Impressions after reading a cursory boat borrowing an arrow
Black and white cat on piano
2023-05-31 20:00:30

Today, I learned the text "Grass Boat Borrows Arrow" from my textbook. After learning it, I felt a lot of truth.

This text tells about Zhou Yu, who was narrow-minded during the Three Kingdoms period. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was more resourceful than he was, he wanted to kill Zhuge Liang. So, in the name of lacking arrows in the army, he asked Zhuge Liang to make 100000 arrows in ten days. Zhuge Liang, a resourceful man, agreed with confidence and said that it would only take three days. He borrowed 100000 arrows from Cao's camp in a straw boat in the thick fog, making Zhou Yu's trick come to nothing.

What is worth thinking about is Zhou Yu's jealousy. Why do some people feel jealous? That is the fear of others surpassing themselves. When others have made achievements and are respected and loved by people, such people do not go to explore the reasons for others' achievements, do not study modestly, work hard, and learn from others' strengths to make up for their shortcomings, but sneer, even slander. What a manifestation of ignorance! I can't help but think of myself. Isn't there jealousy? For example, how could Zhuge Liang be so smart when he failed in the exam? Because he is good at using his brain when lying and calm when encountering problems, he becomes a living immortal in people's minds.

Make everyone admire him. As for me, why don't I look as smart as Zhuge Liang? The reason is that I am not so good at using my head as he is. I feel flustered when things happen. I cry when there is a little difficulty. I am agitated and unwilling to think about it. So I often encounter failure. Now, I must correct this correct attitude, be an excellent self, a real self, don't feel uneasy when encountering difficulties, and calm down, so that I can successfully finish something.

It is not to calm down and analyze the reasons, but to hope that others will make some mistakes in the next exam so that they can level up with themselves. As a result, their own scores did not go up, which also dampened others' enthusiasm for learning. Isn't there such a jealous mentality? Isn't this kind of thinking also because of jealousy? In retrospect, what a shame!? Knowing the harm that jealousy brings to us, we should put an end to the breeding and development of this mentality from an early age and be upright and progressive.