After Reading Red Sun
Young after the vicissitudes
2023-10-17 19:00:48

I used to be a soldier, so I was very interested in military TV. I was deeply attracted by the TV drama Red Sun a few days ago, but my wife insisted on watching the crying Korean TV drama. I am not good at fighting with women. It seems that I borrowed the novel Red Sun from the unit library. After reading it, my praise for Red Sun is beyond words. I am attracted by the story, I was even more impressed by the theme expressed in the book, from which I learned many things worth learning today.

First, people should have ideal goals. In the book, our soldiers are determined to defeat XXX, liberate China, establish a new China, become masters of the country, and live a happy life. They are not afraid of sacrifice, regardless of personal gains and losses, and move towards the ideal direction. Today, we should set our own ideal goals in everything we do. Instead of treading on the watermelon peel and being a monk every day, we should carefully plan our own development direction and goals and work hard to achieve them.

Second, people should have the spirit of "the brave who meet on a narrow road win". The book is full of revolutionary heroism. In the case of great disparity between the forces of the enemy and ourselves, the soldiers of our army represented by the commander Shen Zhenxin and the battalion leader Shi Donggen overcame many difficulties and won the final victory by the revolutionary spirit of not fearing bloodshed and sacrifice. Today, we can't work without some difficulties. We should not leave home in the face of difficulties. We should take the courage and courage of the soldiers in the book to overcome difficulties, and firmly believe that there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome. There are always more ways than difficulties.

Third, we should pay attention to the overall situation and obey commands. In the book, Shen Zhenxin, the commander of the army, and Shi Donggen, the battalion commander, refused to implement the superior's decision to withdraw from Linyi City quickly in order to repay the humiliation of the failure of Lianshui, and launched a fierce battle with the enemy. On the one hand, they caused a lot of sacrifice, and on the other hand, they delayed the opportunity for the transfer of the troops, which almost caused the whole army to be destroyed. There are many similar cases Today, we should do our work according to the requirements, rules and regulations and operating procedures of our superiors, establish a sense of the overall situation, a sense of safety, and obey the command of all actions. Otherwise, the collective will be like loose sand, lose combat effectiveness, and even suffer.

Fourth, we should stress unity and cooperation. The army in the book is well equipped and well trained. Many senior generals came from the Whampoa Military Academy, but there are many factions, mutual suspicion and intrigue. If XXX's army was defeated by our army, it would be better to say that they were defeated by themselves. Our army is all American equipment, and we only have millet and rifles. But with the support of millions of people behind us, the army that the people want will eventually be a victorious army. Today, it is a kind of predestination for us all to work and study together, but there can be no friction and contradiction between them. The key is that we should be selfless, pay attention to cooperation, be good at resolving contradictions, and firmly believe that unity gives strength and cooperation gives wisdom, so that the cause of our central bank can be better.