Moved by the fourth grade composition (18 in general)
I must be taller than the sky
2024-06-08 07:26:57
fourth grade
topic of conversation

Fourth grade composition moved (1)

My neighbor Zhou Shuhui and his family seldom meet each other on weekdays, and we only greet each other occasionally. I was very impressed with them, but a recent event deeply moved me.

That afternoon, when I came home from school, I rang the doorbell several times, but no grandmother came to open the door. I searched the yard again, but no grandmother was found. I guessed: "Where has Grandma gone? Maybe she went to play goal kick! Forget it, I'd better wait at home for a while!"

I leaned against the door, used books as stools, and took out books to prepare for homework. At this time, Zhou Shuhui's mother came back from shopping. Seeing me sitting at the door, she said to me gently, "Qian Qian, is your grandmother not at home? Come to my home and have a seat first!" I shook my head like a drum, always polite, and repeatedly refused: "It's OK, auntie, don't bother you. I'm fine here, and my grandmother will be back soon." "There are no tables and chairs here, and the light is so dark, how can you do your homework? Come in quickly, child!" I was moved by my aunt's simple words, so I came to my neighbor's house for the first time. As soon as I entered the house, my aunt quickly put out fruits and food and asked me for help; The naughty Zhou Shuhui immediately turned on the TV to show me; The uncle who was drawing quickly vacated the table to let me do my homework... When I saw that this family was so enthusiastic about me, my eyes were moist, and a warm current came to my heart. It's time for dinner. Grandma hasn't returned yet. My aunt cooked my favorite braised pork to entertain me. Seeing that I was anxious, they kept comforting me while calling me to contact Grandma. The enthusiasm of their family moved me, and I deeply sighed: "It is better to be a distant relative than a near neighbor!"

Yeah! Although we haven't met much, they are so enthusiastic about helping their neighbors. How can I not be moved by this neighborhood feeling!

Fourth grade composition moved (2)

Things in life, like the stars in the night, are innumerable. Some let you regret; Some surprises you; There is also something that makes you sad and sad... There is one thing that has touched many people:

I remember that day when I finished my homework and turned on the TV, I saw the host telling a story about a primary school student named Wang Jianhui, who originally had a family that was not rich but lived happily. But the good times didn't last long. His father had an incurable disease. The doctor said that his father could only live for three years at most. At this time, the whole family was deeply distressed. They raised money everywhere to cure his father's disease, but the money raised was far from enough to cure his father's incurable disease. Everyone was worried like ants on a hot pan - round and round. His mother abandoned them again for various reasons. It's a double whammy. Since then, Wang Jianhui, a child who has just entered primary school, has shouldered the burden of life. In order to save his father's life, he bought two books of Chinese herbal medicine with the only money left, and compared them with picking herbs in the mountains and forests. He would get up at 4 am every day to make breakfast for his father. At noon, he had nothing to eat in the mountains himself, so he ate sour wild fruits to satisfy his hunger. I can't remember how many times I fell, how many times it was windy and rainy, and how cold it was. Time flies like an arrow. Six years later, when Wang Jianhui grew up, it seemed that the god of death was also moved by this unyielding love and did not take his father away.

The life of this simple rural child seemed so far away from me. He suffered hardships I could not imagine, and his firmness made me ashamed. For the first time, I took the initiative to grab the broom in the hands of my busy mother in the dim tears

Fourth grade composition moved (3)

In life, I will encounter many moving things, one thing is new.

One day, when I was having lunch at noon, I was leisurely eating lunch in the classroom, and suddenly, I jumped

Frightened, I didn't know what the noise was. I went out and saw Yang Xiaobao worrying. Before I went, I said, "Yang Xiaobao? What are you worried about?"

Yang Xiaobao was stunned and said, "What should I do? I emptied the lunch box." I saw it and walked away immediately. In order to avoid being thought that I had knocked down his lunch box, Jiang Junlin was already helping Yang Xiaobao clean up. Dad took out the other lunch boxes one by one. After cleaning, Jiang Junlin gave half of the food and dishes to Yang Xiaobao. Later, people who saw it nearby immediately gave their own meals, some of which were meat, and some of which Yang Xiaobao saw, I was also very happy and moved, and kept saying, "Thank you!" Soon Yang Xiaobao's lunch boxes had piled up, and he distributed the endless meals to his classmates. The students quickly returned to their desks to eat quietly. It seemed that the scene just happened.

At noon, if I were moved by what you and your classmates had just seen.

In life, touching things will happen at any time as long as you pay attention to the details of the discovery.

Fourth grade composition moved (4)

In life, there must be one or two things in your mind! There are surprises, happiness, sadness, and of course, there are also things that move us. There is one thing that can make me very moved in retrospect.

That was when I was five years old. As a child, I was more playful and always liked to burrow in alleys. Therefore, my clothes are always cut by some branches. Of course, I don't care.

But one night, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw a faint light in the living room. I went to see that it was my mother sewing clothes in the living room. Out of curiosity, I stared at my mother in the crack of the door. Suddenly, I heard a sound of "ah". Bright red blood came out of my mother's finger, but she sucked it and continued to sew. But I was like being deeply stabbed into my chest by thousands of knives. I tried to hold back my tears, but they still ran down. When I was young, I felt deeply that I had done something wrong. I went back to my room, threw myself on the bed and sobbed in a low voice for fear of being found by my mother. The next morning, I picked up the clothes that my mother sewed for me and thought: I will not drill everywhere next time. Because the drill was broken, my mother had to be pricked again. I hope I can grow up quickly. When I grow up, I must do something for my mother within my power.

Since then, I know more about moving: moving is everyone's sincere smile, every encouragement, and every person who loves me silently pays for me. Mom, thank you, you let me feel the sweetness of life.

Fourth grade composition moved (5)

There are many moving things in life today. They are hidden in our hearts like a pearl at the bottom of the sea. I can't forget that until today.

Once, Yang Wanyue accidentally destroyed someone else's food, so she had to give her own food to the classmate who had been destroyed. At this time, Jiang Junlin came to clean the food with her broom, and then sat down on the seat and waited for bed. Jiang Junlin picked up his lunch box, got up, walked to Yang Wanyue, and gave her some food. When everyone saw it, they also gave her some food, Yang Wanyue took the lunch box and said, "Thank you." Jiang Junlin went down to get it for fear that he might not have enough. I was also moved by the presence.

Once I forgot to bring a ruler in math class in the morning. The teacher said the day before yesterday that if I didn't have a ruler, I would send a school message to tell my parents that they didn't finish as required. When Jiang Junlin saw me, he came up to me and said, "What's wrong?" I said with a bitter face, "I forgot to bring a ruler." The teacher was going to send a school message again. Jiang Junlin said, "I'm not afraid. I have another set of rules to bring to you." Jiang Junlin immediately ran to his seat and gave me a ruler. I was so moved that I said, "Thank you."

To this day, I can't forget that I thought of it and was deeply moved by it.

Fourth grade composition moved (6)

In my memory, there are countless moving things, but the most impressive thing for me is that one thing.

When I was in the third grade, I was about to take the final exam, but I was hospitalized because of a cold. It was my father who took care of me that day. How do you feel! Not bad! With that, Dad picked up several pieces of paper and sat on the table beside him. My father used the hospital as an office. I saw my father frowning, scratching his head and thinking, and writing carefully on the paper.

At this time, I found that my father's hair was getting whiter and whiter, and I couldn't help thinking: My father was busy working while taking care of me. It was really hard. So I couldn't help shedding tears. Dad asked me in a panic: What's wrong? Is something wrong? No, I was very upset when I saw that your hair was white for work and for me. It's OK. This is what Dad should do. Dad stroked my head and said with a smile. After listening to my father's words, I felt even more moved.

Although this is a very common thing, it has moved me so far. I want to say loudly to my father: Dad, I love you!

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (7)

I remember that the winter of 20xx was the most special winter in my life. In the winter of heavy snow, there was a person who was too ordinary to be ordinary; These are all unforgettable to me.

It was the coldest day that winter. At the edge of a pond, people crowded. It turned out that a child accidentally fell into the pool while playing. There were more and more people around the pond. They were all talking in a low voice, but no one went to save the child.

At this time, a man in plain clothes passed by and curiosity forced him to stop. After some inquiry, he learned that the child fell into the pond. The man did not hesitate. He strode to the side of the pond and jumped down with dignity. For a moment, none of the onlookers made a sound again. Everyone stared at the pool. After a while, the man took the child ashore. Then he handed the child over to someone else and left after a few words of advice.

Soon, he disappeared in the distance.

When I saw the news on TV. Suddenly, my eyes were moist. When I think of the touching scene that he jumped into the pond to save people without fearing the cold, and his great spirit of self sacrifice. His image in my heart suddenly rose, and a wave of respect rose in my heart.

Whenever I recall that winter, there will always be a drop of hot tears flowing down my cheek

Fourth grade composition moved (8)

One Sunday morning, the weather was particularly sunny. A bus was driving on the asphalt road. There were not many people in the bus, but there was no vacant seat.

"Di Di" The bus pulled up and a disabled boy came up. An old woman said hurriedly, "Take me, little friend." The little boy said, "No need, I'll go to the back." At this time, a little girl in a dress said, "Big brother, take me." The little boy sat down at the little girl's seat and said, "Thank you, little sister."

The car continued to drive. Suddenly, a sudden brake came on. The little sister fell down and touched an uncle sitting in front of her. The little sister hurriedly said to him, "I'm sorry." At this time, people in the car turned their eyes to the little girl's face. The little boy said:

"This seat should let you sit." The little girl said, "It doesn't matter." The uncle blushed and said, "This seat should let me." Then he gently held the little girl to his seat. Everyone on the bus stood up, all showing admiring smiles, and the little girl also showed a lovely smile.

At that moment, I was really moved!

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (9)

One Sunday morning, the weather was particularly sunny. A bus was driving on the asphalt road. There were not many people in the bus, but there was no vacant seat.

"Di Di" The bus pulled up and a disabled boy came up. An old woman said hurriedly, "Take me, little friend." The little boy said, "No need, I'll go to the back." At this time, a little girl in a dress said, "Big brother, take me." The little boy sat down at the little girl's seat and said, "Thank you, little sister."

The car continued to drive. Suddenly, a sudden sudden brake came on. The little sister fell down and touched an uncle sitting in front of her. The little sister hurriedly said to him, "I'm sorry." At this time, people in the car turned their eyes to the little girl's face. The little boy said:

"This seat should let you sit." The little girl said, "Never mind." The uncle blushed and said, "This seat should let me." Then he gently held the little girl to his seat. Everyone on the bus stood up, all showing their admiring smiles, and the little girl also showed her lovely smile.

At that moment, I was really moved!

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (10)

Our head teacher, Miss Yuan. She is like a candle, burning herself and illuminating others; Like a diligent gardener, he watered and fertilized our seedlings.

I remember last semester, Teacher Yuan accidentally fell on the stairs and suffered a serious fracture. It's said that she needs a rest before coming to class. When we learned the news, we were all afraid. We hurried to Miss Yuan's house to see her, but she said: "This is just a minor injury. It won't be long, so don't worry." He also asked us about our recent learning, and he has put aside his pain. We took out the fruit and gave it to her, saying, "Just a little hurt, let you go all the way. Come on, let's eat together!" At this time, our young hearts were already touched, and some students were moved to tears.

When Teacher Yuan was away, we all looked forward to her recovering soon and giving us lessons. One morning, we finally got our wish. But when I saw that she was still on crutches, I took the trouble to teach us. At this time, my nose is sore. In this way, Mr. Yuan still insists on arriving at school on time every day. Even if it rains, he never delays our study because of his leg injury. As soon as class began, she picked up her textbook and "jumped" all the way from the office into the classroom. Although the road is very close, I see efforts in her eyes. When we entered the classroom, we didn't even sit on a chair. We just taught with one foot. At this time, glistening beads of sweat fell from her forehead. We were so distressed that we quickly found a chair for her and she sat down. After class, we asked curiously: Why don't you wait until your legs are completely ready to give us a lesson? However, she said enthusiastically: "If I don't come for a long time, it may affect your study. In this way, I will not do my duty as a teacher." At this time, we were deeply moved.

Although I graduated late, I have fewer and fewer opportunities to meet Teacher Yuan, but she will always be a good teacher in Class 5 (4)!

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (11)

"Hoohoo -" The wind outside the window hung fiercely, and heavy snow was falling. Walking on the way to school, I saw a moving scene.

In front of me, an old woman was taking her grandson to school. Immediately, she took off her thick cotton gloves, picked up a handful of snow from the side, and shined shoes for her grandson. The piercing pain pierced her hand like a needle, but she just endured it silently without words.

In fact, there are many people and things that move us. They are often reported on TV and news. But I think that in fact, there are many things around us that can move us in those unobtrusive details. These things are very close to our lives. The so-called moving is made by the heart. Maybe these things are not so moved that we cry, but they have touched our hearts. Movements are big or small, and every kind of touching should be respected by us.

Because behind this moving, there must be a great person, there must be a great thing. So I chose some small things in life, those things that are unobtrusive but have been persistently done.

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (12)

"Tear -" Another piece of draft paper was torn off by me. How could I be so stupid? Isn't it just writing a moving composition? I felt dizzy and wanted to take a walk outside.

"Zhi --" The door of the room opened, and the mother came in. She held a big apple in her right hand, smiled, and said, "Baby, are you thirsty? Come and eat an apple." I took the apple, unwilling to eat it, opened the door and walked downstairs, along the flower bed in front of the building.

Suddenly, a cleaning worker in a blue vest came into my sight. She led a little boy of about two or three years old. The boy was wearing an old, ill fitting, fat coat with several rolls of sleeves. I think it was probably mother and son. The mother held a small apple in her right hand, and the child was staring at the apple in his mother's hand, The mother licked Tian's dry and cracked lips, bit off a small piece, and held the small piece of apple with her left hand to feed the child one piece after another. I watched her feed the whole apple without moving. I could see a happy expression on her face from time to time, as if she was moved.

I think that the mother's life is not very comfortable. Maybe she doesn't have more money to buy delicious food and fashionable clothes for her children, but she should give her children fair love. Looking at the apple in my hand, my life also appeared in front of me. My mother tried her best to prepare delicious food for me, and bought famous and expensive clothes for me at the mall. But I always complained, complaining that the food I ate was not palatable, that the clothes were not good, and that my mother gave me too little happiness... And that mother taught me a lot, Mother has paid too much for me!

Thinking of this, I want to say humble words to my hard-working mother. I pushed the door and looked up. Suddenly, I found many silver threads emerging from my mother's dark hair, and my eyes were moist

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (13)

In fact, sometimes people are like fish in a fishbowl. They have a lot of words to say, but when they see each other, they turn into a string of ellipses.

That year, you were touched

Oh, I forgot to bring my Chinese book. What should I do. I walked around the classroom anxiously. She put the book in my hand, looked at me and said, "Take it.". I read books and read her again. Why are we not enemies? I haven't said these three words yet, but she said to me with a slight anxiety and embarrassment: Don't misunderstand me, I just don't want to let the 'enemy' be imprisoned by the 'leader' before going to the 'battlefield'. I looked at her in disbelief. She didn't say anything. She handed me the book, turned and left. I looked at her back, and there was an unknown emotion rising in my heart, which could not be dispersed for a long time.

None of my so-called friends helped me at that time, but you, the so-called enemy, risked being invited to the office by the teacher to help me. I suddenly understand that you are my imaginary enemy. In fact, my so-called friends are not friends sometimes. The enemies are not enemies sometimes.

Thank you for moving me, and let me understand that everything can not only look at the appearance.

Junior two

This year, I was in the second year of junior high school. Compared with my childishness in junior high school, I looked very mature. Sometimes when I thought about junior high school, I was shy at best, but I couldn't let it go if I didn't like it. At that time, I always wondered why the teacher wanted me to be a member of the arts committee. Many girls in our class were better than me. This problem was always in my middle school. Until I got up the courage to ask the teacher why, he smiled and said to me: Because you like it. I was stunned. I asked myself if I liked it? I said to him: How can I like it? I used to envy the class cadres, but now I think the class cadres are really tired. He looked at me, and I felt a little uneasy. He sighed and said, "At first, this was the road you chose, so you should stick to it. There is no need to complain about the hardships on the road. After the rain, there will be a rainbow.". I looked at him. His eyes were full of trust and determination. I smiled. The smile was like the sun shining after dark clouds

Yes, each of us should have such determination. No matter what the future will be like, we should firmly believe that our future is full of this eye-catching splendor. I will keep going because it is my choice.

Every state of mind comes from moving, because moving comes from the deep heart of people, and every moving is a sublimation.

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (14)

My uncle's body was covered with purple spots, and my aunt's face began to darken day by day. Several hospitals agreed that my uncle was "aplastic anemia", and the doctor's scrawl on the diagnosis book blinded the whole family.

Uncle and aunt are very good tempered people. My uncle is happy all day long. I've never seen him unhappy. I heard that he captured my aunt's heart with his optimistic personality. It's really fun to live with a happy person. Once when I went to my uncle's house to play, my aunt took a bath in the bathroom with the lights off and the shower not on. She just received a bucket of water. My uncle listened to her wash without making a sound and jokingly said, "Wife, you are doing dry cleaning!" I was so happy that I didn't close my mouth for a long time.

We say that my aunt is so blessed that she can greet people with a smile every day. My aunt said with half shame and half annoyance: "Your uncle knows how to be garrulous. He is an empty talker. He has never written me a single word, and he has not even got a love letter to read when he is old!" How could such a good uncle and aunt suffer such misfortune?

My uncle lost all his hair after chemotherapy. He smiled and said to his aunt, "Wife, you can save half of your shampoo this time. My uncle's hematopoietic function is failing day by day and he is found to have hemolytic reaction, which means that my uncle may die at any time. My aunt's eyes were red and swollen. My uncle touched my aunt's face and said with a smile, "I am sick or you are sick. Why are you 'thinner than yellow flowers'?" My aunt turned her back and wiped away tears.

On the coldest day in winter, my uncle's face was whiter than the snowflakes flying outside the window. Before dusk came, my uncle passed away. The strong uncle held his aunt's hand and left tears of gratitude when he was dying.

On the morning paper of the third day, we saw my uncle's "love letter", which was placed in the column of "Marriage Seeking Notice" in bold letters: "My wife, 32 years old, I have lived with her for five years to prove that she is the best partner and the treasure I have met in this life. I wanted to treasure it all my life, but I will go ahead of her if the weather fails. Who can cherish her for me? I will be grateful in heaven! "

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (15)

Although my mother is very ordinary, she often affects me and touches me.

I remember last Thursday, my grandparents were going to Luoyang to see peonies the next day. When preparing food at night, I found that there was no water and no kettle at home. At this time, my mother asked my father to buy mineral water, and my father said it was too late to buy it again. "The water quality in the scenic spot can't be guaranteed, and it's not clean. What should I do in case my stomach gets bad after drinking?" Mother said angrily. Grandma also said that it was too late to buy, and no one listened to her mother. Mother had to dress herself and go shopping. Grandma said that it was too late to let her go. Mother insisted on buying. I followed her immediately.

On the way, I asked my mother: "Why do I have to buy water? It's nine o'clock at night. Can't it be tomorrow morning?" Mom said, "My grandparents will get the car at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. At that time, the supermarket was still not open, so we can't buy it. It would take two hours to get to Luoyang by car. If the traffic jam would be longer, it would be so hot these two days. My grandparents are old, so how can we not bring more water?" Oh, so it's true. What my mother said is reasonable, otherwise, why would we be so anxious. My mother also said to me seriously that anything can be late, but "filial piety" cannot be late. At the supermarket, my mother took six bottles of mineral water and bought some beef and other food at once. When she got home, she cut the food and put it in a bag, and put all the water in the bag. After that, she went to bed satisfied.

The next day, my grandparents came back from Luoyang. As soon as they entered the house, they said they had drunk all the water they had brought with them. They also bought eight bottles of water. It turned out that the air conditioner on the bus they went to Luoyang was broken, the windows could not be opened, the car was stuffy and hot, and after they arrived at the scenic spot, they walked all the time, hot and tired, so the water bought by my mother was just for use. Everyone didn't have enough water to drink. In addition, it was very hot that day, so my grandmother shared the water with everyone. Many elderly people like my grandparents went together, The water my mother asked me to bring really solved a big problem.

I think, first, my mother is afraid that my grandparents will not buy water to drink; second, she is afraid that the water quality in the scenic spots cannot be guaranteed, and her grandparents will drink bad. Grandparents are almost seventy years old, and they are already old. In addition, they have been sitting in the car for a long time. If they are thirsty and want to drink water, but are not familiar with Luoyang, they will not find a water seller for a while. In addition, the elderly are generally very thrifty, and are unwilling to spend money to buy water to drink. It's hard to bear it!

Mother is right. Filial piety cannot be late. There is no chance when it is late. There is no regret medicine in the world. This event also confirmed the saying: "Filial piety comes first in all things". In the future, I will also learn from my mother, be a dutiful child, and pass on the virtue of filial piety.

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (16)

"The eyes in the sky blink and blink, my mother's heart is full of Lu Binghua, my hometown's tea garden is full of flowers, my grandmother's heart is in the horizon, and I think of my mother's words every night, and my tears are shining on Lu Binghua."

As soon as I heard "Lu Binghua", my tears slipped down involuntarily. Lubinghua is a kind of plant, which silently dedicates everything to the tea tree, and can also be used as fertilizer after the withered flowers and leaves. Lu Binghua nourishes and cares the tea tree in this way, just as great and selfless as maternal love.

I remember it was a thunderstorm. I went to English class on rainy days. After English class, I watched other people's parents pick up their children one by one. I began to resent my mother. She said she would pick me up after class. Why did she slip up? Don't you forget me? How can I go home when it rains so heavily! Just as I was about to cry out, I saw my mother coming here with rain gear, umbrella and bicycle. Excitement and grievance welled up in my heart and sobbed, "Mom, how did you come? Did you forget me?" But my mom didn't say anything and took me to the car. On the way back, I felt my mother was riding more slowly, harder and harder, and it was harder and harder to pedal her feet. Suddenly, the car shook. My mother was surprised, but quickly stabilized the car. I also recovered from the fright and said: "Are you deliberately trying to give me some stimulation?" My mother comforted me and said: "It's my mother's bad, sorry, child."

Finally, when I got home, my father told me that my mother had high blood pressure when she gave birth to me, so she could not be tired. Until now, she could not be too tired. But for my interest class, she would come to pick me up even if she was tired. At this time, I felt the greatness of maternal love.

Maternal love is selfless and always inspires me. I must study hard now, repay my mother's love bit by bit when I grow up, and especially cherish your love for me over the years. Motherly love is selfless, I know the world loves me most is my mother!

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (17)

In ordinary daily life, everyone has written a composition. Surely they are familiar with all kinds of compositions. Compositions are composed of words. After people's thinking, they express a theme through language organization. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is the story that Xiaobian sorted out for you, which moved my fourth grade composition. Welcome to share.

A lot of things that moved me happened around me, which I can't forget for a long time.

I remember once, on the way home with my mother to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, I passed a small stall, and an old lady with ragged clothes and white hair caught my attention. She stared helplessly at a certain place all the time, and said something in her mouth. There was a group of people around her. They stood there pointing and saying something. Driven by curiosity, I took my mother's hand and squeezed in to have a look.

"My 'son doesn't want me anymore, my only son doesn't want me anymore..." I listened closely before I heard what the old woman said. People all around talked about it. An aunt with a basket said, "Her family lives near the vegetable market. The day before yesterday, when I passed by, I saw her daughter-in-law dragged her out of the house viciously, and scolded at the same time. It was pathetic." After hearing what she said, many people expressed sympathy for the old grandma's experience. Someone put money in her hand and said something nice to comfort her; Some people were very angry and said that they would help the grandma to get justice and take the matter to court; Someone held her hand and said that she would take her home for a few days; Someone took her hand and said that she would rent a room for her

Seeing this scene, I was deeply moved, and a warm current surged up in my heart. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world. Her eyes seemed to say to me: "My daughter has grown up."

Fourth Grade Composition Moved (18)

The snow is falling on the ground, sometimes like salt in the air, with clear grains; Sometimes it is like catkins rising in the wind and flying all over the sky. The ground is covered with a big quilt.

I wrapped up my heavy coat and didn't want to leave the warm house for a moment. Nobody should go out in such bad weather!

Suddenly, a small figure came into sight. There was only his small figure in the huge snow. Wearing his sanitation work clothes, he is bending down to pick up the bottles on the ground, and then sweeping away the thick snow with a broom. To facilitate his work, he did not wear thick cotton padded clothes, nor even gloves. I clearly felt that he was trembling, but he was still sweeping the snow, as if he was determined to open up a new route.

In front of me, Bethune appeared to devote himself to the revolutionary cause. His extremely responsible working attitude was so similar to the scene before me. I can't be indifferent any more, and I'm determined to do something for him.

In this bitterly cold winter, nothing can warm people's hearts more than a cup of hot tea. I hurried into the kitchen.

I carefully held the water cup and gently opened the door. The biting cold wind surrounded me recklessly. I squeezed my body tightly in my heavy coat, followed the footprints on the snow to find him, and passed the cup with both hands. He looked at me in surprise. His eyebrows and eyelashes were already stained with frost and snow. He sucked his nose, which was red with cold, and reached out his hands, which were rough and cracked, to take the cup: "Thank you, child, thank you... thank you..."

I advised him to hurry home, so he would be frostbitten outside. He looked at me firmly and said, "Thank you for your kindness, son. This is not only my job, but also my responsibility."

I was deeply moved by him. I took off my gloves and gave them to him: "These are magic gloves, and you can also wear them. How can you do without gloves in such a cold day?" He held the gloves tightly, with tears in his eyes