To myself in 2022 to myself in 2022 (74 selected sentences)
Fool Old Man
2023-07-31 16:55:49
Complete sentences

1. Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you must keep moving along the right path. Control the direction, grasp the strength, do not rush forward, do not get hot headed, pursue progress while maintaining stability, you can avoid many detours.

2. Some people live to complete the unfinished stories of previous lives. Some people live to live as long as possible. Some people live in the past, some people live in the future, ignored, always today.

3. When a person is not at the same frequency with you at all, even if every word you say is reasonable, he will not listen to it and pretend to not understand it. The more reasonable you say, the more he will feel annoyed with you. It is nonsense to talk to him more.

4. It is a great blessing to find a loved one in the vast sea of people. Maybe it is not as good as you think, and it should not be so bad. So you should know how to cherish the good fortune, say more care and less blame.

5. You should know that some roads can only be walked alone. When you look back, you may have already crossed the obstacles that you thought could not be crossed. When you look back, you will find that the long night has passed.

6. Life is complete when it is bitter and sweet; Love is fun when it is noisy and harmonious; Feelings of sadness and happiness are called experience; Nature is only natural when the weather is cloudy and sunny. Life is short, don't pursue too much; The atrium is very small, so don't fill it too full.

7. When you can play, you should play with all your heart. The difference between people is not in others. The more self-control you lack, the more uncomfortable you will be.

8. It is not always a bad thing to have many suffering people, because it is not always a bad thing not to bow down in the face of difficulties, not to be discouraged in the face of adversity, and to move forward bravely. Although it is setbacks and frustrations, it is the noble character of courage and perseverance.

9. The clarity of water is not because it contains no impurities, but because it knows how to precipitate; The heart is transparent, not because there are no distractions, but because we understand the choices.

10. Choice is more important than effort, vision is more important than ability; Breakthrough is more important than hard work, and change is more important than diligence; Attitude is more important than profession, character is more important than talent!

11. Other people work hard in places you can't see. They are just as lazy and complain as you are. You are the only one who believes that these things are true. Finally, you are the only one who continues to be lazy.

12. A person always looks up and envies the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up and envied. In fact, everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others.

13. Facing difficulties, setbacks and challenges, as long as you believe in yourself and keep working hard, even if your life is starting from scratch, you can do it.

14. Every rose has thorns, just as everyone's character has parts you can't tolerate. To love every rose is not to eradicate its thorns, but to learn how not to be hurt by her thorns, and how not to let your own thorns hurt others.

15. If you escape for a while, you can't escape for a lifetime. The so-called growth is to become more and more able to accept yourself as you are, get along better with your lonely, lost and frustrated self, accept him, and then face him.

16. No matter how big a person's step is, he can never measure the road under his feet. Life is limited, and the road is unlimited. If you want to go one more way in the limited life, don't stop and waste every minute.

17. You will find that if you have been strong for a long time, you will be inexplicably warm when you encounter a little concern from others. You mistakenly think that it is love, and then you will try your best to treat others better. But you don't know what it means to be sentimental until you are disappointed.

18. Everyone will inevitably suffer setbacks and failures in his life. The difference is that losers always regard setbacks as failures, and their courage disappears; Winners never say they are defeated. They become more brave in the face of difficulties!

19. Everyone feels that they are not good enough and envies others for their shining, but most people are ordinary. Behind those shining lights, they are trying to climb the hillside little by little.

20. I have to grow up, I have to grow up, I have experienced wind, rain and snow, I have fallen into the abyss several times, I have struggled several times, and I have stood up again several times. Never admit defeat. Never lose heart.

21. I go online, then you go online, then you become invisible, then I become invisible, then you go online, I understand. I drank from the past. The wine was so delicious that I was drunk for many years when I drank the cup about you.

22. Don't cling to the things that make you miserable, and don't think about the past that can never be returned. Some things, the sooner you give up, the better the future will be.

23. Life is like a cup of clear boiled water and a cup of bitter coffee. It is not a problem to look away from the ups and downs, and it is not easy to look away from the vicissitudes of life. However, people should live well when they come to the world.

24. Men's way, only one step, life and death glory, don't look back! A man's blood is as strong as iron, and his ambition is endless! Men's tears are the most expensive. You can't retreat alone! Bone is broken, blood is flowing, life and death do not turn back.

25. Maybe women are like this. They like to prove their importance with their willfulness and vexatiousness. They are unhappy, pretending to be angry, or clinging to you. They just want you to coax them or hug them to satisfy their sense of security.

26. Just looking at the prey will never fill the stomach. It will only rain in the sky. The pie dropping will never happen. The only way to get the prey is to rely on your own efforts.

27. No one will care about your downfall, your depression, and your loneliness. But everyone will look up to your brilliance. The sky will not be covered with dark clouds because of a person's tears, and the world will not lose color because of who is missing.

28. No one needs to look down upon anyone when he is alive. Three years to the east and three years to the west, the tide rises and falls. With a wealth of money, you can't buy the sun without setting; Being penniless does not mean that you will not be prosperous in the future.

29. Those who can not be settled can only be abandoned; If you can't wait, you can only give up; Those that cannot be kept can only be terminated. Life is like this. It's hard to choose and give up. The pain of life lies in choice, and the difficulty of life lies in giving up. Life, in the final analysis, is to choose and give up.

30. When I was very young, I thought that the most romantic thing in the world is that one person runs a long way to see another person, and now it is the same.

31. My things are mine. I give them to you and you can take them. If I don't give them, you shouldn't blame me, let alone rob them. You should cherish them instead of taking them for granted. Too many people don't understand this truth.

32. Multi minded people are doomed to live hard because they are too easily influenced by other people's emotions. The multitudinous person is always cranky, and the result is that he is trapped in a tangle of thoughts and can't move. Sometimes, it is better to have fewer roots than to have more heart.

33. In life, we need to play different roles and contact many people and things. We don't need to generalize and care about everything. We need to give consideration to better choices, stick to and know more about giving up. Only by balancing our body and mind can we walk steadily, and don't hesitate to stand when you fall.

34. A person's heart should be like a handful of clear water. The wind, just ripples, will eventually return to calm; Rain falls, just some surging, will eventually end into silence; Cloud passing, just a landscape, will eventually become a memory.

35. People should do the right thing at the right time. They should study when they learn, work when they work, love when they love, play when they play, sleep when they sleep, and eat when they eat. The time is right.

36. Give yourself a sense of confidence, not floating or impetuous; Give yourself a free and easy, quiet thinking, light line, no matter when and where, do simple and true yourself!

37. In fact, there are many things in life that are overdue. It is impossible for us to return to the original choice with the present mood. Yesterday's sun will never dry today's clothes.