Self esteem composition (5 required)
Just let it go
2024-06-14 03:18:03

Composition of Self esteem (1)

I was doing my homework when there was a roar in the next room. I knew Lili was being scolded by her mother again.

"White rice makes you dizzy"

"You've got such low scores every time. Do you want to study?"

I really want to go to Lili's mother and say, "Children have self-esteem," hey! I'm so sorry for Lili! Lili's mother has been very strict with Lili since she was a child. Every day, she knows to ask Lili to study and doesn't let Lili go out to play.

Once, the teacher said that I didn't have to do my homework today, and I would go out to play when I got home. At this time, Lili's mother came to my house and asked me if my teacher really told you not to do homework and asked you to have fun, didn't he? I answered yes. Lili's mother just left with half a doubt. I'm not in the mood to play anymore. I came to Lili's home and saw Lili doing the math problem her mother assigned her. How pathetic! Even when the teacher asked us to play, Lili kept doing her homework. That's how adults like them kept telling their children scores all day long. On the right, I said scores. Are scores really that important?

How honored I am that my mother is a teacher!

Liao Yongqi, Class 5 (1), Jiulianshan School

Composition of Self esteem (2)

Suhomlinski has a very wonderful metaphor: be careful with the young minds of students, just like the dew on the lotus leaves. Good psychology is the guarantee of students' healthy growth and a prerequisite for students' progress. As a teacher, creating a warm and positive atmosphere for students is often conducive to education and teaching. The self-esteem of good students is an important aspect of cultivating students' good psychological quality and a prerequisite for creating a warm psychological atmosphere.

When self-esteem makes people overcome all kinds of difficulties and their own weaknesses, it plays a positive role in people's actions. In education and teaching, teachers should consciously recognize students' self-esteem, so that students can be happy to accept education and achieve success.

Equal dialogue. As a teacher, the first thing to realize is that the past "teacher's way" has been abandoned by the times, students are completely equal to teachers, and respect is the first principle of education. With such a sound psychology, we can listen to students equally and patiently, not suppress their personality, and establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students.

Attention. Self esteem is the basic need of every positive student. The backward students in the class and the students with some physiological defects are more eager to occupy an appropriate position in the collective and get better evaluation and attention. Because their self-esteem is often more fragile and vulnerable, we should pay more attention to the psychological needs of these students and be more careful about their self-esteem in education and teaching. Like the clever painters who painted the portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang, we should not only have self-respect, but also do it skillfully, so that they can not feel their weakness.

Dig forward momentum. It is a universal psychological need to desire positive positive evaluation and gain self-esteem. Although in the eyes of teachers, double poor students (poor learning and moral character) seem to care nothing on the surface, they also have a very strong need for self-esteem in their heart. In dealing with these students, teachers should not always sneer at them because they "hate iron but not steel", which can only make them go farther and farther in our direction. Teachers should actively explore their bright spots, so that their 'strengths can be fully played in collective activities, and take this as an opportunity to stimulate their sense of honor, self-esteem and ambition.

Tolerant of students. In daily teaching, it is inevitable for students to appear small in one way or another. In most cases, they do not intentionally, but inadvertently. " No man is without fault ". We should allow students to make mistakes, and we should know how to tolerate their mistakes. We should not keep an eye on their mistakes or pursue them relentlessly, as long as we can make them understand their wrong behavior and where their mistakes are, and we should respect them.

The crystal dewdrop is beautiful and lovely, but it is very fragile. If the dewdrop falls carelessly, it will be broken and disappear. We should be careful about the students' fragile hearts like dew drops, and carefully create a warm psychological atmosphere for them. The respect, understanding and care we give to students is the watering and cultivation of their "moistening things silently"; The teacher's considerate warmth is the lamp in the window of the students' hearts.

Composition of Self esteem (3)

Whether in study, work or life, everyone has written a composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a junior high school composition on self-esteem compiled by Xiaobian for everyone. It is only for reference. Let's have a look.

I once saw such a sentence in a book: "At that moment, I felt so strong that my youth was consumed day by day in the pain of being strong. I learned later. Because of weakness, I try to be strong. I always regard self-esteem as more important than life!" At that time, my heart was shaking quietly, with countless ripples. Think of a forgotten past.

The afternoon sun shines directly on the glass window, reflecting dazzling light, and all the sadness is gradually dissipated and cured under the sun.

With an excited mood, I walked to my mother's shop with small steps and humming songs. It was Friday afternoon. I sat on the bench and drank refreshing coffee leisurely. I secretly felt evil and fell asleep without knowing it. "Where is your daughter reading?" I heard this sentence half asleep, but it seems that the voice from ancient times is so far away, so vague. "I read in the Economic Development Zone, and I was in the first grade of junior high school." "That was a bit good." "It was average. I didn't like it at all. I threw things around and couldn't find them when I needed them." Hearing this, there was no following. I don't know whether there was really no following or whether I had fallen asleep.

The children's laughter woke me up in my deep sleep. I knew that they had finished school and were about to start a two-day weekend. For them, it was really a long day. For me, who was already in junior high school, the two days were really short. It seemed that time had purposely made my weekend pass quickly without a break, I'm going to spend five days in the 'cage' again.

When I woke up, I helped my mother sell things, looked at the lovely smiling faces on the children's faces, and hoped that I would never lose them, so I would smile at my own life. The smile seemed to be contagious and had crept onto my face inadvertently. But it has lost its sincerity, innocence and loveliness.

'Pick up your things and leave them here until I buy them.' I silently took it away without looking at my mother, but I didn't know that it was just a prelude to the storm. Suddenly, I don't know why, my mother scolded me. I didn't hear the scolding clearly, but I knew it must be bad. She scolded in front of countless children, regardless of my proud pride. Mom, you can go back and scold me, but why do you scold me here. The children all looked at me with their silly eyes, and looked at me blankly. I felt ashamed of myself. Their innocent eyes seemed to see millions of holes in me, and to see the dim things I had done before. The feeling is really as painful as fire. You must not understand it, because it will only be understood if you really experience it. My mother was still scolding me, and my proud pride was peeled off like weathered rocks, but I didn't cry after all. Even though I was full of eyes, I still refused to shed a tear. In retrospect, I think I was really strong and strong at that time. Now I understand that because of weakness, I try to be brave.

When I got home, I couldn't help crying at last. Mom, would you mind my feelings? My self-esteem really can't bear you like that. What you said about your daughter is worthless, and what you said about other people's daughters is valuable. How ironic.

My self-esteem is still so strong that I will not tolerate any challenge to my self-esteem. I think it will hurt me after all.

The afternoon sun, please shine into my heart, tell me my self-esteem, not too strong, it will only hurt.

Composition of Self esteem (4)

When we fail in the exam, you scold us and beat us, but you don't even give us the chance to explain! When we did well in the exam, you said that it was because everyone could do it because the questions were simple. What would we think if we saw our shortcomings when we did not match our strengths? Have you ever thought about it? You didn't!

Please remember. Our children also have self-esteem!

When you scold us, have you ever abused our feelings? It seems that no, you only thought about yourself and we did not do well in the exam, you scolded us in public, even only thought about your own face, you never thought about our self-esteem and face. You think children should not lose face, but we don't think so! Some of you tested us in public!

My impression is that I didn't do well in the exam. You scolded me for beating me and never praised me! What will we think if you scold me when you say I can't do my job well!

Do you know what we really want? I really don't know what to do to write this composition! Please forgive me! But don't take my words in one ear or another!

What I want to tell you is that our children also have self-esteem!

Composition of Self esteem (5)

One day in the fifth grade, Autumn Moon was so mysterious that she asked us to come over, so we got together. She said in a low voice, "My mother found that the five dollars in yesterday's clothes were missing." At that time, if children had some pocket money, they could buy a lot of sugar, which was very enviable. I heard from my parents that adults work in the fields, and strong young men who earn ten percent of their work are paid only one yuan and two yuan a day, and only four yuan and eight yuan four days a day. Five yuan is astronomical for children. Our mouths became "o" shaped, and we looked at each other at a loss. One student said, "We must get to the bottom of this matter, or we will all be the object of suspicion." "Yes!" We all agreed. We whispered a few words and walked away as if nothing had happened.

On Sunday morning, a classmate put five yuan into his pocket hanging on the wall. We played outside and were responsible for supervision. A figure flashed into the house and said that he would go to the toilet. After the shadow came out, the classmate who put the money also came to the room with a big face. When he touched his pocket, he came out with a gloomy face. We quietly surrounded him. She said that five yuan had disappeared, We have now confirmed that the original guess is true. What should I do? Ask the thief to hand over the money. She disappeared as soon as she got in. Isn't that obvious?

In this way, we knew that we walked very slowly on the way to school several times. Everyone was discussing whether to tell the class teacher about this matter. Every time we wanted to be a "Bao Qingtian", we were denied by ourselves. She is also our classmate, so it would be humiliating for her! Maybe we can't get out of this shadow all our life. It's just like this. We should guard against it in the future. I think she must have been in the dark at that time. These times, our whispers are all behind her back. After so many years, I still remember the things of that year. Every time my friends sat together, they mentioned it. We were all glad that we didn't investigate anything at that time and didn't disclose the truth. Otherwise, something unexpected might happen to us. Of course, this student also noticed some, but finally we took it as if she had walked a zigzag path. Later, nothing like this ever happened again. Now our classmate is also a staff member of the company. It is said that everyone has a good opinion of her, and she is a good friend of all of us.

I have been engaged in the teaching profession for so long, and several of our teachers have also encountered a very difficult thing. A computer teacher brought a very advanced MP3 player in class. After class, she put the MP3 player on the desk. She happened to have something to do temporarily. After leaving for a while, she found that the MP3 player was missing. The computer teacher looked flustered. The MP3 player was borrowed from another colleague. Although it was affordable to compensate for one, I was afraid that the teacher would resolutely refuse, which embarrassed both sides. After asking the computer teacher to recall carefully, we demarcated a small range of people. Although the body search is straightforward, I'm afraid it will lead to hatred, which we all disapprove of. So we several teachers take turns to do ideological work for students. "Boys and girls, the computer teacher lost his MP3 player. I don't know where it was thrown, and whether our class has found it or not. Please do not return the money." The junior high school students know the meaning of the words as soon as they hear these words. No matter how beautiful they say it, the teacher used "picking" instead of "stealing", and they still understand. The monitor was very smart and knew how to adapt to circumstances. He stood up and said, "We have always done a good job in our class's fine tradition of returning money, and I believe you will do the same this time."

There was no response. Her students sat motionless in their seats. "Teacher, frisk yourself." A student suggested. "No, I believe this student was just curious when he found it, and he wanted to play first." We teachers have been maintaining students' self-esteem. "Well, if the students think that they can take it out now, I'm afraid that other students have a misunderstanding. Then our teacher leaves the door of the office open. We don't want to know who picked up this MP3 player. As long as you put it on the desk, we won't ask anything."

After school, we came to the office. We had been talking about it all the time. We thought that there was almost no chance of returning the things to their original owners. This was an ordinary class, but we always hoped for miracles. Finally, everyone went home with a trace of regret.

The next morning, the student was still angry about yesterday's incident. The student shoplifted. As his teacher, even if he was not the head teacher, he always felt that it was not a glorious thing, and he always felt uncomfortable. I walked heavily to the office and looked at the head teacher's desk. There was a white MP3 player lying on the desk. It slightly raised its head and seemed to show off what it was. I picked it up happily and trotted all the way to the classroom. I asked the head teacher that it was her MP3 player. The head teacher was also surprised and said that he had not seen it when he came to join the class in the morning.

The wind was calm and everything was calm. The students looked up at the MP3 player in my hand, and some of them looked down at books. The sound of reading in the classroom spread farther.

No one tells anything, no one asks anything, everything comes naturally. With a few simple words and real details, you have maintained a child's poor self-esteem and saved a lost soul, which is more important than improving students' scores.