Encouraging short sentences for the new college entrance examination
Don't worry too much
2023-03-20 14:02:08
Complete sentences

1. You have to work hard to become better.

2. To learn while young; Learn while you are young.

3. It soars up to 90000 miles, and its accumulated wealth reaches the sky.

4. The cuckoo sings and cries blood and tears, and the hero has no regrets even if he loses.

5. The goal of the college entrance examination is very high. Work hard and study well.

6. The college entrance examination is not the end. The wonderful life has just started.

7. Not to my heart, not to my life. Go forward for tomorrow.

8. Yin Wang, a parent, has deep love, and is determined to win the encouragement of teachers and friends.

9. Even if the Taihang Mountains are surrounded by snow and the Shu Road peaks are connected, we will hang cloud sails straight.

10. Li Ke: Let fantasy become reality. It is no longer a secret that you want to succeed.

11. University is not the end of efforts, but the beginning of efforts, come on!

12. The whole world is working hard for you, so please don't give up on yourself.

13. It is not because there is an opportunity that we strive for, but because we strive for it, we have an opportunity!

14. Hu Xinghan: Fight for 200 days without cowardly retreat or useless hesitation.

15. This moment is not the end of ten years of hard work, but the possible new beginning of a better life.

16. Zhang Lin: There is no mountain higher than people, no road longer than feet. Stick to it, come on.

17. Han Wenxuan: In 200 days, I have been working hard and creating brilliance.

18. Lian Ziqi: Take youth as the focus and sweat as the preparation to bet on a flower that will bloom in June next year.

19. Consolidate the foundation, forge more achievements, go to the first-class university, strive for every second, focus on practical results, strive for efficiency, and show students' demeanor.

20. Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold, and will win if you love to fight. We firmly believe that you can do your best!

21. Traveling through the mountains of books, wandering through the sea of topics, we are now laborious; The focus of love is on the famous brand, and there will be unlimited scenery tomorrow.

22. Work harder to meet better people. 2. No one likes learning, but the society only needs achievements

23. You can not be excellent, but you must work hard, do not lose confidence, and believe that hard work will lead to better results.

24. You must be quick and fast in your annual struggle. Don't lose your chance to win; After ten years of anger, the iron pestle has been ground into a needle. Let's see who can embroider it like a bright future.

25. Living is not for better learning, but learning is for better living. There is still a long way to go in the future, and I can live more wonderfully. come on.

26. The sketch relationship is not applied to any object. If you still think so, even stainless steel, glass, porcelain... in your eyes, it is made of a kind of material.

27. Take a short step to reach a distance of thousands of miles. On the first day of the college entrance examination, the blessing was delivered. Prepare well before the exam, take your school supplies with you, don't be nervous when you go to the exam room, and don't forget when you treat with ordinary mind.

28. Time will remember the books you have turned over and the notes you have memorized. God will see that you have worked hard and sweated. Don't leave the burden to yourself. The full report of negative will be written in the examination paper.

29. Therefore, love and hate are really strange things. Some of them rot into the earth early, while others are engraved on the heart. Everything here has a beginning and an end, but it can accommodate all unexpected encounters and reunions. The world is splendid and grand. Welcome home

30. June is coming, and everyone's eyes are coincidentally on the college entrance examination. Now, let's cheer them up when they struggle and give them these inspirational slogans, and wish them a smooth review and success in the college entrance examination.

31. Laziness is a strange thing. It makes you think that it is comfort, rest and happiness; But in fact, what it gives you is boredom, tiredness and depression. Diligence is 18, a magic line, with which you can string countless pearls of knowledge.

32. Try and win. The heroic spirit of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the spirit of forging troops are all revealed. When the stars and the moon are shining, the scholarly fragrance is full of wisdom and the academic achievements are sure to be made. The following small editor will bring you some information, which I hope will help you in your work and study.

33, we, because we have walked together once~~~Come on! If I try again, I will fight to the end, because there is nothing wrong with being young~! Ho ho, good. I think they will work harder if they know the good wishes of our vagrants

34. In the days of college entrance examination, they are "able to eat and sleep" like pigs, "able to jump and jump" like monkeys, "able to stay still and move" like turtles, "able to drill and run" like rats, "able to swim and swim" like fish, and "able to write and fight" like cats. They believe in themselves and have real talent.

35. The success of the college entrance examination is reported frequently, just like the rain moistening the heart. The sun was burning like fire, and he smiled wildly. Parents and relatives are happy, and congratulations are heard. If you want to succeed, you should study hard and move forward bravely. Learn to become a pillar, serve the motherland and make contributions. I wish you a bright future!

36. Sometimes I hate myself who is not willing to be mediocre but doesn't work hard enough. I think I'm not good enough to envy others for their sparkle. We try to grow up and climb snails or stick to flying stupid birds. They stumble all the way, and then get bruised and bruised. One day, you will stand in the brightest place and live as you once wanted

37. At this time, do you believe the words in "Stubbornness": the phoenix can appear only after the fire is burned, and the direction against the wind is more suitable for flying. Have you known Tagore's saying that only through hell's training can you have the power to create heaven; How philosophic and great is the swan song in the world that can only be played by the bloody fingers!