The Beautiful Autumn in Famous Artists' Works
Plain is true
2023-07-17 06:03:21
Beautiful sentences

1. Lose summer and make a pot of tea

When you get up in the morning, make a bowl of strong tea and sit in the yard, you can also see the very high green sky and hear the flying sound of pigeons under the sky. From the bottom of the locust tree leaves, you can count a ray of sunlight leaking from the east, or in the broken wall waist, you can also naturally feel the very autumn feeling when you stand quietly facing the trumpet like blue flowers of morning glory (Chaorong)—— Yu Dafu's Autumn in the Old Capital

2. Observe the changes that belong to autumn

After autumn, the dragonfly became weak. After the death of the body, only the soul was left, shaking and flying. Through the autumn sunshine, you can see that the dragonfly's body is transparent—— "Ah, Autumn" by Taizaji

3. Feel the warmth of autumn

Perhaps what I love is not late autumn, but early autumn. At that time, when the spirit of Xuan was beginning to disappear, the moon was full, the crabs were fat, the osmanthus was bright, and the wind was not cold. This is the most enjoyable—— Lin Yutang's Bad Taste of Autumn

4. Go into nature and empty yourself

I watched the wind ripple across the grass. I could see the grass in the field drooping in the wind and straightening up again. The second field leans towards the highway, and the wind sweeps over the field and goes high, wave after wave. I stood there waiting, watching the grass droop in the wind. I can feel my heart beating—— Raymond Carver, Novice

5. Two people walking

One autumn night, five years ago, when the leaves were falling, they walked on the street and came to a place where there were no trees. The sidewalk was white with moonlight.

-- Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

6. You can also walk alone

Many years ago, when I cut ranks in the suburbs of Beijing, I often walked home in autumn. The road was endless. My heart is tense. I don't know where to go or what to do after I have walked. The roadside is full of tall poplar trees. Countless fallen leaves in the wind like a golden rain falling from the ceiling. My heart swings, and some verses come to my mind—— Wang Xiaobo's Thirty Years

7. Just lie down and watch the scenery

The autumn sun is mellow and soft, shining on the top of the building. Rivers, trees, soft grass, clouds drift slowly from above—— Haruki Murakami's "How nice to have a dining car"

8. Look at the sunset with the red leaves

The most moving thing is the setting sun reflected in the autumn forest. It was as red as wine, setting off the deepening twilight in the sky. The evening wind is clear and cool. With the dusk, it is a very beautiful sad beauty. It makes you want to shed a few lines of tears about your life experience, but you are deterred by the fading red, and are willing to condense the unrestrained emotion—— Luo Lan's Ode to Autumn

9. Watching the birds return to their nests

Autumn is the best evening. The setting sun was shining brightly. When it was very close to the mountain, the crows were going back to their nests. Three or four of them flew away together, two or three of them flew away in a hurry, which was also very interesting. And there are more geese flying in line, and then they look smaller and smaller, which is really interesting. After the end of the day, the sound of the wind and the sound of insects, needless to say, are particularly interesting—— Qing Shao Na yan's "Four Seasons' Taste"

10. Listen to the insects in autumn night

In this scene, Wuming and Ahei leaned against the gingko tree in front of the door to listen to the cicada at night. I don't know what else in the world there are tears and other things—— Shen Congwen's Autumn

11. See the moon and stars occupy autumn night

The night sky above is strange and high. I have never seen such a strange and high sky in my life. It seemed that he was going to leave the world, so that people could not see him anymore. But now it is very blue, blinking dozens of stars, cold eyes. A smile appeared in his quarrel, as if he thought it was meaningful, and he sprinkled the thick frost on the wild flowers in my garden—— Lu Xun's Autumn Night

12. Go to visit an old city

In autumn, the water is as cool as the blue sky. There are some white clouds in the sky and some ripples on the water. Between Tianshui, it is all clear and bright, warm air, with a little sweet scented osmanthus. Mountain shadows are more real. Qiushan and Qiushui kiss unreally. The mountain is still, the water is slightly noisy. The medieval old city, with its autumn scenery and sound, is Jinan and poetry—— Lao She's Autumn in Jinan

13. Bring music

Every time you go on a long journey, you should never forget to take music with you. As long as there is music in your ears, your feeling of scenery will completely change along the way. Rivers, mountain feet, smoke, clouds, trees and trees, all details are deeply saturated with your feelings flowing with the music, and even it is all deforming for you, presenting the pictures in your heart one by one. It makes you suddenly see the images in your heart that are not concrete, shapeless, blurred or obliterated by time. So you fall deeper into the vortex of being moved, and enjoy the special feeling of the integration of the picture, music and your soul...... Feng Jicai's "Autumn Music"

14. Listen to the rain quietly

The rain was falling quietly, with only a slight patter. The orange house is like an old monk in a bright cassock, hanging his head and closing his eyes, baptized by the rain. The damp red brick, which emits the stimulating color of pig blood, contrasts strongly with the green cinnamon leaves under the wall. The gray toad jumped in the damp and moldy mud; In the dreary net of autumn rain, only it is the only thing full of happy vitality—— Autumn Rain by Zhang Ailing

15. Memories of youth

A beautiful countryside often appears in the picture. I quietly walk away from the adult and sit on the grass alone. The leaves of Chinese parasol trees begin to fall, dropping, bringing many mysterious aesthetic feelings into my heart... Every gust of wind I shuttle through the rain of fallen leaves, picking up Chinese parasol trees everywhere. There must be one or two Chinese parasol trees sprouting on the grass that I haven't picked up, right? For twenty years, I seem to be able to hear the distant west wind and the rustling leaves in the wind—— Autumn, Autumn by Zhang Xiaofeng

16. Write some diaries

I still remember that autumn. It's a beautiful autumn with sunny weather day after day. The sky is clear and high. The rows of ginkgo trees in front of the painting museum are more bright and shining with golden luster than ever before. For me, it was the last autumn of the 1920s—— Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

17. Open a jar of osmanthus wine and eat hairy crabs

The day before yesterday, my aunt said that she would invite the old lady to enjoy osmanthus flowers and eat crabs in the garden, because something had not happened yet. Now, don't mention the Poetry Club, just invite ordinary people. When they leave, how many poems will we have. My brother and I said that we would like some baskets of extremely fat crabs, and then we would take some jars of good wine from the shop and prepare four or five tables of fruit dishes—— Cao Xueqin's Dream of the Red Chamber

18. Fishing at dusk

Fishing alone, in the tired autumn dusk, fishing until the dusk, I experienced the unusual loss, and then, the unusual joy, when I pulled a silver salmon onto the boat, and wrapped the fish in the net—— Raymond Carver, Twilight

19. Reading, writing, wandering

Whoever doesn't have a house at this time doesn't need to build it. Whoever is lonely at this time will always be lonely. He wakes up, reads, writes long letters, and wanders on the tree lined road with falling leaves

20. Miss someone quietly

I remember your appearance last autumn, the gray beret, the calm heart, the sunset flame fighting in your eyes. Leaves fall on the water surface of your soul one after another. You are like a creeper clinging to my arms. Leaves collect your slow and quiet voice, burning my stunned bonfire of longing - I remember you last autumn by Neruda