Reading 500 words of Cinderella Excellent Model Essays
2023-07-13 23:00:49

Cinderella gave me a lot of feelings in the fairy tale. When her mother was dying, she said to her daughter: "Dear child, you should be devout and kind, so that the dear God will always help you, and I would like to look down at you from the sky and grow up beside you." I always felt sour when I read there. What a great mother she is! Her crystal clear heart and selfless love are like a light in the night, always guiding her daughter.

But later, Cinderella suffered even worse. Every day Cinderella must work hard from morning to night. She gets up before dawn to carry water, light a fire, cook and wash clothes. Moreover, he was bullied and laughed at by his two sisters, and there was no place to sleep at night. These seem to be vivid scenes, unfolding before my eyes. At this time, Cinderella was so pathetic and helpless. In the face of many difficulties, her heart did not yield, but moved the birds and pigeons in the sky, as well as a hazel tree branch that her father gave her (moved by Cinderella's tears, it slowly grew into a beautiful hazel tree). These birds come to help her do the things she can't finish, give her expensive clothes, help the prince distinguish between true and false dance partners, and let Cinderella meet her favorite prince charming. Cinderella, with her sincere and kind heart, marched forward bravely on the road full of stones and traps.

In this dark life, Cinderella found the light and sought happiness in pain. The light and happiness were precious gifts from God. This story makes me really understand that when encountering misfortune in life, don't be discouraged. Let's take pain and misfortune as the ladder of struggle!