One thing about Dad Composition (7 anthologies)
Be calm
2024-06-11 09:39:28

One thing about Dad Composition (1)

I do one thing for my parents 200 word composition (I)

Write a composition for parents

I want to do something for my parents. However, I can't do big things, so I have to focus on small things.

He wanted to wash the dishes, but his father took the job. I want to work, but he always lets me study. He wants to clean the floor, but he sees that the floor is spotless. I don't know what I should do, and I can't do anything. He always lets me learn, and it seems that ink can also be used as food. When I study, he keeps urging me, and when I rest, he keeps urging me.

My mother asked me to help her wash vegetables, but my father said I was wandering around and didn't do any homework. I can only face these complicated Chinese characters. When I finally had time, I was allowed to drink water. I saw my mother's cup was empty, so I poured some water and gently handed it to her. I thought in my heart that this is one thing I can do for you, that's all.

Do one thing for parents

As a child, I have long been used to the habit of my parents cooking, and I have the habit of tasting food. Sometimes, I still dislike this and that, and I am not grateful at all. In fact, it is not easy for parents to prepare dishes carefully every day. It is not easy to do more or less. It is also very annoying to try every means to change dishes every day. This is what I realized after I became my father's assistant in cooking.

Early that morning, I decided to get up early and go shopping with my father. In the vegetable market, the cries of selling come and go. I saw all kinds of dishes turned upside down. I didn't know what to buy, but I wanted to buy whatever I liked. But my father on the other side took it easy. He said to me, "You should buy whatever you can't see. You should make reasonable arrangements. Meat and vegetables should be matched properly, and nutrition should be distributed properly... Well, it's up to you to prepare the dishes today." I was so happy to have such a task that I bought tomatoes, onions, eggplants, fish, tofu and eggs. Dad asked me how do you plan to match it? I hesitated but didn't have any clue. My father smiled and said, "Well, it's OK to stir fry eggs with tomatoes, tofu and fish soup, and stir fry eggplant. In fact, you bought it right, but you don't know how to match it." I suddenly realized

This time I worked for my parents and benefited a lot. I learned about the hardships of being a parent, so we children should understand their intentions.

My parents dote on me very much, unwilling to let me share any housework, and even did my job, so I formed the habit of enjoying myself unconsciously. I often hear them say, "Son, you just have to read well, and you don't have to deal with anything else." However, too much love and kindness from my parents will also have many adverse effects on me. I always rely on my parents, which affects my independence, sense of responsibility and ability to overcome difficulties

In order to further enrich our holiday life, the school has carried out the experience activity of forming "ten good moral habits". What attracts me most is to do one thing for parents every day and help them do housework. After I finish my homework every day, I don't wash vegetables or pick beans; Fry some simple dishes, that is, mop the floor and wash the dishes. My parents found that I was actually very capable. Don't underestimate doing housework. It contains a lot of knowledge. I learn to be independent in the process of doing small housework, learn to live by myself, and learn to share responsibility.

Doing housework, helping parents do housework, especially learning to do housework, is a kind of training for the basic survival ability of modern primary and middle school students, as well as a manifestation of traditional virtues. Few modern students can do several kinds of housework. Learning to do housework is not only a kind of exercise for students, but also a kind of training for students to practice labor. In the holiday life, to train students to do housework can not only cultivate their labor consciousness and sense of responsibility, but also truly experience the hardships of parents in cultivating us. This is my most profound experience in this winter vacation.

The ancients said it well: "Every drop of kindness should be repaid by the spring." "Gratitude" is a basic quality of a person. A person who lacks love and does not know how to be grateful cannot be considerate, caring for others, filial piety to parents, respect teachers, and difficult to communicate with others and integrate into society, let alone love classmates, alma mater, country, and nation. Thackeray, a British writer, said: "Life is a mirror. When you laugh, it smiles; when you cry, it cries.". You are grateful for life, and life will give you brilliant sunshine; If you are not grateful, you may end up with nothing! If you can study with a grateful heart every day, I believe that the mood of learning is naturally happy and positive.

We should learn to respect our parents, sincerely understand their love, respect their labor achievements, and try our best to do something for them. When parents are tired, we should take the initiative to help them; When parents go out, we should remind them to pay attention to the weather changes and pay attention to safety on the way. When parents are ill, we should take care of them carefully. When parents come to visit you, we should say to them, "You have worked hard". At home, we should develop the good habit of showing filial respect to our parents. When we go to school, we will care about our classmates. When we go to society, we will probably care about our colleagues.

Thanks to our parents for giving us life, so that we feel the kinship and happiness in the world; Thanks to the teacher's earnest instruction, let us try the happiness of learning knowledge; Thank you for your sincere care and help, so that we have a happy campus. With a cry of wow, your parents will bring you into the world. Since then, there has been another little life in the world.

How hard it is to think that our mother will bear us in October! In addition, it will take them all their energy in the second half of their lives to train us from crying babies to handsome teenagers! And some of us can repay our parents for their upbringing! When the teachers and parents talk to you, you push all these things to the normal psychological development of adolescence. If this is true, I would rather not grow up all my life and just be a good baby beside my parents! In childhood, why are we all so clever and sensible, not as "rebellious" as we are now!

As a child, when your parents were tired, you would serve them tea and water. Although you were clumsy, you were very serious and respectful; When parents come home, you will take the initiative to pinch your shoulders and rub your back for them. Even if it is not very comfortable, parents will be particularly pleased... Could it be that we were stupid and clumsy at that time, but now we are making our personalities known? I washed the dishes for my mother this weekend. At first, my mother was surprised to say that today's dishes were missing. Later, she found that I washed them. She was very happy. We should do more for our parents when we are free.

I do one thing for my parents 200 word composition (2)

(1) Mother's Day gift: "There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure." Mother is an indispensable person in life. She always gives me meticulous love. I will never repay her kindness in my life.

I remember that Mother's Day, when my mother was about to leave work, I thought: Mom loves me so much at ordinary times, and today I will give her a reward - to wash her feet personally.

When I entered the bathroom, I took out the foot wash basin, picked up a basin of hot water, and carefully carried it to my mother's bed. Everything is all set. At this time, the sound of mother's high heels "tick tick tick" was clearly visible in the corridor. In order to achieve the effect of "surprise", as soon as my mother came in, I solemnly said, "Can I help you wash your feet. Before my mother responded, I pushed her to the front of the bed and sat down, lifted her feet, gently helped her take off her shoes and socks, and soaked her feet in water. Mother's feet are rough and cracked, and cracks are faintly visible. It is these big feet that have spared no pains to raise me since childhood and make me grow healthily. I put my hand into the hot water, held my mother's foot tightly, rubbed hard, rubbed hard, hoping to rub away my mother's fatigue and my son's love for her. My mother gently touched my head and said happily, "Mom's efforts over the years have not been in vain! How much pain I have suffered for you is worth it!" After listening to my mother's words, a kind of feeling and shame came into my heart. I can't help but feel my nose sour, and two rows of hot tears fall into the basin

My mother is the person who loves me the most in the world. It is my mother who brought us to this beautiful world. From now on, I will do more for my mother to express my love for her.

(2) Gift of March 8

Tomorrow is Women's Day. I always want to do something for my mother, but I have no chance. Today is a great opportunity -- I want to do something for my mother.

My mother never asked me to do anything for her. I must give her a surprise today. In the evening, when my mother came back, I hurried to the kitchen to add some hot water to the tea I had already made. When the temperature was moderate, I took the tea to my mother, handed it to her, and said, "Mom, you 1

It's very hard for me to work hard day and night. Please drink some tea and have a rest. " My mother listened and said, "Thank you, daughter. You washed my feet and served tea for my mother these days. You have really changed and grown up." I listened to my mother and said, "Mom, tomorrow is Women's Day. It's your festival. Of course, I will do something for you. I also want to say to you, Mom, you have worked hard and I love you." I can see that my mother is very happy, Be happy for my action. But what I did was just bring my mother a cup of tea, which shows how much my mother loves me. In the future, I will often do something for my mother, such as bringing her a cup of tea to drink, sending her a bunch of flowers and so on. I want my mother to feel my love.

Love is sunshine, love is rain and dew. You will understand the true meaning of love only when you learn to love your mother, your father and all the people around you. On Women's Day, I also learned to care for my mother, which made me feel extremely happy.

(3) It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to show filial piety to parents. During this winter vacation, I learned a lot about "filial piety homework", and it's not easy to learn about parents

I was worried about "filial piety homework" that day. What should I do? Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. By the way, help my parents wash their feet!

I waited and waited until the evening when my mother got off work. As soon as she came in, I hurried to let her sit on the sofa and bring a basin of water prepared in advance. "What are you doing?" My mother looked at me puzzled. "Wash your feet!" I answered carelessly. Then he helped his mother take off her socks and put her feet in the sink. Who would have thought that as soon as her tiptoe touched the water surface, she drew back with a whoosh. What's going on? I am full of questions. He tried the water with his hands. Ah! It's hot! The temperature of the water can burn the skin on your hands! Oh, I'm so confused. Why don't I try the water temperature before washing my mother's feet? So I said to my mother, "Mom, I'm sorry, I'll help you add some more cold water." My mother nodded. So I picked up the basin and went to the faucet to receive some cold water. This time, I have a long memory and tried the water with my hands. "Hmm, just in time!" So I took the water to my mother and put her feet back into the basin to wash her feet. After her feet were washed, I would wash my father's feet. two

Facing my father's smelly feet, I had to wear gloves and masks. I carried the water over and gently put my father's feet into the water. My feet were washed. But I still smell a bad smell of my feet. I haven't washed them clean! So I poured out the water, changed a basin of clean water, and took Shufeijia shower gel. I pressed the shower gel, smoothed the water with my hands, and then took my father's feet and put them into the water. Finally, it doesn't smell.

Growing up unforgettable parents think, our growth, is inseparable from parents, no parents will not have our achievements today! Be filial to your parents. They have spent half their lives for us. If we don't do anything for our parents, it will be too "unfilial"! "Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded with three spring sunshine"! Friends, take action!

(4) Share housework for mother

Since I was sensible, my mother has cared about me meticulously. Now, I'm a twelve year old boy, and I can't let my mother work for me every day, so I always want to find a chance to help my mother share some housework.

The opportunity finally came. It was a Saturday morning, my mother was not at home, and the cleaning aunt was not here. It was time for me to show my skills.

First, I brought a broom to clean the floor. Alas, the floor of my house is too dirty, especially under the sofa, bed and table. It took me a lot of effort to clean them. Then I took a rag and conscientiously wiped the table. Ten minutes later, I polished the table to make it shiny. Then I picked up the mop and mopped the floor once. Soon, all the dirt on the floor was "wiped out" by me. At this time, I was already sweating. I glanced around the living room and said to myself, "Well, I'm really good. The sanitation is good, and it's spotless!" But in the clean living room, there are still a lot of things that are very uncoordinated. When I came closer, I found that they were dirty clothes that were changed yesterday. heart

One thing about Dad Composition (2)

The Double Ninth Festival is coming. I want to do something for my father. Help Dad wash the dishes today! After dinner, I said to my father, "Let me wash it today!" My father said, "OK, it's up to you today." "I must wash it cleaner than you do!" I said confidently.

After dinner, Dad asked me to wash it. I lifted up my sleeve and began to wash the first bowl. I picked up the bowl, boiled water, and rubbed the bowl with detergent. After sliding down, I slipped down, like a naughty little monkey. I escaped from my hand. I came up with a wonderful way. I took the bowl with my left hand, washed it with my right hand, and washed it clean. My father said I washed it well, I felt very sweet after hearing this!

One thing about Dad Composition (3)

It's almost New Year's Day. My family has stocked up New Year goods and dried fruits for the New Year, including walnuts. I like to eat walnuts, but I don't like to peel them because they are too hard to peel.

During the Spring Festival, guests come to their homes to eat dry goods. After the New Year, there are still some walnuts left, At this time, I had not yet started school. I was playing and eating at home. My father saw that I was free and had been eating. He told me that there were still a lot of walnuts there. They were eaten after peeling and playing. I said, don't worry, I'll peel it later.

After dinner, I'll see what my father is doing! Where to watch TV, I peeled walnuts and pressed them for a long time.

Then they all came to me to eat.

I am greatly touched!

One thing about Dad Composition (4)

Now, I am taking part in the first Sibelius International Children's Piano Grand Prix in a concert hall in Vienna. The concert hall was full. I played the song "I Love You, China". My skillful performance, sincere feelings, and beautiful melody caused endless applause from the audience. The voice of "China, China" is deafening.

I won the grand prize of this grand prix and finally realized my piano dream. An old white haired musician hung a shining medal for me, and the blond foreign children presented me with bouquets of flowers.

I am very excited because I have won honor for my country and my parents. At this time, I am extremely honored to stand on the podium

The dream is over! Mom and Dad, if only one day! This reminds me:

How many cold mornings, my mother covered my hands, and my mother warmed my hands and my heart... How many hot summer nights, my mother accompanied me to play the piano and fan for me, and she sweated all over her head, but brought me cool

How can I forget that in order to find a good teacher for me, my father ran around all the time; How many grade examination days, it was my father who cheered for me and made great efforts for me

Ah! This is the greatest father love and mother love in the world! Mom and Dad, don't worry, I won't let you down! I will work hard for you, for myself, and make continuous progress to be a good boy with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique!

One thing about Dad Composition (5)

Life, there are many bits and pieces of memory, worthy of our treasure. I have seen many people and things in the eleven spring, summer, autumn and winter, but the most unforgettable thing is that warm night.

At about 7:00 p.m. one day in 20xx, a friend asked his father to drink. At first, his father refused, but he had to go at last. I was very unhappy because my father promised to play with me in the afternoon. I said to my father, "You don't keep your word. I will never speak to you again."

My father comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter. Dad goes to the Hundred meter Avenue. I'll buy you what you want. I won't work tomorrow and will play with you all day, OK?". I said that I wanted two books of Charles IX and asked my father to buy them before he went home. There is the latest cartoon sequel tonight. I have to watch it at eight o'clock.

When it was eight o'clock, I turned on the TV and watched cartoons. I was still worried about my father. Eight fifteen, eight thirty, eight forty-five, nine o'clock...... Time passes by minute by minute. The cartoon is over, and Dad hasn't come back yet.

My mother went to work overtime, and I was alone at home, so boring. I have read all the books I love; Look at TV. The good TV will be tomorrow; If you want to see an iPad, you have to pay for it. So, I played with my doll, ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes... Finally, I picked up my phone and called my father. "Beep, beep -- The number you dialed cannot be connected for the time being. Please redial later."

Is there anything wrong with Dad? It's normal for people like me who read a lot of detective stories to think wildly. I called my mother, but I didn't get through. I turned on all the lights at home and sat in a daze among a pile of dolls.

Just then, it began to rain cats and dogs outside the window. I went to the balcony and saw a familiar figure in the yard. It was Dad! But as soon as he got to the front of the apartment building, he seemed to forget something. He immediately turned around and ran out of the yard. He took a taxi and left. It was already over ten o'clock.

I thought: Where has Dad gone again? Don't you go to the liquor store again? My heart is broken.

At half past ten, I dozed off and was about to go to bed when I heard the sound of a key turning on the door. I stood in front of the door to see who it was? The door opened and it was Dad. Dad held two new books in his hand, and his body was all wet, but the books in his hand were still wet.

My eyes moistened... My father said, "Dad is fine. I didn't drink much wine today. I mainly went to talk about work. I just went to the bookstore and they were about to close. I hurriedly picked out these two books. Do you like them?"

"Like..." I threw myself into my father's arms and gave him a big hug.

At eight o'clock the next morning, my father woke me up and said, "Later, I will take you to the movies. In the afternoon, I will accompany you and your mother to buy new clothes. Then we will go to eat steak and play games in the evening. How about that?" "Good!" My father did exactly what he said.

This matter makes me unforgettable all my life. I should also keep my promise like my father, and do what I say so that I can make more friends.

One thing about Dad Composition (6)

Write one thing in the summer vacation of primary school students Composition: Experience my father's work

I came to my father's unit to experience his work.

The first thing my father did when he entered the factory was to come to the dressing room, change his work clothes, and look at my fully armed father, I felt a little strange. Then we came to the office. My father is the safety officer of the workshop, responsible for the handover before production and guiding the safety work of this team, half an hour later. "Prepare for the meeting", I was dragged to the workshop by my father. He is a soldier, and he always does things like this. Every day, there are about ten minutes of safety speech before formal production. In particular, the last "safety first, quality assurance" is too neat and loud, which makes me feel shocked. I think the morale of workers will be doubled.

My father asked me to hand me over to Uncle Geng, who was doing auxiliary work. He gave me a brief tour and then started to put me into production. The roar of the machine was deafening. The empty workshop made me more afraid. I held my uncle's hand more tightly. Seeing this, my uncle had to take me to the lounge. "Look, who is this?" said the uncle, pointing to a large picture hanging on the wall. It's Dad! I recognized it at a glance. He is really great. He has the best performance for several months in a row. How cool! I watched happily and felt proud of having such a father!

No wonder my father came home from work in the middle of the night to eat. No wonder he was lying in bed complaining about backache. No wonder he cried in his dream: "Safety first, no wonder... My father goes to work every day and is really tired.". Today, I walked into his working environment, and I really understood how difficult he is. In the future, I will take him as an example, do my duty, study hard and make progress every day. Dear father, you have worked hard! I give you a high military salute!

One thing about Dad Composition (7)

Whenever I see or hear the famous saying "Be modest and everything can be accomplished, and be complacent." I always think of one day in the summer vacation. That day I had been watching TV at home. Suddenly, there was a power failure. I just walked around the house, doing nothing. Look here and turn it over; When I kicked there, I refused to do my homework. When my father saw me, he asked, "Why don't you do your homework when you are free? It's better to do your homework than to walk around!" I carelessly replied, "The homework has been finished." My father asked again, "Then you can read a book or something. Why do you want to walk around here?" I replied impatiently, "I am used to reading books. There is nothing good to see." "Then you can review the worst subjects. Why do you want to walk around here?" "No need, I have learned from the classics." Dad was angry and asked, "What's the worst and what's the best for you?" I casually replied, "English is the worst and math is the best." Dad said, "Then I will give you ten math questions and ten English questions. See if you can get them all right!" I answered quickly, "Good!"

Soon, the twenty questions were finished. I did it quickly, and it was finished in three minutes. Then I handed it to Dad for inspection. Dad corrected it with red pen. After correction, he looked at it and shook his head. I rushed to have a look. Wow! Fifteen of the twenty questions were wrong. My father stroked my head and said earnestly, "Be modest, everything can be accomplished, and be complacent, everything can be accomplished. Son, you should remember this sentence!" Although it was just a short sentence, it condensed my father's concern for my study and love for me. I corrected my mistakes and reviewed them carefully

Since then, I have never been complacent or careless