Formal journal format
Rose with thorns
2023-08-12 03:36:22
Senior One

title. The main contents of the diary should be written in the title, which requires simple summary. The title is not mandatory, but optional.
Write the date under the title. Write the year, month and day clearly, followed by the last day of the week, and finally write the weather conditions (in simple words). Note that none of the three items is dispensable.
Start writing the text after writing the date. The first line of the body can be written at the top or indented by 2-3 characters.
Note the space between the title, date, and body. Generally, there is one line between the title and the date, and two lines between the date and the body.
The main body is over when it is finished. There is no need to write anything below the main body.
matters needing attention
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