The most classic sentence expressing one's heart in 2022 (65 sentences)
Find your own scenery
2023-07-26 21:19:03
Complete sentences

1. People who can laugh until they die can also cry soundlessly.

2. One day, you will find that not everyone can replace me.

3. Don't bother those who don't care about you. They lose their smile and dignity.

4. I like stability, and I am not afraid of drifting. I like company, and I am not afraid of walking alone.

5. Although one person is lonely, two people can be more lonely without words under the lonely lamp.

6. Only after hard work can we know that if we like a person, hard work alone is not enough.

7. Those who love me are infatuated with me, but I am frantic and heartbroken for those I love.

8. When I was a child, I had friends playing with me, but when I grew up, I had no friends playing with me.

9. Forget the word above is a death, below is a heart, want to forget who, only dead heart.

10. I thought it was me who accompanied you all my life. I never thought that in the end, I would pass by after all.

11. Lost contact, lost missing, the last hope has disappeared, the heart is tired.

12. There will be new encounters only when there is a miss. It's fate that it's neither early nor late, just right.

13. Their ten thousand words "you are not suitable" cannot equal your one "I don't like you".

14. You are careful, he is unintentional, love does not love their own people, itself is no return.

15. You said you would not come back, the wind would not stay, shaking and spilling half a glass of wine, I would drink the rest of my life.

16. Don't look down upon anyone. The less impressive the person is. Often do something unexpected.

17. Children can be forgiven for their fear of darkness; The real tragedy of life is that adults are afraid of light.

18. Stay away from the old hometown and familiar people, just to release your repressed soul.

19. Occasionally, you should look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost.

20. It's like someone who has made an appointment but can't wait forever. It's like putting on long sleeves, but the temperature is no longer falling.

21. Your hands on the keyboard are shaking all the time, and you will never understand the tears dripping on the keyboard

22. The most helpless pain in the world is knowing that he is deceiving himself, but still unwilling to expose it.

23. There is always someone who will find reasons to forgive him no matter how he treated you before.

24. The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but the familiar people, who gradually become unfamiliar.

25. I thought I would have a vigorous review, but now it is a problem to finish my homework.

26. Now every student has asked the same question: classmate, how many minutes before class is over?

27. Bowing down is not to admit defeat, but to see your own way. Looking up is not pride, but seeing your own sky.

28. You can close your eyes on things you don't want to see. But you can't lock your heart on things you don't want to think about.

29. Don't try to interpret your selfishness and stupidity with such absurd reasons as love makes you lose your temper.

30. Think hard, nothing can cover the vicissitudes of the growth rings, whether you like it or not, time still flows.

31. In fact, there are not so many ifs in the world. Sometimes, what we lose in a moment is eternity.

32. I really want to take you to meet me, so that you can know how your appearance has changed a person.

33. A true friend will see your first tear, catch your second tear, and stop your third tear.

34. It is the greatest happiness in this life to find the person you love and let her love you in the youth and among all living beings.

35. The peach petals in the morning wind are full of my tears. I just want to be close to you and not be swayed by the spring.

36. Raise your head, breathe the fresh air heartily, gaze at the flowing clouds in the sky, and miss you with a light feeling.

37. I think it is my infatuation, which grieves the flower rain in the deep spring. Therefore, there is no unique romance in my spring world, only endless loneliness.

38. Sometimes we are short-sighted and ignore the true feelings away from us; Sometimes we have some farsightedness, blurring the happiness closest to us.

39. It's a pity that memories are always stored in the film of years, and cannot be repeated. Because everyone's life is an out of print movie without rehearsal!

40. He is ugly when he tugs of war with force, sneezes with force, carries things with force, and loves someone with force.

41. The sun was born and the sun was set. The rolling Guangyin River stopped surging in the east. I have embraced thousands of prosperous people, but I can't hold your body that goes with the wind.

42. Some people can't touch them when they are separated. Time draws a pattern in our life, and what we cherish will be clear only after a long memory.

43. After breaking up, we can't be friends, because we hurt each other, we can't be enemies, because we loved each other deeply, so we became the most familiar strangers.

44. The world is so big, and there are several people who understand me. Their intuition is so bleak. The snow is falling more and more heavily, which is the road ahead of me. I don't know where to go, which only hurts people's hearts.

45. What is caring? Sometimes, his words can make you think for a few days, and sometimes, his words can also make you disappointed for a few days. This is caring.

46. A woman's loneliness is so vulnerable. If a man reaches out his hand to me. If his fingers are hot. It doesn't really matter to me who she is.

47. It is happiness to wait for a colorful flower; It is happiness to build dreams with people you like in the sun; It is also happiness to grow old slowly with a period of warm and cold intertwined time.

48. Some things don't bother to explain to others. Some words can't solve the problem even if they are spoken out. Some things will harm others and themselves if they are pointed out. So many things turn into a "forget it" in the end.

49. Looking through the water, I just want to look back and smile at you. Love is a city of sorrow. The more I care, the more trapped I am. Sometimes, I try my best to find an exit for myself, but, dear, I have already forgotten the way I came.

50. If there is a little pressure, the sky will fall; A little unhappy, I feel that I am the poorest person in the world. You are so fragile, because someone spoiled you, someone supported you, someone strong for you.

51. When I was young, it was easy to take liking as love, liking as love, and temporarily as a lifetime. This is called innocence. When you grow up, it's easy to treat love as a favor, love as a favor, and life as a temporary. This is called miss.

52. Later, I heard that you had a new love. Since then, my hero has fought for another girl in all directions. His deep feelings can't last for a moment. It's better to talk about life without regrets and love. I will accompany you here.

53. People can comfort you, but they never know your pain. No matter how many wrongs and sufferings, remember that it is ultimately up to you to heal. In this world, there is no empathy, only cold and warm.

54. I hope you are so busy every day. Everything you do is your favorite. I hope the people you love love you as well. I hope the people you hate will disappear from your sight. I hope someday, your smile will come from your heart.

55. In this world, there is never no way out. Those who work hard will walk through the thorns and scars with difficulty. In my life, I have never suffered from failure. All I have encountered are temporary setbacks.

56. There are always some things in life that can not be achieved only with courage and recklessness. When everything has not yet begun, you will find that this is a mistake, a mistake that makes many people sad, which is the most sad.

57. You are a star in the sky, and the light is far less than the sun and the moon, so you only illuminate the straight line between you and me. No matter how long the straight line is, whether it is destined to meet in this life, I will look up to the sky with you, because the sky is more beautiful with you.

58. When the wind blows through the flowers, what you can't stop is countless distractions. No one will know how this kind of missing hurts the heart and lungs, how to completely empty the heart, and then ruthlessly tear it apart. Your figure always flies in my heart, making me drunk!

59. Don't rely on a person easily. It will become your habit. When separation comes, what you lose is not someone, but the pillar of your spirit. No matter when and where, learn to walk independently. It will make you walk more calmly.

60. Maybe one day, you will find that the day is very difficult, which may be that this harvest will be particularly huge. The whole world doesn't believe in you. It doesn't matter. As long as you believe in yourself, you are an idol. If you don't accept your fate, go all out.

61. Every kind of love has a cycle, from being attracted to being inseparable in love, and then slowly fading away. Some people, so separated. Others, however, become accustomed to each other and regard each other as a part of life.

62. The oath is used to tie the turbulent heart, and it finally ties the void. The mountains and forests do not swear to the four seasons; The ocean needs no commitment to the sand bank, and it will enjoy everything. Even language should be abandoned. There is only pure silence and existence between you and me.

63. Love is mixed with all kinds of feelings, but these feelings are changeable. They are not love itself, but the temperature of love. But as long as you are willing, you can decide how to treat each other. The highest good is like water, follow the good as flow, and follow the fate.

64. Don't blindly envy others' unique skills and tricks. You can have them through constant efforts. Because it is a unique skill to train a simple action to perfection; It is a unique skill to perfect an ordinary thing.

65. At this age, no one wants to please any more. If you are comfortable with others, you can stay with them, including friends. If you are tired, you should stay away. It is far better to please others than to be happy yourself. It is better to be alone than disobey. Better regret than make do.