500 words composition on dreams (20 compilations)
2024-06-29 03:22:02

500 words composition on dreams (1)

Students have their own dreams, such as being a doctor and a teacher... This is our own dream, but what is the Chinese dream? The dreams of thousands of people together become the Chinese dream.

I have a music dream. I hope to become a singer when I grow up and hold concerts in Vienna, the capital of music. In order to realize this dream, I will study singing and practice it carefully. Not afraid of all difficulties and setbacks, but also bravely face everything and seize all opportunities, so that I can succeed. At that time, I not only realized my dream, but also won a light for my country in the music field.

There are many stages in a person's life, and each stage has a new dream. When you realize this dream, the dream of the next stage will follow. A strong youth makes a strong country. A young man is rich, and the country is rich. Teenagers are closely related to the motherland, and neither can be without them.

If your dream is on the platform, you should be a good teacher.

If your dream is in the universe, you should be a space hero.

If your dream is in the laboratory, you should be a scientist standing on the peak of science and technology.

Little by little, history is like sand and stone shells scattered on the huge beach. I quietly walked by, greedily looked at these crystal precious wealth, sometimes picked up one or two shells that touched the soul, sent out a dream, and squatted down to put it. The Chinese dream flows through the years.

There is a shell on the beach which has experienced many vicissitudes of life. That is the story of China five thousand years ago. From the Yellow Emperor's creation of history to today's reading of history, I have seen too many deeds, and every Chinese has the same Chinese dream. Rich and strong! Rich and strong! The slogan of the Chinese Dream continues. The Chinese Dream flows through every day and night and the heart of every Chinese. No matter how big it is.

500 words composition on dreams (2)

In order to realize their dreams, Epiphyllum is willing to endure the long loneliness, only for the beauty of that moment; In order to realize the dream of roaming in the world, the eagle would rather pay a heavy price, but also fly; Meteor will spare no effort to exhaust the power of life for the instant glory and beauty. I will work hard because of my dreams, and I will work hard because of my dreams!

I have had many dreams, but one dream has never changed. I want to be a soldier and a national defense student. Maybe this dream is very incomprehensible to many people. I can let go of my leisure life, but why go to the army to suffer? I think this is a kind of responsibility and mission.

"Spicy Female Soldier" is a very popular military film. I want to become a soldier from this point on. This film is about the growth and transformation of a female soldier in the military camp. They wear white T's? Camouflage military pants, handsome military boots with strong stride momentum; White T? His face was already wet with mud and sweat; The roar of armored vehicles can not stop the fighters from fighting, which is extremely powerful. This is the army, the proud army! At the beginning, it was just worship and admiration, but after watching it again and again, the rest was only moved. They have gained growth, friendship, and experience in the military camp. It must be the same experience that they will never forget after they leave the army!

The career of servicemen is always exciting. They have a firm belief in their hearts, which cannot be changed by external forces. Each of them has an important mission and responsibility to defend the country. They can do everything for the country. I want to be a soldier, just for that unswerving belief; I want to be a soldier only for that kind of responsibility and mission; We will be the hope and pride of the Republic! Let blood and youth sing praises for dreams!

500 words composition on dreams (3)

Everyone has his own dream, adults have the dream of adults, children have the dream of children. Of course, I am no exception, I also have my dream.

I remember when I was young, after listening to many fairy tales told by my parents, I would dream: If only I were the powerful king! I can give orders to all people, eat delicacies and do whatever I want. If only I were a beautiful princess! I also look as beautiful as her. I wear different beautiful clothes every day and play games with my friends in the colorful garden. If only I were a rich man! I will have endless money. I will help the little girl who sells matches, so that she won't have to starve and freeze

Now that I have grown up and am a fourth grade student in primary school, I will have some strange dreams. Sometimes: I dream of becoming an inventor and inventing a machine. When I encounter something I don't want to do, I can use this machine to complete it; Sometimes, I also dream of becoming a singer. Many people will listen to my singing, applaud for me, and be conquered by my singing; Sometimes, I dream of becoming

However, my parents said to me: no dream can be separated from learning, no dream can be separated from diligence, if a person has no knowledge and does not know how to learn, his dream will not be realized. Oh! If I nod my head with some understanding, then I ask my father: Is the farmer uncle going to learn? Of course, they should learn how to sow, how to make the crops grow well, and what kind of climate to grow crops. The most important thing is diligence. If the seeds are not sown in time, the crops are not fertilized and weeded in time. When the harvest season comes, there will be nothing. Dad talked to me patiently.

Yes, if you want to realize your dream, you must study hard. Now, my task is to learn, learn scientific knowledge and learn the truth of being a man. Only in this way can I realize my dream and become a useful person to the country.

500 words composition on dreams (4)

Dream is the most magical nutrition. It has infinite power and will use its power to urge you to open. Life can not be without dreams, driving the ideal sail, let the boat of success sail to the other side.

Without dreams, life will have no goal, no direction, and no hope.

One girl had a dream when she was very young: to become an excellent skier. However, fate is extremely unfair to her. When she was very young, she unfortunately suffered from bone cancer and lost her precious right foot. However, the dream did not make the strong girl give up, but made the strong little girl stronger. She kept practicing and falling down. Finally, with a weak left leg, she miraculously became a legendary skier in American history. She is Diana Gordon.

She told me that the power of dreams is infinite. As long as a person has dreams, makes efforts and sweat, no matter what dangers and frustrations are on the road, you will not feel difficult, just feel easy.

A weak moth, in order to complete his dream, courageously ran towards the flame and gave his precious life; A tiny sweet melon seed, for their dreams, grows up in a place without sunshine and soil, and lives happily; A luxuriant tree, for its own dream, breaks through the thick wall and sticks out its head to shield people from the dazzling sunshine. It is because of her dreams that Helen Lehr can ignore so many failures and finally become a famous female writer. It was her dream that made Madame Curie discover radium and created the myth that the world's first woman won the world Nobel Prize in physics.

Having dreams and working hard for them can not only make us realize our dreams, but also make us strong willed. Let's work hard for our dreams.

500 words composition on dreams (5)

I always know; That dream is just a bubble after all. But I still silently, silently stick to it—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"Dida Dida" I was sitting right in front of the computer, with slender fingers flying on the keyboard, and my literary talent was slightly revealed at the fingertips.

"Why? You've been knocking all afternoon." The younger sister next door suddenly asked.

I didn't speak, and continued to ponder and beat. If you know a person's disposition, you will know how to do the best.

She was not angry, but kept staring at the screen. Finally, she showed a disdainful smile, "Yo! You are writing a novel! Just your water... can you succeed?" Her words were full of scornful mockery.

Can I succeed?

How many times have I come back full of disappointment after going to the competition with hope?

How many times have I rushed to write a book, but was overwhelmed by the chaotic inspiration?

How many times have the "unsuccessful" waves swept away my lonely boat again and again, leaving me in a deep sea of suffering and struggling hard?

Gradually, gradually, this seems to have become a habit!

But even so, I still strive to stick to it, chasing it. After all, I like the language I conceive and the feeling I immerse myself in.

Perhaps, what flows from the pen tip is not beautiful---

The reason why a dream is called a dream is that it can never be realized. What can be realized can only be called an ideal!

But bubbles can only be persistent in dreams. In reality, they are illusory after all. They bubble quickly and burst quickly! Just like my broken hopes.

Although I always know that my "literary dream" is a super imaginary fantasy of "bubble"+"dream".

But I still carry the only hope to explore it and stick to it.

Because it is not only my bubble dream, but also my exclusive pleasure in solitude;

It is it that makes my lonely heart no longer empty!

It is it that turns my loneliness into the best gift of my life!

It is it that makes my youth have a dream to chase!

Therefore, life is not cold when you have dreams······

500 words composition on dreams (6)

Grass dreams of greeting spring with green leaves, and migratory birds dream of the blue sea in the south. what about you? What's your dream?

In the vast snow field, do you know the dream of a grass? In the cold loneliness, she held a belief to keep warm. When spring came back, she would greet the spring with two green leaves, which were the dreams under the snow.

Migratory birds fly south on a long journey. Where's her dream? In the distance, in the view, it is the blue sea in the south. She was very tired, but she still flew forward, and the dream gave her another pair of wings.

Thinking in front of the window, do you want to be a poem of a cloud or a painting of a butterfly?

Running in the wind, I want to be an eagle, higher than the sky; To be a magnificent river and express our feelings for the earth!

I like dreaming. Dreams let me see the sunshine outside the window, dreams let me see the rosy clouds in the sky; Dreams give me an unchanging call. Dreams lead me to pursue one goal after another.

Only when you have a dream can you have a dream, only when you have a dream can you have an ideal, and only when you have a dream can you have a life journey to strive for your ideal.

He who has no tears, his eyes are dry.

He who has no dream, his night is dark.

The sun always rises where there are dreams; The moon is always dim where there are dreams.

Dream is an eternal smile, which makes your heart full of passion and your eyes clear and bright forever.

The kaleidoscope of the world emits an attractive fragrance. Under the future sky, there will also be charming singing. We are ready to go, dressed up with dreams, starting from the real thousand. When we arrive at the autumn orchard and gently wipe away the sweat and dust left on our faces in summer, we can hear the words once said to spring: dreams come true!

500 words composition on dreams (7)

All creatures in the world have dreams, including plants and animals. Although their dreams are not very beautiful, they firmly believe that if there is hope, their dreams will come true.

In a deserted desert, there is a cactus. She dreamed that she could blossom. However, when he told his family and friends about this dream, no one supported him. He also said that the dream was simply a powerful void. Although all the family members say so, it can't stop the cactus from dreaming of flowering. It thought: If you say it is impossible, I will prove it to you, and let you know that as long as there is hope, the dream will come true. Since then, it has let the sun shine on it every day. At night, it absorbs water and nutrients from the desert. When his family and friends saw him like this, they said to him, "Don't be silly. This is a desert with almost no water. You can't blossom in this environment." "If you say no, I will try to see if you can blossom. I believe that if there is hope, my dream will come true, so you can let me go." His family saw his determination, He said to him, "Whatever you think, you can never regret it." "I will never regret it."

After several years like this, the cactus still did not bloom. Suddenly one day, the sun was more dazzling than before. The cactus thought: after so long, it still hasn't blossomed. Will cactus really not blossom like the family said? Suddenly, a sentence came to his mind, which was exactly what he said to his family: if there is hope, the dream will come true. In the future, cactus will always use this sentence to motivate themselves. Whenever he wants to give up, he will use this sentence to regain confidence. Finally, every effort pays off. The cactus finally bloomed. When it was shown to family and friends, the family was surprised because they had never seen cactus blossom. They could not help sighing that there was still hope and the dream could really be realized.

500 words composition on dreams (8)

It has always been my dream to enter Tsinghua University. But I know that it takes much more effort than ordinary people to go to this university.

This summer vacation, my parents took me to Beijing to visit Tsinghua University! There was also a big sister of Tsinghua University who explained and analyzed what each teaching building in the school was doing, and also told us how she was admitted to Tsinghua University

The most important thing in learning is to pay attention to learning methods. Sister told us that there are many learning methods, depending on whether you can use them. My math is not good, so I asked my elder sister, "Sister, what are the learning methods for math?" She told me the three most important points: first, pay attention to the textbook, and do every problem in the textbook; The second is the basic concepts and ideas in textbooks. In textbooks, not only exercises are important, but also basic concepts and ideas; Finally, we should combine the old with the new, pay attention to the general method, remember the conclusions, and dig through the details.

When I was doing math problems, I was always careless, so I asked my elder sister what she could do. She told me: "In order to avoid making low-level mistakes, we need to remind ourselves to be careful at all times. It is very helpful to list the mistakes we are prone to make on the draft paper before the exam. Then we keep reminding ourselves not to make the same mistakes again during the exam, so that your carelessness will slowly leave you.

There are many learning methods, I will not say one by one. This time I went to Tsinghua University, which gave me a strong and explosive spirit! I believe that as long as I do as my elder sister says, I will certainly achieve this wish!

My dream, my Tsinghua!

500 words composition on dreams (9)

When I was a child, I had countless beautiful dreams. Whether as a pilot or a doctor, whether these dreams are realistic or not, they have become the most beautiful ornament in my life journey. I will try my best to make my dream come true. I will become the most diligent and strong dreamer!

Now my dream is to be a toy designer. The seemingly unpromising dream has always been supported by parents. Accompanied by books and toys, I am growing happily. I like assembling and refitting toys best. I classified toys and refitted them repeatedly to make them into planes, ships and cars of various shapes under my flexible fingers. I spent a lot of time indulging in the various toys I modified and designed. The two sofas at home and the territory near the sofa are all occupied by my various toys. When I am tired of studying, in a bad mood, and in need of inspiration, there is my paradise, and toys are my close friends. My joys, sorrows and sorrows are always related to toys, which bring me countless beautiful childhood memories.

I want to be a toy designer. I want my toys to be different. I want them to bring happiness to more children and let them grow up confidently, happily and happily. I will not take toy design as a tool to make money, because toy design is also an art. I want to understand the hearts of children, enter their world, let them grow up carefree in toys, let their childhood colorful, let them see truth, goodness and beauty in the toy world! At that time, I would be honored to be the idol of the children.

To be a good toy designer, you must have flexible thinking, logical thinking, three-dimensional thinking, and artistic thinking. So I want to learn every subject well, just like a tall building starts from the ground. I want to lay a solid foundation, I want to be down-to-earth, I want to persevere, with sweat and tears to prove that my dream is not a fantasy!

500 words composition on dreams (10)

With the dream of life and my own hope, I came to Yangxi No. 2 Middle School. Here, I will fly my dream and sow my future. I am waiting for flowers and fruits.

From the moment I accidentally glimpsed the word "Jinan University", my heart seemed to return to my heart, and my soul finally found its place.

My life has changed dramatically since then! Since then, I will no longer hesitate, no longer sad, no longer degenerate, because there will be a dream to help me fly!

I have completely started the process of transformation. I will no longer hold the computer at home, sleep and read novels in class, laugh helplessly and laugh at myself when I see red forked test papers, and then throw them into the drawer as if they were a piece of garbage. Because there is a dream that urges me to make progress.

Jinan University is the first overseas Chinese university founded by the state in China, the university with the largest number of overseas students in China, the key comprehensive university of the "211 Project", and directly under the leadership of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. The word "Jinan" comes from the chapter of Shangshu Yugong: "It spreads to the sea in the east, to the quicksand in the west, and to the south in the north, and to the four seas." It means to face the South Ocean and spread Chinese culture to the five continents and the four seas. The predecessor of the school is Jinan School founded by the Qing government in Nanjing in 19XX. Later, it moved to Shanghai and changed its name to National Jinan University in 1927. During the Anti Japanese War, it was relocated to Jianyang, Fujian. In 1946, he moved back to Shanghai. It was merged into Fudan University, Jiaotong University and other universities in August 1949. It was rebuilt in Guangzhou in 1958.

This is the reason why I love Jinan alone, and also the reason why many students love Jinan.

I believe that as long as I have a dream in my heart and work hard for it, one day I can proudly enter the gate of Jinan University, realize my dream of university and find my own stage of life.

500 words composition on dreams (11)

Everyone has his own dream, to be a scientist, inventor, explorer, etc., but my dream is to be an engineer of human soul - teacher.

Some people will definitely say, "Teacher? I am not the right one! There are three buckets of food in my family, and I am not the king of children. Now, teachers are so stressed and their wages are still so low. Can you afford to have parents and children in the future? You still want to do this kind of job!" To this end, my answer is: I have known these things for a long time, and also experienced the hardships of teachers. However, no matter how hard and tired this career is, I am still full of infinite longing for him. Because without teachers to impart knowledge, human beings will become more and more stupid and backward. It is teachers who give us knowledge and they give us a leaf boat to play endlessly in the ocean of knowledge. In the daytime, teachers care and educate students at school; When I go home in the evening, I must not only correct my homework, but also prepare lessons in order to have a good class... Teacher, it is like this, day after day, year after year, hard work, no complaints, silent work, silent dedication, until the end, slowly disappeared in our memory... Teacher this seemingly small occupation, but the contribution is huge! When a person is surrounded by the joy of success, he may forget those teachers who worked hard for him, but I will never forget, because I grew up in the bath of teacher love, so I yearn for the profession of teacher!

Time flies like an arrow, urging people to forge ahead! Only by learning more knowledge can I become a respected engineer of human soul in the future; Only when I grow up can I become you!

500 words composition on dreams (12)

Everyone has his own dream, teacher, doctor. There are many careers for us to choose, but only one is suitable for us. If you choose the right one, you will have no worries all your life; If you choose the wrong one, you may spend your whole life.

Of course, I also have my own dream. What I imagine is perfect, but it is difficult to realize. So only by working hard and making full preparations at the moment can we not be abandoned by society.

In my dream, I will be a writer. Although sometimes it may be boring, the happiness in writing is really sweet and sweet, which can make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. But I believe that a little makes a mickle. The famous novels of many writers at the moment were not written in a day. Believe in yourself, the perfect future is beckoning to you.

In my imagination, I may also be an entrepreneur. With my own mind, I can do many things that people dare not to do, and I can succeed. If I can taste the taste of success, it should be very sweet. If I believe that I must be able to succeed, then I will be half successful.

My dream is to be admitted to a famous university, but I have to pay a lot of sweat. No amount of sweat and pain is worth it for my future dream, because it is my dream in my life. Don't you just use your life's efforts to realize your dream? Although I understand that the road in the future may be very bumpy, but that is the goal that I try to find in my life, I will not easily put it down.

Those dreams will come true and my efforts will not be in vain until the future is left to imagination. The current thing is to study hard and lay a good foundation for the future.

But the perfect dream is just an imagination. The real perfect dream needs to work hard on your own and believe that you must be able to succeed.

500 words composition on dreams (13)

I believe that everyone has a dream, which is as magnificent as fireworks. Similarly, I also have a dream. My dream from childhood is to become a singer.

My father and brother like music very much. Since childhood, I have loved music under the influence of my father and brother. Music can give me strength and power! Whenever I want to let go of what I do, as long as I think of music or hear music, I will have motivation and always insist on doing it!

I like singers Fan Shiqi and Chen Xiang. They both sing very well. They not only sing well, but also are kind and filial... They are my role models, and I will follow them. At this moment, I will try my best to become a singer like them!

There is a famous saying that goes well: "If you have expectations, happiness will come to you; if you have dreams, opportunities will cover you." I like this famous saying very much. It is a truth, and all success comes from efforts behind!

"Everyone's life is a boat, and dreams are the sails of the boat." Yes, with dreams, dandelions will drift with the wind, and leaves will take root, regardless of how many storms; With dreams, little wild flowers will try to open up and prove themselves. How many sad tears will they shed; With a dream, the stream will persist in flowing, and flow to the boundless sea, regardless of the number of bumpy ways

I will stick to my dream, not give up halfway, even if there are many difficulties on the way to pursue my dream.

I will stick to my music dream, just like my idol. No matter how many disappointed tears I will leave on the way to pursue my dream, I will also go forward bravely regardless of myself!

"Kung Fu pays off." I believe that nothing will fail me as long as I work hard!

500 words composition on dreams (14)

What is a dream? A dream is a wish, an ideal, and a hope for the future. Everyone has a dream. With a dream, your life will be full of sunshine, guiding you forward bravely.

The reason why a great ideal is great is that to realize a great ideal is to pay what ordinary people can't do. If you want to make a difference or an extraordinary career, you should remember your own wants, and keep fighting for them, and persevere in the end, so that your dream is not a dream, but a realization.

Pursuing dreams is a process, a living habit that must be gradually established, and a feeling of living in the present. Who said you had to give up everything to pursue your dream? Don't complain about the obstacles between your dream and bread. In fact, what hinders you from pursuing your dream is not the tasteless bread you have on hand, but your own efforts.

500 words composition on dreams (15)

I know that everyone has his own dream. For example, he wants to be a painter, a calligrapher, a policeman, or a pilot. And I want to be a doctor to heal the wounded.

That time I went to the hospital to see a doctor, and found a long queue opposite the doctor. "These people also come here to see a doctor." I thought like this. I looked up and saw that the doctor's forehead was covered with sweat, his eyes were focused on the computer, gave the patient medicine, and said a few words to the patient, then calmly said: "Next."

In this way, repeatedly, the doctor did not start to complain, I became impatient, and muttered in my heart: "Why haven't I arrived yet after waiting for so long?" I looked at the long line in front of me, and those people seemed to be making a wish to the old fairy. They stood for a long time and refused to leave. My heart could not help admiring the doctor more.

From then on, my heart came up with the idea of becoming a doctor. Because Grandma wants me to treat her. But then he thought: This uncle is so hard. He is busy from morning to night and never leaves. Like him, I can't insist. But seeing many patients waiting for treatment, he thought: It's good to make contributions to the society, isn't it?

So I made up my mind to be a doctor to heal the wounded and save the dying, not only to see the sick, but also to help some disabled people recover their health!

Kyltes Imre, a Hungarian writer, once said, "When you say that I like doing this, I don't care how difficult it is, God will come out to help you." As long as I put my dream on the top and work hard every day, I can harvest a little. When I reach the top, I can realize my wish!

500 words composition on dreams (16)

My dream is to be a painter, because once my mother bought herself a book about painters and put it on the bookshelf.

I was very curious, so I secretly took the book my mother bought to my room and read it. I opened the first page and talked about Picasso's first painting when he was a child. He used only five colors to express his thoughts in painting. The second page is about Van Gogh's Starry Sky. At a glance, the whole painting is done in the way of dots, like stars. These painters are really good! Seeing here, I think their paintings are really amazing. From then on, I decided to be a painter when I grew up.

With this dream, I am also working hard. I asked my mother to enroll me in an art class. Every time I have a class, I will carefully complete the work of this class. Once in an art class, I accidentally got the paint on my clothes when I was painting oil. When I got home, my mother criticized me, but I still didn't give up this dream. I would still practice painting at home. Every day during the holidays, I used my lunch break to find some pictures on my mobile phone and print them out to paint gouache paintings. In this way, my painting level has improved. The head teacher also handed me the task of blackboard newspaper. Once I was going to an art contest. I was so excited that I couldn't even sleep at night. The next day when I participated in the competition, I submitted the painting after repeated modifications. But I didn't get the prize. I was very disappointed, but I still didn't give up my dream.

In my dream, I will also dream that after becoming a painter, I will go to various countries to paint the beautiful scenes there.

I will try my best to make my dream come true!

500 words composition on dreams (17)

Today, we watched the First Lesson of School, which made me remember the slogan "You can be brilliant with dreams". Who would not plant a seed of dream in his heart? Everyone has a dream, and add soil, fertilize and water for this small seed that can grow into a towering tree in the future. Cultivate it with 12 points of care, let it grow, germinate, blossom and bear fruit, that is, let itself mature.

I also have a dream. The seed of this dream has taken root and sprouted in my heart. My dream is to be a writer. Writers, others will be surprised that you do not work in enterprises to earn money, what do you do as an unknown writer? Come on, go and pick up a lot of money! If my dream comes true, I will resolutely say no. Because the profession of writer is noble and ordinary, let the students hold my books and watch them with relish. My heart is filled with joy. Seeing that the fruits of labor are not wasted, a joy rises in my heart.

This is to help others and be happy! Maybe in the past, I would agree to be another entrepreneur. It was a book written by a woman writer, "Back to the Wolves", which I will never forget. At first, I just thought the content was very good, but who took every word seriously? Only by looking at it like this, can I see the true feelings of this book.

It feels like you are raising Green (a wolf cub raised by the hero in the book). When I read 36 episodes, I understood the whole book. When you give your eight month old wolf to the wolves, when the person you hate says goodbye to you, you will feel that no matter what, you can only feel precious after losing it. That time my tears could not help anymore. I cry. So I want to be a writer who provides spiritual support for the whole society. If we live in a world of material abundance and spiritual poverty, it would be sad if no one filled the sky with blue and sketched the wings of birds.

I hope one day I can complete my dream, and don't leave it behind at any time in life. Dreams are a light that lights up life in the dark. Dreams are encouragement when giving up. Dreams are passers-by who guide me when I am confused.

I will remember this good saying, you can be brilliant if you dream!

500 words composition on dreams (18)

As long as there is a dream, why go far

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The beautiful eyes and eyebrows, the shallow shadow of the moon standing upside down at the tip of the nose, and the hasty rotation of the wind will scatter the hair and tail again and again. The future that disintegrates the past and the present that contains the future, like a silver thread passing through the ear bone, will tighten the gradually relaxed body. Looking back and talking. The word "dream" appears in my mind.

Entering junior three is also the age of graduation. The classroom seemed to be suddenly filled with lead, and all the sounds disappeared without trace. But somehow, I didn't feel nervous at all. When everyone was busy doing exercises, I was holding a pencil and scribbling while staring blankly. In such times, I often found "dreams" all over my face. I always looked around and soon rolled the paper into a ball and stuffed it into the drawer.

I always like to think in the dark. When the darkness comes, only the thin figure is left. When I closed my eyes, "dreams" appeared in my mind. I can't find any one of my many dreams, just as I can't pull a part out of a corner of the mountain, so this mountain that has been accumulated for a long time will inevitably collapse, and its fragments will fall, and I will be submerged below, unable to find the direction.

I keep running every day. I feel like the never-ending Laura in the movie, chasing the track of my dream. But when I was shuttling through the busy streets, I lost my direction again. I once imagined that I would live in my dream. However, imagination is the most murderer, and it is unknown. Such a distance makes people have an untouchable beauty, and at the same time, they look forward to the beauty of possibility. So, chase after chase. However, I did not understand that as long as there is a dream, why go far away!

The days are like a ticking machine, which beats past with regularity and rigidity. The sunlight is filtered into a soft aperture through the thick curtains, and the previous darkness has disappeared. A distant view of the eaves. I stopped to talk with the years. It told me, child, wipe off the haze before your eyes, see? Your dream is in front of you. Child, go and catch it.

The wind was soft, and a large leaf of a campanula suddenly fluttered. It slipped past my eyes and landed at my feet. I gently crushed it with the soles of my shoes, which was the sound of rustling. Read and complain. The fragrant flowers show the most sincere smile. I opened the deep eyes that seemed to have been opened, and just saw the back of my dream.

As long as you have a dream, why go far.

As long as you have dreams, move forward bravely.

As long as you have a dream, don't be afraid of difficulties and dangers.

500 words composition on dreams (19)

Dream is a stone, knocking out the spark; Dream is a fire, which lights up the extinguished lamp; Dream is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Dream is the way, leading you to the dawn

My dream, with a pair of invisible wings, flew. I don't know where it flew. In my heart, I slowly and carefully explore what kind of dreams I have and seriously look for them in my life. Finally, I found out my dream that was hidden enough.

My dream is to be a writer. Since my mother encouraged me to read more pictures and books when I was young, I know more about books. During the holidays, I often buy books to read, and the exciting stories and popular masterpieces have constantly influenced and infected me.

Once, my mother asked me to go to dinner. Because I was still traveling in the book country, her voice was automatically blocked by me. My mother called several times, but I still ignored the cry. My mother was angry and rushed into my room, grabbed me to eat. I didn't dare to resist my mother. After a glance at the book, she grabbed me away.

In the last summer vacation, the most books I bought were novels written by my sister Wu Meizhen. Seeing so many people of my age contribute, my heart also moved. "I also want to write novels, I also want to write articles, I must be a writer when I grow up!" I thought excitedly. On my dream record paper, it said: "When I grow up, I don't want fame, wealth, money and status. I just want to be a writer. Although my book won't be the most popular, I will work hard! I hope to write with my fervent heart and write articles that will satisfy my own heart and make readers praise me endlessly!"

I believe that one day, I will stand at the highest level on the ladder of my life and look back at the sweat and happy footprints below! Although this is not inevitable, I will use my actual actions to tell the world that it is possible!

I like reading, writing, and taking the rainbow road of writers!

500 words composition on dreams (20)

Because of the desire for the blue sky, the eagle can fly; Because of the yearning for sea water, fish swim upstream; Because of the ideal navigation, we have a way forward. People are always pursuing their ideals, and the idea of realizing them always makes us happy. Just like a moth, it is willing to be the captive of the raging fire, just for the instant light.

No matter how high spirited you are; No matter how resourceful you are; No matter how hard you spend; If there is no ideal, we will lose the direction, we will be confused, and then gradually lose the fight for the ideal, and finally buried in the smoke of history. Only by adhering to our lofty ideals and working hard can we create our own blue sky.

Ideal is a stone, which can make a spark; Ideal is fire, light of hope; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the way forward; Ideal is the way to success. Human life is only once, and life is fragile. But with the support of ideals, life can become strong. Ideal is a resounding song of triumph. Every note is the destination of life.

The road to realize the ideal is hard, and the road must be full of thorns. How can you get the fragrance of plum blossom without a bitter cold. As long as we all embrace our own ideals, constantly ride the wind and waves on the voyage of life, and forge ahead bravely, victory will belong to us. Let's sow the ideal seeds at this moment and work hard. Spring and autumn will bring us full harvest. Let's fly our ideal wings and spread our wings.