One thing for familiar people Composition (15 in general)
2024-06-06 05:22:28

One thing about familiar people Composition (1)

My father is the person I know best. Let me introduce to you today!

Dad has a pair of thick lips and big eyes. I often wear a pair of black frame glasses, feeling a bit cultural.

I usually write a bad composition. There are always no good words and sentences, and the expression is somewhat incomplete. My father saw it and said to me, "How about this? Every time I write a composition, you first make a draft, and I will help you look at it. Change it." I nodded and agreed with my father. Every time I finished typing the draft, I would ask my father to read it for me. Change. My father told me why I should change it. In some places, words and sentences were used, in some places, the order of expression was before and after, and he taught me many new words. Tell me what to do in the future, and let me answer some questions from time to time. After several weeks of practice, my composition has made some progress. Occasionally, when my father speaks, I will find out what needs to be revised. I want to thank my father for making progress in my composition and making my composition better each time. Thank you, father.

This is my most familiar person, my father!

One thing about familiar people Composition (2)

My mother is the person I know best. She is tall, with long curly hair, high forehead, curved eyebrows, big eyes. Mother's character is very "strange". When I was good, she was as gentle as a sheep; When I did something wrong or didn't study hard, I was like a buffalo with a very bad temper. Mother likes to eat shrimp and drink wine; She also likes playing mahjong on the computer and searching information on the Internet. Mother studies hard and often works day and night. Mom said: "It's a great enjoyment of life to eat melon seeds at home and prepare lessons at the same time!"!

Once, the teacher wanted to teach a text called Kingfisher. She asked us to go home to find information. I asked my mother to help me as soon as I got home. My mother said yes, and she said with great courage: "The kingfisher is called a fisherman by Guangdong people. The most numerous and widely distributed kingfisher is Eurasian kingfisher..." After hearing what my mother said, I seemed to know the kingfisher like the palm of my hand. I clapped my hands and complimented my mother, admiring her very much.

One thing about familiar people Composition (3)

Everyone has their own familiar people around them. I believe everyone has it. The following small editor brings you a story about writing primary school compositions for familiar people. Welcome to read it and hope it can help you.

Write something about a familiar person Composition 1

The person I know best is my grandfather. The old man is 83 years old this year, but his body is strong and his legs are flexible.

Grandpa is not tall, very thin, and a little hunched. There are several deep wrinkles on the forehead. Grandpa's eyes are not big, they are cloudy, and several strands of hair are distributed unevenly on his head.

Grandpa's personality is very strange. Sometimes he looks like a child. No one can stop him from doing what he wants. These days, Grandma was ill and living in the hospital. Dad was afraid of Grandpa's loneliness at home, so he took him to our home. Grandfather didn't like to stay at my house. As soon as he entered the house, he muttered, "I have to go back to watch the house! There are many thieves now, and the things in this house are valuable!" At night, the old man finally stopped talking, and we can finally be quiet. But who knows, he took a taxi home at the first light of the next day. By the time I got up at six o'clock for class, Grandfather had arrived home, We were so angry that we couldn't laugh or cry.

However, grandpa is sometimes very "smart". When he hears someone's voice is ugly, he can have a good method - pretend to be deaf. When my father and grandpa talked, my father talked with grandpa in a normal tone, and grandpa could hear clearly. But when Uncle scolded Grandpa, he could not see anything.

This is my grandpa, a childish grandpa.

Write a thing about familiar people Composition 2

I have a sister who practices Taekwondo. There are many things related to her, one of which is the most memorable thing for me.

Usually, she always goes to practice Kung Fu in the morning and comes home at night. But one week, she came back at more than two o'clock in the afternoon. She had a thick cast on her arm and was hanged around her neck. I was shocked and asked, "What's the matter?" The elder sister said, "I was practicing a difficult movement called air backspin. I accidentally fell down from it. My arm touched the ground first, fell off the mortar, and the bone twisted a circle. It was misplaced. I took a film in the hospital. After the bone was restored, I came back. I didn't call because my mother was afraid." I felt very distressed when I looked at my sister's waxy face, Then she asked, "Sister, it's too hard. Can you stop practicing?" Sister said, "I will work hard, and I will never give up."

Two years later today, my sister has practiced countless difficult movements and won many medals. Through this event, I finally understand that nothing can be done halfway, and I also want to learn from my sister this spirit of perseverance.

Write something about a familiar person Composition 3

Everyone has his or her own familiar person. Of course, I also have him or her. He or she is my brother.

My brother has a pair of small eyes. He smiles like a line. He is tall and has a nose of no size. He seems very hardworking, but in fact he is a very lazy person.

I remember once, my brother and I were watching TV while eating. After a while, my brother and I finished eating. When I was about to deliver the bowl, my brother said, "Help me deliver the bowl." I said, "You can deliver it yourself." "How can you be so stingy if you don't help me with such a bowl!" My brother said angrily. I said, "Brother, do your own thing!" Then I left.

This is really a lazy brother!

Write something about a familiar person Composition 4

My grandmother is 55 years old this year. She is a energetic, kind and beautiful person. Grandma has a tall character, a pair of bright big eyes, and long curly hair. Although the corners of her eyes have wrinkles, her style is still the same. People who don't know her often misunderstand that Grandma is my mother. Despite her fashionable appearance, Grandma is actually a hardworking and economical person.

I remember once when I went out to eat, I just went out to play quickly, so when I ate, I was in a panic. The rice fell all over the table, and the rice in the bowl was not cleaned. Grandma said to me earnestly, "A small grain of rice is nothing! But all the rice in our plate is the fruit of the farmer's uncle's hard work!" Grandma also calculated an account for me. If everyone saves one grain of rice, they can save 1.3 billion grains of rice. There are about 50000 grains of rice in a kilogram of rice, and 26000 grams in 1.3 billion grains of rice. A person eats about half a million grams of rice a day. Twenty six thousand grams of rice can make a person eat fifty-two thousand days. After listening to Grandma's words, I lowered my head in shame. Since then, I have changed the bad habit of leftovers.

Grandma's virtue of diligence and thrift is worth learning. I will take my grandmother as an example, start from now on, start from everything around me, and achieve the goal of "supporting ambition with diligence and morality with thrift".

Write a thing about familiar people Composition 5

My most familiar person is my mother. She is hardworking and kind-hearted. She gets along with me every day. I love her very much.

Mother is of medium stature. She is not fat or thin. Her skin is dark. Her hair is curly. Her round face and bright eyes reveal wisdom. She often wears a beautiful skirt and looks very attractive.

My mother is gentle and kind. Once, I didn't do well in the exam and limped home. I blushed and bowed my head and said, "I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't do well in the exam." Unexpectedly, my mother said, "It doesn't matter, I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I will work hard next time!" I thought I would get a scolding, but I didn't expect my mother to be so gentle, and I felt warm in my heart. I decided to take the exam for 100 points next time!

Under the guidance of my mother, my grades are getting better and better day by day. I thank my mother for her dedication to me.

I wish my mother will always be young and beautiful!

One thing about familiar people Composition (4)

[Chapter 1]: Write a 200 word composition about a person I know around me

I know many people, but I know my deskmate Wang Wei best, and I know him very well.

Wang Wei is not tall, a little chubby, and his small eyes are full of energy. He was kind and helpful, and was honored as "timely rain" by his classmates. I remember one time when I was in class, I had a nosebleed. He asked the teacher for leave quickly and pulled me to run to the water room. It may be too hot to stop after washing for a long time. I didn't know what to do, but Wang Wei resolutely picked me up and ran to the school doctor's room. After the treatment of the school doctor, the nosebleed stopped. I quietly lay on the bed in the school hospital. Looking at Wang Wei, who was busy and sweating, I felt grateful.

A few days ago, the class organized drought relief donations, no limit. One of the students in the class was so worried that he cried because he couldn't make a donation due to economic difficulties. When Wang Wei found out, he quietly gave the classmate five yuan to show his love and fulfill his wish. It's true that Wang Weijia is not richer than my family, but I failed to do so. I once again admired him.

Wang Wei is such a helpful and kind-hearted person, who I know and admire most.

[Chapter 2]: Write a 200 word composition about a person I know around me

My father is the person I know best.

He has big, intense eyes. A high bridge of the nose, because of the long time work outside, the skin is tanned. My father is a know it all. As soon as our family encounters any difficulty, with a know it all, all problems will be solved. Once, when I was doing my math homework, I was puzzled by a math problem. I asked my father, "Dad, I can't answer this question. Tell me about it." My father said, "Don't worry, there is a father. I still don't understand. Dad never tires of talking until I can. After the meeting, my father gave me two similar questions, one of which was right, and I was very sad. My father said, "It's OK, as long as you grasp this method and train repeatedly, it will be a piece of cake to set such questions later." I trained repeatedly after listening to my father's words, and I was really not afraid of such questions.

I like my father very much. He is very knowledgeable and I envy him. However, I believe that as long as I study hard, I will definitely be more knowledgeable than him in the future.

[Chapter 3]: Write a 200 word composition about a person you know

Everyone has people they know. Of course I do. He is my father. My father has a head of dark hair, thick eyebrows with a pair of bright big eyes, tall and big, looks very energetic. I remember one autumn, when it was very cold, the leaves turned yellow and fell one after another. When I went out, I sat on my father's electric car. In fact, it was too cold. I was shivering. When my father saw that I was shivering, he took off his clothes and gave them to me, leaving only a vest. I felt distressed and waved my hand again and again: "No, Dad, you will catch a cold!" "Never mind, you still have to go to school. If you catch a cold and have a fever, you can't go to school." Dad said with a smile. I was so impressed that I had to put on my father's clothes. This is my father, a caring and loving person. When I grow up, I must take good care of him.

One thing about familiar people Composition (5)

Everyone has their own familiar people around them. Of course I do. He is my father. My father has a head of black hair, thick eyebrows with a pair of bright big eyes, tall and big, looks very energetic. I remember one autumn, when the weather was very cold, the leaves turned yellow and fell one after another. When I went out, I sat on my father's electric car. It was so cold that I shivered. When my father saw me shivering, he quickly took off his clothes and gave them to me, leaving only a vest. I felt distressed and waved my hand repeatedly: "No, Dad, you will catch a cold!" "It doesn't matter, you still have to go to school. If you catch a cold and have a fever, you can't go to school." Dad said with a smile. I was so moved that I had to put on my father's clothes. This is my father, a caring and kind person. When I grow up, I must take good care of him.

One thing about familiar people Composition (6)

One of the people I know best: Coach Lin Baodi. He has all kinds of good qualities, such as patience, kindness and approachability. I like the coach best because there was once a thing.

It must start when I first came here. At that time, I was very timid, but what about the coach? He patiently taught me movements, and I learned them very quickly. I thought the coach would scold me when I made a mistake, but the coach kindly said: "It's OK, take your time, and one day I can do it well!" I thought to myself, will I do it well? At the beginning of my study, I performed very well and learned very fast. My sisters who swam for a long time dared to bully the coach. I think the coach is very approachable. The coach is an ordinary person, not a god. But it is popular with so many people because of three qualities that are rare in others: patience, kindness and approachability.

I like the coach and even treat him as my father because he is a good coach and the best coach in the world.

One thing about familiar people Composition (7)

There are many familiar people around me, and my mother is the one I know best. My mother taught me that when I was sick, my mother took care of me, and my mother was also very willing to help others.

One morning, it began to rain cats and dogs outside. My mother and I each took an umbrella to go shopping in the supermarket. As soon as we left the building, my mother and I were wet by the rain. At this time, an aunt came to the opposite side. Suddenly, the aunt stopped. It turned out that her shoelace was open. The aunt looked around. There was no shelter next to her. She looked at her shoelaces in embarrassment. At this moment, my mother went over and asked, "Can I help you?" My aunt nodded her head. So my mother helped my aunt with her umbrella, and she bent down and tied her shoelaces. My aunt smiled and said, "Thank you, goodbye." My mother also smiled and said, "You're welcome, goodbye."

I think in the future, I must like my mother to help people in trouble around me, whether familiar or unfamiliar.

One thing about familiar people Composition (8)

My sister has a pair of small water eyes, red face like an apple, very cute.

I still remember one time when my aunt went to the toilet, and her cell phone rang in her bag. My sister heard her cell phone ringing while playing. My sister went to search her bag, took out her cell phone, and went to the toilet to take it to my aunt. You see how lovely my sister is. I feel proud to have such a cute and smart sister.

Part II:

I know many people, but the person I know best is my deskmate Wang Wei, whom I know very well.

Wang Wei is not tall, a little chubby, and his small eyes are full of energy. He was kind and helpful, and was honored as "timely rain" by his classmates. I remember one time when I was in class, I had a nosebleed. He asked the teacher for leave quickly and pulled me to run to the water room. It may be too hot to stop after washing for a long time. I didn't know what to do, but Wang Wei resolutely picked me up and ran to the school doctor's room. After the treatment of the school doctor, the nosebleed stopped. I lay quietly on the bed in the school doctor's room and looked at Wang Wei, who was busy and sweating, and felt grateful.

A few days ago, the class organized drought relief donations, no limit. One of the students in the class could not make a donation due to financial difficulties, so he was so worried that he cried. When Wang Wei found out, he slipped five yuan into the student's pocket and made him give his love and wish. In fact, Wang Weijia is not richer than my family, but I failed to do so. I once again admired him.

Wang Wei is such a helpful and kind-hearted person. He is a person I know and admire most.

Part III:

One person I know best is my cousin Xiao Qian, who has long eyelashes, big eyes and a white red face. Zeng Jingyi likes to wear skirts most. Her wardrobe is full of beautiful skirts in various formats. As soon as summer comes, she will take out her favorite skirt.

Yi Xiaoqian comes to my home every day to study, and asks me if she has any problems. One day when I came home from school, I was doing my homework. She came back with her schoolbag on her back. She walked into the door and saw that I was doing my homework. She used to take a small chair from the outside room, sit beside me, take out the homework book, learn, and finish writing. She asked me to check for any wrong words. When she saw my homework, she suddenly cried out, "Oh, why did you draw. I tore up that piece of paper and couldn't help thinking of something that happened in last summer vacation.

At that time, Xiaoqian had not yet gone to school. She asked me to teach her how to read. I took a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote a few words. At first, she wrote very carefully, but later, the words were connected together, almost like painting. I said to her, "You should write carefully. You need to write one stroke at a time to write good characters!" Xiao Qian listened carefully and nodded from time to time. The pigtail on her head also nodded mischievously... Suddenly my skirt was torn. Looking back, there was no one. Then she turned her face to see Xiao Qian suddenly blinking her big eyes at me, as if to say, "Am I wrong?" I nodded and answered her: "That's right!" And then I wrote a word of "yes" carefully to accept her opinion.

Looking at Xiao Qian, who is as beautiful as flowers, I also smiled.

One thing about familiar people Composition (9)

One thing to write about familiar people Primary school composition (I)

There are many familiar people around me, and my mother is the one I know best. My mother taught me that when I was sick, my mother took care of me, and my mother was also very willing to help others. One morning, it began to rain cats and dogs outside. My mother and I each took an umbrella to go shopping in the supermarket. As soon as we left the building, my mother and I were wet by the rain. At this time, an aunt came to the opposite side. Suddenly, the aunt stopped. It turned out that her shoelace was open. The aunt looked around. There was no shelter next to her. She looked at her shoelaces in embarrassment. At this moment, my mother went over and asked, "Can I help you?" My aunt nodded her head. So my mother helped my aunt with her umbrella, and she bent down and tied her shoelaces. Aunt smiled and said, "Thank you, goodbye." My mother also smiled and said, "Don't thank you, goodbye." I think I must help people in trouble around me like my mother in the future, whether they are familiar or not.

One thing to write about familiar people Primary school composition (2)

Everyone has their own familiar people around them. Of course I do. He is my father. My father has a head of black hair, thick eyebrows with a pair of bright big eyes, tall and big, looks very energetic. I remember one autumn, when the weather was very cold, the leaves turned yellow and fell one after another. When I went out, I sat on my father's electric car. It was so cold that I shivered. When my father saw me shivering, he quickly took off his clothes and gave them to me, leaving only a vest. I felt distressed and waved my hand repeatedly: "No, Dad, you will catch a cold!" "It doesn't matter, you still have to go to school. If you catch a cold and have a fever, you can't go to school." Dad said with a smile. I was so moved that I had to put on my father's clothes. This is my father, a caring and kind person. When I grow up, I must take good care of him.

One thing to write about familiar people Primary school composition (3)

My father is the person I know best.

He has big, intense eyes. A tall bridge of the nose, because of the long time work outside, the skin is tanned. My father is a know it all. As soon as our family encounters any difficulty, with a know it all, all difficulties will be solved. Once, when I was doing my math homework, I was puzzled by a math problem. I asked my father, "Dad, I can't answer this question. Tell me about it." My father said, "Don't worry, there is a father. I still don't understand. Dad never tires of talking until I can. After the meeting, my father gave me two similar questions, one of which was right, and I was very sad. My father said, "It's OK. As long as you master this method and practice it repeatedly, it will be a piece of cake to write such questions later." After listening to my father's words, I practiced again and again, and I was really not afraid of such questions.

I like my father very much. He is very knowledgeable and I envy him. However, I believe that as long as I study hard, I will definitely be more knowledgeable than him in the future.

One thing to write about familiar people Primary school composition (4)

I know many people, but the person I know best is my deskmate Wang Wei, whom I know very well.

Wang Wei is not tall, a little chubby, and his small eyes are full of energy. He was kind and helpful, and was honored as "timely rain" by his classmates. I remember one time when I was in class, I had a nosebleed. He asked the teacher for leave quickly and pulled me to run to the water room. It may be too hot to stop after washing for a long time. I didn't know what to do, but Wang Wei resolutely picked me up and ran to the school doctor's room. After the treatment of the school doctor, the nosebleed stopped. I lay quietly on the bed in the school doctor's room and looked at Wang Wei, who was busy and sweating, and felt grateful.

A few days ago, the class organized drought relief donations, no limit. One of the students in the class could not make a donation due to financial difficulties, so he was so worried that he cried. When Wang Wei found out, he slipped five yuan into the student's pocket and made him give his love and wish. In fact, Wang Weijia is not richer than my family, but I failed to do so. I once again admired him.

Wang Wei is such a helpful and kind-hearted person. He is a person I know and admire most.

One thing about familiar people Composition (10)

Write something about a familiar person Composition 1

The person I know best is my grandfather. The old man is 83 years old this year, but his body is strong and his legs are flexible.

Grandpa is not tall, very thin, and a little hunched. There are several deep wrinkles on the forehead. Grandpa's eyes are not big, they are cloudy, and several strands of hair are distributed unevenly on his head.

Grandpa's personality is very strange. Sometimes he looks like a child. No one can stop him from doing what he wants. These days, Grandma was ill and living in the hospital. Dad was afraid of Grandpa's loneliness at home, so he took him to our home. Grandfather didn't like to stay at my house. As soon as he entered the house, he muttered, "I have to go back to watch the house! There are many thieves now, and the things in this house are valuable!" At night, the old man finally stopped talking, and we can finally be quiet. But who knows, he took a taxi home at the first light of the next day. By the time I got up at six o'clock for class, Grandfather had arrived home, We were so angry that we couldn't laugh or cry.

However, grandpa is sometimes very "smart". When he hears someone's voice is ugly, he can have a good method - pretend to be deaf. When my father and grandpa talked, my father talked with grandpa in a normal tone, and grandpa could hear clearly. But when Uncle scolded Grandpa, he could not see anything.

This is my grandpa, a childish grandpa.

Write a thing about familiar people Composition 2

I have a sister who practices Taekwondo. There are many things related to her, one of which is the most memorable thing for me.

Usually, she always goes to practice Kung Fu in the morning and comes home at night. But one week, she came back at more than two o'clock in the afternoon. She had a thick cast on her arm and was hanged around her neck. I was shocked and asked, "What's the matter?" The elder sister said, "I was practicing a difficult movement called air backspin. I accidentally fell down from it. My arm touched the ground first, fell off the mortar, and the bone twisted a circle. It was misplaced. I took a film in the hospital. After the bone was restored, I came back. I didn't call because my mother was afraid." I felt very distressed when I looked at my sister's waxy face, Then she asked, "Sister, it's too hard. Can you stop practicing?" Sister said, "I will work hard, and I will never give up."

Two years later today, my sister has practiced countless difficult movements and won many medals. Through this event, I finally understand that nothing can be done halfway, and I also want to learn from my sister this spirit of perseverance.

Write something about a familiar person Composition 3

Everyone has his or her own familiar person. Of course, I also have him or her. He or she is my brother.

My brother has a pair of small eyes. He smiles like a line. He is tall and has a nose of no size. He seems very hardworking, but in fact he is a very lazy person.

I remember once, my brother and I were watching TV while eating. After a while, my brother and I finished eating. When I was about to deliver the bowl, my brother said, "Help me deliver the bowl." I said, "You can deliver it yourself." "How can you be so stingy if you don't help me with such a bowl!" My brother said angrily. I said, "Brother, do your own thing!" Then I left.

This is really a lazy brother!

Write a thing about familiar people Composition 4

My grandmother is 55 years old this year. She is a energetic, kind and beautiful person. Grandma has a tall character, a pair of bright big eyes, and long curly hair. Although the corners of her eyes have wrinkles, her style is still the same. People who don't know her often misunderstand that Grandma is my mother. Despite her fashionable appearance, Grandma is actually a hardworking and economical person.

I remember once when I went out to eat, I just went out to play quickly, so when I ate, I was in a panic. The rice fell all over the table, and the rice in the bowl was not cleaned. Grandma said to me earnestly, "A small grain of rice is nothing! But all the rice in our plate is the fruit of the farmer's uncle's hard work!" Grandma also calculated an account for me. If everyone saves one grain of rice, they can save 1.3 billion grains of rice. There are about 50000 grains of rice in a kilogram of rice, and 26000 grams in 1.3 billion grains of rice. A person eats about half a million grams of rice a day. Twenty six thousand grams of rice can make a person eat fifty-two thousand days. After listening to Grandma's words, I lowered my head in shame. Since then, I have changed the bad habit of leftovers.

Grandma's virtue of diligence and thrift is worth learning. I will take my grandmother as an example, start from now on, start from everything around me, and achieve the goal of "supporting ambition with diligence and morality with thrift".

Write a thing about familiar people Composition 5

My most familiar person is my mother. She is hardworking and kind. She gets along with me every day. I love her very much.

Mother is of medium stature. She is not fat or thin. Her skin is dark. Her hair is curly. Her round face and bright eyes reveal wisdom. She often wears a beautiful skirt and looks very attractive.

My mother is gentle and kind. Once, I didn't do well in the exam and limped home. I blushed and bowed my head and said, "I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't do well in the exam." Unexpectedly, my mother said, "It doesn't matter, I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I will work hard next time!" I thought I would get a scolding, but I didn't expect my mother to be so gentle, and I felt warm in my heart. I decided to take the exam for 100 points next time!

Under the guidance of my mother, my grades are getting better and better day by day. I thank my mother for her dedication to me.

I wish my mother will always be young and beautiful!

One thing about familiar people Composition (11)

Write something about a familiar person

2、 What to write

1. There are many familiar people, such as parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts and other family members; Neighborhood; A shop assistant; Classmates; Principals and teachers; The school guard... choose one of the most familiar.

2. Write one thing about the familiar person instead of several things. First of all, it is true, and it is best that you witnessed it. Then it can reflect his (her) characteristics (acute, careful, nagging, beautiful, lively, careless, quiet, etc.).

3. The method to grasp the characteristics: use the five senses to observe the people you are familiar with! Then remember his (her) appearance, action, language, expression, especially his (her) favorite dress, the most frequent action, the most favorite words, the most expression. Sometimes it is not necessary to deliberately highlight the characteristics. As long as you write down the person's dress, words and deeds in a specific matter, you can naturally portray his (her) character.

For example:

1. You can write something about your relatives, such as your beautiful sister, strict father, nagging mother, fashionable grandmother, etc.

2. It can be a matter for your classmates or friends, such as the "sloppy king" around you, mischievous deskmates, fans, "computer experts" in your class, a student who is good at a sports activity, a quiet and obedient student in your class, etc

3. It can be something that other familiar people do, such as enthusiastic neighbors, enthusiastic salesmen, serious doormen, etc

3、 How to write

When writing about a familiar person, it is mainly through these things to highlight his characteristics. Among these things, mainly choose one thing you remember best to write in detail. First, you can simply write about the familiar person's appearance (tall, short, fat, thin, hairstyle, facial appearance, etc.), clothing (color, length, style, etc.). Then write down one thing in your memory: Where is it? when? What happened? If something strange, funny, interesting, annoying or unhappy happens in this event, write it down carefully. Finally, write down the results or the impression of the familiar people and the feelings of things.

Note: If you can't remember the details of things or the details of the appearance of the familiar person, you can meet the familiar person again and work with him (her). You must carefully observe (use five facial features) and quickly record it, so that you have something to write. many

With verbs, the article will be vivid.

1. For example, remember the story of Amy's sister buying a skirt. What does your sister look like? Tall, short, fat and thin? What kind of clothes (color, style) do you like to wear? How do you like to dress (hair style, hair accessories, etc.)? Is it pretty? Once, what skirt did my sister want to buy? (What kind of fancy? What kind?) Where can I buy it? (Shopping malls, specialty stores, street markets?) How did she choose? (Looking left and right, feeling up and down?) How many pieces did you try on? Did you have any accidents when choosing (for example, my sister liked a different skirt, but my mother didn't like it. What did my sister think of to get this skirt? What did they say? What did she do? What did she look like when my mother disagreed? What did she think of?) When she finally got this skirt, was my sister happy? What did she do?

2. For example, what are my father's requirements for me? Are these requirements strict? Have you ever made a mistake or failed to meet the requirements? What was Dad's expression then? What did he say? (Does he speak loudly? Is he firm? Or scolds him severely?) What did he do? Do you think it makes sense? What did you do later? Please record one of the most impressive things in detail.

3. For example, there is a sloppy king in your class who interviewed him: Did you oversleep in the morning? Will you wear the wrong socks in a hurry and remember that you didn't wear a red scarf when you left home; When I got to school, I found that I didn't bring my homework book with me? When I came home in the evening, I found that I didn't bring my homework book with me. Instead, I brought other students' homework home? What did he think when he found out? What did you say? How did his parents educate him?

One thing about familiar people Composition (12)

My mother is very beautiful: a pair of bright big eyes, a waterfall of long hair, a standard model figure, plus she dresses carefully, it can be said that she is an absolutely beautiful mother. However, my mother is really like a chameleon. She is gentle, stern, irritable and peaceful.

Once, when I accidentally broke a precious vase, I cried, trying to influence my mother and get her understanding and comfort. But my mother came over and looked at the vase painfully for a while. Then she came up to me and roared like a lion, "How did you break the vase? You are always so careless. If you continue like this, can you do your job well in the future?" I was frightened at that time, I begged repeatedly: "I was wrong, I was wrong, and I will pay attention to it later!" But my mother didn't eat this. The more I said, the more angry she became. I saw my mother's face turned from white to red, from red to purple. I stared at my mother, shocked and afraid, and this time my mother would not forgive me. As expected, that disgusting little bamboo pole still landed heavily on my bottom.

Before going to bed at night, my mother changed color again and became gentle. She kindly said: "I was wrong just now. I was too fierce. I shouldn't treat you so cruelly. You know how painful my heart is after hitting you.

My mother always changes color like this. I know it's for my good, but anyway, I always like her kind face, because only when she is gentle, her mother is the most beautiful and lovely, and she is my beloved mother. Mom, I hope you will always be gentle.

[Part 2: My Pretty Mother]

A pair of big bright eyes, a waterfall of long hair, fashionable and beautiful, plus a standard model body, make up my beautiful mother - Cheng Wei.

Mother is very beautiful, and she pays special attention to her own dress. Before going out, she always spends a lot of time making up, selecting clothes, and swinging around in front of the mirror. There is no one who cannot leave the house for half an hour. Her dress is very tasteful. Everyone loves her. People don't call her by her name, they call her beautiful. Every time I hear someone call her that, I feel happy.

But once her appearance startled me.

One day, we had an art class, and the teacher assigned us to buy cardboard. However, it was too urgent to buy it at noon. When the rest of the students cut all kinds of patterns with relish, I could only watch eagerly. At this time, the teacher said: "Zhizhi, your home is so close, call your mother to send it here?"

"OK, but..." I didn't dare to say it, because my mother had to dress up before going out. She couldn't get out after half an hour. Even if I called, my mother might have already finished class. But I didn't refuse the teacher's kindness. I still called my mother.

I was sitting in my seat dejected. "Son, come quickly!" Mother came to the classroom door and called softly.

Ah, Mom came only five minutes later. It's incredible. Look at that person again. Is she my mother? Wearing a pajama, a pair of slippers on his feet, his hair is fluffy and loose, and there are several strands on his face. There is no makeup on his face. Compared with normal times, he is very different. When I was amazed, my mother had sent the cardboard and scissors to my desk, and then flew away.

Seeing my mother's embarrassed appearance, I smiled secretly. It turns out that in Qiao's mind, there is something more important than playing Qiao.

[Part 3: The "stingy" grandfather]

My grandfather is 70 years old this year. His hair is gray and his bronze face is covered with deep wrinkles. He is strong and easy-going, but he has an old problem - "stingy".

I remember one time when I was having dinner, I quietly threw a piece of green pepper on the ground while my grandfather was not paying attention. I thought that the green pepper was not big enough for Grandpa to find, but he still had not escaped his "golden eye", and a "storm" was coming. Grandfather's face turned from sunny to cloudy in a moment. His eyes were like nails. He stared at me, slapped the table hard, and angrily said to me, "What a pity! You wasted such a good dish! You learned to waste it at a young age, and you can still grow up?" I also refused to show weakness. I stood up and said, "Isn't it just a piece of green pepper, and worth burning so much?" Grandpa dared to answer back when he saw me, and his face turned blue with anger. At least he gasped for breath, stamped his feet vigorously, and pushed me to the door like a chicken. He said angrily, "If you don't admit your mistake today, you can't expect to enter the house!" Then he closed the door with a bang.

I thought about it outside, but I still didn't understand: Isn't it just a piece of green pepper? As for the fire? I'm his own granddaughter, why not a little green pepper? Although I didn't understand, I knocked at the door and went to ask him to "apologize". I was really afraid that I would not be able to return home overnight.

When the door opened, I kept my temper and said to my grandpa, "Sorry, I was wrong." Although I was wrong, I still complained in my heart: grandpa was really stingy, pitied a piece of green pepper, but left me out for half a day. Then my grandfather said, "Tell me, what's wrong with you?" I replied, "I shouldn't throw green pepper." After listening to nothing, my grandfather came to "Compassion for Farmers" and said, "You must copy it for me 20 times today!" I secretly complained. Although there were 120 people who didn't want to, I couldn't beat my grandfather's "stinginess", so I had to admit it.

As I copied, I thought, "At noon on the day of hoeing, sweat drips into the soil? Who would know that food on the plate? Every grain is hard?" What kind of poem is this? The food was bought by my mother with money. Isn't it "sweat dripping down the grass"? When I was wondering, Grandpa came in, sat down beside me and said, "Do you know what Grandpa ate when he was young? Grandpa ate most of wild vegetables when he was a child. Only during the Spring Festival can he eat a little meat and eat a full meal... Although life is better now, we still need to treasure food. In any case, farmers have worked hard to grow food... "

Only then did I understand why my grandpa was so angry about a piece of green pepper. I felt very ashamed of my behavior and could not help turning my head to look at my grandpa. He was dejected, as if immersed in deep memories. I bowed my head and copied "Compassion to Farmers" seriously for 20 times. After that, I will never waste food again.

Grandpa is still "stingy" now. However, from his stingy, I see a virtue worthy of our inheritance.

[Chapter 4: My "Flower Fan" Grandpa]

There are chess fans and drama fans, but my grandfather is a real flower fan.

He loves flowers, but he really loves them. In order to raise flowers well, he turned many valuable health products into nutrient solution for flowers. I really don't understand. Usually, he is reluctant to eat and wear, to waste a drop of water, and to waste a kilowatt hour of electricity. It is simply a cheap Grandet. But how can he raise flowers as if he had forgotten all this? In order to get rare and famous flowers, he inquired everywhere and dragged a sick person to buy flower seeds. When I bought it, I was in high spirits, more energetic than taking Xingfen; Once he can't buy it, he will sigh and toss about for a long time, making our family panic.

I remember once my grandfather got a pot of Epiphyllum which was about to open from somewhere, and played with it for several days. I was having a good dream that day when my grandpa's voice came to my ears: "Get up, Jun Jun, see the epiphyllum is in bloom." I was dragged to the table in a daze, and suddenly my eyes lit up. In the moonlight like practice, the cool wind like water slowly sent bursts of fragrance, and a bowl of large Epiphyllum is slowly blooming, layer by layer, from the outside to the inside, like a graceful beauty stretching her round arms, and like a fairy, extraordinary, without a trace of color, white is pure, white is transparent, white is amazing to me! I can't help being attracted. "It's a flash in the pan. It's hard to see." I was surprised and went to look for reputation. I saw my flower fan grandpa dancing excitedly, while he could not help but sighed. After a while, he seemed to think of something and became solemn. He turned around hurriedly, then took up the magnifying glass on the stool and stared at the Epiphyllum in silence, as if to see the vibration of each leaf vein and the expansion of each petal. Later, I learned that in order to observe the blooming of Epiphyllum, he stayed by the flowers for most of the night without even closing his eyes. Strangely, I have been yawning with red eyes all day, but he is still so energetic!

After another yawn, I asked my grandfather why he raised so many flowers and took care of them so much. Can he take care of them? Grandpa looked at me carefully and said, "If you want to accomplish something, you must concentrate on it. You must work hard and even pay a great price. Otherwise, you will not succeed."

I have always kept in mind Grandpa's words. Since then, I have always worked wholeheartedly and conscientiously, especially in learning.

[Chapter 5: Sweet Dad]

My father is a policeman. He was 1.8 meters tall and very burly. When he stopped there, he naturally had an indomitable manhood. If you put on the police uniform and cap, you will look even more awe inspiring.

Dad loves playing basketball. Once on the court, he rampaged, and everyone feared him for three points. However, my father is a chivalrous and tender hearted person to me, even more intimate than my mother. Our relationship is the most "iron"! No matter big or small, Dad can do anything for me. You don't believe it? Let me tell you a little thing at random!

One day, the art teacher assigned an assignment to carve a house with turnips. When I was about to go to bed, I suddenly remembered it. Oh, my God! Fortunately, there are some carrots in the kitchen, but where is the knife? I opened the stationery box, no, shake out the schoolbag, neither. I was so worried that I turned all the drawers in the living room and bedroom upside down and still found nothing. I yelled at my mother, "Is there a knife at home? If I can't finish my homework, I will be criticized tomorrow. It happened that my father, who had been busy all day, pushed the door and entered the house. He asked the reason in a whisper, comforted me and said, "It's a trivial matter. It's on me." Then he turned and went downstairs.

"Deng, Deng, Deng", my father gasped and climbed up to the fifth floor. He pushed the door and shouted, "Son, it's too late. The canteen is closed. What do you say?" "Wow!" The last glimmer of hope was also dashed, and I cried loudly. In tears, my father pulled something out of his pocket like a magic trick and said, "What a crying guy! Look! What is this?"! A brand new knife! I jumped up and grabbed the "life-saving straw". I broke through my tears and smiled: "Dad, you are so bad!" Dad smiled and said proudly: "Crying boy, go to carve your turnip room! I can't help you!" "Long live Dad!" I cheered and went happily.

How about, such a sweet father, are you jealous? hey! This is my blessing!

[Chapter 6: Cowardly Mother]

Others said that my mother was too brave to give a lecture in front of hundreds of people, and she could keep her face and heart still. I don't think so.

Since I raised several silkworm babies, my mother has been on tenterhooks. I put silkworm babies on the tea table, and my mother kept away from the tea table; I put Silkworm Baby on the back seat of the car. My mother dared not even sit with Silkworm Baby. She leaned sideways and shouted, "Get away, get away!"

When I was raising silkworms, my mother would shiver nervously when she met something soft. Once, I took advantage of my mother's inattention, secretly picked up a plush toy and came to her side, putting the plush toy quietly against her arm. Suddenly, my mother's arm had a thick layer of goose bumps, and she screamed loudly: "Ah!" Only after seeing my sly eyes, did she cover her chest and gasp for breath.

What's more, a few days ago, I wrote a composition about Silkworm Baby Suicide. Please help me print it. Unexpectedly, as mother read, her face began to turn white. When she printed the sentence describing the body of Silkworm Baby, her mother first frowned, her arms were covered with gooseflesh, and she kept regurgitating, and even tears flowed out. After a long time, she forced herself to print down. However, when searching for pictures of Silkworm Babies, my mother ran away from the computer in a hurry in the face of crawling pictures of Silkworm Babies, so that I had to clean up the mess myself.

Others seem to be a brave mother, but she has become the "loser" of little Silkworm Baby. Do you think my mother is super timid?

[Chapter 7: Dear Mother]

With dark and white hair, big eyes and ivory skin, this is my current head teacher, Mr. He. She is like a dear mother.

It is said that Mr. He has accumulated rich teaching experience for more than 20 years, so she is very good at teaching us. During the class, her big eyes flickered. When she saw a classmate who did not listen carefully and make small movements, she would not make a loud noise. Instead, she pointed at him, and her eyes shot "100000 volts" light at him. At this time, everyone's eyes would turn to that classmate. If any other student doesn't listen carefully, she has another move - play the tongue, and keep playing until you realize that you are wrong and sit right. Think about it. With these three moves, will the naughty students not listen carefully? After class, the teacher seemed to be a different person, sitting on the stool drinking water while happily watching us play. If a classmate came to ask some questions, she would smile and answer patiently, everyday.

Mr. He cared about our bodies. One time when we went downstairs for a class meeting, the outdoor temperature was very low, and I foolishly took off my coat. Mr. He hurried up from behind me, bent down, and put his mouth close to my ear and said softly, "Put on quickly. Don't catch cold." The warm breath from his mouth brushed my cheek, and I felt very warm at once, I feel that Mr. He is like the warm sun in the sky, making my heart warm. At this time, I accidentally found that Mr. He's white hair has increased a little. He must be too worried about us!

In the two years that Teacher He taught us, she led our class to achieve many achievements and honors. Every time I see her hurried back, I want to say, "Teacher, I love you!"

[Chapter 8: My Favorite Teacher]

Fish can't live without water, birds can't live without trees, and we can't grow without teachers. My favorite teacher is our head teacher and Chinese teacher, Mr. Zhang.

She is very beautiful. Her hair is brownish red wavy long hair; The thick eyebrows are embedded with a pair of talking eyes. Although they are small, they are very intelligent; Her nose is high and straight; She has a red cherry mouth and is good at reading texts; He walked in a graceful and graceful manner. She is very slim, and she wears fashionable and fit clothes.

Teacher Zhang has taught us Chinese since the first grade. She taught us to read and write... We are tender flowers, and the teacher is a gardener. We grow up under the cultivation of gardeners; We are fish, teachers are sea water, we swim in the vast sea.

Mr. Zhang is very good at class. All the students like Chinese class. When he reads the text aloud, his voice is very pleasant. He often uses multimedia courseware, some of which are made by her.

Mr. Zhang is not only good at class, but also very concerned about his classmates.

I remember one time, Ji Zitian was pale. It was in a Chinese class. Teacher Zhang found out and asked him, "Ji Zitian, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable if you look so pale?" Ji Zitian nodded slightly, but still continued to teach. Miss Zhang couldn't bear Ji Zitian's illness in class, so she said: "Ji Zitian, you can lie down on the table and have a rest for a while! I'll call your father and ask him to pick you up." Teacher Zhang reached out his mobile phone while saying. Teacher Zhang went out and called Ji Zitian's father. After a while, Ji Zitian's father came. Teacher Zhang took Ji Zitian's schoolbag and helped him out of the school.

Since school, countless teachers have taught us, but I like Mr. Zhang best.

One thing about familiar people Composition (13)

Grandma is over 60 years old this year, and her silver gray hair is always neatly combed. She is not tall. She has a pair of intense eyes under her light eyebrows, which makes her very energetic.

I remember one summer when the weather was very hot and there were many mosquitoes. When I slept at night, I couldn't sleep soundly. Grandma took a fan to cool me and repel mosquitoes when she saw it. I fell asleep unconsciously, and only found that Grandma was still fanning me in the morning. I said to grandma, "Have you not slept all night? How can your body suffer?" Grandma smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! You have to go to school during the day, and I can sleep for a while during the day." I was very moved to see grandma's red eyes.

This is my grandma, a caring and kind old man. When I grow up, I will take good care of her.

Part II. One thing about people I know

Everyone has his or her own familiar person, and I am most familiar with Zhang Zhihui.

She has beautiful black hair, which is just right. Under a pair of willow like eyebrows, there are black gem like eyes. If you look carefully, you can see that she is still double eyelid. Her nose is a standard high bridge, and two rows of white teeth can be seen when a sweet mouth is opened.

The biggest characteristic of Zhang Zhihui is timidity. Today, she exposed her cowardice again.

This noon, Zhang Zhihui and I played on the playground after dinner. I caught a big ant near the flower bed to scare the boys in my class. When I proudly picked up the ant and looked for Zhang Zhihui, I found that there were no people left.

It turned out that she had been frightened by my action and ran behind the tree. And still shivering. Ah! The little ant is so far away from her, she will be afraid.

Although she is timid, I don't hate her at all, because everyone has shortcomings and advantages. I just want her to practice her courage.

This is Zhang Zhihui, a very timid girl.

Part 3. One thing about people I know

My mother and I have a very good relationship, and many stories have happened, but one thing I will never forget.

That morning, my father just sent me to school, and I suddenly remembered that there was art class today, but I didn't bring art tools. I immediately caught up with my father and called my mother with his mobile phone. My mother said that he would send the art tools to me soon. I waited and waited. As time went by, I was very anxious about the art class. Finally, my mother came and sent me my art tools. Out of breath, my mother asked, "Has class started?" I said, "No, there are only two minutes left for class." Looking at the sweat on my mother's face, I was very sad.

In the evening, my mother said to me: "In the future, I must look after what classes we will have tomorrow, get ready for school supplies, and don't do things like today again." I said; "Mom, I see."

Through this event, I know how much my mother loves me, and I will never let her down!

Article 4. One thing about people I know

Speaking of the person I know best, my uncle's brother.

His big eyes and small nose are very cute. Last time, I went to learn to play Go with him. He divided black chess and white chess. After getting familiar with them, he began a real contest with his opponent. First, he held the chess piece between his middle finger and index finger and slowly pressed it to the position to be put, then his index finger retracted and the middle finger pressed it down. He must be thinking about how to defeat each other when his eyebrows tighten and his big eyes roll around. After a game of chess, the teacher counted the space occupied by both sides and gave his thumb to his brother, who smiled sheepishly.

Is my brother very clever? Now do you know what kind of person he is?

Article 5. One thing about people I know

My most familiar person is my mother. She has long hair like willows. Sometimes she is very gentle, sometimes very fierce. Don't love me when she is gentle. When she was fierce, she was very angry, like a lioness, nagging for me day and night.

Her biggest characteristic is that when I finish my homework. She wants to check my homework.

I remember once when I was doing my homework, my mother suddenly said, "Son, if you finish your homework quickly, I will reward you for playing with the computer for an hour.

After a while. I said, "Mom, I have finished my homework." Mom hurried to check. She looked at each question and frowned more and more tightly. At the end, she threw the exercise book on the table severely.

"Every question in your exercise book is wrong!" she said fiercely, and my mother slapped me in the face. Ah! Not to mention playing computer for an hour, there must be no chance to play computer.

This is the person I know, my mother. No matter whether my mother is gentle or fierce, I love my mother.

One thing about familiar people Composition (14)

[Part 1: A thing about a familiar person]

My mother is very beautiful: a pair of bright big eyes, a waterfall of long hair, a standard model figure, plus she dresses carefully, it can be said that she is an absolutely beautiful mother. However, my mother is really like a chameleon. She is gentle, stern, irritable and peaceful.

Once, when I accidentally broke a precious vase, I cried, trying to influence my mother and get her understanding and comfort. But my mother came over and looked at the vase painfully for a while. Then she came up to me and roared like a lion, "How did you break the vase? You are always so careless. If you continue like this, can you do your job well in the future?" I was frightened at that time, I begged repeatedly: "I was wrong, I was wrong, and I will pay attention to it later!" But my mother didn't eat this. The more I said, the more angry she became. I saw my mother's face turned from white to red, from red to purple. I stared at my mother, shocked and afraid, and this time my mother would not forgive me. As expected, that disgusting little bamboo pole still landed heavily on my bottom.

Before going to bed at night, my mother changed color again and became gentle. She kindly said: "I was wrong just now. I was too fierce. I shouldn't treat you so cruelly. You know how painful my heart is after hitting you.

My mother always changes color like this. I know it's for my good, but anyway, I always like her kind face, because only when she is gentle, her mother is the most beautiful and lovely, and she is my beloved mother. Mom, I hope you will always be gentle.

[Part II: One thing about a familiar person]

Speaking of the person I know best, my uncle's brother.

His big eyes and small nose are very cute. Last time, I went to learn to play Go with him. He divided black chess and white chess. After getting familiar with them, he began a real contest with his opponent. First, he held the chess piece between his middle finger and index finger and slowly pressed it to the position to be put, then his index finger retracted and the middle finger pressed it down. He must be thinking about how to defeat each other when his eyebrows tighten and his big eyes roll around. After a game of chess, the teacher counted the space occupied by both sides and gave his thumb to his brother, who smiled sheepishly.

Is my brother very clever? Now do you know what kind of person he is?

[Chapter 3: One thing about a familiar person composition]

Others said that my mother was too brave to give a lecture in front of hundreds of people, and she could keep her face and heart still. I don't think so.

Since I raised several silkworm babies, my mother has been on tenterhooks. I put silkworm babies on the tea table, and my mother kept away from the tea table; I put Silkworm Baby on the back seat of the car. My mother dared not even sit with Silkworm Baby. She leaned sideways and shouted, "Get away, get away!"

When I was raising silkworms, my mother would shiver nervously when she met something soft. Once, I took advantage of my mother's inattention, secretly picked up a plush toy and came to her side, putting the plush toy quietly against her arm. Suddenly, my mother's arm had a thick layer of goose bumps, and she screamed loudly: "Ah!" Only after seeing my sly eyes, did she cover her chest and gasp for breath.

What's more, a few days ago, I wrote a composition about Silkworm Baby Suicide. Please help me print it. Unexpectedly, as mother read, her face began to turn white. When she printed the sentence describing the body of Silkworm Baby, her mother first frowned, her arms were covered with gooseflesh, and she kept regurgitating, and even tears flowed out. After a long time, she forced herself to print down. However, when searching for pictures of Silkworm Babies, my mother ran away from the computer in a hurry in the face of crawling pictures of Silkworm Babies, so that I had to clean up the mess myself.

Others seem to be a brave mother, but she has become the "loser" of little Silkworm Baby. Do you think my mother is super timid?

[Chapter 4: One thing about a familiar person]

The person I know best is my father. My father has a pair of bright big eyes. A tall bridge of the nose. Because my father has acne on his face, I always say his nickname is Guoguo, because his acne is like an apple. My father is a king of humor. When I am unhappy, with the King of Humor, my mood will turn 180 degrees.

Once, I was hospitalized in the hospital, and I was in a bad mood. Every day, I just said boring. I called my father: "Dad, will you come to the hospital and play with me, I said to me, "When you get better, I will borrow a wheelchair from the nurse to let my dog go for a walk." I pretended to be furious and said, "I am not a dog but a person, please pay attention!" Dad said, "OK, walk away." "I faint" I said with a smile. "Quick, artificial respiration!" Dad said hurriedly. I quickly shouted: "Help! Here comes the smelly mouth

I like my humor king. He brings me happiness.

[Chapter 5: One thing about a familiar person composition]

The person I know best is my mother.

My mother is of medium stature. She has a pair of big watery eyes, two long eyebrows above the big eyes, and neat short hair. My mother is very concerned and strict with me.

I remember one time, my mother bought me a skateboard that I longed for for a long time. It looked very simple, but it was difficult to do it. My mother told me to concentrate. I followed my mother's method to do it, but I fell down before I went up. My heart beat back. My mother saw my mind and immediately came to me and said, "You can't beat back". After listening to my mother's words, I got up and practiced again. After several days of hard work, I could finally stand on the skateboard for a while. My mother taught me to swing my right leg. After my own serious efforts and practice, I finally could play skateboard.

Mom, you are the person who loves me the most in the world. Mom, I want to say to you, "I love you forever!"

[Chapter 6: One thing about a familiar person]

My father is the person I know best.

He has big, intense eyes. A tall bridge of the nose, because of the long time work outside, the skin is tanned. My father is a know it all. As soon as our family encounters any difficulty, with a know it all, all difficulties will be solved. Once, when I was doing my math homework, I was puzzled by a math problem. I asked my father, "Dad, I can't answer this question. Tell me about it." My father said, "Don't worry, there is a father. I still don't understand. Dad never tires of talking until I can. After the meeting, my father gave me two similar questions, one of which was right, and I was very sad. My father said, "It's OK. As long as you master this method and practice it repeatedly, it will be a piece of cake to write such questions later." After listening to my father's words, I practiced again and again, and I was really not afraid of such questions.

I like my father very much. He is very knowledgeable and I envy him. However, I believe that as long as I study hard, I will definitely be more knowledgeable than him in the future.

One thing about familiar people Composition (15)

Part 1: One thing about the person I know best

My mother is the person I know best. She is tall, with long curly hair, high forehead, curved eyebrows, big eyes. Mother's character is very "strange". When I was good, she was as gentle as a sheep; When I did something wrong or didn't study hard, I was like a buffalo with a very bad temper. Mother likes to eat shrimp and drink wine; She also likes playing mahjong on the computer and searching information on the Internet. Mother studies hard and often works day and night. Mom said: "It's a great enjoyment of life to eat melon seeds at home and prepare lessons at the same time!"!

Once, the teacher wanted to teach a text called Kingfisher. She asked us to go home to find information. I asked my mother to help me as soon as I got home. My mother said yes, and she said with great courage: "The kingfisher is called a fisherman by Guangdong people. The most numerous and widely distributed kingfisher is Eurasian kingfisher..." After hearing what my mother said, I seemed to know the kingfisher like the palm of my hand. I clapped my hands and complimented my mother, admiring her very much.

As a mother, she gave me infinite love. As a teacher, she gave me endless time. Not only that, but also my mother is a good friend in my life.

Part 2: One thing about the person I know best

There are many familiar people around me, and my mother is the one I know best. My mother taught me that when I was sick, my mother took care of me, and my mother was also very willing to help others.

One morning, it began to rain cats and dogs outside. My mother and I each took an umbrella to go shopping in the supermarket. As soon as we left the building, my mother and I were wet by the rain. At this time, an aunt came to the opposite side. Suddenly, the aunt stopped. It turned out that her shoelace was open. The aunt looked around. There was no shelter next to her. She looked at her shoelaces in embarrassment. At this moment, my mother went over and asked, "Can I help you?" My aunt nodded her head. So my mother helped my aunt with her umbrella, and she bent down and tied her shoelaces. My aunt smiled and said, "Thank you, goodbye." My mother also smiled and said, "You're welcome, goodbye."

I think in the future, I must like my mother to help people in trouble around me, whether familiar or unfamiliar.

Part 3: One thing about the person I know best

One person I know best is my cousin Xiao Qian, who has long eyelashes, big eyes and a white red face. Zeng Jingyi likes to wear skirts most. Her wardrobe is full of beautiful skirts in various formats. As soon as summer comes, she will take out her favorite skirt.

Yi Xiaoqian comes to my home every day to study, and asks me if she has any problems. One day when I came home from school, I was doing my homework. She came back with her schoolbag on her back. She walked into the door and saw that I was doing my homework. She used to take a small chair from the outside room, sit beside me, take out the homework book, learn, and finish writing. She asked me to check for any wrong words. When she saw my homework, she suddenly cried out, "Oh, why did you draw. I tore up that piece of paper and couldn't help thinking of something that happened in last summer vacation.

At that time, Xiaoqian had not yet gone to school. She asked me to teach her how to read. I took a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote a few words. At first, she wrote very carefully, but later, the words were connected together, almost like painting. I said to her, "You should write carefully. You need to write one stroke at a time to write good characters!" Xiao Qian listened carefully and nodded from time to time. The pigtail on her head also nodded mischievously... Suddenly my skirt was torn. Looking back, there was no one. Then she turned her face to see Xiao Qian suddenly blinking her big eyes at me, as if to say, "Am I wrong?" I nodded and answered her: "That's right!" And then I wrote a word of "yes" carefully to accept her opinion.

Looking at Xiao Qian, who is as beautiful as flowers, I also smiled.