My Favorite Composition of Famous Words (17 Practical)
Be happy to know the destiny
2024-06-08 01:30:26

My Favorite Quote Composition (1)

My favorite saying My favorite saying is that every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time. In ancient times, there was a saying: "Every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time." This saying means to cherish time. Time can't be bought with money, so we must cherish time. I remember one time, I competed with my mother who would go from home to the gate of the community first. I roller skated and my mother walked. We started the competition, my mother was still walking behind, but I was almost at the gate of the community. I thought: "I'm almost there, and my mother is still walking behind. I'll have a rest for a while, and I'll slide towards the entrance of the community when my mother catches up with me." Thinking about this, I stopped and went to the public lounge chair in the community. As soon as I sat down, I remembered that "every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time". I thought that I could not be proud when I was almost there! I slid to the gate of the community as fast as I could, waiting for my mother's arrival. After a while, my mother came to the gate and asked me, "Didn't you rest on the way?"? I said, "Every inch of time is worth an inch of gold. Every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time. I can't waste time. I will stick to it." My mother smiled sweetly after listening to my words. I know from the sentence "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time" that we must cherish time and not waste time, because time will not come again after it has passed.

My Favorite Quote Composition (2)

My favorite saying is: sunshine always comes after rain. If you want to tell me why I like this famous saying, it must start from one thing.

I remember one summer when my parents and I went swimming in the swimming pool. (At that time, I could not swim.) I was afraid of water. My parents were all in the water, and I stood at the water's edge. When my father saw it, he said, "Lingling, go into the water quickly. It's cool. Don't be afraid!" Although I was afraid, my careful liver was much louder and my feet could not help shaking. At this time, I saw my parents whispering, and I didn't know what they were talking about. Suddenly, Dad came out of the water. I stared at my father, and he said, "I will buy three sausages to eat, one for each person." I said "Oh" and relaxed my vigilance. "Ah" I fell into the water with a scream, and I suddenly turned around. It turned out that my father pushed me down, and I was very angry. My mother swam over and said, "Lingling, is everything right? Don't be angry, because the sun always comes after the storm. My father pushed you because he loves you. I hope you can learn to swim quickly and feel the joy of swimming early. I said that the sun always comes after the storm because I hope you can face difficulties without flinching, because you are always happy after solving difficulties. Do you say you are happy now?" I think: I'm very happy because I finally dare to go into the water. If it wasn't for my father's push, I might never dare to go into the water, hee hee. So, I said, "I am extremely happy." I looked at my father at the height and thanked him in my heart.

Do you know why I like sunshine after rain? Then tell me your favorite quotes!

My Favorite Quote Composition (3)

"There is no end to learning and hard work" is my favorite saying. Life is like a colorful fairy tale. If you want to succeed, hard work and sweat are indispensable embellishments.

This famous saying comes from Han Yu, a famous writer and one of the eight famous writers in Tang and Song Dynasties. Say I like it, but also from that matter.

It was a weekend. I was pressed by my mother to do my homework at home. However, from time to time, I can hear some children playing happily downstairs. My heart has never calmed down and I also want to play. I put down the pen in my hand, walked out of the room and said to my mother: "I don't do my homework, I want to go down and play!" My mother said: "Why don't you read for a while and have a rest?" I didn't want to read either, so I took a book of "Life Motto" from the bookcase and flipped it. Suddenly, a famous saying came into my eyes - there is no end to learning and hard work. Suddenly, I seemed to understand something and understand my mother's painstaking efforts. I hurried back to my desk to write quickly.

Yes! On the road of reading and learning, there is no shortcut to take, let alone a downwind boat to drive. If you want to learn more and more knowledge from the vast range of books and studies, "diligence" and "hard work" are two indispensable conditions. Even if you are not smart in learning, as long as you are diligent, you will certainly gain something and move towards success.

I will take this famous saying as my motto, and let him inspire me all the time, urge me to study hard and make progress every day!

My Favorite Quote Composition (4)

Do you want to know the famous saying I like? I'm proud to tell you that this is "an inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time".

This famous saying means that time is precious, even if you spend more money can not buy it back. It tells us that we must cherish this great time and study hard. It is too late to want to study when we grow up. You must want to know how I like this famous saying! It was a weekend afternoon. I picked up a book to read. When I saw an article entitled "The Precious Minute", I was surprised to find that the original minute was so valuable! Laser can travel 18 million kilometers in one minute; The fastest computer can perform 9 billion operations per minute. I think one minute can do many things! Time is life. When rescuing dying patients, doctors always race against the clock to take back life from death; Time is knowledge. The great scientist Newton grasped time to use his brain and learn knowledge when he was young. When he grew up, he discovered the famous universal gravitation. How precious time is! We should learn cultural knowledge every minute and be a person who cherishes time.

In the past, I didn't care about a minute. I didn't know how many minutes I wasted. Now, I have corrected this shortcoming. Every day when I come home from school, I do my homework. My friends come to me to play. I always tell them that I must finish my homework before I can go out to play. After dinner, I always read extracurricular books for a while, not letting a minute slip away.

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." I always remember this famous saying as my motto.

My Favorite Quote Composition (5)

I like the famous saying "Kung Fu pays off well". As long as you spend your time and keep working hard, you will succeed.

In my third grade, I was most impressed by a comprehensive labor class. At that time, Mr. Xu said that we should make environmental bags. I thought: It must be very simple. Who knows when I open the material bag and take out the parts to be used, I can't take them off with both hands. Teacher Xu said some ways to make environmental bags, and we started to do it. I took down all the parts first, and then Miss Xu came to me and said, "Do you know which part to assemble first?" This question stopped me. Miss Xu said, "If you can't, open the book Labor and Technology, and the answer is in it." I opened the book and knew that the bag body should be pasted first, then the belt and the mouth of the bag, Finally, stick the decorations.

I carefully pasted the bag in order, and then I started to paste the mouth of the bag, and then I stuck the strap. "Ah, I should stick the strap first." I carefully tore off the mouth of the bag and stuck the strap on. "Now I must be right." I showed it to my classmate sitting behind me. The classmate held the environmental bag and said, "You stuck the strap upside down." I had to tear it off again. As soon as the class was over, my heart was like 15 buckets of water - seven up and eight down, I quickly stuck the environmental bag and almost sweated.

Everything comes to him who waits. In this way, through my unremitting efforts, I finally made a good environmental bag. Finally, Mr. Xu gave me an excellent award, and I was very happy.

My Favorite Quote Composition (6)

There are many wise sayings in China from ancient times to the present. One of my favorite sayings is "There is no end to learning and hard work".

This famous saying comes from Han Yuzhi, a poet of Tang Dynasty in China. It means that there is a road to the book mountain, and "diligence" is that road; The sea of learning is endless, and "hard work" is the boat. From this, Mr. Han Yu tells us that diligence and hard work are the basis of learning. Only by doing these can we learn well.

I like this famous saying very much. Whenever I am tired of learning, as long as I think of it, I will immediately have the desire to learn. At the same time, this famous saying has constantly pushed me, making me always in the group of "upstream students". I can get 100 points thanks to it.

Now, students are preparing for the exam for the nervous junior high school entrance examination, and I am no exception. In order to get good grades, my father signed up for many extracurricular classes and bought many exercise books for me. Faced with such great pressure, I sometimes complain bitterly, sometimes even want to lose my temper. But when I think of this famous saying and Han Yu's knowledge accumulated only after suffering, I am eager to learn again. Can a little difficulty knock me down?

I want to translate the famous words into actions, to study hard, study hard, make progress, and keep up with the top students in my class. As the famous saying goes, climb the "mountain of books" and conquer the "sea of learning".

My Favorite Quote Composition (7)

Lu Xun once said, "Where there is genius, I use others' coffee drinking skills in my work." This is my favorite saying. Genius is not born, but acquired through hard work. Many excellent students cherish their time very much. When others play after class, they are studying; When others rest, he is also studying. Every day, he learns a little more than others, and his knowledge is a little richer than others. Over a long period of time, with the gradual accumulation of knowledge, he learned more than others, and his performance was naturally better than others. It's not a long time to drink coffee, but in the eyes of a person who loves learning, this short period of time can be used to do many things.

An ordinary person, with time and sweat, has finally become a remarkable person through his unremitting efforts; But a talented person, who doesn't work hard the day after tomorrow, plays all day and boasts of his talent, and is unwilling to spend energy on reading, is ultimately inferior to an ordinary person. To become a genius, you need to cherish and make good use of every minute, and work hard every bit. It is impossible to become a genius without taking time. Each of us should not waste a minute or a second, but spend time and energy to become a real genius.

"Where there is genius, I use others' coffee drinking skills to work." This sentence will always accompany me until the moment I become a genius!

My Favorite Quote Composition (8)

Zhu Bobo, the great Confucian scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, said, "There are three states of reading: mind, eye and mouth." At first, I didn't fully understand this sentence. I always know half of it, seems reasonable, and questioned why I should say "heart" first, then "eyes", and finally "mouth". What enlightenment can this sentence give us?

I am very enthusiastic about this problem. So I made up my mind to understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Searching for information, asking students... After a series of "procedures", I have a preliminary understanding of this sentence: as long as the mind is on, the eyes will focus, the eyes will also focus, can think, can speak, can express their views. But in my heart, I still feel that I have an endless desire.

Since the third grade of primary school, my father has brought back books and magazines from bookstores and offices to my students to read and study. I always read a book in twos and threes. I used my own money to buy some books in the bookstore, and soon read them out. But I know little about what kind of experience, what kind of good words, what kind of good sentences, and I have not achieved anything. I am puzzled: after reading so many books and newspapers, how can I still not understand? Isn't it a profound understanding of this sentence?

My Favorite Quote Composition (9)

Reading famous sayings is like listening to the teachings of celebrities and talking with them. Famous sayings can enlighten people and have the charm of inspiring people to make progress and make people intelligent. I think so too. A famous saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success". Yes, the truth of this sentence can change people's life values. Failure can let us learn a lesson and become more successful in the future.

At a sports meeting, my project was the high jump, which was my first attempt. Starting to take off, each team member has three opportunities. It was my turn, and I ran forward quickly. As the head teacher shouted, "Jump!" I got up my strength and jumped over. It was not far from success, but my right foot hit the pole, and the pole fell off. What shall I do? I was a little discouraged. When I was about to give up, I suddenly thought of the famous saying that failure is the mother of success. At this time, the teacher also encouraged me and let me have a deeper understanding. Having learned the lesson of the first time, I am confident and ready to take off for the second time. I was so absorbed that I finally jumped over successfully.

Sentences of truth enlighten our thoughts and edify our sentiments. Celebrity quotes are monuments on the road of growth. Celebrity quotes are lighthouses in our life journey; Just like this famous saying I like, it has changed my life and study, and changed my attitude towards life and values.

My Favorite Quote Composition (10)

Everyone may have his own favorite things, which can be things, scenery, animals, and my favorite is a famous saying, which is Newton said, 'If you ask a good skater how to succeed, he will tell you, "Fall down and get up." This is success. Although there are only six words, it expresses Newton's spirit of perseverance and perseverance. It is because he has such spirit that he has today's success. I like this famous saying because Newton's good quality of being brave to explore and seek the source is worth learning. From this famous saying, I also got an enlightenment: Where did he fall, It's not enough to just listen to what the teacher has told you. You need to learn more knowledge. More work will bring more returns. Success comes from 99% sweat and 1% wisdom. A little more sweat will give you a better chance of success, So I want to tell you, don't give up, maybe success is in front of you, you will reach the end after crossing this mountain. I will keep this famous saying in mind all the time. It impresses me deeply. When I encounter difficulties, it plays a great role and gives me lifelong education. Class 6 (2) of Nanning Shangyao Primary School

My Favorite Quote Composition (11)

In this vast world, everyone has a favorite celebrity quote. I like Gorky's saying that books are the ladder of human progress. Therefore, I also fell in love with books.

When I was babbling, I had an indissoluble bond with books. Whenever I nestle in my mother's arms and listen to her tell interesting stories, I feel that the happiest thing in the world is listening to her tell stories.

Today, I have deeply loved Gorky's words "books are the ladder of human progress", and also deeply loved books. I have loved all good books since ancient times, from the middle to the west. I was touched by Paul's iron spirit and deplored Hamlet's misfortune; I also admired the persistence of Liu Yiting, a Harvard girl, and felt pity for the tragic fate of the little match girl

Whenever I hold up the book, I think of the sentence "book is the ladder of human progress". Uncle Cao Wenxuan's Bronze Culture made me realize the deep feelings in the world; Robinson Crusoe taught me to live; Grandpa Zhu Ziqing's "Back" let me taste the simplicity and simplicity of the world's father; Grandma Bing Xin's Little Orange Lantern made me understand the love of mothers all over the world

Because Gorky said that books are the ladder of human progress, which made me fall in love with books. Books are beautiful. Books, like a magnet, hold me firmly; Books are like a boat, carrying me in the ocean of knowledge; A book, like a compass, guides my life.

My Favorite Quote Composition (12)

I like this famous saying: self-confidence is the beginning of life.

With self-confidence, you will first reach the beginning of success; On the contrary, without self-confidence, you cannot reach the other side of victory.

I remember such a thing still fresh in my memory. It was an ordinary math class. The whole class was silent just after the teacher asked a question. As I walked around, I saw some students holding their cheeks and thinking, while others were making drafts. After a while, some students began to talk quietly at the same table, while others had already smiled and raised their hands. I had already figured out the answer, but I was afraid to raise my hand, the teacher would draw my answer wrong, and the students would laugh at me. At this moment, I remembered the famous saying: self-confidence is the beginning of life. I think so. How can success come without confidence? Whether he is right or not, what if he is laughed at? Take it as a setback. But if I answer this question, I will defeat myself first. Isn't that happiness? Finally, I timidly raised my right hand, and the answer still appeared in my mind. For fear of saying wrong, many students have raised their confident right hands. The math teacher will look left and right, and finally found me, so he let me answer. At this time, the classroom was silent. I stood up slowly and said that I was going to cover my ears, but as soon as I sat down, I found that I was wrong. What greeted me was not sarcasm, but prolonged applause. The applause was long and warm. It seemed to say to me that I have taken another step towards success. I have defeated myself. Come on! Victory is already beckoning to me.

My Favorite Quote Composition (13)

In the summer vacation, I read many books and read many famous sayings. The most unforgettable sentence is: "No matter a farmer or a king, he is the happiest person as long as his family is harmonious." Indeed, every family has a hard book to read. If he reads this book well, he is the happiest person in the world.

I was born in a very happy family. There are four people in my family, namely father, mother, me and brother. My father works outside the supermarket to buy goods, and my mother works in the financial office of the supermarket. Since I was young, my parents have regarded me as the "apple of their eyes". They are afraid of being exposed to the sun and melting when holding me in their mouth. So I can't help thinking of these things when I write here.

My parents and I went back to our hometown for the Spring Festival. My younger brother is more than one year old. His eyes are round, cute and naughty. Once he gets the money, he will laugh and drool. If others make him angry, he will hit others, and little children will lose their temper. Last Spring Festival, we went to the windmill park to play, where the wind is strong and there are many windmills. There are too many to count. There are all kinds of them. Some are bald, some are ordinary, and some are flowery. I like them very much. I took a dozen of them.

Another time, my parents took me to play outside. At that time, there was a school where teachers and their students began to go to college, and everyone went to celebrate. When my parents and I went to Wuling Square, the large-scale activities were already free. I went to see it for a while and went home. On the way back, I bought a toy. We also went out to eat, I am very happy!

That's why I like this famous saying best.

My Favorite Quote Composition (14)

"Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb." This is my favorite saying. Whenever I encounter difficulties, this famous saying inspires me and gives me confidence to overcome difficulties.

The reason why I like this famous saying is because of an assignment. In the past, I was a person who didn't like to use my brain. I even asked my parents a simple question. Once when I was doing my homework, I encountered a very difficult math problem. I felt dizzy and could not move my mind. At this time, I just wanted to finish my homework and go out to play. If I didn't finish my homework, my parents would criticize me. I lay on the table, not knowing what to do. I had to ask my parents for help. My mother looked at the topic once and turned to me and said, "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. This topic is not particularly difficult, and you will come up with it after careful consideration." My father also said to me after hearing it, "It is not good to rely on others all the time. You must read the question several times and find the key to solve the problem, and you will be able to do it." I had to listen to their opinions and calm down as if I were the only one in the world. I read the questions carefully several times, found some key information, and began to think with my head. Suddenly, I felt as if I had found a way to solve the problem! I immediately picked up a pen to list the formula, listed several vertical forms on the draft, and then checked the answer with the information in the question. It was correct! I successfully solved this problem, and my face showed a bright smile.

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb." This famous saying tells me that in the process of learning, as long as you are willing to make up your mind and work hard, any problem will be overcome!

My Favorite Quote Composition (15)

"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold." This famous saying means that the edge of a sword comes from constant sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the biting cold in winter. However, this famous saying is a beacon of my learning.

Once, I was not very good at mathematics. Sometimes I scored more than 60 points twice in a row, and I would not pass the exam immediately. I was discouraged, and there seemed to be a voice in my heart saying, "You really can't, can't, can't..." But the moment I gave up, this famous saying appeared in my mind. So I began to change.

In the morning, I no longer sleep in bed as I used to, but get up early and squeeze some time to do mental arithmetic.

Maths is my most troublesome lesson. The voice of the math teacher is like Tang Seng's "Tight Hoop Curse". If you lose sleep at night, you will be "hypnotized" within 30 seconds after playing the recording of the math teacher's lecture.

Usually, I will be in a "semi psychic" state in math class. Don't be found by the teacher, NO. I no longer stare blankly, but listen attentively. Slowly, I think the teacher's lecture is very interesting, which sounds much better than playing on the side. Since then, I no longer hate mathematics and become more and more interesting.

Finally, the monthly exam came, and there was a chance to show me. I thought of this famous saying again. Thinking of my previous efforts, I firmly believe that I will succeed.

The truth is - I got 97 points! I have tasted the taste of success.

Now, "Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold" has become my motto. I always keep this sentence in mind and use it to encourage myself to work hard and try again.

My Favorite Quote Composition (16)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

On the road of growth, there are many inspiring quotes, which are like a light on my life path, illuminating my way forward; The famous saying is like a "teacher" guiding me in my study, which encourages me to go forward bravely; A famous saying is a thinker of moral education, guiding me to success and transcending myself... There is a famous saying that when I fail, it gives me confidence, when I am discouraged, it gives me courage, and when I am sad, it gives me comfort. It is the famous saying that failure is the mother of success.

Page by page in my diary, I also grow up slowly day by day. The memory flows slowly like a stream, and a spray splashes out, reminding me of the memory: that was the scene I learned in the dance classroom. That day, the teacher taught us to learn the back bridge. When it was the teacher's turn to coach me, I did it myself first. Unexpectedly, my waist and legs were forced at the same time, and I didn't turn over. I did it again, but still couldn't succeed. So again and again, the teacher said that it was because I didn't use my waist strength correctly, so I could practice several times more.

So I practiced facing the mirror with my classmates and watched them easily turn over one by one. I was worried. I was tired of practicing once, twice, three times, four times... I heard bursts of laughter from my classmates and my face turned red involuntarily. I hid aside, tears flowing down my cheeks silently. I complained about myself, complaining that I didn't win, and I lost confidence in myself. Suddenly, a bright light lit up in my heart - failure is the mother of success! I suddenly realized: Who hasn't failed? Fall down and get up again! So, I pulled myself together, turned tears into sweat, persevered, failed again and again, and finally succeeded! Now, my basic skills are getting better and better. I often participate in the school's art performances on the Children's Day on June 1. This year, I also passed the Grade Examination Certificate of Chinese Dance Band 8. Ah, famous saying, I thank you!

Failure is the mother of success. This famous saying is like fire, which kindles hope for me; Failure is the mother of success. This famous saying is just like green shade, shielding me from the hot summer; Failure is the mother of success. This famous saying is like rain and dew, moistening my heart

Failure is the mother of success. This famous saying made me understand that failure is the precursor of success, and failure is the foundation of success. Only by learning from failure can we achieve success. Failure is the mother of success. This famous saying tells me - don't be afraid of failure, don't lose confidence in the face of failure, face difficulties, persevere, and dare to struggle. Failure is the mother of success. It encourages me to be positive and forward!

My Favorite Quote Composition (17)

My Favorite 300 Word Composition [2]

Speaking of the famous saying, my favorite is to count every inch of time and every inch of gold. Every inch of gold can't buy every inch of time.

During the summer vacation, because I had a two month vacation, I began to play crazily and forgot all about my homework. Every day, I either think about what TV I watch today or eat McDonald's and KFC the day after tomorrow. Mom said, "You know how to eat and play every day. Can't you put learning first?"

But I couldn't listen to it. It didn't occur to me until I left school for less than three days. Ah, my homework hasn't been finished yet! I scolded my mother and said, "Mom, why didn't you remind me to do my homework earlier? Alas, I have to stay up late tonight." My mother was furious and said to me, "You don't know how to do your homework. Even if I remind you, you will ignore me and suffer from it!"

I took my schoolbag, walked into the room, hung my ears, and said to myself, "Alas, how can there be so much homework?" I would write Chinese copy later, and then I would do math papers again. My hands were tired, and my neck was sore, so I was tired.

At this time, my mother came into the room and said to me, "You should remember this lesson. You should remember that every inch of time is an inch of gold. Every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time."

Yes, time is as precious as money, but no amount of money can buy a minute. Through this event, I learned that no matter what you do, you can't let time "escape" from what you do today.

I like this famous saying. It is my good partner in learning and my good friend in life.

My Favorite 300 Word Composition [3]

There are too many famous sayings I like, and the most enlightening one is that "books are the ladder of human progress".

I want to enlighten anyone with this famous saying. From ancient times to the present, there has been a famous person who has not studied hard and gained knowledge by himself, plus countless experiments, and finally became an outstanding talent after success. I like it because it gives me too much inspiration. It tells me that only reading can be outstanding; Only by reading can I make progress; Only by reading can we gain a lot of useful knowledge for ourselves, make contributions to the motherland in the future, make the motherland progress, and make human progress; Only by reading can we broaden our horizons and cultivate our sentiments; Only by reading can you enrich your life; Only by reading can we have food for ourselves, because books are the spiritual food of human beings.

In my study, it made me remember to read, read, and read again, adhere to my own ideals, strive to enter a famous university, and live up to my parents' expectations of my success. In life, every time I go to Dafeng to play, I will go to Xinhua Bookstore or Century Lianhua to read books on the chair. Then I will take money to buy books. When I buy them home, I will read them carefully. I will dig out the gold mine in the book, absorb the essence of the book, read the wonderful parts of the book several times, lay the foundation for writing, prepare for learning, and win honor for myself. Whenever I am tired of reading, I will recall it. In order to study and for myself, I will work hard and persist. So I became energetic.

I yearn for the color of life for the ideal, and also because it makes my life very happy and full. Finally, I would like to attach a few words to you: Don't be lazy to read, because laziness means burying a person alive; You can't be satisfied with some books, because discontent is an upward wheel.