The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (20 compilations)
The most handsome old man
2024-06-24 07:18:13
fifth grade

Discovery of composition childhood (1)

When I was seven or eight years old, I did an experiment.

I took a magnifying glass and played with it. I didn't know why. I raised the magnifying glass and my eyes were aroused at once. I was curious, so I slowly put it on the ground. The light shone on the ground, and the color light in the middle was so beautiful.

When I watched the beautiful light, an ant slowly walked into the color circle I watched. After a long time, it did not go. I childishly imagined that the ant had gone to the wrong home. Ha, ha, ha, you are curious!

After ten minutes, I didn't think it was right. I magnified it, took off the magnifying glass, took off the poor ant, and looked at it dead. I was curious how it could die!

When his brother came, he saw this scene and said angrily; You dare to heat it to death, do you know that I thought my brother talked in his sleep, I said; I don't know. Next time, I won't heat it to death

Now that I am grown up, I understand with my knowledge that the magnifying glass cannot shine on ants in the sun.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (2)

Many things that happened in my childhood are always memorable. One thing is a new discovery of my childhood. Now I can't help laughing when I think about it.

At that time, I heard adults say that gecko urine is toxic, and that children will grow gray if they accidentally let gecko urine touch their hair. Strange to say, there was a boy in our primary school who had a little white hair on his head. Almost everyone in the school knew him. Of course, he was a particularly naughty boy, and he often played tricks. As for his white hair, few people asked him again. He was very disgusted with others asking him this question, so the reason was unknown.

One Sunday, I asked my brothers and sisters: "Do you think the gecko's urine is poisonous?" They all answered with one voice: "The gecko's urine is really poisonous." But I was still half convinced. I thought: if I could do an experiment, wouldn't the answer be revealed?

My mother said that the gecko often moved in the cracks of the wall. My brother and sister and I searched all the cracks of the wall carefully. Finally, our efforts paid off. We really found one in a crack of the earth wall. The three of us took great efforts to catch the gecko. I put it in a small glass jar and watched it attentively for a long time, but there was no trace of gecko urine. I was a little discouraged, so I said to my sister, "This gecko can't pee!" My sister also taught me not to be too anxious about anything. We waited patiently for a long time, and finally saw the gecko urinating. We were so happy that we almost cheered. "What if the gecko's urine is poisonous?" I asked. "Look at me," my brother said as he filled a basin with water, quickly picked up a goldfish in the aquarium, and carefully put it into the basin with gecko urine. "My brother has the best way," I exclaimed. The little goldfish swam freely in the small room. After a while, the little goldfish did not die as we imagined, but showed us its swimming skills as if nothing happened. Experiments have proved that gecko urine is actually not toxic.

This is a new discovery in my childhood. How about it? Apart from making people laugh, it's still meaningful, isn't it? As for the white hair on the head of the male classmate in our school, it is still an unsolved mystery to me.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (3)

When I was seven years old, I found that the ink I used could also be made of carbon and water.

At that time, I was in the second grade. One day, I had a whim to see what the paper would look like after it was burned. I went to get a piece of paper and asked my mother to help me light it with a lighter. A large piece of paper turned into a little "ash residue" under the fire tongue. In order to prevent it from catching fire again, I sprinkled a little water on it. When I came out with a mop to clean these residues, I was surprised to find that the pool of water and black residue were fused together, and the water turned black in an instant, which was the same color as the ink I used. Could it become ink? I hurried into the kitchen to ask my mother.

Mother said: "Those black dregs left after burning" are called charcoal. The ancients may have used this to make ink. "My mother's answer gives me confidence. I think I can find the answer to this question. I continue to do the experiment again. This time I took a beaker, put water in it, and then burned a pile of paper in another box, and mixed them together. Ha, it really became black" ink ". I took a brush to dip in my" invention " But I was disappointed by the words I wrote. The handwriting was very light, which was far from the ink. I thought and thought, maybe the carbon material is not black enough, can you change a material to burn more black carbon. I asked my mother to help me burn a stick on the open ground. This charcoal is much more than that from the paper just now, and its color is darker. I put the charcoal into the beaker and mixed it with water. This time, the color pen was much darker, and the writing was close to ink.

Ha ha, I can't help laughing, I succeeded!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (4)

Everyone knows that bees can sting people. But when I was young, I didn't know that bees can sting people. Until my father did an "experiment" for me.

That day, my mother asked my father to go to the house to weed. Dad could not find his glasses even after looking for them for a long time, so he had to stop wearing glasses. When I got to the room, my father saw a small tree growing up to my thigh and pulled it up. Unexpectedly, the small tree has a "guard" - bees. When Dad saw the bee, he jumped to another house. I saw this scene when I was young. I shouted happily: "Dad is a superman, a superman who can fly!" Unexpectedly, Dad shouted angrily: "You dead girl, your father is not a superman. This jump is to protect yourself!"

I had to watch "Superman" dad jump around from below. "Ah!" Dad jumped down from the room. After getting down, my father rubbed his arm and said, "This bee is really annoying. It just shook the small tree. Don't you need to sting me like this? Next time when I pull out the tree, put on the 'armor' and see how you can sting me!" When I saw my father so angry for the first time, I asked, "What's wrong with you, Dad? Why are you angry?" My father touched my head, Said: "My child, the animal that chased me just now is a bee. After seeing the bee, remember not to touch it, or it will sting you." Dad pointed to the place where the bee had stung, "like this, the place where the bee had stung will be like this." Dad paused for a moment, "Oh, what bad luck!"

It's funny to think about it now, but since that one, I have understood that bees can sting people.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (5)

When I was eight years old, I began to observe the evolution of tadpoles.

I still remember one day, it was a cloudless and breezy day. My former neighbor and I fished small tadpoles with a small fish net in the artificial lake in our community. Their heads are small; Having a short tail; I can't see clearly, but they swim fast.

During lunch, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to dissect the tadpole to see how its internal organs are like? Is that OK?" My mother replied, "No, tadpoles are alive. Besides, they are too small now, and you can't see them clearly. You can learn these knowledge in your future biology class, but you can observe their evolution."

After a few days, I want to give the broken fish feed to the tadpole. My mother saw and said, "You can't feed fish. Tadpoles only eat microorganisms in the water." At this time, I secretly changed the water to let them have new microorganisms to eat.

Another three or four weeks later, I said to my mother: "The tadpoles have turned into little frogs. Shall we release them? This will let them eat mosquitoes." My mother said I had a good idea. I am happy to put them back into the artificial lake with my neighbors. So that they can go out and explore the world.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (6)

Childhood is like a colorful dream; Childhood, like a string of crystal grapes, records the experience again and again, and my childhood unexpectedly has such an unforgettable discovery.

My discovery is actually very simple. It starts from "Why are the leaves of autumn leaves on the bottom and the leaves on the back?" After listening to my discovery, you can't help laughing because of the weather? no, it isn't. Let me tell you next.

I remember that on Sunday afternoon, the wind and the calendar, I played in the yard. There was a tall tree in the yard. After a burst of autumn wind, several leaves fell... Soon, the ground in the yard was covered with golden leaves, and the feet were soft on them. I accidentally saw that all the fallen leaves on the ground were on the top of the leaves and on the back of the leaves. I picked up a few leaves and compared them to see no difference, but why... I quickly ran upstairs to throw the leaves down, and then ran down to see, hey, what is the whole thing? It seems that he has been instructed by nature. I then brought some water to drop drops on the leaf surface, and the drops rolled down. I put the water on the back of the leaf again. The water seemed to be stuck, and not a drop of water rolled down.

Later, I watched carefully every day, picked up a few leaves, and observed carefully with a magnifying glass. Sometimes I even missed school time, but there was no good result. I decided to ask my mother. "Mom, why do autumn leaves always fall with their backs up and their faces down?" "It's probably the weather... hey! You child always ask some strange questions." I had no choice but to go to the study to check. "I was eager to find... Ah, I finally found it. The book said:" The cells on the leaf surface are dense, while the cells on the back of the leaf are loose. "My heart was sweet when I found the answer.

Childhood is a beautiful beginning, and I am even more delighted with the discovery of childhood.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (7)

I knew aerodynamics when I was ten years old.

My discovery began with a car ride. Once, when I was in the car, I remembered why the minibus ran slowly while the car ran so fast? I racked my brain to think about the answer to this question. After thinking and thinking, I finally came up with two points about this aspect.

First, the van is relatively high, its windshield is almost vertical, about 95 degrees, so the wind will produce great resistance, and the van will naturally run slowly; The car is relatively low. Its glass and body are about 120 degrees. When the wind blows in front, it slides over the roof. In this way, the resistance of the car will naturally be reduced, which is called aerodynamics.

Second, small cars have a low chassis, which is easy to generate large power, while vans have a high chassis, which is not easy to generate large power. This is called dynamics.

Once, I talked about this problem with my father in the car. I asked him why the car ran so fast and why the van ran so slowly. My father said the same thing as me. I laughed happily. When my father asked me what was wrong, I told him my own discovery. My father praised me for being smart.

Through this event, I understand that we should carefully observe everything we do, be good at discovering, and find new things according to the reality of life!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (8)

Today, we learned The Discovery of Childhood from the Russian writer Fedorov. This article is about a scientific discovery in the author's childhood, focusing on the process of discovering the laws of embryonic development. The author's curiosity and amazing imagination gave me inspiration. The reason why he made this discovery in his childhood is mainly because: first, he dared to ask questions; Second, think repeatedly; Third, imagine boldly. In our daily life, we should also develop the habit of careful observation, be good at thinking boldly when encountering problems, and more importantly, have the spirit of hard work and perseverance.

The world is full of mystery to us. When I was young, I was curious about everything. I like to watch "One Hundred Thousand Why". I often follow my parents to ask some strange questions: Where do people come from? How do rockets go up into the sky? What is an atomic bomb? Why is a year divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter? These questions often make my parents dumbfounded. They are also embarrassed when I can't answer them. Sometimes they just make up an answer to prevaricate, and I believe it inexplicably.

Through learning "Childhood Discovery", I learned a truth: science is a rigorous cause, and should not be sloppy or false. It is said that man evolved from apes. But I once read an article by Cao Hu, a famous biological doctor, "Where did human beings come from?" Only then did I know whether the distant ancestors of human beings were forest apes or sea apes, which is still a mystery up to now! I think that when I grow up, I must take this scientific wand and find out who is our ancestor like Fedorov.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (9)

When I was young, I was always deeply shocked by a scene, and could not help asking: "Who knows what these stars are?

On a clear night, the night sky is neither covered by dark clouds nor blemished. It is as blue as a silky silk. Thousands of stars shining like pearls are set in the sky like diamonds. This is the scene that came into my eyes and deeply burned in my young heart.

I remember one day, we went to the Xuanyuan Square to watch the stars. Suddenly, I found seven shining stars, which looked like an "L" facing north

I asked my father, "What is this star?" My father replied, "This is the Big Dipper, the compass that gets lost at night.".

When the conversation between my father and I ended, I felt a bit more confused. Whenever there were stars shining in the sky, I would carefully observe them. I found one of the brightest stars. Later, I learned that the star was a white dwarf star, called Sirius, 8.6 light-years away from the sun. At this time, my father told me that these are the shining lights in the universe like the sun.

I thought: "The sun is as big as a plate, while the stars are like small sharp needles. How can they be equal?

My ideal is to be an astronaut exploring the universe, because I want to know the secrets of the universe, and I want to go to the moon to see if there is anyone living there --- all these ideas come into my mind.

I am happy for my discovery, but also know the mysteries of the universe.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (10)

When I was in the third grade, my grandmother had a little spotted cat. It was a small night walker and could catch mice in the yard at night. Why can it be seen so clearly in the dark and windy night? I decided to take a look.

One morning, I got up very early. At that time, the little cat was right at the door of my room. I carefully observed its eyes. The pupil of the kitten was round, like an apricot; At noon, I carefully looked at the eyes of the kitten, and the pupil turned into a line, standing in the middle of the eyes; At night, little flower's eyes are all black! I said to myself, "Does the little cat adjust the light by the change of its pupil?" I lay on the bed at night, unable to sleep, thinking hard about this problem. After a night of hard thinking, I decided to do another experiment.

The next night, I called the kitten into the cage, took out the flashlight that I had prepared in the morning, and took a look at its eyes. A miracle occurred, and the pupil of the kitten suddenly changed from a full moon to a line. Through the experiment, I came to the conclusion that cats can see clearly at any time because their pupils can adjust according to light.

In the fifth grade, I read a book called Cat. The book carefully introduced the magic of cat eyes, which coincided with my guess. I was so excited that I couldn't close my mouth.

This discovery in my childhood taught me that when I encounter problems, I should think carefully, observe carefully, and even do experiments by myself.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (11)

When I was a child, I always had to find the answers to the questions that I would not meet.

Before I was 5 years old, I always thought that peacocks opened their screens to look good and compete with other peacocks. One day when I was 5 years old, I finally knew the answer to this question.

One day, my sister took me to the zoo to play. We walked to the front of the peacock cage. My sister didn't like birds and other animals, so she pulled me to leave. But under my loud noise, she had to accompany me to see them. Everyone said that the peacock opens its screen very beautifully, but I have never seen the peacock open its screen. I stood in front of the cage and waited to see it open.

However, we waited for a long time, but we didn't see it open. Just when I was ready to give up and stop waiting, a 'mother' came over with a child in her arms. She took a picture of the peacock with a camera in her hand. To everyone's surprise, the peacock opened its screen. As soon as the screen is opened, more people will take photos, and they will be surrounded immediately. Seeing this scene, the peacock was also frightened. While opening the screen, he stepped back a few steps.

My sister asked me: "Sister, do you know what role the peacock plays when it opens its screen?" I also answered truthfully with my own understanding: "Of course it's for beauty, isn't it?" My sister smiled and said to me: "Of course not. You have to find the answer to this question yourself."

When I got home, I couldn't wait to ask my father: "Dad, what's the use of the peacock opening its screen?" My father patiently helped me answer: "The peacock opening its screen is because it is afraid, and it also wants to scare others with its own feathers."

Since that time, I have really understood the role of peacock opening its screen, which is a discovery in my childhood.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (12)

Childhood is beautiful, it makes me happy, it makes me miss it, and it also makes me learn knowledge.

I remember that time, my parents and I went to the park to play. While I was greedily sucking the fresh air, I suddenly saw many dragonflies flying on the opposite flowers. My heart was wondering why dragonflies fly so low. Aren't they usually high in the sky? And I didn't see these dragonflies just now. Strange! I ran to ask my mother, who heard me say that dragonflies were flying low, and said: No! Then go home and collect your clothes! After a while, we were walking home. On the way, I asked my mother: Mom, what's the relationship between dragonfly flying low and collecting clothes? I haven't played enough! Mom said: I will explain to you when I get home! At this time, dark clouds were gathering and gradually came down. When I just got home, it began to rain.

My mother told me that the reason why dragonflies fly low is that they can't fly high because there are drops of water dripping on their wings in the air. So whenever dragonflies fly low, they say it will rain tomorrow.

i see! No wonder mother is so anxious to go home and collect clothes!

Childhood has brought me joy, while curious childhood has also brought me knowledge!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (13)

Childhood is like a thick picture album, which is so colorful, storing emotions and sorrows. Childhood is like a ribbon. Colorful, symbolizing happiness Speaking of childhood, I have made many unforgettable discoveries At the age of 7, I found out how round the earth is When I was 7 years old, I was just in the first grade. My teacher often said that the earth is round, but how can I know? Besides observing from the sky, how can I find this theory is correct? I paid attention to every different thing every day. One day, two days, one week, and one month passed slowly. But I didn't find any clues. I finally got results soon. I forgot to explore this theory when I returned to my hometown. The opportunity finally came. I walked along the beach, looked at the endless sea, and heard a roar of machines, It's a big ship coming this way! I looked at the calm sea. After a while, I found the bow of a ship exposed to the sea. Then, the hull appeared again, and finally the stern. Why not see the whole ship at once? I was puzzled. I thought about it all night and finally got the result. It also proved that the earth is round I know my discovery is so simple. But compared with my childhood, it is happy!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (14)

You know that people can cure diseases and animals can cure diseases. You won't believe it. After many tests, I have proved that animals can cure diseases by themselves!

One day, I went to grandma's house to play. Grandma's dog is white and eating the plants in the flowerpot. I'm curious. Why are you vegetarian today? I used to eat meat and bones!

After eating the plant, his white face suddenly turned red. I know it's useless to throw up, because it always does this before vomiting. The white vomits are green and red, which are the food eaten in the morning. When I saw that this plant was Newton grass, my father said, "Newton grass can help white people cure diseases. You can confirm that not only what adults say, but what adults say is not necessarily right. It depends on experiments!" After listening to my father's words, I became interested in Newton grass.

The next day, I put the spoiled food of Grandma's house in the white breakfast. Although it smells a little bad, I have eaten them all for nothing! In the morning, Baibai went to eat Newtonian Grass again as if he felt very uncomfortable. After a while, his white face turned red again, and he vomited all the spoiled food I had made for him. Through experiments, I believe that some plants can help animals cure diseases.

I also learned on TV that some snakes, after being injured, roll on some plants for several times without even a scar on their bodies.

As long as observation, there will be results; As long as you experiment, you will reap joy; As long as you are interested in some kind of discovery, it will give you a different understanding. Significant discoveries also face twists and turns.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (15)

The discovery of childhood Fable observed insects and wrote<<Entomology>>, Watt observed the way the boiling water lid bounced and invented the steam engine, and the Wright brothers flew kites and made planes. I looked at the white roses on my balcony and found that roses can absorb red paint and become another new kind of light red roses. How can roses absorb moisture and change color? It starts from one of my experiments, which is the result of my independent thinking. I like the monthly flowers when they compete with each other, but I have a very wonderful reverie. I like red roses best because their fiery colors symbolize life and vitality. But can I turn white roses into red roses? I pinched a white rose flower once and put it in red ink, hoping it would become a red rose after absorbing the red ink, but what I never expected was that it was dead. I dropped a few drops of red ink on another white rose flower to let its root still grow in the soil and protect its life. The next day, I found that a few drops of red ink were scattered and became less. I thought my experiment would be successful. On the third day, the ink was scattered around again, and the white of the petals became lighter. On the tenth day, the red ink had no trace, But the white rose showed a light light red. I dripped water on the petals and poured red ink on them. A few days later, the rose flower was about to die, but the white rose still showed a light red color. Although I didn't create a fiery red rose in this hands-on experiment, I found the role of rose petals to absorb moisture, and also cultivated the latest variety of pale pink roses. How exciting!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (16)

In people's impression, birds and dogs are two different kinds of animals, one flying in the sky and the other running on the ground. Their living habits are completely different, and their sizes are also very different. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible for birds and dogs to live together in harmony, but my family's birds and dogs have changed my view.

My bird is a anemone. It is a young bird that was blown down by the strong wind. It was picked up and sent to us. When he first arrived at my house, he was still very young and could not even eat. We made the bird food into a paste, then twisted it into thin strips, and carefully fed it one mouthful at a time. Now it has grown up gradually. Because it was raised by us, it is not afraid of people at all and is very close to us. My family also keeps a little flower dog called Han Han. At first, Han Han was alert to this strange foreign invader, but later they became familiar with it, and Han accepted the bird.

When Han Gang played with the bird, we were worried that one day Han would suddenly become a beast, treat the bird as a delicacy, and swallow the bird with open mouth. Once, we did not keep an eye on them. After a while, we saw how the bird disappeared. I was worried about whether Han had eaten it? At this time, the bird jumped out from under the sofa, causing us a false alarm.

Now Han and Bird have become inseparable friends. Every time we feed the birds, Han will stand on both feet and hold the chair with both hands. He is very excited. Sometimes Han will gently put the bird under the sofa and lick it with his tongue like a bitch to a puppy, making the bird look like a drowned rat.

After this incident, I found that two animals, no matter how far apart they are, can get along well with each other, and so can people. People and animals can become friends or enemies.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (17)

Childhood discoveries

Wu Peicheng, Class 2, Grade 5, Baotie Experimental Primary School

Instructor: Liu Ting

Life is inseparable from exploration and discovery, and many casual things often contain some scientific truth, which is thought-provoking.

One scorching afternoon, I squatted under the shade of a tree digging, and accidentally found several ants around a bread dozens of times larger than them trying to lift it, but repeated several times without success. The ants are so worried that they are circling around this huge food, as if they are racking their brains to find a way. Suddenly the ant gave up the idea and hurried to move towards the nest nearby. After a while, several ants climbed out of the nest and touched each other's antennae as if they were talking. Then dozens of ants went out together and followed the leading ants to the piece of bread, as if they were heading for a feast. They swarmed up and quickly occupied the snack. Some ate it with their mouths, some carried it on their backs, and some formed teams to drag the snack into the hole... Soon the snack was destroyed by ants.

How can ants quickly transmit information to their peers? This problem aroused my great curiosity in my childhood. Through consulting materials, I found that the way ants transmit information mostly depends on their antennae. They can not only transmit information by knocking or shaking, but also use the sensitive olfactory receptors on their antennae to capture the smell perception information emitted by their companions in the air.

Childhood is like a colorful painting. Childhood is like a joyful song. Childhood time is always so short. Childhood discoveries are always fresh in my memory.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (18)

I remember when I was five years old, when I went to play in a yard, I saw a tree full of pink flowers. These flowers looked very strange: the petals were not in pieces, but silky. The flowers hung on the tree like little pompons, fragrant.

I was very curious, so I ran to pick the flowers on the tree. Unexpectedly, I met its leaves and they immediately closed. I thought it was a ghost that was making trouble. I was so scared that I ran away, panting. I pulled my mother and said in a trembling voice, "Mom, there is a ghost!" I pointed to the tree as I said. "It's not a ghost, it's a acacia tree." Mother said with a smile. "Why did its leaves close?" I was still afraid. "That's because there is a substance in its leaves," my mother said, looking at my face. "What substance?" I asked in confusion. When I saw that I was going to break the casserole and ask the question to the end, my mother said, "Go home and check the information, and you will know why its leaves closed when you touched them."

When we returned home, my mother opened the book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", and the answer came out: many organ functions in the Albizia tree showed similar changes of day and night, which is called "biological rhythm" by biology. The cells in the leaves of Albizia leucocephala are like responsive water storage bags. They will absorb or discharge water from the water storage bags in the daytime and at night due to the difference in light intensity and temperature, which will cause the cells to expand or shrink, resulting in the phenomenon of leaf extension or closure. In fact, the leaves of Albizia leucocephala not only close at night, but also form a closed phenomenon in stormy weather and summer heat. This protective response is an adaptation to the environment.

I finally understood the reason why the leaves of the acacia tree would close when touched, and also knew that as long as you pay attention to life, you will find something unexpected.

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (19)

Childhood is colorful. The funny things happened in my childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. What impressed me most was the bubble blowing.

It was drizzling that day, so I couldn't go out to play. I had to stay at home. When I was feeling bored, I suddenly thought, why not blow bubbles on the balcony to make fun? So I immediately started looking for materials to make a bubble circle myself. First, I used pliers to twist the thin iron wire into a badminton racket shaped ring, and then dipped the bubble ring in soapy water. After that, I carefully picked up the ring and blew excitedly. Bubbles of all sizes are flying in the air, some like pearls, some like ping-pong balls, some like small balloons... It's very beautiful. I picked up the bubble circle and waved it in the air, but unexpectedly, I pulled out a big oval bubble. I ran slowly while waving the bubble circle in my hand, and the bubble changed into many shapes. How interesting!

Why is this? Is this bottle of soapy water special? Or is it related to the shape of the wire? What is the reason?

I immediately went to the study to find books. In the book Science in Game, I happened to introduce this knowledge. It turns out that soapy water has tension and is more elastic than the tension of water. Therefore, when I wave the bubble ring vigorously, the soapy water left on the ring will produce bubbles of different shapes with the change of my strength and direction. As long as the force does not exceed the tension of the soapy water, the bubbles will not break. In addition, it is raining today, and the house is wet, so the bubbles are not easy to break.

I didn't expect that there was a little scientific knowledge hidden in a small game. The world of science is really wonderful!

The Discovery of Childhood in Composition (20)

I remember when I was in the second grade, I particularly liked playing with snails, letting two snails compete with each other to see who ran faster, and competing with classmates to see who caught more snails. Sometimes I went to the garden on campus after class to find the footprints of snails. Several times, the weather was sunny, and I spent more than ten minutes looking around, only to catch two small snails hiding in the grass. At noon that day, after a thunderstorm, I took advantage of the time after class to catch snails in the flower beds on campus. Unexpectedly, there is a big lump of snails under each grass. I caught a dozen big and black snails in only five minutes. At this time, my mind was full of questions. Why are there so many snails in sunny days, but so many in rainy days? My father told me that snails like to live in a dark and humid environment.

I pondered, why do snails like to grow in a dark and humid environment? At that time, I decided to do an experiment. I caught two snails, put them in the same box, and spread them with vegetable leaves. One snail is fixed with a rope, and the other is placed in a box to move freely, and then placed in the sun to expose to the sun. After a while, I was surprised to find that one of the free moving snails had reached the bottom of the vegetable leaf, but the other snails fixed with a rope had died. I finally understand that snails are mollusks and like to live in a dark and humid environment without water. Once the water is lost, the snail cannot survive.

I told my father about my discovery, and my father scolded me and said, "You don't study hard, but you go to play snail." I argued, "This is my great discovery!" Since then, I fell in love with science.