me in the back with a pen without discussion: "Teach us how to do this problem quickly." I still have to teach trouble. I taught patiently and slowly. They not only didn't understand, but also wanted to copy my answers. Of course, I won't copy them. I teach them again and again, knowing that I can't understand them even if I polish them patiently, because their minds are all on the answers, I have to ask the teacher!

These two troubles are still bothering me. Can you give me some advice?

Troubled Composition (19)

One night, when I was sleeping, I heard a buzzing sound from time to time. I suspected that it was the sound of mosquitoes. But I also thought that with the air conditioner on, there should be no mosquitoes coming to bite me. He continued to fall asleep.

When I got up in the morning, I felt itchy all over. It was only then that I realized that a mosquito had really bitten me last night, and there were many red pimples on my body. I immediately ran to my mother's bedroom. Just as Mom and my brother got up, they asked her, "Did you and your brother have mosquitoes when they slept last night?"

"Yes, Tedo, I killed a lot of mosquitoes last night." My mother said angrily, and my brother followed the trend with a "Hmm".

"Then go to my bedroom and call for me," I pleaded with my mother.

"All right." My mother readily agreed.

Mother came into my bedroom with a fly swatter. She walked like a general on the march, sonorous and powerful, as if she had a deep hatred for mosquitoes. She stood on my bed with a fly swatter in one hand and looked around for mosquitoes. Suddenly, her eyes locked on the "prey" on the corner of the wall, and with a lightning speed, she strove to shoot the "weapon" in her hand at it, and the "prey" immediately died on the weapon.

Worry is an indispensable part of everyone's daily life. It may happen at any time. Even today, with the improvement of living conditions, there are still some worries that cannot be driven away.

There is a saying that there are more ways than difficulties! As long as we are optimistic and try to solve the problem, there will be no difficulty.