A Complete Collection of Aesthetical Sentences about Love
Silent Knight
2023-06-20 10:03:28
Beautiful sentences

1. The green plum withers and the bamboo horse grows old. Since then, everyone I fall in love with is like you. Year after year, I am still writing three lines for you. After years, are you still looking for those eyes in the crowd. Seeking, time is like water, have you ever been sad? The love letter has three lines, telling all your heart. Please sing a song. I'm listening to the string sound.

2. Long long ago, you owned me, I owned you.

3. After all the years, I can't find a past with you. It's all broken vows.

4. Holding hands, staying together, white head.

5. Meeting you was my most beautiful accident.

6. What I want is very simple. The time is still there, and you are still there.

7. The sun is warm and the years are quiet. How dare I be old if you don't come.

8. Never say, never say, never forget.

9. I gave you the best time. Can you let me have a wedding ending.

10. The green plum withers and the bamboo horse grows old. Since then, everyone I fall in love with is like you.

11. Along the way, we always worry about gains and losses, always can not give up something, can not let go of someone, always naive thought: as long as you persist, there will be results, as long as you persist, there will be hope. Time is not waiting. Yesterday is getting far away. Looking back after the journey, we can see that the original persistence and persistence are all wishful thinking in the depth of our emotions.

12. In the world of mortals, you will be waiting for thousands of years. You really haven't returned. In the world of mortals, I hope you will live for generations. You really are no longer there. Hurt, full of pain, full of pain, pain gather, and dust away.

13. Time goes by. There is such a person who lives in our heart and refuses to leave. Your youth, your ignorance, your smile, your presence is the greatest consolation of my confused youth. The ending is either happy or sad, thank you for the most beautiful time, and meet the best of you.

14. I don't want any gifts. I just want you to be there when I need you. When I talk, you can listen attentively. When I'm sad, you can give me a hug.

15. Do not regret the dream, only hate too hasty.

16. Once, the locust tree was full of flowers, with a faint fragrance. Now, all the flowers are falling, and there is a cool shade.

17. The rain and breeze, the willows are green and the flowers are red, holding an umbrella to meet, walking in the rain

18. Return your pearl to tears, and hate not to meet when you are not married. In this world, we wait and wait all our lives; Can we meet earlier in the afterlife?

19. No one left the building. Looking back, loneliness came and could not resist

20. Old people, unforgettable, but also difficult to pick up

21. The sun breaks through the clouds, washes away the haze, and meets her under a clear sky

22. Sleepless at night, past events emerge and memory of old people; Accompanied by wind and rain, sing a song to melt sorrow and resentment

23. The sun is warm, the heart is gentle, enjoy the flow of time

24. Sometimes life is not beautiful. It is full of troubles. But believe that it is not the whole of life. It will hide a ray of beauty in frustration, waiting for you to find it.

25. Little by little, recalling the past, feeling sad

26. By the sansheng stone and by the bridge, I will still wait for you to return in the world of mortals, even though there are thousands of years of rebirth. This is my obsession, even if obsession is bitter, I am willing to

27. When I was young, I drank wine and rode horses, sang songs and became crazy

28. Don't fight, don't show, be quiet and self-confident, follow your heart, don't force

29. I like it very much. I want to communicate clearly. I am hesitant and timid. I miss it again and again. Some things, once missed, are forever.

30. It turns out that your efforts are so insignificant in the eyes of others

31. The most sad thing is that you frown, but I have no reason to hug you

32. It is better to forget the Jianghu than to help each other. Fall into the world of mortals, or go alone.

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