Red Stars Shine in China
Life is like a play
2023-05-14 01:36:38
Junior two
reaction to a book or an article

After reading "Seize Luding Bridge", I could not calm down for a long time, and my admiration for the Red Army soldiers could not help but arise spontaneously.
In 1935, the Red Army marched northward to fight against Japan and march towards the natural danger Dadu River. If they want to cross the Dadu River, they must seize the Luding Bridge. Therefore, the Red Army did not eat or sleep. It scrambled for time with the enemy's reinforcements and reached Luding Bridge first in the rain. The Luding Bridge was dozens of feet above the water. The plank was pulled away by the enemy, leaving only cold iron chains. The enemy's machine guns on the opposite bank were fanatically shooting at the Red Army. But the heroic Red Army was not afraid. Holding a short gun, carrying a saber, carrying a grenade, and bravely climbing the iron chain to the opposite bank, bravely bravely bravely braved the dense bullets. The Red Army in front fell into the stormy waves, and those behind followed. After a soul stirring battle, the Red Army captured the Luding Bridge, and the main force finally successfully crossed the Dadu River.
Taking Luding Bridge by air is an important strategic action of the Red Army in the Long March, which is related to the life and death of the Central Red Army. The capture of Luding Bridge shattered Chiang Kai shek's dream of turning the Red Army into the second Shi Dakai by virtue of the natural danger of Dadu River. Therefore, the capture of Luding Bridge became an important milestone during the Long March of the Communist Party of China, laying a solid foundation for achieving the meeting of the first, second and fourth front armies of the Red Cross with great historical significance, and finally heading north to Shaanxi to end the Long March.
Although the Long March is far away from us, in the heroic epic written by hundreds of thousands of red military lives and blood, every word is shining with a light that shocks the soul, and every line of poetry has a force precipitated in our national blood. The spirit of the Long March is also worth learning for every Chinese.
Although, we cannot make great contributions to our motherland like our revolutionary predecessors. However, we can choose not to be afraid of difficulties and forge ahead when facing difficulties and setbacks; In the face of the gains and losses of collective and individual interests, they choose to sacrifice themselves and put the collective interests above everything. Be down-to-earth and conscientiously do everything well, study hard, work hard and persevere.