English Proverbs with Animals
Walk in the rain
2023-04-02 20:34:45
English Proverbs

1. Earthworms climb on the road, and the rain is in chaos.

Earthworms climb up the road, and the rain is in disorder.

2. The fish and loach are quiet, and the weather is fine.

It's quiet and sunny.

3. Toad shouts, it must be raining heavily.

When clams shout loudly, it will rain heavily.

4. Mole cricket cries, it's sunny.

The cricket calls. It's sunny.

5. The magpie branches call and go out to report the sunny day.

Magpie branches shout, go out sunny day.

6. When chickens dry their wings, it will rain.

Chicken's wings are sunned, and it's going to rain.

7. When you are with a wolf, you will learn to bark like a wolf.

With wolves, they learn to bark.

8. Early earthworks welcome the sun, and late earthworks fall.

Early earthworms greet the sun and late earthworms set.

9. Piglets run and pigs sleep.

Piggy runs, big pig sleeps.

10. Orioles sing and wheat is cut.

The Oriole sings and the wheat is cut.

11. Fish jump in the river, and cicadas sing in the rain.

Fish leap in the river and cicadas sing in the rain.

12. The ants are swarming. Tomorrow is not sunny.

Ants in flocks, not sunny tomorrow.

13. Bee nest call, the rain will come; A bee never leaves its nest, but wind and rain come quickly.

Honeycomb calls, heavy rain will come; bees do not nest, wind and rain fast shuttle.

14. The cicadas chirp in the rain and predict the arrival of sunny days.

Smell the cicada in the rain and predict the sunny day.

15. The spider hangs high and spins its web. It rains for days and turns sunny.

Spiders hang high and busy netting, continuous rain turned sunny.

16. The magpie nestled high, and the rain was waterlogged that year.

Magpies nest high, the rainwater that year.

17. Chicken wings, next time.

Chicken with wings, next time.

18. Dogs bite mice and meddle.

Dogs bite mice and meddle.

19. The big pig wants to be imprisoned, and the little pig wants to swim.

Big pigs are going to jail, little pigs need to swim.

20. Swallows bathe, the sky will rain; Yan lies on the ground. It's raining heavily.

Swallow bathes, it will rain; Swallow lays on the ground, heavy rain.

21. Loach jumps, and the wind and rain arrive.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus jumps, wind and rain come.

22. Orioles come and pull out garlic stems; Orioles walk out of sweet potatoes.

Yellow Oriole comes and pulls garlic; Yellow Oriole goes and comes out of sweet potatoes.

23. Swallow's nest has a lot of grass and rain.

Swallow's nest is full of grass and rainwater.

24. Swallows fly down the snake aisle, ants move to the mountain and wear hats.

Swallow low flying snake aisle, ants move to the mountains to wear hats.

25. The rooster enters the cage early today, and the sun will be red tomorrow.

The cock enters the cage early today and the sun is bright tomorrow.

26. The cat leans on dead birds and mice in the dark.

The cat carried dead birds and mice.

27. Dragonflies fly in groups. Thunderstorm is coming.

Dragonflies fly in groups and thunderstorms are coming.

28. When the fish jump out of the water, the wind and rain will come.

Fish jump out of the water and rain comes.

29. The day is warm and the night is cold, and the East China Sea is dry.

Warm days and cold nights make the East China Sea dry.

30. When the toad comes out of the hole, it will rain steadily.

The clams make holes, and the rain is steady.

31. The cicada calls, and the litchi is ripe.

The cicada cries and the litchi ripens.

32. It will rain when ants move.

It's going to rain when the ants move.

33. When dogs soak in water, it will rain.

Dogs soak in water, it will rain.

34. Carp spot in the sky, and different turns in the sun tomorrow.

The carp spot in the sky will turn over in different sunshine.

35. Ants move in the snake aisle, and it's going to rain cats and dogs.

Ants move down the snake aisle. It's raining cats and dogs.

36. The water tank is sweating and the toad cries. It will rain heavily soon.

The water tank is sweating and clams are crying. It's going to rain heavily in the near future.

37. Dragonflies fly low near the Jianghu. It must rain heavily and thunder and lightning.

Dragonflies fly low along rivers and lakes, and there must be heavy rain, thunder and lightning.

38. Mosquitoes see blood, wheat sees iron.

Mosquitoes see blood and wheat iron.

39. Frogs croak, just for planting early rice.

Frogs croak, just planting early rice.

40. Dragonflies fly low and take bamboo hats when going out.

Dragonflies fly low and go out with hats.

41. Dragonflies fly low and take bamboo hats when going out.

Dragonflies fly low and go out with hats.

42. Loach jumps violently, and wind and rain will come; Misgurnus anguillicaudatus frothed and rain was coming.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus jumps, wind and rain will come; Misgurnus anguillicaudatus bubbles, rain will come.

43. The chicken is restless and loves cloudy days.

Chickens are anxious and love cloudy days.

44. When it gets dark day by day, it rains continuously. The heavy rain will come tomorrow.

Dark day, continuous rain line, heavy rain tomorrow.

45. There is heavy rain when earthworms seal holes.

There was heavy rain in the cave sealed by earthworms.

46. Birds fall on the boat. Rainy days will pass by.

Birds fall on the boat. Rainy days pass by.

47. After a long rain, birds will sing, and soon it will clear up.

After a long time of rain, the birds were singing, and soon it cleared up.

48. Dragonflies fly low with rain.

Dragonflies fly low with rain.

49. Cuckoo Cuckoo, plant the grain quickly.

Bugu Bugu, sow the grain quickly.

50. There is heavy rain when ants move.

It rained heavily when the ants moved.

51. The domestic chicken can't dry its wings until the afternoon.

The chickens can't burn their wings until later.

52. Long sunny sparrow noisy rain, long rainy sparrow noisy sunny.

Long sunshine sparrows make noise in the rain, long rain sparrows make noise in the sunshine.

53. Fear of rising clouds in the south in the morning and clouds in the north in the evening.

Afraid of the rising clouds in the south, afraid of the clouds in the north at night.

54. If the chicken does not return, it will rain.

It rains if the chicken does not return to its cage.

55. Water snake gathers firewood head, and heavy rain flows underground.

Water snake coils firewood head, underground heavy rain flow.

56. The edible oil of birds and mice is now light.

Bird and mouse oil is now available.

57. Earthworms pile dung, and the ground is wet in the rain.

Earthworms pile up dung and the rain is wet.