I have grown up to be a fifth grade composition (15 required)
Liangcheng Old Man
2024-06-21 07:24:01
fifth grade

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (1)

Teachers are a group of people who teach students, embrace knowledge and transmit it. Because they are knowledge disseminators, and knowledge can improve the lives of millions of people, their behavior can be called beautiful.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. In the classroom, when I see the tireless teachers on the platform, they have to write on the blackboard for us, and they have to work hard to solve our questions; I saw their hard work and their sweat, and I was surprised that they were very happy despite their hard work. When I saw that our classmates were happy to study, they always showed brilliant joy on their faces. I was moved by their tireless efforts in education.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. When I see the TV news that someone in a certain place has committed crimes because of some trivial things in life, or someone in a certain place has committed some crimes because of personal self-interest; Through in-depth understanding, I found that these people with bad behaviors generally have low educational qualifications, insufficient educational experience and insufficient educational conditions in their regions. I am deeply aware of the importance of teachers. Teachers can educate their children, make them firm in their good faith, and grow up to avoid danger.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. Thinking from the macro perspective of the country, the construction of the teaching team is an important work related to the future and destiny of the country. Children are the future hope of a country and a nation. If children do not have a good education, the cause of the country and the nation will face gloom in the future. If the children are well educated, the revitalization and development of the nation will retain great hope and valuable human resources. Therefore, when I grow up, I want to be a teacher and contribute to the development of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (2)

When I grew up, my father said that I am more obedient now. Although I occasionally complain and cheat, I will improve after correction and persuasion. I am a good boy. Recently, I found the clothes my mother bought for me. I can't wear pants. I eat more three meals every day than before. The most surprising thing is: "My height has reached my mother's neck!" It turns out that I really grow up.

My mother said that my second grade is much better than my first grade. I can ride my bike much faster. I will also go to piano lessons by myself, cross the road by myself, get up and prepare for school by myself. I can come by myself from changing clothes and eating breakfast to checking my schoolbag. I think I have become more powerful in magic. I used to be found out how to do magic. Now my skills have improved. My strength has also increased. I can carry heavy things.

I am very happy that I have grown up. When my mother saw that I patiently taught my naughty brother to write his homework, she always praised me as a good boy; The teacher found that my words became more beautiful and hoped that the students would learn from me; Dad found that I was good at sweeping the floor, so he asked me to help him clean his study every day; As soon as I saw that my grandpa or grandma needed help, I immediately offered to help without saying a word; The money my mother gave me was not spent indiscriminately, and it was taken out when necessary; People around me, when they find me growing up, praise me very much and hope I am healthy. Grow up happily.

I grow up and feel great!

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (3)

Like a tree, in spring, it probes into the soil; In summer, grow up in the wind and rain; Autumn, mature in the golden wind; Winter, sharpen in the cold. Spring goes by and autumn comes. In the long river of years, a seedling can wash away the green and tender, and finally grow into a towering tree. Me, too.

Indeed, I have grown up! I gradually understood my parents' good intentions towards me, and I gradually learned to think. I have learned that I can handle my own affairs by myself and no longer rely on my parents; You should explore your own path and walk by yourself. No one else can replace you.

Indeed, I have grown up! I learned tolerance. I not only learned to tolerate others, but also learned to tolerate myself. I won't make a scene with my deskmate because of some trivial things, nor do I always regret that I made a mistake. I have a heart as vast as the sea.

Indeed, I have grown up! The former 'I, whether happy or sad, always talked endlessly; But now I know how to control my emotions, and also know how to be cheerful and angry. So, sometimes, I will lie on my desk alone and meditate - either happy or sad

Indeed, I have grown up! I became a sentimental girl. Do we have to lose the joy and innocence of childhood when we grow up? This problem always bothers me. I have just entered the journey of life, and the bright future is waving to me. I will put aside all my troubles, look for innocence and purity, and pursue brightness and hope

Students, let's grow up slowly together!

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (4)

Before I entered the primary school, my mother became the object of my close dependence. This idea had been chasing me until the first semester of the fourth grade of primary school.

In the morning, my mother helps me dress, my mother calls me when I eat, my family accompanies me when I study, and I have to be coaxed when I sleep. In short, I am like a "little emperor" at home.

I remember that when I was in the second grade, one day my mother was still working. According to the convention, when I arrived at my mother's work place after school, my mother coaxed me to have a meal and finish my homework. I asked my mother to accompany me to do my homework. Just then someone came to my mother to talk about things. My mother got up and went out to talk about things in order not to disturb my homework. When I saw that the situation was wrong, Wait for the grievance and say, "Mom, don't go out. I'm afraid if you go out.". Mother said: "Junlong is not afraid. Mother will come back soon". When my mother went out, I had to brave my head and do my homework in a nervous mood. I looked up from time to time to see if my mother was back. I was very afraid. After about an hour, my mother came back. As if I had been wronged, I threw myself into my mother's arms and cried.

Just during the winter vacation, my mother talked to me and said to me: "My child, you are already a big child. In the future, when my mother is not at home, you should study hard, do your own things, learn to wash and cook, and learn to do your own things.". I listened carefully to what my mother said to me, and now everything has come true step by step.

Today is the fifth day of the New Year. I have learned to study alone and help my mother do housework.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (5)

In my parents' eyes, I am not a child, but a travel experience this summer made me feel that I have grown up.

This summer, my parents took me to Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong. At noon, we came to Huanglong Scenic Area. At noon in the hot summer, Huanglong was only a dozen degrees. As soon as I got out of the car, I felt cold. The unique weather on the plateau first gave me a dismount, and then we entered the Huanglong Scenic Area.

With the further extension of the mountain road, the temperature is gradually decreasing with the increase of altitude. You will be panting after a few steps, and you can take a rest to ease it. In order to lighten our load, my father took all the things on my mother and me, but even so, my fatigue was still getting stronger and stronger. Every step will be breathless, pale, sweat straight down. I sat down on the steps and kept saying, "I'm not going, I'm not going.". My father did not agree and insisted on moving forward. My idea was not recognized. In addition, my body was tired and I cried bitterly. My father did not shrink back because of my performance, but he continued to encourage us and proudly said: "Six years ago, I reached the end in only one hour. This is a test and exercise of your will quality. Only by defeating yourself, can we meet new challenges on the road of life in the future and become a strong person in life. I think you can!" Dad extended his hand to lead me to continue climbing. After listening to my father's words, I also wanted to: "No, you can't give up halfway, you must stick to it." I gritted my teeth, worked hard, dried my tears, dragged my heavy legs and lifted them hard. Every step would have to pay a lot of hardship. I regard every tourist in front of me as my goal of transcendence and move forward quickly, one by one. When I was tired, I took a rest at the roadside. After I lost a few mouthfuls of water, I continued to chase after them. I left many steps behind. After a long climb, I finally reached the Wucai Pool, and I took a long breath of air. The pool in front of us is quiet and serene. The ancient pagoda of the Ming Dynasty standing in the pool seems to be the patron saint of the pool. The walls and bottom of the color pool are of different colors, showing milky white, golden yellow, sky blue, green, blue black and other colors, which are gorgeous and exquisite. I can't help blurting out: "It's really a fairyland on earth!"

At this time, it began to drizzle, which seemed to cheer for my success in climbing, and also washed away my fatigue! Enjoying the pool, my ideal is: I am also great! I'm already a fourth grade student. I can't do anything halfway. Only with strong will and perseverance can I succeed! At this time, I also feel that I have grown up and become strong.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (6)

At that moment, I learned to be tolerant - under tolerance, I found that I would grow up and not be so naive as before.

It was a sunny afternoon. I finally finished writing a composition, took it to my sister, and asked her to help me revise it. My sister took the composition with one hand and looked at it. She held up a glass of milk with the other hand and drank it. I also hurriedly moved a small stool and snuggled up beside my sister, expecting her to give me some suggestions.

Suddenly, the younger brother pushed the door and came in. He ran quickly, hugged his sister, and proudly shouted, "Sister, sister, go and see, my beans are sprouting!" Unexpectedly, when the younger brother hugged his sister, he knocked the cup in her hand and splashed milk on my face and composition book. I wiped my face with my hand, and then looked at the composition book. The deep and shallow lines on the top became a big colorful face, and the handwriting began to become blurred.

I was so angry that I was about to get angry with the younger brother of the "rascal" that I suddenly found that his younger brother had lost all his joy and stood there dumbfounded with fear. My mouth kept purring: "I...... I...... I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it..."

I didn't expect that this naughty little guy would be afraid sometimes. I couldn't help feeling pity and turned my face out of the window to calm myself. There is a flower pot on the windowsill, and several buds are particularly conspicuous, showing vitality. This should be the result of my brother's long time work. No wonder he is so excited! Hey, it's better to forgive people. It's often said that "tolerance is gold". Besides, my younger brother is still young, so I can't pour cold water on him when he is most happy!

Thinking of this, my anger gradually died out. I smiled at my brother, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's OK, little guy, I know you didn't mean it, and my sister doesn't blame you!" Then I took out a paper towel to wipe the stains on the composition book. The elder sister gave me a approving look and quickly comforted the younger brother: "Yes, younger brother, don't be afraid! The elder sister knows that you are the best, and certainly won't deliberately destroy it!" The younger brother sighed with relief and smiled again. Looking at the blooming smile on my brother's face, at that moment, I really felt that I had grown up.

At this moment, I suddenly had a new idea. I quickly put down my composition book, took my sister with one hand and my brother with the other, and said happily, "Let's go to see the bean sprouts!" Joyful laughter echoed in the yard

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (7)

When I was young, I often thought: What is the true meaning of growing up? This problem gradually faded away with the passage of time, and because that event reminded me of my dusty memory

I clearly remember that in the morning, my mother and I quarreled again because of a small matter. I changed into a hurry clothes, put on my schoolbag, and walked out of the house. Maybe it was a gamble. I turned off my mobile phone and walked silently on the busy street

"Damn, I wasted a whole day!" I squatted on the curb and cursed the weather. The strong wind almost blew people down. I shivered in the cold wind, "Damn it! Why today? Alas..." I finally couldn't help but get on the bus home

I couldn't restrain my curiosity and switched on my mobile phone again. As soon as I started up, a lot of text messages and missed calls came one after another, all of which belonged to my mother. I read the messages carefully one by one: "Daughter? Where are you? Mother will pick you up? No accident? Call back!" There were many messages after this similar message. My tears rushed down. I shook my hands and replied a text message to my mother, "Mom, I'm almost home! Don't worry..." I dare not call, I'm afraid she will hear me crying! It's time to be distressed again! "Dudu..." My mother's short message. When I opened it, I couldn't help crying.

Back? Just come back! Mom made you some of your favorite dishes and waited for you to come back. "

Maternal love is so great. I grew up with my mother's care and love. I understand my parents' good intentions. No longer like a child, need someone to coax, need someone to hurt. This time...... "Mom, don't worry about it!" I said deeply in my heart, "I'm big!"

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (8)

The feeling of growth is really wonderful. Growth is like the growth ring of a tree, recording every bit of life; Growth, like beating notes, plays a moving movement; Growth is like a painting, drawing a moment of beauty. I found that I was no longer that young and ignorant child. At that moment, I grew up.

When I was young, I was the apple of my family's eye. I was not allowed to do any dirty work. Until the fourth grade of primary school, my loving mother suddenly became severe. She solemnly announced to me, "You are a big child now, and your clothes must be washed by yourself." My mother's serious expression made me unable to resist, even my obedient father, I didn't stand up to help me. I sat on the ground and cried and said, "Why? Other students have their mothers to help them, but I don't have them!" I angrily went back to the room and sulked. I thought my mother was just joking with me, but I realized my promise the next day. In this way, my dirty clothes gradually piled into a hill until one day I had no clothes to wear, so I reluctantly rubbed them with water and soap. Wearing my own clothes, I feel a bit taller than others in an instant, so I have formed a good habit of doing my own things.

One night, I was woken up by the sound of water. I crept to the toilet and peeped out half of my head. I saw my mother washing my clothes. The water heater at home was broken that day. My father was on a business trip. He saw my mother's hands turn red with cold. His nose turned sour and tears rolled in his eyes. It turned out that my clothes were so clean that my mother had washed them! I hid in the quilt and thought of losing my temper with my mother, I felt very ashamed

My mother has always cared for me with an invisible love. Under this kind of care, I broke the cocoon into a butterfly and became reliable from ignorance.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (9)

There is only a good mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is in his mother's arms, he can't enjoy happiness. Every time I get sick, there will always be someone to take care of me and accompany me. This person is my favorite mother.

When I was sick, my mother would not only sort out the medicine and meals before giving them to me, but also chat with me and tell me stories. Sometimes, I would bring snacks to me with great care. I think my mother loves me very much.

But one day, my mother got sick and had a high fever. I found my mother didn't wake me up in the morning, so I put on my clothes and went to wake my mother up. I saw my mother lying in bed, pale, and then I knew that my mother was ill. I'm in a hurry. I don't know what to do. I immediately called my father, who said that I would wake up my mother first and then observe her changes.

So, I tried to wake up my mother. Mom, how are you? Hungry or not? My mother said reluctantly that it was nothing, a small cold. After pouring my mother a cup of hot water and a bag of cold granules, I went to the kitchen to cook some dumplings. This time, I also divided the food and then gave it to my mother, chatting with her, and telling her stories at night.

The next morning, my mother's cold finally got better, and she looked more energetic than yesterday. At that time, I was very happy, and the stones in my heart finally fell. My mother said to me, Cheng Er, you have grown up and learned to take care of your mother.

At that moment, I also understood that caring for relatives around me is a kind of happiness, and giving is more valuable than taking.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (10)

Time flies. Now that I am 12 years old, I think I have grown up gradually.

When I was young, I played coquetry in the arms of my parents and felt their love. No matter how busy they were, they would try their best to come back to accompany me.

Today, when I came home from school, I suddenly saw my grandfather fanning around the door with a fan. His head still looked at the intersection where I came back from time to time. I asked curiously, "Grandpa, what are you looking at?" Grandpa smiled, turned his wrinkled face into a chrysanthemum, and said, "See if you have come back." My heart warmed up, and I watched Grandpa enter the room, waving a fan and asked, "Grandpa, why don't you turn on the air conditioner?" Grandpa just smiled and said, "I'm used to it." So, I took the fan and said, "Grandpa, let me fan it for you!" Grandpa smiled, nodded and said, "Ha! My granddaughter has grown up!" I fanned and fanned hard behind Grandpa, and a pain came from my arm.

This picture seems a little familiar! I suddenly remembered that when I was eight years old, there was no fan or air conditioner at home. I remember that it was one night when we had dinner. I said, "How hot!" My mother quickly brought a fan to fan behind me. Delicate and coquettish, I said ungratefully, "Mom, how can I eat if you only fan the back instead of the front? Sweat has fallen into the food." Mom smiled and said, "If Mom fans the front, won't you fan your food cold?" I just "hummed" and didn't say anything. I never noticed those hands. The hands seemed to be tired without knowing it, and the arms were sweating and ignored.

Now when I think about it, I think I was really ignorant at that time. Tonight, I watched my mother's shining black hair turn white and her dexterous and soft hands grow cocoons when. Her face was very tired. I think: I never washed my mother's feet once, and it should not be too late to mend them now. I took a bucket of just right water, neither hot nor cold, and came to my mother and said, "Mom, let me help you wash your feet!" I gently stroked my calloused feet, and couldn't help crying. I was not good at my grades, and I was fond of playing. I never knew how to help my mother do some work. These callouses were dry, and my eyes were flooded with tears, I kept blaming myself. When I was immersed in my world, my mother also cried, cried happily and said, "My daughter has grown up, my daughter has grown up..."

That night was destined to be a sleepless night. I couldn't sleep in that night. I found that the pillow was wet.

That time, I understood, deeply understood that growing up is not growing tall, but understanding!

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (11)

When the car slowly drove into the military training center, we were all very happy, chirping like a group of birds just flying out of the cage, and finally escaped the shackles of Mom and Dad, and we were free.

But when the six day military training began, we didn't think so. The hot sun is tempering our will, and the hot earth is testing our endurance. Military training - monotonous and irritable, military training - hard test, does military training only leave us such memories? No, the body is strong in military training, the will is sharpened in military training, and the style is displayed in military training. The heat, fatigue and pain in the military training, and the patience, persistence and tenacity in the military training... all these things make me unforgettable.

I once saw the soldiers marching in a neat manner on TV. The steps and movements made me excited and admired. But who knows how hard it is to practice. The sun is so hot! On the playground, we all sweated and practiced meticulously. At the beginning, we were always in a hurry. Later, under the correct guidance of the drillmaster, we finally got together, and our sweat covered faces all burst into bright smiles. Although our legs are almost soft, we have survived. We overcame the scorching sun and fatigue, and we were extremely proud. In sweat, we shed our childishness and become mature; In military training, we throw away our vulnerability and become strong. We are growing up

Although the military training is over, I will never forget this military training. This military training let me know how hard it is to be a soldier. At the opening ceremony, the words of the instructor, "blood and sweat, no tears, no skin and no meat left behind", echoed in my ears all the time, which showed that a soldier should put the interests of the country and the people first. We should have the spirit of hard work and the courage to overcome difficulties. This military training has benefited me a lot. I learned to have iron like a soldier, discipline like a soldier, and perseverance like a soldier. In this military training, I grew up!

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (12)

Growing up is full of laughter, tears and sweat. I still remember that event, which made me grow from a carefree child to a sensible child.

When I was in the second grade, my father and grandmother went to the hospital to take care of my sick grandfather. My mother and I are the only two people left at home. After school, my mother picked me up at home and said, "Chen Chen, my head is a little uncomfortable. You go to do your homework first, and I will cook later." I asked my mother, "Are you running a fever, I can take care of my mother.

Just do what I say. I made a packet of cold granules to let my mother have a rest after drinking. Then I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I took two packages of instant noodles, took a pot of water, and turned on the gas stove. After the water boils, put the dough into it and use chopsticks to pick it up. Then, I took out a little spinach from the refrigerator, washed it and put it in the pot. When the noodles become soft, I put seasoning bags. So the hot instant noodles will come out of the pot. I put the noodles into a bowl and put them on the table. After a while, my mother woke up. Seeing the noodles on the table, she praised me: "My son has grown up and knows that he loves his mother." After eating the noodles, I asked my mother to lie down and have a rest. After a while, my mother's fever subsided, and the big stone in my heart fell down.

In the process of taking care of my mother, I feel that I have grown up and become a sensible child. I am no longer the child who was taken care of before.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (13)

A few days ago, Grandma sprained her foot when she went out to buy vegetables. I thought: What should I do then? Don't no one cook my lunch?

The next day, my mother said, "You can make do with some bread on the table." I thought: How can a piece of bread fill your stomach? I have grown up and should learn to cook by myself. Do what you say. I put the dishes of last night into the microwave oven one by one. A few minutes later, the delicious dishes came out of the oven with a "ding"! In this way, the lunch will be available. But what if there is no soup? When I was at a loss, I saw an egg on the table. I thought: When there was no milk in the morning, my mother often cooked eggs for me. So, I hit the egg on the bowl like my mother, and peeled off the eggshell. The yellow yolk and egg white flowed out. After beating the egg, I put a spoonful of salt, a few drops of sesame oil, and a handful of onions. Then I filled a bowl of water and carefully put the bowl into the pot to steam. In a blink of an eye, a bowl of yellow stewed eggs will be out of the pot, ah, really fragrant! I dug a little with a spoon to taste it. It's really good. It's just a little salty, but this is my first time cooking. I'm very satisfied with myself. After a while, I ate my lunch.

When my mother knew this, she praised me and said, "When you grow up, you will learn to cook by yourself. You will never have to worry about your parents again!"

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (14)

The boat of memory runs in my mind, paddling with two oars, rippling on the lake

I remember that it was a sunny afternoon, the sun was shining all over the earth, and the birds were chirping in the branches, overflowing the breath of youth, which made me feel relaxed and happy. But I was locked at home by relentless homework. Only by defeating him can I get time to rest. I think about the outside world, and the pen speed in my hand has accelerated a lot. Finally, with my hard work, I finished all my homework. It's really tiring. I went out of the room, looking for something to play with. But nothing. I had to sit on the sofa to rest, close my eyes and ponder over the math problem just now. Maybe it was because I was too tired to write my homework. I fell asleep soon.

Unconsciously, as the time passed by, I woke up in a daze and felt a little hungry. I looked around and found a pile of apples on the tea table. Anyway, I was hungry, so I just ate an apple. I picked up the fruit knife and began to peel it. One, two, three, four, five. What? I even cut half of it completely, but I dare not relax and cut it carefully. Just when I was about to finish cutting, my hand slipped, and the knife cut my finger. Bright red blood flowed from the wound, which was just seen by my mother. She bound me up at a flying speed. Although it was only a few minutes, my mother was already sweating. At that moment, I touched the softest place in my heart.

At that moment, the memory boat returned to the harbor. At that moment, when I grew up, I understood that this was love, a great maternal love.

I grew up and wrote in Grade 5 (15)

With my mother's loving care, I grew up happily and always wanted to repay her. Of course, my mother's birthday cannot be missed. This year's birthday gift for my mother is not a birthday cake, nor a birthday card, but——

The exciting moment has finally arrived. That day I got up very early and crept to my mother's bedside. Maybe I was too tired the day before. My mother is sleeping soundly and snoring slightly. Mom, in your dream, are you still patiently tutoring me, explaining to me again and again, and repeatedly telling me: "You should carefully examine the questions during the exam, and don't be careless!" Do you dream that a 100 point exam paper flies in front of you, but when you look carefully, it is not your precious daughter's exam paper, and your face shows a look of disappointment, But he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. Try to do well in the exam next time."

I took the envelope out of my pocket and put it beside my mother's pillow. How happy my mother should be when she saw this gift! She will praise me, maybe even kiss me!

"Wang Tingyue, why are you here?" Mom finally woke up! "Happy birthday to you, here, this is my gift for you!" I handed the envelope with both hands respectfully and smiled on my mother's face. In addition to excitement, I can see that my mother is curious about the envelope in front of me! I pressed my mother's hand. "Don't hurry to open it. Guess what's in it first?" Mother turned the envelope over and looked at it several times, smiled and shook her head. "Ha ha -- it's the thing you want most, a full score test paper!" Mother took the test paper and looked at it again, her eyes shining with happiness, and her smile was engraved with two words of comfort.

Mom, you can rest assured that I will make you the happiest and happiest mother in the world, because I have grown up.