Excerpts from good sentences and paragraphs about winter
valiant and heroic in bearing
2023-07-18 08:22:27
Complete sentences

1. Dogs bark and startle the leaves, birds clamor and change their branches.

2. In winter, although there are no charming birds singing and flowers fragrance in spring, no spectacular lightning and thunder in summer, and no attractive rich fruits in autumn, it also has implicit beauty dedicated to nature.

3. In the distance, the mist shrouds the mountain of my hometown like gauze, and this beautiful scenery is very lovely. When the rain stopped, a rainbow bridge was built in the blue sky, and flowers were in full bloom on the top of the mountain. The clusters of beige flowers under the green leaves are so full of vitality. The flowers sent out a strong fragrance, "Ah! How fragrant!" a little boy could not help exclaiming.

4. At the beginning of the snow, the sun in winter seems to draw closer to people, which is particularly clear and dazzling. But the temperature of the sun seems to have been cooled by ice and snow, so it can't get hot any more.

5. When winter comes, the cold current is coming. The snow like goose feather is flying all over the sky, and the whole world is wearing a white coat.

6. The snow is white, lovely and colorful. Snow brings endless laughter to children and adds a touch of warmth to winter. I love the snow in winter, its purity and selflessness. It gives the most beautiful scenery to the earth.

7. I can see the green pine heart alone, and the frost covers the soft apple.

8. The snowflakes are crystal clear, like soldiers on the expedition, dressed in silver armor, and like white sails on the voyage

9. Winter brings cold air all over the corner. When it is sunny and windless, it is dry and cold. Bare trees stand pitifully on both sides of Jiangbin Road, and the once vigorous grass can't support it at last. It is withered and yellow. The flowers on the grass also fell asleep. The north wind blows, and the small trees struggle in the cold wind; The grass crawls on the ground, as if afraid of the sudden cold wind.

10. In winter, the earth emits an attractive fragrance, which is more competitive than a hundred birds! More intoxicating than autumn rain, it can make people more thorough. That is the name of beauty, but also the intoxicating anesthetic winter! It is the name of all things withering, but it is also the messenger bird before all things wake up! That's snow.

11. You see, on the mountain in winter, the pine trees are still green and tall against the cold; Chimonanthus praecox is in bud, blooming with colorful plum flowers, embellishing the winter so beautifully, and dressing the nature so beautifully; It snowed. The fields and mountains were all white. The children ran and jumped into the snow. They made snowmen and had a snowball fight. How happy they were!

12. After the snow, the continuous white snow is decorating the world. Qiongzhiyuye, powder packed jade, Haoran one color, is really a delightful scene of auspicious snow and bumper year.

13. The leaves are small, the flowers are small, so cute. Purple roses are dancing in the wind. There are naughty and lovely thorns on the rose branches. You should be careful! Look, there is a little cactus beside the big cactus. It seems that the whole family gets together. How happy it is!

14. After seeing off the autumn with abundant grain, the winter with snowflakes finally arrived.

15. At night, the full moon in Hainan shines on the earth and spreads a thin layer of frost. On a quiet winter night, the moonlight seems very cold, and she gently whispers to the tower. Walking on the street, I walked through the long road with the dim moonlight. The night was wet, as if I was going to sink.

16. Everywhere is covered with snow, beautiful. However, the first thing that makes people feel the breath of winter at home is the ice flowers on the windows. Some are like forests, full of mystery; Some are like streams, as if flowing quietly.

17. In the cold winter, full snow grains wrapped in the branches, which seemed to grow white pearls. If the snow falls a little more heavily, it will be like covering a thick quilt on the tree, which is really a beautiful scene.

18. It snowed and flakes of snow fell from the sky. Soon, the trees on the ground and the roofs of the houses became white.

19. Looking up, the dark blue sky is so charming. There were bright stars twinkling in the sky. They gathered more and more, like dancing on the blue carpet, or blinking and talking to me. Ah! The night is so magical that the moon has just climbed up the treetops, emitting bright light. At night, it seems very quiet.

20. The fresh sun in winter is a gold medal awarded to Hainan. In the morning, a few carefree clouds in the sky came over, bright sunlight shone through the clouds, and soft long beams of light penetrated the joy of life and fog like sadness. The morning breeze blows gently, bringing clear coolness. The dim morning scene means eternal comfort.

21. The weather is gloomy, and the sky is full of thick, low, grayish yellow turbid clouds. The northeast wind roared and ran wildly in the wilderness. It seemed that it was holding a sharp sword, which could pierce the tight fur coat, not to mention the exposed face. It cut one knife after another, making it painful.

22. In winter, I admire your purity, purity, coolness and harshness. I will work hard in your arms to find and hone a permanent strength, fearing no hardships. I love winter, more because it breeds the arrival of spring. Look at the wintersweet that heralds the spring. It seems to tell people silently: will winter be far behind when spring comes?

23. Miss Winter came, and the snow covered the acacia tree with beautiful silver. It was very beautiful.

24. Drops of water turn into ice: It describes the cold weather.

25. Winter trees in the south always wear a green gauze. She is always silently pestle in the corner, the only friend, only the wind, every encounter is always excited to shake the leaves.

26. In the breath of winter wind, we can still smell the aroma of baked sweet potatoes, roasted mutton kebabs and fried pancakes, as if we were back in childhood, back in the past, back in the beautiful era.

27. In winter, it snows heavily. The white snowflakes fell on the hawthorn tree, as if it was dressed in a white cotton padded jacket. Standing under the tree, I felt as if there was a sour sweet taste in the snow.

28. In winter, the outdoor willow trees covered with frost and snow are all hung like silver bars, which is particularly spectacular.

29. In the cold days, the whole world has become a big refrigerator. The mountains are shivering cold, the rivers are frozen stiff, and the air seems to be solidifying.

30. The dusk snow is deep, as if there are countless emotions, as well as surging like sea water, which can submerge everything, and there is a sense of nudity like uncovering hidden ends. The snowflakes are in various shapes, crystal clear, like soldiers on the expedition, dressed in silver armor, and like pieces of white sails on the voyage

31. In winter, although accompanied by severe cold and cold, there are still some beautiful places. Her beauty is not noisy, not as publicized in spring, as hot in summer, and as trivial in autumn. She needs people who really understand her to understand.