1000 words of good composition (18 in total)
Afternoon tea fragrance
2024-06-08 08:03:03

1000 words of good composition (1)

I have a brother. Although he is only one year older than me, with the growth of age, I feel more and more that it is good to have a brother.

I spent my childhood in the countryside. In winter, after a heavy snow, my brother will take me to make snowmen and skate; In summer, he took me to catch loaches in the dam; In the evening, they will take me to play hide and seek again.

What I like most is the summer evening. Every evening, when the sun goes down, the sunset reflects the whole sky red, and everywhere is covered with a thin layer of red gauze. The smoke curls slowly from the chimney of every household, and flies leisurely into the sky.

At this time, the old people either waved their bamboo fans to cool off under the trees or played chess to prepare for a fight. I couldn't resist the temptation of the forest, so I begged my brother to take me there to play.

Once, we were playing hide and seek there. Suddenly, I saw a cluster of pink flowers blooming on the branch. The breeze blows away, like butterflies dancing. I straightened my neck and jumped as high as I could, but I couldn't reach it. Seeing that I was sweating with anxiety, my brother patted my shoulder and proudly said, "Look at me." Then he jumped up like a naughty monkey. Unexpectedly, a bumblebee came out of the cluster of flowers and flew straight to his brother. When the elder brother was afraid, he "plopped" to the ground. His trousers were torn, and his knee scraped off a large piece of skin, which was bleeding. I was frightened and cried. I didn't know what to do. After a while, my brother slowly got up from the ground. He smiled carelessly and said, "Man, this injury is nothing..." He wiped my tears away and made a face at me, so I broke through tears and smiled again.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I have grown from a naive and ignorant girl named Mao to a big girl. Now, although I am no longer the crazy girl who used to play hide and seek with my brother, I can still clearly feel his everlasting love.

The older brother is more and more like a real brother. That year, my family received an urgent telegram saying that Grandma was dying. Mom and Dad gave an order to the neighbors and left in a hurry. In the evening, I had a high fever and kept shouting "Mom". My brother was worried. He gave me medicine and changed my cold towel. I felt vaguely that a warm hand was wiping my sweat and covering my quilt. At daybreak, my fever subsided. When I opened my eyes, my brother was sitting on a small bench, his hands propping up his cheeks, dozing. Accidentally, he knocked his head on the top of the bed, rubbed his bleary eyes, saw that I was awake, and asked me if I was better. Looking at my brother's tired face, I nodded. Later, I heard from my brother's class that my brother was punished for standing because he dozed off in class that day. But my brother never mentioned it to me, for which I felt guilty for a long time.

Now my brother has become a real man. His face is less childish, and his eyebrows are more firm and mature. Now, he is a freshman student. Maybe it was arranged by God. His university and my middle school happened to be in the same city. We both studied in different places and met again. Since then, I have regarded weekends as a very important part of my life. Every weekend, I go to see my brother. With him, I have a special sense of security in my heart. Whenever I encounter setbacks, his words always let me raise the sails of my ideal again. From his firm eyes, I find confidence again.

Thank you, brother! It is you who let me understand the true meaning of love. Brother, I won't let you down. I will make you proud of having a sister like me!

1000 words of good composition (2)

On that day, I said goodbye to my alma mater, Da Ciyan Junior High School. I said goodbye to the teachers who had been tutoring me, to the classmates who had been laughing and playing with me for years, and to my alma mater, which had been struggling for three years. Apart from sadness, it is more a joy and curiosity to enter the new school.

When I first met you, it was in Mr. Zhou's space that "my alma mater is as beautiful as ever!" It was Mr. Zhou's deep love and memory for his alma mater. "Red and white koi play in the pond, and the boulevard is deep. The green trees and red flowers are in a good mood, but I can't wait to meet you because of your beauty.".

In August, we will meet three or five old friends to unveil your veil in person. The sun is strong in August, but when walking in the mall, the wind blows gently, and the heat fades away. The sun shines on the ground through the leaves of the trees, creating a different picture. The red runway, the pavilion in the mountains, the tidy classroom, the comfortable dormitory... This is your second impression.

At the beginning of the school season, I really stepped into the campus. Then I asked my roommates to take a walk around the campus. Every inch of your land has our footprint. Gradually, the study of high school also overwhelmed us. At 3:1 every day, classrooms, dormitories and canteens let us have fewer opportunities to look at you. But you accompany us every day, why not see you all? You change every day. In early spring, Green Yaer sent a message first. In summer, cicadas played music beside you. In late autumn, withered leaves covered the ground, and you shed all your Chinese clothes. In winter, you were on top of the snow. Every time you have a new face. Whenever I feel depressed, I always like to see you more, because the refreshing green can really solve a thousand worries.
What you have brought to me is not only the effect of relieving my worries, but also, unconsciously, you have made me understand the true meaning of friends.

Shouzhong is still a long way from where I get off. If it is sunny and you are carrying your schoolbag, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery and enter the campus step by step! But it was a rainy day, and I took a big quilt. It's hard to walk with an umbrella and a quilt on rainy days! But as soon as I got out of the car, several familiar faces came into my eyes and helped me pick up the quilt in my hand. In this way, four of us alternated in the rain from time to time, stepping on the water deeply and lightly, with splashes at our feet and persistent sweat on our forehead. Even in rainy days, this scenery is particularly beautiful! We are small partners in the same village, and also good teammates who share weal and woe. We are harmonious and beautiful people in life.

I am a sophomore in high school, and I will say goodbye to you in another year. When I want to leave you, I should be as reluctant as leaving junior high school. Our junior high school is not as beautiful as you! There should be more reluctance to leave you! My alma mater, I know that I have a feeling of "not knowing your happiness when you are in the midst of happiness". I always want to go home quickly and spend the holiday quickly. For a long time, people are naturally tired, but I don't know how I will miss you after leaving you for a long time! I miss the three years you have accompanied me. In the past three years, there have been my yearning for college, my figure of learning and struggling, the playful appearance of my classmates, the warmth of my friends' help in the rain, and the superiority of a touch of new green to solve thousands of worries... You have given me too much, and I can't count enough of it.

On your 80th birthday, I wish you a happy birthday. May the fine school spirit of Shouzhong be carried forward and the future of Shouzhong be even better!

1000 words of good composition (3)

Book is the ladder of human progress; Books are stepping stones on the road to success; Book is a sailing ship that takes us to progress... Reading is beneficial without harm, and I am one of the beneficiaries of reading.

The paradise of readers is the library. There, you can concentrate on reading. There, you can look for masterpieces. Every time, when I smell the smell of ink, when I walk in the library, when I swim in the sea of books, my heart will be full of gratitude. I thank the library, and I also thank books. The reason why I have made such achievements is that I have books as my good partner and library as my second home.

There is no end to the benefits of reading, because books are like a treasure house of wisdom, inexhaustible. Reading can improve concentration, which is helpful for listening; Reading can also expand the scope of knowledge, and encyclopedic knowledge can be found in books; Reading can make you understand the truth. The long road of life is no longer full of fog. Books can cultivate your sentiment and make your words and deeds no longer rude and clumsy. Books can also improve cultural literacy, make your words more exciting, more witty... These are my personal experience!

There were many stories between me and the book.

One Sunday afternoon, I went out to play and came home. Just as I took off my clothes, I found my mother and my brother were putting on their coats and seemed to be going out. "Mom, you..." I wanted to stop. My mother interrupted me: "Daughter, my mother is going out with my brother. You have to take care of yourself when you are alone at home." After that, she strode to the door, "Alas..." As soon as I stood up, my mother and brother walked out of the door.

Now, I am alone at home. Looking at the empty living room, I feel very empty and lonely. Just then, my eyes fell on a book on the tea table, A Dream of Red Mansions. "Why don't I just read for a while to kill time?" I thought. So, I grabbed the "Dream of Red Mansions" and watched it, but I was fascinated by it! So many characters, including Baoyu, Baochai, Tanchun, Yingchun and Daiyu, appeared before my eyes. There are so many events, such as "Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden" and "Baoyu was beaten", which are both vivid and interesting. The love between Baoyu and Daiyu moved me. Moreover, when I have questions, I will always get answers in the next chapter. Unexpectedly, this thick and famous book is not as boring as the students said, but very interesting. The more I looked, the more excited I became. I watched with relish, as if I had forgotten the time and everything. In a twinkling of an eye, mother and brother came back. My mother looked at me sitting on the sofa, holding a "Dream of Red Mansions" in her hand, and concentrating on reading, staring at the pages of the book. She couldn't help marveling: "Daughter, have you been reading?" "Yes, Mom, let me tell you the story in this book!" I didn't expect that reading could bring me so much fun. For such a long time, if I didn't have the company of this book, how lonely I would be. If I didn't have the company of this book, maybe I would waste my time. Books enrich my life, enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizon. Book, it's good to have you!

Books bring us infinite benefits. I will always keep the good habit of reading. Whenever I hear the praise of the Chinese teacher, and whenever I learn another truth about life, I will silently say in my heart: "It's good to have you in my book!"

1000 words of good composition (4)

Today is a sunny and sunny day. Our sixth grade students from Xiyuan Primary School, led by teachers in all classes, went to Daheba Reservoir for spring outing together.

In the morning, I could not wait for the alarm clock to ring, so I got up early, had a quick breakfast, took the money to buy snacks and some fruits, and hurried to school. Not long after arriving at the school, other students also arrived. It can be seen that everyone is in high spirits.

At this time, the teacher asked all the teachers and students of our school to gather on the playground. After talking about discipline, safety, civilization and other requirements, we marched forward to the Daheba Reservoir with cheerful steps.

On the way of spring outing, the students sang and laughed happily, like birds coming out of cages. Rape flowers are blooming along the road, golden yellow in large areas. Pink peach blossom, white plum blossom and pure white cherry blossom are competing to open up. The fresh air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers. Some farmers are working hard in the fields. Seeing this, I remembered a proverb: spring is the plan of a year, and morning is the plan of a day. This sentence is the most appropriate description.

We came to the dam of the reservoir. At that time, the reservoir was sunny, and the scenery was clearer and more beautiful. Along a tree lined path, we walked to the depth of the reservoir.

By the side of the path, there are many iris and many wild chrysanthemums. Beautiful butterflies dance in the flowers. There are purple, blue, yellow and white butterflies. Many kinds of butterflies and butterfly flowers come together, moving and quiet. They are woven into a colorful garland, dazzling people. The branches of many big trees are covered with green buds, showing vigorous vitality. Yingshanhong is spreading all over the mountains, and every branch is in bud. When they are in full bloom, how amazing and overjoyed they should be!

At the end of the reservoir, the destination, the students clustered in clusters of three and five, scattered in each "territory" of the stream. We couldn't wait to take out the food and taste it. We talked and laughed and shouted. Some of them played chess, military chess, animal fighting chess and playing cards, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air; Some people turn over large and small stones by the stream to look for crabs and drizzle. They shout loudly and noisily at the moment

I ate snacks, ate apples, and went to the front to catch crabs. My luck is really bad. I turned over a dozen big stones and didn't even see a crab leg. I was exhausted. Accidentally, "plop" and step into the water. Now, my wedge shoes have drunk enough water, freezing my feet! The more I think about it, the more depressed I become. It really enrages me! I picked up a stone and threw it into the water. The stone splashed a lot of mud and water, turning me into a big cat.

Reluctantly, I came to the water, washed the muddy water on my face and body, and stood at the water's edge. At this time, a cool wind blew over, I felt extremely fresh and happy, and my unhappiness also disappeared. The water surface was also lifted with green ripples, which were shining green and bright green. They were laughing and rolling, and one layer after another rushed to the distance. Look closely at the spray. It is bright green near, dark green in the distance, and golden in the middle. The sun shines on the sparkling water and is scattered into small light spots, rippling to the lake, setting a bright Phnom Penh for the lake shore and fishermen. In the spring breeze, in the waves, in the sun, people, water, shore, constitute a quiet and dynamic picture.

After a while, the water was calm again. The mountains are reflected in the mirror like water, looking greener; The clear sky is reflected in the mirror like water, which looks bluer; The white clouds are reflected in the mirror like water, making it more pure and flawless

Ah, the spring scenery is infinitely good! I would like to collect the most beautiful page and treasure it in my memory

1000 words of good composition (5)

Why do you want to read? To this question, some students will answer: "In order to cope with the Chinese teacher's homework." That's wrong. In fact, reading is a very happy thing, just not doing it yourself. There is a small story: Jews drop a few drops of honey on the Bible, let children kiss the Bible, and at the same time enlighten children. The taste of books is as sweet as honey. But my taste of reading is varied.

Reading is sweet. From the first time I picked up Andersen's Fairy Tales, I felt the truth, goodness, beauty and ugliness of the world through the lively words. When I looked at the Dream of Red Mansions with myopia glasses on my knee, I realized Lin Daiyu's infatuation and despair for Jia Baoyu, a girl with rich heart and boring life. Her poems and poems were filled with grief, but Xue Baochi's pride was not seen at all. After reading this, I also realized the author Cao Xueqin's love for life.

The taste of reading is intoxicating. In particular, Tang and Song poetry, although some of them have only a little knowledge, some of them still don't understand, but with the rhyme, the catchy feeling makes me feel as if I am roaming in the mysterious nature. Zhu Xi realized the beauty of spring in his "knowing the east wind in a leisurely way, and all colors and colors are always spring"; In the high parallel "the crystal curtain moves and the breeze rises, and the wall is full of roses and fragrance", I can feel the simple and elegant summer in the pavilion. A corner... The feeling of reading poetry is so memorable.

The taste of reading is light, just like Bing Xin's prose. Although the story is ordinary, it is described very heartily. It's like the spring breeze blowing gently, leaving a circle of faint ripples in your heart.

The taste of reading is very complex. When you read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you will realize that "we are destined to meet thousands of miles away" for the "three ties of friendship in the Peach Garden", be moved by Liu Bei's simplicity, and praise his "three visits to the cottage"... The feeling of "heroes from ancient times" haunts your heart.

The taste of reading is even more bitter. "The clothes are getting wider and wider without regret, and people are haggard because of the loss of Iraq" is a true portrayal of the soul of the bitter readers.

Reading has a variety of tastes. Joy, anger, sadness, joy, sadness, joy, separation, cooperation, love, hate, affection, hatred, and feelings that are integrated into the brain cannot be expressed by any words. Also moved: reading Ostrovsky's How Steel Was Tempered will pity Paul Kochagin's blindness in the text; After reading Gorky's "Childhood", there is a feeling that we are in bliss and do not know what we are blessed with; After reading "The Lady of Camellia", I felt my nose was sore and I shed a few tears.   ************************

If the person who reads is a fool, I would like to be such a fool in order to taste the beauty of reading. Because such a fool can know and enjoy the happiness of reading!     ·

Pick up the book, thousands of tastes come to my mind. Immersed in the thick fragrance of books, I only have one taste at this time: the feeling of reading is really good!

1000 words of good composition (6)

Primary school life ended with only one graduation photo; The friendship between friends also broke with graduation; We also left school because of graduation. Although it is so ordinary after graduation, my primary school career is enriched by you. Because of you, I feel all kinds of happiness in my primary school career.

My math teacher's surname is Gao Mingqiang. When he did not smile, his face looked serious, and a few wrinkles spread on his face, showing the vicissitudes of time. He was tall and spoke loudly. At the beginning, many students were afraid of him. He has a habit of cleanliness. He always cleans the office and polishes his shoes.

We don't know why. We think it's difficult to get close to him because he has a habit of cleanliness, but we were wrong. After singing time together, I gradually feel that it's really good to have him in primary school.

When I was young, I heard my sister say that mathematics is difficult in junior high school and senior high school, so I have always hated mathematics since primary school, and my math scores are not very good. I know I met Miss Gao. Teacher Gao was not as boring as we imagined in class, but very humorous. In class, when he saw someone talking in a daze, he purposely asked the person's name to make fun of him. So we often have bursts of laughter in the classroom. The person who was named also lowered his head in embarrassment and began to listen carefully.

Mr. Gao's lecture is easy to understand. When we encounter problems that will not happen, he will always welcome us and patiently teach us. When we encounter difficulties in doing questions, he will always give us some appropriate comments to let us understand.

Gradually and gradually, I suddenly felt that mathematics was not as difficult as I imagined, perhaps because of Mr. Gao. I don't know whether I can meet a teacher like Mr. Gao after I go to junior high school... I don't know whether I will be interested in mathematics again

Mr. Gao not only teaches well, but also cares for students. I was also lucky to experience the care of Mr. Gao.

It happened that that day was the day we graduated. The teacher didn't tell us what time school ended that day, so I called my father after school. At that time, many people had gone home, leaving only one or two children, and one I stayed there.

I walked up and down the road at the school gate, and soon came to the end of the road. I had to wait there. I looked at the leaves on the roadside and waited. Suddenly, the voice of a man's voice woke me up. It was Miss Gao. He purposely parked his car beside me, stuck his head out of the window and asked carefully, "My parents haven't come yet? Have you called?"

Looking into Miss Gao's eyes, I seem to feel a deep love. Maybe this is the teacher's love for students.

"Yes," Miss Gao asked again: "How long will it be?" "It should be soon." Hearing my answer, Miss Gao was relieved.

Because of me, Mr. Gao stopped his car. The car behind was already urging him. I thought Mr. Gao knew when my parents would come and could go, but he asked the same question to a girl next to him. He didn't leave until he confirmed it.

At that time, I thought in my heart that the girl next to me was unknown and not in our class. How could the teacher ask? The teacher cares too much for his students. Maybe this is the unique care of every teacher.

At this time, I silently praised the teacher in my heart.

Miss Gao, I hope I can be your student for the rest of my life

It's good to have you in Mr. Gao's primary school career. In my primary school career, I realized the happiness brought by learning mathematics. It's good to have you

1000 words of good composition (7)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. Writing a composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a 1000 word composition that Xiaobian helped you sort out. I hope it will be helpful to you.

The seclusion of wild lily is due to the company of the valley; Dapeng's soaring wings are due to the company of clouds. With your company, I am not alone on the road of growth

The night has erased the last ray of sunset, and the night is like the velvet curtain in the theater, falling slowly. The yellowing light shines on the text that emits the fragrance of ink, making the whole body and mind drunk. "The bright moonlight in front of the window is suspected to be frost on the ground", my mother is teaching me to read poems sentence by sentence. I nestled beside her, she read a sentence, I read a sentence, carry it on my back, and travel happily in the world of poetry. When I was young, I felt that a poem is a book. I read it and read its charm. The friendship in Wang Bo's eyes is "a bosom friend in the sea, and a distant place like a neighbor"; The kinship in Meng Jiao's eyes is "who speaks grass inch heart, will be rewarded with the three spring sunshine"; There is also a saying that "a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, flowers have fragrance, and the moon has shade." Although I don't understand the meaning of poetry, I still think it is very interesting. It is you who let me understand the world of kinship Baiwei.

In primary school, you have become an indispensable part of me. Like a diligent bee, I came to the library to read tirelessly on weekends, and gradually began to contact fables. "Pulling up the Seedlings" taught me that nothing can be done in haste; "Waiting for the Rabbit" made me understand that there is no pie in the sky, and success comes from hard work; Farmers and Snakes tells me that I can't be confused by the appearance of things... It's you who interprets the truth, goodness and beauty of life.

With your company, I saw Wu Song's brave, unyielding, resourceful and resourceful; With your company, I saw Liu Bei's thirst for wisdom, Zhuge Liang's ingenuity, Guan Yu's adherence to faith... In the sixth grade, with the teacher's recommendation, I began to read famous prose. I was attracted by the Qinhuai River described by Zhu Ziqing, and I was shocked by why the wind and rain intoxicated the pavilion; I played on the Seine River bank in Francois's works, and I have completely lived in the arms of prose... It is you who interpret the light and extraordinary life.

With your company, I feel the optimism of "Don't worry about the way ahead without a bosom friend, no one in the world knows you"; With your company, I understand the tolerance of "the sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great"; With your company, I learned the heroic spirit of "who has never died since ancient times, stay loyal to history". My best friend - book! You make my life colorful.

Entering junior high school, with the increasing amount of learning time, I cherish the time of reading more and more. Tagore's "Flying Birds" fascinated me; Lu Xun's "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering" made me linger and forget to return. Under the guidance of the teacher, I learned to extract again, "just like a swallow builds a nest, bit by bit, and slowly, it becomes a nest", forming my own knowledge warehouse. It is you who let me learn the expression of life!

Late at night, the tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars on sentry duty. The wind was quiet, and the air was still filled with the fragrance of books. I know that reading is the cheapest way of appreciation.

One word, one world, one book, one heaven. It's good to have you accompany me to grow up all the way!

1000 words of good composition (8)

In daily study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. Here are 1000 words of praised compositions collected by Xiaobian for you. Welcome to read and collect them.

The teacher, the engineer of human soul, the teacher, and the guide of my life path, lit up the darkness of my life with a warm and selfless love. She is the Chinese teacher and head teacher who has taught me for six years - Miss Song.

Mr. Song is medium height, with neat black hair mixed with a little white hair, and his bright big eyes are always watching me to avoid detours in life. She is fat, but she is quick and never sloppy. She is very strict with me, but also very concerned. There is an old saying in China: A strict teacher makes a good student. With her meticulous care and warmth, I grew from an ignorant urchin to a teenager who understood the truth of the world.

That was three years ago. In the morning, the sun rose slowly from the hillside, illuminating the whole classroom. The teacher came to the door of the classroom with a heavy step, holding his homework book. The noisy "food market" suddenly became silent. She slowly walked up to the platform, raised her head, and scanned all the students with her beautiful big eyes. She did not miss any "dead corner". Suddenly, the teacher stared at me, and my heart missed a beat, and I was at a loss... Three years ago, I wrote very poorly, because of this, Mr. Song carefully guided me countless times, and repeatedly told me to read more, pay more attention to observe every bit of my life... But I couldn't listen to a word. This time, it seems that I will be scolded again. I have to wait for the teacher to give up.

Unexpectedly, I heard the teacher say: "This time the students played very well, especially Lv Lei..." Hmm? I was a bit muddled at first, but later I found myself on the list. The teacher commented on my highlights, and I was as happy as winning the lottery. Suddenly, "Lv Lei, you come to stand on the platform to read your words, and remember to read your feelings." At this time, my mind was confused, and I was at a loss again. Step by step, I stepped onto the platform, stood there foolishly, and could not say a word. Miss Song patted me on the shoulder and whispered softly in my ear: "Don't be nervous, just like usual speaking, read the feelings you want to express in this article, and I believe you can do it." This sentence instantly lit up the darkness in my heart like bright sunshine, giving me courage and confidence... That day, I seemed to read for a long time, It also seemed to be fully integrated into the world described in the article, read it vividly, and won the applause of the students

After class, the teacher called me to the office. I was very excited. When I entered the office, it was very quiet. I stood at Miss Song's desk. She looked at me with a bright smile on her face and said softly, "You have made great progress this time. The teacher hopes that you will continue to do this, and you will become more and more excellent. You must continue to work hard, but can't be proud." I nodded hard and walked out of the office happily. At this moment, my heart seems to shine into a beam of light, warm and bright.

I always remember the teacher's words. Because of this encouragement, I have a strong interest in writing. The more I write, the more wonderful I become.

Three foot platform, a hot pillow. Teacher, you have paid too much for us... I wonder how much you care for our 60 students; I don't know how many times you have tried to teach us; What's more, I don't know how much effort you have paid to carefully review your homework in those scorching afternoons. "The falling red is a heartless thing, which turns into spring mud to protect flowers." A piece of love irrigates, and then there is a piece of golden wheat.

Time flies, years pass, six years have passed, and your praise of my appearance and voice is still clear and unforgettable in my heart. Yes, it was a good feeling to be praised that time!

1000 words of good composition (9)

In the daily study, work or life, the most familiar thing is composition. Composition is a style of writing that expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a good composition of 1000 words, which I hope will help you.

The second day of the junior high school is almost over. Why... the head teacher once scolded the class.

I remember that at the end of the second day of the junior high school, everyone in the class was very busy with the geography and biology examination, for fear that failure would affect the results of the high school entrance examination. Therefore, almost all students are like ants on a hot pot all day long. Whenever there is a class, the classroom is silent, and it seems that you can hear the pounding heartbeat of students. I am tired of working in the battle quagmire of A, B, C and D every day. The geographical wind has just passed here, and the gust of creatures has swept up again. The test papers are like huge snowflakes falling down

In a geography class, several female students around passed a small note, wrote all their words on the note, and then threw it to other students. When the teacher was talking happily on the platform, a female classmate finished writing and skillfully folded the note into a sphere. When the teacher looked at the student in the north with one eye, she seized the hard won opportunity and seemed to use all her strength to throw the paper ball out. The paper ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and dropped down to another student like a parachute in the air... In this way, they covered their mouths while watching for fear of being found.

Give me the note. Let me see what it is? The geography teacher's voice shook them like a thunderbolt. After handing over the note, their faces turned red like ripe apples, and their heads dropped like clockwork. When the head teacher learned that, he used the afternoon to scold the whole class: How can he write a note about male students when the second day of the junior high school is almost over? Later, when the students learned that the male classmate was me, they told me one after another, but I still had never heard of it. I felt like I was in a deep quagmire.

Since then, the exchanges between those students and me seemed to evaporate like water, and the former friendship melted in an instant. There is a towering mountain between them. There is no communication between languages, and the relationship between the two sides has reached the freezing point like that between China and the United States in the 1950s. Even the leaves on the trees outside the window seem to be covered with a thick layer of Bailing frost because of the cold of freezing.

In a class meeting, the teacher once again proposed that everyone should maintain the most innocent friendship with each other, not only for some things, but also for mutual understanding... This sentence, like a bow string, deeply touched the hearts of these lesbian students. They just kept nodding their heads.

Looking out of the window, the light of the sun is slowly emerging

A few days later, inadvertently, a note appeared in my pen bag, on which eight characters were written, sorry, I hope you will forgive me. I folded it and kept it well. When they met them again, they took the initiative to greet them and asked: Have you received the note? I'm really sorry! With that, he quickly left again. All that remained was the fresh breeze

The teacher called me to the office and asked about the handling of the matter. After learning the result, he only left a thought-provoking sentence: It's good for you to come out!

Yeah! It's good to come out! It's good to come out of the crisis of friendship

1000 words of good composition (10)

I received this unexpected news on Tuesday. That night, my mother came home and said with an expression I had never seen before that she would tell us a bad news. After a long silence, she said to call Grandma first. The air was tense all of a sudden, and I felt uneasy: was something wrong at home? Mother sighed: "Your great grandmother passed away yesterday." Her great grandmother passed away, which is impossible. We haven't seen her for a long time. No, I cheat myself. Although I thought so, my tears fell down involuntarily. My subconscious told me that it was true, and I had to accept the reality. When the phone was connected, my mother asked Grandma about this and that, and then gave me the phone. I held back my tears and called out stiffly, "Grandma.". At the other end of the phone, Grandma asked me in a hoarse and slightly choking voice, "Have you eaten, child?


"Oh, then, go to eat, go to eat, go to eat." She began to incoherently say something I didn't understand, and I hurriedly put the phone to my brother. I was in a terrible mood that night

Today is my grandmother's funeral. Grandmother has been kind and respected all her life. She has three daughters, one son and the eldest, my grandmother. Grandma's funeral was very grand, and many people participated in it. I hurried to her home early this morning, and there were wreaths and elegiac couplets at her door. All the family's relatives and friends arrived, but I felt empty in my heart... When it came to the funeral, everyone else cried bitterly, and I could no longer restrain myself from crying bitterly.

When I was young, my great grandmother loved us very much, and the memories of my great grandmother came to my eyes one after another. Every time we went to her place, she would give us the best food at home, and then stroked our heads again and again, while offering warm greetings, while watching us devour lovingly. Later, we gradually grew up. Grandma was getting older year by year. Her back was bent badly, her legs were very rough, and her hair was all white. When we went to visit her, she walked with great strength, but she still asked her aunt and uncle to bring this and that to us. Her old aunt still looked like a child in front of her, As always, she likes to touch us and look at us with loving eyes, but her hands are already like dry wood, trembling, and her eyes are also deeply trapped

But now, she's gone

My mother once said that this would actually avoid more pain for the old man and his family. The old man walked away without much suffering from illness. I understand that only my grandmother will be very sad. I am determined to study hard and be filial to my grandparents when I grow up.

The cries all around me hurt my heart and my lungs. I am very sad. I just hope my grandmother can go well all the way, and she will not be lonely on the way to heaven.

1000 words of good composition (11)


"Students, class is over, go outside the classroom to listen to the voice of flowers and breathe fresh air!" Listening to the familiar voice, I can't help thinking: the voice is always so happy, I don't know how tired, I don't know how precious this last moment is! Only at the moment of graduation did I feel that the three years I had wanted to cherish countless times before had been wasted.

The sky is blue, and the sunshine in June still has the smell of late spring. Summer gradually wakes up, and a little greenery climbs up on the treetops, and summer comes unconsciously. For us, three years of hard work may have been stopped at the moment of handing in the paper. But my classmates, our friendship will continue. The classroom was silent, and no one disturbed the peace of the moment. School is over, and even the students who usually rush out of the classroom first do not move. Everyone knows that if we go out of the classroom today, we may not be able to go back. We cannot go back to the happy time of three years, or to our happy appearance. This carries our emotions and sorrows of the classroom three years ago! How can we say goodbye to you? The monitor stood up and said with a little cry: "The eagle will leave the nest sooner or later to fly. This last time can't lock our dreams. Because the last time is precious, we have to cherish it. Because this pure friendship is beautiful, we put it in our hearts. Let's go, let's go climbing!" The monitor paused, Raise the voice and slowly say: "Climb to the highest place!" Everyone is no longer silent. Smiles return to their faces. After three years of happiness and sadness, this moment has turned into a sunny smiling face with light, into action, allowing young birds to fly.

All sixty-three people arrived and headed for the top of the mountain. Along the way, it seems that I have returned to junior high school life, simple and happy. The noisy class is back again, yeah! Since you can't escape the sadness, it's better to smile bravely. A group of people already know the mountain like the palm of their fingers. I leaned strong and climbed to the front and looked at the moving figures below. I sat on the stone and shouted "Thirty Miles (That) Mountain" to the bottom. The students laughed. Once, a group of people sang while running on the playground. Maybe it was a class song, All the people also raised their voices and shouted: "Twenty li (that) water". A group of people immediately burst into flames, competing to sing unknown songs. Maybe this is the way to vent. As I watched my classmates catch up with me one by one, I laughed and climbed up with a roar: "The river flows eastward." Other students should cheer up with the words "The stars in the sky refer to the Big Dipper." We climbed to the highest place. Let's cherish this last moment and let us smile for our three-year friendship.

At the top of the mountain, I realized that the mountain was so wide. A group of people sat side by side, and the wind blew through the childish faces, bringing a sense of coolness. "No matter where, as long as the heart is close, how can you get farther and farther?" All people did not speak, just looked at the city silently, and we all knew that we would go everywhere in the future, and maybe meet again. At that time, years would add a lot of vicissitudes to each face, We will grow, we will understand, and we will know that life is not just like this, but we never forget what a group of people looked like years ago. If social oppression makes you no longer sincere, it will at least leave us a place to guard your final innocence. Every inch of time is an inch of gold. The teacher said that every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time. I hummed Luo Dayou's Childhood quietly, and everyone hummed. Perhaps in the long river of time, I will not remember the usual day before, but I will not forget that one day a group of students and I sat on the top of the mountain, under the blue sky, on the grass, around the students, in this summer to witness our three-year friendship.

We may be very ordinary, but on the way of my life, I can't forget the smiling faces of each of you. It's good to have you on the way of growth!

1000 words of good composition (12)

"Do, si, sol, la, do." When I reached out again to touch this curved instrument inlaid in copper by several round white jade, I hummed the once familiar sonata again in a low voice, and began to recall the scenes of that day's test of Saxophone Level 10.

I remember that year was the busiest year for me. The junior high school was also a turning point in my life. But my mother solemnly said to me, "No matter what, you always have to test out the tenth grade saxophone!" Why do you have to test out? You asked for it!

Two weeks before the exam, I tossed and turned. I could hardly sleep all night. Half an hour before I went to bed, I would always pick up the saxophone and repeatedly practice trills and strokes. Western music and national music are very different. I always practice hard, sometimes I would constantly tap the keys, and the harsh sound would suddenly spread into the air.

Later, Mr. Wang said to me: "Western music's stroke is not in the amount of phonetic alphabet with the normal score, but as a foil and complement each other."

In the last three days before the exam, again and again, with tears after the failure, he made a comeback and kept his eyes firmly fixed. At last, my fingers lightly beat and jumped between the "mini jade plate" like buttons, and the smooth and graceful colored notes poured into my heart like a stream of sweet water.

I remember that it was a cloudy day. I walked slowly into the campus of China Normal University. The plane trees on both sides of the road gave some coolness to the originally sultry summer day. The birds on the trees began to chatter: "Look at this child. He is so young. Can he pass the exam?" "Don't say that. Haven't you heard of 'The Yangtze River pushes the waves ahead, and the waves ahead die on the beach?'" The melody of brass instruments came out from the campus, as if the visual staff would never leave. The familiar level 4 music of Edelweiss is still fresh in my memory.

This also made me feel uneasy. Although I had passed the exam for three years, I basically knew all the teachers here. Although this is the fourth year, I should not be nervous, but I was a little nervous when I was taking the grade exam, and I started to make two mistakes.

I only remember that at that time, my soul seemed to be integrated with the notes on the music score, and my fingers danced on the keys of the saxophone. In this state of "harmony between people and music", I quietly saw a teacher nodding to my performance in my spare light.

After I walked out of the grade examination classroom, I found the sun showing his bright smile from the clouds.

At any time, we should not give up lightly, should not belittle ourselves, should not give up, should not abandon, continue to run, and firmly believe that we can create our own beautiful tomorrow! Just like now, I can always find out the crux of my failure! I lifted my hand to wipe the sweat from my forehead, looked at my achievements, and raised my mouth in confidence.

1000 words of good composition (13)

I still remember that when I first changed my deskmate, I was unhappy, but I still got along well with my new deskmate. But I only knew his name was Chonglu, where her bedroom was, and I knew nothing about the rest. After a few days of getting along, I found that she was not a very quiet person. She was very lively, and she was also very infectious, Her happiness can drive people around her. Every time I see her, I feel happy. She is very funny. Sometimes a word can make you laugh, sometimes an expression can make you dumbfounded. Sleepiness and trouble are driven away when I am with her.

What I admire most about her is her heart and her character.

She is not fat, but she has a broad mind. Rather than saying that she is so ethereal, she is a person who can tolerate others, and will not haggle over trifles, or even hate others. I remember that time, a classmate joked with her. Later, he spoke excitedly, and the language hurt a little. After he reacted, he looked at her carefully, and she deliberately pretended to be vicious and cruel. She was very angry on the surface, but finally made a face, which surprised me. Later, when I asked about this, She said to me, "Since he already knows where his problem lies, he apologizes, which is enough. If students always haggle over each other like this, it will be very tiring!" This sentence, whenever I am angry, I always think about it in my mind, and think twice before acting, to avoid the unhappiness among many students. Some people say that she is heartless, I don't know if she is angry, but I think she has a rare tolerance like the sea.

What I appreciate most is that she is naturally optimistic and patient. Her optimism, I think, is the most precious wealth that is missing in this busy and cumbersome society. Optimistic nature shows that you have hope for everything and will not give up easily. She often said to me, "How can you know if you can't do this if you don't try?" It was also because of her words that gave me the motivation to complete things. I love to get to the point where I can't understand a problem, but few people have the patience to tell me a problem three or five times, and she is one of them. Sometimes, when I ask her a question, I don't understand it after she explains it. She will continue to explain until I understand it. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to ask the same question again, but she will generously conclude the question and explain it to me. When encountering the same type of questions, she will show it to me. I really appreciate her.

She has helped me a lot in my study. At the same time, in my spare time, I won't feel bored because of her. In my daily life, she has taught me a lot.

It can accommodate students like the sea; Like a magpie, it can bring laughter; Like a cactus, it will not change its cheerful optimism because of the bad environment. I think it's good to have her!

1000 words of good composition (14)

At the beginning of the first year of junior high school, I walked into the campus with my luggage and a feeling of anxiety. I stood helplessly in the crowd. "Ha ha ha" I didn't know where the laughter came from, and I almost turned back subconsciously - bright sunlight through the dense branches and leaves, and hit the girl with a neat ponytail.

I only remember that you were very shy and smiled. Of course, what impressed me most was your big bright and clear eyes. Maybe it's because we have the same taste. In just one week, we became familiar with each other like relatives, and we were inseparable every day. It seems that at that time, you have become an indispensable part of my life. In autumn, in that cool season, we ushered in the sports meeting. When we saw that everyone enthusiastically signed up, I naturally would not fall behind. "Mo, would you like to report 800 meters with me?" I asked excitedly. "Well! This, this, I may..." I saw your face tangled, slowly replied. "All right, as my 'iron friend', of course, we should advance and retreat together. Ha ha. That's settled." After saying that, I didn't hesitate to rush into the crowd without waiting for your answer, and put two bright red hooks on the application form. But I didn't see you behind me, and my face was full of confusion.

Soon, the sports meeting came as scheduled. The teacher kept taking pictures beside him to keep them as a souvenir. I am very impatient because I don't like taking pictures. You can help me block several scenes without any trace when you see this. When I realized this, I could not help but feel ripples in my heart. "Thank you," I said silently in my heart. When others saw this, they all sighed: "OK, Ah Mo, you are so fond of grabbing the camera!" As soon as the words ended, your face turned red like a burning cloud. I opened my mouth and seemed to want to say something, but I didn't say anything after all. The mind is complicated in every way.

Before the game, I mustered up my courage and said to you, "Mo, you must come on." You were stunned and replied, "Yes", "Bang". As soon as the gunshot sounded, I rushed out like an arrow. At first, there were no distractions, nor did they pay attention to Ah Mo's progress, just thinking that they must take a champion and go back with an air of arrogance. One circle... two circles... Slowly, I caught up with Ah Mo and overtook her. When I glanced past her, I saw her face like white paper, her mouth breathing heavily, as if she would faint from lack of oxygen at any time.

At that time, I was very panicked, but also hesitated: whether I would continue to rush or help Ah Mo. At this time, the moment when she won the gold medal kept emerging in her mind. Mo blocked the camera for me. When my classmates laughed at Mo, I didn't say a word. When she answered my questions, she hesitated for a moment... I suddenly woke up.

"Go, Mo, let's not run away. I will accompany you to the school doctor's room." Although your head shakes like a rattle, I have made up my mind. No matter how you oppose it, it will not help.

Later I learned that you have asthma. Ah Mo, I'm really sorry. Please forgive my selfishness. I signed up without taking your feelings into consideration. But I really appreciate you. You have paid so much for me, and ten gold medals are not worth it.

I also thank God for your presence in my life. It's good to have you with me.

1000 words of good composition (15)

How can I thank you, my friend. Only read you over and over again. My eyes pass you, but my heart is already surging. It's like finding an amazing flower sprouting in the desert. I followed you to see the desert island where Robinson stayed. It was full of strength and hope; I followed you to feel Yingzi's childhood in the south of Beijing, where laughter and sadness pervaded; I follow you to smell the calamus flowers in Xi Murong. They are passionate, simple and beautiful; I follow you from the bustling city center to the end of a deserted town. Reading is like a window. I carefully opened the window and appreciated the clean sky, lush trees and all the beautiful scenery outside.

Sanmao once said, "When you read too much, your appearance will naturally change. Many times, you may think that many books you have read have become fleeting and forgotten. In fact, they are still potential. Their limitlessness in temperament, speech, and mind may also be revealed in life and words." When we turn over the book, it will leave an indelible impression in our minds, Unconsciously, we become one and cling to each other. It touches our soul, even though we don't know it. Once heard of such a thing: a foreign reporter once said ironically, why is the Chinese road called "the road"? Without thinking, Premier Zhou replied that we are on the Marxist road, or "the road" for short. Clever words without losing grace, but also the answer to the extreme, which means that more books, more wisdom.

Enjoying the process of reading is also an art. We can "ask for no understanding" like Mr. Wu Liu, and we can also "write by hand" like Song Lian. After all, "there is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book". It reflects the perception of life is the most real and pure. A book can change a person's character, making our impetuous heart calm, like the calm sea; A book can also let us have a new understanding of the old things, which is the so-called "review the old to learn the new"; A book will also let us become open-minded, love the landscape, no longer care about gains and losses.

When we are eager to read, a spirit of perseverance is also formed imperceptibly. Today's people are shuttling in the crowded crowd every day, busy work, back home mobile phones, computers, televisions are crowded, there is no time to care about the books lying quietly on the desk. But when we twirl the yellowed old paper and read the fine, black and upright words, it is a great satisfaction. We can treasure our favorite books. Although they are forgotten by time and buried by time, they will always be there to block your smile and not be buried.

This small book will also let us realize our own shortcomings. It will shake our hearts from the inside out like a small wave. We will find that we are just a drop in the ocean, but really exist in this vast world. Therefore, we should not be proud or inferiority complex. It will let us see the light of hope in the end.

I look into the distance along the sun with my hazy eyes, and my heart stirs up joy and strength. It's good to have you with me in this quiet afternoon!

1000 words of good composition (16)

At first, I had a good impression of the city. When I was young, I always thought that the city people were good and had everything. I enjoyed the life every day and lived a carefree life, which was not too exciting. However, when it comes to farmers, all I can think of is their hard work, hard to eat food and their patched clothes, which is totally different from the life of urban people. When I was young, the countryside gave me the impression that I had nothing, let alone farmers!

The reason for this is that my background is the same as mine. I am an authentic urban person and have lived here for 15 years - in fact, it has been a long time. Of course, as a city person, I should have said that the city is good, but I did the opposite. I felt that it was bad here because of various reasons

Most people think that city people are good, educated and broad-minded... But with the rapid development of the economy, people's thinking is also gradually changing, and they begin to do anything for their own interests. The former noble quality is completely gone, as if they had changed their personality. Living in the city of intrigue every day, they are tired of this boring life, The selfishness, arrogance and lack of ambition of the city people are gradually emerging, which makes me feel less favorable to the city. An accidental opportunity gave me a deeper understanding of the countryside, which greatly changed my view of the countryside.

I still remember that last summer vacation, I was lucky enough to go to the countryside and experience the life of farmers. Although I was reluctant, I still went there. The words "surprised" and "unbelievable" came to my mind, which was not the same as what I had thought before. The sense of rejection at the beginning was suddenly thrown out of the sky, completely beyond my expectation: small bungalows on 4-5 floors, shiny tiles, new motorcycles, and some even equipped with cars... I was surprised to see these, It seems that the new countryside is a "shanzhai" city, and there are amazing similarities between them. Besides, the countryside has clean air and beautiful scenery, which is not available in the city. The image of new farmers is also different from before. They are all new, wearing mink coats, and eating delicacies of the mountains and seas. "Villagers, you have changed a lot here!" "Yes, under the attention of the party and the government, we are getting rich." This simple conversation made me deeply feel the simplicity and kindness of the new farmers. Here, there is no narrow-minded urban people, but only the broad mind of the new farmers; There are no urban people who can fight head to head for the sake of interests, and there are only new farmers who can become rich and prosperous together; What's more, there is no selfishness of city people, but the simplicity and generosity of new farmers. The previous form is completely reversed. Where has the high quality of urban people gone? So I think, is the city good? Not necessarily.

As a city person, I am deeply ashamed. I am also a person. Why is the gap between city people and new farmers so big? I don't know how to speak, but to express my meaning.

In the 21st century, the economy and technology are still developing rapidly, but if you still think the city is good, you have made a mistake, because you only pay attention to the appearance and ignore the internal, but the important thing is not the appearance, but the internal beauty, and the internal beauty is the real beauty! How is the city? I don't think so!

1000 words of good composition (17)

First acquaintance with friendship

That was the first time I met her.

When I first met her in the crowd, my first impression was that she seemed ordinary but elegant.

The round face is red in protein, and the clear eyes hide behind thick lenses, but this does not affect their wisdom; A tall nose embedded in the center of her face, with prominent features, as well as her smart ears, against her chubby face, looks more mellow and lovely! Plus her eloquent cherry mouth, it really complements each other! It was at that moment that the boat of our friendship began to sail slowly towards the light.

Go with you

It seems that everything started from then on; She and I have become "as close as glue" and like sisters. Even the shadow reflected on the ground is that she has me in her and she in me; Someone said, "If you step on the other person's shadow, that person will never leave you." So, slowly, slowly step on the other person's shadow, and then smile at each other, that moment is engraved into eternity; I only hope that this friendship will last for thousands of years and be forever renewed.

Broken friendship

I thought this friendship was like a treasure. As long as we protect it silently and carefully, it will not be broken. However, if it does not break a little, it is difficult to reflect its "unique light".

I remember that time, an unintentional remark made people misunderstand. An unintentional loss could make the friendship between the two people seem to be "as solid as gold" instantly disintegrate. The two people had a cold war and ignored each other; In a class, when they meet each other, they seem like strangers. They can't see each other in their eyes. They even owe a greeting. The cold and strange light reflected in their eyes deeply hurts each other's hearts; Later, we really couldn't bear the situation of mutual injury. One person first bowed his head to make peace, while the other just took the steps to make peace. I think this is probably the best interpretation of youth and growth!

The friendship that was broken and repaired is so precious, just like the spring in the desert, it taught me to cherish everyone and everything around me.

Friendship forever

Whether rich or poor, young or old; Whether brilliant or bleak, beautiful friendship is in my heart, like the sun and the moon, like pines and cypresses, like a clear spring.

Hold this friendship in the palm of your hand in a night when the moon is bright and the stars are rare, and then fly to the height of looking up for your whole life, and spend your whole life caring and guarding heaven and earth!

It is an honor and happiness for me to meet you in the most beautiful years and walk through an unforgettable period of youth with you hand in hand. Thousands of feelings and happiness linger in my heart. People's meeting is really life!

This is the best era, this is an era of infinite possibilities! No matter whether we will eventually be separated from each other for our own ideals and future, and no matter how the future changes, we only hope that this friendship can rise and fall with the tide of life, and live forever!

1000 words of good composition (18)

The first team is divided into red team and black team. Each team has four members. The team that first rips off the other team's nameplates is the winner.

At the beginning of the first game, the red team all squatted down and closed their eyes and let the black team go to hide. As a member of the black team, I hid in an unknown small bush, kept my ears alert, quietly asked outside for information, looked around from time to time, and was highly concentrated. So I passed this link quietly, and won? It's hard to laugh or cry!

The second game was more wonderful. I met a master - Wang Chenyu just after the beginning. When such a heavyweight stood in front of me, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he smiled unkindly. This momentum alone stopped me. I was as small as an ant in front of him. "It's impossible, I can't stand him!" I thought silently in my heart. I was cornered by him and had no way to go. "Forget it, let's fight for it." I tried to deal with him for a while, and when he was not paying attention, I tore up his brand in front of me in a flash. I was surprised and happy that I tore up Wang Chenyu, which made me feel like I was dreaming. Soon, the black team won again.

Next, it is the time to decide the outcome. If we lose this time, the first two games will be lost. Unfortunately, I met Wang Chenyu again. It was really a narrow road. At this time, Liu Runye rushed to help me. The three of us were violently torn together. At this time, Liu Runye said quietly to me, you go first, and I will deal with him. A simple sentence is like the sun shining directly into my heart. Under the protection of Liu Runye, I successfully separated from him. However, when Liu Runye was tearing with others, he looked at me again. Maybe he wanted to avenge the second game. In desperation, I had to tear him and protect my brand at the same time. I seized the opportunity and almost caught it. In the end, I failed. After I was eliminated, it was a battle between the strong and powerful Liu Runye and Wang Chenyu. Under the attack of Liu Runye, Wang Chenyu was kicked and rolled on the ground in pain. Finally, he was defeated.

After the game, everyone had a good time. I still silently thank one person in my heart, Liu Runyanye. Although she is not the team leader, she has taken the responsibility of protecting members. She has appeared beside me in many critical moments, and for this reason, she was almost torn up. This kind of spirit of righteousness is uncommon. Without her, I might have been torn down many times.

Through this activity, I gained a lot of feelings, gained growth, and realized a powerful force - unity. It's good to play! Good to play!