2022 Classic Quotations of Chicken Soup for Soul Inspiration (short and aggressive)
The gentleness behind
2023-04-26 20:56:06

1. Where there is a will, there will be success; If you work hard, the sky won't fall.

2. When you feel sad and painful, it's better to learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

3. Go your own way and let others talk about it.

4. Your love in one day may bring gratitude to other people's lives.

5. Miracles will not blossom on the easy road. Perhaps, behind all the choices that are not optimistic and no one tries, there will be possibilities that have never been seen and unknowns that have never been designed.

6. Don't be afraid of being used. If someone uses you, it shows that you still have value.

7. Attitude determines everything, strength protects dignity! People should withstand temptation and loneliness!

8. The so-called fireworks in the world is such a word that can be warm and indifferent from time to time. The so-called world is such a moment of light and darkness from time to time.

9. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be full of light.

10. Choose a posture to make yourself irreplaceable. There is no so-called luck, only absolute effort.

11. In this life, people don't have to be too serious. If they are bitter and complain to others, love doesn't need to be grasped deliberately. The more they want to hold on to their own love, they will easily lose themselves.

12. Young people should first set their ambitions, and then resolve to be useful talents for the people of the country; Therefore, it is necessary to choose a goal to study and practice hard.

13. After all, tears will not flow into the ocean, and people will always grow.

14. Wisdom can distinguish between good and evil, evil and good; Only modesty can build a happy life.

15. Don't care too much about things when dealing with others. If you care too much, you will regret!

16. Let's change our worries to our thinking and planning in advance!

17. Everyone has his or her own bottom line. Don't take others' bottom line as a joke. The understatement in your eyes may be the past pain in others' hearts.

18. Let your son build for me, and I will sing for you.

19. The painstaking man can live up to the heaven. He who sleeps on hardships can swallow Wu. If there is a will, it will be a success. If there is a will, it will be a failure.

20. The best friend is that you sit quietly on the veranda without saying a word. When you walk away, you still feel that you have experienced a very wonderful conversation.

21. Everyone has life, but not everyone can understand life; Everyone has a brain, but not everyone is good at using it.

22. Emotion is an emotional state. With good emotions, you will have confidence, and then you will be young and healthy. Then we will have the yearning for the future life, full of expectations. Let's have a good mood, because living is lucky and happy.

23. Diligence is the branch and leaf of learning, which is of course very bitter. Wisdom is the flower of learning, which is of course fragrant.

24. Reading Experience of Chicken Soup for Soul 5

25. Spiritual Chicken Soup for Senior Three

26. Failure is just a temporary stop to success. If I can't, I must; If I want, I must be able!

27. True love should go beyond the length of life, the breadth of mind, and the depth of soul.

28. Don't be too expensive if you want to eat, and don't waste if you want to wear. It is always the most beautiful to insist on peace of mind and be happy every day.

29. The starting point can be the same, but if you choose a different inflection point, the ending point will be very different!

30. No man is good for a thousand days, and no flower is red for a hundred days. A person's life is always full of frustrations and hardships, and will always encounter various misfortunes.

31. Everyone will inevitably suffer some injustice, and no one can always hold his head high. The road of life is not easy to walk. You should bow when you should bow, and you should bow when you should.

32. Only by undertaking the hardships of the journey can we finally hold the rainbow sky.

33. Friends are the road, and home is the tree. Don't get lost, lean against the tree.

34. If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

35. You have to force yourself to be better because there are many people waiting to see your jokes behind you. So be cruel to yourself and force yourself to work hard. In five years' time, you will appreciate today's cruel self and hate today's lazy and inferiority complex self.

36. Quiet heart is the highest quality. It has no boundaries and is complete and pure. It is full of awareness, love and supreme wisdom.

37. It is considered to have a good liver and gall, not because people are hot. Who knows me? The end of a hero should be a setback.

38. People who let the end of life surround them cannot move forward.

39. All victories are insignificant compared with those of conquering oneself. All failures are more insignificant than the failure of losing oneself.

40. You are not brave, and no one is strong for you.

41. Who laughs the most!

42. The college entrance examination paper is a ruler with uneven scales: for yourself, the score of difficult problems should not be high.

43. Here, people who must succeed and forge ahead see an opportunity in every crisis, while negative people see some kind of crisis in every opportunity.

44. How much wrongs can be endured and how much things can be done; How much slander you can bear, how much praise you can bear; If you can stand loneliness, you can keep prosperity.

45. Let's not lament the misfortune of life and curse the unfair fate. In the face of destiny, we should be strong, seize the throat of destiny, question destiny, and change destiny.

46. He who does not ask is always with ignorance.

47. Praying through actions can make God understand better than words.

48. A real general is spelled out.