Planting Spring Composition (15 in total)
Morning fawn
2024-06-24 02:38:42
describe the scenery

Planting Spring Composition (1)

This spring, there is still a shortage of water.

There is a picture that makes me feel restless for a long time. Its title is "African Girl". In the picture, a skinny black girl with the shape of a skeleton is looking for food in the arid and barren wilderness. At this moment, a vulture has been waiting behind her, waiting for her death...... Due to the lack of water, Africa is short of food every year, and every year tens of thousands of children are deprived of their precious lives by hunger.

Since the beginning of spring this year, the wheat producing areas in northern China have experienced a rare drought for many years, and tens of millions of mu of winter wheat are facing a crop failure. When I saw the dry and cracked land and the withered and yellow wheat seedlings on TV, I felt that my throat was full of fire and smoke. Since I became sensible, the word "drought" has always echoed in my ears.

This spring, there is still a shortage of water

Is it true that the beautiful planet that used to be full of grass, willows, flowers and sunshine is going to die? Is it possible that the scene of "sunset and lone ducks fly together, and the autumn waters grow in the same color as the sky", and even the scene of "insufficient eastward travel of the favorite lake, green Yang Yin Li and white sand embankment" can only remain in the memory of ancient poets? I once saw such a public service advertisement in a magazine: the last drop of water in the world may be our tears. I really can't imagine what human beings should do at that time? What should we do to save ourselves?

My teacher told me that you are masters of the 21st century, and a strong sense of environmental protection should be an important symbol of your generation. My parents told me that cherishing nature and protecting the environment should be the basic moral principles of your generation.

Let's talk about water! We Panzhihua people guard the Jinsha River and Yalong River. The rich water resources make people envy us. Therefore, many people lack water-saving awareness. I have seen more than once that the gardener in the park has not turned off the tap when he is off duty, so that the clear running water can flow all over the ditch; I have also seen more than once that the drivers of some units wash their cars with tap water, which makes the front and back of the house like a flood. Perhaps, people have become accustomed to these phenomena, and even think that these are trivial matters. However, whenever I see this situation, I feel faint pain in my heart. I would like to tell those people that you should establish a sense of responsibility, care about the world, focus on your side, and cherish every drop of water. I also always remind myself that protecting water resources is protecting life. We should start from ourselves, from childhood, from around us, and from now on. "Do not act on the small scale of good, and do not act on the small scale of evil.".

About two years ago, suddenly one day, I solemnly told my grandmother: "From today on, I will not take a bath in the bathtub." I insisted on taking a shower, and every time I catch the water from the nozzle with a bucket. After washing my head, I turn off the faucet, wash my legs and feet with the water in the bucket, and finally rinse the mop with the water in the bucket to clean the bathroom. One evening last summer, I looked at my mother who was washing dishes. My mother asked me, "Miao Miao, what do you think? Foolish......" When she hadn't regained consciousness, I had already run over and turned down the tap. I asked my mother, "If you turn the tap down half the way, can you save half the water?" Her mother smiled happily, stroked my face gently, and said, "OK, I will take my son's advice and turn the tap down a little from now on."

Later, our family also developed a water-saving convention, and everyone supervises each other. No one is allowed to waste precious tap water. Since then, our monthly water consumption has halved.

If all families do this, how wonderful! I hope that everyone with a sincere heart, for the future of mankind, for the future of the earth, start from the small things around, cherish every drop of hard won water! By extension, the so-called environmental awareness is to love our living home from the bottom of our hearts and not let ourselves die in regret. Humans who are too clever and extravagant, take a good look at their home. Is it still their old home? Now the house is full of danger: the shortage of water resources, the desertification of land, the sharp rise of temperature, the reduction of biodiversity, the increase of the types of diseases that are difficult to cure by human beings... It can be seen that the protective layer of the house we live in has been seriously damaged. The problem of human survival has become an urgent problem to be solved. How can people make up for their mistakes? Try to restore your home to its original vitality?

"Don't do evil because it is small", start from yourself! Don't waste precious water, don't trample on the weak grass, don't throw garbage everywhere, don't hunt the only creatures, don't cut down the scattered forests

"Don't stop doing good things because they are small", start from now on! Please plant a tree one day in the spring, take an extra step to throw the garbage into the trash can, turn off the used tap, and stop wasting your exercise book... Pay attention to your behavior every moment, and everyone has a sense of protecting their home! Don't let the consciousness of "evil little" roll like a snowball, until it avalanches to "home" and "death". Continue to be "kind and small", let them sprout and grow in the flower bed in spring, and open beautiful flowers.

Let's take care of our "home" carefully, enjoy more sunshine, see more stars and moon, experience the joy of the blue sky, and have more healthy smiling faces! Do not want to destroy yourself in your own hands, then use your own behavior to rebuild that beautiful home!

Planting Spring Composition (2)

"Sasha Vujacic" is really the wind. I hold a Chinese book and open an article. Spring is Zhu Ziqing's spring.

I walked alone in the small garden, listening to the wind and reading about spring. That kind of beauty is unexpected. When someone asked me what spring is like, I replied that spring is actually the most beautiful. Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said that at sunrise, river flowers are better than fire, and in spring, the river is as green as blue. Su Shi, one of the eight poets, said: "It is the time for puffer fish to go up.". Du Mu also said: red and green thousands of miles, water village mountain national wine flag

Others praise winter, but I will praise spring, because spring is the only season that lets you know a lot of knowledge. Everything on the earth has come back to life, and all animals have awakened, so you can learn more about them. For example, insects take me to concerts, fish take you to see the sea, the king of forests, and take you to their forest kingdom as guests

I saw with my own eyes that the willow leaves had grown out, the grass had stretched out its head, and even the flowers were unwilling to be outdone. They bloomed at once, and even the release could not be controlled. Seeing the swallows coming from the south is not for the purpose of attending this grand Spring Festival ceremony.

The wind was blowing and everyone was applauding. Spring is coming, spring is really coming, and all the troubles are gone.

I suddenly opened my eyes. I was thinking about the dream just now. Is it the current situation? I still want to study here, but time does not allow. I also want to keep spring, but the earth does not allow it.

I thought of Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry". Swallows come and go. Willow withered, when it is green; Peach blossoms fade and sometimes bloom. But smart, tell me, why can't it be reversed over time?

Planting Spring Composition (3)

Here she comes!

Standing at the gate of Huguangyan, I felt that she was facing the gentle warm wind to wake up the green lawn for our arrival; With the drizzle, we will present a cluster of beautiful flowers for our arrival; The bright sunshine is also full of youthful and hopeful light. At this time, the word "full of spring" can best reflect this scene.

Stepping into Huguang Rock, I saw typical volcanic profiles, mirror like clear water, vigorous and powerful thousand year old vines, and strange shaped rocks. At this moment, the scenery in front of me makes me feel the warmth, tenderness, strength and beauty of spring!

Sitting on the stone on the bank of China's unique Maar Lake, close your eyes and take a breath of fresh air. It's like spring breathing with me; Listen carefully to the rushing sound of the lake, which seems to be the purification of the soul; Open your eyes to the green lake and enjoy the beautiful nature. This beautiful Maar Lake is not only a masterpiece of nature, but also a reflection of the tranquility of spring. People can't help feeling relaxed and cheerful.

Walking along the winding steps, I could not help sighing the power of spring. The trees on both sides of the mountain road are vigorous and powerful. The vines grow up along the mountain road, and it seems that they will go with us to see who can reach the top fastest. The long stairs, turning one after another, many people return halfway, they can not last, and finally give up a good opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery. In fact, isn't the winding mountain road just like the ladder of life? At last, I stood on the top and looked down. Although I was sweating heavily, it was different for me.

When you plant a seed, if you plant it well, it will grow into the sweetest fruit. Although the planting process is hard, the moment you get the fruit, you will feel it is worth it.

Spring is actually a sowing season!

Planting Spring Composition (4)

Walking on the green lawn, a warm spring wind blew on my face. I closed my eyes and quietly enjoyed the lively and playful spring. Chun was originally witty, but people insisted that she be gentle.

Under the provocation of Spring, people become ready to move. The lively and lovely children scrambled to take off their shoes and socks, rushed into the cold spring water, stepped barefoot on the smooth pebbles, and played with naughty fish; The young men and girls, with their backpacks on their backs, met to go for a spring outing in the wild. Looking at their unrestrained smile, people were filled with emotion. They remembered the beauty of their youth, and tried to laugh unrestrained in the wild for some time; The old people who were more than 70 years old were unwilling to lag behind. They gathered together in twos and threes to exchange the harvest of life. Even the fields were full of spring. Those diligent aunts were growing food in the fat coat land and chatting about their daily life.

With a brisk pace, I entered the spring, into this playful spring. Listening to the cheerful spring symphony, I smiled heartily. Spring is just like a playful child.

You feel joy when you walk into her.

When you walk into her, you feel the vitality.

Entering her, you heard the joy.

Planting Spring Composition (5)

Flowers are spring makeup, leaves are summer, water is autumn trace, snow is winter rain. Holding a handful of sunshine, dispelling the mundane world and washing the common heart, how can one forget? The spring rain is like a song, the autumn frost is not a complaint, Xia Lei is a call, and the winter wind is merciless.

Holding a handful of sunshine, I planted it in spring, and the first thing to wake up was the east wind. She stretched her waist lazily and opened her hazy eyes. When it was still cold, she sniffed her nose, shivered, and a cold current blew out. She woke up and looked around, but it was still quiet. She nodded to the sun and smiled. He knew what to do. With the hands of a group of Sunshine Brothers, he set out. She leaned over the willow's ear and gave a gentle sigh of relief, and the naughty troublemakers' younger brothers started up the willow's neck. The willow tree could not help itching and woke up with a smile. They woke up the river again, woke up the grass, even woke up the peach blossom bud. Those babies who were just born and full of strangeness to the world did not complete their task until people took off their thick cotton padded clothes and the world began to blossom. Dongfeng said to the sun with a smile; "I planted you in every corner of the earth, and you should bring warmth to the world!"

The sunny spring is a fairy tale.

Holding a handful of sunshine, I plant it in summer. Pomegranate red like fire, lotus clear like water, flowers are embellishment, green is the whole background. The flowing water is babbling, and the river bank is covered with dark green carex; The trees are luxuriant, and the branches and leaves are connected with each other. The eye is also full of layers of deep and shallow green. The sun is very bright, but it is so warm. The sound of jointing was everywhere. There is shade under the sun, and there are migratory warblers in the shade. The division between dark and light, and the integration of sound and music.

A sunny summer is a piece of prose.

Holding a handful of sunshine, I plant it in autumn. The sky is high and the air is cool, and the universe is infinite; The heart is clear and the spirit is clear. Under the bright sunshine, the sky looks cleaner and higher. The fallen leaves are yellow. The thin wings of this article may not be lost, but gained. Autumn has harvested golden wings, and they become the fruits of the earth after flying. The sun whispers to you with its vicissitudes of life in its pocket, telling you not only that insects sing and geese sing, light clouds and clear frost, but also that we meet and look far away; There is home and far away.

Autumn with sunshine is a long poem.

Holding a handful of sunshine, I plant it in winter. It will snow in winter, and there will be sunshine in winter. Snow makes people feel romantic, while sunshine is warmth in romance. The sunshine in winter is section by section, as if every section of it has to go tens of thousands of light years. It seems to be stagnant, it is so silent; It seems thin, it is so clean. It is like a girl's soft, slightly cold hand, brushing your face, and in this sense of coolness, rippling waves of warm current.

A sunny winter is a blank.

Planting sunshine, look at the sprouts in your hands, and the flowers in your heart are all expectations

Planting Spring Composition (6)

I have been fond of growing vegetables since I was four or five years old. In spring, I always take a heavy hoe to dig the ground, take out mung beans, red beans, corn, black beans, etc. from home, and ask others for some pumpkin, sunflower, loofah and other seeds, which are planted in the yard downstairs and watered.

Every day, as soon as I got home from kindergarten, I went to pick up water as soon as I put down my schoolbag. I took a small bucket to the first floor to pick it up. At that time, no one lived downstairs. Every time I finish watering, I feel a sense of achievement, which has always been the case. Sure enough, in the summer, I began to harvest and bear a lot of fruit, but I was too short, so I had to ask adults to come. There are all kinds of fresh vegetables in my garden, such as loofah and pumpkin. They climb on the anti-theft net like a natural curtain. I am green all year round. There is green spinach in spring, hot garlic in summer, and golden corn in autumn.

Until now, I am still growing vegetables, and through learning and consulting materials, I have more experience. Sometimes even adults do not know how to grow vegetables, and I can answer questions about unknown vegetables and plants. However, the other day, a grandmother moved downstairs, and I couldn't plant it. So I moved to my grandfather's yard and the vacant land in the community to plant trees and vegetables.

A few years ago, I asked my father to buy several saplings to plant every year, but only two have survived. Not long ago, I just met an old man who grew up in the countryside as a child, so I have experience in growing vegetables and trees. If I don't know anything, I'll ask him. So I went to ask him why the tree I planted didn't live. It turns out that when you buy trees, you need to go to the suburbs to buy the ones just dug out. You can't buy the ones that look good. In fact, they are the ones sprinkled with water. Before planting, first pick out the stones in the soil, loosen the soil, dig the pit as deep as possible, then bury the seedlings, step on them tightly, use a hoe to make several holes, breathe, then bury a layer of soil, pour 20 liters of water (related to the moisture of the soil), and you can do it. However, 5 liters of water should be poured every week until it germinates. I did as my uncle said, and sure enough, one of the peach trees planted on Tree Planting Day actually sprouted, with several small pink flowers. It's said that the results will come out next year. In addition, my uncle also told me a lot about plants.

While other children were playing, I also planted my vegetables and trees and watered them. I also often help my grandfather and grandmother who have trouble with their legs and feet to water and fertilize, which won everyone's praise.

However, my mother said, "If you plant like this, the efficiency is too low, and your pants and clothes are also dirty. If you grow up, you can plant, harvest, and plant scientifically."

Therefore, I must study hard and make progress every day. When I grow up, I must be admitted to an agricultural university to study plants.

Teacher's comments:

Great, learn from you. To tell the truth, I am a person who knows nothing about plants. I admire you for your hard work and harvest.

The writing is natural, smooth and coherent. Life experience is the source of the composition, which is true.

Planting Spring Composition (7)

Grandpa Dong left quietly, and Miss Chun came with a brisk step. The campus in spring is beautiful! Let me introduce it.

As soon as you enter the school gate, there is a lawn in front of you. If you don't look carefully, you will think: Hmm? Why are there no flowers? In fact, the lawn is covered with clover, which is only a little shorter than the grass. In a few days, when the sun shines and the rain moistens, they will come out.

Further inside, there is a pond. If summer comes, pink lotus will grow in the water. Many sprinklers were installed in the pond. As soon as the battery is charged, it will spray water, as if the girl has scattered; It's like throwing the waves again. Too changeable. At that time, when you stand by in the water, you will feel cool! There is also a sculpture on the pond, which is engraved with the word "hope", meaning that we rise to the sky like dazzling stars.

There are some camellia trees beside, red, pink, white, very beautiful! Camellia's posture is really beautiful, some are in bud, plump as if to explode; Some just opened one or two petals, like a shy girl; Some are fully opened, and the yellow stamens inside are really beautiful! There are so many camellias on the tree, one here and one there.

To the right of the pond is a small bamboo forest. These bamboos are tall and straight, and the color is really green. There are still some dead leaves on the bamboo. As long as you shake the bamboo, the leaves will fall like yellow butterflies.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that there is a row of phone booths on the lawn. Don't look, but it plays an important role: for example, if you are sick, you can call to pick you up; If you forget to bring your notebook, you can also call your family to bring it.

There are many beautiful sceneries on campus, waiting for you to discover!

Planting Spring Composition (8)

Summer is as warm as fire, and autumn is as cold as iron. Only spring is as soft as water and as light as smoke.

Feel the spring, the grass has gone through thousands of hardships, finally broke through the frozen soil, looked up, welcomed the first ray of sunshine in life. At the same time, the cattle herding children drove the cattle to the grass to play piccolo. It is a great pleasure for children and friends to play on the grass when cows eat grass, roll, run and hide. Tired from playing, I sat on the grass with soft wind and soft grass.

Feel the spring. Flowers bloom and fall, red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, hundred like snow, and flowers overflow. The industrious bees are busy in the flowers, and then fly to the wild flowers to play with butterflies and ants; Then fly to fruit trees to pollinate and harvest. Seeing this scene, people can't help thinking of the sweet fruits of autumn. Take a bite. Mmm, it smells good.

Feeling the spring, the spring girl wakes up the frog, calls the bear, and leads the small animals to play games. Spring girl is always so gentle and kind, she is not as rustling as autumn wind; It's not as bitter as the winter wind. She makes you feel comfortable, like your mother's hand touching you.

Feel the breath of spring, such as cattle hair, flower needles, and silk rain, cover the roof with a thin layer of smoke, but clean the green leaves and grass. The rain made the stiff soil soft and the grass relieved the pressure. It was a lovely rain.

Feel the spring, people come out, relax and plan for a year. "Spring is the key to a year." Grasping spring is full of hope.

Spring is new, grasp it; Spring is beautiful and in a good mood. Feel the loveliness and beauty of spring with a sense of freshness, which will make you relaxed and happy and never look back.

Don't believe it? Just give it a try.

Planting Spring Composition (9)

I give you spring.

I will give you this spring! Send you dew reflecting the dawn on the grass tip; I will give you the first solo after free of charge; Give you every inch of land swept by the spring wind; Give you hope all over the world!

I want to send it to you this spring. Please accept it. Maybe this spring is not summer, without fiery passion and vitality; Not autumn, no harvest; It is not winter now, and the lack of perseverance makes plum blossom smell good. However, spring is the cradle of all hope!

You know what? You said the fog in front of you was too heavy to see the road ahead. Then look at spring! Did the moment when the bud broke through the ground touch your heart? Does the lingering sound of spring wash away the dense fog in front of you? Look at the green again! Not boring, not boring because the sky is overwhelming, just a little, a little is enough to illuminate the way forward! Although the color of grass is near, there is no light of hope, but it flies straight down and hangs for nine days!

You may say that life is too tense, time passes quickly, and there is no chance to breathe. Come and enjoy the spring! What can compare with the scenery here? Perhaps, some people will use "dizzy" to describe the beauty of scenery, but this tension is never found in spring. You can see mountains from the blue sky and white clouds, grass from the trees, and a happy stream. Everything is natural and soothing.

Maybe you have many possibilities, but before that, please accept this spring! Come to this spring, let everything become spring breeze, bring a fresh breath.

When the dew on the grass tip breaks with the change of season, when Ding Dong of the mountain spring is imprisoned again, when the spring wind disappears again, don't worry, the smell of spring is still full of our life!

Planting Spring Composition (10)

Thousands of trees wither


It's just ice It's just snow

I hate the cold

When will spring come back

When the white snow melts

She will come in the spring

When the charming cherry blossoms open

She will come in the spring

When the willow trees are green

She will come in the spring

In spring, she is a mother

Nourishing everything

She is the bright sunshine in spring

Gives warmth to everything

Spring is the goddess of hope

Bringing a good start to everything

How beautiful she is in spring

Even if she's not here now

Each of us has her

She is silently in our hands

Waiting quietly for us to plant her

Let's turn ice into flowers

Planting Spring Composition (11)

Oh, spring!

When the new green leaves climbed onto the branches, and when the first light of the morning pierced the sky, I knew you had come back to keep our promise. I wave to you in the far direction with tears, spring, I, I am here!

You said you want to go far away, you said you don't want to be bound, so I let you go to pursue your own ideal. The day before I left, I asked you with a choked smile: "Will you come back?" You nodded without hesitation and promised to come back this time next year. The breeze accompanies your footsteps and takes you away. My heart pricked, "Spring, you must come back!" I call in my heart.

In the days after you left, my mood was changeable. At first, I was very restless, glaring at everyone; Gradually, I began to feel sad and depressed; In the end, I can't stand the loneliness anymore. I am helpless and depressed. I have no reason to convince myself anymore. How long have you been away? Do you know? I was depressed and dejected.

I received your letter on the evening after the winter solstice when the snow was falling. You said that you were very happy, because everywhere you went, life there revived again, and they all thanked you for coming, so did everyone. It is happy and joyful to be able to help others.

I blushed with shame. I shouldn't be so selfish to keep you around, because you are everyone's, and more people need your "passing".

In such a quiet night, I lean on your chest, count the stars and watch the moon. You vividly described your experience to me: once, you walked for three days and three nights without water or food. You said that it was a desert, where people lived without spring. After you saw it, you felt very sad and said that you planned to go there again next year, because when you were "at the end of your tether", you saw many people planting plants of life, and they all need you to pass through again. I nodded approvingly.

People cannot selfishly restrain the germination of new generation things for their own sake. We should believe that our generosity will be the happiness of more people.

Oh, spring! Remember to pass through the wilderness, across the sand dunes, across the wild mountains, and leave your footsteps.

Planting Spring Composition (12)

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Yes, this famous saying has inspired countless people to work hard and is an anchor supporting the belief of countless successful people.

Similarly, in nature, there are also such examples: winter has quietly left us, no interest, it is the spring of birds singing and flowers fragrance. However, before all good things come, we will experience some storms.

"Whoosh." The heavy rain is falling, as if the attraction of the earth has increased several times, hitting the ground heavily. With the melting of ice and snow, the grass sticks out early, hoping to bring us the promising spring. But who expected to be hit like this, or God didn't see it? Even let the wind cheer it up! Poor grass was born with good wishes, but it suffered such a blow.

In my opinion, the weak grass will be crushed like this, but they have used their weak bodies to support the "spring"! Although the storms brutally hurt them, every drop of rain and wind covered their bodies like sharp blades. However, they brought spring to people with good wishes -! Perseverance, they are like a tumbler, even if they are swaying, they will not fall!

Finally, the storm gave up and the wind stopped destroying. They were shocked by the persistence of the fragile grass! Grass, they won. Under the impact of the storm, they stood up firmly!

The grass looks more beautiful after the rain, but because of this, they become stronger and brighter!

For us, spring is also rare. We are like fragile grass in the storm. Only by constantly fighting against the storm can we see the most beautiful rainbow and spring after the storm!

Planting Spring Composition (13)

Spring planting composition 50 words - Spring is coming, I planted many kinds of trees: trees with tall buildings; A 'tree' with a low house; All kinds of trees are colorful. Beautiful! I love spring!

Planting Spring Composition (14)

I plant ideal in spring

A day's plan is in the morning, and a year's plan is in the spring. In this warm spring season, people will plant their favorite plants. My "plant" is my ideal. Because I want to be a famous writer when I grow up.

·When I became a writer, I wanted to stimulate children's interest in writing and let them write down what they saw and heard; As a writer, I have a selfish reason - that is, I want my descendants to keep my good works and make me immortal; As a writer, I also serve the people, For example, there are some corrupt officials who have taken away the money distributed by the state to the people. I will write an article and publish it to make them shameless. My article should be like a dagger into the hearts of corrupt officials, so that they can no longer be corrupt officials.

·As the saying goes, "The train is not pushed, but the cow is not blown." I want to be a writer now, and now I have to work harder. I want to read more books written by famous writers at all times and in all over the world, such as Lu Xun's Collection of Works, If You Give Rong Three Days of Light,,,, and learn from great writers to improve my writing level. I will listen to the teacher carefully in class, write more, and give comments to the teacher after writing, so that the teacher can point out my bad points and praise my good points. I want to contribute more, so that I can not only win honor for the class, but also improve my level. It's really killing two birds with one stone. I also need to search some good words and sentences on the computer and books, so that I can write a better composition···

"The stage is as big as my dream." I believe that as long as I stick to my ideal, work hard and break through all difficulties, my ideal planted in spring will blossom and bear fruit, and my ideal will be realized!

This article comes from Fan Wen Station.

Planting Spring Composition (15)

Once upon a time, there was a cruel king. The land he owned was covered with white snow. There was never the green grass or the fragrance of flowers. He was eager for spring to visit his country, but spring never came.

One day, a girl wandered to the palace and begged the king to give her some food and a place to sleep. She was really tired. But the king never helped anyone, and he never wanted to help anyone, so he immediately ordered the soldiers to drive the girl out of the palace.

The poor girl walked and walked in the snow all over the sky... She walked into a forest and met a simple and honest farmer. The farmer hurriedly helped her into the house, let her sleep beside the warm stove, covered her with thick blankets, baked the only flour into bread, and boiled the last grain and the remaining vegetables into hot porridge, When he came to the girl with bread and hot porridge, he found her dead!

The farmer buried the girl in the field and put the bread in front of her grave. The next morning, a miracle appeared. Although the king was still covered with white snow, the forest was full of spring, with colorful wild flowers everywhere, and green trees swaying in the warm spring breeze. After so many years, spring finally came.

It turns out that the dead girl is spring. Because of the king's coldness, she could not come to this land. The kind-hearted spring couldn't bear to see that people living here live in cold winter all the year round, so she risked her life and came to the world as a girl, hoping that the king could exchange her love for spring. But the king still refused the arrival of spring with his cold face.

But the farmer took her in with his sincerity and buried her. So spring came. The residents of the king's territory abandoned the king for his indifference and ruthlessness, and went to the forest. The farmer led the people to build wooden houses and build palaces. He was elected as the new king.

On the night when the farmer became king, spring also came to the whole country.