Banner slogan of campus sports meeting (84 sentences)
freely flowing style of writing
2023-05-08 08:18:35
Complete set of slogans

1. The joy of meeting is boundless.

2. Professional sports, wonderful you and me.

3. Exercise, enjoy youth.

4. Exercise, happy work.

5. Share sports and experience

6. Embrace. Always strive for the first.

7. Gather. Fly your dreams.

8. Ignite. Achieve dreams.

9. Struggle tenaciously and climb bravely

10. Enjoy life and work happily.

11. Healthy body, unlimited vitality.

12. Live a healthy life and work vigorously.

13. Health exercise, beyond dreams.

14. National fitness, feel happy.

15. National fitness and rejuvenation of China.

16. Strive hard and surpass yourself.

17. Participate in sports and pursue the future.

18. Share health and build dreams together.

19. One Heart, One Virtue, Common Health and Sharing.

20. Unite to create the future.

21. Strive bravely and forge ahead.

22. Olympic spirit, happy career sports.

23. Show yourself and strive for the best.

24. Show your style and surpass yourself.

25. Take the lead in work and compete in sports.

26. Strengthen the body and invigorate the professional sports.

27. Work happily and healthily.

28. Exercise happily and surpass yourself.

29. Strive hard and make progress forever.

30. Civilization Movement, Harmony and Win win.

31. Be ambitious and dream.

32. Ignite dreams and create brilliance.

33. Endless life and struggle.

34. Vocational Games, a healthy new life.

35. Dance your life and show your style.

36. Go beyond limits and surpass yourself.

37. The sports meet is a new harmonious home.

38. Exercise with one heart and walk with health.

39. Unlimited movement and high spirits.

40. Pursue excellence and challenge yourself.

41. Sunshine sports, healthy life.

42. Strive hard and surpass yourself.

43. Elegant fitness and wonderful career sports.

44. Sports create harmony and leap forward together.

45. I exercise, I am healthy, and I am happy.

46. Come when you have dreams, and it will be more wonderful when you have dreams.

47. Celebrate the Year of Health and exercise together.

48. There is no best, only the best.

49. Ignite the dream, and strive to create brilliance.

50. More and more happy, more and more wonderful.

51. Sports together make our work more exciting.

52. Exercise yourself and others, and be healthy for everyone.

53. Sports show vitality, sunshine shows health.

54. Show sports charm, experience and moments.

55. Live a healthy and harmonious life and work hard.

56. The competition transcends itself and strives for more excellence.

57. Everyone participates in sports, and the happiness of fitness is always there.

58. Work hard to become an elite and forge friendship.

59. There is no limit to happy sports, burning true self.

60. Human beings need sports, and the world yearns for peace.

61. Only healthy employees can lead to healthy enterprises.

62. The enterprise injects vitality for me, and I add style to the enterprise.

63. Ignite in sports, and cause soars in work.

64. A small era of happy sports and a great future of health work.

65. Love will fly with the movement, and we will meet each other for a brilliant career.

66. Who knows if the skills are superior to those of other heroes.

67. Exercise for an hour every day and live a healthy life for a lifetime.

68. Competition goes hand in hand with harmony, and health and friendship last forever.

69. Gather the positive energy of the times and release the new power of youth.

70. Lead life with health and create the future with hard work.

71. Protect health in sports and show dreams in competitions.

72. Release your true demeanor and join hands to stride over the peak of life.

73. Improve the physical quality of employees and enhance the cohesion of the enterprise.

74. Go forward bravely in the stadium, and the cause of work is invincible.

75. Meet you and me in running and improve yourself in work.

76. Exercise strengthens the physique, competition shows vitality, and unity creates good results.

77. Show your boldness in the competition field and lift the sails of dreams in the struggle.

78. Stride forward bravely; Be prepared actively and dare to be the first.

79. Competition in the field, group sports and group fun; Work hard in the workplace and prosper the enterprise.

80. Sports club friends show vitality, strengthen physique and share tomorrow.

81. Sports make the city full of vitality, and the city thrives because of sports.

82. Encourage yourself, challenge yourself, strive for progress, and strive for the first place.

83. Sports and health; Yes. Efficient; There is harmony and happiness.

84. Activate the corporate culture, enrich the life of employees and enhance the cohesion of the enterprise.