Inspirational Stories Celebrity Quotes Reading Notes
Try hard
2023-03-16 17:22:13
Complete sentences

1. Live with books, never sigh—— Roman Roland

2. It is genius to dare to collide with fate—— Hugo

3. The secret of success lies in never changing the established purpose—— Lu Jun

4. Don't waste your time in dueling. You can only learn well in life—— Summary of Song Poetry

5. I never knew what troubles could not be relieved by an hour's reading—— Montesquieu

6. Miracles often occur in bad luck—— Bacon

7. Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of hundreds of flowers, like the rising of sharp blades, the most precious period of life. Youth is like fresh and lively cells to society—— May Fourth leader

8. When young people are trapped in injustice, they dare not look at their conscience in the mirror; Adults are not afraid to face up; The difference between the two stages of life lies entirely in this point—— Balzac

9. The "secret" of the success of moral education is that when a person is still young, he should show him the prospect of the whole world and personal life in the grand social life background—— Suhomlinski

10. Sincere and rational friendship is the priceless treasure of life. Whether you can keep your promise to your friend and always be worthy of him is the best test of your soul, character, psychology and even morality—— Marx

11. The white hair is three thousand zhang long—— Li Bai

12. I threw myself on the book like a hungry man on the bread—— Golgi

13. The civilization of youth, the civilization of struggle, struggles with circumstances, struggles with the times, and struggles with experience. Therefore, young people are the king of life, the spring of life, and the beauty of life—— Li Dazhao

14. Too much ambition, too many ideals, the fact can not meet the head, the result is naturally disappointed and bored; If you have too little ambition, follow the beaten path, become numb and depressed, you will end up degenerate—— Zhu Guangqian

15. The secret of success in life is to seize a good opportunity when it comes—— Disraeli

16. The method of reading is to read carefully and think carefully step by step—— Vermicelli

17. Reading, an ordinary process that we are accustomed to, is actually a process in which people's hearts and minds are combined with the great wisdom of all nations from ancient to modern times—— Golgi

18. Reading is the best way to learn. It is interesting to follow the thoughts of great people—— Pushkin

19. We must remember that our time for study is limited. Time is limited, not only because of the shortness of life, but also because of the complexity of people. We should try to spend all our time doing the most useful things—— spencer

20. We must remember that our time for study is limited. Time is limited, not only because of the short life, but also because of the complicated personnel. We should try to spend all our time doing the most useful things—— spencer

21. For us, there must be, and should be, a certain belief in life that occasionally sends us exciting news with a sentence, a dream, an expression or an event—— Montgomery

22. Book is the most complicated and greatest miracle of all miracles created by human beings on the road to happiness, prosperity and strength in the future—— Golgi

23. A bookworm must work in literature, and an artistic fool must have good skills—— Pu Songling

24. Life is as beautiful as summer flowers, and death is as beautiful as autumn leaves—— Tagore

25. Genius is eternal patience—— Michelangelo

26. The most precious thing in life is life. The most important thing in life is learning. The most enjoyable thing in life is work. The most important thing in life is friendship—— Stalin

27. Reading is learning, and using is learning, which is more important—— Mao Zedong

28. Those who have no doubt about reading must be taught with doubts, but those who have doubts must have no doubt about it. Here we are making progress—— Zhu Xi

29. If you read a book but cannot use it, the book you read is waste paper—— Washington

30. Birds should flap their wings before flying high, and people should read before seeking progress—— Li Kuchan